writing diary about my first flight​


Answer 1


I was 7 years old, it was Saturday night and I could not sleep because next day it was my first travel in Airplane. We were travelling to Montenegro for vacations. I was imagining how my journey will be and night passed keeping me awake and i just slept for an hour or two. I wake up in the morning at 7.00 a.m and was really excited. I rushed to the breakfast table to quickly have my breakfast and then went in my room to check my luggage and ensure nothing important has left.


It was time to leave for the airport and there was drizzling while way to airport. When we checked in and boarded for the flight we sat in the waiting room and had some snacks. I was watching planes landing and taking off from the runway from the window. We kept waiting but soon came to know that the plane in which we had to travel did not arrived on time due to bad weather and flight is a bit delayed. I was nervous and excited both at the same time. One of our uncle did phone call to my dad saying we should cancel our plan since it is very bad weather conditions and flight may get problematic. I was afraid of travelling as I had fear of a plane crash and suddenly there was an announcement, passengers travelling to Montenegro, please proceed to gate 11. We went to the gate as instructed and then I saw cabin crew welcoming me to the aircraft.

I was really nervous but the air hostess calmed me saying you will love the experience and will overcome all your fear if u get in. I trusted her and went to me seat. Soon the plane was about to takeoff and air crew help me with the seat belt. The plane take off from runway and we were in the air, loosing connection with the ground. We were served juices and snacks during the flight and we landed safely to destination. My fear of travelling was gone and now i prefer travelling every year for vacation to discover world.

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what is an issue affecting your community



We've already seen connections to lack of education, unemployment, lack of after-school programs, and gang violence and crime, among other issues. Other organizations may be working on one or more of these, and a collaboration might help both of you to reach your goals.

Which best compares the authors' purposes in Silent Spring and "Save the Redwoods"?



Both authors want readers to protect human rights. Both authors want readers to focus on saving trees. Both authors intend to entertain readers with their essays.

When a narrator uses the pronoun “I,” we know the point of view is ___________. Question 17 options: 1) First person 2) Second Person 3) Third person



1, first person


Hi Jane!
I've been meaning to write for ages and finally today I'm actually doing something about it. Not that I'm trying to make excuses for myself, it's been really hard to sit down and write, as I've been moving around so much. Since we last saw each other I've unpacked my bags in four different cities.
I went from London to Prague to set up a new regional office there. You know I'd always wanted to go, but maybe I was imagining Prague in spring when I used to talk about that. Winter was really hard, with minus 15 degrees in the mornings and dark really early in the evening. But at least it was blue skies and white snow and not days on end of grey skies and rain, like at home.
From there I was on another three-month mission to oversee the set-up of the office in New York. Loved, loved, loved New York! It's like being in one big TV show, as everywhere looks just a little bit familiar. I did every tourist thing you can think of when I wasn't working, and must have spent most of my salary on eating out. It was really hard to leave for the next job, especially as I kind of met someone (!) More about Michael later ...
So then I was posted to LA, which felt like a whole other country compared with the East Coast. I could definitely get used to that kind of outdoor, beach lifestyle, but I didn't spend as much time getting to know California as I could have because I was flying back to see Michael every other weekend. He came to see me when he could, but his job means he's often working at weekends, so he couldn't make the flight very often. Those three months flew by and then I was off again, to Frankfurt, which is where I am now. And ... so is Michael! He got a month off work and we're trying to work out how we can be in the same place at the same time for a while. We figure the first step in that direction is getting married, which is also why I wanted to write – I can't get married without my oldest friend there! The wedding's going to be at home in London in September and I hope you can come!
Anyway, tell me all your news and I promise not to leave it so long this time! Lots of love,

Question 1: What was the author’s purpose(s) in writing this text?
Question 2: How was the text organized?
Question 3: How do the type/ topic/ ideas from the text relate to things you have been doing?
Question 4: If you were Jane, what would you write to reply Kath?






Why should you use a style manual when writing a research paper?

A) so that readers will understand where you found your information

B) to memorize the style required by each discipline

C) to provide a neat, easy-to-read paper with enough white space

D) so that you'll show you understand and can follow rules



D because after styling the manual after writing a research paper you can show that you understand and follow the rules

The style manual should be used while writing a research paper to memorize the style required by each discipline. Thus, option (B) is correct.

What is the purpose of a style manual?

The general purpose of the style manual is to work look and read just like every other work written in that style, such as the layout of the page, the manner in which other writers are cited inside the text, even the writing style.

A style manual is a set of guidelines for conducting research and writing for academic or published purposes. There are numerous distinct style guides, and each one has specific guidelines for the writing style, citations, and overall format of a work.

The discipline's style handbook aids in fostering communication among its members. The research paper is delivered in a consistent and readable manner when prepared manually.

Therefore, it can be concluded that option (B) is correct.

Learn more about style manual here:



Mr Avery is backing out of shopping in Vicksburg



Goble Goble



why tho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your preview, which of the following things would you not learn in this book? You would not learn about...


traveling in a rental car


luxury European hotels


Bastille Day in France


places to see in Ireland


Based on the preview I would learn nothing!




First off there Is no book/image showing more about the question but luckily its on edge, so the awnser your looking for may be either C or B

When you type in a cell it is



Why I Like Chocolate
(1) There are many reasons why I like chocolate. (2) The first reason is that it tastes amazing. (3) Many people all over the world love chocolate and say that it is delicious. (4) Another reason why I like chocolate is that I can make other treats with it. (5) Chocolate pie, truffles, chocolate covered strawberries, and toffee are just a few of the treats that can be made with chocolate. (6) Finally, I like chocolate because it is good for your body. (7) I read many articles that say that dark chocolate is good for your heart. (8) The above reasons are just a few of the many reasons why I like chocolate.

Identify the second main point.

can someone please tell me if it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or 8


Answer: 4

Explanation: answer 4 is the SECOND main point because it starts with 'Another' , the first reason starts with 'the first reason' and the last reason with 'finally'

Another reason why I like chocolate is that I can make other treats with it, is the second main point. Hence, option 4 is correct.

What is mean by main point?

The fundamental concept, which is a whole sentence, includes both the subject and the author's point of view. A sentence in a paragraph that expresses the main idea is known as the "subject sentence." The point, which justifies or explains everything else, is the most important part of what you are saying or discussing.

The assertion that will serve as the conversation's core theme is known as the topic sentence. Usually, it is accompanied by a list of specifics. If a person can identify what the supporting details have in common, you can locate the main idea. The desert sun is quite hot during the day and very chilly at night.

Thus, option 4 is correct.

For more details about main point, click here:



Name three characteristics of a short story.



1. use if personification

2 you are Keeping the reader in involved in the story

how can I change" I worked yesterday" into passive voice



the work was finished by me yesterday

hope it helps

pls mark me brainliest

Which of the following is the best example of a motif?
A. A story's underlying statement about the human costs of war
B. Books, journals, movies, the Internet, or other media that stories
might appear in
C. The conflict between having fun and taking responsibility
D. Dark clouds, which appear in a story every time a character does
something evil





motif is a unit of design.it helps people understand what is happening dark clouds help to show the viewers that something bad is gonna happen

As captain of the school sports team, you hv been instructed by the school Head to write a report explaining why you failed to fulfill a fixture against Chipenzo High school .Using the following notes adding
Introduction ​


As captain of the school sports team, you hv been instructed by the school Head to write a report explaining why you failed to fulfill a fixture

Hi friends,
Tomorrow I am having English language exam .Can anyone help me by writing an essay on “Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected.”



I have send in photo at above. you can take look on that.

the numbers 123 on photo is siconce. I have sent 3 page of easy. I am sure it will helps you 100percent

Which statement best explains Kennedy's message in
this excerpt?
Read the excerpt from John F Kennedy's inaugural
Now the trumpet summons us again not as a call to
bear arms, though arms we need not as a call to
battle, though embattled we are but a call to bear the
burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out
"rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" a struggle
against the common enemies of man tyranny,
poverly disease and war itsell
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and
global alliance, North and South, East and West, that
can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you
join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations
have been granted the role of defending freedom in its
hour of maximum danger I do not shrink from this
responsibility welcome it I do not believe that any
American citizens must be prepared for war
The United States is prepared to protect freedom
The United States is the greatest country in the
American citizens have a history of protecting
Save and Exit





I do not know what your options are, however, parallelism seems applicable.

Parallelism is defined as the repetition of words or phrases in literature meant to prove a point.

This is shown near the end. "The United States is prepared to protect freedom. The United States is the greatest country in the world".

The main message of the passage from President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address is that people should work together to better their society and to struggle against the common enemies of man, such as tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself. Therefore, the correct option is B.

What is passage?

A passage is a section or fragment of a longer work of writing or speaking, such as a book, essay, speech, or poem. It is a coherent and complete unit of meaning that expresses a particular message or idea within the wider context of the text. Often used as a way for writers to develop their ideas or themes in more depth and nuance, paragraphs can range from a few sentences to several pages long.

President John F. Portions of Kennedy's inaugural address stress the importance of cooperating with each other to fight against the common enemies of mankind, including tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about passage, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Read the excerpt from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address. Which statement best describes the main message of the passage?

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need—not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

A. War is the only way to solve the problems of the world.

B. People should work together to better their society.

C. Americans are incredibly loyal to their country.

D. The US government should help those in need.

Identify the complete verb: She might come with us.​



might come .

I think , yea .


come is the verb in the sentence

Help please!! It’s due tomorrow!


What questions do you née help with

Write a 500-word essay analyzing the role of the hero’s journey in contemporary culture.



The word hero as defined as an “individual who has the courage of conviction to perform feats that benefit the general populace, acts as a soldier of virtue, and has an altruistic spirit that urges him or her to act against evil and defend the greater good at all costs, even sacrificing his own well-being or life.” (Harrison 2). Although heroes can come in any shape and size they are commonly found in stories we read, movies we watch, or people we look up to. We do not think about it much but even our own life is made up of many hero’s journeys. We never realize that our hardships and how we overcome them is exactly what a Hero’s Journey is about and why we relate to and enjoy these stories so much. I will be going into the depths of a Hero’s…show more content…

The word hero as defined as an “individual who has the courage of conviction to perform feats that benefit the general populace, acts as a soldier of virtue, and has an altruistic spirit that urges him or her to act against evil and defend the greater good at all costs, even sacrificing his own well-being or life.” (Harrison 2). Although heroes can come in any shape and size they are commonly found in stories we read, movies we watch, or people we look up to. We do not think about it much but even our own life is made up of many hero’s journeys. We never realize that our hardships and how we overcome them is exactly what a Hero’s Journey is about and why we relate to and enjoy these stories so much. I will be going into the depths of a Hero’s…show more content…Even if that task is to go out in the snow to get milk and eggs, we are still on a hero’s journey. We decide whether or not to respond to the call of adventure. Although people can not see what struggles and adventures I go through by looking at me, they shape who I am and who I become. The Hero’s Journey that we go on in our lives is what makes the person you see. Allow me to give you a little background of my life and my call to adventure. My family is from Italy and that was all my grandparents knew, but when they were having my mother, they wanted her to have a different life, where she could be what she wanted to be. So they came to America and opened an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. While running the restaurant my grandfather also had two other jobs to bring in enough money to have somewhere to live and food to eat. While my mother was growing up it was hard for her because they did not have a car and she had to walk far from and to school, but she decided that it was not going to stop her. She excelled in school because of her hard work and was the first person in her family to go to college. Due to the fact that she loved school and what it gave her she became a teacher for young kids. She wanted to give them an opportunity like she had been given. Much like her mother and father she wanted a better life for her children so when her and my father had enough money they moved out of Brooklyn and came to New Jersey. They moved to where I grew up in a quiet small town called South Bound Brook. Growing up in this close knit environment made me who I am today and I am thankful for all the adventures my parents went through to get me the opportunity to be there. Going through high school was tough for me, going to a small town and then transferring to a different larger unfamiliar school


plzz follow and make brainlist



Since the Hero’s Journey is so powerful, ubiquitous and influential, I will lay out its basic pattern this week, along with an example from popular culture.  At some later date, depending on the evolution of my activities and thoughts for this blog, I will discuss the relevance of heroic tales for the world of business and marketing.

As we noted last time, the Hero’s Journey follows a pattern that is elegant and simple, through four phases: separation, descent, initiation, and return.  In the separation phase, the hero is pulled from his ordinary world by a call to adventure.  Often, the hero is comfortable in the “ordinary world”, but at the same time uneasy, as if he does not completely “fit” there in some way.  His world is familiar and easy, but something is missing in the hero’s life, whether or not he can define it.  When the call to adventure comes, there are moments of hesitation.   Often, the hero ignores or even refuses the call.  In the end, though, frequently at the urging of a wise elder, the hero does decide to answer the call, and the journey away from the familiar begins.

In many cases, the end of the story mirrors the beginning, except that the adventure, the journey to the special world, has changed the hero forever.  While the hero may return to a situation that resembles his former life in the ordinary world, his existence now has new meaning.  The wisdom, the understanding and the skills acquired on the journey allow him to perform acts of skill and bravery that would have frightened him in times past.  Upon return the hero and his followers are able to do things they could never have imagined before their adventure.  As Campbell says, the hero has now become master of two worlds.

As someone who has studied storytelling and leadership for many years now, I have found that the Hero’s Journey applies not only to fiction.   The hero pattern, along with other archetypal characters and behaviors, is present in all aspects of life, including our organizations and businesses.  But, all that is a subject for this blog on another day!

What is a common theme in the book “145th Street Short Stories” by Walter Dean Myers?



Social injustice/police brutality. Value of life in Harlem. The idea of “normal” in community.

Noah Webster's A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, written in 1806, is significant for which two reasons?

It listed American words omitted from British dictionaries.
It distinguished between American and British definitions whenever necessary.
It showed the complete etymology of each word.
It was continuously updated.


It was continuously updated.

1) 1. What is the central idea of the article?
A People have a large influence over others when they are in a group.
B One can avoid a group's influence by staying aware of who they are.
C People lose a sense of who they are as individuals when they are in a group.
D One can look to group behavior for the cause of some of the worst atrocities in history.


People have a large influence over others when they are in group

People have a large influence over others when they are in a group is the central idea of the article. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the central idea of the article?

The core idea of the essay, also known as the primary idea, is the most important notion that the author wants to get through. The reader selects the main subject or focal point of an article. the central idea.

The main idea can frequently be stated in a single sentence. Julia's report card revealed poor grades. She didn't show her parents her report card because she was worried she would be in trouble. After learning about her grades, her parents admonished her for attempting to hide the information.

By reading the article and observing the text's features and structures, you can determine the article's theme.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about central idea of the article, click here:



If you know English, you can communicate _______ people from the English-speaking world easily.A. ofB. withC. atD. in


A) with
Plz mark me as brainlist

how does knowledge of allusions to greek mythology help readers understand the complexity of characters and foreshadowing of plot events in literature



im not sure


Solve the question. please​












The answer is Below


1. The pizza is delicious.

2.  The phone is very helpful.

3. Our house is very lovely.

4. I don't have much dollars to buy a new car.

5. Baghas is a beautiful city

I am not sure with question 6

I am not sure with question 7

8. The yellow colour of sun is very shiny.

The player stopped and ran to the sidelined when the whistle was heard.


Answer:The player stopped and ran to the sideline when he heard the whistle


Câu 2:
Indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress: customer, festival, suggestion, capital

A. customerB. festivalC. suggestionD. capital





customer : stress 'customer

festival : stress 'festival

suggestion : stress su'ggestion

capital : stress 'capital

Describe the character traits of romancers as seen in sylvette and percinet .​



here it is


In his play “The Romancers” Edmond Rostand satirizes the sentimentalism and escapism of Romantic literature of his times. Percinet is the only son of Bergamin and Sylvette is the only daughter of Pasquinot. Their fathers who are widowers and neighbors make a plan to marry their children with each other.

In order to accomplish this, the fathers separate their children so that they may love each other the more, and desire to be reunited. As a part of their plan, Bergamin warns his son to stay away from Pasquinot and his daughter. Similarly, Pasquinot also warns his daughter that she should not be near to his mortal enemy Bergamin and his son. In spite of their fathers’ warnings, Percinet and Sylvette fall in love. They think themselves as the counterparts of Romeo and Juliet. They are worried that their love will also end in tragedy like that of Romeo and Juliet. They are emotional, daydreaming teenagers who have recently finished their school studies. They are deeply influenced by romantic literature of their times- especially by the romantic play “Romeo and Juliet” of William Shakespeare. They are so in love with each other that they desire to die rather than separate with each other. Bergamin then hires Straforel and his company for a fake kidnapping. At midnight hours, when Percinet and Sylvette are about to meet, Straforel with his company kidnap Sylvette and put her into the sedan chair. Percinet hears the cry of Sylvette, jumps over the wall and fights with his sword. At the same time, as planned, Pasquinot enters and calls Percinet a hero. He suggests Bergamin put an end to their enmity and arrange the marriage of their children. Thus, in the end, the two children seem like puppets in the hands of their fathers.

Write a sentence
that expresses your
feelings about the
outcome of the
story the sun


New hope of life

everyday sun come with sparkles,shiny rays that fill our life with new hope to live to be happy to overcome every possible difficulties

Identify a central idea in the text and analyze how the author uses one literary technique or literary element to develop a central idea In The wonderful wizard of oz


In general, we can say that the central idea of "The wonderful wizard of oz" is that good is more powerful than evil and will always be victorious.

The author does this through the literary technique of developing archetypes. An archetype is a very well-defined and generalized model of behavior. We can see this in "The wonderful wizard of oz" because the author leaves characters very well defined with good behavior patterns and bad behavior patterns. Good characters always achieve their goals and evil characters always get defeated, no matter how much they try to succeed at something. This becomes even more evident when Dorothy, who represents the archetype of good, defeats the Wicked Witch of the West, which represents the archetype of evil. Dorothy defeats the witch even though she doesn't have special powers and abilities, just using the force of good.

You can find more information in the related questions below:




Hi! ❤️

What was one important factor that caused Judaism to spread around
the world?


Answer: its's option B


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