

Answer 1

Answer: [tex]\Large \boldsymbol{} (x-y-z+1)(x+y-z-1)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\Large \boldsymbol{} 1) \ {(a-b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 } \\\\2) \ {a^2-b^2=(a-b)(a+b)} \\\\\\ x^2-y^2+z^2-2xz+2y-1= \\\\\underbrace{x^2-2xz+z^2}_{(x-z)^2} -\underbrace{(y^2-2y+1)}_{(y-1)^2}= \\\\\\ (x-z)^2-(y-1)^2 =(x-y-z+1)(x+y-z-1)[/tex]

Related Questions

Amanda asked each student in her class: How many pets do you have? The data collected is below.
Amanda's Class: 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 5, 0, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 4, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2
Charley asked the same question to each student in his class (which is no
class as Amanda's). The data he collected is below.
Charley's Class: 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 2, 0, 0, 4, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1

Whose class had a larger percentage of students with no pets?



Charley's class.

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 25 students in Amanda class and 27 in Charley's.

Number of students with no pets in Amanda's = 7 which is 100 * 7/25 = 28%.

In Charley's class this is  8 which is 100 * 8/27 = 29.6%.


Charley's class

Step-by-step explanation:

Amanda's class has 7 students with zero pets out of 25 total students. Charley's class has 8 students with zero pets out of 27 total students.

7/25 = 28% with zero pets

8/27 = around 30% with zero pets

Charley's class has a larger percentage of students with no pets

In circle o, mZWBY = 72°.
What is the mZWXY?
A.18 degrees
B. 36 degrees
C. 72 degrees
D. 108 degrees



Answer is B. 36 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

From the diagram,

angle WBY = 2 × angle WXY

angle WBY = 72°

angle WXY =

[tex] \frac{angle \: WBY}{2} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{72}{2} [/tex]

[tex] = 36 \: degrees[/tex]

Write the equation for a parabola with a focus at (1,4) and a directrix at x=2


The basic form of the equation is:
4p(x-h) = (y-k)2

(h,k) is the vertex

4(-0.5)(x-1.5) = (y-(-4))2
-2(x-1.5) = (y+4)2
-2(x-1.5) = y2 + 8y + 16
x - 1.5 = (-1/2)(y2 + 8y + 16)
x = (-1/2)y2 - 4y - 8 + 1.5
x = (-1/2)y2 - 4y - 6.5

Which statements are true about the polynomial 4x3 – 6x2 + 8x – 12? Check all that apply.

The terms 4x3 and 8x have a common factor.
The terms 4x3 and – 6x2 have a common factor.
The polynomial is prime.
The factored polynomial is (2x2 – 3)(2x + 4).
The polynomial can be grouped in different ways to factor by grouping.



A, B, and E

Step-by-step explanation:

A. The terms 4x³ and 8x have a common factor (it is 4x)

B. The terms 4x3 and – 6x2 have a common factor (it is 2x²)

E. The polynomial can be grouped in different ways to factor by grouping.

( (4x³ - 6x²) + (8x - 12) ⇒ 2x²(2x-3) + 4(2x-3) ⇒ (2x²+4)(2x-3) )

The table represents a linear function.
What is the slope of the function?


Answer: Y= MX + B

Y = 1/3x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is 1/3x+4


I'm not sure how to do this.. Help a bro out..?



= -21x + 1

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

Okay bro who gave you this question. I attempted to do this and I assumed it was a right triangle. That means a^2 + b^2 = c^2:

(x-5)^2 + (2x+1)^2 = (4x+3)^2

I plugged this into symbolabs and got a positive value for x to be [tex]\frac{2\sqrt{103}-15}{11}[/tex] which is approx 0.482. It does work when you plug it back in but that means x-5 < 0 which isn't possible. So unless you wrote something down wrong, this question technically doesn't make any logical sense.

if (a+10) and (a+20)are supplementary angles,find them​



(a+10) and (a+20) are supplementary

To find:

Each angle


if 2 angles are supplementary that means they add up to 180°

(a + 10) + (a + 20) = 180

   a + 10 + a + 20 = 180

              2a + 30 = 180

                      2a = 180 - 30

                      2a = 150

                        a = 150/2

                        a = 75°

Now let's find value of each angle,

a + 10 = 75 + 10

          = 85°

a + 20 = 75 + 20

           = 95°

Therefore, the value of each angle is 85° and 95° respectively

Happy to help :)

If you need any help feel free to ask

what are the solutions to x^2 + 4 = -6x?



Step-by-step explanation:

x² + 4 = -6x

x² + 6x + 4 = 0

quadratic formula

x = [-6±√(6²-4·1·4)]/[2·1] = [-6±√20]/2 = [-6±2√5]/2 = -3±√5

in 1990 sausage cost an average of $2.42 per pound. In 1994 it cost 51.35 per pound. What was the percent of depreciation (percent of decrease)?
*(show your work)*​



Cumulative price change 105.96%

Average inflation rate 2.36%

Converted amount ($100 base) $205.96

Price difference ($100 base) $105.96

CPI in 1990 130.700

Step-by-step explanation:

factor x^2-3x-28 using the x method



[tex] {x}^{2} - 7x + 4x - 28 \\ = x(x - 7) + 4(x - 7) \\ = (x - 7)(x + 4)[/tex]

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



choice A is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]5 + 2.75s \leqslant 21 \\ 2.75s \leqslant 21 - 5 \\ s \leqslant 16 \div 2.75 \\ s \leqslant 5.82[/tex]

but since we only can have a whole number in the number of stops, she can only travel 5 stops with the money she has.

Determine whether the mapping is a relation or a function or neither.

the 4th awnser was cannot be determined



The answer is not a function

Step-by-step explanation:

I think at least

Please i need the correct answer, no funny business.



Age of the spear head = 6349 years.

Step-by-step explanation:

Expression to be used to calculate the age of the spear head,


Here, [tex]N_t[/tex] = Final amount of C-14

[tex]N_0[/tex] = Initial amount

[tex]k[/tex] = 0.0001

[tex]t[/tex] = Time in years

If [tex]N_t[/tex] = 53% of [tex]N_0[/tex] = [tex]N_0\times (0.53)[/tex]

[tex]0.53N_0=N_0e^{-0.0001\times t}[/tex]




[tex]t=6348.78[/tex] years

[tex]t[/tex] ≈ [tex]6349[/tex] years

Therefore, age of the spear head = 6349 years.

Solve for x.
12 - 6x = 2(5x – 2)
x = [?]


The answer for this question is x=1
Im 100/100 sure



Step-by-step explanation:

12 - 6x = 2(5x – 2)





(PLEASE HELP) What is the distance from the origin point A graphed on the complex plane below?




Step-by-step explanation:


let the given coordinatesbe ,

A((-3,-2) = (x1,y1)

0 (0,0) = (x2,y2) [O: origin]


using distance formula,

distance between A and 0;

= √(x2-x1)²+(y2-y1)²

= √(0-(-3))² + (0-(-2))²

=√ (3)²+(2)²

= √ 9+4


mark me brainliest and follow me.. please

I need to know the transformation of the shape



is there anything underneath it? it says which of the following

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the values of x and y.


Answers: x = 13 and y = 11


Let's focus on the angle expressions that have x in them.

They are adjacent angles and they form a straight line. So we consider them a linear pair. All linear pair angles always add to 180

(3x+89)+(7x-39) = 180

(3x+7x) + (89-39) = 180

10x+50 = 180

10x = 180-50

10x = 130

x = 130/10

x = 13

We'll use the same idea to find y

(3y+19)+(4y+84) = 180

(3y+4y) + (19+84) = 180

7y+103 = 180

7y = 180-103

7y = 77

y = 77/7

y = 11


Extra info (optional section)

Let's find the measures of the four angles based on the x and y values we found.

3x+89 = 3*13+89 = 1287x-39 = 7*13-39 = 523y+19 = 3*11+19 = 524y+84 = 4*11+84 = 128

It's not a coincidence that the 3x+89 and 4y+84 angles are equal (to 128). These are vertical angles which are always congruent. The other pair of congruent vertical angles are the 3y+19 and 7x-39 angles.

Note how 128+52 = 180 to help further confirm we have the correct values.

Another thing to notice is that all four angles add up to 360 degrees.




1) the second one

2) 11

Step-by-step explanation:

for the first one, the answer is the second one. because each term is being multiplied by -9 to get the next term.

the second problem is 11

Can someone help me with this math homework please!



Table 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

Recall that by definition, a linear function increases linearly. That is, the rate of change between any two points is constant.

We can go through each table and verify its rate of change.

Table 1)

For Table 1, note that y = -19 when x = 0.

When x = 1, y = -11. In other words, we added 8 for every increase of one for x.

When x = 2, y = -3. We still increased by 8 for every increase of one for x.

When x = 3, y = 5. Since -3 + 8 = 5, all points in Table 1 shows a constant rate of change.

In conclusion, Table 1 represents a linear function.

Table 2)

For Table 2, note that y = -1.5 when x = 0.

When x = 1, y = -1.5. In other words, we increased by 3 for every increase of one for x.

However, when x = 2, y = 3. This time, we only increased by 1.5 for every increase of one for x. Since the two rates are not equivalent, Table 2 is nonlinear.

Table 3)

Again, note that for Table 3, y = 15 when x = 0.

When x = 1, y = 12. So, we decreased by 3 for every increase of one for x.

When x = 2, y = 9. And when x = 3, y = 6. For both cases, we still decreased by 3 for every increase of one for x.

In conclusion, Table 3 represents a linear function.

Therefore, the table that represents a nonlinear function is Table 2.

find the area of each triangle. Round intermediate values to the nearest tenth. use the rounded values to calculate the next value. Round your final answer to the nearest tenth, someone help me pelaseeeee!!!!



54? or 5.4 I not really sure but I tried my best

Mary's Mum said she would pay 2/5 of the cost of
her new dress. If the dress cost £165, how much
money did Mary have to pay?



66 dollars im pretty sure

Step-by-step explanation:

Raegan needs 2 boards to make a shelf one board is 1 1/2 m long and the other is 3 1/2 m long what is the total length of the shelf



5 m

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the total length of the shelf by adding together the lengths of the two boards:

1 1/2 + 3 1/2

= 5

So, the total length of the shelf is 5 m

hi I really need help with this please help!



-8 to 162

170/5 =34 is the average rate of change

factor ???

x(x^2 -9)=


Step-by-step explanation:

use the information in the diagram, set up a proportion to solve for the height of the tree



Step-by-step explanation:

There are a couple of ways you could solve this problem. B is one of them.

The correct answer is going to be Small hypotenuse / Large hypotenuse = tree / building height

Let the tree equal x

100/220 = x / 176           Multiply both sides by 176

100 * 176 / 220 = x

x = 80

Notice that 80 is almost 1/2 of 176 so the answer should be right since 100 is nearly 1/2 of 220

stuck on a maths question please help with an explanation thank you stay safe :)​


Answer is  7:13



He answered 5/7 of the 35 short-answer questions correctly. So he got (5/7)*35 = 25 of those questions correct. At 2 marks each for these questions, he earned 25*2 = 50 points from this group alone.

There are 35 short-answer questions and 15 long-answer questions. That's 35+15 = 50 questions total.

We're told that he answered 60% of all the questions correctly. So he answered 0.60*50 = 30 questions correctly.

Earlier we found that he answered 25 short-answer questions, which must mean he got 30-25 = 5 long-answer questions done correctly. At 4 marks a piece, Keith earns 5*4 = 20 points in this group.

So overall, he earned 50+20 = 70 points from both types of questions.


If he got all answers correct, then he would earn 35*2 = 70 points from the short-answer questions and 15*4 = 60 points from the long-answer questions. That's a total of 70+60 = 130 points to get a perfect score.

The ratio of his score to the perfect score is 70:130 which reduces to 7:13 when dividing both parts by the GCF 10.

9514 1404 393


  70/130 . . . . reduces to 7/13

Step-by-step explanation:


The problem statement describes 2 kinds of quiz questions, and different relations regarding the numbers of questions answered correctly. The problem asks for the number of marks Keith had relative to the total number of marks.

This means you need to find Keith's marks and the available marks for each question type (4 numbers).

Because of the way the problem tells you the number of long-answer questions answered, additional computations are required to find the total number of questions Keith answered and the number of short-answer questions Keith answered. (The difference of these is the number of long-answer questions answered.) That's 3 more computations.

You have to keep in mind the purpose of each computation and how it fits in to the final result. This is why we label the intermediate results.


Short Answer Marks

There were 35 short-answer questions for 2 marks each. That's a total of ...

  (35)(2) = 70 . . . . marks for all short-answer questions

Keith got 5/7 of those, so got ...

  (5/7)×70 = 50 . . . . Keith's marks for short-answer questions.


Long Answer Marks

There were 15 long-answer questions for 4 marks each. That's a total of ...

  (15)(4) = 60 . . . . marks for all long-answer questions

The total number of questions on the quiz was 35 +15 = 50. Keith answered 60% of them, so answered ...

  0.60×50 = 30 . . . . total number of questions Keith answered

We know Keith answered (5/7)(35) = 25 short-answer questions, so must have answered 30-25 = 5 long-answer questions. His marks for those were ...

  (5)(4) = 20 . . . . Keith's marks for long-answer questions


Total Marks

Then the total number of marks for all answers on the quiz is ...

  short marks + long marks = 70 +60 = 130 . . . available marks

And Keith's overall score was ...

  (Keith's short marks + Keith's long marks)/(available marks)

  = (50 +20)/130 = 70/130 . . . . Keith's score ratio for the quiz

Justin is saving money to buy a stereo. He has $25 saved in the bank right now. He earns $40 each week delivering newspapers.

Let y = the total amount of money Justin has, and x is in weeks.

Write an equation for how much money Justin has (including the amount he has in the bank) in x weeks.:
I will give a brainliest plus an extra 20 points to who gets it right



y = 25 + 40x

Step-by-step explanation:


y = the total amount of money Justin has

x = number of weeks

Amount Justin has in the bank = $25

Amount Justin earns per week = $40

Equation for how much money Justin has (including the amount he has in the bank) in x weeks

the total amount of money Justin has = Amount Justin has in the bank + (Amount Justin earns per week * number of weeks)

y = 25 + (40 * x)

y = 25 + 40x

The equation is

y = 25 + 40x

how to do?? helppppp



x = - 3, x = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


(2x - 1)(x + 3) = 0

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x + 3 = 0 → x = - 3

2x - 1 = 0 ⇒ 2x =  1 ⇒ x = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]


x = 0.5 and -3

Step-by-step explanation:

(2x - 1)(x + 3) = 0

We are solving for the two x values (since this is a polynomial)

(2x-1) = 0/(x + 3)

2x - 1 = 0

2x = 1

x = 1/2 = 0.5

And the second x value

(x + 3) = 0 / (2x - 1)

x + 3 = 0

x = -3




2x + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Help on number 1 pls




Step-by-step explanation:

5 is 50/1000, and 1/2% is equal to 5/1000


A) 55/ 1,000

5 1/2% = 11 / 200 = 55/ 1,000

Name the quadrant or axis where the point (-3,-9) is located.​



Quadrant III or 3rd quadrant

Step-by-step explanation:

( - 3, - 9 ) is located in 3rd quadrant.

Quadrant 111 or 3rd quadrant
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