You are a well-trained Cytogenetic Technologist. You work as a Genetic Counselor at a medical institution. You are meeting a nervous couple in your office, who recently found out that they are going to be first-time parents. They have come to you to discuss the chances of having a child with birth defect or genetic disorder. To ease their nerves, you greet them with a smile in your white coat, guide them to their seats, and slowly go through the options of prenatal tests available for them.
First you introduce to the parents the importance of karyotype test, by describing its domy to detect two broad categories of abnormalities in chromosomes, (1)_____and (2)_____. You provide a few examples of genetic disorders that can be caused by chromosomal abnormalities, such as (3)____and (4)____. Some parents would like to know what is the main cause of these genetic disorders. Without going into too much detail, you explain to them that chromosomal abnormalities are usually caused by (5)____in meiosis I and melosis II, when the homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiotic cell division
After the parents have decided to conduct a fetal karyotype test, you collect a small sample of chorion cells through chorionic villi sampling (CVS). Chorion is a membrane around the embryo that eventually fuses with the amnion. The chorion cells are grown in culture because chromosomes are most visible at (6)___stage of cell division. You use a technique called banding to create distinguishable landmarks on the chromosomes. There are several types of staining techniques you can use for karyotyping, some advanced techniques like FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) uses fluorescent probes to add colors onto different DNA sequences on the chromosome. You choose the most common type of staining techniques called G- banding to label the fetus chromosomes with Glemsa dye.
After taking photos of the chromosomes from a microscope, you sort the (7)____pairs of autosomes in the following order, from (8)____to (9)____, and keep the sex chromosomes last. The sorted photographed image of chromosomes is called (10)____. Now, you are ready to examine the karyotype of the fetus.


Answer 1


1 monosomy

2 trisomy

3 Down syndrome

4 Turner syndrome

5 non-disjunction

6 metaphase

7 twenty-two

8 largest (chromosome 1)

9 smallest (chromosome 22)

10 karyotype


Non-disjunction during meiosis I or II occur when homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids refuse to separate. This makes the resulting gametes to have too many or too few chromosome numbers in their genomes.

A gamete with too few chromosome number that participates in fertilization with a normal gamete will result in a zygote with abnormally less chromosome number. This situation is referred to as monosomy. Whereas, the fusion of a gamete with too many chromosome number with a normal gamete will result in a zygote with too many chromosome, a situation known as trisomy.

The manifestation of monosomy and trisomy in humans results in Turner and Down syndromes respectively.

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes out of which a pair determines maleness or femaleness - the sex chromosome. Other chromosomes are referred to as autosomes. Hence, there are 22 autosome pairs and 1 pair of sex chromosome.

Chromosomes are studied by karyotyping, a process that involves photographing chromosomes at the metaphase stage of the cell cycle, cutting them out, and then arranging them in decreasing order of size.

Related Questions

Discuss the sensory neurons for vision. What are the two
types of sensory neurons for vision? Where are they located?
What are their functions in the eye? What path does visual
input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons (be specific,
outlining the entire path to the destination point of the brain)?



Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN).


Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the sensory neurons that is responsible for vision. Photoreceptors and olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the two types of sensory neurons for vision. Both olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) and photoreceptors is responsible for the receiving of photons and enable us to see things. The right half of the visual field will travel in the left optic tract, while on the other hand, the stimuli from the left half of the visual field will pass through the right optic tract.

Answer: The two types of sensory neurones are the CONES and RODS. Their functions are better outlined below


The CONES and RODS are the sensory neurones ( photoreceptors) of the eye which are located in the retina.

The RODS: They are extremely sensitive and can detect light of very low intensity. They also perceive light in black and white. They, therefore, play an important role in dim light.

The CONES: They function in bright light and are responsible for colour vision.

The path visual input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons is as follows:

--> the rods and cones are stimulated

--> A pattern of electrical impulses is sent to the brain through the optic nerve which interprets it, drawing on past experience.

The brain tells us that the object is upright and gives us it's real size and distance from the eye. We, therefore, see the object as it actually is, and not as the image formed on the retina.

1. ¿Cuáles son las células que contiene la retina?​



Células fotorreceptoras: Son los conos y los bastones. Transforman los impulsos luminosos en señales eléctricas.

Células bipolares de la retina. Conectan las células fotorreceptoras con las células ganglionares.

Células amacrinas. ...

Células horizontales. ...

Células ganglionares de la retina.

It is observed that constipation is more common among people in the western countries who eat more meat and processed food than us. What could be the reason for this? What should be changed in their diet?
I already know this answer, just checking, it's cuz of roughage



yes your answer is correct


Constipation happens when the colon absorbs too much water, this can occur if the muscles in the colon are contracting slowly or poorly, causing the stool to move too slowly and lose more water. As meat need much water to digest, so they leads to problem of constipation. Hence, they should eat sufficient amount of water to cure constipation.

Constipation is common among people in western countries who eat more meat and processed food because there is no enough roughage in their bodies which prevents constipation .Fruits and vegetables like like corn etc contains lot of roughage.


hi here is your answer is that Constipation is common among people in western countries who eat more meat and processed food because there is no enough roughage in their bodies which prevents constipation .Fruits and vegetables like like corn etc cpntain lot of roughage


i hope this answer will help you

Activity 3: Direction: Study the picture. Write the phases of the moon 1 new moon O first quarter O MOON PHASES last quarter waning crescent woving crescent Waning gibbous working globos​



1.full moon

2.waxing gibbous

3.first quarter

4.waning gibbous moon

6.wabing cresent

7.last quarter

8.waxing cresent

5. The major functions of carbohydrates irſclude
A. Structure framework. B. Storage C. Both Aan B
D . None of these​





used to provide energy to the body

what's the target cells of melatonin?​



The suprachiasmatic nucleus appears as a target of melatonin in mammals.The pineal hormone may thus be involved in a feedback loop of the mammalian photoneuroendocrine system.

Pls help thank you

A group of geologists is about to start excavating a new area for fossils. The area they are working in is the side of a cliff. Describe two pieces of information they will most likely be able to discover about the fossils they will find.



Forms of fossils and there arrangement with layer of rock.


The seashore is a significant place for the depositional work of waves and it's also one of the significant places for the erosion and weathering of rocks.  The presence of sedimentary rocks along the cliffs are essential for the discovery of fossils of plants and animals. Fossils of shells and other creatures that were of marine origin are mostly discovered near excavation sites. Fossil helps to prove the age of rocks and strata.

Consider the following statements:
1. RNA is ribonucleic acid.
2. RNA is used for information transport (known as mRNA). Choose the correct answer from the given codes:
A Only 1
B Only 2
C Both
D Neither 1 nor 2
E None of the above



Only A


RNA is used for storing and transporting information through mostly virus only..

3a) label the structure of bacterium below i-vi​



I. Cell capsule

II. Cell wall

III. Plasma membrane

IV. Nucleoid

V. Cytoplasm


In the structure of bacterium, I represent Cell capsule which is the outer covering of bacterium cell, II is the Cell wall that is located after the cell capsule. III is the Plasma membrane which is also called cell membrane which is the second boundary of cell. IV represents Nucleoid which like nucleus having genetic material, V is Cytoplasm that is responsible for the transportation medium for various nutrients..

Reviewing video surveillance is part of which alert food defense



The correct answer is - look.


Alert is an acronym that is used in food defense that stands for Assure, Look, Employees, Reports, and Threat. It helps in increasing the awareness of food safety in food industries.

The Look is the type of alert that includes video surveillance in the food industry or store to check and maintain food safety and security. It helps in looking during and after the food defense.

The accurate solution is =look for is part of which alert food defense.

Alert is an acronym this is utilized in meals protection that stands for Assure, Look, Employees, Reports, and Threat. It facilitates in growing the attention of meals protection in meals industries.

The Look is the sort of alert that consists of video surveillance withinside the meals enterprise or shop to test and keep meals protection and security. It facilitates in searching in the course of and after the meals protection.

What is food defense?

Food protection is the safety of meals merchandise from infection or adulteration supposed to reason public fitness damage or financial disruption.

Thus it is well expailned.

To learn more about the  food defense refer to link :

In the aerobic metabolism of proteins by chemoheterotrophs (e.g., E. coli and you):____.
A. Proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases (peptidases).
B. Certain amino acids may be converted to pyruvate.
C. Certain amino acids may be converted to intermediates (e.g. oxaloacetate) of the Krebs cycle.
D. Certain amino acids may be converted to acetyl-CoA.
E. All of the above are true.


The answer is A because
A) proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases

What measurements are in the si system



Length - meter (m)

Time - second (s)

Amount of substance - mole (mole)

Electric current - ampere (A)

Temperature - kelvin (K)

Luminous intensity - candela (cd)

Mass - kilogram (kg)

Explanation: in the chart above are the measurements in the si system.

Las semillas de las plantas, especialmente las más consumidas en nuestra dieta como el trigo, el maíz, el arroz y otros cereales o las lentejas, los porotos y otras legumbres, tienen un depósito de almidón que está destinado a alimentar el embrión en las primeras etapas del desarrollo, hasta que esté en condiciones de hacer la fotosíntesis por sí solo. ¿Con qué función de los lípidos se relaciona esta adaptación? Justificar.



lol I dont know the answer

A dead zone refers to Group of answer choices a) terrestrial areas in which excessive nitrogen fertilizer has essentially burned the soil, preventing plants and microorganisms from living there. b) oligotrophic areas in water bodies that cannot support life due to lack of nutrients. c) an ecosystem that was cleared of all vegetation for slash and burn agriculture. d) hypoxic areas in water bodies that limit marine and aquatic life.



The correct answer is d) hypoxic areas in water bodies that limit marine and aquatic life.


A dead zone are oxygen-deprived regions, that is, they are large bodies of water that contain little or no oxygen, both in the depths and near the coasts in the oceans. Aquatic and marine dead zones can be caused by climate change, a product of human activity. When the temperature is high, the water does not have the same density and there is less exchange between the depths of the hydrogen peroxide and the surface water, and these no longer receive oxygen. Marine fauna, not finding the oxygen necessary for their survival, end up suffocating due to the lack of oxygen. They may also have reproductive problems and diseases, making it difficult for them to survive.

urine is made of nutrients and water​



what's the question over here?!

Normal diploid somatic cells of the mosquito Culex pipiens contain six chromosomes. The G1 nucleus of a mosquito cell contains 3.0 x 10^-12 grams of DNA. How much nuclear DNA would be expected in metaphase I of meiosis?
a. 6.0 x 10^-12 g.
b. 1.5 x 10^-12 g.
c. 12 x 10^-12 g.
d. 3.0 x 10^-12 g.
e. 0.75 x 10^-12 g.



a. 6.0 x 10^-12 g.


The interphase is the previous step before the cell divission occurs. The interphase is formed of the G1, S, and G2 stages.  

• During the G1 stage, it occurs a high intense biochemical activity. The cell duplicates its size, and the organelles and other molecules and cytoplasmatic structures duplicate too. Some structures, such as microtubules and actin filaments, are synthesized from zero. The endoplasmic reticulum increases in size and produces a membrane for the Golgi apparatus and vacuoles, lysosomes, and vesicles. During this stage, the pair of centrioles separate, and each centriole duplicates. Mitochondria and chloroplasts also replicate.  

During the S stage occurs the DNI replication process. It also occurs the synthesis of histones and other associated proteins. This is the only stage where the DNI molecule is replicated.

• G2 stage is the final one before the cellular division. Here begins the slow process of DNI condensation. Duplication of centrioles completes. Structures such as spindle fibers are assembled.  

Through the process of Meiosis, a diploid germ cell (2n) divides and originates four daughter cells with a haploid chromosome number (n). Each daughter cell has half of the chromosomes of the original one. Meiosis is completed in two phases. During the first phase, and after replication, occurs the chromosome´s reduction division. During the second phase, the cell suffers a new, not reductive division.

1. In the first phase, Meiosis I:  

Prophase I: Chromosomes condensate and became visible. Occurs crossing-over between homologous chromosomes. Crossin-over makes the daughter cells to be genetically different from the original one.  Metaphase I: The pairs of homologous chromosomes randomly align in the equatorial plane.  Anaphase I: occurs the independent separation of homologous chromosomes that migrate to opposite poles of the cell. This separation generates different chromosomal combinations in the daughter cells.  Telophase I: Each of the homologous pairs chromosomes is already in the corresponding poles, and the nuclear membrane forms again in each pole.  

2. In the second phase, Meiosis II:  

Prophase II: Chromosomes condensate again and become visible.  Metaphase II: Chromosomes join the spindle apparatus and migrate to the equatorial plane, where they randomly line up. Sister chromatids are holden together until they reach the Anaphase.  Anaphase II: Centromeres divide, chromatids get separated, and each of them goes forward an opposite cellular pole.  Telophase II: Once in the poles, the chromosomes became lax again, and cytokinesis occurs.  

In the exposed example, DNI in the G1 nucleus of a mosquito cell still has not suffered replication (3.0 x 10^-12 grams). The replication process occurs during the S stage, which follows the G1 stage. After the S stage, the cell has 6.0 x 10^-12 g of DNI.

During meiosis, the reduction in chromosomes number occurs in anaphase where homologous chromosomes migrate to different poles. But during metaphase I, the cell still has 6.0 x 10^-12 g of DNI.

explain water cycle with the help of diagram​



The water cycle is defined as a natural process of constantly recycling the water in the atmosphere. It is also known as the hydrological cycle or the hydrologic cycle. During the process of the water cycle between the earth and the atmosphere, water changes into three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...

define cell and atom​



cell is the structural and functional unit of live.

Atom are the smallest particle of chemical element

If all 15 presynaptic neurons stimulate the post-synaptic neuron at the same time, will an action potential be produced?





If all 15 presynaptic neurons stimulate the post-synaptic neuron at the same time, the action potential will be produced. In a chemical synapse, an action potential in the presynaptic neuron is responsible for the release of a chemical messenger known as neurotransmitter. After this, the neurotransmitter diffuses across the synapse and binds to the postsynaptic cell so we can say that potential can be produced.

What are the best management practices for Maize grain crop, by adopting which we can boost yield, elaborate in details your expert opinion.



Cultivate prime grain and with timely care

What’s the main reason why cell specialization is important



because we know that cell makes up organ and organ makes organ system and this system makes organism....cell is also the structural and functional unit of life it there were no cell specialization then mitosis and meosis wont take place neither cell division

One of the important feature of
tropical region is



A tropical climate is marked by consistently warm temperatures and frequent rainfall, resulting in abundant, diverse vegetation. The seasons are marked primarily by precipitation variation rather than temperature changes, as the latter in the area are minimal.


hope you will be hepled!

In mice, apricot eyes is recessive to black eyes. Tail length is governed by another gene, linked to the eye color gene. Long tails is dominant to short tails. To determine the distance between the two genes, a double heterozygote is mated in a testcross and the classes of progeny produced were as follows:
Apricot eyes, Long tails 33
Apricot eyes, Short tails 20
Black eyes, Long tails 17
Black eyes, Short tails 30
Determine whether the heterozygous parent is in the cis or trans arrangement.
a. Cis
b. Trans





From the given information:

The study observes the genes present in mice for eye color and tail length. Since both genes are linked, it implies that they exist in the same chromosomes.

Black eyes is dominant over apricot eyes

Let Black eye be B and apricot eyes be b

Long tail is dominant over short tail

Let long tail be L and short tail be l

If double heterozygote(homoozygous-recessive) engage in the testcross


From the result given:

The parental combinations are:

Apricot eyes, Longtail  (bL / bl) =  33

Black eyes, Short tails (Bl / bl) = 30

The recombinant genes are:

Black eyes, Long tails (BL / bl) =  17

Apricot eyes, Short tails (bl / bl) = 20

The recombination frequency relates to the distance between the two genes which can be computed as:

= (20+17)/100

= 37%

Thus; the heterozygous parent is in trans arrangement.

Natural selection is most likely to be the cause of a change in a population's
allele frequencies when:
A. the ecosystem experiences few disturbances,
B. the population drops below its carrying capacity.
C. the predators are removed from the ecosystem,
D. the population has reached its carrying capacity.


Answer:handheld c

Explanation:bend c smlOc

C is probably the right answer to me

Which of the following is a material?
A. Wood
B. Rigid
C. Transparent
D. Dull



A. Wood


Material is a physical object (something made up of molecules, atoms etc.)

Other listed options are characteristic of that given material. For example, an iron bar is a material, but its shiny lustre is its characteristics.

The material out of the given options is wood. Hence, the correct option is (A) Wood.

Material is something that is used to produce an item or thing. It is an essential element of the natural or synthetic substances that are employed for the manufacturing of different products. Material is used in everyday life as well as in the technical industry.

It refers to a substance that can be used as a raw material or as a semi-manufactured product to make an end-product. Materials are used to create a wide range of things, including clothing, food, medicines, buildings, automobiles, and other consumer goods.

Materials can be classified based on a variety of characteristics, including their composition, structure, and properties. Types of Materials: Materials can be classified into the following categories:

1. Natural materials, which include wood, rubber, and leather

2. Synthetic materials, such as nylon and polyester

3. Semi-synthetic materials, such as rayon

4. Composite materials, which include concrete and fiberglass

5. Electronic materials, which include semiconductors and superconductors

Features of materials: Materials have some characteristics, such as a particular physical and chemical composition, density, texture, and color, that differentiate them from other substances. Furthermore, materials can have a variety of properties, including thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, tensile strength, ductility, and malleability.

Know more about materials:


Innate talents or gifts enhanced through study and practice are:
B-Holland's occupational types.



D) Abilities


If you have a talent or a gift that is enhanced through study then you have the abilities to do so to be able to practice

Innate talents or gifts enhanced through study and practice are abilities. The correct option is D.

What are innate talents?

Innate talents are those talents that are present in the organism from birth, They are not learned or observed from outside. These abilities are only enhanced as we grow up. They are already present in the body.

They are the natural, talents that with we grow up. Innate talents are also called natural skills. They are genetically present in our bodies. Some people are born with natural potential and skills. But without hard work and practice, these skills would not work.

Abilities are the things that are used by the organism to perform activities. Every organism has some abilities.

Thus, the correct option is D. abilities.

To learn more about innate talents, refer to the link:


Solve the equation of mava=mbvb max5.0ml=5.2mlx0.10m





The following equation is given in this question:



ma = molarity of acid (M)

mb = molarity of base (M)

va = volume of acid (ml)

vb = volume of base (ml)

According to this inputted values;


ma = unknown molarity of acid

mb = 0.10M

va = 5.0ml

vb = 5.2ml

Hence, ma x 5.0ml = 5.2ml x 0.10m

5ma = 0.52

ma = 0.52 ÷ 5

ma = 0.104M

explain the importance of taking named precautions before blood transfussion can be done?​



To minimize the chance of an adverse reaction during a transfusion, health care practitioners take several precautions. Before starting the transfusion, usually a few hours or even a few days beforehand, the person is cross-matched with the donor blood (not done for transfusions of plasma or platelets).

Precautions are necessary for blood transfusion because
There are chances of getting exposed to fatal diseases like hepatitis, AIDS and many other diseases.
And avoid the reactions between antigen and antibodies, which leads to rejection of transfused blood.

Good luck


define cell and atom​



hope it is helpful to you

The skin is protected by the action of cells that arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Which cells serve this function?



Langerhan's cells


The Langerhan's cells arise from the bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. The Langerhan's cells are the body's first line of defense and play a significant role in antigen presentation. They need special stains to be visualized and are primarily found in the stratum spinosum. These are the mesenchymal origin obtained from CD34 positive stem cells of bone marrow and are part of the mononuclear phagocytic system.

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