You are considering the purchase of a machine out of your evaluation among four new ones. They have differing initial and ongoing costs and differing lives. Whichever machine is purchased will be replaced at the end of its useful life. Under such circumstances, you should choose the machine to purchase based on the ___________________.


Answer 1


Lowest equivalent annual cost.


Considering the above scenario, it is more advantageous to choose the machine that has the lowest equivalent annual cost. As the newly acquired machine will be replaced at the end of its useful life, it is more advantageous for it to have a higher performance and lower annual cost among others, as the cost of depreciation of machinery and equipment must be considered as a fixed cost that will also directly impact a company's accounts.

Related Questions

Plant assets sometimes are purchased as a group in a single transaction for a lump-sum price. This transaction is called a __________, or group, bulk, or basket purchase.



Lump-Sum Purchase


Plant assets

This is simply known as well founded or important assets of an essential or useful life of more than one accounting period and are normally used in the operation of a business. One of the major characteristic of plant assets is that they are often used in operations.

They are known also as resources that has physical substance, used mainly in the operations of a business and it is not intended for sale to customers.

Plant assets are also called property, plant, equipment; plant and equipment; and fixed assets.

It is also discard (done away with) if it is not useful anymore to the company, and it has no market value.

Coke and Pepsi are examples of


Coke and Pepsi are examples of soft drinks.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

Roanoke Company produces chocolate bars. The primary materials used in producing chocolate bars are cocoa, sugar, and milk. The standard costs for a batch of chocolate (1,827 bars) are as follows: Ingredient Quantity Price Cocoa 600 lbs. $0.40 per lb. Sugar 180 lbs. $0.60 per lb. Milk 150 gal. $1.70 per gal. Determine the standard direct materials cost per bar of chocolate. If required, round to the nearest cent.



Roanoke Company

The standard direct materials cost per bar of chocolate is:

= $0.33.


a) Data and Calculations:

A batch of chocolate = 1,827 bars

Standard Costs for a batch:

Ingredient   Quantity      Price

Cocoa          600 lbs.    $0.40 per lb.

Sugar            180 lbs.    $0.60 per lb.

Milk              150 gal.      $1.70 per gal.

Ingredient   Quantity      Price                 Total Cost

Cocoa          600 lbs.    $0.40 per lb.      $240.00 (600 * $0.40)

Sugar            180 lbs.    $0.60 per lb.         108.00 (180 * $0.60)

Milk              150 gal.      $1.70 per gal.     255.00 (150 * $1.70)

Total cost of batch of chocolate =         $603.00

Cost per bar = $0.33 ($603.00/1,827)

Presented below are definitions of certain terms. Select the appropriate term from the dropdown list. Definitions 1. Quantity of input required if a production process is 100% efficient. 2. Managing by focusing on large differences from standard costs. 3. Record that accumulates standard cost information. 4. Preset cost for delivering a product or service under normal conditions. a. Standard cost card b. Management by exception c. Standard cost d. Ideal standard



1. Ideal standard

2. Management by exception

3. Standard cost card

4. Standard cost


Costing is the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services by assessing the fixed costs and variable costs associated with each step of production.

In Financial accounting, a direct cost can be defined as any expense which can easily be connected to a specific cost object such as a department, project or product. Some examples of direct costs are cost of raw materials, machineries or equipments.

On the other hand, any cost associated with the running, operations and maintenance of a company refers to indirect costs. Some examples of indirect costs are utility bill, office accessories, diesel etc.

1. Ideal standard: quantity of input required if a production process is 100% efficient.

2. Management by exception: Managing by focusing on large differences from standard costs.

3. Standard cost card: record that accumulates standard cost information.

4. Standard cost: preset cost for delivering a product or service under normal conditions.

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost is calculated ______. Multiple select question. by adding the total cost to the variable cost using either the high or low level of activity before the variable cost is calculated after the variable cost per unit is calculated



is calculated after the variable cost per unit is calculated


Costing is the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services by assessing the fixed costs and variable costs associated with each step of production.

In Financial accounting, fixed cost can be defined as predetermined expenses in a business that remain constant for a specific period of time regardless of the quantity of production or level of outputs. Some examples of fixed costs in business are loan payments, employee salary, depreciation, rent, insurance, lease, utilities, etc.

On the other hand, variable costs can be defined as expenses that are not constant and as such usually change directly and are proportional to various changes in business activities. Some examples of variable costs are taxes, direct labor, sales commissions, raw materials, operational expenses, etc.

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost can only be calculated after the variable cost (VC) per unit is calculated through the application of either the low or high level of activity.

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost is calculated : After the variable cost per unit is calculated.

What is costing?

Costing refers to the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services whereby, the fixed costs and variable costs associated with production are examined.

Fixed costs are costs that do not vary with the level of output, while variable cost are cost that varies with the activity level.

Using the high-low method, the fixed cost can only be calculated after the variable cost (VC) per unit is calculated through the application of either the low or high level of activity.

Hence, using the high-low method, the fixed cost is calculated after the variable cost per unit is calculated.

Learn more about costing here :




▫️Increased savings. • Fewer injuries. • More productive and sustainable employees. ...

▫️Fewer employees experiencing pain. • Implementing ergonomic improvements can reduce the risk factors that lead to discomfort.

▫️Increased productivity. • ...

▫️Increased morale. • ...

▫️Reduced absenteeism. •

hope it's help you.....!!!!!!!!!!

plz mark as brain list and follow me #rishu..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope it will help you





In its closing financial statements for its first year in business, the Runs and Goses Company, had cash of $242, accounts receivable of $850, inventory of $820, net fixed assets of $3,408, accounts payable of $700, short-term notes payable of $740, long-term liabilities of $1,100, common stock of $1,160, retained earnings of $1,620, net sales of $2,768, cost of goods sold of $1,210, depreciation of $360, interest expense of $160, taxes of $312, addition to retained earnings of $508, and dividends paid of $218.


a. Return on equity = __________
b. Return on total assets = __________
c. Gross profit margin = __________
d. Net profit margin = __________



return on equality

return on way

return on potos

i will want to know about questio n

i can help you in this field ok bro

helnid is my code way ti go

Return on Equity can be calculated as Return on Equity = Net Income / share holders equity. Return on Equity = 726 /2780. Thus, Return on Equity = 26.11%

What is Return on Equity?

The ratio of a company's net income to the equity of its shareholders is known as return on equity (ROE). A company's profitability and the effectiveness of its revenue generation are measured by its return on equity (ROE). A corporation is better at turning its equity financing into profits the higher the ROE.

Although average ratios and those deemed "good" and "poor" might differ significantly from industry to industry, a return on equity ratio of 15% to 20% is typically regarded as good. The ratio would be regarded as low at 5%.

b)Return on Asset Ratio

Return on Asset Ratio = Net Income / Total Assets

Return on Asset Ratio = 726/ 5,320

Return on Asset Ratio = 13.65%

c)Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 1,558/ 2,768

Profit Margin =56.29%

d)Net Profit Margin

Net Profit Margin = Net Income / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 726/ 2,768

Net Profit Margin =26.23%

Learn more about Return on Equity, here


As operations manager, you are concerned about being able to meet sales requirements in the coming months. You have just been given the following production report: JAN FEB MAR APR Units produced 2,250 1,750 2,750 2,950 Hours per machine 318 194 393 315 Number of machines 5 7 6 5 Find the average of the monthly productivity figures (units per machine hour).


Answer: 2.81 per hour


Average monthly productivity = (January productivity + February productivity + March productivity + April productivity) / 4

January productivity:

= Units produced / ( Hours per machine * Number of machines )

=  2,250 / ( 318 * 2 )

= 3.537

February productivity:

= 1,750/ ( 194 * 4 )

= 2.255

March productivity:

= 2,750 / ( 393 * 3 )

= 2.332

April productivity:

= 2,950/ ( 315 * 3)

= 3.121

Average monthly productivity = (3.537 + 2.255 + 2.332 + 3.121)/ 4

 = 2.81 per hour

Third National Bank has reserves of $20,000 and checkable deposits of $100,000. The reserve ratio is 20 percent. Households deposit $5,000 in currency into the bank, and the bank adds that currency to its reserves. What amount of excess reserves does the bank now have





Fractional banking is a banking system where a portion of customer's deposits is kept as reserves while remaining portion is lent out. The amount kept as reserves is determined by the required reserve ratio set by the Central bank.

Reserve ratio is the percentage of deposits that is required of commercial banks to keep as reserves

Total deposits = $100,000 + $5,000 = $105,000

Required reserves = 0.2 x 105000 = 21,000

total reserves = $20,000 + 5000 = 25,000

excess reserves = 25,000 - 21,000 = 4000

The following cost behavior patterns describe anticipated manufacturing costs for 2013: raw material, $8.10/unit; direct labor, $11.10/unit; and manufacturing overhead, $373,100 $9.10/unit. Required: If anticipated production for 2013 is 41,000 units, calculate the unit cost using variable costing and absorption costing. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)



Variable costing $28.3

Absorption costing $37.4


Calculation to determine the unit cost using variable costing and absorption costing.


Material $8.10/unit

Direct labor $11.10/unit;

Variable manufacturing overhead per unit $9.10/unit

Units cost $28.3


Material $8.10/unit

Direct labor $11.10/unit;

Variable manufacturing overhead per unit $9.10/unit.

Fixed manufacturing overhead per unit $9.10/unit.

($373,100 ÷ 41,000 units)

Units cost $37.4

Therefore the unit cost using variable costing and absorption costing are:

Variable costing $28.3

Absorption costing $37.4

Demand for a specific design of dinning sets has been fairly large in the past several years and Statewide Furnishings, Inc. usually orders new dinning sets 10 times a year. It is estimated that the ordering cost is $400 per order. The carrying cost is $50 per unit per year. Furthermore, State Wide Furnishings, Inc. has estimated that the stock out cost is $120 per unit per year. Based on forecast, the annual demand is 600 units. State Wide Furnishings, Inc. has 350 working days in a year and its lead time is 14 working days.
Assume shortage is allowed and the store manager is sure that shortages will not become lost sales, determine the annual ordering cost.
a. 592.82
b. 1472.01
c. 2051.28
d. 4116.11
e. None of the above



e. None of the above


Annual demand, D = 600 units

Ordering cost, S = $400

Holding cost, H = $50

Economic order quantity without stock-out = SQRT(2*D*S/H)

Economic order quantity without stock-out = SQRT(2*600*400/50)

Economic order quantity without stock-out = 98

Total annual ordering cost = (D/Q)*S + (Q/2)*H

Total annual ordering cost = (600/98)*$400 + (98/2)*$50

Total annual ordering cost = $2,448.97 + $2,450

Total annual ordering cost = $4,898.97

When the price elasticity of demand for a good is very elastic, quantity demanded is _____ to a change in price and the demand curve is relatively _____. Group of answer choices



1. Responsive

2. Elastic


When the price elasticity of demand for a good is very elastic, quantity demanded is RESPONSIVE to a change in price and the demand curve is relatively ELASTIC.

This is because the price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price.

Consequently, as the quantity demanded changes, the demand curve then becomes relatively elastic, by shifting either to the right or left.

Kevin promises to pay Macarena, his daughter, $5,000 if she obtains her degree at Brookdale community College, where she is currently in her first year. Macarena graduates. If a Court refuses to enforce the agreement it would most likely be because:


Question Completion with Options:

A. Macarena finished college.

B. Obtaining a college degree benefits Macarena.

C. A job can be hard to find after college.

D. Macarena was already in college.


If a Court refuses to enforce the agreement it would most likely be because:

D. Macarena was already in college.


Macarena was currently in her first year when the promise was made by her father.  This means that Macarena is not giving any consideration for the father's promise.  But, if she enters the college based on the promise and eventually graduates in the college, then the court will not likely refuse to enforce the agreement. Kevin's promise to pay Macarena $5,000 is not enforceable because of past consideration.




B2B marketers and businesses are using LinkedIn automation to strengthen their sales and marketing strategy.

Here is how;

Engage With The Right AudienceTake Advantage of LinkedIn GroupsSend Personlized Outreach Messages

Most of the lead generation and sales tactics on LinkedIn require a lot of time if you choose to do them manually.

A fixed asset with a cost of $41,000 and accumulated depreciation of $36,500 is traded for a similar asset priced at $60,000. Assuming a trade-in allowance of $3,000, the recognized loss on the trade is





The fixed assets cost is $41,000

The accumulated depreciationn is $36,500

Similar assets was priced at $36,000

Trade in allowance is $3000

Therefore the recognised law on trade can be calculated as follows


= 1,500

5-5 TIME TO REACH A FINANCIAL GOAL You have $33,556.25 in a brokerage account, and you
plan to deposit an additional $5,000 at the end of every future year until your account totals
$220,000. You expect to earn 12% annually on the account. How many years will it take to
reach your goal?



22 is the right answer bro fgjjfycugyvyygyghu

Alyeska Services Company, a division of a major oil company, provides various services to the operators of the North Slope oil field in Alaska. Data concerning the most recent year appear below: Sales $ 17,700,000 Net operating income $ 5,300,000 Average operating assets $ 35,100,000 Required: 1. Compute the margin for Alyeska Services Company. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) 2. Compute the turnover for Alyeska Services Company. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) 3. Compute the return on investment (ROI) for Alyeska Services Company.


Answer:Profit margin = 29.94%

 Asset Turnover =0.50

Return on investment (ROI) =15.09%



Sales for the year =  $ 17,700,000

Net Operating Income =  $ 5,300,000

Average Operating Assets =  $ 35,100,000

a)Profit margin = (Net operating income/Net sales ) x 100%

= $5,300,000/$17,700,000 x 100%  = 29.94%.

This shows that the Alyeska Services company has ability to turn income to profit by  29.94%

b.  Asset Turnover =  Total Sales/ Average Total Assets  = $17,700,000/$35,100,000 = 0.50

c. Return on investment (ROI) =Net income/Total investment  x 100%

 = $ 5,300,000/ $ 35,100,000 x 100% =15.09%

Accurate Metal Company sold 36,500 units of its product at a price of $340 per unit. Total variable cost per unit is $179, consisting of $172 in variable production cost and $7 in variable selling and administrative cost. Compute the manufacturing margin for the company under variable costing.


Answer: $6,132,000


The manufacturing margin for the company under variable costing will use the variable production costs only as these are the variable costs incurred during manufacturing:

Variable manufacturing margin = ( Sales price - Variable cost per unit) * number of units

= (340 - 172) * 36,500

= 168 * 36,500

= $6,132,000

Why do tourism business have market cost for the printing​



Launching tourist ventures involves overcoming two major hurdles: first, the venture must be

financed; and second, demand must be generated. In particular, the marketing of tourism and

hospitality ventures provides special challenges, the ability to reach the target market and convince

them to travel to remote locations being a critical success factor (Dolli, N.; Pinfold, J.F., 1997). Thus,

the main issue related to the marketing of tourist services is not their production, but their sale and

promotion, so as to ensure that all the consumers’ needs are comprehensively satisfied. (Nistoreanu,

P., 2006).

It is in this context that both the producers as well as the suppliers (intermediaries) of tourism services

should take into consideration the fact that a touristic product is sold only if there is a demand on the

market for that particular product. This means that suppliers have the possibility to either offer what is

requested on the market, responding to the consumers’ needs, or to stimulate or generate the demand

for a certain product so as to facilitate the selling of that product. In both cases, however, the

producers and suppliers need to apply a promotion strategy, through which potential clients may be

informed with regard to the offer on the market, as well as induce the clients’ desire to consume a

certain product.


Company XYZ is working on a marketing strategy for a new oral hygiene product and just discovered that XYZ's biggest competitor is launching a very similar product a month later. In conducting a SWOT analysis, the launch of the competitor's product represents an opportunity.

a. True
b. False



XYZ Company

In conducting a SWOT analysis, the launch of the competitor's product represents an opportunity.


b. False


The launch of the competitor's product represents a threat to XYZ Company.  It reduces XYZ Company's market competitiveness and profitability.  XYZ Company may even be driven out of the market by the competitor, thus leading to massive loss for the company.  However, threats must be overcome and turned into opportunities for future product development.

Solving for PMT of an annuity​) To pay for your​ child's education, you wish to have accumulated ​$ at the end of years. To do this you plan on depositing an equal amount into the bank at the end of each year. If the bank is willing to pay percent compounded​ annually, how much must you deposit each year to reach your​ goal?





Complete question "To pay for your​ child's education, you wish to have accumulated ​$10,000 at the end of 8 years. To do​this, you plan to deposit an equal amount into the bank at the end of each year. If the bank is willing to pay 13 percent compounded​annually, how much must you deposit each year to obtain your​goal?"

NPER = 8

FV = 10,000

Rate = 13%

PV = 0

Future Value of Annuity = PMT(Rate, NPER, PV, FV)

Future Value of Annuity = PMT(13%, 8, 10000, 0)

Future Value of Annuity = 783.8671964727014

Future Value of Annuity = $783.87

So, one must deposit $783.87 each year to reach the goal.

How does the devaluation and appreciation of the local currency effect to balance of payment, analyze for each component


Answer: Balance of payment will worsen due to devaluation.

Explanation: The balance of payments refers to the balance of supply and demand for a country's currency in the foreign exchange market. Devaluation will make local currency weaker and foreign currency stronger.  Therefore less demand for local currency in the foreign market. The imports will become expensive, more amount of local currency will be paid as it is weaker. The exports will become cheaper, more amount of local currency will be received as foreign currency is stronger than it.

Vise Versa for appreciation.

Cameron is single and has taxable income of $58,046.

Determine his tax liability using the Tax Tables and using the Tax Rate Schedules.




Cameron's tax liability for the year as a single taxpayer is

= $12,770.12.


a) Data and Calculations:

Taxable income = $58,046

Tax rate = 22%

Tax liability = $12,770.12 ($58,046 * 22%)

b) The amount of tax that Cameron, who is within the 22% tax rate bracket, will pay to the IRS is $12,770.12.  The tax liability represents the amount of tax that is due to be paid for his taxable income of $58,046 at the tax rate of 22%.

The Management of XYZ Company Limited uses value chain analysis, supply chain management, inventory b)Identify and explain the type of school of management approach being used in the company.(5marks) management, quality control, queuing theory, linear programming and network models approaches in management of the company. The company relies on scientific applications of mathematical techniques to c)Discuss in four (5) ways, how contingency School of Management is different from the type of school manage problems. a)Briefly explain the typesof management theoriesapplicable in XYZ company Limited. (5marks) of management identified in (ii) above.​


a) The school of management that the Management of XYZ Company Limited is applying is called Mathematical or Quantitative School of Management.

The Mathematical or Quantitative School of Management:

Expresses management problems in equations, mathematical symbols, and quantitative models  Encourages wide application of computer technology, simulations, and analytics Introduces precision to management thinking and practice

b) The Contingency School, unlike the Mathematical  School of Management:

Recognizes that not all management processes can be expressed with mathematical symbols and formulas.Identifies that mathematical models cannot replace sound judgment, which requires intuition and not equation.States that there is no single technique to solving management problems. Encourages managers to use any feasible management technique to solve problems, thereby thinking outside the box. Emphasizes that the applications of management principles and practices (process, behavioral, quantitative, and systems) should be contingent upon the prevailing circumstances.  

Thus, with Contingency School, the tools of management thinking and practice should be applied based on prevailing situations and not mathematically with equations, models, and symbols.

Learn more about another School of Management Thought here:

A _____________ strategy entails an organization developing a product and/or service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers and that the customer perceives to be distinct from competitor offerings.


Answer: differentiation strategy


The differentiation strategy refers to the marketing strategy that is designed in order to distinguish the product and services of a company from other companies.

Product differentiation helps in the development of a strong value proposition which ensures that the product is attractive to the audience. The differentiation strategy ensures that the product is unique from others and this creates a competitive advantage.

Omega Enterprises budgeted the following sales in units: January 40,000 February 30,000 March 50,000 Omega's policy is to have 30% of the following month's sales in inventory. On January 1, inventory equaled 8,000 units. February production in units is: a.36,000. b.40,000. c.20,000. d.28,000. e.26,500.



a. 36,000


Calculation to determine what February production in units is:

Sales for the month 30,000

Add Ending inventory 15,000


Less Beginning inventory (9,000)


February production in units 36,000 units

Therefore February production in units is: 36,000 units

How does the price range affect the elasticity of demand for a product?
Demand for all goods is elastic if the price is low enough.
Price range has little or no effect on elasticity of demand for a good.
Demand for a good can be inelastic at a low price, but elastic at a high price.
Demand for a good can be elastic at a low price but inelastic at a high price.



How does the price range affect the elasticity of demand for a product?

Demand for all goods is elastic if the price is low enough.

Price range has little or no effect on elasticity of demand for a good.

Demand for a good can be inelastic at a low price, but elastic at a high price.

Demand for a good can be elastic at a low price but inelastic at a high price.


How does the price range affect the elasticity of demand for a product?

Demand for all goods is elastic if the price is low enough.

Price range has little or no effect on elasticity of demand for a good.

Demand for a good can be inelastic at a low price, but elastic at a high price.

Demand for a good can be elastic at a low price but inelastic at a high price.


the answer is demand for a good can be inelastic at a low price, but elastic at a high price.


If there are 360 million people living in the U.S, but 1 million died of health issues leaving 289 million eligible workers, what is the unemployment rate if 170 million are in the labor force and 7 million are actively seeking work?


Answer: 4.12%


Unemployment rate only includes people who are actively looking for work and no discouraged workers or those who have retired:

Unemployment rate = Number of unemployed looking for work / Labor force

= 7,000,000 / 170,000,000

= 4.12%

Dome Metals has credit sales of $144,000 yearly with credit terms of net 120 days, which is also the average collection period. Assume the firm adopts new credit terms of 5/10, net 120 and all customers pay on the last day of the discount period. Any reduction in accounts receivable will be used to reduce the firm's bank loan which costs 10 percent. The new credit terms will increase sales by 20% because the 5% discount will make the firm's price competitive.

a. If Dome earns 25 percent on sales before discounts, what will be the net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted?
b. Should the firm offer a discount?



a. The net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted is a net gain of $2,880.

b. Since the discount of 5% will result in a net gain which is $2,880, the firm should offer a discount.


a. If Dome earns 25 percent on sales before discounts, what will be the net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted?

Old sales = $144,000

New Sales = Old sales * (100% + Percentage sales increase) = $144,000 * (100% + 20%) = $172,800

Increase in Sales = New Sales - Old sales = $172,800 - $144,000 = $28,800

Increase in Profit from new sales = Profit Margin * Increase in Sales = 25% * $28,800 = $7,200

Average Accounts Receivable without discount = Average Collection Period * Average daily Sales = 120 * ($144,000 / 360) = $48,000

Average Accounts Receivable with discount = Average Collection Period * Average daily Sales = 10 * ($172,800 / 360) = $4,800

Reduction in Accounts Receivable = Average Accounts Receivable without discount - Average Accounts Receivable with discount = $48,000 - $4,800 = $43,200

Loan balance as a result of reduction in accounts receivable. Therefore, we have:

Interest Saving = Interest Rate * Loan Reduction = 10% * $43,200 = $4,320

Cost of Discount = Discount Rate * New Sales = 5% * $172,800 = $8,640

Net Gain (loss) = Increase in Profit form new sales + Interest Saving - Cost of Discount = $7,200 + $4,320 - $8,640 = $2,880

Therefore, the net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted is an net gain of $2,880.

b. Should the firm offer a discount?

Since the discount of 5% will result in a net gain which is $2,880, the firm should offer a discount.

Inc. has just now paid a dividend of $2.50 per share (Div0); its dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate of 4 percent per year forever. If the required rate of return on the stock is 14 percent, what is the current value of the stock, after paying the dividend?
a. $26
b. $25
c. $17.86
d. $21.33


Answer: a. $26


Given the details in the question, the value of the stock can be calculated by the Gordon Growth Model:

= Next dividend / (Required return - growth rate)

= (Current dividend * growth rate) / (Required return - growth rate)

= (2.50 * (1 + 4%)) / (14% - 4%)

= 2.625 / 10%

= $26.25

= $26

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a car gets 27 miles per gallon in the city and 35 miles per gallon on the highway. what range of miles can the car travel on 3 gallons of gas Dilbert invests a total of $26,000 in two accounts paying 14% and 2% annual interest, respectively. How much was invested in each account if, after one year, the total interest was $2,560.00 A plastic dowel has a Young's Modulus of 1.50 1010 N/m2. Assume the dowel will break if more than 1.50 108 N/m2 is exerted. What is the maximum force (in kN) that can be applied to the dowel assuming a diameter of 2.30 cm? A. 52.3 kN B. 62.3 kN C. 72.3 kN D. 42.3 N what characterizes a homogeneous mixture? find the squre of 17[tex] \sqrt{17} [/tex] Frank is a 60- year-old man who is well-loved in his community since he was a boy. He is someone who is outgoing, a party lover, and love to have fun hanging out with peers. Frank is confident about life. From an early age he knew exactly what he wanted to become, and now as a man, he is confident about his career and family and want to leave them a good life when he departs this life. Frank express that he is not afraid of dying but he wants them to be ok when he is gone. At work Frank is helpful to his colleagues, and even in his community he is well-known among the elderly since he is always putting on Christmas treats for them. Imagine that Frank is your colleague, and that your boss asks you to write a character reference for Frank. Using Jungs personality theory to guide your writing, present a minimum one- page character reference in which you spell out Franks behaviour, his outlook on life, his philosophy about people and all the other important things you know about him. Ensure you point out how these different parts of Franks life fits into Jungs theory and overall what Jungs theoretical concept says about him. (20 mks) Re write the statement 19 +7 / 2 x 6 + 1 by including two pairs of brackets to make the total value equal to 2 who are you I don't know who were you TO BE ANSERED ASAPIf n = 4, then 98 9 n is equal to__________________. [tex]( - 12) \times ( - 4) + ( - 8) + ( + 3)[/tex]could you help.. What is it that comes down, but does not go up?answer with intelligence. Hy cho bit gi tr v ngha ca s lng t n, l, m, ms khi m t trng thi ca electron trong nguyn t? A runner sprinted for 414 feet. How many yards is this? Ch ngha Mc-Lnin khng nh: Mt cuc cch mng ch c gi tr khi no n bit t bo v v bo v t quc XHCN l mt tt yu khch quan. Bng nhng kin thc hc, Anh/ ch hy phn tch lm r lun im trn?; Lin h thc tin cch mng Vit Nam v trch nhim ca bn thn i vi s nghip bo v t quc hin nay? Find the sum of the first 40 terms of an arithmetic series whose first term is 7 and 40th term is 115. Type answer as an integer (no decimals)arithmetic sum formula:Sn = (a1 ++ an)geometric sum formula:az (1 - p)S =1-rAnswer: For the following function, one zero is given. Find all other zeros.f(x)=x3-7x2+17x-15; 2-i which expression is equivalent to \root(3)(x^(5)y) What is the value of x in the equation -2 =5x + 3 Identify the four key concepts of Darwin's theory of natural selection. (2 marks)Explain how Lamarck's theory was different and why it got rejected over time. (2 marks) Less than 3% of all the world is