You are tracking three loci in the fruit fly, locis A, B, and C, and want to know whether the loci are linked and if so what their physical distances are from one another as well as the physical order they are in. To find out this information you perform a three-point testcross with a fly that is heterozygous for all three alleles. The progeny of this cross are:


Answer 1

Complete question:

You are tracking three loci in the fruit fly, loci A, B, and C, and want to know whether the loci are linked and if so what their physical distances are from one another as well as the physical order they are in. To find out this information you perform a three-point testcross with a fly that is heterozygous for all three alleles. The progeny of this cross are:

a/a B/b C/c    389

A/a b/b c/c     410

a/a b/b C/c       39

A/a B/b c/c       44

a/a b/b c/c        77

A/a B/b C/c      83

a/a B/b c/c          6

A/a b/b C/c         5

Total                 1053

(a) What is the recombination frequency between loci A and B?  

(b) What is the recombination frequency between loci B and C?  

(c) What is the recombination frequency between loci A and C?

(d) Are these loci linked?

(e) Demonstrate the physical arrangement of the genes on the chromosome, i.e. the order of the genes on a chromosome as well as their map distances.  

(f) Write out the genotypes of the parents for this cross, indicating which alleles are linked with one another for each parent?

Answer and Explanation:      

The Crossing-over frequency between two genes depends on the distance between them. A short distance between genes is a very little target for crossing-over to occur, which means that only a few of them will happen, compared with the number of events between genes that are more separated between each other.  Two genes that are very close will have a few recombination events and are strongly bounded.  While two separated genes will have more chances of recombination and are not bound.

To know if two genes are linked, we must observe the progeny distribution. In a tri-hybrid cross, If individuals, whos genes assort independently, are test crossed, they produce a progeny with equal phenotypic frequencies 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1. If we observe a different distribution, that is that phenotypes appear in different proportions, we can assume that genes are linked in the heterozygote parent.

In the present example, the phenotypic ratio shows different proportions than the expected ones if they were not linked.

We can recognize the parental gametes in the descendants because their phenotypes are the most frequent,

a/a B/b C/c    389

A/a b/b c/c     410  

while the double recombinants are the less frequent.

a/a B/b c/c          6

A/a b/b C/c         5        

And simple recombinant gametes produced by the cross, which frequencies are intermediate.  

a/a b/b C/c       39

A/a B/b c/c       44                  

a/a b/b c/c        77      

A/a B/b C/c      83      

Comparing the parental and the double recombinant we will realize that they only change in the position of the alleles C/c. This suggests that the position of the gene C is in the middle of the other two genes, A and B, because in a double recombinant only the central gene changes position in the chromatid.


Now we will call Region I to the area between A and C and Region II to the area between C and B.

Once established the order of the genes we can calculate distances between them, and we will do it from the central gene to the genes on each side. First We will calculate the recombination frequencies, and we will do it by region. We will call P1 to the recombination frequency between A and C genes, and P2 to the recombination frequency between C and B.

P1 = (R + DR) / N

P2 = (R + DR)/ N

Where: R is the number of recombinants in each region, DR is the number of double recombinants in each region, and N is the total number of individuals. To calculate the recombination frequency, we have to know that 1% of recombinations = 1 map unit = 1cm. And that the maximum recombination frequency is always 50%.  


P1 = (R + DR) / N = 5 + 6 + 77 + 44 + 39 / 1053 = 171/1053 = 0.162 P2 = (R + DR)/ N  = 6 + 5 + 83 / 1053 = 94/1053 = 0.089

Now, to calculate the recombination frequency between the two extreme genes, A and B, we can just perform addition or a sum:

P1 + P2= Pt

0.162 + 0.089 = Pt

0.251 = Pt  

The genetic distance will result from multiplying that frequency by 100 and expressing it in map units (MU).  One centiMorgan (cM) equals one map unit (MU). The map unit is the distance between the pair of genes for which one of every 100 meiotic products results in a recombinant product.

P1 = 0.162 x 100 = 16.2%P2 = 0.089 x 100 = 8.9%Pt = 0.251 x 100 = 25.1 %

(a) What is the recombination frequency between loci A and B?    0.251

(b) What is the recombination frequency between loci B and C?   0.089  

(c) What is the recombination frequency between loci A and C?  0.162  

(d) Are these loci linked?  Yes. Their recombination frequency is inferior to 50% and the phenotypic rate is different from 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1

(e) Demonstrate the physical arrangement of the genes on the chromosome, i.e. the order of the genes on a chromosome as well as their map distances.  


A--- 16.2 UM --C ---8.9 UM--B

A-------------25.1 UM--------------B

(f) Write out the genotypes of the parents for this cross, indicating which alleles are linked with one another for each parent?

a/a C/c B/b  x   A/a c/c b/b    

Related Questions

At label ________, the cell is not hyperpolarized; however, repolarization is in progress, as the sodium channels are inactivated or becoming inactivated, and many potassium channels have opened.


Answer: C


When a neuron receives a stimulus, the sodium channels present in the membrane are opened, and therefore Na+ enters the cell in favour of the concentration gradient, so that the membrane potential changes to positive by means of ion exchange, producing depolarization. If this depolarization reaches a certain threshold value, an action potential is generated. The next step is the opening of the potassium channels and the inactivation of the sodium channels, so that the repolarization of the membrane takes place. The sodium channels, will return to the closed state in the hyperpolarization to continue in this state during all the rest potential achieving the action potential to return to -70 mV (repolarization).; until the arrival of a new action potential which produces the activation and opening of the sodium channels, repeating the cycle again and generating a new depolarizing action. This process is part of the synaptic transmission.

So, hyperpolarization is any change in the cell's membrane potential, which makes it more polarized. This means, hyperpolarization is an increase in the absolute value of the cell's membrane potential. Thus, changes in membrane voltage where the membrane potential is more distinctly positive or negative are hyperpolarizations.

During the repolarization period after an action potential, the membrane potential is more negative than when the cell is in "rest period". In the picture, this repolarization period is about 1-2 milliseconds. So, repolarization is the time in which the membrane potential is hyperpolarized with respect to the resting potential.

In the attached figure, part C indicates this repolarization period.

Match each statement to the type of behavior it describes. Jenna published the results of her latest experiment for the public to see. Malcolm altered an experiment to be able reach his desired conclusion. Elena keeps complete records of all her experiment results. Neal shared the results of his field study even though they didn’t support his hypothesis.



See the answer below


It may seem that the question is incomplete. The complete question reads:

Match each statement to the type of behavior it describes. Jenna published the results of her latest experiment for the public to see. Malcolm altered an experiment to be able reach his desired conclusion. Elena keeps complete records of all her experiment results. Neal shared the results of his field study even though they didn’t support his hypothesis. Put each description to the group it belongs to. 1.Responsible 2.Irresponsible.

To answer the question:

Responsible behavior

Jenna published the results of her latest experiment for the public to see.Elena keeps complete records of all her experiment results.Neal shared the results of his field study even though they didn't support his hypothesis.

Irresponsible behavior

Malcolm altered an experiment to be able to reach his desired conclusion

Responsible behaviors are those that support responsible scientific practices and do not jeopardize the objective nature of research. Every data during experiments must be well kept and after thorough analysis, results must be published fro the public to see irrespective of whether it agrees or disagrees with the original hypothesis.

Altering an experiment in order to achieve the desired result is grossly irresponsible, as this eliminates the objectivity that should be the main goal of every experiment. Bias must be eliminated from every scientific experiment.

what is the meaning of plasmolysis​



. when a living plant cell loses water by osmosis , there is a contradiction or shrinkage of the components of the cell away from the cell wall . This phenomenon is known as plasmolysis . for example :- red blood cells shrink when placed in a salt solution .


this is an easy answer give me brainliest

Which amino acid chain will be formed by the condons shown below?



D. Gly Lys Cys


18. Pepsin is an enzyme produced by stomach cells
to help digest protein. Stomach cells package
and secrete pepsin in which of the organelles



Golgi bodies /apparatus


this organelles are responsible in for packaging and transportation of glyco proteins therefore are the organelles mainly involved in secretion of synthesised proteins

Pepsin is an enzyme produced by stomach cells to help digest protein. Stomach cells package and secrete pepsin Golgi bodies.

What are Golgi bodies?

The majority of eukaryotic cells contain the Golgi apparatus, sometimes referred to as the Golgi complex, Golgi body, or just the Golgi.

It packs proteins into membrane-bound vesicles inside the cell before the vesicles are delivered to their destination. It is a component of the endomembrane system in the cytoplasm.

It is situated close to the cell nucleus and the endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm.

Pepsin is an enzyme that the stomach cells manufacture to aid in the breakdown of protein. Pepsin Golgi bodies are packaged and secreted by stomach cells.

Thus, the organelle is Golgi bodies.

For more details regarding Golgi bodies, visit:


Scientists are able to reproduce certain plants and animals by cloning them in laboratories. The diagram shows the steps of cloning using tissue cultures. Do you think cloning is a form of asexual reproduction? Explain your answer using evidence from the diagram





Yes, cloning is a form of asexual reproduction because there is no fusion of sperm and eggs takes place. the animal which is formed from this process is identical of that organism because it is produced from the tissue of that single animal. in 1996, first mammal is produced from cloning was sheep named dolly at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. In cloning, the egg is taken from female organism and remove the nucleus from the egg then the desired organism cell is taken and fuse with the nucleus with the help of electricity. Then implant this embryo in the body of first organism from where egg is taken and after that the embryo turns into a baby, this process is called cloning.


Yes, cloning is a form of asexual reproduction. The diagram shows that new plants form from a single parent plant, which means that the offspring are genetically identical to the parent.



Select the correct image,
Identify the molecule that is not a compound,
2020 Edimentum. All rights reserved.


Answer:ITS H

Explanation: BECAUSE I SAID SO

Do you agree or disagree, why or why not, give examples. The knowledge produced by science builds on old ideas and is constantly changing.





people are never going to stop learning

things will evolve

what has been discovered in the past is still relevant

The knowledge produced by science builds on old ideas and is constantly changing agree.

What is Science?

Science is a methodical process that creates and arranges knowledge in the form of universe-related explanations and predictions that can be put to the test.

Some of the earliest archeological evidence for scientific reasoning is tens of thousands of years old, and science may be as old as the human species.

In the period between 3000 and 1200 BCE, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt produced the oldest written documents in the history of science. Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity, where formal attempts.

Therefore,  The knowledge produced by science builds on old ideas and is constantly changing agree.

To learn more about science, refer to the link:


how do each of the following factors affect the productivity in this process of photosynthesis ? 1)Temperature 2) Water 3) carbondioxide



without the right amount of temperature and water photosynthesis won't take place and without the presence of carbon dioxide...there is nothing like photosynthesis


1) Temperature- Above 28°C of temperature photosynthesis will not take place faster as necessary. At this temperature, the enzymes responsible for photosynthesis will not work efficient as needed .  2)Water and 3)Carbon Dioxide-Water and carbon dioxide are the reactants in Photosynthesis which means they are taken in to produce energy. Six molecules of water and six molecules of carbon dioxide are needed to break apart glucose and produce energy.

Hope the answer helps! Don' forget to mark brainliest if the  answer is truly the  best. Thank you!

Smooth endoplasmic Reticulum has ribosomes attached to its surface. correct and rewrite the following.



See below


The correct statements can be two of the following:

1) Rough Endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes attached to it.

2) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum do not have ribosomes attached to it.

what the parts of Earth's biosphere



lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere.



the hydrosphere

the atmosphere

the lithosphere


The hydrosphere is all waters on the Earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the Earth's surface, such as clouds.

The atmosphere is the Earth's layer of gases, commonly known as air, that is retained by Earth's gravity.

The lithosphere is the rigid part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.

What protective items should you wear when using benedicts solution?



Hey there!

You should wear gloves and safety goggles when using benedicts solution.

Let me know if this helps :)

Which characteristic does a virus have in common with a eukaryotic cell?


Viruses are not cells; they are a strand of genetic material within a protective protein coat called a capsid. They infect a wide variety of organisms, including both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Once inside the cell, they use the cell's ATP, ribosomes, enzymes, and other cellular parts to replicate.

The characteristics that a virus cell possess with eukaryotic cell is that they both possess a genetic material.

What is an eukaryotic cell?

An eukaryotic cell is a cell that has a genetic material bound by membrane-bound nucleus.

A virus cell, on the other hand, is a cell that is incapable of replicating itself without a living host.

However, one similarity between the eukaryotic cell and viral cell is that they both possess a genetic material that stores their genetic information.

Learn more about cells at:


Mr. B has been transferred to your floor to wait and see whether the chest tube allows his lungs to completely re-expand. But when he arrives, he is in severe respiratory distress. He says "I felt better before I came into the ER! Is this tube doing anything


The question is incomplete,below is the complete question.

Mr. B has been transferred to your floor to wait and see whether the chest tube allows his lungs to completely re-expand. But when he arrives, he is in severe respiratory distress. He says "I felt better before I came into the ER! Is this tube doing anything?"

You tell the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). As the two of you move him into the bed, you notice that his chest tube bottle is lying on its side on the gurney, with air going into it. When you point this out to the CNS, she immediately grabs the bottle and sets it upright on the floor. You see air start bubbling through the fluid right away. "That was the problem!" she says. "They lost the water seal, and air was going into his chest from the bottle. You would not believe how many times that happens on transport." When you examine Mr. B, you have trouble detecting his lung sounds on the left. Even stranger, his apical heart sound is in the wrong place - it is over toward the right side of his chest. His respiration rate and heart rate are both increased, and he is struggling to breathe. "Let's give him a little oxygen. He'll be a lot better in a half-hour," says the CNS. "Check back on him."

QUESTION - Why would accumulation of air in his pleural space cause his heart sounds to be in the wrong place?

Accumulation of air in Mr B pleural space will cause his heart sound to be heard in the wrong place because the left side is his chest is being filled up with air making the organs in his chest to to be pushed over to the right side.

which element is NOT generally found in proteins ? A. carbon B. oxygen C. phosphorus






what new stuff can you think of that scientists have made?



Hey there!

Recently, scientists have discovered many things. Some include: A new ink to detect fake passports, world's largest supercomputer, hyperloop technology, and even a potential vaccine for diarrhea.

Let me know if this helps :)

Always use the gross adjustment knob before using the fine adjustment knob when focusing on the microscope 1 2 False True​


It should be true, because youre supposed to adjust the larger one before adjusting the finer one

Algae in the genus Caulerpa typically grow to a length of over half a meter and have structures similar to stems,leaves,and roots.Reproduction occurs when adults produce sperm and eggs that fuse to form offspring.Each adult Caulerpa consists of just a single cell,however.Which of the following statements is true?
A) Caulerpa violate the pattern component of the cell theory that all organisms consist of cells.
B) Caulerpa violate the process component of the cell theory that all cells come from preexisting cells.
C) Caulerpa violate both the pattern and process components of the cell theory.
D) The existence of Caulerpa is consistent with the cell theory.



D) The existence of Caulerpa is consistent with the cell theory.


This question describes species of algae in the genus, Caulerpa, which is a unicellular organism that possesses structures similar to leaves, stems and roots in plants. It also grows to a length of about 0.5metres. it reproduces sexually by fertilization of gametes (sperm and egg).

According to all these described characteristics of Caulerpa, it's existence is in conformity or accordance with the unified cell theory, which was proposed by three scientists namely: Matthias Scleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow in the 1830's. The three components of the cell theory states that:

1. Cell is the fundamental and basic unit of life existence.

2. All living organisms are composed of one (unicellular) or more cells (multicellular).

3. All cells come from already preexisting cells.

Hence, based on the components of the cell theory and the life pattern of Caulerpa i.e. Caulerpa is made up of one cell, it is made from the fusion of preexisting parental cells etc. It is consistent with the cell theory.

one limitation to science is that it cannot answer questions about ______ ?


Answer: Phenomena.

Explanation: That includes topics such as infinity, the future and god.

Hope this helps!

(i) parasitism,
(iii) photosynthetic nutrition​



hey there !!!!

According to google your answer's are as follows

I} Parasitism means the relationship between two species of plants or animals in which one benefits at the expense of the other, sometimes without killing the host organism.

II} Photosynthesis is a biological process utilized by all green plants to synthesize their own nutrients. The process of photosynthesis requires solar energy, water and carbon dioxide.


Match each hormone to its function
•luteinizing hormone
•follicle-stimulating hormone
•gonadotropin-releasing hormone


Answer: Stimulates the contraction of the uterus during childbirth - OXYTOCIN

Stimulates sperm production and growth of ovarian follicles - FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE

Initiates the Secretion of leutinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone - GONADOTROPIN RELEASING HORMONE

Initiates the development of secondary sex characteristics in females - ESTROGEN

Initiates the development of secondary sex characteristics in males - TESTOSTERONE

Initiates cell production of testosterone and estradiol by cells in the gonads - LUTEINIZING HORMONE.

The correct match for hormone and their functions are- 1- Oxytocin, 2- follicle-stimulating hormone, 3- a gonadotropin-releasing hormone, 4- estrogen, 5- testosterone, and 6- luteinizing hormone.

Oxytocin is a naturally occurring hormone that plays a vital role in the reproductive system of both men and women, including labor, delivery, and breastfeeding, as well as in human behavior.

FSH is produced by the pituitary, which is a small gland just below the brain. The pituitary plays a vital role in the development and regulation of sexual function.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulates the brain’s pituitary gland to produce and release the hormones LH and FSH.

Estrogen is a family of hormones that play a vital role in the reproductive and sexual development of women.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone. It is responsible for spermatogenesis and fertility in males.

Luteinizing hormones (LH) are hormones in the body that stimulate the reproductive system. Luteinizing hormone stimulates ovulation and stimulates the production of the hormones needed for pregnancy

To learn more about estrogen, refer to the link:


What is the function of the nucleus? A. Builds proteins B. Stores the cell's glucose C. Stores the cell's DNA D. Produces energy for the cell by respiration


Appropriate Answer:

[tex] \large{ \boxed{ \bf{ \pink{Stores \: the \: cell \: DNA(C)}}}}[/tex]

Nucleus is the control centre of the cell and manages all the cellular activities taking place inside the cell. It consists of four parts :-

Nuclear membrane, Nucleoplasm, Chromatin material and Nucleolus.

The Chromatin material(Condensed - Chromosome) stores the cell's DNA which is transmitted to next generation.

C, Stores the cells DNA

The hard outer covering of an animal is a(n) blank




Explanation: answering spree


The hard outer covering of an animal is a(n) exoskeleton.


The definition of exoskeleton is "a rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods, providing both support and protection."

Which of the following is an organic molecule?



glucose, water is found organisms but mixed with other substances

Scientific question that could be answered with the help of a microscope



Size and structure of microbes.


The scientific question about size and structure of microbes could be answered with the help of a microscope because microscope help us to see very small objects such as bacteria and viruses etc which can not be seen without the help of microscope. With the help of microscope we can measure the size and see the structure of different microbes. So the questions about size and structure could be answered with the help of microscope.

The theory of plate tectonics is supported by _______. The Eurasian and African plate are pushed away from the North and South American Plates at the _______. _______ is where rocks are carried back into the mantle of the earth. _______ iron can be magnetized by the magnetism of the earth. Subduction of the ocean floor occurs in _______. Respond to the following based on your reading. Why have rocks older than 200 million years never been found in the oceans? Explain how the movement of tectonic plates is responsible for this recycling of the ocean floor.



1. ridges and trenches (either answer is acceptable)

2. mid-atlanitc

3. subduction zone

4. molten

5. oceanic trenches


6. Rocks in the ocean eventually get subducted back into earths mantle due to slab pull. New rocks form at mid-ocean ridges as ridge forces two plates to diverge.

1. ridges and trenches (either answer is acceptable)

2. mid-atlanitc

3. subduction zone

4. molten

5. oceanic trenches


6. Rocks in the ocean eventually get subducted back into earths mantle due to slab pull. New rocks form at mid-ocean ridges as ridge forces two plates to diverge.


When objects of two different temperature are in contact, what happens?



The answer is C.


This is because the objects will exchange thermal energy, until thermal equilibrium is reached, i.e. until their temperatures are equal. We say that heat flows from the hotter to the cooler object.

Energy is transferred from a warmer to a cooler object through the phenomenon of heat. For instance, a large pan of lukewarm water will gain heat from a lit match (a higher temperature object) (lower temperature object). Thus, option C is correct.

What change in temperature when object are in contact?

It feels warmer in your hands to hold a hot cup. The heat is moving from one object to another, which is what you are feeling. Your hands receive the hot chocolate's thermal energy.

Heat is exchanged when two objects are at different temperatures. Up until the two items are at the same temperature, the cooler object warms up. Always, heat energy moves from a hot object to a cooler one.

The colder end will get energy from the hot end as it passes through the rod. The temperature will eventually equalize across the entire rod. Wearing gloves is crucial when working with hot metal, for this reason.

Therefore, The warmer object transfer heat energy to the cooler object.

Learn more about temperature here:


Only ------ percent of the food eaten is turned into its own body. ​





there is a the rule that only 10% of the energy is transferred from one trophic level to the other.

this means that only 10% of the food an organism eats  is passed onto the next organism. eg only 10% of the energy in a plant is transferred to a rabbit that eats the plant. After that if  a wolf eats the rabbit only 10% of the energy of food will pass on to the wolf.

write one ecological importance of mucor.
mucor is a microorganism!​



I actually I understand but I can try I would give three importance I no


1)It can be used in producing ethanol

2) It has a large array of sugar and can be used as a food source

3) It is also used as fish feed and maybe a valuable tool to clean oil spills

Hoped it helped

How does the design of your experiment control for outside factors that may affect the results?​



It separate the inner environment from the outer environment.


The design provides the separation of the inner environment from the outer environment which is responsible to control the outside factors which directly affects the results of the experiment. The design provides control environment which is required for the experiment. In this control environment, the environmental factors will not affect the results of the experiment.

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