You find a clean 100-ml beaker, label it "#1", and place it on a tared electronic balance. You add small amount of unknown solid and place the
beaker with its contents on the balance. The recorded data is:
mass of the empty, clean beaker #1: 74.605 g
mass of the beaker #1 with the white solid: 74.896 g
Using the Law of Conservation of Mass, what is the mass of the unknown solid you placed in beaker #1?


Answer 1


the mas is .291 g


the mass of a object does not change. so when added the substance the beaker. you had the mass of both objects together. you know the mass of the beaker and you know the mass of both. since mass does not change. the beakers mass is still 74.605g. the mass of both objects is 74.896. all you have to do is subtract the mass of the beaker from the total mass. 74.896 - 74.605 equals .291g. so the mass of the unknown substance Is .291g

Related Questions

Draw a formula for Thr-Gly-Ala (T-G-A) in its predominant ionic form at pH 7.3. You may assume for the purposes of this question that the pKa values of the acidic groups of amino acid residues in the peptide are the same as in the amino acid itself.






The tripeptide formed from threonine, glycine and alanine is neutral at the pH of 7.3. The carboxylic end is negative charged by donating its proton to form the NH₃⁺ group.

What is peptide?

Peptides are protein units formed from two or more amino acids bonded through peptide bonds. There are essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids have to be uptake from food and non-essential amino acids are synthesized inside the body.

Threonine is an essential amino acid with a CH₃CHOH side group. Glycine has the simplest side group hydrogen and alanine has  CH₃ side chain. Both glycine and alanine are non-essential amino acids.

Each amino acids are represented with a three letter code or one letter symbol. Thus threonine is T,  G for glycine and A for alanine. At a pH of 7.3 the peptide formed from these amino-acids contains a negatively charged carboxylic end.

A positively charged amino end made by protonation from the acid group make the overall charge zero. The structure of the peptide is given in the uploaded image.

To find more about peptides, refer the link below:


The mass of a container is determined to be 1.2 g. A sample of a compound is transferred to this container, and the mass of the compound plus the container is determined to be 3.06 g. The mass of the compound should be reported as:__.



Sorry I don't know what you

According to law of conservation of mass as mass is neither created nor destroyed mass of compound should be reported as 1.86 g that is by subtracting mass of compound from mass of compound and container.

What is law of conservation of mass?

According to law of conservation of mass, it is evident that mass is neither created nor destroyed rather it is restored at the end of a chemical reaction .

Law of conservation of mass and energy are related as mass and energy are directly proportional which is indicated by the equation E=mc².Concept of conservation of mass is widely used in field of chemistry, fluid dynamics.

Law needs to be modified in accordance with laws of quantum mechanics under the principle of mass and energy equivalence.This law was proposed by Antoine Lavoisier in the year 1789.

Learn more about law of conservation of mass,here:


A nuclease enzyme breaks the covalent bond originally connecting the phosphate to the 5' carbon in a nucleic acid. After allowing this enzyme to completely digest the nucleic acid down to monomers, you perform tests to determine where the phosphate is attached to each monomer. Where do you expect to find this phosphate



The phosphate will remain attached to the 5' carbon of the deoxy or the ribose sugar in the nucleic acid monomers.


The structure of nucleic acid polymers is built up from monomers of nucleotides.

A nucleotide consists of a sugar backbone which is either a ribose or deoxyribose sugar, a nitogenous base which is either a purine or pyrimidine, and a phosphate group. The nitrogenous base is attached to the carbon number 1 or C-1 of the sugar backbone by a covalent bond. The phosphate group on the other hand is covalently attached to the carbon number 5 or 5' carbon of the sugar backbone.

When polymers of nucleic acids are formed, the phosphate at the 5' carbon of the sugar backbone is covalently linked in a phosphodiester bond to the 3' carbon of the sugar backbone in another nucleotide molecule, thus extending the strands of the nucleic acid molecule.

Nucleases are enzymes that break down the phosphodiseter bonds in nucleic acids resulting in nucleotide monomers. After complete digestion ofmthe nucleic acid polymer by nucleases, the phosphate will remain attached to the 5' carbon of the deoxy or the ribose sugar in the nucleic acid monomers.

How many grams of H₂SO₄ are contained in 2.00 L of 6.0 M H₂SO₄?

Please explain and show work.



1176 grams


nH2SO4 =2*6=12 mol

mH2SO4=12*98=1176 grams


solution given:

molarity of H₂SO₄=6 M


no of mole =6M*2=12mole

we have

mass =mole* actual mass=12*98=1176g

the mass is 1176g.

The freezing point of a substance is -20°C. Its boiling point is 120°C.
a. At 80°C the substance is in the state
b. At -50°C the substance is in the state.
C. At 140°C the substance is in the state.



a. liquid

b. solid

c. gas, (should be at it's boiling point)

Explanation: If the normal melting point of a substance is below room temperature, the substance is a liquid at room temperature. Benzene melts at 6°C and boils at 80°C; it is a liquid at room temperature. If both the normal melting point and the normal boiling point are above room temperature, the substance is a solid.

if you need an explanation to each lmk

Which of the following best describes physical science?
the study of motion
the study of matter and energy
O C.
the study of Earth's structure and processes
the study of reactions
O E.
the study of living things


B. The study of matter and energy.

Because physical science is everything that doesn't include organic things.

The  study of matter and energy among the following  best describes physical science.

What is matter?

Matter in chemistry, is defined as any kind of substance that has mass and occupies space that means it possess volume .Matter is composed up of atoms which may or not be of same type.

Atoms are further made up of sub atomic particles which are the protons ,neutrons and the electrons .The matter can exist in various states  of substances such as solids, liquids and gases depending on the conditions of  the temperature and  the pressure.

The states of matter are inter convertible into each other by changing the parameters of temperature and pressure.Matter is always conserved by law of conservation of matter.The law was proposed by Antoine Lavoisier.

Learn more about matter,here:


At what velocity (m/s) must a 20.0g object be moving in order to possess a kinetic energy of 1.00J



10 ms-1


Kinetic energy = 1/2 × m × v^2

1 = 1/2× 20 ×10^ -3 × v^2

v ^ 2 = 100

v = 10 ms-1

note : convert grams in to kg before substitution as above

The velocity will be "10 m/s".


Kinetic energy,

K.E = 1.00 J


m = 20.0 g

We know the formula,

→ [tex]K.E = \frac{1}{2} mv^2[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

       [tex]1 = \frac{1}{2}\times 20\times 10^{-3}\times (v)^2[/tex]

     [tex]v^2 = 100[/tex]

       [tex]v = \sqrt{100}[/tex]

       [tex]v = 10 \ m/s[/tex]

Thus the above response is correct.

Learn more about K.E here:

Determine which choice is an example of an endothermic process.
O A. Lighting a match
B. Respiration
C. Running a gas engine
D. Baking bread



D. Baking bread


In this process, energy is absorbed and in an endothermic process energy is absorbed too.

Baking bread is an example of an endothermic process, therefore option (d) is correct .

What do you mean by endothermic process ?

Endothermic reactions are chemical processes in which the reactants absorb heat from the environment to produce products.

An endothermic reaction is  accompanied by an absorption of heat.

Endothermic  reactions cause a cooling effect by lowering the temperature of the surrounding environment.

A decrease in temperature can be observed with the progression of the reaction. The reaction is non-spontaneous in endothermic reactions .

Baking bread is an example of an endothermic process, hence  option (d) is correct .

Learn more about endothermic process ,here:


In practice, the second law of thermodynamics means that:

a. Systems move from ordered behavior to more random behavior.
b. Systems move from random behavior to more ordered behavior.
c. Systems move between ordered and random behavior patterns based on temperature.
d. Systems are constantly striving to reach equilibrium.



Systems move from ordered behavior to more random behavior.


Entropy refers to the degree of disorderliness in a system. The second law of thermodynamics can be restated in terms of entropy as follows; “any spontaneous process in any isolated system always results in an increase in the entropy of that system.''(science direct)

According to this law, systems tend towards a more disorderly behaviour (increase in entropy) hence the answer given above.

Which is a primary alcohol?
0 3-pentanol
Lig A Moving to another question will save this response.



1 ethanol is right answer



The sample concentration was measured at 50mg/ml. The loading concentration needs to be 10mg/ml. The final volume needs to be 25ul. What is the volume of sample needed and the amount of buffer needed to reach 25ul



a)  [tex]V_1=5ul[/tex]

b)  [tex]v=20ul[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

initial Concentration [tex]C_1=50mg/ml[/tex]

Final Concentration [tex]C_2=10mg/ml[/tex]

Final volume needs [tex]V_2 =25ul[/tex]

Generally the equation for Volume is mathematically given by






The volume of buffer needed is



does anyone know how to solve this and what the answer would be?


Dynamic equilibrium is showed at the point at which solid liquid and gas intersect.

At the point at which solid liquid and gas intersect represents a system that shows dynamic equilibrium. There is equal amount of reactants and products at the point of dynamic equilibrium because the transition of substances occur between the reactants and products at equal rates, means that there is no net change. Reactants and products are formed at the rate that no change occur in their concentration.

A sample of Kr gas is observed to effuse through a pourous barrier in 8.15 minutes. Under the same conditions, the same number of moles of an unknown gas requires 4.53 minutes to effuse through the same barrier. The molar mass of the unknown gas is ____________ g/mol.



25.88 g/mol


Graham's law is a famous law which states that the diffusion rate or the effusion rate of any gas varies inversely to the square root of the molecular weight the gas.

So from Graham's law, we have,


Using the sample of Kr gas having M = 83.8

[tex]$\frac{8.15}{(83.8)^{0.5}}= \frac{4.53}{M^{0.5}}$[/tex]

[tex]$M^{0.5}= 5.088$[/tex]

M = 25.88 g/mol

If 50.0 g of sulfuric acid and 40.0 grams of barium chloride are mixed, how many grams of sulfuric acid and how many grams of barium chloride remain after the double replacement reaction is complete?


After the double replacement reaction is complete 0 grams of BaCl₂ and 31.16 grams of H₂SO₄ will remain.

First, we will write the balanced equation for the reaction

H₂SO₄ + BaCl₂  → BaSO₄ + 2HCl

This means 1 mole of BaCl₂ is needed to react completely with 1 mole of H₂SO₄ to give 1 mole of BaSO₄ and 2 moles of HCl

From the question, 50.0g of sulfuric acid is mixed with 40.0 grams of barium chloride. To determine the quantity of each substance remaining after the complete reaction, we will first determine the number of moles present in each of the reactant.

For H₂SO₄

mass = 50.0g

Molar mass = 98.079 g/mol

From the formula

Number of moles = Mass / Molar mass

∴ Number of moles of H₂SO₄ = 50.0g / 98.079 g/mol

Number of moles of H₂SO₄ = 0.5098 mol

For BaCl₂

mass = 40.0 g

Molar mass = 208.23 g/mol

∴ Number of moles of BaCl₂ = 40.0g / 208.23 g/mol

Number of moles of BaCl₂ = 0.1921 mol

Since the number of moles of H₂SO₄ is more than that of BaCl₂, then H₂SO₄ is the excess reagent and BaCl₂ is the limiting reagent (that is, it will be used up completely during the reaction)

From the equation, 1 mole of H₂SO₄ is needed to completely react with 1 mole of BaCl₂

∴ 0.1921 mol of H₂SO₄ will be needed to completely react with 0.1921 mol of BaCl₂.

Therefore, after the reaction is complete, 0 mole (i.e 0 grams) of BaCl₂ will remain and (0.5098 mole - 0.1921 mole) of H₂SO₄ will remain.

Number of moles H₂SO₄ that will remain = 0.5098 mole - 0.1921 mole = 0.3177 moles

Now, we will convert this to grams

From the formula

Mass = Number of moles × Molar mass

Mass of H₂SO₄ that will remain = 0.3177 moles × 98.079 g/mol

Mass of H₂SO₄ that will remain = 31.1597 g

Mass of H₂SO₄ that will remain31.16 g

Hence, after the double replacement reaction is complete 0 grams of BaCl₂ and 31.16 grams of H₂SO₄ will remain.

Learn more here:

How many neutrons does Carbon- 14 and Carbon -15 have? *


Answer: 8 for both


I need to know what is the median of the data



The median is also the number that is halfway into the set. To find the median, the data should be arranged in order from least to greatest. If there is an even number of items in the data set, then the median is found by taking the mean (average) of the two middlemost numbers.

I hope it helps

which of the following is is a chemical property of pure water



Pure water has an acidity of about 7 on the pH scale. -is a chemical property of pure water. Pure water has an acidity of about 7 on the pH scale

Answer: không màu , không mùi không vị


Tech A says that hydrocarbons are a result of complete combustion. Tech B says that a catalytic converter creates a chemical reaction, changing carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to water and carbon dioxide. Who is correct



Neither Tech A nor B is correct


Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs when a chemical molecule(s) interacts quickly with oxygen and produces heat.

When hydrocarbon undergoes a complete combustion reaction, they produce water and CO2.

Tech B is also incorrect because the main purpose of a catalytic converter is to accelerate and speed up the chemical reaction rates, Hence, they are not involved in chemical reaction formation. Catalytic converters are utilized as a control device in exhaust emission to lessen the effect of toxic gas fumes.


When using the process of evaporation to separate a mixture, what is left behind in the evaporating dish?

A. None of these.
B. The liquid evaporates and the solid is left in the dish.
C. The mixture does not separate, and the entire mixture evaporates.
D. The mixture does not separate, and the entire mixture remains in the dish.



liquid will be evaporated while solid remains

The shape of a molecule is determined by:
A. All of these
B. The number of electron clouds around the atom.
C. The number of bonds.
D. Mutual repulsion between electrons.


By the electron pairs around the central atom. So it’s A

At 445oC, Kc for the following reaction is 0.020. 2 HI(g) <--> H2 (g) + I2 (g) A mixture of H2, I2, and HI in a vessel at 445oC has the following concentrations: [HI] = 1.5 M, [H2] = 2.50 M and [I2] = 0.05 M. Which one of the following statements concerning the reaction quotient, Qc, is TRUE for the above system?
a. Qc = Kc; the system is at equilibrium.
b. Qc is less than Kc; more H2 and I2 will be produced.
c. Qc is less than Kc; more HI will be produced.
d. Qc is greater than Kc; more HI will be produced.



The given balanced chemical equation is:

[tex]2 HI(g) <--> H_2 (g) + I_2 (g)[/tex]

The value of Kc at 445oC is 0.020.




The value of Qc(reaction quotient ) is calculated as shown below:

Qc has the same expression as the equilibrium constant.

[tex]Qc=\frac{[H_2][I_2]}{[HI]^2} \\Qc=(2.50Mx0.05M)/(1.5M)^2\\Qc=0.055[/tex]


Hence, the backward reaction is favored and the formation of Hi is favored.

Among the given options, the correct answer is option d. Qc is greater than Kc; more HI will be produced.

what characterizes a homogeneous mixture?



a mixture that doesn't really show the ingredients or things put into the material or food.

Hãy cho biết giá trị và ý nghĩa của số lượng tử n, l, m, ms khi mô tả trạng thái của electron trong nguyên tử?


Yes beautiful language

A sample of gas is held at constant volume. If the number of moles of this sample of gas is doubled and the pressure of this sample of gas is halved, what happens to the absolute temperature of the gas?
Select one
a. The absolute temperature is doubled.
b. The absolute temperature is halved.
c. The absolute temperature is quadrupled.
d. The absolute temperature is quartered.
e. The absolute temperature stays the same.



number of moles of gas increases the volume also increases.

What is Bose Einstein state of matter and their examples



A BEC ( Bose - Einstein condensate ) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero is called BEC.

Examples - Superconductors and superfluids are the two examples of BEC.


Which of the following are examples of single replacement reactions? Select all that apply.




Answer: it’s checkbox 2&3

Hydrogengasand oxygengas react to form water vapor. Suppose you have of and of in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest .


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Hydrogen [tex](H_2)[/tex] gas and oxygen [tex](O_2)[/tex] gas react to form water vapor [tex](H_2O)[/tex]. Suppose you have 11.0 mol of [tex]H_2[/tex] and 13.0 mol of [tex]O_2[/tex] in a reactor. Calculate the largest amount of [tex]H_2O[/tex] that could be produced. Round your answer to the nearest 0.1 mol .

Solution :

The balanced reaction for reaction is :

[tex]$2H_2(g) \ \ \ \ + \ \ \ \ \ O_2(g)\ \ \ \rightarrow \ \ \ \ 2H_2O(g)$[/tex]

11.0                      13.0

11/2                       13/1     (dividing by the co-efficient)

6.5 mol               13 mol    (minimum is limiting reagent as it is completely consumed during the reaction)

Therefore, [tex]H_2[/tex] is limiting reagent. It's stoichiometry decides the product formation amount from equation above it is clear that number of moles for [tex]H_2O[/tex] will be produced = number of moles of [tex]H_2[/tex]

                                     = 11.0 mol

In an ELISA, the compound 4-chloro-1-naphthol is used because:_______
a. it turns color in the presence of an enzyme that is bound to the secondary antibody
b. it helps the primary antibody bind to the protein
c. it helps the secondary antibody to bind to the protein
d. all of the choices



a. It turns color in the presence of an enzyme that us bound to the secondary antibody.


The compound chloronapthenel is used in the reaction because it changes the color in the presence of an enzyme. It is strong organic compound which is used in biochemical processes.

Consider the reaction below. How much heat is absorbed if 5.00 moles of nitrogen react
with excess oxygen?
2 N2 (8) + O2(g) → 2 N20 (8) AHrxn- +163.2 kJ



The given chemical reaction is:

[tex]2 N_2 (g) + O_2(g) -> 2 N_20 (g) delta Hrxn= +163.2 kJ[/tex]

When two moles of nitrogen reacts with oxygen, it requires 163.2kJ of energy.

When 5.00 mol of nitrogen requires how much energy?

[tex]5.00 mol x \frac{163.2 kJ }{2 mol} \\=408 kJ[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 408 kJ of heat energy is required.

Consider an equilibrium (K1) that is established after 10 mL of compound A and 10 mL of compound B are mixed. Now, imagine the equilibrium (K2) where 1 mL of compound A is added to 100 mL of compound B. How are K1 and K2 related algebraically (read this question VERY carefully, at least one more time)?


K1 and K2 are related algebraically because once the values are inserted into the equilibrium equation, both equations will yield a denominator of 100.

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