You want to compare the task-related activity in the human somatosensory cortex in a control versus experimental condition.


Answer 1



Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we measured brain activity of human participants while they performed a sentence congruence judgment task in either the visual or auditory modality separately, or in both modalities simultaneously. Significant performance decrements were observed when attention was divided between the two modalities compared with when one modality was selectively attended. Compared with selective attention (i.e., single tasking), divided attention (i.e., dual-tasking) did not recruit additional cortical regions, but resulted in increased activity in medial and lateral frontal regions which were also activated by the component tasks when performed separately. Areas involved in semantic language processing were revealed predominantly in the left lateral prefrontal cortex by contrasting incongruent with congruent sentences. These areas also showed significant activity increases during divided attention in relation to selective attention. In the sensory cortices, no crossmodal inhibition was observed during divided attention when compared with selective attention to one modality. Our results suggest that the observed performance decrements during dual-tasking are due to interference of the two tasks because they utilize the same part of the cortex. Moreover, semantic dual-tasking did not appear to recruit additional brain areas in comparison with single tasking, and no crossmodal inhibition was observed during intermodal divided attention.

Related Questions

Which type of white blood cell is activated by antigens that are bound to antibodies?





Basophils are a class of white blood cells known as granulocyte, which also include neutrophils, eosinophils, and mast cells. These cells (basophils) are generated in the bone marrow as other white blood cells. When stimulated, basophils degranulate to release histamine, proteoglycans, and proteolytic enzymes and thus mediate immune responses. This process of degranulation occurs when a specific antigen binds to the IgE receptor on the basophil. Moreover, basophils may also be activated by inflammatory mediators (e.g., complement factors such as C5a and C3a, chemokines, etc).

In your own words explain why you think it is hard to restore ecosystems to their original conditions once they have shifted. Why doesn't re-introducing predators always 'fix' the trophic cascade? To answer this, think about some of the changes you have seen in ecosystems around the world and even in Maryland. Why can't we always restore balance?



This is because predators will find the easiest meals to snack on, even if that includes hunting down endangered or vulnerable species they're supposed to protect.


An example would be the Hawaiian mongoose case. If you don't know, mongoose are very popular due to their brave and aggressive nature, where they'll hunt pests down from rats eating on crop fields to even giant snakes in India that would other wise kill humans in a single venomous bite. This brought up the idea of bringing mongoose to Hawaii, since some rats were being a problem with their agriculture. So they brought 72 of them and started breeding them.

This immediately backfired as they caused many native birds and other native animals trouble as they were eating its eggs. There were so few mongoose hunting down the rats that it was rather better for them to not bring it in the first place. This is why today, Hawaii is very strict on what animal you choose to bring, even your own dog!

Another example would be the Australian dingoes. Except, this was unintentional. A few thousand years ago, their once-domesticated dog ancestors were actually abandoned by their owners from some Southeast Asian area and came down to Australia. They outcompeted existing predators such as the Tasmanian devils on Australia. They simply could produce and maintain more offspring than the Tasmanian devils. This caused the extinction of the last Tasmanian devils in the last couple of decades.

Although the dingoes aren't as bad as the mongoose, who ate everything they could find, as they hunted feral pigs as well as rare hunts on feral cats, they also eat the threatened native species they're meant to protect.

Last and very good example would be New Zealand, home to the most vulnerable birds: Kiwis and Kakapos. Although the taxonomy shows that they have individually evolved flightlessness, they both are vulnerable species. This is because, similar to the dodos, they didn't have predators to begin with. And you can't have a predator to attack the existing invasive species since they'll just snack up on the flightless birds as they're an easier snack anyways.

The more an ecosystem has been isolated, the harder it is to restore balance once invasive species have been introduced. Predators will not hesitate to try new food, such as kiwis. Think about it, if you walk into a pastry and see a new type of cake on display, you might as well give it a go. Predators are just too unpredictable that it's best to leave an ecosystem alone.

A sperm fertilized an egg. Which two structures will the fertilized egg contact?
ovary and fallopian tubes
fallopian tubes and uterus
uterus and cervix
cervix and ovary



B Edge 2021


I just took the test

When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the fertilized egg, also known as a zygote, will travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it will implant and grow into a fetus. Therefore, the correct option is B.

What is a fertilized egg?

A fertilized egg is also known as a zygote. It is a single cell that results from the union of a sperm and an egg during fertilization. Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube of a female reproductive system when a sperm successfully penetrates and merges with the egg.

The egg is released from the ovary and travels through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes where the egg can be fertilized by a sperm, forming a zygote.

The zygote will then continue to travel through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. As it approaches the uterus, the zygote will undergo several cell divisions, forming a ball of cells known as a blastocyst.

The blastocyst will then implant into the lining of the uterus, where it will continue to grow and develop into a fetus. The cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus, plays a role in pregnancy by keeping the fetus inside the uterus during gestation and then opening to allow for delivery during childbirth.

Therefore, option B) the fallopian tubes and uterus is correct.

To know more about the fallopian tube:


Which is the smallest particle of a macromolecule?

a. monomer
b. Polymer


Monomer hope it helps

¿La transexualidad tiene relación con la homosexualidad? (¿por que?)


homosexuality- who you attracted to
transsexuality- your gender identity

Distinguish between acute and chronic diseases.(Class 9 Ncert Answer Pls)



Acute diseases refer to the medical condition that occurs suddenly and lasts for a shorter period of time. Chronic diseases develop slowly in our body and may last for a lifetime. Chronic diseases are sometimes fatal.


Well, here is your answer...


I am really sorry because I have to search other website for answering this question because I am not in the same grade which you are in... SORRY DEAR !!!

Choose the answer that fills the blanks in the correct order: __________ is the polysaccharide form in which animals store carbohydrate; __________ refers to its breakdown into glucose; and __________ refers to its synthesis from glucose. __________ refers to the series of chemical reactions used to break glucose into pyruvic acid; __________ refers to the synthesis of glucose from a noncarbohydrate precursor. Group of answer choices Glucose; glycolysis; glyconeogenesis; glycogenolysis; glycogenesis Glycogen; glycolysis; glycogenolysis; glyconeogenesis; glycogenesis Glycogen; glycogenolysis; glycogenesis; glycolysis; gluconeogenesis Glucose; glycolysis; glyconeogenesis; glycogenesis; glycogenolysis Glucose; glycogenolysis; glycogenesis; glycolysis; glyconeogenesis



Glycogen; glycogenolysis; glycogenesis; glycolysis; glyconeogenesis.


Biological macromolecules can be defined as a very large molecule (structure) that comprises of covalently bonded organic atoms and smaller molecular structures (monomers).

Biological macromolecules are categorized into four main categories and these includes;

I. Lipids.

II. Carbohydrates.

III. Nucleic acid.

IV. Proteins.

Catabolism can be defined as a metabolic process which typically involves the breaking down of complex molecules (inorganic and organic) into smaller and simpler molecules. This metabolic process (catabolism) is always accompanied with the release of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ADP).

Some examples of the complex molecules broken down through catabolism are proteins, nucleic acid, polysaccharides, and lipids; which are broken into the following smaller molecules such as amino acids, nucleotides, monosaccharides, and fatty acids respectively.

Some of the biological processes that occur during catabolism in living organisms include the following;

Glycogen is the polysaccharide form in which animals store carbohydrate; glycogenolysis refers to its breakdown into glucose; and glycogenesis refers to its synthesis from glucose. glycolysis refers to the series of chemical reactions used to break glucose into pyruvic acid; glyconeogenesis refers to the synthesis of glucose from a noncarbohydrate precursor.

which of these is a cash crop

A. cucumbers

b. grass

c. latex

d. strawberries ​



The answer is Cccc Latex

the answer is bbbbb grass

The El Nino oscillations are responsible for:
A. producing the Coriolis effect in the Pacific Ocean.
B. maintaining a natural equilibrium in temperatures of the Pacific Ocean.
C. generating gyres in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
D. forming currents below a depth of 400 meters.





During an El Niño event, the surface waters in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean become significantly warmer than usual. ... It also reduces the upwelling of cooler, nutrient-rich waters from the deep—shutting down or reversing ocean currents along the equator and along the west coast of South and Central America.

What happens if the products of digestion of proteins in a boiled egg are more than what the body needs ?



sry I don't know but need more points


I surely answer yr next question

Only the proteins that the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) needs are synthesized at any given time. For example, when lactose is available in the environment, E. coli will express the lac genes that allow it to break down lactose to obtain energy. When lactose is not present, these genes are not expressed. Which prevents the lac genes in the DNA of E. coli from being expressed most of the time



The lac repressor


In prokaryotic cells, an operon is a set of genes under the control of a single promoter which are transcribed together as a single messenger RNA (mRNA). In Escherichia coli, the lac operon is an operon containing genes involved in lactose metabolism, which is expressed when lactose is present and glucose is absent. This lac repressor is a DNA-binding protein that binds to a specific DNA sequence called the operator, thereby inhibiting transcription of the lac operon when lactose is present. When lactose is present, this disaccharide is converted into allolactose, which acts as an inducer by binding to the repressor, thereby the repressor dissociates from the operator and it allows the expression of the lac genes.

Exercise ?
Encircle the best suitable answers.
i. Ms. Aisha was busy in dissecting and analyzing the heart of frog. Proba
she is a:
a. Cell biologist
b. Taxonomist
C. Histologist
d. Palaeontologist


Answer: C. Histologist


A cell biologist refers to a person who studies cells and their functions and their interactions with the biological organisms.

A taxonomist refers to a biologist who classifies organisms into their categories.

A histologist, can also be called a histotechnician, and this is someone who prepares tissue samples for the pathologist to study. A histologist cut samples from organs which are used for microscopic tissue analysis.

Palaeontologist is a person who studies fossils in order to get information regarding life on Earth.

Name the landscape region that contains the youngest rock material.


The answer should be Atlantic Coastal Plain

To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then how it will affect the population of birds?


Answer: Birds are exposed to insecticides through ingestion by mistaking, they ingest pesticide residues when they trim their feathers with their beaks or may drink or bathe in contaminated water. The effects can range from death due to poisoning to a variety of effects such as weakening of eggshells, deformation and slow growth of chicks, lack of appetite, weight loss, immune system damage, hormonal disruption. In addition, insect-eating birds are at a loss when insecticides cause a drop in the number of insects available, especially when they have chicks to feed.


Insects are a class of invertebrate animals characterized by having one pair of antennae, three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings (which, however, may be reduced or missing). They comprise the most diverse group of animals on Earth with an estimated thirty million undescribed species, potentially representing more than 90% of the life forms on the planet. Moreover, they can be found in almost every environment on the planet, so they are not only highly diverse, but also incredibly abundant.

Like any species on the planet, insects play a vital role in the ecosystem, so that a change in the population can compromise the survival of everything around them. On the other hand, insects called "pests" are those insects observed in systems and whose populations cause damage to crops. Although both beneficial insects and pest insects are part of any ecosystem and are also present in human-managed systems. Humans combat these pests using insecticides, which are chemical compounds used to kill insects. They are usually very specific since the product only affects the organism it damages, leaving the rest of living beings and the environment unharmed. And they have low toxicity to humans and animals.

The most common way in which birds are exposed to insecticides is through ingestion by mistaking, for example, a pesticide granule for a seed, or indirectly, by consuming contaminated prey (insects). Birds may also ingest pesticide residues when they trim their feathers with their beaks or may drink or bathe in contaminated water. It should be noted that it also depends on the toxicity of the chemicals, the magnitude and duration of exposure. The effects can range from death due to poisoning to a variety of effects such as weakening of eggshells, deformation and slow growth of chicks, lack of appetite, weight loss, immune system damage, hormonal disruption. In addition, insect-eating birds are at a loss when insecticides cause a drop in the number of insects available, especially when they have chicks to feed.

Question 2 of 26
A hiker adjusts a compass to account for declination, which is the angle of
difference between two directions: geographic north and magnetic north.
What is true of the adjustment?
A. The angle will be 180°, because the geographic north pole is the
same as the magnetic south pole.
B. It will need to be made again, because the magnetic and
geographic north poles both move over time,
C. It will need be made again, because the magnetic north pole
moves over time.
D. The angle will be 0°, because the geographic north pole and
magnetic north pole are in the same location



hello again its d


why are personal hygiene and safe health practices important even when you are among people who are apparently healthy?



because it helps alot

Explanation: protect you from sicks and diseases

2. it helps one feel comfortable

A. What are two of the principles of stratigraphy? (4 points)


The two main principles of stratigraphy are as follows:-

Lithological Character
Palaeontological Characters . But there is also an important principle known as “Principle Of Superposition” which is under Axiom. Generally this principle generates a lot of confussion . That’s why it is not regarded as important principle of stratigraphy.
breccia and sandstone conglomerates i think…

Which type of micro-organism makes its own food, like plants do?

a - algae
b - protozoa
c - bacteria
d - yeast



algae. I just looked it up. algae are autotrophs meaning they make their own food. I hope this helps!


algae is your answer


hope help yiu

As air rises, it transfers heat from the surface of Earth to the upper levels of the atmosphere in a process called


your answer would be convection

convention is your answer

explain about blackmans law of limiting factors​



i dont know


because i hane never see that question




explain how a pond freezing over relates to the properties of water and why that is important to the survival of the organisms that live in that pond.



As the water cools, the molecules in the water slow down to turn into ice.

As this happens the water stagnates and organisms in the water go into a hibernation to avoid freezing or starving

easy biology question below first correct answer gets brainliest.
When do solutions attempt to reach a
state of equilibrium?
A. Solutions never attempt to reach a state of equilibrium.
B. Solutions rarely make attempts at equilibrium.
C. Solutions always make attempts at equilibrium.
D. While solutions make equilibrium, it happens randomly.


Answer: C- solutions always make attempts at equilibrium

Explanation: solutions will make attempts at reaching equilibrium always because if you think about water or pop
In a bottle and you set it upside down in a half filled glass of the same substance then eventually the liquid stops going out of the bottle this is when you hit the point of equilibrium. To explain further equilibrium is the state of a solution when it is equal.

it happens it happens when moving objects or travels as a given distance in a shorter amount of time.

C.slows down



I think option (A) is right answer

In a microarray analysis used to compare sporulating and nonsporulating yeast, a spot that appears yellow at a given time point is associated with a gene that is _______. View Available Hint(s) In a microarray analysis used to compare sporulating and nonsporulating yeast, a spot that appears yellow at a given time point is associated with a gene that is _______. is expressed roughly equally in both sporulating and nonsporulating yeast likely to play a role in the process of sporulation expressed in neither the sporulating nor the nonsporulating yeast present in sporulating, but not in nonsporulating yeast



is expressed roughly equally in both sporulating and nonsporulating yeast


A DNA microarray (also called DNA chip) is a microchip-based testing platform which can be used to analyze and compare gene expression profiles between samples. A DNA microarray contains microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface, where each spot corresponds to thousands of copies of a specific DNA sequence (i.e., probes). Subsequently, cDNA 'target' molecules obtained by reverse transcription from RNA are then hybridized to a microarray. This process of hybridization can be quantified by using fluorophore-labeled targets that determine the level of the expressed gene (transcript) in the target sample. In a DNA microarray, the intensity and types of color in each spot indicate the presence and level of each specific transcribed gene in the samples. In consequence, the presence of yellow spots in the DNA microarray indicates approximately equal expression levels of the corresponding gene in both yeast samples.


analysis of disease resulting from nutrient deficiency


Hello user,

The answer is Protein Energy Malnutrition ( PEM )

hope it helps you ...

Select the correct statement about equilibrium.
a) the weight of the endolymph contained within the semicircular canals agains the maculae is responsible for static equilibrium.
b) due to dynamic equilibrium, movement can be perceived if rotation of the body continues at a constant rate
c) cristae respond to angular acceleration and deceleration.
d) hair cells of both types of equilibrium hyper polarize only, resulting in an increased rate of impulse transmission.



cc) cristae respond to angular acceleration and deceleration.


The vestibular system is the sensory apparatus of the inner ear that acts to maintain body equilibrium, as well as to coordinate the position of the head and eye movement. The vestibular system consists of five distinct sensory organs: three semicircular canals (i.e., anterior, posterior, and lateral) which are involved in dynamic equilibrium; and the two otoliths (i.e., utricle and saccule), involved in static equilibrium. The crista ampullary (​plural: cristae) is the sensory organ located in the semicircular canals of the inner ear of vertebrates, which act to detect angular acceleration and deceleration. The cristae of the semicircular canals respond to the rotational movement and are responsible for dynamic equilibrium.

Amoeba Sisters Video Recap of Meiosis: The Great Divide


Answer: I have no idea

Explanation: This question does not have enough information for me to answer it.

What is speciation?
A. when a species begins reducing the size of its population
B. the evolution of a new species through a change in the
environment that separates a population
C. when a species outcompetes another and the species
become extinct
D. when a new allele created in a species and the
frequency of the allele changes


B, the evolution of a new species through a change in the environment is the answer

Ajudem-me por favor qual é o intruso nesta 4 alíneas de profissões:
a) cantiga
b) cantor
c) cantadeira
d) cantão


Answer: it is b

Explanation:I DID THIS TEST

The answer is b, i hope this helps you.

How did Mendel control which plants were
being pollinated?
A. He used artificial cross-pollination,
B. He only used female plants in his experiments,
C. He allowed any plant to be pollinated,



Mendel was interested in the offspring of two different parent plants, so he had to prevent self-pollination. He removed the anthers from the flowers of some of the plants in his experiments. Then he pollinated them by hand with pollen from other parent plants of his choice.

Mendel controlled which plants were being pollinated by using artificial cross-pollination. Details about Mendel experiment can be found below.

How did Gregor Mendel control pollination?

Gregor Mendel is referred to as the Father or Genetics because of his immense role in inheritance.

Gregor Mendel performed series of experiment using pea plants where he crossed them to observe the inheritance of several traits.

However, Gregor Mendel was able to control the process of self-pollination among the pea plants he used by employing artificial cross pollination.

Learn more about Gregor Mendel at:


Other Questions
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Use numerals instead of words.Over the span of 16 weeks, Pete will be paid a total of $in allowance. help me.plz l Mark you brainlaist. plz help Match the terms to their definition.the number of individual organisms born into a population in a given yearthe movement of individuals out of a populationthe number of individual organisms that die in a population in a given yearthe movement of individuals into a population tnh H ca ph ng sau 200CCO+12O=CO2H The equation of the line L is 2y-x=10.Find the coordinates of the point where L intersects the y-axis Which factors ALL increase reaction rate?decrease temperature, stir, increase surface area, remove catalystnone of theseincrease temperature, increase surface area, add catalyst, stirincrease temperature, stir, decrease surface area, add catalyst The map shows the Appalachian Plateau region.The Appalachian Plateau region is located whereGeorgia, Alabama, andmeet.LookoutMountainCloudlandCanyon*AtlantaGeorgiaAppalachianPlateauNextSubmitSave and Exit In the spaces to the left of each number write P for phrase, IC for independent clause, and DC for dependent clause.______ 21. 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