your friend claims they saw venus at midnight while in bozeman last night. are they telling the truth?explain your reasoning.


Answer 1

As opposed to Earth and the majority of other planets, Venus rotates in the opposite direction, making it distinctive.

Is Venus a lucky planet?

Because it spins in the opposite way from Earth and the majority of other planets, Venus is distinctive. And it rotates extremely slowly. One complete rotation of the Earth takes around 243 days. A year passes by quickly since it is so close to the Sun.

Christmas opening hours:

Venus's day is longer than a year.Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being further from the Sun.Venus rotates on its axis in a clockwise direction in contrast to the other planets in our solar system.Following the Moon, Venus is the second-brightest natural object in the night sky.

Venus was called after the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and wealth because it is regarded as a "benefic" planet and is hence lucky.

To learn more about Venus refer to:


Related Questions

a researcher who wants to explore the relationship between taste preference and brand logo color must conduct which type of study?


A researcher who wants to explore the relationship between taste preference and brand logo color must conduct. The correct option is B Semiotic.

Semiotics is the study of the use of symbolic communication. Semiotics can include signs, logos, gestures and other linguistic and nonlinguistic communication methods. The field of semiotics focuses on understanding how people create and interpret the meaning of signs and symbols, including how people visually communicate through metaphor, analogy, allegory, metonymy, symbolism.

Other means of expression.Semiotics is a part of the broader study of communication, including visual arts, graphic design and basic visual literacy. Graphic designers, artists and others working in visual communication must consider how symbols, signs and colors affect the interpretation of their works. For example, it’s important for a graphic designer to create a logo for a company that is not only eye-catching and memorable but also communicates.

Complete question:

A researcher who wants to explore the relationship between taste preference and brand logo color must conduct which type of study?

a. Mnemonics

b. Semiotics

c. Linguistics

d. Pragmatics

To know more about Semiotic visit:


Crutches are a type of durable medical equipment and would be reported with a c code.

a. Trueb. False


True, expert or physician assistant of the medical condition of the receiver that necessitates the DME item.

What medical equipment means?Medical equipment is used for the specific purposes of diagnosis and treatment of disease or rehabilitation following disease or injury; it can be used either alone or in combination with any accessory, consumable or other piece of medical equipment.Dme. -any medical product/apparatus that aids in quality of life. -Usually for long term use (durable) -goal is to help overcome a physical impairment or limitation.Therefore, producing quality medical devices must become the overriding goal of the policymakers and manufacturers. While quantity production remains iThere are a few different characteristics that define durable medical equipment. The first and most obvious characteristic is that the equipment has to have a primary medical use. It cannot be a piece of industrial or any other type of equipment that can also double as medical equipment. Important for a huge country with an imposing health burden, quality cannot be glossed over.

To learn more about medical equipment refer to:


humans and animals who are exposed to aversive events they cannot escape may develop an internal locus of control. relative deprivation. reciprocal determinism. learned helplessness.


When subjected to traumatic situations they cannot escape, both humans and animals may develop an internal centre of control is learned helplessness.

Explain about relative deprivation, reciprocal determinism,  learned helplessness.Relative deprivation is a feeling of discontent that is driven by comparisons between the individual's current situation and the situation of others. It occurs when an individual perceives that there is a discrepancy between their situation and that of others, leading to a feeling of being deprived or disadvantaged.Reciprocal determinism is a theory proposed by psychologist Albert Bandura that suggests that a person's behavior is determined by the interaction between their personal factors, the environment, and their behavior. This means that a person's behavior is both influenced by their environment and the behavior they choose to engage in.Learned helplessness is a psychological condition in which an individual believes that they are unable to control their environment or situation, and therefore give up trying to do so. This can occur as a result of prolonged exposure to an aversive situation in which the individual feels powerless to change their environment or situation.

To learn more about learned helpnessness refer to


A government order that prevents the departure of ships or other property to another country; may be civil or hostile; may be used as a form of international punishment.

a. True
b. False


An embargo is a legal prohibition imposed by a government or group of governments on the departure of vessels or the movement of goods from some or all locations to one or more countries, so the given statement is true.

What is the legal prohibition imposed by government in movements of goods?An embargo is a trade restriction imposed as an economic sanction by a government, a group of countries, or an international organization. Embargoes can prohibit all trade or only some of it, such as arms imports.The following are examples of trade protection: Tariffs, import quotas, and nontariff barriers are the three main forms of protectionism.Tariffs and subsidies both raise the price of imported goods relative to domestic goods, reducing imports. Trade barriers are frequently referred to as "protection" because their stated purpose is to shield or advance specific industries or segments of an economy.Protectionism in trade is a policy that shields domestic industries from unfair foreign competition. Tariffs, subsidies, quotas, and currency manipulation are the four primary tools used in trade protectionism.

To learn more about trade protection refer to :


How did post -World War l treaties affect national borders in Europe and Asia


After World War I, several treaties were signed that redrew the map of Europe and Asia and affected the borders of many nations. Some of the most significant of these treaties were the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers, and the Treaties of Trianon and Saint-Germain.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh terms on Germany, including the loss of territory and the payment of reparations. As a result of the treaty, Germany lost control of a number of territories, including Alsace-Lorraine, which was returned to France, and parts of Prussia, which were ceded to Poland.

Finally, The treaty also established the League of Nations, an international organization designed to promote cooperation and resolve disputes between nations.

Learn more about treaty of Versailles here:


In three to five sentences, explain how Alexander Hamilton contributed to the founding of the U.S. government.


One of the country's founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton fought in the American Revolutionary War, contributed to the creation of the Constitution, and held the position of the first secretary of the treasury. The American financial system was founded by him, and he served as its primary architect.

What is a Revolution?

A revolution is a fundamental shift away from the status quo, typically involving established political and social structures, according to the departments of history and political science. A revolution is a fundamental and generally quick shift in political power and political organization that happens when the populace rebels against the government.

As the first treasury secretary of the new nation, Hamilton promoted the establishment of a national banking system, established the U.S. Mint, a system of tariffs, and international trade agreements, as well as devised monetary policies that guaranteed the country's financial stability.

Therefore, Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the nation, fought in the American Revolutionary War.

Learn more about the Revolution here:


what is the right of resistance to illegitimate government and why is it important to american value


A civilisation has the right to reform or abolish a government that works against its shared interests or poses a threat to their safety. This right is known as the right of opposition to illegitimate rule. The Boston Tea Party and the boycott of British products are two examples of American actions that are in opposition to British policies.

What does it mean for a regulation to be unjustified?

Illegitimacy, the legal standing of children conceived and born outside of marriage. Numerous statutes either indicate or are taken to mean that a child born under an invalid marriage is typically not considered to be illegitimate if his parents had a reasonable belief that their union was valid.

What does the term "illegitimate" mean?

born to parents who are not legally married to one another: illegal: not permitted by proper usage. a taxon: published but not in compliance with the applicable international code's regulations.

to know more about illegitimate government visit:


there are numerous measures of poverty. the inability of a family to afford the basic necessities such as food to sustain themselves is an example of


An instance of relative poverty is when a family is unable to buy the essentials for survival, such food.

What would you say is poverty?

Poverty is the absence of the means to meet basic needs like nutrition, water, and shelter. The Bank Group Organization must consider hunger to be a kind of poverty. Poverty refers to the lack of protection.

What is the main cause of poverty?

It should go without saying that if a person has no means of support, poverty will inevitably result. Due to the overexploitation of resources like fisheries and metals, most indigenous lifestyles are coming under growing pressure as a result of the decreased access to fertile land (which occasionally results from conflict, population increase, or global warming).

To know more about poverty visit:


a statute enacted by congress that authorizes the creation of an administrative agency and specifies the name, composition, and powers of the agency is called


Enabling Legislation is a bill passed by congress that certifies the name, structure, and authority of either an administrative agency as well as allows its establishment.

Why is human agency important?

Human agency is described as a person's ability to interpret and make sense of their surroundings via intentional awareness and thoughtful, creative action (Houston, 2010).

What is an illustration of agency?

Usually, monitoring and administration of some of these tasks fall under the purview of government bodies. A US government agency is the FDA, or the Food and Drug Administration. It is responsible for charge of pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, tobacco, and medical devices.

To know more about agency visit:


Read this excerpt, then answer the question that follows. It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but as matters stood, it was a town of unnatural red and black. . . . It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys.

–Hard Times, Charles Dickens

How does the narrator describe the town?
A. dirty and industrial
B. crowded and busy
C. rural and old-fashioned
D. pleasant and welcoming



I believe that the answer is A: dirty and industrial


The author describes the town as unnatural red and black, he also mentions that it was a town of machinery and tall chimneys.

africana studies examines the lives and thoughts of people of african ancestry all over the world from the perspective of african peoples. t or f


It is TRUE to state that Africana Studies examines the lives and thoughts of people of african ancestry all over the world from the perspective of African peoples.

What is the purpose of Africana Studies?

Black Studies, also known as Africana Studies, is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary method of studying and analyzing the experiences of Africans and people of African descent across the Diaspora.

It differs from African Studies in that the focus of Africana Studies incorporates Africa and the African immigrant community into a construct centered around the "African experience" or cultural philosophy.

Learn more about African Ancestry:

question at position 45 after mike does not get the job he interviewed for, he moves back in with his parents and spends his days playing video games. which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


If Mike returned to live with his parents but now spends most of his time playing video games since he was unable to get the job he applied for, Mike would be a good example of a regression mechanism.

What is meant by defense mechanism?

Defense mechanisms are the activities people take to distance themselves from unpleasant situations, people, or ideas. The concept of defensive mechanisms derives from psychoanalytic theory, which views personality as the interaction of three parts: the id, ego, and super-ego. According to psychoanalytic theory, a defense mechanism is an unconscious psychological process that guards against anxiety-inducing ideas and emotions linked to inner conflicts and environmental stressors.

Why defense mechanism is important and what causes defensive behavior?

Defense mechanisms were mental actions that cover up or otherwise alter the mental content and/or reality perception. These mental processes serve to safeguard the person from being troubled by excessively painful emotions, impulses, or ideas.

According to research, making the wrongdoer feel isolated increases defensiveness in reaction to wrongdoing. When someone feels personally attacked, defensive behaviors are a typical reaction, but they can impair our capacity to recognize issues and discover solutions.

To know more about Defense Mechanism visit:


to what people does john winthrop compare the puritans in a model of christian charity?


John Winthrop, the leader of the Puritans, was cautioning his followers about the price of failure when he said that their colony would be "like a city upon a hill."

The Christian community is compared to what by Winthrop?The sermon is known for the line in which Winthrop compares the colony to a "city on a hill," alluding to Matthew 5:14, where Jesus Christ tells his disciples, "You are the light of the world.The word covenant is used to draw a parallel between the Puritans and the ancient Israelites.Winthrop makes the argument in his sermon that the Puritans and God share a comparable arrangement that they must accept and uphold.John Winthrop, the leader of the Puritans, was cautioning his followers about the price of failure when he said that their colony would be "like a city upon a hill."        

To learn more about John Winthrop refer to:


Which of the four presidents on Mt. Rushmore is rumored to have had his own recipe for eggnog?
answer choices

Thomas Jefferson
Theodore Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington


George Washington president on Mt. Rushmore is rumored to have had his own recipe for eggnog.

Which of the four presidents depicted on Mt. Rushmore is said to have developed his own eggnog recipe?Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson are the four presidents commemorated on Mount Rushmore.George Washington is the one of these four presidents who is said to have had his unique eggnog recipe.Rum, sherry, rye whisky, and brandy are supposed to have been used in the recipe, which is thought to have been developed by Washington in the late 1700s.A lot of eggs, cream, and sugar were supposedly used in the recipe, which would have made it a sweet and luxurious beverage.Washington's recipe is unknown, however it is thought to have been used at a number of his official ceremonies.Some even claim that eggnog became a holiday custom because it was such a popular favourite.Although it is impossible to know for sure, it is extremely amazing that Washington's recipe has been preserved in American history.

To learn more about George Washington president on Mt. Rushmore refer to:


the weapons effect tends only to be observed: group of answer choices when the participant is angry. if the participant has low self-esteem. under conditions of cognitive load. when the participant is in a good mood.


The weapons effect is most noticeable when the participant is angry.

What is the weapon effect?The "weapons effect" describes how the mere presence of a gun can elicit an aggressive response.Participants who saw the guns were more aggressive than those who saw the sports equipment. The "weapons effect" was named after this phenomenon. Several studies have attempted to replicate the weapons effect.The General Aggression Model provides a theoretical framework for explaining how and why the weapons effect occurs. This model proposes that being exposed to weapons increases aggressive thoughts and hostile appraisals, which explains why weapons facilitate aggressive behavior.The weapon focus effect (WFE) occurs when a weapon distracts eyewitnesses, causing their memory of the perpetrator and other details to be harmed. One theory is that weapons are unusual in most situations, and unusual objects distract eyewitnesses.

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when we have a sudden awareness of the supernatural or a feeling of coming in contact with od, this is an


A spiritual being, whether it be a deity, an emissary, or an intermediary for the deity, might appear to a person as part of a religious experience.

What is the effect of religious experience?

A spiritual being, whether it be a deity, an emissary, or an intermediary for the deity, might appear to a person as part of a religious experience. A unique experience, that is. Generally speaking, religious experiences are private and mysterious.

Experiences related to religion, such as amazement at the infinite size of the universe, a sense of mystery and awe when in the presence of the sacred or holy, a sense of dependence on a higher authority or an unseen order, and the guilt and anxiety that come with the belief in a divine judgement.

Study after study demonstrates the healing value of religious practice. A person's perspectives on themselves, their own life, the world, and other people can alter as a result of it.

Therefore, the answer is Religious Experience.

To learn more supernatural about refer to:


carlie's brothers make fun of the girls on the high school softball team for being masculine. carlie likes to play softball but sees herself as a feminine girl who likes dresses and makeup. carlie is likely to:


Option D: Because Carlie has absorbed the idea that playing softball is unfeminine, she is unlikely to join the team.

As in this example, Carlie's brothers tease the high school softball team's female players for being masculine, which led her to believe that if she joined the team, she would end up like them and that she shouldn't join the game. It is the misconception that the carlie believes in as because being masculine is the genderless concept. Additionally.  being masculine behaviour of any individual does not reflect their gender identity. Therefore, believing on her brothers carlie will not join the game and will not grow.

Know more about the gender identity at:


Carlie's brothers make fun of the girls on the high school softball team for being masculine. Carlie likes to play softball but sees herself as a feminine girl who likes dresses and makeup. carlie is likely to:

    a.     join the softball team to prove her brothers wrong.

    b.     not join the softball team because family is the strongest influence on one's identity.

    c.     join the softball team but experience conflicting views.

    d.     not join the softball team because she has internalized the message that playing softball is not feminine.

if a country has extensive poverty, low literacy rates, limited technological infrastructure, and low per capita income, then this countryâs economic growth classifies it as which type of a country?



Underdeveloped Country


Countries that have limited technological infrastructure are developing countries, but if they also have little to no industrial capability, plus a low GDP income, then it is a underdeveloped country.

Diverse ways in which one can use their skills to fight discrimination? Use famous poets/artists as examples.


One of the ways in which one can use their talents to fight discrimination is by using one's skills. An example of the above is DJ Kook Herc and Afrika Bambaataa. They used their hip-hop skills to fight discrimination.

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is the act of unfairly dividing people into groups, classes, or other categories to which they belong or are believed to belong.

People may face discrimination based on their color, gender, age, religion, handicap, or sexual orientation, among other factors.

The most prominent kinds of discrimination in the workplace witnessed today are race and national origin. Discrimination based on national origin happens when a business is formed by individuals of one nationality who subsequently discriminate in their employment practices by only recruiting other persons of their own nationality.

Learn more about discrimination:

if a person moves from a humble neighborhood in which the person had the nicest house on the block to a more affluent neighborhood where the person has the most humble house on the block, the individual is most likely to evaluate their satisfaction as:


The person will probably evaluate his/her satisfaction lower than before. Emotions are the result of emotions and can be influenced by memories, beliefs, and other factors.

Where in body do you feel sadness?

In addition to the emotional baggage it carries, extreme sadness can produce a characteristic physical sensation in the chest. Tense muscles, pounding heart, rapid breathing, and even an upset stomach. As seen in the body map, study participants identified the chest as a key point of expression of grief.

Where do emotions really come from?

The limbic system is a group of interconnected structures located deep within the brain. It is the part of the brain responsible for behavioral and emotional responses.

To learn more about emotional experience visit:


although dr. anderson uses systematic desensitization for the treatment of phobias, he prescribes antianxiety drugs as well. it is most likely that dr. anderson is a group of answer choices psychoanalyst. client-centered therapist. cognitive therapist. psychiatrist.


Although dr. Anderson uses systematic desensitization for the treatment of phobias, he prescribes antianxiety drugs as well. it is most likely that dr. Anderson is a psychiatrist.

A Psychiatrist is a physician with a medical degree in Psychiatry. Talking treatments, such as therapy, are frequently very effective at treating phobias. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in particular has been shown to be very efficient in treating phobias.

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in mental health, including substance abuse disorders (M.D. or D.O.). Psychiatrists are trained to evaluate both the mental and physical aspects of psychological issues. People seek psychiatric treatment for a variety of reasons.

For more information on Psychiatrist , visit :


which perspective is useful in determining client needs? group of answer choices developmental process hierarchical needs conflicting needs meeting needs


Hierarchical perspective is useful in determining client needs among group of choices.

What is a prime instance of hierarchy?

Categories are ranked from top to bottom in hierarchical systems. For instance, in a typical family structure, the parents are in charge most of the time, then the kids come next, and then the pets.

Exists a hierarchy among humans?

It's important to note that humans can be found in a wide variety of social hierarchies, and various methods can be employed to acquire wealth or high status. This could account for the disparities in the current literature on human status cues (see Hall, Coats, & Lebeau, 2005)

To know more about Hierarchy visit:


boeing’s lobbying in support of the f.a.a. reauthorization act of 2018 reflects which approach to resolving ethical dilemmas?


Boeing F.A.A reauthorization act of 2018 reflects political approach to resolving ethical dilemmas.

The FAA Reauthorization act  of 2018 is a US government regulation, ordered during the 115th US Congress, which reauthorizes the Bureaucratic Flying Organization (FAA) and different projects till the finish of financial year 2023. The bill was passed by Congress on October 3, 2018, and was endorsed by President Donald Trump on October 5, 2018.

The law contains an arrangement that requires the FAA to set a norm for the base size of carrier seats. The law likewise boycotts the utilization of electronic cigarettes on airplane.

FAA reauthorization act was introduced to solve conflict with US government. As US government was trying to put restrictions on Boeing due to his unlawful acts, due to that Boeing introduced a act in 2018 so that settlement would takes place with the US government.

To know more about reauthorization act, visit here:


functional regions are widely accepted by all groups and tend to be more permanent separations true or false


False, Functional regions are widely accepted by all groups, but they are not necessarily permanent separations.

What characteristics define a functional region as such?

In geography, a functional region is a space dominated by a node, focal point, or central hub and enclosed by interconnected links. A functional region's main node is surrounded by areas with related trade, communications, or transportation-related common social, political, or economic goals.

Why is the functional region in geography significant?

Geographers value functional regions because they encompass particular places where people interact with one another. It goes beyond the physical characteristics of the terrain in geography. The interaction of people with space is another aspect.

To know more about functional region, visit:


What must the prosecution do before a court finds a defendant guilty of a criminal offense?


The prosecution must prove that the accused is guilty of the charge beyond a reasonable doubt, before a court finds a defendant guilty of a criminal offense.

What is the criminal offense?

The conventional view of criminal offense has been that a crime is a morally reprehensible conduct. The goal of criminal penalties was to make the offender pay recompense for the harm done and atone for his moral guilt; punishment was to be meted out in proportion to the accused's culpability.

Therefore, Before a court may declare a defendant guilty of a criminal offense, the prosecution must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the accusation.

Therefore, The prosecution must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the accusation under the criminal offense.

Learn more about the criminal offense, refer to:


Are the 3 branches of government affected or benefited by the votes?



The three branches of government in the United States are the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The legislative branch is responsible for making laws, the executive branch is responsible for enforcing laws, and the judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws.

In a democratic system of government, such as the United States, the votes of the general population play a crucial role in determining the composition and actions of the three branches of government. The legislative branch is directly affected by the votes of the general population, as they elect representatives to Congress who will make laws on their behalf. The executive branch is also indirectly affected by the votes of the general population, as the President and other executive officials are elected by the people. The judicial branch is generally not directly affected by the votes of the general population, as judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

Overall, the three branches of government are both affected and benefited by the votes of the general population. The votes help to ensure that the government is accountable to the people and reflects their will, and can also provide a mandate for the government to take certain actions or pursue certain policies.

pls award brainliest!


according to the general adaptation system (gas), when a person encounters a stressor, the first stage of the process is called alarm.


Alarm reaction is the first stage of GAS when a person/organism first becomes aware of the stressor & realises that there is a threat or stressor.

What is the first stage of the general adaption syndrome?

When a person experiences a stressor, the first stage of the process is called alarm, according to the general adaption system (gas).

There are three stages to general adaptation syndrome: (1) alarm, (2) resistance, and (3) tiredness. The body’s initial response to ‘perceived’ stress is alarm, fight, or flight.

Stage of alarm response. The alarm reaction stage describes the earliest symptoms that the body feels when stressed. You’ve probably heard of the “fight-or-flight” response, which is a physiological reaction to stress. Dr. Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome is divided into three stages: Alarm Phase, Resistance Stage, and Exhaustion Stage

To learn more about Alarm reaction to refer:


There is nothing that can be done about a threat of violence because the act of violence has not actually occurred and cannot be punished.


There is nothing that can be done about a threat of violence because the act of violence has not actually occurred and cannot be punished. This is a false statement.

What triggers acts of violence?

Violence has a variety of root causes. The psychological literature often categorizes these reasons into four groups with a great deal of overlap: biological, socializational, cognitive, and environmental factors.

Violence: What is it and how does it manifest?

Using physical force in a way that harms someone or is intended to hurt someone is called violence. Violence may cause psychological, physical, or a combination of these damages. Aggression, a more comprehensive category of hostile behavior that might take the form of passive, vocal, or violent behavior, can be distinguished from violence.

To know more about violence visit:


an individual's personal characteristics, like good looks or friendly personality, represent one of the dimensions of the status characteristics theory. true false


It is true that an individual's personal characteristics, such as good looks and friendly personality, constitute one of the dimensions of status characteristics theory.

Who invented the status characteristics theory?

The characteristics of the research community 15 years ago still divide it today. The theory of status traits and social interaction was given by Joseph Berger, Bernard P. Cohen and Morris Zelditch Jr. (1966, 1972). Example of specific status traits: the ability to read acts as a specific stat trait. We distinguish between different levels of traits of appraisal and associate beliefs about how individuals with different conditions perform particular tasks.

What does social role theory of gender mean?

Social role theory is a social psychological theory related to gender differences and similarities in social behavior. Its core principle is that differences and similarities arise primarily from the assignment of men and women to social roles.

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recently, target decided to stop labeling toys by gender. this is like actions taken in what other area(s) of the world according to the text?


Target has decided to cease gender-identifying toys in Ireland and the UK.

Why do social scientists study gender?

Understanding power dynamics and politics both within and outside of the government, in addition to the economic, socioeconomic, and intellectual phenomena that are the focus of the humanities, social sciences, and arts, is necessary for gender studies.

Why is gender studies necessary to learn?

Human decisions, circumstances, and experiences are influenced by gender. Systems of law, politics, economy, culture, and family are all very gendered. In many domains, a thorough grasp of relationships between men and women, trends, and biases may improve scope and accuracy.

To know more about gender visit:


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