Your principal retired from service and your school is organizing a send-off party,as the senior prefect of the school write a farewell speech you will deliver on the day


Answer 1



The Chairman, The Principal that is going on retirement, The Vice Principals, The HODs, The Teaching and Non Teaching Staff, The Parents and My Fellow Colleague.

It is a great opportunity for me Dada Moyinoluwa the senior prefect of iju Senior Grammar School to address you on this important occasion of our beloved principal and mother in person of Mrs Adegboye on her retirement.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with only one step, the journey of 35 years in service has come to an end today, Not all that you started together are retiring today, some might have fallen, some may be in the hospital, Some may be dead but we thank God over your life and that of your family. We cannot but mention your achievement we may not know what you have done in where you are coming from but the ones we have seen here we can't but mention them e.g The solar system, The standing fan with battery, the principal cup and other competitions this school has went for and the amazing prizes the students have won for the school, it was during your regime that all this prizes were won. Bravo to you ma.

As a mother you have decided to Greet us as 'Good morning my little angel' As a principal you are leading us to the right path, teaching us the right way, and bringing us up in a Godly way you always share the word of God with us, instruct us, a principal like you is hard to find because you are treating us as if you are the one who gave birth to us I say again Bravo to you ma because you are a wonderful and nice mother.

You have served the government for 35 years now it is time for the government to serve you, I pray that government will serve you more than 35 years in Jesus name and as you are collecting your pension from the government you wont spend it on sickness in Jesus name. You shall not retire to the hands of sickness and death in Jesus name, you shall enjoy your retirement and eat the fruit of your labour in Jesus name. Amen.

On behalf of my colleagues I wish you a happy retirement.

Moyinoluwa Dada

Related Questions

How does the author develop the character in this excerpt? A. through the character’s actions B. through the use of dialogue C. through the character’s thoughts D. through the use of descriptive detail


Assuming that there was probably a text that you read to this question. The best option would be D.

Answer: D

The author develop the character in this excerpt through the use of descriptive detail. Hence option D is correct.

What is author ?

A book, essay, play, or other written work is authored by an author. "An author is 'the person who originated or gave existence to anything' and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created," according to a larger definition.

The person who developed the work, i.e. the author, is usually the original owner of a copyright. Joint authorship occurs when the work was authored by more than one individual. Around the world, copyright laws differ. For example, the United States Copyright Office defines copyright as "a form of protection provided by United States laws (title 17, U.S. Code) to authors of 'original works of authorship.'"

Hence option D is correct.

To know more about author :


7. They threatened to sack him if he _____ change his attitude.
A. don’t B. didn’t C. doesn’t D. won’t





its D

They threatened to sack him if he wont change his attitude.

The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to



The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to emphasize the fact that his love has left. The nest is a metaphor for his heart. When he is in love, he is so happy, that he can't contain his joy. ... The speaker is also feeling empty and sad because his love is gone.

The speaker compares his heart to an empty nest in order to show readers that his wife left him making him be all alone. As he compares his heart to an empty nest it is a Metaphor for him being alone p

Which is a correctly written Internet citation?

("Weather," 12)
("Weather" 12)
(no author pars. 16-18)



The first one ("Weather," 12) seems to be the most accurate

Complete the dialogue with the verbs below


1. Have, been
2. visited
3. was, have, been
4. took. visited
5. have, visited
6. couldn’t see
(Please make sure to recheck as the answers may not be totally correct)

I ___________ reading this book by next weekend.
A. will have finished B. will be finishing
C. would finish D. have finished


I will have finished

I will have finished reading this book by next weekend. Option A is the correct answer.

In this sentence, the phrase "by next weekend" indicates a future time frame. The use of "will" indicates a future action. The phrase "will have finished" is in the future perfect tense, which expresses an action that will be completed before a specific future time. It implies that the speaker will complete the action of reading the book before the upcoming weekend.

Future action refers to the grammar rules and structures used to express actions that will happen in the future. In English, there are several ways to indicate future actions, such as using the future tense with "will" or "shall" + base form of the verb (e.g., I will go to the store tomorrow). Using the present continuous tense with future time markers (e.g., I am meeting my friend later today). Using the future perfect tense to express an action that will be completed before a specific future time (e.g., I will have finished my work by 5 PM).

Learn more about Future Tense here:


Use any main verb of your choice to write out the different tenses in English language


Answer: To learn them, you may need to think about time in a different way ... There are three main verb tenses in English: present, past and future.

They are divided into four aspects: the simple, progressive, perfect and perfect progressive.

There are 12 major verb tenses that English learners should know.

English has only two ways of forming a tense from the verb alone: the past and the present. For example, we drove and we drive.

To form other verb tenses, you have to add a form of have, be or will in front of the verb. These are called helping, or auxiliary verbs.

Explanation: Hope this helps

Which of the following sentences contains an example of a metaphor?
O The blue water of the ocean calls to the swimmers.
O Carmen is a real angel to volunteer at the hospital.
O Stephen is as quiet as a mouse.
O The sweet aroma of chocolate filled the room.



Carmen is a real angel to volunteer at the hospital


A metaphor is when you directly refer to one thing by mentioning another.

What word related to the Greek or Latin root/affix, is defined below?
- To put off doing something
until a later time


Procrastinate and my answer has to have 20 letters so this is what I’m doing

what effects does the first-person point of view of "The yellow wallpaper" most likely have on the reader



The effct allows the reader to connect with the narrator and hear the voice as she descends into madness

What does “second epitaph in two days” mean? Explain.



a funeral oration from at over and tomb


is a short text honoring a deceased person

strictly speaking,it refers to text that is inscribed

on a tomb stone or plaque,

Identify and describe two social issues that Realist writers worked to improve by making more Americans
care about the problems. For each issue, name a writer who wrote realistically about the situation.




The first American to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1930) was Sinclair Lewis. He wrote about nothing but social issues. The 1920s was his golden era.

The two I'm most familiar with is the two I'll write about. The first was Dodsworth, which is perhaps his masterpiece.

It is the story of a rich industrialist who decides to give it all up and live in Europe. His wife was the real meat of the book; it is her life that bears the pointed satire of the book. Lewis was not enamored with everything American and she was what he despised most. She was frivolous, wasteful, cruel, but she had a hold on Dodsworth. And that is the point of the book. Lewis painted her the way he did because he was trying to awaken America into being more useful, more dedicated and less unthinking than they were in the 20s. It's a dark novel, very realistic in its contents, and not too overly hopeful that things would improve. Still in spite of her, he hoped. Lest you think that Lewis had his knife sharpened on women's hide, the woman Dodsworth eventually falls is everything his wife is not.

The second book I'll talk about is Babbitt. George Babbitt was the embodiment of another trait Lewis was not fond of. He hated unthinking  hypocrisy and George was both. He was a hypocrite and unthinking. He was a likable buffoon (that's my interpretation -- it certainly was not what Lewis thought) who got along by agreeing with everyone -- not realizing what he was doing at all. The book actually takes Babbitt apart by mocking his lack of anything that resembled centrality or intelligence. He had no real political will. He opposed everything that those in power had to say, particularly the clergy who were themselves taken apart in Elmer Gantry.

A very old but astonishingly good movie still about Elmer Gantry was made in 1960 and if you live in a mid sized city they likely have it. It shows Gantry at his best/worst. Dodsworth is also a film and it too is a masterpiece. Babbitt has his own film but he is much slimier in Elmer. Babbitt's film is much older than 1960. It's too bad he only had a cameo part.

I've not covered Gantry, because some people are very sensitive about how Religion is treated. And I add this caution: if you are sensitive to how religion is written about, then don't watch Gantry. Lewis shows no mercy. The film is much kinder and enough of Gantry shines though that we tend not to like him. His charm does nothing for him.

The films

Dodsworth and Elmer Gantry.

Which story is most clearly an example of a frame narrative?
A. A Spartan warrior starts to narrate the Battle of Thermopylae just
as the scene shifts to the battle.
B. Episodes in a criminal investigation are told out of order so that
the clues come together at the end.
C. Ordinary stories about a town in Peru are conveyed through
different townspeople's points of view,
D. A mother and father experience the same traumatic event, each
interpreting the event differently.



the letter D. its really obvious

Write 2 versions of a paragraph describing an experience you have had.


^ just do exactly that

maya Angelou poem,visit to west Africa what are the possible meanings of the poem


My friend I know the answer but first you tell me which country from you

Help me please…………………….



D: reduce your grammar and spelling mistakes

2. Answer any five questions:
a. A few simple rules will keep you, not from all error, but from silly error. Bertrand Russia
forwards few rules in his essay. Keeping Errors at Bay. Do you agree with his de
b. What does Chaudhary argue in "How Sane are We? Do you agree with her
Give reasons
C. Why does the narrator of the short story Third Thought' close his monologue saying
Buying and selling are a perfectly straightforward matter between dealer and custome!
Document and explain this statement.
d. What are the most popular careers in your country? What career would you like
choose in future? Give reasons.
e. 'Everyone is in sales. It doesn't matter what area you work in, you have clients and you
need to sell." Do you agree? Support your argument.
f. Suppose, you were starting a new job in a new company. What benefits and facilites
would you look for, apart from the salary? Explain.
Textile Inc. use
competitors. C
and bad relatic
consultant for
the company t
b. The opening
experiment is
as an effort to
Apply the fo
Where the
2. Answer the follow
a. Chekhov w



Explanation:This can be explained cordinarly or vertically through several different forms of the question

Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.

Which of the following best describes Douglass’s word choice in this excerpt?

A. pleasant

B. clever

C. casual

D. lighthearted



B. Clever


He uses very intelligent words that are not in the average human's vocabulary.


B) clever


Dude on top was right

write a email to my friend for invitation party



Hello, (insert name here)

The 15 of October is my birthday (or put whatever date it is in). I'm organizing a party for all my friends to celebrate that day.

The place we celebrate is at... (fill in the blank, and at this time. We'll have cake, games, dance dinner, and more! I'm looking forward to having your company. Your company will make my day even more cherished for me.

Your friend,

(Fill in the blank)

You are invited

A nonnative speaker learning English would most likely struggle with which of these grammatical structures?

subject/verb agreement
irregular verbs
present tense



I think all the categories you have mentioned has its own importance on the particular area .If you want to learn English starts with basic stuffs like tense, sentences, irregular verbs and more importantly watch speeches of different people in English just to get the tone and rythym.

I also started by this way to be a good English speaker and try to find meaning of difficult and new words

I hope it helps and follow me for more good answers ♥️♥️

If you could visit any time period (past, present, or future), when would it be and why? What would you do while you were there?


I would visit the 1950s because there is so much history and a lot happened back then and I would be there and be a reporter to learn everything and to know more
i would visit the early 2000’s! only because i’m a big fan of how things were back then! especially 2000’s internet.

How tall is Robert?

He is tall 177 centimeters.

He talls 177 centimeters.

He is 177 centimeters tall.



He is 177 centimetres tall


Watch the following movies and write reviews on them
 I am eleven
 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone



Uhh you can do by yourseelf


if you need then ill answer Tomorrow thanks

Threet’s Repair Shop was started on May 1 by Erica Threet. A summary of May transactions is presented below.
1. Invested $10,000 cash to start the repair shop.
2. Purchased equipment for $5,000 cash.
3. Paid $400 cash for May office rent.
4. Paid $500 cash for supplies.
5. Incurred $250 of advertising costs in the Beacon News on account.
6. Received $6,100 in cash from customers for repair service.
7. Withdrew $1,000 cash for personal use.
8. Paid part-time employee salaries $2,000.
9. Paid utility bills $170.
10. Provided repair service on account to customers $750.
11. Collected cash of $120 for services billed in transaction (10).
(a) Prepare a tabular analysis of the transactions, using the following column headings: Cash, Accounts Receivable, Supplies, Equipment, Accounts Payable, Owner’s Capital, Owner’s Drawings, Revenues



Total liabilities and owner’s equity:



Threet’s Repair Shop was started on May 1 by Erica Threet. The total liability of the owner is the $20,800.

What is liability?

The term “liability” refers to a company's indebtedness to third-party creditors. The obligations include notes payable, bank debt, accounts payable, wages payable, accrued expenses, and taxes payable. Liabilities are classified as current, non-current, or contingent.

Date  Assets = Liability + Owner's equity.

Assets =  cash + a/c receivable + Supplies + Equipment

Assets = 9900 +  7000  +            900         +   3000

Assets = +4000 + (4000)

Assets = 13900 + 3000            +    900       +     3000

Assets = 20,800

Liability + Owner's equity

200       + 15000 + (600) + 10000 + (3800)


Therefore,  the total liability of the owner 20,800.

Learn more about on liability, here:


What electrical appliances do people in your country have at home?





clothe washer

dish washer


water cooler

room heater

and many are there

introduce your self ( family, old, professional experienca...)


Hi, my name is Dragon. I am in 9th grade with an A- average. I have trouble making friends because I'm smart. I have a little brother and sister who are twins. Their names are Coral for the girl, and Wave for the boy. My parents are divorced. So spend all the time with my mom. In the summer I go to New York to visit my dad.  

as the main speaker in a debate write your contribution against the motion teachers should not be allowed to use Cane's on students



(Name) Here,

    Schools have long banned corporal punishment. But now there is a debate about whether the decision to ban corporal punishment in schools was the right one and whether it should be reinstated.

1. It is wrong and inappropriate.

No, because

Using physical force to discipline or punish a child clearly violates basic human rights. A child's right to safety is stated in Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. To protect children, all services should ensure that definitions of abuse do not condone any form of sexual activity. Corporal punishment is both legally and morally wrong. There are plenty of alternatives to beating a child! For example, a parent can deny children privileges, restrict their hobbies, or even force them to work to make amends for bad behavior. behavior. However, physically harming a child is completely unnecessary. What would it be like if the conductor was beaten instead of the other way around? No way.

Yes, because...

So, by having this article, you are saying that parents or teachers cannot punish their children. misbehaving in school and at home? If we all follow this article and do not punish our children, how are we supposed to "strike the fear of God into them"? How do we punish children? Already have kids It will become a "living hell" if this continues and corporal punishment is used. Because I used to be a kid, I know that slapping a kid's hand or grounding them does nothing but make them more defiant towards rules. How are we preparing them for the real world? You blew it. The cops won't smack your hand and corner you. But the ramifications will be huge. So, do you want a disciplined or a lawless generation? You say...

2. Discriminates against children with disabilities.

No, because

Because of panic attacks, repeated bullying, or lack of self-control, I did many bad things as a child with Asperger's. In my desperation to remove something from the classroom that I disliked. No way physical I would not have given in to punishment. I would have been seriously injured if I had been left alone to work in a room. This would be fine if teachers could tell the difference between troubled children and those who can be helped, but they can't and don't often. Anyway, I sympathize.

Yes Because...

I believe it is obvious that a child would not be admitted to school if his or her parents were unaware of any behavioral issues. Keeping in mind that most cases are publicity stunts, we are to blame. Isolate. Of course, this is still used today, but it seems to fail with anger. People think it's cool to break the rules to impress friends or family. admirers. Embarrassment is my preferred method of deterring bad behavior.

3. It raises crime and violence.

No, because

Corporal punishment has been linked to increased aggression, substance abuse, and criminality. Because they don't know any better, many victims of corporal punishment lash out and repeat the abuse. In other words, it teaches kids to be violent. Violence and crime are increased by corporal punishment. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agrees, stating that "the more children are spanked, the more adult anger they report, the more likely they are to spank their own children and approve of child abuse. In adulthood, the more married they are, the more marital conflict they have. Thus, corporal punishment not only starts violence does not only affects children's lives as adults. The government should work to reduce violence, not increase it by reintroducing one of its founders.

Yes because...

This claim is unsupported by data. There's a reason. Because statistics show that after corporal punishment was made illegal, crime increased by 67%. The data strongly support reintroducing corporal punishment.

    Finally, I oppose corporal punishment. That's because if someone has punched someone or done anything violent to someone, you're basically hitting them and telling them that violence isn't the answer. Also, if you do this to them, you are teaching them that violence is acceptable and they may do it to you later. Because you taught them it was okay. Also, they may commit crimes because of you. 70% of these kids are known to have a troubled future due to past corporal punishment. A lot of today's kids have a bad attitude, so the cane or any other corporal Some teachers have favorites who are not punished if they do wrong, and non-favorites who are disliked. People who did nothing wrong got the cane or any other corporal punishment. This would be unfair and considered favoritism.

Thanks for listening,

Is it true that resignation appears at the ----- possible time?

Select one:
A. most
B. terrible
C. worst
D. worse





Because the worse resignation is possible anytime

The statement will be Is it true that resignation appears at the most possible time. The correct option is A.

The sentences have been satisfied with the subject-verb agreement. The relationship of the subject with the verb has been satisfied with the use of the correct form of the verb.

In the given sentence, the resignation has been the verb and the noun has been time. The possible time has been quantified with time. The option that suits the quantity of time has been the most.

Thus the statement will be Is it true that resignation appears at the most possible time. The correct option is A.

For more information about the subject-verb agreement, refer to the link:

All D The New Bag What happens in the middle of the story? Amy dropped her new bag in the water. Amy was sad, but then a lady stopped to help. Amy said, "Thank you!" The lady smiled and then walked away. Amy drops her new bag in the water A lady smiles and then walks away A lady stops to help Amy.




8) I'm so tired from fatigue that I feel as if a roller ____me
A. had run over
B. will run over
C. is running over
D. has run over
9. The rescue team ___more victims of the quake alive if they____ better equipment.
A. saved - had
B. were able to - had
C. had saved - would have had
D. might have saved - had
10. Marcus ___over to help with the project over the weekend, but he will be taking his mother to hospital for some tests.
A. is coming
B. may come
C. would come
D. will come​





had run over me

9) might have saved if they had

10) may come

8. is running over

9.saved - had coming

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