
Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate noun.Ce soir il y a June ( ) tlvise trs intressante sur la politique franaise.Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate verb for expressing the recent past.Nous ( ) de voir un reportage absolument magnifique sur les bayous en Louisiane.Fill in the blank in the following sentence using the hint in parentheses.Est-ce qu'il y a ( ) chez toi? (someone)Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate indirect object pronoun.C'est la prsentatrice de mon mission prfre. J'aimerais bien ( ) parler.Fill in the blank in the following sentence using the hint in parentheses.Ma maison est ( ) la rue Bouny et Seguin. (on the corner of)Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate pass compos form of the verb voter.La semaine dernire, les russes ( ) pour les lections lgislatives.Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate pass compos form of the verb aller.Les filles ( ) au cinma hier soir.8. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with appropriate type of store.J'ai achet ce trs beau livre dans une petite ( ) de mon quartier.9. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the name of the famous dish that Brussels is known for (mussels and fries).Bruxelles est bien connue pour ses ( ).10. Fill in the blank in the following sentence using the hint in parentheses.Vas vite voir les toiles de Gauguin au muse d'Orsay! C'est une ( ) qui finit le 30 janvier. (temporary exhibition)