1. A
a stiff structure that surrounds and
protects a coll: found in plant, fungus, and some bacteria cells.
is living things consisting of many cells.
a green pigment that traps energy
from the sun.
the process in which plants and
some other organisms use the energy in sunlight to make food.
5. A
found in the nucleus of a cell,
a long nucleic acid molecule containing the genetic instructions
for the development and functioning of all living organisms.


Answer 1


1 cell wall

2 yes

3 chloroplast

4 photosynthesis

5 Deoxyribonucleic acid (I believe)

hope this helped a little and pls mark brainiest if it did :)


The cell wall is a rigid layer that is found outside the cell membrane and surrounds the cell, providing structural support and protection.

Related Questions

A hypothetical A-B alloy of composition 53 wt% B-47 wt% A at some temperature is found to consist of mass fractions of 0.5 for both and phases. If the composition of the phase is 92 wt% B-8 wt% A, what is the composition of the phase



the composition of the ∝ phase C∝ = 14  or [ 14 wt% B-86 wt% A ]


Given the data in the question;

Co = 53 or [ 53 wt% B-47 wt% A ]

W∝ = 0.5 = Wβ

Cβ = 92 or [ 92 wt% B-8 wt% A ]

Now, lets set up the Lever rule for W∝ as follows;

W∝ = [ Cβ - Co ] / [ Cβ - C∝ ]

so we substitute our given values into the expression;

0.5 = [ 92 - 53 ] / [ 92 - C∝ ]

0.5 = 39 /  [ 92 - C∝ ]

0.5[ 92 - C∝ ] = 39

46 - 0.5C∝  = 39

0.5C∝ = 46 - 39

0.5C∝ = 7

C∝ = 7 / 0.5

C∝ = 14  or [ 14 wt% B-86 wt% A ]

Therefore, the composition of the ∝ phase C∝ = 14  or [ 14 wt% B-86 wt% A ]

Classify each molecule as an alcohol, ketone, or aldehyde based on its name. Propanone (acetone) Choose... Ethanal Choose... 3-phenyl-2-propenal Choose... Butanone Choose... Ethanol Choose... 2-propanol Choose...



1.) Propanone (ketone)

2.) Ethanal( aldehyde)

3.) 3-phenyl-2-propenal (aldehyde)

4.) Butanone (ketone)

5.) Ethanol ( alcohol)

6.) 2-propanol (alcohol)


In organic chemistry, ALCOHOL ( also known as alkanol) are compounds in which hydroxyl groups are linked to alkyl groups. They can be considered as being derived from the corresponding alkanes by replacing the hydrogen atoms with hydroxyl groups. The hydroxyl group is the functional group of the alcohol as it is responsible for their characteristic chemical properties. A typical example of alcohol is ethanol and 2-propanol.

Alkanals or ALDEHYDES have the general formula RCHO while alkanones or KETONES have the general formula RR'CO where R and R' may be alkyl or aryl groups. The main similarity between these two classes of compounds is the presence of the carbonyl group. In aldehydes, there is a hydrogen atom attached to the carbon In the carbonyl group while there is none on the ketones.

Some common examples of ketones are Propanone, Butanone while examples of aldehydes are Ethanal and 3-phenyl-2-propenal

When 250. mg of eugenol, the molecular compound responsible for the odor of oil of cloves, was added to 100. g of camphor, it lowered the freezing point of camphor by 0.62 8C. Calculate the molar mass of eugenol.



Molar mass for eugenol is 161.3 g/mol


This question talks about freezing point depression:

Our solute is eugenol.

Our solvent is camphor.

Formula to state the freezing point depression difference is:

ΔT = Kf . m . i where

ΔT = Freezing T° of pure solvent - Freezing T° of solution

In this case ΔT = 0.62°C

Kf for camphor is: 37°C /m

As eugenol is an organic compund, i = 1. No ions are formed.

To state the molar mass, we need m (molal)

Molal are the moles of solute in 1kg of solvent. Let's replace data:

0.62°C = 40 °C/m . m . 1

0.62°C / 40 m/°C = 0.0155 m

We convert mass of camphor from g to kg = 100 g . 1kg / 1000g = 0.1 kg

0.0155 molal = moles of solute / 0.1 kg

0.0155 m/kg . 0.1 kg = 0.00155 moles

We know that these moles are contained in 250 mg, so the molar mass will be:

0.25 g / 0.00155 mol = 161.3 g/mol

Notice, we convert mg to g, for the units!

(c) m X is an ion in which group of the periodic table is the element from which X is formed?​



Iron has 2 atoms and 3atoms.


What force is behind us when we ride a bike?



gravity, ground, friction, rolling resistance, and air resistance.

gravity and force which helps us to not a
fall and keep going

Determine the empirical formula of a compound containing 47.37 grams of carbon, 10.59 grams of hydrogen, and 42.04 grams of oxygen.

In an experiment, the molar mass of the compound was determined to be 228.276 g/mol. What is the molecular formula of the compound?

For both questions, show your work or explain how you determined the formulas by giving specific values used in calculations. (10 points)



Mass of C = 47.37g

Mass of H = 10.59g

Mass of O = 42.04g

The total mass of these elements is 100g, taking a proportion of their molar masses.

C = 47.37/12= 3.95

H = 10.59/1 = 10.59

O = 42.04/16= 2.63.

Dividing through with the smallest proportion which is 2.63

C=3.95/2.63 = 1.5

H =10.59/2.63 =4

O = 2.63/2.63= 1

Multiplying through by 2 to get a whole number.

C = 1.5x2 = 3

H= 4x2 = 8

O = 1x2= 2

The empirical formula is C3H6O2

(Empirical formula)n= molecular mass

(C3H8O2)n =228.276

(12x3 +8+16x2)n= 228.276

76n = 228.276

n = 228.276/76

n = 3

Molecular formula = Empirical formula

=(C3H8O2)3 = C9H24O6

The molecular formula is C9H24O6

8moles of Na2Cr2O2 is how much mass​


[tex] \boxed{\boxed{\mathfrak{ 1\: mole \:of \:Na_2Cr_2O_2\: = \:it's \:Gram\: Mol. \: mass}} }[/tex]

[tex]\underline{ \mathfrak{ Gram \:molecular \:mass \:of \: \red{ Na_2Cr_2O_2}}}[/tex]

= 2 × 23 + 2 × 52 + 2 × 16

= 182 grams

1 mole of [tex]Na_2Cr_2O_2[/tex] weighs = 182 g

8 moles weigh = 8× 182

=[tex] \mathfrak{\blue {\boxed{\underline {1456 \: grams}}}} [/tex]


[tex] \mathfrak{\blue {\boxed{\underline {1. 46 \:kg }}}} [/tex]

once formed, how are coordinate covalent bonds different from other covalent bonds?



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf {One \ atom \ donates \ both \ electrons \ in \ a \ pair}}}[/tex]


A covalent bond involves the sharing of electrons to make the atoms more stable, and so they satisfy the Octet Rule (8 valence electrons).

Typically each atom contributes an electron to form an electron pair. This is a single bond. There are also double bonds (two pairs of electrons), triple bonds (three pairs of electrons), and coordinate covalent bonds.

Sometimes, to satisfy the Octet Rule and achieve stability, one atom contributes both of the electrons in an electron pair. This is different from other covalent bonds because usually each of the 2 atoms contributes an electron to make a pair.

Which intermolecular force plays a pivotal role in biological molecules such as proteins and DNA ?
•hydrogen bonding
•dispersion force
•dipole-dipole force
•Ion-dipole force


Hydrogen bonding
In the secondary structure of a protein, hydrogen bonds between amino acids determine the configuration of the molecules.
In DNA, hydrogen bonds connect the nitrogenous bases (2 hydrogen bonds between adenine and thymine, 3 hydrogen bonds between guanine and cytosine)


hydrogen bonding


just took the test :D

In the given range,at what temperature does oxy gen have the highest solubility?​


Water solubility of oxygen at 25oC and pressure = 1 bar is at 40 mg/L water. In air with a normal composition the oxygen partial pressure is 0.2 atm. This results in dissolution of 40 . 0.2 = 8 mg O2/L in water that comes in contact with air.
Solubility of oxygen and oxygen compounds

Water solubility of oxygen at 25oC and pressure = 1 bar is at 40 mg/L water. In air with a normal composition the oxygen partial pressure is 0.2 atm. This results in dissolution of 40 . 0.2 = 8 mg O2/L in water that comes in contact with air.

A student prepares a aqueous solution of acetic acid . Calculate the fraction of acetic acid that is in the dissociated form in his solution. Express your answer as a percentage. You will probably find some useful data in the ALEKS Data resource.





The dissociation of acetic acid can be well expressed as follow:

CH₃COOH ⇄   CH₃COO⁻  + H⁺

Let assume that the prepared amount of the aqueous solution is 14mM since it is not given:


The I.C.E Table is expressed as follows:

                     CH₃COOH       ⇄   CH₃COO⁻        +           H⁺  

Initial              0.0014                       0                                0

Change            - x                           +x                               +x

Equilibrium   (0.0014 - x)                 x                                 x

Recall that:

Ka for acetic acid CH₃COOH  = 1.8×10⁻⁵

[tex]K_a = \dfrac{[x][x]]}{[0.0014-x]}[/tex]

[tex]1.8*10^{-5} = \dfrac{[x][x]]}{[0.0014-x]}[/tex]

[tex]1.8*10^{-5} = \dfrac{[x]^2}{[0.0014-x]}[/tex]

[tex]1.8*10^{-5}(0.0014-x) = x^2[/tex]

[tex]2.52*10^{-8} -1.8*10^{-5}x = x^2[/tex]

[tex]2.52*10^{-8} -1.8*10^{-5}x - x^2 =0[/tex]

By rearrangement:

[tex]- x^2 -1.8*10^{-5}x +2.52*10^{-8}= 0[/tex]

Multiplying through  by (-) and solving the quadratic equation:

[tex]x^2 +1.8*10^{-5}x-2.52*10^{-8}= 0[/tex]

[tex](-0.00015 + x) (0.000168 + x) =0[/tex]

x = 0.00015 or x = -0.000168

We will only consider the positive value;

so x=[CH₃COO⁻] = [H⁺] = 0.00015

CH₃COOH = (0.0014 - 0.00015) = 0.00125

However, the percentage fraction of the dissociated acetic acid is:

[tex]= \dfrac{ 0.00015}{0.0014}\times 100[/tex]

= 10.71%

Which particle has a mass of 9.11 x 10^-28g and charge of -1?
A. electron
B. proton
C. neutron​


QUESTION:- Which particle has a mass of 9.11 x 10^-28g and charge of -1?


A. electron

B. proton

C. neutron


CHARGE ON PROTRON IS +1 AND IT HAS MASS OF [tex]1.6 \times 10 {}^{ - 27} [/tex] SO IT CANNOT BE URE ANSWER


MASS OF THE ELECTRON:- [tex]9.11 \times 10^{ - 28} [/tex]

CHARGE ON ELECTRON:- [tex] -1[/tex]


What is the specific rotation of 13g of a molecule dissolved in 10 mL of solvent that gives an observed rotation of 23 degrees in a sample tube of 10 cm.





From the question we are told that:

Mass [tex]m=13g[/tex]

Volume [tex]V=10mL[/tex]

Angle [tex]\theta=23[/tex]

Sample Tube=10cm

Generally the equation for concentration is mathematically given by



Therefore the Specific Rotation

 [tex]\alpha=frac{\theta }{m*l}[/tex]

 [tex]\alpha=frac{23 }{1.3*1.0}[/tex]


What is the energy change when 78.0 g of Hg melt at −38.8°C



The correct answer is - 2.557 KJ


In this case, Hg is melting, the process is endothermic, so the energy change will have a positive sign.

we can calculate this energy by the following formula:

Q = met

where, m = mass,

e = specific heat

t = temperature


Q = 78*0.14* (273-38.8)

here 0.14 = C(Hg)

= 2.557 Kj

How can a Bose-Einstein condensate be formed? A. B super-heating a gas. B. By super-cooling certain types of solid. C. By super-cooling certain types of plasma. D. By super-heating a plasma



C. By super-cooling certain types of plasma.


Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter whereby atoms or particles become cooled to a very low energy state leading to their condensation to give a single quantum state.

Note that plasma refers to atoms that have had some or even all of its electrons stripped away leaving only positively charged ions. Simply put, plasma is ionized matter.

When certain types of plasma are super cooled, Bose-Einstein condensate are formed.

Identify the phase of the copper product after each reaction in the copper cycle.

The addition of HNO3 HNOX3 to Cu ______________
The addition of H2SO4 HX2SOX4 to CuO ____________ The addition of Z n Zn to C u S O 4 CuSOX4 Choose... The addition of N a O H NaOH to C u ( N O 3 ) 2 Cu(NOX3)X2 Choose... The heating of C u ( O H )



addition of HNO3 HNOX3 to Cu - Aueous

addition of H2SO4 HX2SOX4 to CuO - Aqueous

addition of Z n Zn to C u S O 4 CuSOX4 - Solid

addition of N a O H NaOH to C u ( N O 3 ) 2 Cu(NOX3)X2 - Solid

heating of C u ( O H ) - Solid


Copper when introduced with acids form an aqueous solution and fumes are released in air during the chemical reaction. When NaOH is added to copper then solid copper product is released. Copper dissolves on HNO but does not dissolves in HCL.

Consider the reaction “2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) = 2 SO3 was 0.175 M. After 50 s the concentration of SO2 Date: (g)”. Initial concentration of SO2 (g) (g) became 0.0500 M. Calculate rate of the reaction



The answer is "[tex]1.25 \times 10^{-3} \ \frac{m}{s}[/tex]"


Calculating the rate of the equation:

[tex]=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{\Delta [SO_2]}{\Delta t} =-\frac{\Delta [O_2]}{\Delta t}= +\frac{1}{2} \frac{\Delta [SO_3]}{\Delta t}\\\\=\frac{\Delta [SO_2]}{\Delta t}=\frac{0.0500-0.175\ M}{505}= -2.5 \times 10^{-3} \ \frac{m}{s}\\\\[/tex]


[tex]=\frac{-2.5 \times 10^{-3}}{2}=1.25 \times 10^{-3} \ \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

Consider the following reaction:


A reaction mixture in a 5.15-L flask at a certain temperature initially contains 26.6 g CO and 2.36 g H2. At equilibrium, the flask contains 8.63 g CH3OH.

Part A
Calculate the equilibrium constant (Kc) for the reaction at this temperature.





Step 1: Calculate the molar concentrations

We will use the following expression.

M = mass solute / molar mass solute × liters of solution

[CO]i = 26.6 g / (28.01 g/mol) × 5.15 L = 0.184 M

[H₂]i = 2.36 g / (2.02 g/mol) × 5.15 L = 0.227 M

[CH₃OH]e = 8.63 g / (32.04 g/mol) × 5.15 L = 0.0523 M

Step 2: Make an ICE chart

        CO(g) + 2 H₂(g) ⇄ CH₃OH(g)

I        0.184      0.227           0

C         -x           -2x             +x

E     0.184-x   0.227-2x        x

Since [CH₃OH]e = x, x = 0.0523

Step 3: Calculate all the concentrations at equilibrium

[CO]e = 0.184-x = 0.132 M

[H₂]e = 0.227-2x = 0.122 M

[CH₃OH]e = 0.0523 M

Step 4: Calculate the equilibrium constant (Kc)

Kc = [CH₃OH] / [CO] [H₂]²

Kc = 0.0523 / 0.132 × 0.122² = 26.6

How many moles of Al are necessary to form 45.0 g of AlBr, from this
2 Al(s) + 3 Br_(1) ► 2 AlBr_(s)?



0.169 mole of Al


We'll begin by by calculating the number of mole in 45 gof AlBr₃. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of AlBr₃ = 45 g

Molar mass of AlBr₃ = 27 + (3×80)

= 27 + 240

= 267 g/mol

Mole of AlBr₃ =?

Mole = mass /molar mass

Mole of AlBr₃ = 45 / 267

Mole of AlBr₃ = 0.169 mole

Finally, we shall determine the number of mole of Al needed to produce 45 g (i.e 0.169 mole) of AlBr₃. This can be obtained as illustrated below:

2Al + 3Br₂ —> 2AlBr₃

From the balanced equation above,

2 moles of Al reacted to produce 2 moles of AlBr₃.

Therefore, 0.169 mole of Al will also react to produce 0.169 mole of AlBr₃.

Thus, 0.169 mole of Al is needed for the reaction.

How can this product be achieved using the starting material shown?



this product can be achieved using the starting material shown is by use of NaOH as catalyst.


By using NaOH as catalyst.


This product can be achieved using the starting material shown is by the use of the NaOH as catalyst.

What is an emission spectrum?

A. The total amount of energy emitted by an element
B. The products created when an element is burned
C. The energy absorbed when an electron gains energy
D. The colors of light given off when an element loses energy​





The electromagnetic radiation is emitted due to a particle moves from a higher to a lower energy state

An emission spectrum is the colors of light given off when an element loses energy​. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is emission spectrum ?

The electromagnetic radiation spectrum produced when an electron changes from a high energy state to a lower energy state is known as the emission spectrum of a chemical element or chemical compound.

An emission spectrum is the range of radiations that are released in different places when electrons jump back and forth between higher and lower energy levels to achieve stability.

Since what you are seeing is the direct radiation produced by the source, this form of spectrum is also known as an emission spectrum. You can see all the colors in the Sun's spectrum because light from the Sun is produced at practically all energies in the visible spectrum.

Thus, option D is correct.

To learn more about emission spectrum, follow the link;



What direction would equilibrium moves towards based on the following if we increased the volume of the container.

[tex]2A_{(g)} + 5B_{(g)} + 12C_{(g)}[/tex] ↔ [tex]14AC_{(g)} + 5B_{(s)}[/tex]

Answer choices:
a) reactants
b) no change
c) products
d) decrease in volume

Please help!


To answer this question, we will first find out the number of gaseous moles on each side of the equilibrium

on the left:

we have 2 moles of A, 5 moles of B and 12 moles of C

which gives us a grand total of 19 gaseous moles

on the right:

here, we have 14 moles of AC gas, we will not count the number of moles of B because it's a solid

giving us 14 gaseous moles on the right

Where does the reaction shift?

more gaseous moles means more space taken, because gas likes to fill all the space it can

if we have more volume, more gas can move around without colliding (reacting) with each other

Hence more volume favors the side with more gaseous moles

here, the left has more gaseous moles. So we can say that the reaction will shift towards the left, or the reactants side



given reversible chemical reaction:

2A(g) + 5B(g) + 12C(g)  ↔  14AC(g) + 5B(s)

chemicals in solid form do not take up a lot of volume so change in container volume has no effect

look at chemicals in gas form only:

the total no. of moles of reactants in gas form = 2 + 5 + 12 = 19

the total no. of moles of products in gas form = 14

so an increase in volume of the container will favor the reaction direction with higher volume n high volume means higher no. of moles

the ans is the equilibrium will move towards a) reactants

Question In nickel-cadmium batteries: Select the correct answer below: the anodes are nickel-plated and the cathodes are cadmium-plated the anodes are cadmium-plated and the cathodes are nickel-plated both the anodes and cathodes are plated with a nickel-cadmium alloy none of the above



the anodes are cadmium-plated and the cathodes are nickel-plated


Nickel cadmium battery works on the principle as by the other cell. There is anode and a cathode which is separated by a separator (spiral shaped inside the case). The anode is negative and is cadmium plated while the cathode is positive and is nickel plated. An electrolyte is also used.

So the correct answer is : "The anodes are cadmium-plated and the cathodes are nickel-plated."

Generally the vapor pressure of a liquid is related to: I. the amount of liquid II. atmospheric pressure III. temperature IV. intermolecular forces



Atmospheric pressure, because a liquid is said to be boiling when the vapour pressure equals the atmospheric pressure.

What is true of all matter?
A. It pushes or pulls on objects.
B. You can see it.
C. It gives off heat energy.
D. It has mass.


It would be D (I think)

Read the chemical equation.
N2 + 3H2 - 2NH3
Using the volume ratio, determine how many liters of NH3 is produced if 4.2 liters of H2 reacts with an excess of N2
if all measurements are taken at the same temperature and pressure?
A 2.8 liters
B 3.2 liters
C 5.4 liters
D 6.3 liters



A 2.8 liters


Step 1: Write the balanced equation

N₂ + 3 H₂ ⇄ 2 NH₃

Step 2: Establish the appropriate volume ratio

At the same temperature and pressure, the volume ratio of H₂ to NH₃ is 3:2.

Step 3: Calculate the volume of ammonia produced from 4.2 L of hydrogen

4.2 L H₂ × 2 L NH₃/3 L H₂ = 2.8 L

Determine the equilibrium constant, Keq, at 25°C for the reaction
2Br- (aq) + I2(s) <--> Br2(l) + 2I- (aq)

Eocell = (0.0257/n) lnKeq, Calculate Eocell from Use this equation to calculate K value.

Eo (I2/I-) = +0.53, Eo (Br2/Br-) = +1.07,



The given chemical reaction is:

[tex]2Br^- (aq) + I_2(s) <-> Br_2(l) + 2I^- (aq)[/tex]

[tex]E^ocell=oxidation potential of anode + reduction potential of cathode\\[/tex]

The relation between Eo cell and Keq is shown below:

[tex]deltaG=-RTlnK_e_q\\delta=-nFE^o cell\\=>nFE^o cell=RTlnK_e_q\\lnK_e_q=\frac{nF}{RT} E^o cell[/tex]

The value of Eo cell is:

Br- undergoes oxidation and I2 undergoes reduction.

Reduction takes place at cathode.

Oxidation takes place at anode.


[tex]E^ocell= (-1.07+0.53)V\\=-0.54V[/tex]

F=96485 C/mol

n=2 mol

R=8.314 J.K-1.mol-1


Substitute all these values in the above formula:

[tex]ln K_e_q=\frac{2mol* 96485 C/mol}{8.314 J.K^-^1.mol^-^1x298K} \\\\lnK_e_q=77.8\\K_e_q=e^7^7^.^8\\=>K_e_q=6.13x10^3^3[/tex]



A uniform plastic block floats in water with 50.0 % of its volume above the surface of the water. The block is placed in a second liquid and floats with 23.0 % of its volume above the surface of the liquid.
What is the density of the second liquid?
Express your answer with the appropriate units.



density of second liquid = 650 kg/m³


Given that:

The volume of the plastic block submerged inside the water  = 0.5 V

The force on the plastic block  = [tex]\rho_1V_1g[/tex]

[tex]= 0.5p_1 V_g[/tex]

when the block is floating, the weight supporting the force (buoyancy force) is:

W [tex]= 0.5p_1 V_g[/tex]

[tex]\rho Vg = 0.5p_1 V_g[/tex]

[tex]\rho = 0.5 \rho _1[/tex]


water density [tex]\rho _1[/tex] = 1000

[tex]\rho = 0.5 (1000)[/tex]

[tex]\rho = 500 kg/m^3[/tex]

In the second liquid, the volume of plastic block in the water = (100-23)%

= 77% = 0.7 V

The force on the plastic block is:

[tex]= 0.77p_2 V_g[/tex]

when the block is floating, the weight supporting the force (buoyancy force) is:

[tex]W = 0.77p_2 V_g[/tex]

[tex]\rho Vg = 0.77 \rho_2 V_g \\ \\ \rho = 0.77 \rho_2 \\ \\ 500 = 0.77 \rho_2 \\ \\ \rho_2 = 500/0.77[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{ \rho_2 \simeq 650 \ kg/m^3}[/tex]

what is speed lathe machine.​



A speed lathe is a type of lathe that is designed to operate much faster than its common counterpart.

Write a net ionic equation for the overall reaction that occurs when aqueous solutions of carbonic acid and sodium hydroxide are combined. Assume excess base.



[tex]H_2CO_3(aq)+2OH^-(aq)\rightarrow (CO_3)^{2-}(aq)+2H_2O(l)[/tex]


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to set up this net ionic equation, by firstly setting up the complete molecular equation as follows:

[tex]H_2CO_3(aq)+2NaOH(aq)\rightarrow Na_2CO_3(aq)+2H_2O(l)[/tex]

Thus, since carbonic acid is weak it merely ionizes whereas sodium hydroxides ionizes for the 100 % as it is strong; thus, we can write the complete ionic equation:

[tex]H_2CO_3(aq)+2Na^+(aq)+2OH^-(aq)\rightarrow 2Na^+(aq)+(CO_3)^{2-}(aq)+2H_2O(l)[/tex]

Whereas sodium ions act as the spectator ones to be cancelled out for us to obtain:

[tex]H_2CO_3(aq)+2OH^-(aq)\rightarrow (CO_3)^{2-}(aq)+2H_2O(l)[/tex]


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write an absolute value equations to satsify the given solution set shown on a number line -1/2 1/2 and aPlz help fast Given Isosceles Trapezoid TRAP, if mP=98, find mT I need help with all 4 For # 31 - 34, solve the equation for the unknown variable. verbo formado con estas letras cerrienquer Solve 5 (2x + 1 ) + 4 = 6 ( 3x + 2) - 7 How do I graph x+3y12? For 32 = 5X + 2, what is the first step in solving for X? 10. Both x and y vary inversely with each other. When x is 10, y is 6,which of the following is not a possible pair of corresponding values of x and y? (A) 12 and 5 (B) 15 and 4 (C) 25 and 2.4 (D) 45 and 1.2expain me mods plz answer Karen is having a party. She'll have 4 tables for every 12 guests. Complete the table below showing the number of tables and the number of guests. My sister supports me into passive voice What is Nat turner and John browns slave revolts? Video news releases are ______. Group of answer choices None of the above options is correct produced by PR agencies and companies for use in TV newscasts aired by TV stations as part of their requirement to serve the public interest public service announcements (PSAs) eagerly accepted by TV news departments, especially in large markets Sodium acetate is produced by the reaction of baking soda and vinegar. The resultant solution is then heated until it becomes saturated and allowed to cool. As a result, the solution has become supercooled. Upon addition of a small seed crystal, the solution temperature increases as sodium acetate trihydrate crystallizes. Its molar enthalpy of fusion is 35.9 kJ/mol. How much thermal energy would be released by 276.0 g of sodium acetate trihydrate (molar mass What is the predicative adjective in this sentence: the small, quaint town of New Fairfield has a modern public library. the majority of problems Best Buy was facing have been brought about by _________________force. The fields of antebellum (pre-Civil War) political history and womens history use separate sources and focus on separate issues. Political historians, examining sources such as voting records, newspapers, and politicians writings, focus on the emergence in the 1840s of a new "American political nation," and since women were neither voters nor politicians, they receive little discussion. Womens historians, meanwhile, have shown little interest in the subject of party politics, instead drawing on personal papers, legal records such as wills, and records of female associations to illuminate womens domestic lives, their moral reform activities, and the emergence of the womans rights movement.However, most historians have underestimated the extent and significance of womens political allegiance in the antebellum period. For example, in the presidential election campaigns of the 1840s, the Virginia Whig party strove to win the allegiance of Virginias women by inviting them to rallies and speeches. According to Whig propaganda, women who turned out at the partys rallies gathered information that enabled them to mold party-loyal families, reminded men of moral values that transcended party loyalty, and conferred moral standing on the party. Virginia Democrats, in response, began to make similar appeals to women as well. By the mid-1850s the inclusion of women in the rituals of party politics had become commonplace and the ideology that justified such inclusion had been assimilated by the Democrats.The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is toA. examine the tactics of antebellum political parties with regard to womenB. trace the effect of politics on the emergence of the womans rights movementC. point out a deficiency in the study of a particular historical periodD. discuss the ideologies of opposing antebellum political partiesE. contrast the methodologies in two differing fields of historical inquiry 15. In a school, the ratio of boys and girls is 4:5, when 100 girls leave the school, the ratio becomes 6:7. How many boys are there in the school which is/are true regarding bruxism? 1. Stress is not a factor in the etiology of TMD. 2.Stress is associated with an increase in bruxism. 3. There are two separate categories ofbruxism: sleep bruxism and awake bruxism. 4. Certain medications can cause an increasein bruxism. A massage technique that consists of applying pressure to specific points of the face and body to release muscle tension, stimulate and restore balance (chi) is known as Tm hai s c tng l 177. Nu bt s th nht i 17 n v v thm vo s th 25 n v th s th nht s bng 2/3 s th 2