1. How is neuroscientist like and different from a brain surgeon?

2. How is neuron like and different from a blood cell?

(Please make your answer short for better understanding.)


Answer 1


hey ✌

Here's ur answer ⤵️


A neuroscientist studies the brain from a scientific perspective, while a neurosurgeon operates on the brain to treat nervous system disorders and to study the brain for clinical purposes.

hope it's helpful for you !

Pls mark as brainlist!

Related Questions

An example of _______ is one in which a group of individuals who have a condition, such as heart disease, are compared with a similar group of people who do not have the same condition.





Those who go to the hospital with illness are referred to as patient and those who also go for check up even if they are not sick are also referred to as patient.


answer is case control study.


I just took the test so your welcome and goodluck

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answer: if you rush into honestly any sport without stretching or at least warming up you can not only injury your self such as straining a muscle or pulling something. but what also happens is your muscles aren’t ready for the activity you’re doing. the term “get warm” is actually quite literal because you are increasing body temp and blood flow to your muscles.
hope that helps :)
I totally agree with what the other person said it’s very dangerous if you do not even mentally if your used to warming up you might feel worse when ur playing

20. Why are basic math skills important for health care professionals even if they normally use


For like heart rate and graphs that they have in health care to see the progress of there recovery and not everything can be done on a calculator

What was the main reason for initiating national health care in countries such as Germany and England?


Ward off political instability. Physicians and hospitals in the US began consolidating and integrating mainly in response to: The growth of managed care.

sexually contraceptive use among adolescent​


birth control, IUD, condoms


birth control, IUD, condoms



which of the following is generally true of the B vitamins
A. some yield energy
B. they help enzymes participate in release of energy
C. they are considered micronutrients
D. structurally, they are linked together
E. they are not as readily available in food as carbohydrates, fats,and proteins​



answer is c.


why don't we make absolutely pure water to drink​



Pure water, that is. Stripping water down to an ultrapure state makes it unfit for human consumption. In the world of electronics, manufacturers remove all of the minerals, dissolved gas and dirt particles from water. ... But if you were to drink ultra-pure water, it would literally drink you back. There is no such thing as pure water. The very concept of 'pure' water is misleading. ... Most water will contain certain ions, such as calcium and magnesium, even if it is just a trace amount. These minerals are the ones that define whether water is hard or soft, and they play a role in taste.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...


Mainly because of the major water companies like Dasani


Some of them actually put a small amount of salt in their water so it makes you more thirsty so that you buy more. No one has actually made genuine pure water from what i've seen

Create a logical connection between effective communication and choices about drug usage.​


Answer: if you talk to someone to see if they’re doing ok mentally they’re less likely to try to use a vessel for happiness like vape and drugs. Communication is an important thing to prevent this from happening. If you talk to someone who you know isn’t doing well mentally then they might refrain from thinking about using drugs.


Mr. Wong is a single individual. He has had a successful business career and is now able to retire with a comfortable income. Mr. Wong’s taxable income is in excess of $100,000. Mr. Wong has health coverage through his employer but will sign-up Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D when he leaves the workforce. How would you advise him as he budgets for Medicare premiums?


Answer: See explanation


From the question, we are given the information that Mr. Wong’s taxable income is in excess of $100,000.snd that he has a health coverage through his employer but will sign-up Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D when he leaves the workforce.

It should be noted that due to the fact that he's participating in the workforce, then he doesn't have to spend a penny for the medicare part A as he won't pay. On the other hand, he'll pay high premiums for both part A and D due to the fact that he earns a large income.

Which factor increases the risks assumed with wing into we
h. Diing at
B, Seeing the bottom
C. Having clear water
O D. Being able to swim



try c im pretty sure


D. Being able to swim

Which of the following represents the approximate sweat rate of an athlete given the following information:

Pre-exercise weight: 143 pounds (65kg)
Post exercise weight: 137 pounds (62 kg)
Urine volume: 3 ounces
Drink Volume: 8 oz.
Exercise time: 75 minutes

a. 1.25 oz/min
b. 0.15 oz/min
c. 0.11 oz/min
d. 1.35 oz/min



The correct answer is - b. 0.15 oz/min


Sweat rate can be determined by the difference of pre and post exercise weight and fluid retention divided by exercise time

Sweat rate: {(pre exercise - post exercise weight) + (fluid intake - urine output)}/time

= (143-137)+8-3/75

= 0.15 oz/min.

What can Bruno do to get adequate sleep each night? Check all that apply.



Bruno should

Try to spend some time outdoors every day.

Plan his physical activity for earlier in the day, not right before he goes to bed.

Stay away from caffeine (including coffee, tea, and soda) late in the day.

If he has trouble sleeping at night, limit daytime naps to 20 minutes or less.



Which of these strategies are used to prevent substance use and abuse? Select three options.
developing a plan




decision making

developing a plan


C, D, and E



decision making

developing a plan

Which of the following is the best way for the care team to communicate? O plan a care team meeting write a note for the family talk to the nurse call the doctor​


Inter hospital is correct

What is health? Give meaningful definition​



Health is a dynamic state of complete physically, mentally,socially and spiritually well being and not merely the absence of disease. OR .Health is the state of being free from illness and injury

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

why most of these answers are not true?


Because most people just want the points and don’t do the work and not most of these answers are wrong you are probably just not looking at the right ones this app usually recommend you answers and questions similar to yours if they can’t find yours

o que funciona melhor no nosso corpo com a pratica de atividade física?


Yoga, pilates o tai chi.
Ejercicios como pararse sobre una pierna, caminar hacia atrás o usar una tabla oscilante.
Entrenamiento de fuerza para los músculos de la espalda, el abdomen y las piernas.
Hope this helps.

Hi !


- Nordic's walk

- yoga

- pilate

what do you mean by love?​


love is the feeling that you can’t let go of the idea of someone, the memorization of every detail of them, and the yearn for them.


A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person,attraction that includes sexual desire,the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship,etc....

A researcher is examining the quality of life



3'=N 4

[tex]4 \times \\ 21 \div 2[/tex]

correct me if I'm wrong.

Which benefit results from dating?


Answer:The benefit results from dating is learning more about oneself, because that situation will make you thing about your feelings, and you are feeling about the other person, shortly you will know better about yourself, your likes and dislikes.


Getting to know yourself and others better

When will Mara get love too ?



Mara will get love once she decides she wants to love...?


Idrk what the question is for.

For self-care activities to enhance memory







Happy learning!


Simulation just as reading writing going on a walk sleeping gardening

Do you like my cut g or no?



yo cut nice g


*slaps soft*


"I like yo cut g"



If your date is verbally abusive to you, it’s probably because you did something wrong



Which behavior would best describe someone who has integrity ? a) Alerting a supervisor when a coworker comes in late b) Putting off tough tasks until the last minute c) through following on a promise d) Signing in for a coworker who's running late



The answer is C.


Although signing in for a coworker is a good thing to do, by keeping a promise it shows you are honest and able to be keep your word.

what are the differences between pituitary and thyroid dwarfism?​



pituitário faz as pessoas ficarem anãs e magras o tiroidiano faz as pessoas ficar altas e gordas

What's the best cold drinks for a sore throat


Sore throats usually hot drinks are the go too
Water maybe

I’m really sorry for not really helping
For sure throats drinks that help me are cold drinks that help with inflammation. Good ideas are slurpees, cold water, and cold non-carbonated drinks.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Which of the following could be classified as a break in confidentiality

A. A hospital and physician's office sharing patient information for treatment purposes
B. A patient discussing his or her medical record with the correspondence manager
C. Release of medical records from one hospital to another for continued patient care
D. A computer hacker breaking into a hospital's secured computer system





All the other options(A, B, C) are for the good of others. But A computer hacker breaking into a hospital's secured computer system is a breach.

Frank and Jan W. are the proud parents of Jesse, an 18-month-old child who has been breastfed from birth. Jesse was 7 pounds 1 ounce at birth and at her last check-up she weighed 20 pounds. Jesse’s mom breastfeeds her in the morning and before putting her to bed at night. During the day, Jesse drinks juice and water from a cup. Jesse’s parents have been feeding her a vegan diet since her birth, citing a strong family history of heart disease as their reason for this choice. Jesse’s current diet includes a variety of chopped fruit, vegetables, cereal, mashed beans, and soy-based cheeses. Both parents want the best for their child and are carefully considering whether to continue her current diet restrictions.
1. Using the "How to" feature, plot Jesse’s birth weight and her current weight for age. What might this information indicate to Jesse’s parents?
2. What components of a Jesse’s diet may contribute to her low rate of weight gain? Explain.
3. In view of her current diet, what nutrition strategies might Jesse’s parents consider to improve her weight gain? Give specific examples.
4. As Jesse is weaned from breast milk, what vegan foods might be added to her diet to prevent nutrient deficiencies?


Solution :

1. Using the 'How to' feature, the weight of Jesse should be 22.5 pounds. But the current weight of Jesse is 20 pound which means she is underweight. She has less protein intake then what she should have as she ahs vegan diet.

As per reports, a vegan diet can have negative impact to an infant and for a growing child. But one make it abundant with protein with proper diet planning and also by vitamins.

2. As Jesse does not take breastmilk, she should take enough quantity of calcium, B12-based soy milk and vitamin D. As it was reported that if we someone continuously taking of insufficient amount of essential nutrients that leads to deficiencies in the body.

As Jesse is on vegan diet, so she must take more iron and zinc content food. The vegan diet which she takes is also low in cholesterol, animal protein and saturated fat. So all these including low content of calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acid, riboflavin and iodine contributes to the low rate of weight gain of Jesse.

3. For the weight gain, Jesse must not strictly follow a vegan diet or even if she follows a vegetarian diet, she should include equal amounts of protein rich food, vitamins and some good fats.

If one is avoiding animal protein, then he or she should include lots of diary products to get enough of vitamins and energy.

A well balanced protein diet food is essential for all.

4. Jesse should take green vegetable as much as she can.  She should include in her diet varieties of pulses, diary products such as milk, cheese, butter. She should also take B-12 soy milk.


Which of the following is NOT a common effect of hallucinogens?
A. Perceptual Anomalies
B. Altered Cognition
C. Hallucinations
D. Aggression



A. Perceptual Anomalies

Perceptual Anomalies is not a common effect of hallucinogens.

What is hallucinogens ?

Hallucinogens are a diverse group of drugs that alter a person's awareness of their surroundings as well as their own thoughts and feelings.

What are the effects of hallucinogens psychology?

Symptoms can include nightmarish hallucinations, extreme panic, paranoia and nausea. It is also possible to have a mixture of good and bad experiences in the one trip.

Hence, A is correct option

To learn more about Hallucinogens ,here



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