1-The best thing about our holiday to Iceland was our visit to see the....... a. flood b. volcano c. geyser 2-An eclipse of the sun is a strange natural …………. a. phenomenon b. phenomena c. phenomenal 3-A well-known TV……..is opening a new supermarket in our town tomorrow. a. celebration b. celebrity c. fame 4-The market was full of …….who were selling goods from all over the country. a. customers b. merchants c. buyers 5-That old bridge is very weak. They will have to. ……..it soon. a. shorten b. strengthen c. harden​


Answer 1
Shorten harden strength volcano

Related Questions

read this excerpt dear sir or madam i am responding to your ad seeking data managers why is this cover letter inapporiate?



It provides irrelevant information.

3. Read the given text and do the activities given below. There are 30 different kinds of pet cats. They have different body shapes and sizes, colouring, fur length, eye colour, tail length, voice and temperament. House cats do not like swimming. Cats like to eat meat and will kill and eat small mammals, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and snakes. Cats started living with people over 7,000 years ago and still live with us today.,
A. Choose the correct answer.
a. Cats are kept as.
i. food iii. cars
b.Cats do not like.....
i. swimming ii. meat iii. people
c. How many kinds of cats are there?
i. 100 ii. 50 iii. 30 a. ii. pets
d. Cats like to eat.....
i. clouds ii. wood iii. meat​



A) pets

B) swimming

C) 30

D) clouds

Pls can I have brainliest?

Hope my answer helped

Tim won't eat any food _____________himself.​



by him self


i know it will right

Answer: by , for ,


Where does Ivan Jakovlevitch find Major Kovaloff's nose?
A. At the Isaac Bridge
O B. At the newspaper office
O C. In his barbershop
O D. In his breakfast bread



D. In his breakfast bread

D. In his breakfast bread

We depend on oil and gas for nearly 3/4 ____ our energy requirement.


A. of

We depend on oil and gas for nearly 3/4 (of) our energy requirement.

We depend on oil and gas for nearly 3/4 of our energy requirement.

What is the use of the word of?

Of is the verb that is used to form relationship between part and a whole.

Because in the given sentence it say that we depend on oil and gas for nearly 3/4 of our energy requirement the word of here forms a relation between the part that the energy that we human requires, to the whole of the sentence that we depends on oil and gas. Thus the word of forms the functioning of the whole sentence.

Hence the correct option is, A. of.

To know more about of:



When pony and Johnny are in trouble,Pony tells us.”Dallas Winston could do anything.”What specific evidence from this chapter supports Pony’s statement. The book THE OUTSIDERS CH.4



" He handed me his worn brown leather jacket with the yellow sheep's-wool lining. "It'll get cold where you're going, but you can't risk being loaded down with blankets."

"Hop the three-fifteen freight to Windrixville," Dally instructed. "There's an old abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. There's a pump in back so don't worry about water. Buy a week's supply of food as soon as you get there--- this morning, before the story gets out, and then don't so much as stick your noses out the door."

Dally gets the things he thinks the boys will need to get out of town: a gun, money, clothing, directions, and instructions.

Hope this helps!


Help me please………………..



c. signs or billboards


you literally see them everywhere and every time you go out

hope this helped

The answer is c !!!!!!

he said to me don't be late change into indirect speech ​


He suggested me to not be late

plan a special meal for 6 people



Indian special

dal bati....


mark me brillient

It’s a meal so there can be two to three dishes
1. One thing made of rice which is popular in that area
2. Some stuffed vegetables
3. A desert will do really good

Which sentence has a grammatical or spelling error?

A) If we find that we should've shipped your order sooner, you'll be eligible for a full refund.

B) When they finished eating, all the boy's faces were covered in tomato sauce.

C) Both are correct





When you read sentence A, it doesn't sound fluent.

When they finished eating, all the boy's faces were covered in tomato sauce is the incorrect sentence. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a grammatical or spelling error?

The systematic process of characters to create a word is referred to as spelling. The term won't be written correctly and won't understand if those characters were not really constructed appropriately. The proper placement of letters to create a phrase is referred to as grammar.

In this sentence, the in-corrections were about the singular and plural verb and noun which were related to they, all, and boys. They, the plural was employed incorrectly for a singular object boy, and as a result, it indicates a grammatical mistake.

The correct statement will be when they finished eating, all the boys' faces were covered in tomato sauce. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about grammatical or spelling errors, here:



Rina said to Tina, "I have something to show you "



a surprise gift


Which word doesn’t have a syllabic consonant?




fasten be i doesnt ou o sound cause there no o or u

Write sentences from phrases:
umbrellas/ all
woman/ street



The Umbrella you bought me from that Street were fake

Higher than normal red blood cell count?




Higher than normal RBCs may be caused by cigarette smoking, heart problems, and dehydration. They can also be caused by problems with your kidneys, bone marrow, or breathing. Living in a high altitude may also increase your RBC count.

what is bird flu?when was it first detected among humans?​


The first known cases in humans were reported in 1997, when an outbreak of avian influenza A virus subtype H5N1 in poultry in Hong Kong led to severe illness in 18 people, one-third of whom died.


viral infection that can infect not only birds, but also humans and other animals

complete the following sentences with the suitable form of the adjective and/or adverb of the word in the parenthesis in each sentence.
1. I heard a __(little) polite laughter when I told my jokes but everyone laughed ___(loud) when Gaby was telling hers. Her jokes are always__(fun) than mine​



I heard a little polite laughter when I told my jokes but everyone laughed loudy when Gaby was telling hers. Her jokes are always funnier than mine​


I heard a little polite laughter when I told my jokes but everyone laughed loudly when Gaby was telling hers. Her jokes are always funnier than mine.


A) Make a list of words and expressions of joyful emotions and try to construct the sentences and speak infront of the class​


List of words and expressions of joyful emotions:

Cheerfulness: Amusement, bliss, cheerfulness, delight, ecstasy, elation, enjoyment, euphoria, gaiety, gladness, glee, happiness, jolliness, joviality, joy, jubilation, satisfaction.

Contentment: Contentment, pleasure.

Enthrallment: Enthrallment, rapture.

Optimism: Eagerness, hope, optimism.

Pride: Pride, triumph.

Combine the sentences replacing the adjective with a noun:
1. My sister was cheerful. This made me forget all my troubles.
2. The Mosque's foundations are strong. This stopped it from collapsing in the earthquake.
3. The crate is heavy. It slowed Ram's progress.



1. My sister's cheerfulness made me forget all my troubles.

2. The strength of the mosque's foundation stopped it from collapsing in the earthquake.

3. The weight of the crate slowed the Ram's progress or The Ram's progress was slowed by the weight of the crate.


In English language, a noun can be defined as a word used to refer to a person, place, animal, idea, feeling or thing. Thus, a noun is considered to be a naming word.

An adjective is one of the parts of speech in English language and it can be defined as a word that qualifies or describes a noun in a sentence. Some examples of an adjective are big, heavy, small, happy, tall, short, cheerful, strong, fat, rambunctious, etc.

In this exercise, you're required to combine the given sentences by replacing the adjective with a noun while ensuring that the sentence is logical and expresses a complete thought.

1. The adjective in the first sentence is "cheerful" and it can be changed into a noun as "cheerfulness."

2. The adjective in the first sentence is "strong" and it can be changed into a noun as "strength."

3. The adjective in the first sentence is "heavy" and it can be changed into a noun as "weight."

My name’s Lisa. I often get up at 6. Then I do some morning exercises. I usually ride my bicycle to school. Sometimes, I take the bus. I have my breakfast in the canteen. My class starts at 7:30.
Suggested questions:
1. What time do you often get up?/ go to bed?
2. Do you often do morning excercise? Why (not)?
3. Where do you live? How far is your house from school?




1. What time do you often get up?/ go to bed?

ans i often get up at 7.

2. Do you often do morning excercise? Why (not)?

ans yeah i do exercise in the morning cuz to become healthy person.

3. Where do you live? How far is your house from school?

ans I lived in the earth

recently a foreign student spent one month as a member of your class in order to learn about your country.your principal has requested you to sent an email to him about the visit.write your email.you must include the following:the student name and other details about the student.what the student did during the visit both in and out of school.why you feel the visit was benefit to the student and your school​



If a figure has been dilated by a scale factor of 2, which transformation could be used to prove the figures are similar using the AA similarity postulate?

A reflection to map at least two sides of the image to two sides of the pre-image.

A series of dilations to map at least two angles of the image to two angles of the pre-image.

A rotation to map at least two sides of the image to two sides of the pre-image.

A series of translations to map at least two angles of the image to two angles of the pre-image.

If a figure has been dilated by a scale factor of 2, which transformation could be used to prove the figures are similar using the AA similarity postulate?

A reflection to map at least two sides of the image to two sides of the pre-image.

A series of dilations to map at least two angles of the image to two angles of the pre-image.

A rotation to map at least two sides of the image to two sides of the pre-image.

A series of translations to map at least two angles of the image to two angles of the pre-image.


If a figure has been dilated by a scale factor of 2, which transformation could be used to prove the figures are similar using the AA similarity postulate?

A reflection to map at least two sides of the image to two sides of the pre-image.

A series of dilations to map at least two angles of the image to two angles of the pre-image.

A rotation to map at least two sides of the image to two sides of the pre-image.

A series of translations to map at least two angles of the image to two angles of the pre-image.

The idea in line 12 is somewhat compressed. Think about what originally fed the speaker's fires - fires that are now choked. Paraphrase this line in your own words. Sonnet 73 by William Shakespeare


Answer: dealing with what you have


give three explanations regarding the changing of managment



Change and change management can seem interchangeable in organizations, but there are significant and important differences between the two. And when there is no clear delineation, people can lack clarity about what is needed to move a change initiative forward. The better we separately define and address change and change management, the better position we will be in as change management practitioners—with a clearer scope, and shared direction and purpose.

Need help with this one too please thank you.


the first one and 3 one

Parents shouldn't use physical punishment it negatively influences children's development.
A. because of B. although C. because D. in spite of
how are you ??





I'm good thanks and you?

2. Why does Kyle put his report card in a soup can? How do you know?
3. Was Kyle's report card good or bad and why was it like that? How do you



he put his report card into the soup because his grade was bad and he didnt want his parents to see it. my poor man kyle

what is an issue affecting your community



We've already seen connections to lack of education, unemployment, lack of after-school programs, and gang violence and crime, among other issues. Other organizations may be working on one or more of these, and a collaboration might help both of you to reach your goals.

Which best compares the authors' purposes in Silent Spring and "Save the Redwoods"?



Both authors want readers to protect human rights. Both authors want readers to focus on saving trees. Both authors intend to entertain readers with their essays.

Hi Jane!
I've been meaning to write for ages and finally today I'm actually doing something about it. Not that I'm trying to make excuses for myself, it's been really hard to sit down and write, as I've been moving around so much. Since we last saw each other I've unpacked my bags in four different cities.
I went from London to Prague to set up a new regional office there. You know I'd always wanted to go, but maybe I was imagining Prague in spring when I used to talk about that. Winter was really hard, with minus 15 degrees in the mornings and dark really early in the evening. But at least it was blue skies and white snow and not days on end of grey skies and rain, like at home.
From there I was on another three-month mission to oversee the set-up of the office in New York. Loved, loved, loved New York! It's like being in one big TV show, as everywhere looks just a little bit familiar. I did every tourist thing you can think of when I wasn't working, and must have spent most of my salary on eating out. It was really hard to leave for the next job, especially as I kind of met someone (!) More about Michael later ...
So then I was posted to LA, which felt like a whole other country compared with the East Coast. I could definitely get used to that kind of outdoor, beach lifestyle, but I didn't spend as much time getting to know California as I could have because I was flying back to see Michael every other weekend. He came to see me when he could, but his job means he's often working at weekends, so he couldn't make the flight very often. Those three months flew by and then I was off again, to Frankfurt, which is where I am now. And ... so is Michael! He got a month off work and we're trying to work out how we can be in the same place at the same time for a while. We figure the first step in that direction is getting married, which is also why I wanted to write – I can't get married without my oldest friend there! The wedding's going to be at home in London in September and I hope you can come!
Anyway, tell me all your news and I promise not to leave it so long this time! Lots of love,

Question 1: What was the author’s purpose(s) in writing this text?
Question 2: How was the text organized?
Question 3: How do the type/ topic/ ideas from the text relate to things you have been doing?
Question 4: If you were Jane, what would you write to reply Kath?






Why should you use a style manual when writing a research paper?

A) so that readers will understand where you found your information

B) to memorize the style required by each discipline

C) to provide a neat, easy-to-read paper with enough white space

D) so that you'll show you understand and can follow rules



D because after styling the manual after writing a research paper you can show that you understand and follow the rules

The style manual should be used while writing a research paper to memorize the style required by each discipline. Thus, option (B) is correct.

What is the purpose of a style manual?

The general purpose of the style manual is to work look and read just like every other work written in that style, such as the layout of the page, the manner in which other writers are cited inside the text, even the writing style.

A style manual is a set of guidelines for conducting research and writing for academic or published purposes. There are numerous distinct style guides, and each one has specific guidelines for the writing style, citations, and overall format of a work.

The discipline's style handbook aids in fostering communication among its members. The research paper is delivered in a consistent and readable manner when prepared manually.

Therefore, it can be concluded that option (B) is correct.

Learn more about style manual here:



When you type in a cell it is



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