1. What describes hypospadias? 1 point A. Scrotal lymphedema
B. Undescended testicle
C. Ventral urinary meatus
D. Inflammation of the prepuce

2. Which of the following is an ocular change that may be hyperthyroidism?
A. Ptosis
B. Open angle glaucoma
D.Presbyopia ​


Answer 1


ok so im not sure but i think the first one is C. Ventral urinary meatus and number 2 is D.Presbyopia


have a lovely day:)

Related Questions

which is an example of a paper health record



previous and current medication that certain people are taking, as well as medical history concerning their family would be  a good example to use. Shot records for schools is another one.


Mrs. Ramos is considering a Medicare Advantage PPO and has questions about which providers she can go to for her health care. What should you tell her?



Mrs. Ramos can get the answer she is looking for and can get care from any provider who participates in Original Medicare, but normally there is a high-cost sharing amount if get care from a provider who/that is not part of the PPO network. This means if she wants to get less charge for her queries she should see a provider from the network.

Your supervisor needs to make sure that each of the in-service topics will be covered by someone, so she is asking the staff to communicate their topic preference. Below is the list of problems your supervisor wants the nursing staff to be able to teach older adult clients (and/or their family members) about.
In-service Topic Options:
Coronary artery disease
Increased risk of falls
Vison/hearing impairment
Nutrition and hydration
Your supervisor has asked you to submit a 1-page proposal, written using proper spelling, grammar, and APA, which addresses the following:
Identify the client problem your in-service will address.
Describe at least 5 consequences of the client problem as it relates to the health, safety, and well-being of older adults.
Explain your rationale for choosing the client problem you selected.


Outline for In-service on depression in older adults

I - Introduction

Say why this is important

Give statistics about how common this problem is for older adults.

II - Consequences

1. Risk of sui-cide

2. Relationship to declining physical health and increased fragility

3. Poor quality of life

4. Associated with cognitive changes in older adults

5. Contribution to health care costs

III - Rationale

Talk about how this is a problem and what can be done about it. Emphasize that programs and health providers can successfully prevent and respond to depression among older adults to prevent some of these negative consequences.


Becker, N. B., de Jesus, S. N., Viseu, J. N., Stobäus, C. D., Guerreiro, M., & Domingues, R. B. (2018). Depression and quality of life in older adults: Mediation effect of sleep quality. International journal of clinical and health psychology, 18(1), 8-17.

Fiske, A., Wetherell, J. L., & Gatz, M. (2009). Depression in older adults. Annual review of clinical psychology, 5, 363-389.

Haigh, E. A., Bogucki, O. E., Sigmon, S. T., & Blazer, D. G. (2018). Depression among older adults: a 20-year update on five common myths and misconceptions. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26(1), 107-122.

Kok, R. M., & Reynolds, C. F. (2017). Management of depression in older adults: a review. Jama, 317(20), 2114-2122.

Lawrence, B. J., Jayakody, D. M., Bennett, R. J., Eikelboom, R. H., Gasson, N., & Friedland, P. L. (2020). Hearing loss and depression in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Gerontologist, 60(3), e137-e154.

Rodda, J., Walker, Z., & Carter, J. (2011). Depression in older adults. Bmj, 343.

Soysal, P., Veronese, N., Thompson, T., Kahl, K. G., Fernandes, B. S., Prina, A. M., ... & Stubbs, B. (2017). Relationship between depression and frailty in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ageing research reviews, 36, 78-87.

which population is considered highly susceptible? a nursing staff, high school students, construction workers, chronic hepatitis patients



Chronic hepatitis patients.


Susceptibility is in medicine a characteristic of a living organism that determines its ability to become ill when in contact with infectious agents.

Susceptibility can also be called a property of a particular strain of bacteria, a population of parasites or viruses. Susceptible organisms are those that die and / or slow down reproduction under the influence of the considered effect (for example, biochemical, in the form of an antibiotic, or physical, in the form of a certain temperature).

When caring for a stroke patient who is unable to speak or understand me. Which method would best demonstrate empathy?
a) touch her hand
b) write a note to her
c) speak in a soft tone



A - touch her hand.


Writing a note to her wouldn't be a good idea because she might not have much of an effort to read, and neither does speaking in a soft tone since she cannot understand. Doing small things matter and touching her hand can make her feel trust and feel close to you.

When caring for a stroke patient who is unable to speak or understand, demonstrating empathy is crucial for their emotional well-being and effective communication.

The correct option is  a, b and c.

While all of the options mentioned (touching her hand, writing a note, and speaking in a soft tone) can convey empathy, the most appropriate method would depend on the specific needs and preferences of the individual patient. However, considering the circumstances, writing a note to her is likely the best option for demonstrating empathy in this scenario.

Writing a note allows you to express empathy and provide clear communication, which can be especially important when verbal communication is not possible. It gives the stroke patient the opportunity to read and understand your message at their own pace, without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Through the note, you can convey your understanding, support, and any important information or instructions.

Hence , a, b and c is the correct option

To learn more about empathy , here



whats is the best way to avoid bacterial contamination
A. store vegs away from Ready-to-eat foods
B. refuse at accept dented cans in shipments
C. Change utensils when tasting different foods
d Refuse to accept shellfish that inst refrigerated



C.change utensils when tasting different foods ..plz made me as brainliest answer its warm request

how health education is integral form of population education and environment education in terms of biological aspect and physical aspect​


Brainly wanted me to answer this I don’t know the answer but I guess this is my only answer sorry guys

1. In your own way how would define psychology?​


Psychology is the study of brain and how it works and responds to different things.

What is covered under original fee-for-service Medicare



basic health rights and doctors visits

Which of the following statements best describes Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?




You didn't give the options but let me explain this.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is simply a comprehensive healthcare reform that was signed by former United States President Obama in 2010. It provided health insurance coverage to Americans.

Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act refers to the nondiscrimination provision of the Act (ACA). Section 1557 states that an individual should not be excluded from participating or benefiting from the Act and that ni.one should be discriminated on the grounds that were already prohibited under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

It simply means no one should be discriminated from the Act based on color, race, disability, age, sex etc.


Section 1557 incorporates earlier civil rights protections in regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age and sex.


Section 1557 incorporates earlier civil rights protections in regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age, and sex and applies them to federally funded health programs and those administered by HHS. These laws include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, and national origin), Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (sex), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (disability), and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (age).

a type of payment model in which the patient pays a monthly or annual fee


Capitation payments are payments made to health care providers for providing services to patients. These payments are fixed and generally paid monthly (based on yearly contracts—i.e. capitation contracts).

please kindly choose from the options provided below.
1. Which of the following members of the psychiatric team liaises with the workplace of the psychiatric patient on admission to ensure that he or she continues to receive his or her benefits including salary whilst receiving treatment?
a. psychiatrist
b. community psychiatric Nurse
C. Psychiatric Social workers
d. Occupational Therapist.

2. The requirements of valid consent is / are:
a. The person must be legally competent.
b. There must be no duress or coercion
C. Sufficient information must have been given.
d. All of the above

3. Which of the following are aims of rehabilitation in mental health care?
I. Reduce burden of chronic disease
II. Improve quality of life
III. Treat other conditions that can cause disability
I. Promotes community integration
a. I and II only
b. I, II, and IV only
C. II, III and IV only
d. I, II, and III only​




c. Psychiatric Social workers


d. All of the above


II. Improve quality of life

Which kind of exercise improves both muscular strength and muscular endurance



Aerobic exercise


Aerobic exercise helps in improving muscular strength and muscular endurance.

Aerobic exercise is the kind of exercise that is good for those

Picture with the question is posted. Please help


The Global Health Initiative (GHI)


Yes, The Global Health Initiative (GHI)

this is correct, have a nice day!


Why are health care providers discouraged from checking a carotid pulse immediately after a shock to confirm pulselessness?
a) it is inaccurate or unreliable
b) it causes an unnecessary delay and interruption in cpr


B) it causes an unnecessary delay and interruption in cpr

Health care providers are discouraged from checking a carotid pulse immediately after a shock to confirm pulselessness because B. it causes an unnecessary delay and interruption in CPR.

In order to check the carotid pulse, one has to place the middle and the index fingers on the neck to the side of the windpipe.

It should be noted that health care providers are discouraged from checking a carotid pulse immediately after a shock. The reason for this is due to the fact that it causes an unnecessary delay and interruption in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

It should be noted that cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency procedure that's done when a person faints.

Read related link on:


20. Why are basic math skills important for health care professionals even if they normally use


For like heart rate and graphs that they have in health care to see the progress of there recovery and not everything can be done on a calculator

What was the main reason for initiating national health care in countries such as Germany and England?


Ward off political instability. Physicians and hospitals in the US began consolidating and integrating mainly in response to: The growth of managed care.

sexually contraceptive use among adolescent​


birth control, IUD, condoms


birth control, IUD, condoms



why don't we make absolutely pure water to drink​



Pure water, that is. Stripping water down to an ultrapure state makes it unfit for human consumption. In the world of electronics, manufacturers remove all of the minerals, dissolved gas and dirt particles from water. ... But if you were to drink ultra-pure water, it would literally drink you back. There is no such thing as pure water. The very concept of 'pure' water is misleading. ... Most water will contain certain ions, such as calcium and magnesium, even if it is just a trace amount. These minerals are the ones that define whether water is hard or soft, and they play a role in taste.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...


Mainly because of the major water companies like Dasani


Some of them actually put a small amount of salt in their water so it makes you more thirsty so that you buy more. No one has actually made genuine pure water from what i've seen

Create a logical connection between effective communication and choices about drug usage.​


Answer: if you talk to someone to see if they’re doing ok mentally they’re less likely to try to use a vessel for happiness like vape and drugs. Communication is an important thing to prevent this from happening. If you talk to someone who you know isn’t doing well mentally then they might refrain from thinking about using drugs.


Mr. Wong is a single individual. He has had a successful business career and is now able to retire with a comfortable income. Mr. Wong’s taxable income is in excess of $100,000. Mr. Wong has health coverage through his employer but will sign-up Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D when he leaves the workforce. How would you advise him as he budgets for Medicare premiums?


Answer: See explanation


From the question, we are given the information that Mr. Wong’s taxable income is in excess of $100,000.snd that he has a health coverage through his employer but will sign-up Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D when he leaves the workforce.

It should be noted that due to the fact that he's participating in the workforce, then he doesn't have to spend a penny for the medicare part A as he won't pay. On the other hand, he'll pay high premiums for both part A and D due to the fact that he earns a large income.

Which of the following represents the approximate sweat rate of an athlete given the following information:

Pre-exercise weight: 143 pounds (65kg)
Post exercise weight: 137 pounds (62 kg)
Urine volume: 3 ounces
Drink Volume: 8 oz.
Exercise time: 75 minutes

a. 1.25 oz/min
b. 0.15 oz/min
c. 0.11 oz/min
d. 1.35 oz/min



The correct answer is - b. 0.15 oz/min


Sweat rate can be determined by the difference of pre and post exercise weight and fluid retention divided by exercise time

Sweat rate: {(pre exercise - post exercise weight) + (fluid intake - urine output)}/time

= (143-137)+8-3/75

= 0.15 oz/min.

What can Bruno do to get adequate sleep each night? Check all that apply.



Bruno should

Try to spend some time outdoors every day.

Plan his physical activity for earlier in the day, not right before he goes to bed.

Stay away from caffeine (including coffee, tea, and soda) late in the day.

If he has trouble sleeping at night, limit daytime naps to 20 minutes or less.



Which of these strategies are used to prevent substance use and abuse? Select three options.
developing a plan




decision making

developing a plan


C, D, and E



decision making

developing a plan

Which of the following is the best way for the care team to communicate? O plan a care team meeting write a note for the family talk to the nurse call the doctor​


Inter hospital is correct

what do you mean by love?​


love is the feeling that you can’t let go of the idea of someone, the memorization of every detail of them, and the yearn for them.


A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person,attraction that includes sexual desire,the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship,etc....

A researcher is examining the quality of life



3'=N 4

[tex]4 \times \\ 21 \div 2[/tex]

correct me if I'm wrong.

Which benefit results from dating?


Answer:The benefit results from dating is learning more about oneself, because that situation will make you thing about your feelings, and you are feeling about the other person, shortly you will know better about yourself, your likes and dislikes.


Getting to know yourself and others better

When will Mara get love too ?



Mara will get love once she decides she wants to love...?


Idrk what the question is for.

Do you like my cut g or no?



yo cut nice g


*slaps soft*


"I like yo cut g"



Other Questions
Pls helppppp,,,,,..... This is history i will give brainliest please answer Evaluate the function for x = 3a.f(x) = 2x^2 3x +4A. 9B. 6a^2- 9a + 4C. 18a^2 - 9a +4D. 12a^2 - 6a+4 Choose the correct equation to use for the following story problem: A bakery has two pastry ovens. When both ovens are used, it takes about 3 hours to bake the bread needed for one day. When only the large oven is used, it takes about 4 hours to bake the bread for one day. Approximately how long would it take to bake the bread for one day if only the small oven was used Anyone Know The Answer??? The minimum point of the graph y = 2x^2 + 2x +1 is located at: ___ is an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature that is the author's 'truth' about life that makes no judgements about proper conduct only possibilitiesDramaMoralThemeChallenges What was Alexander Hamilton's position in government? From the picture, two cylindrical glasses of the same capacity. Find the diameter length (X) of a small glass of water.8121410 What is one of the most effective strategies to increase vaccination rates? -7 - -3 HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help me with my Geometry. PLEASE HELP!!! ITS DUE TONIGHT!!!!!YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Difference of 10Erik and Nita are playing a game with numbers. In the game, they each think of a random number from 0 to 20. If the difference between their two numbers is less than 10, then Erik wins. If the difference between their two numbers is greater than 10, then Nita wins. Use the information in the interactive and what you know about absolute value inequalities to better understand the game.Your Player1. Choose your player, and record the number chosen by the other player. (2 points: 1 point for each answer)a. Which player did you select?b. What number did the other player pick?Modeling Ways to Win2. Should you use an equation or an inequality to represent the ways your player can win? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)3. Imagine that Erik chose a 4 and Nita chose a 12. Would the winner be different if Nita chose the 4 and Erik chose the 12? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)4. Is it appropriate to use an absolute value inequality to represent how a player wins this game? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)5. If your player is Erik, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Erik will win if Nita chooses 7. If your player is Nita, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Nita will win if Erik chooses 17.Be sure to define your variable. (3 points: 1 point for defining the variable, 2 points for the correct inequality)6. In order to graph your solutions, solve for the variable. Be sure to show your work. (2 points)7. Sketch a graph of your solutions. (2 points: 1 point for endpoints, 1 point for the correct region)Forming a Strategy and a New Rule8. What is the range of numbers that will win the game for your player?If your player is Erik, assume that Nita chooses 7.If your player is Nita, assume that Erik chooses 17.(Hint: Remember that Erik and Nita can choose only numbers from 0 to 20, inclusive.) (2 points)9. Graph all the possible numbers that either player could pick. Compare this graph with your answer in question 8.If your player is Erik, and Nita chooses 7, does Erik have a good chance of winning?If your player is Nita, and Erik chooses 17, does Nita have a good chance of winning?Explain your answer. (3 points: 1 point for the correct graph, 2 points for the explanation) An intense desire to be independent and free of foreign rule is Amelia is calculating the density of soccer balls in a bag. She knows the number of balls in the bag and the volume of the bag. Which of the following formulas can be used to calculate the density of balls in the bag? Density = volume of bag over number of balls Volume of shelf = density over number of balls Density = number of balls over volume of bag Number of books = density over volume of bag State five factors that influence soil formation Nick and Andy are brothers and they study at the same school. Nick usually walks from home to scholo in 40 minutes write a short message for a youth that how they can pay back to Pakistan can someone please help me with this The ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in a piece of wood discovered in a cave is R = 1/917. Estimate the age of the piece of wood