YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Difference of 10
Erik and Nita are playing a game with numbers. In the game, they each think of a random number from 0 to 20. If the difference between their two numbers is less than 10, then Erik wins. If the difference between their two numbers is greater than 10, then Nita wins. Use the information in the interactive and what you know about absolute value inequalities to better understand the game.

Your Player
1. Choose your player, and record the number chosen by the other player. (2 points: 1 point for each answer)

a. Which player did you select?

b. What number did the other player pick?

Modeling Ways to Win
2. Should you use an equation or an inequality to represent the ways your player can win? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

3. Imagine that Erik chose a 4 and Nita chose a 12. Would the winner be different if Nita chose the 4 and Erik chose the 12? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

4. Is it appropriate to use an absolute value inequality to represent how a player wins this game? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

5. If your player is Erik, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Erik will win if Nita chooses 7. If your player is Nita, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Nita will win if Erik chooses 17.

Be sure to define your variable. (3 points: 1 point for defining the variable, 2 points for the correct inequality)

6. In order to graph your solutions, solve for the variable. Be sure to show your work. (2 points)

7. Sketch a graph of your solutions. (2 points: 1 point for endpoints, 1 point for the correct region)

Forming a Strategy and a New Rule
8. What is the range of numbers that will win the game for your player?

If your player is Erik, assume that Nita chooses 7.
If your player is Nita, assume that Erik chooses 17.

(Hint: Remember that Erik and Nita can choose only numbers from 0 to 20, inclusive.) (2 points)

9. Graph all the possible numbers that either player could pick. Compare this graph with your answer in question 8.

If your player is Erik, and Nita chooses 7, does Erik have a good chance of winning?
If your player is Nita, and Erik chooses 17, does Nita have a good chance of winning?

Explain your answer. (3 points: 1 point for the correct graph, 2 points for the explanation)


Answer 1


it is too long send me link of it

Answer 2

Answer: Choose your player, and record the number chosen by the other player. (2 points: 1 point for each answer) a. Which player did you select? Erik, assume that Nita chooses 7. b. What number did the other player pick? 17

2. Should you use an equation or an inequality to represent the ways your player can

win? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

An algebraic statement that represents all the ways Eric will wins is


be the number that Eric thi

3. Imagine that Erik chose a 4 and Nita chose a 12. Would the winner be different if

Nita chose the 4 and Erik chose the 12? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for

an explanation)

no because both nita and eric won. eric with a number less than than 10

and nita with a number more than 10.

4. Is it appropriate to use an absolute value inequality to represent how a player wins

this game? Why? (2 points: 1 point for an answer, 1 point for an explanation)

they win it remains positive the negative will be losses which will be changed due to

absolute value

5. If your player is Erik, write an inequality that shows all of the ways that Erik will win

if Nita chooses 7. If your player is Nita, write an inequality that shows all of the ways

that Nita will win if Erik chooses 17.

Be sure to define your variable. (3 points: 1 point for defining the variable, 2 points for

the correct inequality)

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

A bus driver makes roughly $3280 every month. How much does he make in one week at this rate.



I think around $36

Hope it helps!


It depends...

Step-by-step explanation:

It depends how much weeks are in the month if there are three weeks and no extra days then you would have an answer of about 1093 (exact: 1093.33333333). just divide the number of weeks by the number of money.

How many subsets of at least one element does a set of seven elements have?


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

For each subset it can either contain or not contain an element. For each element, there are 2 possibilities. Multiplying these together we get 27 or 128 subsets. For generalisation the total number of subsets of a set containing n elements is 2 to the power n.

n=7 elemens

total subsets


Which property was used to simplify the expression 4(b+2)=4b+8


Answer: distributive property

Step-by-step explanation: the 4 is multiplied by everting in the parenthesis

Using f(x)=2x+7 and g(x)=x-3, find f(g(-2))


It’s 2x+1 sorry if it’s wrong

i need help. i will give brainiest as soon as possible




Step-by-step explanation:

Let me know if you need an explanation.



Step-by-step explanation:


4x^3 cannot cancel with others= 4x^3

4x^2-3x^2= x^2

5x cannot cancel with others= 5x

-3+5= 2


On a coordinate plane, a curved line begins at point (negative 2, negative 3), crosses the y-axis at (0, negative .25), and the x-axis at (1, 0).
What is the domain of the function on the graph?



Option D

Step-by-step explanation:

correct answer on edge :)


D <3

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose there are three balls in a box. On one of the balls is the number 1, on another is the number 2, and on the third is the number 3. You select two balls at random and without replacement from the box and note the two numbers observed. The sample space S consists of the three equally likely outcomes {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)} (disregarding order). Let X be the sum of the two balls selected. What is the mean of X


Step-by-step explanation:

a) X is a discrete uniform distribution. As the number of outcomes is only 3.

b) sum is at least 4

X ≥ 4--------

i.e  (1,3) or (2,3)

probability of X ≥ 4 is 2/3

2/3= 0.667

66.7 % is the probability of the outcome to have  a sum at least 4.

c) The 3 likely outcome of X

(1,2) where X ; 1+2=3

(1,3) where X ; 1+3=4

(2,3) where X ;  2+3=5

Mean = 3+4+5/ 3

Mean = 4

Feel free to ask any uncleared step

Which point is a solution to y equal greater than or less too
4x + 5?​



4x+ 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 4 of 10
If A = (-1,-3) and B = (11,-8), what is the length of AB?
A. 12 units
B. 11 units
C. 14 units
D. 13 units


Step-by-step explanation:

AB = square root of [(xA-xB)^2+(yA-yB)^2]

AB=Squarerootof(-1-11)^2 +(-3-(-8))^2=Squarerootof(-12)^2+(5)^2)

AB=Squarerootof((144)+25)= Squarerootof(169)=13 the answer is 13 units

The choice D is the right one

The mode of 3 numbers is 6 and the
range is 4. Write down a possible set of




mode of 3 numbers is 6

range is 4

possible set of numbers are

{3,4,6,{} }

Tara created a 1 inch cube out of paper.
1 in
If she doubles the volume of her cube, which statement could be true?
A Tara added two inches to the height, length and width of the cube.
B Tara added two inches to the height of the cube.
C Tara doubled the measurements of the cube's height, length and width.
D Tara doubled the measurement of the cube's height.



answer D

Step-by-step explanation:

V=L*W*H=1 ==> L=1,W=1,H=1


L-> L+2=1+2=3

W -> W+2 = 1+2=3

H -> H+2=1+2=3

V=3*3*3=27 not the doubled of the volume's cube

A is false


H -> H+2=1+2=3

V=1*1*3=3 not the doubled of the volume's cube

B is false


H -> 2*H=2*1=2

L -> 2*L=2*1=2

W -> 2*W = 2*1=2

V=2*2*2=8 not the doubled of the volume's cube

C is false


H-> H*2=1*2=2



V=1*1*2=2 is the doubled of the volume's cube

D is true

In June, an investor purchased 300 shares of Oracle (an information technology company) stock at $53 per share. In August, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $42 per share. In November, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $45. What is the weighted mean price per share? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


Answer: The mean price per share is $22.91

The required weighted mean price per share is $46.09.

Given that,
In June, an investor purchased 300 shares of Oracle (an information technology company) stock at $53 per share. In August, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $42 per share. In November, she purchased an additional 400 shares at $45.
To determine the weighted mean price per share.

What is average?

The average of the values is the ratio of the total sum of values to the number of values.

What is mean?

The mean of the values is the ratio of the total sum of values to the number of values.

Required  weight mean = 300 * 53 + 400*42 + 400 * 42 / [300 + 400 + 400]
Required  weight mean = 50700/ [1100]
Required  weight mean = $46.09 per share.

Thus, the required weighted mean price per share is $46.09.

Learn more about mean here:


Which of the following displays cannot be used to compare data from two different sets?



Scatter plot charts are good for relationships and distributions, but pie charts should be used only for simple compositions — never for comparisons or distributions.

What number can go in the box to make the number sentence true?
6 + 0 = 10


I believe it would be 4 lil man

Fraces bonitas para decirle a tu nv?

minimo 6



it's. is now the MA plz I miss you

si pudiera escoger entre vivir eternamente y vivir dos veces

yo escogeria vivir dos veces porque vivir una vida eterna sin ti a mi lado seria el mayor sufrimiento, ahora vivir dos veces me dejaria tranquilo porque despues del final de mi vida podria volver a encontrarme contigo y vivir todos los momentos bellos una vez mas y eso seria un sueño volviendose realidad

Answer theas question


(1) Both equations in (a) and (b) are separable.


[tex]\dfrac xy y' = \dfrac{2y^2+1}{x+1} \implies \dfrac{\mathrm dy}{y(2y^2+1)} = \dfrac{\mathrm dx}{x(x+1)}[/tex]

Expand both sides into partial fractions.

[tex]\left(\dfrac1y - \dfrac{2y}{2y^2+1}\right)\,\mathrm dy = \left(\dfrac1x - \dfrac1{x+1}\right)\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

Integrate both sides:

[tex]\ln|y| - \dfrac12 \ln\left(2y^2+1\right) = \ln|x| - \ln|x+1| + C[/tex]

[tex]\ln\left|\dfrac y{\sqrt{2y^2+1}}\right| = \ln\left|\dfrac x{x+1}\right| + C[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac y{\sqrt{2y^2+1}} = \dfrac{Cx}{x+1}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\dfrac{y^2}{2y^2+1} = \dfrac{Cx^2}{(x+1)^2}}[/tex]

(You could solve for y explicitly, but that's just more work.)


[tex]e^{x+y}y' = 3x \implies e^y\,\mathrm dy = 3xe^{-x}\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

Integrate both sides:

[tex]e^y = -3e^{-x}(x+1) + C[/tex]

[tex]\ln(e^y) = \ln\left(C - 3e^{-x}(x+1)\right)[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{y = \ln\left(C - 3e^{-x}(x+1)\right)}[/tex]



[tex]y' + \sec(x)y = \cos(x)[/tex]

Multiply both sides by an integrating factor, sec(x) + tan(x) :

[tex](\sec(x)+\tan(x))y' + \sec(x) (\sec(x) + \tan(x)) y = \cos(x) (\sec(x) + \tan(x))[/tex]

[tex](\sec(x)+\tan(x))y' + (\sec^2(x) + \sec(x)\tan(x)) y = 1 + \sin(x)[/tex]

[tex]\bigg((\sec(x)+\tan(x))y\bigg)' = 1 + \sin(x)[/tex]

Integrate both sides and solve for y :

[tex](\sec(x)+\tan(x))y = x - \cos(x) + C[/tex]

[tex]y=\dfrac{x-\cos(x) + C}{\sec(x) + \tan(x)}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{y=\dfrac{(x+C)\cos(x) - \cos^2(x)}{1+\sin(x)}}[/tex]


[tex]y' + y = \dfrac{e^x-e^{-x}}2[/tex]

(Note that the right side is also written as sinh(x).)

Multiply both sides by e ˣ :

[tex]e^x y' + e^x y = \dfrac{e^{2x}-1}2[/tex]

[tex]\left(e^xy\right)' = \dfrac{e^{2x}-1}2[/tex]

Integrate both sides and solve for y :

[tex]e^xy = \dfrac{e^{2x}-2x}4 + C[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{y=\dfrac{e^x-2xe^{-x}}4 + Ce^{-x}}[/tex]

(c) I've covered this in an earlier question of yours.


[tex]y'=\dfrac y{x+y}[/tex]

Multiply through the right side by x/x :

[tex]y' = \dfrac{\dfrac yx}{1+\dfrac yx}[/tex]

Substitute y(x) = x v(x), so that y' = xv' + v, and the DE becomes separable:

[tex]xv' + v = \dfrac{v}{1+v}[/tex]

[tex]xv' = -\dfrac{v^2}{1+v}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{1+v}{v^2}\,\mathrm dv = -\dfrac{\mathrm dx}x[/tex]

[tex]-\dfrac1v + \ln|v| = -\ln|x| + C[/tex]

[tex]\ln\left|\dfrac yx\right| -\dfrac xy = C - \ln|x|[/tex]

[tex]\ln|y| - \ln|x|  -\dfrac xy = C - \ln|x|[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\ln|y| -\dfrac xy = C}[/tex]

Which of the following is a solution to 2sin2x+sinx-1=0?



270 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

If you plug in 270 in place of the x's, the function is true!

This is correct for Plate/Edmentum users!! Hope I could help :)

15. Find the x- and y-intercepts for the lineal equation - 3x + 4y = 24

Please explain steps! ❤️



x (-8,0)

y (0,6)

Step-by-step explanation:

at the x-intercept, y = 0

at the y-intercept x=0

sub those values into your equation!

for the x-intercept,

-3x = 24

x = -8

for the y-intercept,

4y = 24

y = 6

Help please guys thanks




Step-by-step explanation:

(625 ^2)^(1/8)

Rewriting 625 as 5^4

(5^4 ^2)^(1/8)

We know that a^b^c = a^(b*c)


5^8 ^1/8






Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] { {(625}^{2} )}^{ \frac{1}{8} } \\ { ({25}^{2 \times 2} )}^{ \frac{1}{8} } \\ {25}^{4 \times \frac{1}{8} } \\ {5}^{2 \times 4 \times \frac{1}{8} } \\ {5}^{ \frac{8}{8} } \\ {5}^{1} \\ = 5[/tex]

Evaluate z^2−3 z+4 , when z=−4




Step-by-step explanation:

=z²-3z+4 when z is 4




It should be -19

I got the answer by plugging it into Desmos scientific calculator.

1. Consider a lottery with three possible outcomes:-$125 will be received with probability 0.2-$100 will be received with probability 0.3-$50 will be received with probability 0.5a. What is the expected value of the lottery



The expected value of the lottery is $80

Step-by-step explanation:

To get the expected value, we have to multiply each outcome by its probability

Then we proceed to add up all of these to get the expected value of the lottery

we have this as ;;

125(0.2) + 100(0.3) + 50(0.5)

= 25 + 30 + 25 = $80

what’s the missing side of the polygons



the missing side is 21!!!!!!!!

i got 21 but i may be wrong :)

Game consoles: A poll surveyed 341 video gamers, and 95 of them said that they prefer playing games on a console, rather than a computer or hand-held device. An executive at a game console manufacturing company claims that the proportion of gamers who prefer consoles differs from . Does the poll provide convincing evidence that the claim is true



proportion of gamers who prefer console does not differ from 29%

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

n = 341 ; x = 95 ; Phat = x / n = 95/341 = 0.279

H0 : p = 0.29

H1 : p ≠ 0.29

The test statistic :

T = (phat - p) ÷ √[(p(1 - p)) / n]

T = (0.279 - 0.29) ÷ √[(0.29(1 - 0.29)) / 341]

T = (-0.011) ÷ √[(0.29 * 0.71) / 341]

T = -0.011 ÷ 0.0245725

T = - 0.4476532

Using the Pvalue calculator from test statistic score :

df = 341 - 1 = 340

Pvalue(-0.447, 340) ; two tailed = 0.654

At α = 0.01

Pvalue > α ; We fail to reject the null and conclude that there is no significant evidence that proportion of gamers who prefer console differs from 29%

cho f(x)= sign x và g(x) = x(1-x^2). tìm f(g(x))



[tex]f(g(x))= sign(x(1-x^{2})) = sign(x-x^{3})[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose you make napkin rings by drilling holes with different diameters through two wooden balls (which also have different diameters). You discover that both napkin rings have the same height 5h. Use cylindrical shells to compute the volume V of a napkin ring of height 5 h created by drilling a hole with radius r through the center of a sphere of radius R and express the answer in terms of h .



V = 1/6 π ( 5h)^3

Step-by-step explanation:

Height of napkin rings = 5h

Compute the volume V of a napkin ring

let a = 5

radius = r

express answer in terms of h

attached below is the detailed solution

A rope is 56 in length and must be cut into two pieces. If one piece must be six times as long as the other, find the length of each piece. Round your answers to the nearest inch, if necessary.



48, 6

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the pieces is 6 to 1

Add them together to get the total

6+1 = 7

Divide the total length by 7

56/7 = 8

Multiply the ratios by 8

6*8 = 48

 1*8 = 6

The peices are 48 and 6

Rate of change or rate of change

A farmer has 80 feet of wire mesh to surround a rectangular pen.
A) Express the area A of the pen as a function of x, also draw the figure of A indicating the admissible values ​​of x for this problem.
B) What are the dimensions of the maximum area pen?



Step-by-step explanation:

A). Let the dimensions of the rectangular pen are,

Length = l

Width = x

Since, farmer has the wire measuring 80 feet to surround the the pen.

Perimeter of the pen = 80 feet

2(l + x) = 80

l + x = 40

l = 40 - x ------(1)

Area of the rectangular pen = Length × width

                                               = lx

By substituting the value of l from equation (1),

Area (A) of the pen will be modeled by the expression,

A = (40 - x)

A = 40x - x²

B). For maximum area of the pen,

Derivative of the area = 0



         = 40 - 2x

And (40 - 2x) = 0

x = 20

Therefore, width of the pen = 20 feet

And length of the pen = 40 - 20

                                     = 20 feet

Dimensions of the pen should be 20 feet by 20 feet.

When a fridge is imported, a customs value of 10% must be paid for its value. If the value of the fridge after paying the customs value is rs. 55,000/-. What is the value before paying customs duty?





Which expression is equivalent to 9+y+y+3




Step-by-step explanation:

You only need to add the real numbers and the ys.


12 + 2y

Step-by-step explanation:


Combine like terms

9+3   + y+y

12 + 2y

which of the following is not an asymptote of the hyperbola xy = -42? y = 0 x = 0 y = x



The equation of the hyperbola is:


To find:

The the equation which is not an asymptote of the hyperbola.


We have,


It can be written as:


Equating denominator and 0, we get


So, the vertical asymptotic is [tex]x=0[/tex].

The degree of numerator is 0 and the degree of denominator is 1.

Since the degree of numerator is greater that the degree of denominator, therefore the horizontal asymptote is [tex]y=0[/tex] and there is no oblique asymptote.

Therefore, [tex]y=x[/tex] is not an asymptote of the given hyperbola and the correct option is C.

Other Questions
Lines c and d are parallel lines cut by transversal p.Horizontal and parallel lines c and d are cut by transversal p. On line c where it intersects with line p, 4 angles are formed. Clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 1, 2, 3, 4. On line d where it intersects with line p, 4 angles are formed. Clockwise, from uppercase left, the angles are: 5, 6, 7, 8.Which must be true by the corresponding angles theorem?A. 1 7B. 2 6C. 3 5D. 5 7 What is the range of the function I cannot understand the instructions. they ''re....spanish ? Jamie is playing a game. On his first turn he gains 3points. On his second turn he loses 3 points. Whichexpression represents Jamie's score at the end of hissecond turn? A=131+122+199+204 tr li cho t i Find the value of DE. Consider the following sample space, S, and several events defined on it. S = {Albert, Betty, Abel, Jack, Patty, Meagan}, and the events are: F = {Betty, Patty, Meagan}, H = {Abel, Meagan}, and P = {Betty, Abel}. FH is ___________. please help will mark brainliest for answer with explanation, but will report if rubbish answers are giventhank you Suppose that you are working on a project where you are attempting to answer the following research question: What impact will new class size laws have on high schools? Two of the sources you have found on the topic are Source A and Source B (below). In your response, evaluate these two sources. Be sure to examine their credibility and their relevance to your research question. Your response should make a clear argument, use transitions to move between ideas, use specific details from the sources, maintain a formal style, and include a concluding statement. (15 points)Source A:"New Education Laws Passed" by Jim Jonathan, City News, March 15, 2012, page 1.Yesterday, lawmakers passed a series of changes to legislation affecting the state's schools. The new laws will alter the ways schools do business next year.Included in the new laws were changes in the numbers of students assigned to classrooms. The previous law allowed only 20 students to be assigned to each teacher's classroom in kindergarten through fifth grade. Middle school and high school classes were capped at 24. New laws remove those limits. Now the state will provide funding for one classroom teacher per 50 students attending the school. Individual school districts may use local funding to provide additional teachers or to come up with creative measures to reduce class sizes."We need to be more responsible with our taxpayers' money and children," said Representative Mike Davis. "We are in an economic recession and just don't have money to throw around."Some parents disagree, though. "I can't imagine my six-year-old trying to keep up with his reading when the teacher needs to make sure 40 or more kids are doing what they're supposed to." said Pat Patterson, father of two, "I don't know what these people are thinking."The new laws go into effect next month.Source B:"Really?" a letter to the editor by Marcia Thomas, City News, March 17, 2012, page 4.As a tenth-grade biology teacher for the last 20 years, I thought there was nothing left that could shock me. Boy, was I wrong!How exactly do these lawmakers, who probably haven't set foot in a public school classroom since they were in school themselves, propose that teachers manage 50 students at a time?Teachers are asked to do so much right now. We not only need to prepare our students to take end-of-course tests in our subject areas, we also need to get them ready to attend college or go into the workforce. On top of this, we are counselors, and sometimes we are even the ones who feed and clothe them. We do all this because we care about our youth. We think they matter.At the same time, we can do only so much. If we meet the high standards we set for ourselves under this new legislation, good health will be a thing of the past for us. Not only will we suffer, but the students will suffer as well. Under sharecropping agreements, what was expected from women?O A. Cooking, cleaning, and tending the gardenO B. Helping out in the landowner's houseO C. Working only with the farm animalsO D. Teaching their children to read and write When a player's finger presses a guitar string down onto a fret, the length of the vibrating portion of the string is shortened, thereby increasing the string's fundamental frequency. The string's tension and mass per unit length remain unchanged.If the unfingered length of the string is l=65cm, determine the positions x of the first six frets, if each fret raises the pitch of the fundamental by one musical note in comparison to the neighboring fret. 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