1. What is meant by data losing its value?

2. Explain what is meant by an automatic backup

3. Explain how phishing and pharming trick a user into giving up personal data

4. Explain how anti-virus software may help to prevent distributed denial of service attacks

5. Explain why computer security is more effective when anti-virus software end firewalls are used

6. Describe how a proxy server can help keep data safe

7. Explain the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption

8. Describe what a protocol is and how protocols help protect data


Answer 1


1.Data loss occurs when valuable or sensitive information on a computer is compromised due to theft, human error, viruses, malware, or power failure. It may also occur due to physical damage or mechanical failure or equipment of an edifice.

2.Automatic backup is a type of data backup model that requires little or no human intervention in backing up and storing data from a local network/system to a backup facility. Automating the backup process saves time and complexity required to manually back up a computer, network or IT environment.

3.A phishing attack is basically social engineering and identity theft that generally targets users with the aim to con them into revealing their personal and confidential information. In this technique, hackers send spoofed emails in the name of a legitimate source to victims and trick them into clicking on a malicious link or attachment to acquire their personal information. 

In many instances, these phishing scams use software or security vulnerabilities to install malicious software in the targeted user’s device. In any case, the human factor remains the key element in the successful phishing attempts of these cyber crooks. 

4.Equip your network, applications, and infrastructure with multi-level protection strategies. This may include prevention management systems that combine firewalls, VPN, anti-spam, content filtering and other security layers to monitor activities and identity traffic inconsistencies that may be symptoms of DDoS attacks.

5.While antivirus software helps to protect the file system against unwanted programs, a firewall helps to keep attackers or external threats from getting access to your system in the first place. Other threats travel from computer to computer without the knowledge of the user.

6.Proxy servers act as a firewall and web filter, provide shared network connections, and cache data to speed up common requests. A good proxy server keeps users and the internal network protected from the bad stuff that lives out in the wild internet.

7. The basic difference between these two types of encryption is that symmetric encryption uses one key for both encryption and decryption, and the asymmetric encryption uses public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.

8. A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is transmitted between different devices in the same network. Essentially, it allows connected devices to communicate with each other, regardless of any differences in their internal processes, structure or design.


Related Questions

What allows an individual to avoid capital outlay?
paying cloud by the month
paying cloud by the year
paying cloud by the hour
paying cloud by the day


The daily payment for cloud services would be most reasonable. Hence option A is correct.

Capital Outlay refers to the expenditure or payment for the acquisition cost of capital assets.

In this case, the assets whose cost of purchase is being avoided by expenditure on cloud services is IT Server Hardware and Software which can be outsourced to companies that provide Cloud as a Service.

Cloud Services is the provision of Cloud computing services on a pay-per-use basis.

One of the advantages of this service is that it mostly consists of self-service on-demand. Hence, no need for the physical asset which usually is very costly.

Learn more about Capital Outlay in the link below:


Uhaul general mechanical questions 2021
Not a question. But the answers.

1) The PRIMARY purpose of the dual rear tires on this truck is to: (A) Reduce the chance of a blowout. (B) Withstand a heavier load and add greater stability. (C) Add more weight to the rear of the truck.
2) Which of these tools should be used on a Phillips-head screw?
3) Which arrow points to the alternator?
4) With the truck backing up and the front tires turned as shown, which way will the rear of the truck swing?
5) Above are four tools. Three of the tools have a similar function while one is different. Which tool performs the most different function of the four tools?
6) Which scaffolding above could probably hold more weight?
7) Which refrigerator will be easier to roll over uneven ground?
8) Assuming the pick-up trucks, trailers and road conditions are exactly the same, which vehicle will take a longer distance to stop?
9) What is the proper battery cable connection when jumping two automotive batteries? (A) Negative to Negative / Positive to Positive (B) Negative to Positive / Negative to Positive (C) It doesn't matter on 12-volt automotive batteries
10) Which of these filters is associated with airflow?
11) If a box of clothes weighing 10 lbs (4.5 kg) and a box of books weighing 10 lbs (4.5 kg) were placed on a scale, what is most likely to occur?
12) Which area will get the smoothest ride?
13) Which trailer has more downward pressure where it attaches to the car?
14) Which direction will wheel three rotate?
15) The tire above has a recommended tire pressure of 35 PSI, however, its current pressure is only 26 PSI. Which of the following could occur if driven on? (A) A tire blowout. (B) Unstable handling of the vehicle. (C) Both A & B.
16) Which is the proper position of the adjustable wrench for tightening a nut?
17) Which tire has more tread? (A) Image A (B) Image B (C) Cannot be determined
18) Which picture best illustrates the correct location for loading ONLY the washer in this trailer?
19) Which is the MOST LIKELY use for the following object? (A) Checking for a vacuum source. (B) Checking for the proper voltage at the battery. (C) Checking for electrical current traveling through a wire.
20) If this truck backs up with the front tires turned as shown, which way will the rear of the trailer swing?
21) Which illustration best demonstrates the safest ladder for this person to use?
22) Which method requires the least amount of effort to move the refrigerator?
23) With the side gears turning in the direction shown, in which direction will the top gear turn?
24) In order for the Hitch ball to be secured properly, what should be the last part assembled? (A) Nut (B) Shank (C) Cotter Pin
25) As the truck backs up, which way should the front tires be turned in order to make the trailer follow the road?


Moving or transportation tools, equipment and methods provides guidance

on the safe an efficient ways to move items.

The correct responses are;

1) (B); 2) B; 3) C; 4) A; 5) D; 6) B; 7) A; 8) B; 9) (A); 10) A; 11) C; 12) B; 13) A; 14) A; 15) B; 16) A; 17) B; 18) A; 19) (C); 20) B; 21) B; 22) A; 23) B; 24) (C); 25) B


1) The correct option is; (B) Withstand a heavier load and add greater stability

By sing two wheels on the rear of a truck, heavy loads can be hauled, and transported around corners, and bumpy roads, reducing the possibility of the load tipping the truck over, thereby keeping the truck stable.

2) The correct option is; B

The Phillips-head screw is cross shaped, and required a cross shaped screwdriver, which is option B)

3) The correct option is; C

The alternator converts mechanical rotational energy into electrical energy, and usually has a compact electrical coil and magnets within its enclosure. The alternator is option C

4) The correct option is; A

The rear of a truck moves in the direction the front tires are turned

5) The correct option is; D

Option A  and B are pliers, while option B is a spanner, all of which are used to fasten and loosen bolts and nuts. Option D is a screwdriver used to fasten and loosen screws.

6) The correct option is; B

The working platform on scaffold B has extra support from the diagonal braces.

7) The correct option is; A

The large size tires in refrigerator A increases the contact surface with the road to prevent entering into small holes

8) The correct option is; B

Due to the heavier load in the trailer of pick-up truck B, more force is required, to stop the truck according to Newton's Laws of motion, and therefore, a longer distance will be taken to stop by the truck, given similar conditions (magnitude) stopping force available

9) The correct option is; (A)

Jumping two batteries to start an automotive with a dead battery requires a Negative to Negative / Positive to Positive  connection, which is option (A)

10) The correct option is; A

The air filter will have a open outer rim for the free passage of air.

11) The correct option is; C

The scale measures the difference in weight, and the weight depends on the mass of the item. Given that the mass are equal, both weights would be equal, and therefore, the scale would be level.

12) The correct option is; B

The smoothest ride is closest to the most weight of the vehicle, which is located in the front, therefore, the area that gets the smoothest ride is option B

13) The correct option is; A

The downward pressure is given by the location of the load relative to the wheel on the trailer, that gives either a clockwise or downward moment of force when in position of option A or a counterclockwise or upward moment at B

14) The correct option is; A

Gear connected by belt or chain move in the same direction, therefore, the direction of wheel 3 is option A

15) The correct option is; B

A tire blowout will not occur because, the pressure is below the recommended pressure. However, the motion of the car will be unstable

16) The correct option is; A

When tightening a nut with an adjustable wrench, the direction of turning the wrench is towards the movable jaw, therefore, the option A is correct

17) The correct option is; B

The difference between the threads of the given tires is the depth of their grooves, therefore, the tire in option B has more thread.

18) The correct option is; A

When loading items on a trailer, the majority of the load should be located in the front, therefore, the correct location for loading only the washer is illustrated by the picture A.

19) The correct option is; (C)

The object has a lead, an insulated handle, and a electrical bulb that lights up when there is electricity, therefore, it is used for (C) Checking for electrical current travelling through a wire.

20) The correct option is; B

The trailer swings in the opposite direction to the truck.

21) The correct option is; B

The ladder in picture B is safer because it spreads more at the base

22) The correct option is; A

Most of the weight of the refrigerator act on the wheel in picture A than in picture B

23) The correct option is; B

The gear turns towards the screen on the left and away from the screen on the right, which is a direction from left to right.

24) The correct option is; (C)

The cotter pin is assembled last to hold the bolt in place, and cannot be assembled before the other parts as it will restrict their movement

25) The correct option is; B

The front tire should be turned in the opposite direction to the intended direction of the trailer.

Learn more here:


How can I fix this?

I’m on school Wi-Fi and “your connection isn’t private” keeps popping up every time I try to look up something, can someone please help!



Try these

Reload page.

Clear Browsing Data.

Restart Router.

Avoid Incognito Mode.

Check Computer Date and Time.

Disable VPN.


a simple C program to find the logarithm of any number in any base.....​



tera bur mast hai jwjvszvVbzNjz

Could someone write the code for this in java? I cannot use java.util random(but i can use scanner). also, i cannot use switch or case.

Program Rock.java contains a skeleton for the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. Add statements to the program as indicated by the comments so that the program asks the user to enter a play, generates a random play for the computer, compares them and announces the winner (and why). For example, one run of your program might look like this:

Enter your play: R, P, or S


Computer play is S

Rock crushes scissors, you win!

Note that the user should be able to enter either upper or lower case r, p, and s. Add a loop to make sure the user only enters an R, P, or S. The user's play is stored as a string to make it easy to convert whatever is entered to upper case. Use if statements to convert the randomly generated integer for the computer's play to a string.

public class Rock


public static void main(String[] args)


String personPlay; //User's play -- "R", "P", or "S"

String computerPlay; //Computer's play -- "R", "P", or "S"

int computerInt; //Randomly generated number used to determine

//computer's play

// Add the code for each action beneath the comment. // more than one line may be needed in some cases // Get player's play -- note that this is stored as a string

// Make player's play uppercase for ease of comparison

// Generate computer's play (0,1,2) – use (int) (Math.random() * 3) to

// generate a random play

// Translate computer's randomly generated play to string // using mutually exclusive conditional statements

// Print computer's play

// See who won. Use nested ifs instead of &&.



People hardly ever play Rock, Paper, Scissors one game at a time. They play matches that are best 2 out of 3, best 3 out of 5, etc. Change your program to prompt the user for the odd number of games they want to play and use a loop to make sure it is an odd number. Then, add a loop to your program to play the game multiple times. Keep track of who wins, and make sure the loop stops when either the computer or the user has accumulated enough wins. Ties do not count in either the game total or the win totals – so a best 2 out of 3 match requires 3 games to be played where someone wins 2 times.


Program Rock.java contains a skeleton for the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. Open it and save it to your directory.

Add statements to the program as indicated by the comments so that the program asks the user to enter a play,

generates a random play for the computer, compares them and announces the winner (and why). For example, one run

of your program might look like this:

$ java Rock

Enter your play: R, P, or S


Computer play is S

Rock crushes scissors, you win!

Note that the user should be able to enter either upper or lower case r, p, and s. The user's play is stored as a

string to make it easy to convert whatever is entered to upper case. Use a switch statement to convert the randomly

generated integer for the computer's play to a string.*/

// ****************************************************************

// Rock.java


// Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the user


// ****************************************************************

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.Random;

public class Rock


public static void main(String[] args)


String personPlay; //User's play -- "R", "P", or "S"

String computerPlay; //Computer's play -- "R", "P", or "S"

int computerInt; //Randomly generated number used to determine

//computer's play

Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

Random generator = new Random();

System.out.println ("Enter R for Rock, P for Paper, S for Scissors: "); //Get player's play -- note that this is stored as a string

personPlay = scan.next();

personPlay = personPlay.toUpperCase();

computerInt = generator.nextInt(3);

switch (computerInt)


case 0:


computerPlay = "R";



case 1:


computerPlay = "P";



case 2:


computerPlay = "S";





computerPlay = "will not happen";



System.out.println ("Computer plays: " + computerPlay);

if (personPlay.equals(computerPlay))


System.out.println("It's a tie!");


else if (personPlay.equals("R"))


if (computerPlay.equals("S"))

System.out.println("Rock crushes scissors. You win!!");

else if (computerPlay.equals("P"))

System.out.println ("Paper eats rock. You lose!!");


else if (personPlay.equals("P"))


if (computerPlay.equals("S"))

System.out.println ("Scissor cuts paper. You lose!!");

else if (computerPlay.equals("R"))

System.out.println ("Paper eats rock. You win!!");


else if (personPlay.equals("S"))


if (computerPlay.equals("P"))

System.out.println ("Scissor cuts paper. You win!!");

else if (computerPlay.equals("R"))

System.out.println ("Rock breaks scissors. You lose!!");




System.out.println ("Invalid user input.");




// Enter R for Rock, P for Paper, S for Scissors:

// P

// Computer plays: P

// It's a tie!

Which wireless standard runs on both the 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies?



Approved in 2009, Wi-Fi 4 enables operation in both the 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies, a game changer at the time. It was the first standard to use MIMO (Multiple In, Multiple Out) and offered better speed, 300 Mbps, better range, more resistance to interference and backward compatibility with Wi-Fi 2 and

Hope this is helpful to you.......

Which two wireless technologies are used in IoT?



If you like my answer you can put me in brainlist.


LPWANs. Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) are the recent development specifically designed for the requirements for IoT. ...

Cellular (4G and 5G) ...

Zigbee and Other Mesh Protocols. ...

Bluetooth and BLE. ...

Wi-Fi. ...


Hope this is helpful to you.....

Wifi and Bluetooth .

is a formal document containing detailed information about the destruction of your


Where is the formula

Which is faster, CL3 memory or CL5 memory?



CL3. When dealing with CL or RL ratings, the lower the better.


I hope this helps!

5. Power Trio
by CodeChum Admin

Multiplying two numbers is a piece of cake, but how about multiplying three of them, either being a negative of positive number? With programming and proper code, these tasks are easy to handle.

You're a programmer, right? Then code this one for me!

A line containing three numbers (positive or negative, may have decimal places) separated by a space.

A line containing a decimal/float with one decimal place.



from decimal import *

li = list(map(Decimal,input().split()))

result = li[0]*li[1]*li[2]



The proper or programming code to handle that multiplies three numbers is as follows:

from decimal import *

value = list(map(Decimal,input().split()))

result = value[0]*value[1]*value[2]


Code explanation:

The code is written in python.

From the decimal module we have to import *. The decimal module incorporates a notion of significant places so that 1.3*1.2 = 1.56The variable value is used to store the list of the decimal inputThe variable result multiplies the three numbers in the list Finally we print the absolute value of the result.

learn more on python here: https://brainly.com/question/19175881

What are different method of selecting items??​



Hold down the "Ctrl" key and the "Shift" key. Press the right arrow key to select the word to the right, or press the left arrow key to select the word to the left. Select one character at a time by holding down the "Shift" key and and using either arrow key (right or left).


follow= return follow

True or False
User Interface brings together concepts from interface design, visual design, and information architecture.






What is the difference between packaged and tailored software ​



Packaged software is a collection of programs that perform similar functions or have similar features to meet various goals and objectives. e.g Microsoft Office While tailored software is software specially developed for some specific organisation or other user. e.g Amazon, Netflix.

time 20,36,48
answer please!!



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I will give you 10 thanks and also if you have a channel I can subscribe it also

From her stack of photographs, Alice has to pick images that a photographer shot using the sports mode. Which images would she pick?



1. horses

2. train/ metro

3. child

[If you were the queen of the world .... What would you change ?]

Can anyone help me i want 5 slides powerpoint



poverty and bad roads and help the needy

What is mean by SEO?



SEO = Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization


Is the process used to optimize a website's technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant and popular towards user search queries, and as a consequence, search engines rank them better.

a digital camera is an_____​



A digital camera is a hardware device that takes photographs and stores the image as data on a memory card. Unlike an analog camera, which exposes film chemicals to light, a digital camera uses digital optical components to register the intensity and color of light, and converts it into pixel data.


its a hardware device.

What are the revised version of water mill and horse cart



A watermill or water mill is a mill that uses hydropower. It is a structure that uses a water wheel or water turbine


Động cơ đốt trong có mấy loại


động có xăng, động cơ diesel và động cơ gas còn gọi là động cơ chạy khí

A computer uses
to follow a set of instructions



A set of instructions that directs a computer's hardware to perform a task is called a program, or software program.


which is called a program


Give an example (other than clothes) where the must-have feature could be APPEARANCE.​



Assuming you are talking about UI or something graphical on a computer screen we'll just say the must-have features (in terms of appearance) are:

The UI/Web/Graphical Designers basic knowledge of color theory so they don't end up putting #0000FF text on a #FF0000 backgroundA good font (if there is text) that looks nice with the colors usedA proper aesthetic to the software (I.E. Spotify's green on black modern/techno aesthetic)

The design of mobile phones is an example of a must-have feature that is in appearance.

What are the features of appearance?

Features of appearance mean the visual qualities of an object or product.

Such as:

- Color

- Shape

- Texture

- Finish

- Branding

We have,

One example where the must-have feature could be appearance is in the mobile phones design

Many consumers prefer mobile phones that not only have the latest technology and features but also look sleek and stylish.

Companies invest heavily in the design of their mobile phones to make them visually appealing to consumers.

The appearance of the phone can often be a deciding factor in the purchasing decision, even if the phone has similar features to a competitor.


The design of mobile phones is an example of a must-have feature that is in appearance.

Learn more about appearance here:



three types of query​


It is commonly accepted that there are three different types of search queries:

Navigational search queries.

Informational search queries.

Transactional search queries.

what is multimedia software​


Answer: A program that plays or records audio files or playing or recording video files. Audio of famous speeches is a multimedia software


state two advantage of using the internet



Seemless communication with other parts of the world

Being able to share files easily



communicate with family.

Able to get information from the internet.

a) Viết chương trình tính tổng từ 20 – 50

b) Viết chương trình tính tổng từ a – b, với a, b nhập từ bàn phím. Yêu cầu: a
không phải thông báo lỗi.

cứu tôi 2 câu này sài lệnh lặp



Program viet_chuong_trinh_tinh_tong;

Uses Crt;

Var i,s:integer;




While (i>=20) and (i<=50) do









Write the pseudocode to this flowchart.



I don't understand


Which of these lines of code will generate a random number between 1 and 50? A. input("1-50") B. print("1-50") C. import random D. num = random.randint(1,50)



D. num = random.randint(1,50)


The option given above will assign a random integer in the range of 1 through 50 to the variable number is: "number = random.randint(1, 50)"

What is a random integer in programming?

This is a random sequence of integers that may be used to imitate things like shuffling a deck of cards or creating distinct behaviors every time a program runs. The RND function in BASIC generates random numbers. This yields a value between 0 and 1.

Random number creation is a technique that generates a series of numbers or symbols that cannot be realistically anticipated better than by random chance, generally using a random number generator (RNG).

Therefore, The option given above will assign a random integer in the range of 1 through 50 to the variable number is: "number = random.randint(1, 50)"

Learn more about random integers:



write a function to swap two variables using a third variable ​




Assign var1 value to a temp variable: temp = var1.

Assign var2 value to var1: var1 = var2.

Assign temp value to var2: var2 = temp.

If ADD = 81, BAD = 49, and CAD = 64, then what is the value of ACA?



its 72


i know it because i did it and thats how i know it

Other Questions
system of government established by the constitution which gave some powers to the national government and reserved others powers to the states 6. Translate 3x - 1 into a verbal phrase. A. the product of 3 and a number x increased byl B. 1 less than the product of 3 and x C. thrice the difference of x and 1 D. the difference of 3 and a number x 7 T Which of the following sets of ordered pairs is not a function?{(-1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 5), (-3, 4)}{(0, 2), (1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)}{(-4, 3), (-1, 1), (-2, 5), (3, 7)}{(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)} why does a temperate zone support many varieties of organisms Annie spends an average of 2.77 hours on online gaming and two dogs for four hours on doing other school activities online each day six days a week about how long does she's been surfing the Internet in a day in a week Describe what it means to view something from a frame of reference.Give an example to illustrate your explanation. What should we learn from the celebration of the Women's Day? Simplify the fraction 55/100 To see how visual encoding works, read over this list of words: car,level, dog, truth, book, value. If you were asked later to recall thewords from this list, which ones do you think you'd most likelyremember? Why those words? A cierta temperatura y presin, 8. 00 g de O tienen un volumen de 5. 00 L. Cual es el volumen (L) despus de que 4. 00 g de O se agregan al O en el globo. 6. I can't wait to play the game over. 7. She's been working. dinner is she was 16. 8. Nancy sat me during lunch. 9. She decided tonight. 10. It's your birthday, so it's all you today. Write one paragraph of three to five sentences about any topic. In your paragraph, use two of the vocabulary words from this lesson. You must also include two of the following examples in your sentences: commas in a series comma with a conjunction comma with a phrase or clause at the beginning of a sentence commas with coordinate adjectives commas around parenthetical or appositive phrases or clause Use proper spelling and grammar. which general staff member negotiates and monitors contracts maintains documentation I need help wit this In which of the following situations can telephonic contact be made with a Medicare eligible consumer?When confirming receipt of mailed information.When the consumer consented to be contacted for sales activities, subsequent telephonic contact has not yet occurred, and the permission has not yet expired.When a member has voluntarily disenrolled from a plan. a brief description of atoms and how they relate tomolecules and compounds A Distributive Property and GCF 56+42 What form of government did the Founding Fathers put in place to solve the issue of a large, diverse population spread over a geographical distance?A. MonarchyB. Representative democracyC. SocialismD. Direct democracy How has communism affected Southern and Eastern Asia HELP SOMEONE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! which graph is the right one? Which graph represents an exponential function?