1 )where were you posted ? (into Active voice) 2) please, inform him about everthing. (into passive voice)
3)The police did not like them to remain free. (into passive voice)
4)we are to earn more prestige.(into passive voice)
5) let the report be revised.(into active voice)
6) who broke the house?(into passive voice)
7)priya is studying science.(into passive voice)
8) everyone hates me.(into passive voice)
9)They had already posted the letter (into passive voice)
10) what do you mean by it?(into passive voice)
11)please help the needy(into passive voice) ​


Answer 1


4.Prestige is to be earned by us

5.Revise the report

6.The house was broken by who?

7.Science is being studied by Priya

8.I am being hated by everyone

9.the letter was already posted by them.

10...This question is already in a passive form

11.the needy is to be helped

sorry I can only help u with this questions

Related Questions

Acute is to chronic as temporary is to(persistent,sick,pretty,or narrow)




I'm writing this part to meet the character requirement

1- Use the passage to answer the question that follow. The girl next door was tall and thin. She was very pretty and smart, the kind of girl you wanted to hate. She was soft-spoken and even-tempered, as sweet as she was pretty, and no one would have ever expected her to be the one to stand up to the neighborhood bully, Ralphie. One day the girl next-door was walking home from school with one of her many, many friends. She saw Ralphie throwing rocks at a bird in the tree and, this won even my admiration, walked calmly up to him, tapped him one the shoulder and said, "How'd you like it if I threw rocks at you?" The narrator's attitude toward the girl next door is best described as?
irritated and grumbling
disdainfully angry
reluctantly admiring
cheerful and happy

2- Use the passage to answer the question that follow.

The girl next door was tall and thin. She was very pretty and smart, the kind of girl you wanted to hate. She was soft-spoken and even-tempered, as sweet as she was pretty, and no one would have ever expected her to be the one to stand up to the neighborhood bully, Ralphie. One day the girl next-door was walking home from school with one of her many, many friends. She saw Ralphie throwing rocks at a bird in the tree and, this won even my admiration, walked calmly up to him, tapped him one the shoulder and said, "How'd you like it if I threw rocks at you?"

Which best describes the story-teller's point of view?

third-person omniscient
third-person limited






My question is about writing an essay



¿Cómo escribir correctamente un ensayo?

Siga estos pasos para escribir un ensayo convincente exitoso.

Escoja su tema cuidadosamente. ...

Establezca su planteamiento de tesis basado en su propia opinión y en la información que haya recolectado durante su investigación. ...

Considere las objeciones más obvias a su planteamiento. ...

Haga un esquema de su ensayo.

help please , why does this paragraph lack sentence variety



Each sentence begins with the subject.

Each sentence begins with "Cory." He is the subject.


Each sentence begins with a subject.


The entire paragraph is basically "Corey did this" and "Corey did that"

There's no variety, since it always begins with Corey.

A free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wing
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

–“Caged Bird,”
Maya Angelou

What is the denotation of the word floats?

What is the connotation of the word floats?




flying downstream write as if it is a metaphor or is gliding


1.) to rest on a liquid surface  2.) to move in a relaxed way

Which research topic is too broad for a 6-8 page paper?



social sciences research

Câu 17: They ......... that you are going to be late.

A. will know B. know C. knew D. have known
Câu 15: Our opinions about the company's success in the last decade are in ………with what the records show.
A. vision B. fiction C. evidence D. conflict



They have known that you are going to be late.


hope it is correct

If the Ruler is not visible and you want to see it, where can you go to make it visible? the Home tab the Insert tab the Page Layout tab the View tab





bc why not idc i need my credits


the view tab


I got it right on Edg

what is adjective . the ugly duck is not in the pool.​



The ugly duck is not in the pool.

The adjective is ugly.


An adjective is defined as "a word or phrase naming an attribute", or  a word used to describe. Since the word "ugly" is describing the duck, "ugly" is an adjective .

Hope this helped!

Read the excerpt from Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy. Reverend Buckminster sighed. "It doesn't matter if it's true. It matters what people think. It matters that my congregation can tell me what to think when my son goes out to visit a Negro girl on Malaga Island. It doesn't matter at all how she got you out there." "It matters to me," Turner whispered. "Speak up!" "It matters to me." How does Turner’s perspective affect this part of the story? The reader is able to see that Turner cares more about his friendship with Lizzie than the social taboo of hanging out on Malaga Island. The reader is able to see that Turner is simply rebellious and will do anything to embarrass his father in front of his father’s congregation. The reader is able to see how Turner has been influenced by the beliefs of his father and the older people who live in Phippsburg. The reader is able to see that children do not have a clear or accurate view of the real world because they have not yet had many experiences.



The reader is able to see that Turner cares more about his friendship with Lizzie than the social taboo of hanging out on Malaga Island


According to the excerpt from Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, Reverend Buckminster is chiding Turner for meeting up with Lizzie a negro girl because he's scared of what the people and congregation would say. Rev. Buckminster says he doesn't care how Lizzie got there and what they discussed but Turner replies that it matters to him.

Therefore, Turner’s perspective affects this part of the story because the reader is able to see that Turner cares more about his friendship with Lizzie than the social taboo of hanging out on Malaga Island




Edge 2023

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of planning for transitions?
A. Planned transitions can teach children about cooperation and consideration.
B. Planned transitions can create a positive and cooperative environment
C. Planned transitions can teach direction following skills
D. Planned transitions will eliminate all transition time challenges. E. Planned transitions provide additional teachable moments throughout the day.​



D. Planned transitions will eliminate all transition time challenges


A planned transition is a pre-organised shift from one form to another, or movement of things or ideas from one point to the other.

Therefore, there are different benefits for planning for transitions, but the answer choice that is not a benefit of planning for transitions is the idea that it will eliminate all transition time challenges

Plsssssss help meeeee I’m being timed!!!!!

In an interview years later, Armstrong praises the "hundreds of thousands" of people behind the project. "Every guy that's setting up the tests, cranking the torque wrench, and so on, is saying, man or woman, 'If anything goes wrong here, it's not going to be my fault.'"
—“July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap for Mankind,”

So they came by the thousands - kids really, twenty-somethings, a few in their thirties. No one knew for sure how to get to the moon, how to land, or get home. But their goal was clear-cut, and that was enough. That gave them purpose: a reason to puzzle out the problems and seek solutions rather than sleep.
—Team Moon: How 400,000 People
Landed Apollo 11 on the Moon,
Catherine Thimmesh

How do both passages describe the people involved in the lunar landing?

They show that many people worked on the project and demonstrate how hard they worked.

They show that the engineers worked the hardest.

They show that the engineers lost sleep on the project.

They show that many people worked on the project and describe the problems they faced.



Both passages describe the people involved in the lunar landing in the following way:

A. They show that many people worked on the project and demonstrate how hard they worked.


Both passages refer to the number of people involved in the project of sending men to the moon as being large: "hundreds of thousands" in passage 1, and "thousands" in passage 2.

Also, both passages make sure to convey those people were hard-workers. Passage 1 has Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) himself, the first man to set foot on the moon, complimenting the hard work of everyone involved. According to him, they made sure to do everything right. Passage 2 states that they wouldn't even sleep when searching for solutions to reach their goal.

With that in mind, we can choose letter A as the best option:

A. They show that many people worked on the project and demonstrate how hard they worked.

Are you afraid of heights?



No, I am not.

Yea I am scared of them but not the tall ones like the hills and all just the sky skewer the sky the plane and I am scared of a car crash I so disappointed in myself.

Weaaaahhhhhhhhhhh :(((((

Select the information that does not support the main topic: "Preserving rainforest species."
A. Blue whales face threats from entanglement in fishing nets, pollution, and illegal whaling
B. Many rainforest animals are endangered because of habitat loss,
C. Loss of habitat causes extinction of species and reduction of biodiversity
Rainforest deforestation has had a big impact on the scarlet macaws, which stop building nests when their natural habitat is lost.


Answer: d.

Explanation: thsi gives more detail amd backs up the main point. Gives an actual reason to stop rainforest deforestation well still preserving the species




Ways that fans can use their effectively to support their idols or celebrities


Subscribing them on yt pays them
Attending their concerts
Some crazy fans even gives them money

Owen made a passionate speech supporting a candidate for office. "This candidate is a wonderful mother and
a caring friend," he said. "And because of that, she will do a wonderful job representing our town in state
government." Why might a listener question Owen's argument?

A) The candidate lives in a bad neighborhood and is poor.

B) Owen has never held public office or made a speech before.

C) The candidate's credentials don't match her stated goals.

D)Owen is a poor public
speaker and looks nervous.


Answer:c because well it never said what her intentions were to be a candiait in ofice


Hope this helps

The candidate's credentials do not match her stated goals. Hence, The listener would argue about her eligibilty and skills as they do not match the designated post. The correct option is C.

What do you understand by an argument?

An argument is a declaration that is supported via way of means of presenting examples. Most conclusions drawn in surveys and thoroughly managed experiments are arguments via way of means of instance and generalization.

Hence, Hence, The listener would argue about her eligibilty and skills as they do not match the designated post.The correct option is C.

Learn more about argument here:



The synonym of the word 'drag' is ​










These are all synonyms for the word drag

The synonym of the word drag is

pullheave tow trailHaultrawltug

Hope my answer is helpful to you ❣️☪️✌️❇️❣️:)

Which evidence from the passage supports the author's bias that going paperless is better than using the USPS?

Select one:
O a. ... more financial statements, bills, and the checks that follow them have become digital every year.
O b. Most Americans pay at least one bill each month online.
Ос. the paper bill paper check, and paper bank statement are becoming fossils of a bygone age.
Od Interestingly, the volume of mail that is considered advertising has held steady.



financial statements, bills, and the checks that follow them have become digital every year.


Option A) More financial statements, bills, and the checks that follow them have become digital every year.

What is the passage within the literature?

Technically, a passage is honestly a component or section of written paintings, either fiction or non-fiction. Some hold that a passage can be as short as a sentence, however, a maximum encompasses a minimum of one paragraph and typically several.

An example of passage is when you move on a ride and someone tells you to be safe in your travels. An instance of passage is when a vehicle moves thru a constrained area with permission. An example of passage is whilst time moves ahead.

Learn more about the passage here: brainly.com/question/26492392


Vocabulary :
(Intend, aggressive, existence, stray, necessity, inconvenience)
(ii) In this modern world of science and technology many people disbelieve in
the ...................... of God.


It should be existence




The fact or state of living or having objective reality is called existence.

In the revision process, writers should correct all spelling errors before double-checking thesis clarity. Select one: True False


I believe your answer would be True. Revising your writing would mean going over it again and correcting mistakes within your writing.

I hope this is helpful!

I cannot understand the instructions. they ''re....spanish ?



They are in Spanish

Mark me as brainlist

They are Spanish………….

A paragraph about “Favourite time of a day



My favourite time of the day is between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. This is the time when the sun is setting and the air is cooling down. At this time I either go for a stroll, play some games or sit quietly watching the activities around me. The compound surrounding my house is a large one.

please mark me as brainliest trust me



Explanation: Because it is the time of the day to wake up and motivate yourself to do stuff and plan out how your day is going to be there you go

Jamie is playing a game. On his first turn he gains 3
points. On his second turn he loses 3 points. Which
expression represents Jamie's score at the end of his
second turn?



A. +3+(-3)


he has positive 3 points and loses 3

Guys I need help, is this Logos, Ethos, or Pathos?

3. Pollution has a severe impact upon native animal populations.





This is an appeal to logic, or logos. This is because this is a logical argument - a cause and effect. Pollution has a severe impact on native animal populations, so we should not pollute.

Hope this helps!

hello guys could u help me with these .
i am trying to learn brithish. could u give me some tips?​


Just watch like British series



How does a writer support a counterclaim after stating it? Select three options.



by restating the original claim. by providing reasons. by describing the topic. by supporting it with evidence.

How should sentence 3 be changed so it has the right tone?


if B is your answer that would most likely be correct

which ways teacher can record experience dictate story



A teacher could keep a diary


A diary is a very good way to record your thoughts, your memories, your experiences, your feelings, and your day-to-day life activities.

1. I haven't got a car but I'd love to have one A. I'm trying to buy a car B. I wish I had a car C. Having a car is meaningless D. Though I don't have a car, I am very happy.​





Though I don't have a car, I am very happy.

Rhone, France is only region in the world that produces the "Cotes Du Rhone" wine using the exclusive grenache noir grape
grown locally. Rhone, France has a(n).
advantage in the production of the “Cotes Du Rhone" wine.



Fvmitdkhduvubieidiodowkwkcbv jcjsnndif

Progressive Rhone, France is the only region in the world that produces the "Cotes Du Rhone" wine using the exclusive grenache noir grape grown locally. Rhone, France has an advantage in the production of the “Cotes Du Rhone" wine. The correct option is A.

What is the most famous wine region in France?

Famous grape varietals like Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, and Sauvignon Blanc may be found in Bordeaux, which is regarded as the most famous wine region in France.

A variety of red grapes, including grenache, syrah, Mourvedre, and cinsault, are typically blended to create the region's red wines and rosés. There may be up to 21 different grape varieties used, but grenache must account for at least 30% of the final mix because it is the most important component.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Wine in France here:



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