10 POINTS!! Picture below: NOT A QUIZ


Answer 1


a. Windows Photo Viewer: PNG

b. MS Word: DOCX

c. MS Excel: XLS

d. Go-ogle Chrome: HTML

e. MS PowerPoint: PPT


A file can be defined as a computer resource that avails end users the ability to store or record data as a single unit on a computer storage device.

Generally, all files are identified by a name and type such as audio, image, video, document, system, text, etc.

On a related note, all software applications (programs) are designed and developed for use with specific file extensions or formats and as such, when a particular software is used to open a file it isn't developed for, it result in an error.

a. Windows Photo Viewer: PNG. This software application is specifically designed for viewing images (photos) which could either be in a PNG or JPEG format.

b. MS Word: DOCX. Microsoft (MS) Excel is a word processing software application (program) developed by Microsoft Inc. to enable its users type, format and save text-based documents with a DOC or DOCX file extension.

c. MS Excel: XLS. Microsoft (MS) Excel is a software application or program designed and developed by Microsoft Inc., for analyzing and visualizing spreadsheet documents having a XLS file extension.

d. Go-ogle Chrome: HTML. HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language that is used for designing, developing and creating web pages. Go-ogle Chrome is a web browser designed for browsing websites or opening HTML files.

e. MS PowerPoint: PPT. Microsoft (MS) PowerPoint is a software application or program designed and developed by Microsoft, to avail users the ability to create various slides containing textual and multimedia informations that can be used during a presentation.

Related Questions

cual es el procedimientos para asistir en el transporte publico a personas discapacitadas



Una discapacidad física o motora en una o más partes del cuerpo obstaculiza las acciones y / o movimientos de la persona con discapacidad. La discapacidad puede surgir porque las partes del cuerpo no han crecido completamente o están dañadas (anomalías físicas) o porque las funciones físicas están alteradas (anomalías funcionales).

En la mayoría de los casos, se proporciona una ayuda a las personas con discapacidades físicas graves para que puedan desenvolverse más fácilmente en la sociedad. Alguien con una discapacidad motora severa en las piernas a menudo usa una silla de ruedas. Las personas con una discapacidad motora de las manos (pérdida de la motricidad fina) o de los brazos pueden compensar esto con un manipulador o ayudas especializadas en tareas, como un dispositivo para comer o un dispositivo para girar las hojas.

Así, todos estos elementos deben ser posibles de ser insertados en los medios de transporte público como forma de ayudar a estas personas a trasladarse por estos medios, es decir, los autobuses, trenes, etc., deben estar adaptados para poder recibir allí a pasajeros en sillas de ruedas o con necesidades motoras especiales.

Online retailers can and should encourage every customer to sign up for regular emails from the retailer. To avoid spam filters, retailers should Group of answer choices automatically send regular emails to all customers send emails to all customers except those who request to be taken off the email list provide a check box that is checked by default during the checkout process for customers to sign up for emails provide a check box that is unchecked by default during the checkout process for customers to sign up for emails ANS:DPTS:1



Provide a check box that is checked by default during the checkout process for customers to sign up for emails


I've seen this used the most so I would go with this answer.

The way online retailers get you is by showing you a prechecked email subscription with an unchecked TOS agreement. Your attention is then focused on the TOS agreement and not the agreement for promotions sent to you via email.

A is a distinctive characteristic of a virus or virus family.



Assuming your talking about a computer virus(because your under the Computers and Technology section)

Also assuming you meant "What is a distinctive characteristic of a virus or virus family."

A computer virus is a software that was created with the intent of damaging a computer. Computer viruses can replicate them selves by modifying other software on the computer. Viruses such as file infectors can override the machine code of another application and inject its own malicious machine code to perform malicious acts. This is especially dangerous for the OS as the virus can override essential files.


Write an algorithm to convert lengh of your house from cm to meter​



cm = 1000;


meter = cm / 100.0;

kilometer = cm / 100000.0;


print("Length in meter = " ,

              meter , "m");

print("Length in Kilometer = ",

            kilometer , "km");


This is in Python, hope you enjoy!

A company has enlisted the help of TDojo Consulting Co. to assist them in designing an AWS disaster recovery solution for their on-premises bare metal servers and SQL databases. The implementation has to be robust, fast, and simple to use. It should also prevent any type of data loss from occurring. The company would like to keep track of the status of the migration. Which tool should the team adopt for the DR solution


Answer: CloudEndure Disaster Recovery


The tool that the team should adopt for the DR solution is the CloudEndure Disaster Recovery.

CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is the tool that helps in minimizing downtime and data loss through the provision of a fast and a reliable recovery of the servers into the AWS Cloud.

It also allows the user recover the environment from an unexpected infrastructure, data corruption, or malicious attacks.

You need to view the contents of /var/log/auth.log to get information about the users that have been logging on to the system. The auth.log file is a plain text, file so you decide to use the cat command to review the file. However, the display fills with text for several pages, and you can't see the entire file. What commands can you use to view the content of the auth.log file page by page? (Select TWO).



more /var/log/auth.log

less /var/log/auth.log


The commands that can be used to view the content of the auth.log file page by page are:

more /var/log/auth.log

less /var/log/auth.log

Someone knows a good compiler for iPad? It has to be an app


Jedona is a good one

A specified group of banks get together and agree to use a blockchain for wholesale settlement of interbank transfers. This is most likely an example of a ........................ blockchain. Group of answer choices Permissionless Permissioned





In this scenario, specified group of banks got together and joined forces by agreeing to use a blockchain for wholesale settlement of all interbank transfers. Thus, this is most likely an example of a permissioned blockchain.

Create a program that uses a separate module to calculate sales tax and total after tax.

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Sales Tax Calculator


Cost of item: 35.99

Cost of item: 27.50

Cost of item: 19.59

Cost of item: 0

Total: 83.08

Sales tax: 4.98

Total after tax: 88.06

Again? (y/n): y


Cost of item: 152.50

Cost of item: 59.80

Cost of item: 0

Total: 212.30

Sales tax: 12.74

Total after tax: 225.04

Again? (y/n): n



I nor know this one oo abeg sorry

Select three physical forms of storage. USB drive Primary cache Magnetic storage Secondary cache Dynamic RAM Optical drive


Answer:USB drive

Magnetic storage

Optical drive


hope this helps

What is binary number system? Why is it used in computer system?



Computers depend mainly on binary because it’s more time efficient for them to so.


It’s easier to identify 0 as “off” and 1 as “on”. As you may know, transistors are the fundamental blocks of microprocessors and ICs. The reasons this is the case is that these transistors form logic gates which can carry out basic logic operations. These logic gates are a huge step into making microprocessors/ICs/etc. And what do these logic gates depend on? They depend on binary.

Whoa whoa, wait a minute. Let’s first take a step back to know a thing or two about logic gates.

These logic gate can be constructed from transistors. They carry basic logic operations. You have one or more inputs “entering” the logic gate ——-> A certain operation is performed on them ——-> you get your output. The input is a voltage. This voltage it can be interpreted as an “on” or “off” according to the gate. Once again these offs and ons are 0s and 1s. For example the Inverter/NOT gate is a gate that simply takes an input and gives its inverse. For example:-

A low voltage/an “off” signal/ a “0” “enters” the NOT gate. ——-> A high voltage/an “on” signal/ a “1” is the result of the operation performed

(In the above example low voltage = “off” signal = 0, high voltage = “on” signal = 1)

As you can see, a 0 enters the NOT gate and a 1 comes out or vice versa. Now, if you were a logic gate, you’d prefer working with just 0s and 1s right? I would. This would be much easier to work with than a lot of different values.

It’s a herculean task to work with these though as a human. And fortunately, programming languages exist for giving the computer instructions to do in a “language” other than its own.

I nut bun is how binary liks bavlls

A driver that approaches a controlled intersection with a signal that is not working must:


You must stop at the intersection and proceed when you are aware that other turning or approaching vehicles,bicycles or pedestrians have stopped.

what is the difference between b and br tag​



<b> tag is used to make the text bold. <br> tag is used to insert a line break into a text font.


The <b> tag in HTML is used to indicate the importance of the text. The text is written within <b> tag display in bold size. You can do that by using CSS also there is a similar tag <strong> tag that has a similar effect on content.

The <br> tag inserts a single line break. The <br> tag is useful for writing addresses or poems. The <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.

BIOS has two jobs. One is to boot up, or start, the computer. What is the other? Maintain the computer’s software firewall. Ensure the fastest possible Internet speed. Provide the basic interface for the hardware. Perform regularly scheduled memory backups.



Provide the basic interface for the hardware.


30points!!!! Plz answer quickly
Select the correct answer.
What should be the ideal position of the image in a video if it is the main feature of the video?
A. bottom
B. right
C. left
D. center





that is the focal point




since it's the main feature of the video it would be best to put it on the center so that all focus is on it because if you put it in the corner or another position it won't be the main feature and definitely not the center of attraction.

I hope you understand.and sorry if it's wrong

explain the tearms alink and vlink​



The alink (active link) color appears while the mouse is clicking the link. The vlink (visited link) is the color of the link after the user has already visited it.

Suppose you are given a sequence that is described by a formula, starting at index n=0. If you need to change the starting index to n=1, then you just need to replace n in the formula by n+...?






[tex]n = 0[/tex] --- starting index


Change the starting index to [tex]n = 1[/tex]

We have:

[tex]n = 0[/tex]

To change the starting index to k, we simply rewrite as:


In this case; k=1; so, the starting index will be: [tex]n+1[/tex]

Audience centered public speakers are inherently sensitive to the


diversity of their audiences


the diversity of their audiences


The HTML tag for the smallest heading is​ what​



The HTML <h1> to <h6> tag is used to define headings in an HTML document. <h1> defines largest heading and <h6> defines smallest heading.


Hoda needs to create a chart that is associated with an Excel spreadsheet. She needs to ensure that if the data in the spreadsheet changes, the chart in her presentation will be updated. Which option must she choose?

Embed the chart.
Link the chart.
Insert the chart as a picture.
This cannot be done.



the awnser is B



B, Link the chart.


Spreadsheet allow three types of cell addressing. They include ______addresses, such as $E$1, ______addresses, such as R$3, and ______addresses, such as D4.



The answer is below


Based on the Microsoft Excel Formatting style, Spreadsheet allows three types of cell addressing. They include:

1. ABSOLUTE CELL ADDRESSING addresses, such as $E$1,

2. MIXED CELL ADDRESSING addresses, such as R$3, and

3. RELATIVE CELL ADDRESSING addresses, such as D4.

Which unit of computer is used to processed data?​
Please help!!!!!!


[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

[tex]AnimeVines[/tex] [tex]is[/tex] [tex]here![/tex]

Is it Central Processing Unit?




Central Processing Unit (CPU)


The Central Processing Unit (aka CPU), is used to process the data.

1. Read the following scenario. What type of business letter do you think is required in this situation? (1 point)
Melissa and Melrose are both first-year students at a local community college. They both have interest in volunteering with a nonprofit organization. They decided to reach out to nonprofit organizations to ask about the steps they need to take in order to volunteer.



It requires a formal letter.


This would require a formal business letter, the type being a cover letter or inquiry.

Explanation: yes

write chracteristics of all 5 generation of computer​



First generation — 1940–1956

-used vacuum tubes

ENIAC, UNIVAC I, IBM 650, IBM 701 etc.

mainframes taking up entire rooms

punched cards I/O

electrostatic and mercury delay line memory, beginning use of core

Second generation — 1956-1963

-used discrete transistors

IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, PDP-1 and 8, etc.

first appearance of minicomputer (PDP-8)

punched cards I/O and line printers (mainframe), TTY (minicomputers)

core memory, magnetic tape for mass storage

Third generation — 1964-1971

-used integrated circuits

IBM System/360, UNIVAC 1108, PDP-8/I, PDP-11/20 and PDP-11/45, etc.

mostly same I/O and memory as second generation

Fourth generation — 1971-present

-use microprocessors

PDP-11/03 and PDP-11/34, Apple ][, IBM PC, Apple Macintosh, IBM z Series, etc.

transition from minicomputers to personal computers

video terminals used for I/O, specialty computer printers developed

fewer mainframes

semiconductor memory replaces core memory

hard drives and optical drives replace magnetic tape for mass storage, followed by solid-state drives (SSD)

Fifth generation — (current research)

-artificial intelligence and quantum computing


The five generations of computer are characterized by electrical current flowing through the processing mechanisms listed below : The first within vacuum tubes The second within transistors The third within integrated circuits The fourth within microprocessors clips The fifth unveiled smart devices capable of artificial...


hope it is helpful to you


The most likely reason a firm would decide to establish an extranet would be the desire to Multiple Choice speed the flow of information on its private network by increasing the bandwidth. make the information on its network widely available to the general public. share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals. overcome the speed and capacity limitations of its external connection to the Internet by gaining access to the very-high-speed Backbone Network Service.


Answer: share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals.


When a company uses an intranet, it is for the purpose of sharing information within the company so in the same vein, an extranet is done to share information with entities outside the company be it people or organizations.

For information to be shared, the other companies and organizations need to have the means and authorization to join the extranet. Extranets are very useful as they enable collaboration across vast distances thereby increasing productivity.

The most likely reason a firm would decide to establish an extranet is B. share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals.

An extranet simply means a controlled private network that allows customers, vendors, partners, suppliers, etc to gain information about a company.

Extranet is vital to share information and collaborate with a select group of outside organizations or individuals. It is usually a private part of a website.

Read related link on:


How many characters should a strong password have? four six eight ten



I say it have to be aleast 8 to complete a strong password


it's common sense




The more the better but ten too much

Which option is used to insert a table in PowerPoint from another Office application?

In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.
In the Design tab, choose the Table Styles option.
In the Insert Table dialog box, choose Insert Table.
In the Layout tab, choose the Merge option.


Answer: In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.


To insert a table into PowerPoint from another Office application, go to the Insert Tab. In the Text ribbon on the far right, you will see "Object" next to Equation.

After clicking on that, select the "Create from File" option. It will allow you to browse a file you want to import from. PowerPoint will import the data from this file.

Which tab on the ribbon is used to access the global Access 2016 options?

Database Tools



the answer is Database Tools

The CPU is considered to be the............of a computer system​



The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain or main source of the computer system.

Select the item that best represents technology transfer?
Newtonian telescope
Magnetic Compass
Printing Press



Printing Press


Technology transfer is the simple process of sharing or dissemination of information from person to person (or from one organisation to another)

Therefore, the item that best represents technology transfer from the given answer choices is the printing press.

This is because, the printing press helped to print paper containing information which was sent from one location to another.

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