Select the correct answer.
What is the role of the leader in a group discussion?
OA to help resolve conflicts during group discussions
to take notes on the main points
OC to track the time spent on the group discussion
to introduce information for the group to discuss


Answer 1


D, to introduce information for the group to discuss

Answer 2
D is correct answer! The leader should always let you know what’s up next.

Related Questions

What should be the FIRST step when making an outline?

Decide on the details to include as evidence in your outline.
Decide what information you will not include in your outline.
Decide what information to include in each paragraph of your report.
Decide on the main points to address in your outline.



Decide on the main point to address in your outline.


Usually when making an outline you would make your thesis statement first, however since thesis statement is not there the closest thing to a these statement is the main point to address in your outline.

Also when doing process of elimination anything that has to do with evidence comes second or when it comes to secondary info.

Hope that this helps


Decide on the main points to address in your outline.


An outline should act as a written roadmap for how you will create your report.

Help please ! ASAP !





it's c because a comma after the answer is what should be after you say after the moment

Part A
Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the essay "Memories of a Memory"?

A. Humans cannot recall their earliest memories accurately.

B. Humans have interesting brains that do many things to memories.

C. Humans have trouble recalling details of spaces.





memories of a memory is remembering many past event, you having unforgotten brains to keep accurate record of things.

B. humans have interesting brains that do many things to memories

write a poem with an topic​


Topic : Flowers


Pretty Flowers

beautiful Flowers

I Like Very Much It

it improves the beauty of nature

it Make we Happy

Flowers that are growing,

the Flowers Make Happy

they became more beautiful in spring Season.....

pretty Flowers

beautiful Flowers


Where is ur answer. And it's topic is a smile. I hope it help u.

My dad had to get rid of our computer as it had too much—————- on it and was no longer able to work
A. files
B. malware
C. hardware
D. software





A: With the size harddrives we have, I can hardly imagine there were too many files. Not A

C: There is no such thing as too much hardware, particularly if you are talking about memory.

D: has the same answer as A.

The answer you should pick is B, but this is

a very specialized question.You may not be alone in not knowing the answer. Malware is easy to get rid of.
B and D are basically the same answer but I would personally go with B

write an essay about love


Love has many meanings. It can mean being affectionate towards a person, and the affection reciprocated. Love is a set of emotions that we experience. Love could also mean beliefs or behaviours that show your affection towards someone. Love is a feeling that everybody yearns. It makes them feel happy and vital. Love can be for many things, family, partners, pets, nature, and even for oneself. Honestly, care and trust accompany love. As humans, we depend no one and other, and though we may be different, love binds us all together and making the world a much better place.




What is Love

Love is something we all feel. Weather it's toward our pets, our family member, or even someone you like at school. Love makes us feel uneasy sometimes. Symptoms of love include butterflies, sweaty palms, etc.  

Why does one feel love?

High levels of dopamine and a related hormone, norepinephrine, are released during attraction. These chemicals make us giddy, energetic, and euphoric, even leading to decreased appetite and insomnia – which means you actually can be so “in love” that you can't eat and can't sleep.

Who feels love?

At some point, everyone feels love. Love is just something we people cannot control. Even animals are capable of loving a human or even one another.

Examples of love

Examples of love include a dog who is loyalty to his owner. The question is, why? This is because the dog loves his owner. another example of love could be someone you have feelings for at school. When you think of that special someone, you feel uneasy. Even when you are around that certain person, your whole body goes into a deep lock down, in which you cant control.  You feel so sheepish, you cant function right around the person.


Love can be romantic. Love can be dramatic. Love can even be saddening. But whatever love is, anyone can feel it, even the most bad of people.

Hope this helps :)

Neo ^o^

II. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
9. A. ‘national B. gram’matical C. ‘medical D. ‘chemical
10. A. ath’letic B. his’toric C. dra’matic D. ‘classic
11. A. scien’tifically B. eco’nomic C. ar’tistic D. scien’tific


The answer would be

9. A

10. A

11. B

Can someone help me with this i need to write an essay ​



Frederick Douglass's View of Freedom Freedom by definition is, “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action


I dont have the book so I cant cite any information:(

I know when he was younger, Douglass didnt belive in freedom at all... Though his outlook changed as he grew up and became more knowledgeable


W.E.B. DuBois starts his chapter opposing Booker T. Washington with this sentence:

In failing thus to state plainly and unequivocally the legitimate demands of their people, even at the cost of opposing an honored leader, the thinking classes of American Negroes would shirk a heavy responsibility, -- a responsibility to themselves, a responsibility to the struggling masses, a responsibility to the darker races of men whose future depends so largely on this American experiment, but especially a responsibility to this nation, -- this common Fatherland.

If DuBois considers himself part of the “thinking classes of American Negroes,” what does this sentence give him permission to do?



This phrase allows DuBois to be passive about how black people are being treated and represented by Booker T. Washington.


DuBois does not agree with Booker T. Washington's position on how blacks should position themselves to have their rights guaranteed.

Dubois was an academic intellectual and believed that blacks should have a quality education and fight for political representation and rights. Meanwhile, Booker T. Washington believed that blacks should strive for economic freedom and not confront whites or claim anything.

Dubois felt that Booker T. Washington's position demeaned blacks and placed them in a weaker position relative to whites. However, he stressed that if people wanted to listen to Booker T. Washington, the “thinking classes of black Americans,” like him, would take a passive stance in the struggle for rights, no matter what.

Read the excerpt from "Music Gets Personal.”

Walking down the street, you still had to whistle, though. Old radios and record players were too big to carry. Radios had large tubes in them. Those tubes made the sound louder, but they were heavy. Parts of record players were made of iron. They were also too heavy to carry. Even if you could carry a record player, you couldn’t play it. Record players work only when they’re still.

Which details are included to explain the challenges of transporting music? Check all that apply.

People enjoyed whistling.
Radios were too big to carry.
Radios contained heavy tubes.
Some people could lift record players.
Record players had to remain still to work.



gb yhbuyhubybvuybuugvhu




B. Radios were too big to carry.

C. Radios contained heavy tubes.

E. Record players had to remain still to work.

A counterclaim is?
A. a claim that includes a true statement.
B. an argument made against a claim.
C. an examination of a claim
D. evidence used against a claim.



I think the answer is B♥️


An argument made against a claim




4. What question can help you decide where to break the lines in your poem?
-How wide is the page where the poem will appear?
-Which words should be read as a unified group?
-What words will create rhyme if placed at the end of lines?
-Where do I want readers to stop, think, and reread part of the poem?


4. What question can help you decide where to break the lines in your poem?

Where do I want readers to stop, think, and reread part of the poem?


B, Which words should be read as a unified group?

I got it right on the test


Each line in a poem should have some meaning of its own while still working with other lines to convey an overall message.

A story that ends with strike while the iron is hot



The ant and grasshopper


An ant was busy the whole summer to stock up in food for the rainy winter season.

12. Within the story, the author alludes to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The
Queen of Sheba was known to be beautiful, intelligent, and very rich. King Solomon
was said to exceed all kings in riches and in wisdom. At one point the Queen of
Sheba tested King Solomon's wisdom and, when he succeeded, she showered him in
gifts. How do these allusions add to the development of the story? Use specific
evidence from the text to support your answer.



What role do these allusions have in the progression of the narrative? Sheba informed the King that the reports about the accomplishments and wisdom that she had heard in her nation were correct. I came to put this to the test for myself.

Evidence to support answer:

   Solomon was a king once. He was wise. His wisdom made him a legend. He could handle anything. Their acclaim was for his wisdom. Sheba ruled. Solomon captivated her. Teased him. She came to test him. Natural and fake flower garlands. In front of the King by Queen Solomon pondered. Solomon noticed that withered roses drew bees. He desired windows open. They arrived and settled on the natural blooms, addressing her problem. The queen of Sheba was awestruck by Solomon's knowledge. He could handle anything. Those who knew him well respected him.

this is just the second out of 25 questions. Get ready cuz my brain hurts



Giving children mobile phones can protect them in emergencies


you can argue for it can help them in emergencies and someone could argue that it will be more of a distraction and pretty much obsolete to them because they would only use it as a toy instead of a tool

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. Which phrases from the excerpt include loaded words intended to evoke a sense of fear? Select two ​



" this premeditated invasion "

" our interests are in grave danger "


The author seems to want to make the reader step back and ponder, maybe a bit out of fear as much as anything else. And he does so by using loaded words like " grave " Invasion " " premeditated " ect. ect.

The two phrases that include loaded words intended to evoke a sense of fear are "premeditated invasion" and "grave danger."

What is sense of fear?

Fear is a feeling of dread or anxiety that arises in response to a perceived threat or danger.

In the context of language, a writer or speaker may employ loaded words or other rhetorical devices to elicit fear in their audience.

The phrase "premeditated invasion" includes the word "invasion," which has a negative connotation, implying an attack or aggression against the United States.

The word "premeditated" adds to this negative connotation, implying that the attack was well-planned and deliberate.

The phrase "grave danger" includes the words "grave" and "danger," both of which have negative connotations.

Thus, the word "grave" implies a serious and potentially life-threatening danger, whereas "danger" implies a sense of risk and uncertainty.

For more details regarding sense of fear, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the probable complete question is:

Read the excerpt from Franklin Roosevelt’s request for a declaration of war. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. Which phrases from the excerpt include loaded words intended to evoke a sense of fear? Select two options. "No matter how long" "defend ourselves" "premeditated invasion" "righteous might" "grave danger"

which sentence is incomplete?
A. Gas prices go up.
B. most stores carry these types.
C. buying a bike.
D. take time with your choice.


Answer: gas prices go up should be

Explanation: the gas prices at the gas station is going up so we will have to pay more to get gas .


Which statement best describes Thomas Paine's use of evidence in the passage?
O A. Paine used empirical evidence to support the claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
O B. Paine used empirical evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the Continental Army.
Paine used anecdotal evidence to support his claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
O D. Paine used anecdotal evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the Continental Army.


This question are so easy for me not all .

The right answer is (A)

"Laura froze when the power went out in the cabin. The moon was not out this night, so there was
not a speck of light With the hum of the generator gone, it was deathly silent. With no sight and no
sound the cabin was nothing more than a dark void of nothingness. The only thing worse than the
silence was hearing the sudden creaking of the cabin floorboards. Someone was inside." What kind
of atmosphere does this setting create?
A. Calm
B. Natural
C. Scary
D. None of these



d and c


depend on the type of nature the person is

If anyone had read the novel Laughing Boy. on what page do the two get married and is it after they tell they're true names.
I don't want anything in depth just a page number or at least tell me if it's before or after





see you will find


it is before


Write 5examples of fragments, sentences and run ons



Examples of fragments : 'when', 'after', 'although', 'before', 'if', 'since', 'until', 'when', 'where', 'while', and 'why'

Example of fragment sentences:

Because of the rain.I ran.Looking forward to seeing you.My favorite history teacher.Ran to the store faster than a rabbit.

A thesaurus is a book listing
and often including related words and antonyms.


Yes it is? I’m pretty sure I don’t know if it’s just a statement being made or if your testing to see if we know it correct or not

Monday and it's the first Homeroom, we have
all classes today but odd ones tomorrow.


Answer: what didn't understand question


what is the best thing that has happened ?



A significant milestone for me as a student, would be graduation day.

if you had to pick between 6 or 9, like the numbers in general which would it be?? just curious


can u stay up all night !!! 34+35
8 Because speaking about the numbers It seems like a well answer to choose upon

please help fast ....​


fullstop(.)He didn't take my medicineRupak has not arrived yet.The crusher industry workers are destroying the jungle.Do beggars live on alms?


1. Write a brief description of one of the following:
(a) fishermen at work by the sea
(b) a flooded street
(c) a cinema lobby just after a show
(d) the street where your school is situated
which on
(e) a quiet evening at the beach
(f) the beach on Sunday
(g) the view from the window of your house/flat
(h) a bus-stop in town during the rush hour
(i) the market near your house
please mark me brainliest please
(j) a harbour scene​



hi annyohasayo ...............

Which entry defines the use of the word sanction in the sentence?



a consideration, principle, or influence (as of conscience) that impels to moral action or determines moral judgment

is anyone good with formating a mla work cited page



here it is. center the heading and format the citations with indents on every line except the first, like a reverse paragraph. on docs you can do enter, then tab.


Works Cited

Dugan, Kelli. “6-Year-Old Girl KILLED, 5 ADULTS Wounded in DC SHOOTING.” KIRO 7 News

Seattle, KIRO 7 News Seattle, 18 July 2021, www.kiro7.com/news/trending/6-year-old-girl-killed-5-adults-wounded-dc-shooting/EUOYPFK7WNC7XGJYGM7VU7MRGM/.

Jiménez, Jesus. “A Girl's Shooting Death in Washington Leaves a Community on Edge.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 July 2021, www.nytimes.com/2021/07/18/us/nyiah-courtney-shooting-nationals-washington-dc.html.

good luck!

Question 1 of 10

Which statement from the "Equal Pay Bill" letter is most clearly based on a


A. Let the marketplace determine what free-market forces should


B. It is not the role of government to dictate to businesses what they

should pay anyway, either as a Minimum Wage or Equal Pay for

men and women.

O C. If that happens, then men will have an even more difficult time

earning enough to support their families, which will mean more

Mothers will be forced to leave the home.

D. If businesses are forced to pay women the same as male

earnings, that means they will have to reduce the pay for the men

they employ, simple economics.



Assuming D.


It's simply economics.

Other Questions
What is 9.4582 rounded to 1? Necesito contestaciones a preguntas de escuela de que manera las leyendas reflejan lus sistemas de costumbres y creencias de las culturas que lo crean no est el espaol en las asignaturas please answer correctly and i will give 10 extra points Which type of economy is criticized for equality being sacrificed for the sake of economic liberty and that minorities are at particular risk T-1. Write a process analysis paragraph on How to take pictures explaining how to take pictures step by step to get a desired result. The paragraph must include transitional words, imperative sentences and other necessary rhetoric.T-2. Differentiate between second conditional and third conditional with at least two examples for each conditional. describe the importance of socialization The Japanese economy has been experiencing slow growth. As a result the Prime Minister, who thinks John Maynard Keynes was the greatest economist ever, has decided to increase government spending. As head of the economic council the Prime Minister asks you to determine the size of the increase needed to bring the economy to full employment. Assume there is a GDP gap of 1 billion yen and the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is .60. What advise do you give the Prime Minister? a. The recessionary gap is equal to 625 million yen. b. The inflationary gap is equal to 1 billion yen divided by 2.5 or 0.4 billion yen. c. The recessionary gap is equal to 1 billion yen divided by 2.5 or 0.4 billion yen. d. The inflationary gap is equal to 1 billion yen divided by 1.66 or 0.625 billion yen. Multiply(5a-2a)(7a-3b)Simplify your answer A fisheries biologist has been studying horseshoe crabs. She has sampled 100 horseshoe crabs and recorded their weight (in kilograms) and width (in centimeters). The proposed regression equation is where the deviations i are assumed to be independent and Normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation . This model was fit to the data using the method of least squares. The following results were obtained from statistical software: R 2 =0.423, s=2.2018The quantity s = 2.2018 is an estimate of the standard deviation, , of the deviations in the simple linear regression model. The degrees of freedom for s are a.) 100b.) 99 c.) 98d.) 2 Please help me anyone please and thank you [tex]4x+2=2(x+6)[/tex]Solve for x. Sailor SheftatAngle Terminology with EquationsAug 03, 8:01:46 AM?ZA and B are complementary angles. If mZA= (6x 4) and mZB = (x + 17), then find the measure of ZA.BEAnswer:Submit Answerattempt 1 out of 2Pls help )Calculate the molar mass of glucose (C6H12O6) what is verb 3 of write 2 quc gia ng u th gii v xut khu la go Hi I need help finding a answer if u dont mind The verbs of possession can be changed into present continuous tense.* true or false Members of Congress are sometimes criticized for the number of _____ that they receive. Paid for wages Rs. 2000 and for commission Rs. 3000. Journal entry for this? Submit TestPrevious3Next Early Humans and the Neolithic Revolution: Mastery Test3Select the correct answer.What factor led civilizations to develop a division of labor?.a written languageOB.a small population size.simple government structuresfood surplusesOD.ResetNextWhat factor led civilizations to develop a division of labor