2. What is Douglass' relationship with his mother? Who is his father? Who raises


Answer 1


his mother


Answer 2
His mom hope this helps

Related Questions

Everyone help me please!!!!!!
I am needing your answers please



Yes we,have school uniform ..

And wearing school uniform on going to school show your discipline and it also give muchh needed feeling toward study..

coach tanner appears to be the kind person who?


Answer: sees the means for people's behavior

Explanation: Coach Tanner seems to know that it is not his physical condition that is holding Austin Back

how to write a agenda​



How to write a meeting agenda

1) Identify the meeting's goals.

2) Ask participants for input.

3)List the questions you want to address.

4)Identify the purpose of each task.

5)Estimate the amount of time to spend on each topic.

6) Identify who leads each topic.

7) End each meeting with a review

Where should there be a paragraph break in the following text? “Explain yourself, Paul.” The teacher demanded sternly. (1.) “I am sorry. I know I should not have cheated on my math test. (2.) Last night I should have been studying, but we have a big game tonight. So I practiced my jump shots instead. So when you handed me the pop quiz I panicked. I know that doesn’t justify what I did, but I made a mistake that will never happen again. I promise. (3.) So, please let me play tonight.” (4.) Paul pleaded.



    “Explain yourself, Paul.” The teacher demanded sternly.  “I am sorry. I know I should not have cheated on my math test.  Last night I should have been studying, but we have a big game tonight.

    So I practiced my jump shots instead. So when you handed me the pop quiz I panicked. I know that doesn’t justify what I did, but I made a mistake that will never happen again. I promise.  So, please let me play tonight. Paul pleaded.


Grammar that could be used if you wanted?

"Paul, explain yourself." The teacher demanded emphatically. "I apologize. I'm aware that I should not have cheated on my arithmetic test. I should have studied last night, but we have a huge game tonight.

Instead, I practiced my jump shots. So I worried when you handed me the pop quiz. I realize it doesn't excuse what I did, but I made a mistake that will not be repeated. I guarantee it. So, please allow me to perform tonight. Paul begged.

A paragraph should include four to five sentences, although it can contain up to six sentences.

Avoid corona viruses/ people/ over the world/ spend their time/ out door



yes i will do that :)))))))))))

O possessive, proper
Opossessive, common
O plural, common
O plural, proper



plural, common


the shoes there are 2 not one

What is the meaning of the idiom underlined in the passage?

focused on
was dishonest
forgot a lesson



The answer is "focus on" got it right on edge



A) Focused on


edg 2022 :)

Which of the following describes the anti-Semitism of Nazi Germany?

German women were instructed to have many children.

The Nazi party promoted a militaristic nationalism.

Under the Hitler Youth law, all other youth organizations were banned.

Jewish students were forced out of public schools.



Jewish students were forced out of public schools.

hope this will help u...

While some traits for success come naturally, others can be learned through
guidance and practice. The text is designed to give you an opportunity to
develop important technical communication skills such as


To achieve success in social and professional life, it is necessary to develop a set of characteristics and attitudes that together will be effective in achieving your goals.

As we live in a globalized world, where social interactions are increasingly valued, communication skills are essential in the quest for success.

Work environments have become multicultural, where there is a need for even more assertive communication based on precepts such as ethics, cordiality and respect for individual values.

There are some simple techniques that when practiced continuously can help in the development of assertive communication, such as:

Structure your ideas into topics.Read and research the subject before speaking.Be clear and objective.Use resources to engage your audience.Provide feedback.

To be successful it is necessary that you seek guidance and training for self-development.

Empathy, motivation, innovation and creativity are essential elements for those who want to stand out in a competitive environment like today.

Learn more here:


the answer to this question


Answer: the 1920s was known as the JAZZ AGE this was when JAZZ MUSIC and DANCES swept the country , LOUIS ARMSTRONG and BESSIE SMITH. theese are the fillins for the blank spots


The KGB was a law enforcement agency for the Soviet Union that sought to gather intelligence through any means necessary and silence views opposed to the controlling regime. What does the description of Sergei’s past in paragraphs 8 and 9 reveal about his character?



After enduring the constant threat of intrusion in the past, he feels safest when he is alone.


The Cheka, GPU, NKVD, MGB, and KGB are all organizations. These are only a handful of the names and acronyms for the same thing: the Soviet Union's frightening secret police system. Following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Russia's Communists utilized oppressive brutality to crush any form of political opposition.

In lines 41-46, he says that the things they have done have "nothing to offer on the subject."
From lines 43 to the end of the paragraph, what are the specific things he discusses?





He discusses things

Choose a detail for "The Story of an Hour" and explain how climax was used.​



The climax of Kate Chopin's “The Story of an Hour,” is Mrs. Mallard's realization that she is free to be her own woman. Having just received news of her husband's death, she spends an hour in contemplation of the possible, not grieving as one would expect Rising action: Louise cries and grieves the death of her husband. Climax: She starts to feel joy about her own independence: “free, free, free!” Falling action: Josephine knocks on her door and Louise steps out of her room, feeling triumph. Dénouement: The “dead” husband shows up and Louise dies.



gd afternoon

have a lovely day

In paragraph 1 of Plymouth Plantation, which line best describes the author's attitude toward the "proud and very profane" young man's death?

"he would alway be contemning the poor people in their sickness and cursing them daily with grievous execrations"

"he hoped to help to cast half of them overboard before they came to their journey's end"

"But it pleased God before they came half seas over, to smite this young man with a grievous disease, of which he died in a desperate manner"

"Thus his curses light on his own head, and it was an astonishment to all his fellows for they noted it to be the just hand of God upon him."​


The line in paragraph 1 of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford, that best describes his attitude toward the "proud and very profane" young man's death is option C, where he wrote that "God was pleased to smite the young man with a grievous disease."

This line captured Bradford's attitude toward the young man when he became ill and died as a result.

This shows that the author's attitude is not captured by options A and B, which developed the story about the young man, nor by option D, which concluded it.

Thus, the correct option that shows the author's attitude is Option C.

Read more about the Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford at https://brainly.com/question/17549812

Help me please………………..



The first is a question, because its followed by a question mark.

The second is a connection because it is connecting global warming to ice melting in Greenland

The third is a key point because it seems to be more of an observational statement than a question or a connection

Which of the following examples of dialogue is punctuated correctly? A. Celia said, "Everyone should visit the museum."

B. Celia said. Everyone should visit the museum. ! HEL

C. Celia said "Everyone should visit the museum. i.

D. Celia said, "everyone should visit the museum". E​



The answer is A because of the full stop and apostrophe

What's the word that means both vulgar/despiseful and lewd/indecent?



My best answer is boorish, though I don't know


Literally no idea.

3. The book was very expensive. I didn't buy it.
a. The book was very expensive, so I didn't buy it.
b. The book was very expensive because, I didn't buy it.
c. The book was very expensive I didn't buy it.


a. The book was very expensive, so I didn’t buy it.


answer is A.


After the first German military personnel arrived in sighet the town was so heavily guarded that there was no chance for anyone to escape True or false?





I just gst it

I don't know the exact one

Please Help! Can nice people be racist? Why or Why Not . Write at least 5 sentences.



Yes, nice people can be racist. A person can be kind and friendly to one race but be extremely rude to the other. No matter how nice they may seem, if your a certain race or color then they're personality can do a complete 180.

What is the difference between Context and Content



Content is the material/matter/medium contained within the work that's available for audience. Context is the positioning of the content, storyline or purpose that provides value to the audience.




Main Difference – Context vs Content

Though context and content sound more or less similar, there is a distinct difference between these two words. These two words can be very confusing when they are used in a text or an exercise. For example, the phrases the content of the text and the context of the text can be bewildering for many English learners. The main difference between context and content is that content refers to the topics or matter treated in a work, particularly a written work whereas context refers to the components of a text that surround a word or passage and help the reader to understand its meaning.

Context – Meaning and Usage

Context can refer to a circumstance that shape the setting for an event, idea or statement and in terms of which it can be fully understood. For example, the term historical context refers to the period time in which something took place or was created. If we are looking at a past custom or practice, we cannot understand it properly without looking at the historical context.

When we are talking about a text, context can also refer to the parts of the text that precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning. Thus, it is clear that understanding the context of a text is essential to understand the entire meaning.

Context is also a notion studied in linguistics and other language sciences. Here, it is categorized into two: verbal context and social context. Verbal context refers to the text or speech surrounding a word, phrase or a sentence. Social context refers to the social identity being construed and displayed in text and talk by language users.

changing passive and active voice (they have not replaced the wheels yet but they will let you know as soon as possible



Passive -- The wheels were not replaced by them.

Active -- They have not replaced the wheels yet, but they'll let you know as soon as possible.

Which type of figurative language directly equates two things?
O simile
O adaptation
O personification
O metaphor



metaphor the last one


A metaphor is a direct comparison without using the comparative words "like" or "as." Metaphors equate the two things being compared to elicit a stronger connection and deepen the meaning of the comparison.

author's voice in an expository essay is



Clearly, in expository writing, the voice that the author projects must be appropriate to her/his purpose and audience. The voice will either invite or put off the reader, inspire confidence or doubt, empathy or disdain, and project credibility or inexperience.

Why do you believe Patrick betrayed his family (wife and unborn child)? Ask yourself
what is Patrick scared of?
Lamb to the slaughter



is there a passge to this question I could look at to help you out better??

Based on part two trifles the symbolism of the dead bird implies that mr Wright



Had an oppressive demeanor that killed the bird and his wife spirits

Topalino is a well-known brand of sweets and chocolates (1) Trả lời
by ABG, a company based in Slovenia. It focuses mainly on (2) Trả lời
products and was the market leader in exclusive confectionery.





products was the market leader in exclusive confectionery

Hitler encouraged the burning of books to eliminate ideas that did not agree with his own. Ture or false?





The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism. These included books written by Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist, religious, and sexologist authors among others.

True. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime encouraged the burning of books as part of their efforts to control and manipulate public opinion in Nazi Germany.

German university students and Nazi authorities burned books in multiple cities on May 10, 1933. These burnings targeted "un-German" literature by Jewish, Marxist, and other authors who opposed Nazism.

Nazi censorship and propaganda included book burnings to mould public opinion and eradicate dissent. Hitler and the Nazis suppressed rival philosophies and controlled German knowledge by destroying books and literature. Therefore,  Hitler encouraged the burning of books to eliminate ideas that did not agree with his own is true.

Learn more about Adolf Hitler, here:



summary of defining critical thinking rick d rudd



Hmm this is tricky man


Very tricky.

disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action

i hate the girl _ loud voice​



I hate the girl's loud voice.

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