220V a.c. is more dangerous than 220V d.c why?


Answer 1


220V a.c is more dangerous than 220V d.c because of the peak voltage of 220V a.c. which is much larger.

Related Questions

The electric power delivered to your home has 110 Volts.

All outlets in your kitchen are connected in parallel.

You always have the lights on for 660 Watts, the toaster has a resistance of 440 Ohms, the stove uses power at the rate of 2200 Watts, and the Blender has a resistance of 220 Ohms.

If all these appliances are running at he same time how much total current are you using?



I = 26.80 A


From Ohm's law,

V = IR ............ 1

P = IV ............ 2

where V is the value of the voltage, I is the current, R is the resistance and P is the power.

i. The power of light switched on = 660 Watts.

ii. The power of the toaster = [tex]\frac{V^{2} }{R}[/tex]

               = [tex]\frac{(110)^{2} }{440}[/tex]

               = 27.5 Watts

iii. The power of the stove = 2200 Watts.

iv. The power of the blender = [tex]\frac{V^{2} }{R}[/tex]

                = [tex]\frac{(110)^{2} }{220}[/tex]

                = 55 Watts

Total power of the appliances = 660 + 27.5 + 2200 + 55

                                                   = 2942.5 Watts

So that,

P = IV

I = [tex]\frac{P}{V}[/tex]

 = [tex]\frac{2942.5}{110}[/tex]

 = 26.75

I = 26.75 A

The total current being used when all the appliances are running at the same time is 26.80 A.

Do all substances conduct heat ?Why/ Why not ?​



no, all substances doesnot conduct heat


No, all substances do not conduct heat easily because it depends on the nature of the substance. Some are good conductors of heat and some are bad. Therefore, it depends on their characteristics and their ability to conduct heat.

The bad conductors of heat are water, air, plastic, wood, etc.

Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminium, Iron, etc. are good heat conductors as well as electrical conductors.

The elastic extensibility of a piece of string is .08. If the string is 100 cm long, how long will the string be when it is stretched to the point where it becomes plastic?



The elastic extensibility of a piece of string is .08. If the string is 100 cm long, how long will the string be when it is stretched to the point where it becomes plastic? is your ansewer dont take tension

The string will be 108 cm long when it is stretched to the point where it becomes plastic.

What is elasticity?

Elasticity in physics and materials science refers to a body's capacity to withstand a force that causes distortion and to recover its original dimensions once the force has been withdrawn.

When sufficient loads are applied, solid objects will deform; if the material is elastic, the object will return to its original size and shape after the weights have been removed. Unlike plasticity, which prevents this from happening and causes the item to stay deformed,

Given parameters:

The elastic extensibility of a piece of string is 0.08.

The string is 100 cm long.

Hence,  it becomes plastic, after  it is stretched up to = 100 × 0.08 cm = 8 cm.  The string will be 108 cm long.

Learn more about elasticity here:



A blow-dryer and a vacuum cleaner each operate with a voltage of 120 V. The current rating of the blow-dryer is 13 A, while that of the vacuum cleaner is 4.8 A. Determine the power consumed by (a) the blow-dryer and (b) the vacuum cleaner. (c) Determine the ratio of the energy used by the blow-dryer in 15 minutes to the energy used by the vacuum cleaner in 40 minutes.



(a) 1560 W

(b) 576 W

(c) 1.01


Voltage, V = 120 V

Current in dryer, I = 13 A

current in vacuum cleaner, i' = 4.8 A

(a) Power consumed by dryer,

P = V I = 120 x 13 = 1560 W

(b) Power consumed by vacuum cleaner

P' = V I' = 120 x 4.8 = 576 W

(c) Energy consumed by dryer

E = P x t = 1560 x 15 x 60 = 1404000 J

Energy consumed by the vacuum cleaner

E' = P' x t' = 576 x 40 x 60 = 1382400 J

the ratio of energies is

E : E' = 1404000 : 1382400 = 1.01

The acceleration vector of a particle in uniform circular motion:___________
a) points outward from the center of the circle.
b) points toward the center of the circle.
c) is zero.
d) points along the circular path of the particle and opposite the direction of motion.
e) points along the circular path of the particle and in the direction of motion.




Centripetal means "towards the center" so the acceleration vector of an object undergoing UCM is always pointed towards the center.

The acceleration vector of a particle in a uniform circular motion points toward the center of the circle, The correct option is option (b).

Centripetal force is the force acting on an object in curvilinear motion directed towards the axis of rotation or center of curvature. The unit of centripetal force is Newton.

Centripetal means "towards the center" so the acceleration vector of an object undergoing circular motion is always pointed towards the center.

Therefore, The acceleration vector of a particle in a uniform circular motion points toward the center of the circle, The correct option is option (b).

To know more about the Centripetal force:



A spherical conductor of radius = 1.5 cm with a charge of 3.9 pC is within a concentric hollow spherical conductor of inner radius = 3 cm, and outer radius = 4 cm, which has a total charge of 0 pC. What is the magnitude of the electric field 2.3 cm from the center of these conductors?



The answer is "66.351 N/C"



[tex]a=1.5\ cm= 1.5 \times 10^{-2}\ m\\\\q_1=3.9\ pc\\\\b=3\ cm\\\\c= 4\ cm\\\\q_2=0 \ pc\\\\[/tex]

Using Gauss Law:

[tex]\oint \vec{E} \cdot \vex{dA}= \frac{Q_{enc}}{\varepsilon_0 }[/tex]

[tex]E \times 4 \pi\ r^2=\frac{Q_{enc}}{\varepsilon_0}\\\\E= \frac{Q_{enc}}{4 \pi\ r^2 \varepsilon_0}= \frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_0} \frac{Q_{enc}}{r^2}= \frac{k_e\ Q_{enc}}{r^2}\\\\[/tex]

                                      [tex]=\frac{9\times 10^{9} \times 3.9 \times 10^{-12}}{(2.3\times 10^{-2})^2}\\\\=\frac{35.1\times 10^{-3}\ }{(2.3\times 10^{-2})^2}\\\\=\frac{35.1\times 10^{-3}\ }{5.29 \times 10^{-4}}\\\\=\frac{35.1\times 10 }{5.29 }\\\\=\frac{351}{5.29 }\\\\=66.351\ \frac{N}{C}[/tex]

A wire carrying a 30.0-A current passes between the poles of a strong magnet that is perpendicular to its field and experiences a 2.15-N force on the 4.00 cm of wire in the field. What is the average field strenth?



1.79 T



F = BILsin∅................ Equation 1

Where F = Force, B = magnetic field, I = current flowing through the wire, L = length of the wire, ∅ = angle between the magntic field and the force

make B the subject of the equation

B = F/ILsin∅............. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 2.15 N, I = 30 A, L = 4.00 cm = 0.04 m, ∅ = 90° (perpendicular to the field)

Substitute these values into equation 2

B = 2.15/(30×0.04×sin90°)

B = 2.15/1.2

B = 1.79 T

Hence the average field strength is 1.79 T

(b) If the object is at 330 feet and its instantaneous velocity is 3 feet per minute at 30 minutes, what is the approximate position of the object at 32 minutes



The final position is 36 feet.


initial position, d = 330 feet

speed, v = 3 feet per minute

time, t = 30 minute

now the time is 32 minute

time interval = 2 minute

So, the distance in 2 minutes is

d' = 2 x 3 = 6 feet

So, the final position is

D = 30 + 6 = 36 feet

4. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship
between mechanical, kinetic and potential energies of an object of mass
m kg that is thrown vertically upwards with in initial velocity of v. m/s.
A. Kinetic energy increases while potential energy decrease and mechanical
energy remains constant.
B. Kinetic energy decreases, while potential energy increases and mechanical
energy remains constant.
C. Both kinetic and potential energies decrease while mechanical energy
D. Both kinetic and potential energies increase while mechanical energy
remains constant.





increase while mechanical energy remains constant

A negative point charge q1 = 25 nC is located on the y axis at y = 0 and a positive point charge q2 = 10 nC is located at y =14 cm. Find the y coordinate of the points where the net electric potential due to these two charges is zero.



 y = 0.1 m


The electrical power for point loads is

         V = [tex]k \sum \frac{q_i}{r_i}[/tex]k Sum qi / ri

in this case

         V = k ([tex]- \frac{q_1}{r_1 } + \frac{q_2}{r_2}[/tex])

indicate that V = 0

        [tex]\frac{q_1}{r_1} = \frac{q_2}{r_2}[/tex]

        r₂ = [tex]\frac{q_2}{q_1} r_1[/tex]

the distance r1 is

         r₁ = y -0

the distance r2

         r₂ = 0.14 -y

we substitute


        0.14 - y = [tex]\frac{10}{25}[/tex]  y

          y ( [tex]\frac{10}{25} + 1[/tex]) = 0.14

          y 1.4 = 0.14

          y = 0.14 / 1.4

          y = 0.1 m

The patellar tendon attaches to the tibia at a 20 deg angle 3 cm from the axis of rotation at the knee. If the force generated in the patellar tendon is 400 N, what is the resulting angular acceleration, in rad/s2), if the lower leg and foot have a combined mass of 4.2kg and a given radius of gyration of 25 cm



the resulting angular acceleration is 15.65 rad/s²


Given the data in the question;

force generated in the patellar tendon F = 400 N

patellar tendon attaches to the tibia at a 20° angle 3 cm( 0.03 m ) from the axis of rotation at the knee.

so Torque produced by the knee will be;

T = F × d⊥

T = 400 N × 0.03 m × sin( 20° )

T = 400 N × 0.03 m × 0.342

T = 4.104 N.m

Now, we determine the moment of inertia of the knee

I = mk²

given that; the lower leg and foot have a combined mass of 4.2kg and a given radius of gyration of 25 cm ( 0.25 m )

we substitute

I = 4.2 kg × ( 0.25 m )²

I = 4.2 kg × 0.0626 m²

I = 0.2625 kg.m²

So from the relation of Moment of inertia, Torque and angular acceleration;

T = I∝

we make angular acceleration ∝, subject of the formula

∝ = T / I

we substitute

∝ = 4.104 / 0.2625

∝ = 15.65 rad/s²

Therefore, the resulting angular acceleration is 15.65 rad/s²

A motorcycle daredevil jumps off a 33.0 ramp at 20.3 m/s. The landing ramp is at the same height, 28.0 m away. What is the height of the motorcycle when it reaches the landing ramp? (Unit = m)


The height of the motorcycle daredevil when it reaches the landing ramp is 4.93 m.

Since the ramp is a 33.0° ramp and the motorcycle daredevil jumps off with a speed of 20.3 m/s, the motorcycle dare devil has a horizontal component of speed u = 20.3cos33.0° m/s and a vertical component of speed v = 20.3sin33.0° m/s.

Now, since the other ramp is d = 28.0 m away, it takes the time it takes the motorcycle dare devil to reach it is t.

Considering motion in the horizontal direction, d = ut.

Thus, t = d/u

= 28.0 m/20.3cos33.0° m/s

= 28.0 m/(20.3 × 0.8387) m/s

= 28.0 m/17.025 m/s

= 1.645 s

Let h be the height of the motorcycle daredevil when it reaches the landing ramp in time, t.

Considering the vertical motion and using h = vt - 1/2gt² where v = vertical velocity of motorcycle daredevil = 20.3sin33.0°, t = time taken to reach landing ramp = 1.645 s and g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s² (Note that there is a negative in front of g since it is directed downwards)

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

h = vt - 1/2gt²

h = 20.3sin33.0° m/s × 1.645 s - 1/2 × 9.8 m/s² × (1.645 s)²  

h = 20.3 × 0.5446 m/s × 1.645 s - 1/2 × 9.8 m/s² × 2.706025 s²

h = 18.187 m - 1/2 × 26.519 m

h = 18.187 m - 13.26 m

h = 4.927

h4.93 m

So, the height of the motorcycle daredevil when it reaches the landing ramp is 4.93 m.

Learn more about ramps here:


Your car rolls slowly in a parking lot and bangs into the metal base of a light pole. In terms of safety, is it better for your collision with the light pole to be elastic, inelastic, or is the safety risk the same for either case? Explain.













Define capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor and state one application of it in electric circuit?​



The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is the quantity of charge the capacitor can hold.

This capacitance is proportional to the area of the any of the two plates (if the area of the plates are the same), or the smaller of the two plates (if the plates have different areas) and inversely proportional to the square of the distance of separation (or thickness of the dielectric material) between the plates. It is mathematically expressed as;

C = Aε₀ / d


C = capacitance

A = Area of one of the plates.

d = distance between the plates

Some of the applications of capacitance (or simply a capacitor) in an electric circuit are;

i. For storage of electrostatic energy.

ii. For filtering and tuning of circuits.

Select the correct answer.
Which statement is true according to Newton's second law of motion?
An object accelerates in the direction opposite to the direction of the force applied.
An object accelerates in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the force applied.
An object accelerates in the same direction as that of the force applied.
An object undergoes no acceleration on the application of force.
An object’s acceleration is independent to the force applied.





i think the answer is c because the acceleration is directly proportional to the force but inversely proportional to the mass of the body according to the equation


hope this helps


See image



A horizontail rod (oriented in the east -west direction) is moved northward at a constant velocity through a magnetic field that points straight down. Make a statement concerning the potential induced across the rod.
A) The east end of the rod is at higher potential than the west end.
B) The bottom surface of the rod is at higher potential than the top surface.
C) The top surface of the rod is at higher potential than the bottom surface.
D) The west end of the rod is at higher potential than the east end.
E) The potential is uniform.





Question 1 of 10
Which nucleus completes the following equation?
A. 228 Th
B. 2220
c. 23. Pu
D. 78Th



Option D. ²²²₉₀Th


Let the unknown be ⁿₘZ. Thus, the equation becomes:

²²⁶₉₂U —> ⁴₂He + ⁿₘZ

Next, we shall determine n, m and Z. This can be obtained as follow:

For n:

226 = 4 + n

Collect like terms

226 – 4 = n

222 = n

n = 222

For m:

92 = 2 + m

Collect like terms

92 – 2 = m

90 = m

m = 90

For Z:

ⁿₘZ => ²²²₉₀Z => ²²²₉₀Th

Therefore, the complete equation becomes:

²²⁶₉₂U —> ⁴₂He + ⁿₘZ

²²⁶₉₂U —> ⁴₂He + ²²²₉₀Th

Thus, the unknown is ²²²₉₀Th

A 120-kg refrigerator, 2.00 m tall and 85.0 cm wide, has its center of mass at its geometrical center. You are attempting to slide it along the floor by pushing horizontally on the side of the refrigerator. The coefficient of static friction between the floor and the refrigerator is 0.300. Depending on where you push, the refrigerator may start to tip over before it starts to slide along the floor. What is the highest distance above the floor that you can push the refrigerator so that it won't tip before it begins to slide



Following are the response to the given question:


To address this problem, the notions of friction and torque in the kinematic equations of motion have to be applied.

The friction resistance is defined by

[tex]F=\mu mg[/tex]

Here seem to be our values.

[tex]\mu=0.3\\\\m= 120\ kg \\\\g=9.8\ \frac{m}{s^2} \\\\[/tex]

[tex]F=0.3 \times 120 \times 9.8= 36 \times 9.8= 352.8 \ N[/tex]

Take the brain's mid-size weight halfway to the floor, i.e. [tex]d = \frac{0.85}{2} = 0.425 \ m[/tex]. The torque around the bottom of the cooler should be zero to reach the maximum range.

[tex]F \times x= mg \times d\\\\ \text{Re-set for x}\\\\ x=\frac{mg \times d}{F}= \frac{mg \times d}{ \mu m g} =\frac{d}{\mu}=\frac{0.425}{0.3}=1.42 \m[/tex]

Then we may say that distance before turning is 1.42m.

Use the following information to answer the next question.
Environmental Concerns
1. release of greenhouse gases
2. release of gases that cause acid rain
3. release of excess heat
4. depletion of solar energy
5. depletion of geothermal energy
6. flooding of land
Which of the above environmental concerns are associated with the production of electricity?
Select one:
O A. 2, 3, and 4
O B. 1, 2, 3, and 6
O C. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6
O D. 1, 3, and 5



1.Emitted primarily through the burning of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), solid waste, and trees and wood products. Changes in land use also play a role. Deforestation and soil degradation add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, while forest regrowth takes it out of the atmosphere.

2.Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.

3.Untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition that occurs when your core body temperature reaches 104 F (40 C) or higher. Heatstroke requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent damage to your brain and other vital organs that can result in death.

4.The loss of solar energy in passing through the atmospheric layers is called the atmospheric deflection. ... The longer the path traversed, the greater the amount of radiant energy depleted. Various processes whereby heat energy is lost through the atmosphere are known as scattering, diffusion, absorption, and reflection.

5.Geothermal energy is renewable because the Earth has retained a huge amount of the heat energy that was generated during formation of the planet. In addition, heat is continuously produced by decay of radioactive elements within the Earth. The amount of heat within the Earth, and the amount that is lost though natural processes (e.g. volcanic activity, conduction/radiation to the atmosphere), are much, much more than the amount of heat lost through geothermal energy production. At any one geothermal field, however, the temperature of the geothermal reservoir or the fluid levels/fluid pressure in the reservoir may decrease over time as fluids are produced and energy is extracted. Produced fluids can be re-injected to maintain pressures, although this may further cool down the reservoir if care is not taken. Over time, it is commonly necessary to drill additional wells in order to maintain energy production as temperatures and/or reservoir fluid pressures decline.

6.Floods, Floodplains, and Flood-Prone Areas. ... Flooding is a result of heavy or continuous rainfall exceeding the absorptive capacity of soil and the flow capacity of rivers, streams, and coastal areas. This causes a watercourse to overflow its banks onto adjacent lands.

The environmental concerns associated with the production of electricity are the release of greenhouse gases, the release of gases that cause acid rain, the release of excess heat, the flooding of land, and the depletion of geothermal energy so, option C is correct.

What is electricity?

The presence or movement of charged particles is electricity. The movement of electrons through a circuit is known as an electric current. The accumulation of electrons on an insulator causes static electricity.

Mostly released when solid trash, trees, and wood products are burned, along with fossil fuels (coal, gas, and oil).

Land use changes also have an impact. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by deforestation and soil erosion, while it is removed from it by forest regeneration.

To know more about electricity:



A baseball pitcher brings his arm forward during a pitch, rotating the forearm about the elbow. If the velocity of the ball in the pitcher's hand is 34.0 m/s and the ball is 0.310 m from the elbow joint, what is the angular velocity (in rad/s) of the forearm



[tex]\omega=109.67\ rad/s[/tex]


Given that,

The speed of the ball, u = 34 m/s

The ball is 0.310 m from the elbow joint.

We need to find the angular velocity (in rad/s) of the forearm.

We know that,

[tex]v=r\omega\\\\\omega=\dfrac{v}{r}\\\\\omega=\dfrac{34}{0.31}\\\\\omega=109.67\ rad/s[/tex]

So, the required angular velocity of the forearm is 109.67 rad/s.

You are cooking breakfast for yourself and a friend using a 1,140-W waffle iron and a 510-W coffeepot. Usually, you operate these appliances from a 110-V outlet for 0.500 h each day. (a) At 12 cents per kWh, how much do you spend to cook breakfast during a 30.0 day period



The cost is 297 cents.


Power of iron, P = 1140 W

Power of coffee pot, P' = 510 W

Voltage, V = 110 V

Time, t = 0.5 h each day

Cost = 12 cents per kWh

(a) Total energy

E = P x t + P' x t

E = 1140 x 0.5 x 60 x 60 + 510 x 0.5 x 60 x 60

E = 2052000 + 918000 = 2970000 J

1 kWh = 3.6 x 10^6 J

E = 0.825 kWh

For 30 days

E' = 0.825 x 30 = 24.75 kWh

So, the cost is

= 12 x 24.75 = 297 cents

In the graph below, why does the graph stop increasing after 30 seconds?

A. The hydrogen gas is absorbing heat to undergo a phase change.
B. A catalyst needs to be added to increase the amount of hydrogen produced.
C. No more hydrogen can be produced because all of the reactants have become products at this point.
D. It has reached the maximum amount of product it can make at this temperature. The temperature would need to increase to produce more.



The answer is "Option C".


It's evident from the figure below that after thirty minutes, not no more hydrogen can be created because all of the reactants have converted into products.

hydrogen gas created in cm cubes per period x = 20 seconds, y = 45 centimeters squared, and so on.

A reaction's terminus (the graph's flat line) indicates that no further products are being created during the reaction.

B.F.Skinner emphesized the importance of-----?



BFSkinner enfatizó la importancia de   creía en la importancia de desarrollar la psicología experimental y dejar atrás el psicoanálisis y las teorías acerca de la mente basadas en el simple sentido común.


He gave emphasis on the importance of reinforcement in language acquisition. He gave one of the earliest scientific explanations of language acquisition in 1957. He accounted for language development using the influence of the environment.

Uranus and Neptune may have a compressed liquid water ocean beneath their atmospheres. What three pieces of evidence support this conclusion?



Distance from sun, orbit and rotation. Presence of interior oceans, and elements that forms compressed water.


Both the planets are Jovian planets and have layers formed by ice such as that of Uranus does not have any surface. Such as the planet is only rotating fluids.  While 80% of the mass of Neptune is made up of fluids or icy water and also consists of ammonia and methane.

the current through a wire is measured as the potential difference is varied what is the wire resistance



Resistance, R = 0.02 Ohms


Ohm's law states that at constant temperature, the current flowing in an electrical circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance in the electrical circuit.

Mathematically, Ohm's law is given by the formula;

V = IR


V is the voltage or potential difference.

I is the current.

R is the resistance.

From the attachment, we would pick the following values on the graph of current against voltage;

Voltage, V = 0.5 V

Current = 25 A

To find resistance;

R = V/I

R = 0.5/2.5

Resistance, R = 0.02 Ohms


Resistance (R) is the inverse of slope i.e change in current with respect to change in voltage.

A fan that is rotating at 960 rev/s is turned off. It makes 1500 revolutions before it comes to a stop. a) What was its angular acceleration(assuming it was constant)



α = 1930.2 rad/s²


The angular acceleration can be found by using the third equation of motion:

[tex]2\alpha \theta=\omega_f^2-\omega_i^2[/tex]


α = angular acceleration = ?

θ = angular displacement = (1500 rev)(2π rad/1 rev) = 9424.78 rad

ωf = final angular speed = 0 rad/s

ωi = initial angular speed = (960 rev/s)(2π rad/1 rev) = 6031.87 rad/s


[tex]2\alpha(9424.78\ rad) = (0\ rad/s)^2-(6031.87\ rad/s)^2\\\\\alpha = -\frac{(6031.87\ rad/s)^2}{(2)(9424.78\ rad)}[/tex]

α = - 1930.2 rad/s²

negative sign shows deceleration

An object moves in a direction parallel to its length with a velocity that approaches the velocity of light. The length of this object, as measured by a stationary observer:________

a. approaches infinity.
b. approaches zero.
c. increases slightly.
d. does not change.



b. approaches zero.


The phenomenon is known as length contraction.

Length contraction is a result of Einstein's special theory of relativity. This theory states that an observer in an inertial frame of reference will observe a decrease in the length of any moving object placed at another inertial frame of reference.

let the length of the train = L

Let the length observed when the train is in motion = L₀

Apply Einstein's special theory of relativity;

[tex]L_0 = L \times \sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2} } \\\\where;\\\\v \ is \ the \ velocity \ of \ the \ train\\\\c \ is \ the \ speed \ of \ light\\\\[/tex]

from the equation above, when v = 0, the length observed is equal to the initial length of the train. (L₀ = L)

As the velocity of the train (v) approaches the speed of light (c), the length of the train observed (L₀) becomes smaller than the initial length of the train (L).  (L₀ < L)

Eventually, when v equals c, we will have a square root of zero (0), and the length observed will become zero.  (L₀ = 0)

Thus, the length of this object, as measured by a stationary observer approaches zero

What bet force is required to stop a 2250 kg car if the decelerates at a rate of -4.3 m/s^2 please answer fast



Force = Mass × Acceleration

[tex]{ \tt{force = 2250 \times 4.3}} \\ = { \tt{9675 \: newtons}}[/tex]

A 3.00-kg ball swings rapidly in a complete vertical circle of radius 2.00 m by a light string that is fixed at one end. The ball moves so fast that the string is always taut and perpendicular to the velocity of the ball. As the ball swings from its lowest point to its highest point Group of answer choices the work done on it by gravity is -118 J and the work done on it by the tension in the string is zero. the work done on it by gravity is -118 J and the work done on it by the tension in the string is 118 J. the work done on it by gravity and the work done on it by the tension in the string are both equal to -118 J. the work done on it by gravity is 118 J and the work done on it by the tension in the string is -118 J. the work done on it by gravity and the work done on it by the tension in the string are both equal to zero.



The ball moves from lowest to highest point:

W = M g h = 3 * 9.8 * 4 = 118 J

This is work done "against" gravity so work done by gravity is -118 J

The tension of the string does no work because the tension does not

move thru any distance   W = T * x = 0 because the length of the string is fixed.

A plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1 mi and a speed of 480 mi/h passes directly over a radar station. Find the rate at which the distance from the plane to the station is increasing when it is 3 mi away from the station.



First remember that the distance between two points (a, b) and (c, d) is given by the equation:

[tex]d = \sqrt{(a - c)^2 + (b - d)^2}[/tex]

Now let's define the position of the radar as:

(0mi, 0mi)

Then we can write the position of the plane as:

(480mi/h*t, 1mi)

where t is time in hours.

Then we can write the distance equation as:

[tex]d(t) = \sqrt{(480\frac{mi}{h}*t - 0mi)^2 + (1mi -0mi)^2 } \\\\d(t) = \sqrt{(480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2 + (1mi)^2 }[/tex]

Now we want to get:

the rate at which the distance from the plane to the station is increasing when it is 3 mi away from the station.

So first we want to find the value of t such that:

d(3) = 3mi

We will look at the positive value of t, because at this point the plane is increasing its distance to the station.

[tex]3mi = \sqrt{(480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2 + (1mi)^2 }\\\\(3mi)^2 = (480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2 + (1mi)^2\\\\9mi^2 - 1mi^2 = (480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2\\\\8mi^2 = (230,400 mi^2/h^2)*t^2\\\\\\\sqrt{\frac{8mi^2}{230,400 mi^2/h^2} } = t = 0.0059 h[/tex]

The rate of change when the plane is 3 mi away from the station is:


remember that:

d'(t) = dd(t)/dt

We can write:

d(t) = h( g(t) )

such that:

h(x) = √x

g(t) = (480mi/h*t)^2 + (1mi)^2


d'(t) = h'(g(t))*g'(t)

This is:

[tex]d'(t) = \frac{dd(t)}{dt} = \frac{1}{2}*\frac{2*t*480mi/h}{\sqrt{(480mi/h*t)^2 + (1mi)^2} }[/tex]

The rate of change at t = 0.0059h is then:

[tex]d'(0.0059h) = \frac{1}{2}*\frac{2*0.0059h*(480mi/h)^2}{\sqrt{(480mi/h*0.0059h)^2 + (1mi)^2} } =452.6 mi/h^2[/tex]

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