Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two sentences contribute to a sense a of hope in this excerpt from "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin?
She wept at once, with sudden. wild abandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her
room alone. She would have no one follow her.
There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that
haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of
rain was in the air. In the street below peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached
her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.
There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing
her window.
She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook
a her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.


Answer 1


She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of  rain was in the air. In the street below peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached  her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.


Kate Chopin's short story "The Story of an Hour" is about the character of Mrs. Mallard and how she develops as a woman, depicted through the news of her husband's death. The short story deals with themes of gender, freedom, repression, identity, self-discovery, etc.

When Mrs. Mallard heard of the news of her husband's death, she did not react like a normal woman whose husband had just died would have reacted. Rather, she went into another room and stayed there, thinking of the freedom she's just been given. The narrator uses the words "open", "new spring of life", "delicious breath of rain", etc. which all exude a positive attitude rather than the expected gloomy reaction or observation for someone who's just lost a loved one.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.


Related Questions

dialogue on asking your parents to attend the winter ball​


you: Mum and Dad, I need to have a word with you

Dad:- Sure.

You:- Can I please go to the ball with my friends.

Dad:- mhm I am not sure.

You:- Please, Micheal Jackson is showing Up for half an hour of so.

Dad:- what do say Sara(mum)

Mum:- I say we should let her go. When is this ball

You:- tomorrow 8 o clock

Dad:- In that case you have our permission to go.

You:- thank you

( you leave the room)

what were the Browns and other families asking the supreme court to do?


Answer: allow african american children to attend the school of their choice


on edge

Hey, I need someone to help me out. My mom's wanting me to write a five paragraph essay about why I didn't answer her, and I'm just so tired of everything.

She called me for something and I told her that I couldn't pause the game. Said she didn't care, so I didn't go.
Then she called me and my siblings to do our chores, and she came in as I was wrapping up my game to tell me to write the essay. I'm assuming because I didn't respond fast enough.

I'll give more details if they're needed, and edit it later so it looks more like I wrote it.

Please and thankyou-


What game is it that your playing

The poor and needy in my country have been adequately provided for. Write a letter to the head of your social welfare department describing their plight and suggest four ways of improving the situation.



Number 16, Hillpew Rd


9th July, 2021.

To the Head,

Social Welfare Department,



Dear Sir,

It is no secret that the city if Detroit had one of the highest numbers of poor, homeless and unemployed population in America and the number keeps increasing everyday.

I've met with a few of these people and they live in shelters, park benches, anywhere they can lay their head and anywhere they can find food, at great personal risk of bodily harm and assault.

I believe that one of the ways of solving this problem is to build more shelters and encourage the poor and needy to learn a skill that can be self sufficient to them.

Another way of solving this problem is to educate them on the need for family planning, risk assessment and management and other important life skills that would enable them not to fall into the same problem when their skills starts to help pay the bills.

Thank you for your time and anticipated response.

You're faithfully,

John Kent.

A modifier changes, describes, or explains?


Answer: A modifier changes, clarifies, qualifies, or limits a particular word in a sentence in order to add emphasis, explanation, or detail.

Explanation: Modifiers tend to be descriptive words, such as adjectives and adverbs.

Our school is considering mandating school uniforms next year. The student government supports school uniforms for a number of reasons. First, school uniforms save time. Students will not have to figure out what they will wear and thus will have more time to devote to their studies. They will be more focused on learning and less on appearance. Second, although there are up-front costs, uniforms will ultimately save families money. Finally, uniforms will promote a sense of equality because students are dressed the same regardless of economic status. This will encourage a greater sense of community at our school.

What strategy does the author use in her choice of language to convey her message?
observational descriptions
sequence of events
logic and reason
real and imagined events



C. logic and reason



Necesito los verbos







En pasado simple negativo, para ya, por fa
En ingles, valga la redundancia


- ate
- went
- heard
- played
- saw
- studied

Do you think individual sports are more interesting than team sports to watch? Why?/Why not?​


team sports in my opinion are more intense, and have more players
Team sports are more interesting in my opinion because of how intense it is watching other people trying to compete to win. Not only that it’s the excitement / climax it makes for the people watching . You also see a lot of team work &’ how they work together as a team.

How to do the writing task 1 from the 2020 GAT​



Tips on doing the GAT

Read all the information carefully

Read each question carefully and try to pick out the key ideas and information.

For the multiple-choice questions, try to quickly reject choices that appear wrong, then read the question again and select the answer most likely to be right.

Mark me as brainliest ❤️

Which argument is a straw man fallacy?

A. Some people like online voting, but I'm against cheating.

B. My flute skills make me a natural candidate for senator.

C. Vote for me for city council. Everyone's doing it after all.

D. You're not allowed to ski because it's against the rules.



A. Some people like online voting, but I'm against cheating.

A straw man fallacy is when somebody’s rebuttal in an argument doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of the argument.

Therefore, the answer is A.

Read the passage and answer the question that follows:

Despite our best efforts as parents, we will always make mistakes in raising our children. It's inevitable. There are so many decisions to be made in any given day, week, month, or year. It's an inhuman task to make all of these decisions correctly. Who would even want to try for perfection?

We shouldn't worry too much, though, because it is precisely our mistakes that teach our children the most about life. Life is full of mistakes, obstacles, and trouble. Shielding our children from these by striving for perfection in our own parenting does them no favors.

Given this, a parent might be tempted to give up trying to make good decisions and simply let the chips fall where they may. Admittedly, that attitude is not without its benefits, but it goes too far in the other direction. Children are much more observant than we think, but often draw the wrong conclusions from what they observe. If we give up trying to make the right decisions, they might get the message that we don't care about their future.

We can take comfort in this much: we teach our children even when we're not trying to. That doesn't mean we should stop trying to do our best, to make the right decisions whenever possible. It just means that we shouldn't beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. Either it won't matter because it's something small, or it just might build some character in our children, a commodity that will serve them well.

"Despite our best efforts as parents, we will always make mistakes in raising our children"?

The word despite is a transition that (5 points)

indicates a relationship
indicates a sequence of time



The word "despite" is a transition that: A. contrasts.


Transition words are used to transition smoothly from one idea to another in a way that connects them. "Despite" is a type of transition word that indicates contrast between the two ideas being expressed. In this same category, we can mention: although, conversely, still, yet, even so, while, whereas, etc.

In the sentence we are analyzing here, "despite" contrasts the ideas of (1) making a lot of effort to be a good parent and (2) making mistakes as a parent.

Like the sowing seeds Of the sycamore tree Amore within And generating. If love is a season Ours must be spring sure not summer or winter But I'll still come calling When autumn leaves Begin falling



The author says about Amore tree and seasons.


In the above statement the author want to say that the Amore tree comes from the seed of Amore that is grown in the soil. When the seed is grown, the seedling comes out from the soil and soon it became a tree after many years just like humans that are born from their parents and with the passage of time, they grow in size and become an adult. In the next statement, the author says that if love is a season then I chose spring season because of its wonderful climate instead of winter or summer and when the autumn season arrives the leaves of the trees falling which is a very hard time for me and I want that this falling of leaves did not occur.

Which component of any language refers to names, ideas, and events that offer a kind of catalogue of what is spoken and can be compiled into something accessible to others?





A language can be defined as a system of spoken words and written symbols through which humans express themselves and communicate with each other. Some examples of language are English, French, German, Portuguese, Greek etc.

Generally, culture and context determine how various individuals interprets language.

Also, context refers to the parts of a word or circumstances in which a word is used and it typically affect its meaning.

Lexicon is the component of any language that comprises of names, ideas, and events that offer a kind of catalogue of what is spoken by a speaker and can be compiled into something accessible to other people (listeners). Thus, it's a vocabulary of language and as such is the collection of words that is peculiar to every speaker of a language.

In the event of Yan Limeng, through the publicity attribute of social media, the cultural propaganda offensive from Guo Wengui and Ban Nong made immeasurable loss in the process of resisting the epidemic all over the world.



Twitter is the event of Yan Limeng, through the publicity attribute of social media, the cultural propaganda offensive from Guo Wengui and Ban Nong made immeasurable loss in the process of resisting the epidemic all over the world.

Who are all the characters in The Burgess Boys?



The novel tells the story of the Burgess family — twins Susan and Bob and older brother Jim, who grew up in Shirley Falls, Maine, coping with a family accident from their childhood. Guilt wracks each of them, especially Bob, over the mishap that left their father dead


Please Mark me brainliest

Select the correct message.

Sheila is a marketing executive at an event management firm. She needs to tell her supervisor, Rhonda, to check a social media post about
the firm's services. Select the message that shows Sheila is using the best practices for instant messaging in the workplace.



I would go with the second option.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

Select the correct answer.

The Black Man's Plea for Justice
Hear me, statesman,

I am pleading to defend

The black man’s cause.

Will you give me the protection

to outline your laws?

Will your lawyers plead my cases

in your courts?

Am I not a citizen?

I pay dear for transportation

over all your railroad track.

I come up to every requirement

and I will always pay my tax.

And when I don’t fill in blanks correctly,

will you kindly teach me how?

Ruling power of this nation,

will you give me justice now?

I prepared your wedding supper

and I dug your father’s grave.

I did everything you asked me

just because I was your slave.

I helped build your great bridges

and I laid your railroad steel.

Oh, I been a mighty power

in your great financial wheel.

And when I don’t do jobs correctly

will you kindly teach me how?

Ruling power of this nation

How does the poet’s use of syntax impact the poem?

A. He uses a series of questions to emphasize the need for justice.
B. He use sentence fragments to highlight his frustration.
C. He uses simple sentences to emphasize his desperation.
D. He changes tenses to highlight a shift in tone.


D, he changes tone throughout passages


A. He uses a series of questions to emphasize the need for justice.


A lot of questions were asked for freedom and things.

Which statement best describes the rhetorical technique used in this excerpt?



He uses parallelism with the repetition of the word too.


Parallelism comprises on utilizing words or expressions with a gramatical balance so as to feature a thought for the reader/ audience. Despite the fact that he utilizes other rhetorical techniques, parallelism is the most earnest one given that it is the most convincing in that exact exerpt because of its expansion and repeatability. Is the one on which he underscores the most.




does anyone have any book recommendations?


Answer:Fever 1793


Sure. Two, actually. I use them in my work all the time.

New Hart’s Rules is the updated edition of Hart’s Rules for Compositors and Editors, a style guide published by the Oxford University Press. Hart’s Rules began as a single sheet of paper drawn up by university printer Horace Hart in 1893, but over the years it’s morphed into a tightly-written comprehensive guide to punctuation and style. It will not teach you how to write, or how to understand English, but if you don’t know what the right thing is to do, it will help you out. (It’s sometimes available with the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors as the Oxford Style Manual, but I find the Manual a bit unwieldy and prefer them in separate volumes.)

Fowler’s Modern English Usage is a much

what are the dangers that teenagers must steer clear of it in your youth?​



Especially in the western world, there is the huge risk of teenage pregnancies. Having children at such a tender age is not good for both the mother and the child. Also, there is the risk of drug and alcohol abuse. There is the risk of speeding and meeting with accidents that could be fatal.



How important is critical reading and critical thinking in dealing life situations life situations and in making choices ans in decision making?Cite example in a real life situation.​



Critical thinking is more than just important! It's one of the most crucial cognitive skills one can develop. By practicing well-thought-out thinking, both your thoughts and decisions can make a positive change in your life, on both a professional and personal level.


Read each of the excerpts from The Awakening.

The youngsters came tumbling up the steps, the quadroon following at the respectful distance which they required her to observe. Mrs. Pontellier made them carry her paints and things into the house. She sought to detain them for a little talk and some pleasantry. But they were greatly in earnest. They had only come to investigate the contents of the bonbon box.

[Mrs. Pontellier] stood watching the fair woman walk down the long line of galleries with the grace and majesty which queens are sometimes supposed to possess. Her little ones ran to meet her. Two of them clung about her white skirts, the third she took from its nurse and with a thousand endearments bore it along in her own fond, encircling arms.

Which statement most accurately describes the effect these two scenes have on the plot structure of the novel?
They contribute to the falling action by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the rising action by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the resolution by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the exposition by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.


Let me preface by saying “I am not sure” but my thoughts lead me towards the exposition.
Reasoning: exposition is meaning or purpose, this seems to be providing the fair woman with a foundation of her character’s meaning and role in the story.

What are clues given that told you that they were
without money? Give three examples.



What are the Types of Context Clues?

There are five basic types of context clues. If you can help your child understand what they are, and how they work, she’ll have an ever-ready tool kit to use whenever she’s reading and finds herself stumped by an unknown word.

1:Synonym or restatement clues – When an author uses these types of clues, he or she will say the same thing twice: once with the more difficult word, and then again in a more simple way, often right in the same sentence. If your child doesn’t understand a word in a sentence, tell her to keep reading. A restatement clue may be coming right up.

2: Antonym or contrast clues – These types of context clues give us hints to the meaning of words by telling us what they’re not. Often the word “but” is included in the sentence to tell us that an opposite thought is about to be presented. That opposite is the antonym we’re looking for. Point out the antonym to your child. Then ask her, “What’s the opposite?”

3: Definition or explanation clues – With this type of context clue, the definition of the word is literally given to the reader in the form of an explanation. Sometimes the author will add very specific words to tell us an explanation is upcoming. These can include phrases like “which means” or “that is” or “in other words.”

4: General or inference clues – These types of context clues are a little more subtle. They usually require readers to look beyond the sentence they’re reading for understanding, sometimes even at the entire passage, the topic of the piece or the illustrations. If other, more specific context clues are missing, looking for inference clues is your child’s best bet.

5:Punctuation or font clues – The clues hidden here are found in capitalization, italicization, quotation marks and even parentheses. These clues tell the reader that the word could be a name, a book title or even that, in the case of parentheses, the word is being defined for us.

6:Tone or mood clues – Sometimes the mood that the author has set for us helps us guess at a word’s meaning. If the setting is a ghost story for instance, and the protagonist is “brooding,” we can be pretty sure it doesn’t mean he’s happy. Asking your child how she would feel in the setting of the story is one way to clue her into the meaning of a new word.


Follow me thank you.

Which sentence contains an error in subject-verb agreement?

A. Many citizens of Clarkson County are fighting to save the local wetlands.

B. Each of the athletes have trained hard for the competition.

C. Macaroni and cheese is being served in the cafeteria today.

D. My mother or my father is going to pick me up from swim practice.


The correct answer is D

Pete was angry ____ the chickens in the yard.
At or with





Pete was angry at the chickens in the yard sounds like he’s angry AT them.

Pete was angry with the chickens in the yard sounds like the chickens are mad too

he was angry at the chikens

What is a microphone? True or False?​





ans should be correct

Now that you’ve chosen your topic and someone to write to, write your letter. Use the Process section below to help you figure out how to approach your letter. Make sure your letter includes an explanation of the issue you’ve picked and why it is important to you. Suggest at least one way you think the issue could be addressed by your congressperson or by the government. Optionally, have a fellow student do a peer review of your letter before you turn it in. Once your teacher has graded your letter, send it on to your representative. (someone please write a short essay about school shootings and gun laws PLEEEEEASSSEEEEEE) il give you a hug or sum



Topic: Helping families during the pandemic.


Dear Mr/Mrs (your US representative)

As you know we are entering a pandemic, and the economy will become bad. Many business owners are going to fire their employees or putting them on a break without pay. The employees that make up these businesses are mainly a part of the lower and lower-middle class. Now the question is: When these families don't have a monthly income, how are they going to survive this pandemic?

Of course the higher and higher middle class will have no problem staying home and can afford all of their necessities. But the government will have to help our community. I propose that there should be at least 3 days out of the week where the city counsel can give out groceries to the families in need. These groceries can have the basic needs such as bread, eggs, milk, juice, rice etc. When the counsel gives out the groceries, they could be stationed somewhere where everyone knows how to get there.

I'm sure the counsel has some money to be able to do this for the community. This could help the families in these difficult times. Thank you for your time.


Your name


The similarities between shopping mall and open air-market







Complete the following sentence with the appropriate word.
Too much cheese
good for your diet.





Too much cheese isn't good for your diet.

The answer is isn’t

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group 1. A. Leaves B. Arrives C. Finishes D. Goes



The answer is, Finishes


I hope this helps you out!

Other Questions
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