4. What is malaria? Discuss. Highlight the impact of malaria on pregnant women and children under five years marks) (15​


Answer 1


La malaria puede ser fatal, en particular cuando proviene de la especie Plasmodium, común en África. La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que alrededor del 94 por ciento de las muertes causadas por la malaria ocurren en África, en la mayoría de los casos en niños menores de cinco años.


Answer 2

Malaria is a disease that is transmitted from mosquitoes. Symptoms are chills, fever, and sweating, usually occurring a few weeks after being bitten. Treatment includes antimalarial drugs.

The mortality rates among pregnant women and children are significantly higher than those who are not. Clinical episodes of malaria, maternal anemia, or severe anemia, placental parasitemia, intrauterine growth restriction, premature deliveries, and low birth weight are the most common complications of malaria infection during pregnancy.

I hope this helps!

Related Questions

name three dangerouse objects​



1)Human being.


3) Stomach.






1. Nuclear bomb

2. maxim machine gun

3. rifle

fats and oil __ (a)makes us grow tall (b)protects the body(c)gives us energy (d) makes the body warm​




c) .

fats and oils provide energy to the body .

Advances in well integrity have decreased incidents of leaks from well shafts into groundwater.






Took the test and it came back correct.

It is TRUE that advances in well integrity have decreased incidents of leaks from well shafts into groundwater.

Truly, the advances in well integrity have:

ensured that full control of fluids within a well are maintained.showed the commitment of well operators to safeguard public health.proved that well operators care about environmental safety.safeguarded the assets and reputation of well operators.

Before the advances in well integrity, leaks from well shafts have showed that well operators:

lacked good understanding of environmental conditionsemployed inappropriate construction practicesused poorly selected casing materials and cementing typeswere unable to design adequate validation of specimen.

Thus, it is true that advances in well integrity have benefited well operators, especially in ending incidents of leaks.

Learn more about the reason advances in well integrity are needed to maintain groundwater here: https://brainly.com/question/19921649

What should be included in the total measurement of output?
O a. Formed stools.
O b. Perspiration.
C. Emesis.
O d. Sputum.


i’m pretty sure it’s b

Please help due today





it does not matter if the equipment is cool or cute

it matters if it is cheap bc it will probably not work to the full potential

and its very important to know where the materials are and keeping it in order.

the answer is A bc first its obvious and second bc in order for something to be safe it has to be maintained correctly and regularly.

Drivers under age 18 are referred to as
O Class C
o Commercial
O Provisional



Class C


A class C driver's license is a special type of commercial driver's license (CDL). ... With a class C driver's license, you can drive delivery trucks, warehouse trucks, large passenger vans for 16 or more passengers, and small trucks transporting hazardous materials.



Drivers under age 18 are referred to as licensees.

O Class C

Chances of performing successful first aid increase if more then one person is involved


The answer to the question is TRUE

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of ) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.





The definition of stereotype is the belief about a certain person or category.

Assuming someone who goes to a community college can't pay for a university is a stereotype because it is an assumption made without knowing the full story. Hope this helped :)

There are two main methods of child study used today—the ______________ and the __________ methods.


correlational, experimental methods...

Interview method & self-report methods

Imagine a coach benching a player



coach: come on, move it.

(player misses 11 tackles and his number is 42)

coach: 42. Bench. 58. take his place.

Whats is the best way to get rid of pathogenic contamination
proper heating methods
organic pesticides
adequate cooling methods
herbal mixture



it's option A: proper heating methods


Bacteria in food are killed by cooking to temperatures above 73 °C (163 °F).

The best way to get rid of pathogenic contamination is by proper heating methods.

To destroy pathogenic contamination especially in food, Best practices for handling food and storage should be encouraged because these pathogens can multiply,  when certain conditions are not met.

Research has  found out that if food is heated  at and above 60°C /140°F, virtually all pathogenic bacteria can  be destroyed. Cooling and freezing may just prevent their growth but not destroy them.

Some Heating methods that can be used to kill pathogens in food includes

BoilingGrillingbroilingbaking, roasting, simmering etc

See more here:https://brainly.com/question/15187992

What did the Milgram experiment show? A. That people quickly adopt new roles B. That people will go along with the majority C. That people are basically bad D. That people obey authority​



The Milgram experiment(s) on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. ... The experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions, albeit reluctantly.

what is bacteria caused by



To be put simply, bacteria can be on things that are used quite often such as toilet seats, television remotes etc. If someone does something dirty such as plant seeds in dirt and not wash their hands, the next thing they touch will have bacteria on it. If you touch what has this bacteria on it, it stays on your hand. But if you wash your hands it will be gone, but if you touch your face, mouth, nose or eyes it will travel inside you, causing harm if it is a very bad type of bacteria.

Basically Bacterial and viral infections have many things in common. Both types of infections are caused by microbes -- bacteria and viruses, respectively -- and spread by things such as: Coughing and sneezing. Contact with infected people, especially through kissing and sex. Contact with contaminated surfaces, food, and water

Which of the following pathways is most likely to be active in the adipocytes of a person with untreated type 1 diabetes?
a. fatty acid synthesis
b. glycogenolysis
c. glycolysis
d. lipolysis





Can I eat my cereal and than drink advil before I sleep?


i don’t know but you should be able to


Yes, you can


Taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach can cause some irritation there, and you may get ulcers. Of course, it's not always necessary to have food or drinks before taking Advil. If your stomach hurts, you can take it with food or milk. It's recommended to check in with your doctor if you have a history of severe stomach problems before taking Advil, though.

why does effective goal-setting help us achieve goals?



And effective goal can help inspire you and others, And if this goal is a success, you might try new things, new goals to set, and go on from there!


Why is comparing yourself to others such a pitfall to low self-esteem?
Because people are often being just as critical of themselves
Because people are different and each has unique qualities to appreciate
Because people see themselves as better than they really are
Because people see themselves as less than they really are


cuz peoples are different and ea h has unique qualities to appreciate

water, water, everywhere,which type to drink



We have to drink distilled water for our good health.

If you want to have good answer more then follow me and mark as brainlest ♥️♥️


Water, water everywhere, / Nor any drop to drink. Lines from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The speaker, a sailor on a becalmed ship, is surrounded by salt water that he cannot drink.

1. Over time, the body needs more and more of a drug to get the high that once came easily. A. True B. False





It's true beacuse the body will start to build a tolerance to side drug

What skill can be used t suggest an alternate activity if someone is invited to drink?
O engaging
O avoidance
O negotiation



the answer is O. negotiation

o avoidance , to avoid drinking

how does heavy consumption of alcohol affect reproductive system of humans?

1. it increases the frequency of menstruation in women.

2. it increases testosterone production and sex drive in men

3. it shrinks the size of the testicles

4. it increases testosterone producing in women



1. it increases the frequency of menstruation in women.

this point is correct

You are receiving an shipment and come across a box of shaving cream.
What should you do? Please choose all that apply.



bro if your facial hair is grown you shave it with that

Explanation:mark brainliest

What is the correct clases for this drugs

heelp me please



Compazine belongs to a class of drugs called Antiemetic Agents; Antipsychotics, Phenothiazine.

Why is flexibility important in living a healthy and fit life?

It improves endurance and muscle strength.

It reduces risks related to high cholesterol rates.

It reduces the damage to the heart and lungs through inactivity.

It allows limbs to move through a full range of motion.


I believe the answer is “it allows limbs to move through a full range of motion”. Flexibility helps the limbs to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion.

Describe the importance of product labeling with regards to food safety​



The label on a product allows the customer to know what is in the food they're eating or the product they're using. This allows the consumer to know how healthy, or unhealthy, the product is. It's also important to display the ingredients for those who may be allergic to certain ingredients



Perform an Internet search on diagnostic/procedural groupings and provide some examples. How can you evaluate the accuracy of diagnostic/procedural groupings



Diagnostics/Procedural groupings are the diagnosis-related groups which is a patient classification system that standardized prospective payment to hospitals and encourage cost containment initiatives. This payment covers all from the time of admission to discharge.

Example are:

Principal diagnosis

Secondary diagnosis.

Surgical procedures

Comorbidities and complications.

Patients age and sex

Discharge summary

for example- DRG 871:

sepsis with Major co morbidities and complications.

DGR189 : Respiratory failure.

DRG 372 : syncope.

DRG853 : Infectious diseases with or procedures.

Diagnostic groups accuracy relates to the ability of a test to discriminate between the target condition and health

Evaluation of the accuracy of DRG:

a. Class model analysis.

B. Analysis database.

C. Percentage distribution of study.

D. Severity and complex methods.

what ideology was the big winner of the 2oth century?​





it comprehensively defeated and overwhelmed its antagonist, fascism, and communism, and absorbed its rival, conservatism

not 100% sure

hope it helped :]

Which is an example of the study of physics and the human body?

determining the optimum resting heart rate
testing the impact of a car crash on the body
calculating how to beat an existing sports record
training warehouse workers on how to properly move boxes



B, Your testing the physics on how the car impacts the person and how fast it impacts the person and how much damage it does to it, and in order to have impact on a human you need physics and force to do so.

why do they need support?



Everybody needs support in their lives

Because it helps people and benefits

What terms are used to describe the orientation of body parts and regions?



Same as her answer. Hope it helps.

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