47. Most universally accepted indicator of health status is​


Answer 1

Life expectancy is the most universally accepted indicator of health status

Related Questions

At least _______ of your daily grains should be whole grains.






At least one half of your daily grains should be whole grains, or 3 to 5 or more servings for ages 9 and up

Scientists think that the greatest threat to the natural world is loss of


Converting wild spaces into agricultural land and the intensification of farming practices is causing the greatest destruction.

A specialized diet would be needed to

A. help someone decide what kind of healthy foods they want to eat
B. help someone make changes due to a medical issue or ethical concern
C. help someone recognize when they are physically hungry instead of emotionally hungry
D. help someone with fast results in losing weight without putting in much effort​





specialized diets are needed to make changes due to medical issue or ethical concern. For example, gluten free if someone has celiac.

Answer : B

Diets make changes and help improve health

Question 32
2.5 pts
There are how many different types of respiration?




there are three types of respiration. they are internal, external,and cellular respiration.

Which disease
might be prevented by not sharing a water bottle?



B. Cold Sores because sharing the same water bottle can lead to catching diseases or othersicknesses that can be transmitted via saliva.

One disease that can be prevented by not sharing a water bottle is mononucleosis, also known as the "kissing disease" or "mono."

Sharing utensils, drinks, or water bottles with a person who is infected with mono, which is a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), is one way to transfer the infection. Mono can also be shared by saliva. People can lessen their chances of becoming infected with the virus as well as reducing the likelihood that it will be transferred to others by not sharing water bottles.

It is essential to keep in mind that in addition to the virus that causes the common cold, other diseases and infections, such as some types of bacteria, can also be passed on from person to person through the sharing of water bottles. Therefore, maintaining proper cleanliness and avoiding sharing personal goods like water bottles are also important steps that may be taken to reduce the risk of contracting a variety of diseases.

Learn more about mononucleosis, here:



pLEASE HeLp mE !!!
_______ is a method of measuring body mass index that uses electrodes placed on the ankles and wrists.





Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a method of measuring body mass index that uses electrodes placed on the ankles and wrists.

2. Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding extrinsic motivation?
A. A personal trainer is not considered an example of extrinsic motivation since you are paying for her services.
B. Attending a fitness class with your friends is a form of extrinsic motivation,
C. Extrinsic motivation can help someone lacking confidence in their ability to complete a workout.
D. Extrinsic motivation can help a person overcome a personal lack of motivation.


A is not accurate or acceptable because only giving money doesn’t help or paying for the services the trainer is also giving his her best to train u if they don’t do so than u may not be able to be a trainer later on

The average life span for a smoker and nonsmoker is the same true or false





Smoking has been scientifically proven to cause cancer and weaken a person's lungs overtime.

i want to go to florida next summer



Do it dude, it'll be the best and worst decision of your life.

What can a person do to gain weight in terms of caloric input and output?



Lose weight: To lose weight, caloric input needs to decrease, and caloric output needs to increase?

Gain weight: To gain weight, caloric input needs to increase, and caloric output needs to decrease.

What does one do after developing an action plan when planning an advocacy project? Identify any future challenges. Find funding sources. Establish a support system Identify weaknesses in the plan.



Find funding sources.


Once an action plan is developed, it is ideal to find sources of funding that will support the action plan to be carried out efficiently. These sources of financing promote economic resources, which are essential for the action plan to be implemented and for its objectives to be fully achieved. However, it should be taken into account that an action plan is only finalized when future challenges are recognized and negative points are eliminated, as well as any errors are corrected.

"Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life." Justify it



I think a healthy atmosphere promotes a happy existence. What makes us joyful varies from individual to another. Whatever we are exposed to, we usually discover what makes us happy. Most people tend to desire what they lack. We all make decisions that are difficult to reverse if we don't like the consequence. Then there are events beyond our control, both good and bad. I believe that when something uncontrollable happens to a person, they can feel discouraged and either give up on achieving happiness or take a long time to find the energy to start again. "You can't control the wind, but you can change the sail," they say.


All of the following statements are TRUE about a cardiac arrest EXCEPT:

A. Cardiac arrest happens primarily to older individuals with a history of cardiac disease.

B. Cardiac arrest is an electrical disturbance and abrupt loss of heart function.

C. A heart attack can trigger an electrical disturbance in the heart.

D. Using an AED for a cardiac arrest can improve the chance of survival to restart the heart's electrical rhythm.


the correct answer to this question is C

The following descriptions of a cardiac arrest are all accurate, with the exception of An electrical disruption in the heart can be brought on by a heart attack. So, the correct option is C.

What is Cardiac arrest?

The sudden, unexpected cessation of heart function, respiration, and awareness is known as a cardiac arrest. When this happens, the heart stops beating suddenly. If nothing is done about it right away, the person can pass away. Loss of consciousness and lack of response are the main symptoms.

The use of a pacemaker or urgent CPR is required in this medical emergency. Drugs, an implanted device, or other procedures may be part of hospital care.

The electrical system of a damaged heart malfunctions most frequently during cardiac arrests. An aberrant heart rhythm like ventricular tachycardia or irregular heartbeat is brought on by this defect. Another contributing to some cardiac arrests is a severe weakening of the heart's rhythm.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Cardiac arrest, here:



Which of the following examples is the best example of the unspoken as negative peer pressure?

A. You are trying to lose weight to improve your overall health, but you are struggling to find an exercise program that you enjoy. Your friend suggests an app with some fun workouts, so you give it a try.

B. You like to dress comfortably and are not really into sticking to the latest fashions. After some of your classmates tease you about your look, though, you invest in a few trendy items so you can fit in better.

C. You really want to take an advanced placement class this year, but none of your friends are interesting in doing so, as well. Your best friend convinces you that it's going to be too much work, so you decide to take the honors class instead.

D. Your friends are going to a concert that features a band you really don't like. No one is pressuring you to go, but you have a feeling that if you don't join them, they won't like you as much anymore, so you buy a ticket and go.​



D. Your friends are going to a concert that features a band you really don't like. No one is pressuring you to go, but you have a feeling that if you don't join them, they won't like you as much anymore, so you buy a ticket and go.​


No one has said anything that would influence your decision, but because all of your other friends are going, you feel pressured to go aswell in order to please them.

The best example of the unspoken as negative peer pressure is given in option D.

Your friends are going to a concert that features a band you really don't like. No one is pressuring you to go, but you have a feeling that if you don't join them, they won't like you as much anymore, so you buy a ticket and go.

What is negative peer pressure?

Negative peer  pressure is when someone who is friend or a part of a  group you belong to makes you feel that you have to do something to be in their good books or to be accepted by them.

To know more about negative peer pressure :



in what way can family most influence the develpoment of cronic disease



The correct answer of this question is option D, allergen exposure.


Plz can I have a brainly

11. A technical or trade school is best defined as an educational institution that

A. arranges for real-world work experience in a skilled area
B. offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees
C. provides education to the regional area that surrounds it
D. trains students for a specific job in a skilled trade​


A technical or trade school is best defined as an educational institution that trains students for a specific job in a skilled trade​.

A trade school also termed as a technical school is a educational institution designed to train students for a specific job in a skilled trade career. They offers hands-on training to prepare students for actual work in their chosen field. In these kind of schools they prepare students with the technical skills, knowledge and hands-on training in preparation to fulfil a specific role in a skilled industry.

In trade school, you'll get your career diploma, certifications, or licenses within 6 weeks to a year depending on the course you select .

To learn more about trade school  , here






I took the test

What is the purpose of a standard drink measurement? h O It allows you to determine if you're getting what you paid for O it is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink It allows you to determine what is inside of a mixed drink O It is a measurement to determine if you are legally drunk X Clear Selection​


What is the purpose of a standard drink measurement?


b. It is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink

Th purpose of a standard drink measurement is to provide a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink.

When something is said to be a standard drink, it means that it has a certain amount of alcohol in it which in the United States is 14 grams of pure alcohol.

This allows people to be able to measure and compare drinks based on whether they are standard or not because a standard beer will be said to have the same amount of alcohol as a standard wine or a standard spirit.

People can then use this to determine how much of a certain drink they will take because they will know how the amount of alcohol in the drink regardless of what drink it is.

More information on a standard drink can be found at https://brainly.com/question/2359765.

How will you behave if one of your best friends comes to you and requests you to take one tablet of a certain drug? What will you say to him/her?​



I would just advise my friend to take it away and not use and I would even throw that particular drug into a rubbish bin. It would be best if my friend got counselling and tell that friend of mine that everything is going to be okay as long as my best friend doesn't consume it or make me consume it.


NO! Discourage them and tell someone

what are the precautions that should be follow by the victims of Corona virus?​


what are the precautions that should be follow by the victims of Corona virus?

=⟩ The precautions that should be followed by the victims of corona virus are given below :-

Drinking Boiled water .Taking steam twice a day . Stay safe from your family. If you have any serious problem immediately take advice from doctor.Record your daily health issues .stay blessed and happy .

Hope all the precautions are helpful to you

stay safe healthy and happy


the precautions that should be follow by the victims of Corona virus are:

maintaining social distancewashing hands with soap and clean water or use of alcoholic sanitizerstaying away from animalsUse of mask and tissue paper while coughing or sneezingregular exercisemaintaining balance diet

what is mass
what is length
what is time​



mass is both of a physical body and a measure of it resistance to acceleration when a net force is applied.

the distance between any two points or place is called length.

the gap between any two events is known as time.


Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. Mass is usually measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg). Mass measures the quantity of matter regardless of both its location in the universe and the gravitational force applied to it. An object's mass is constant in all circumstances; contrast this with its weight, a force that depends on gravity.

Length is the term used for identifying the size of an object or distance from one point to another. Also, length is a measure of how long an object is. The length of an object is its extended dimension, that is, its longest side.

Time can be defined as the ongoing and continuous sequence of events that occur in succession, from the past through the present to the future. Time is a used to quantify, measure or compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and even, sequence events.

Principal Síntoma de las afecciones asociadas a la actividad física y el ejercicio
Alguien sabe cual es?



Regular physical activity helps improve your overall health, fitness, and quality of life. It also helps reduce your risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, many types of cancer, depression and anxiety, and dementia.


Which effect is associated with overnutrition?

decreased risk of obesity
decreased risk of mineral poisoning
increased cognitive function
increased risk of vitamin poisoning



option D................

The answer is increased risk of vitamin poisoning. When someone's body processes too much of any vitamins or minerals (which is what happens in the case of overnutrition) they can become sick, this is called vitamin poisoning.

what does Intravenous mean



Something that exists within, for example, an intravenous drip is what people call an "IV" which is administered just about whenever you get a serious injury where the IV is either giving sugary water, medicine, or vitamins which immediately gets inside your veins and is circulated. This bypasses the digestive system which makes it much faster to absorb vitamins.


A 12-year-old boy presents to the ED after his brother bumped into his elbow while he was using a cotton-tipped swab to clean out his ear. He denies dizziness, vertigo, nausea, or hearing loss. On exam, you note a tear of the tympanic membrane and a small amount of blood in the external canal. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?A. Begin antibioticsB. Discharge with instructions to keep the ear canal dryC. Emergency department consultation to ENTD. Pack the ear with gauze


I believe the answer is A)Begin antibiotics

Which of the following does NOT describe a possible consequence of an unhealthy diet?

A. Alisha's doctor runs blood tests and finds she has high cholesterol.
B. Billy has genetic worsening vision problems that he developed at three years old.
C. Rodrigo feels tired and lacks the energy he needs to get through his day.
D. Scarlett falls into the overweight category for her age and height.​





something genetic related is not related to diet. it is part of you forever.

The statement that does not describe a possible consequence of an unhealthy diet is Billy has genetic worsening vision problems that he developed at three years old. Thus, the correct option is B.

What is an Unhealthy diet?

An unhealthy diet may be defined as a type of diet that has high sugar levels, low fibers, presence of saturated or trans fats, cholesterol-rich, and lack some important and mandatory nutrients in it.

An unhealthy diet does not have a direct or indirect relation to genetic abnormalities, diseases, or defects.

Genetic diseases like vision problems, colorblindness, hemophilia, etc. are linked to genetics and inheritance of character in the offspring of affected parents rather than unhealthy diet.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Unhealthy diets, refer to the link:



Explique tres consecuencias que se dan en una cadena alimentaria cuando desaparece alguno de los organismos



- Desequilibrio de la red trófica

- Sobrepoblación de organismos del nivel trófico inferior

- Reducción de la biodiversidad


La cadena alimentaria (también conocida como cadena trófica) refiere a las relaciones alimentarias existentes entre los organismos que conforman una comunidad dentro del ecosistema. Estos organismos obtienen materia y energía a partir de organismos ubicados en el nivel trófico inmediatamente inferior. En la cadena alimentaria, los productores primarios son organismos autótrofos (por ej.,  plantas) los cuales elaboran sus propios compuestos orgánicos que a su vez son consumidos por los consumidores primarios (herbívoros). Subsecuentemente, los consumidores primarios sirven de alimento de consumidores secundarios (carnívoros menores), y así sucesivamente a lo largo de la cadena (consumidores terciarios, cuaternarios, etc). Los descomponedores son organismos dentro de la cadena los cuales se alimentan de restos orgánicos de organismos muertos o en descomposición, transformándolos en compuestos inorgánicos que ingresan nuevamente al ecosistema. La desaparición de los organismos de un nivel trófico generalmente supone un desequilibrio de la red trófica. Por ejemplo, la eliminación de los consumidores secundarios (carnívoros menores) supone un aumento de las poblaciones o sobrepoblación de consumidores primarios (organismos herbívoros) que se encuentran ubicados en el nivel trófico inmediatamente inferior, lo cual puede desencadenar una drástica reducción de las especies productoras (plantas) presentes en el ecosistema. Este fenómeno disminuye no sólo la diversidad de las especies productoras del ecosistema, sino que también altera las poblaciones que dependen directamente de los productores (por ejemplo, la población de polinizadores) en la comunidad.

Choose one of the following options and fill in the blank.

chemical energy
food and nutrients
striations or contractions

Movement is caused by __________________ of muscular tissue.





Children should be allowed to play in a pool only when:

the pool is equipped with flotation devices
every child is wearing sunscreen
every child has permission to swim
a responsible adult is supervising



i believe the answer is "a responsible adult is supervising."


I know this because all the other could be ignored.


A responsible adult is supervising U_U


Which is a true statement about air quality?

Good air quality is shown by high levels of smog.
Bacteria is a major cause of poor air quality.
Water treatment plants measure the air quality.
The EPA measures air pollution levels daily.



Water treatment plants measure the air quality.


i think the answer is Bacteria is a major cause of poor air quality.


what is standard unit? why is it necessary.



We need standard unit for measurement to make our judgement more reliable and accurate. For proper dealing, measurement should be same for everybody. Thus there should be uniformity in measurement. For the sake of uniformity we need a common set of units of measurement, which are called standard units.


Standard Units are commonly used units of measurement, which help us measure length, height, weight, temperature, mass, and more. These units are standardised, which means that everyone gets the same understanding of the size, weight and other properties of objects and things.


Why is it necessary? We need standard judgement unit for measurement to make our judgment more reliable and accurate. Thus there should be uniformity in measurement. For the sake of uniformity we need a common set of units of measurement, which are called standard units. Nowadays, Si units in science and technology almost accepted universally.

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