7. Characteristics of a newsworthy incident include: timeliness, proximity, prominence, uniqueness, human interest, and: A. Visual interest B. Conflict C. Media agenda D. An easily understood situation


Answer 1


B. conflict


Answer 2

The characteristics of a newsworthy incident include timeliness, proximity, prominence, uniqueness, human interest and conflict.

What is a newsworthy incident?

These refer to incident that occur which have the character that makes its reportable.

Thus, an incident must have character of timeliness, proximity, prominence, uniqueness, human interest and conflict.

Therefore, the Option B is correct.

Read more about newsworthy incident



Related Questions

Alguien me ayuda ocupo una cosa negativa de los derechos de tercera generación


Los de la tercera generacion no estan conectados con sus raices como los de la primera generacion

(1) Social media is here to stay. (2) No amount of complaining by an older generation who cannot even turn on a computer will change the fact that we live in a social media world. (3) Increasing access to social media for people who are afraid to use it or unwilling to try it should be the first step toward making the playing field a bit more even for everyone. What fallacy does this argument use? an ad hominem attack an appeal to emotion a false dilemma



An ad hominem attack.


An ad hominem fallacy is when the attack is directed at the person rather than the argument. This means that the attack is done on a personal level rather than focusing on the main point of the argument. In other words, when an attack or an argument is done on the personal level, it is an ad hominem attack.

In the given passage, the speaker seems to make the issue of social media into a personal attack on the older generation. This declaration that "no amount of complaining by an older generation who cannot even turn on a computer will change the fact that we live in a social media world" is a case of an ad hominem attack.


A) An ad hominem attack


Sentence 2 states that

"No amount of complaining by an older generation who cannot even turn on a computer will change the fact that we live in a social media world."

This is an ad hominem attack because while it may be persuasive, it is rude and attacks the person, or the group of people, instead of giving actual reasoning or evidence.

This is a fallacy because it is weakening their argument by putting aside the debate at hand to personally attack the older generation

Have a lovely day :)

Can somebody explain me clearly that In Nepal there is a new rule regarding importing mobile ​



As per the law, all mobile devices which enter Nepal through business or personal channels must be registered with the system or they will be black listed. Once black listed, the mobile devices will be deemed non-compliant, and network operators will be asked to deny service to such phone

in his famous speech called ' tryst with destiny ' . what do you think nehru thought India's destiny was?

please tell please​
please help someone pleasee.,...its really very urgent
please help me in this question please


To bring freedom and opportunity to the common manTo the peasants and workers of India To fight and in povertyAnd ignorance and disease to build up a prosperous democratic and progressive nation. Increase social economic and politicalInstitutions which will Will ensure justice for all life of men

The owner of an auto repair shop has the socially acceptable goal of providing a nice home and other material comforts for his family, but increasingly lacks enough business income to make this a reality. Eventually an acquaintance makes him aware that he could supplement his legitimate income by trafficking in stolen car parts through his shop. This discrepancy between socially approved goals and potentially deviant means of attaining them can be explained by:



Robert Merton's strain theory


Strain Theory

This simply stated that humans are involved in deviant behaviour if they are unable to achieve socially approved goals by legal means. Merton expanded the Durkheim's study of Anomie.

Robert Merton's Strain Theory

This simply stated that in a unequal society, the tension, anxiety or strain between socially approved goals and an individual's capacity to meet their target goals through socially approved methods or ways can lead to deviance as individuals reject either the goals or the means or both.

Strain leads to criminal and deviant behaviour due to the fact that strain between the cultural goal and the lack of legal means to achieve goals, people experience pressure that results in resorting to illegitimate means to achieve said goals.

According to recent research, competition for spots in colleges is decreasing in Japan. This is related primarily toa. an increase in the number of working class jobs because of a boom in natural resources.b. a decrease in the number of college age people because of the low birthrate.c. an increase in the number of colleges because of a glut in the building trade.d. a decrease in literacy because of a decline in quality of elementary education.



я не знаю ответа :(


federal system maintains close relationship between the government and the people justify the statement in paragraph.​



federal system maintains close relationship between the government and the people because Federalism can eliminate the problems of the system, and in a federal system power is shared between the central government and state government. Similarly, people have the rights to choose the state and central government and they can vote for their candidates to run the governance.

(e) "Home is the first school of a child." Explain.​



Yes, home is the school of a child.

Parents teach the child how to speak, walk as well as to manner since childhood. A child learns to trust and communicate effectively. He learns to respect and greet people and understands what is right and wrong.Things learnt at home help them to lead a good life later on. Children who are taught good lessons from home show good behaviour towards everyone. There are many things that need to be taught to every child.

please help me

French colonists were usually fur trappers rather than farmers because?
The land was not suitable for farming.
Fur trapping was more profitable.
There were no markets where they could sell farm products.
Trapping required less work

Which was a reason for the Europeans going on the Crusades?
To search for an all water route to Asia.
To recapture the Holy Land.
To go on a long vacation.
To set up colonies in the Middle East.

Where did the French set up trading outposts in the New World?
South America

Which two great Native American civilizations were conquered by Spanish explorers?
Iroquois and Sioux
Sioux and Mayas
Mayas and Aztecs
Incas and Iroquois

Who was the first man to gain a water-route to Asia for Portugal?
Vasco De Gama
Bartholomew Dias
Samuel de Champlain

What was the main result of Columbus’ voyage of exploration?
Europeans wanted to trade with China.
Europeans began to explore and claim North and South America.
Crusaders tried to recapture the Holy Land.
Americans declared their independence from England.




B, C, D, C,A,, B,


discuss the relationship between human resource development and success of an organisation​



The function of Human Resource Management conrtibutes an important role in assuring empoleey satisfaction, develop business productivity and performance.

According to Maslow's theory: Group of answer choices the highest motives relate to self-actualization. needs are typically satisfied in a specified order; the highest motives relate to self-actualization. none of the options are true. needs are not typically satisfied in a specified order. the most basic motives are based on psychological needs.



the highest motives relate to self-actualization.

needs are typically satisfied in a specified order.


Abraham Maslow has proposed the theory of human motivation and was published in a paper in 1943. In his theory, he has mentioned a specific hierarchy of needs that describes five distinct categories of human needs and often determine an individual's behavior.

The hierarchy of needs includes "physiological, safety, love & belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs".

According to Maslow, no person can move on to the higher level of needs if the previous needs are left incomplete.

A student at New York University used to take the Redhound bus when she visited her grandmother in Boston. After graduating, although the bus fare and the plane fare were the same as they were when she was a student, with a well-paid job on Wall Street she now takes the plane to Boston to visit her grandmother. For this student, travel by Redhound bus is



An inferior good.


Normal Good

This is simply known as goods whose demand increases as income of people rises and the demand falls also when there is a fall in income.

Inferior Good

This is simply known as goods that their demand reduced or decreases when the income of consumers do rises and also the demand also rises when consumer income falls. This is quite different fro. normal goods, for which the opposite is observed.

An increase in disposable income simply shows that the demand curve shifts rightwards and it depend largely o whether the goods is a normal goods or inferior goods.

From mid- to late-adolescence, crowd structure becomes Group of answer choices less hierarchical and more influential. more hierarchical and more influential. less hierarchical and less influential. more hierarchical and less influential.From mid- to late-adolescence, crowd structure becomes Group of answer choices less hierarchical and more influential. more hierarchical and more influential. less hierarchical and less influential. more hierarchical and less influential.



less hierarchical and more influential.


As children grow older, they tend to spend additional moment with their peers and less time with their parents, and these close relationships becomes less controlled by parents. Friendships between children and young adults are frequently defined by shared activities, but friendships between teenagers are increasingly defined by personal interactions of sentiments and emotions.

Your little Tommy wants a slingshot for his birthday, but you shouldn't give him one. If you do, next he'll want a B-B gun. Then a 22 rifle. After that it will be a high powered rifle, and then an Uzi and an AK-47. Soon he'll want a bazooka and after that an antiaircraft gun. In no time your home will become an armory. a. Red herring. b. Missing the point. c. No fallacy. d. False cause. e. Slippery slope.



The fallacy found in the argument is:

e. slippery slope.


A fallacy is a flawed way of reasoning that ends up invalidating an argument. In the paragraph we are analyzing here, the type of fallacy used is called slippery slope.

Slippery slope is a reasoning that, from little evidence, develops a whole sequence of events that get more and more serious. It often ends with a catastrophic consequence. In this case, the speaker goes from a child wanting a slingshot to that child, in the future, owning several different types of heavy weapons.

social problem should solved socially .justify the statement​



Explanation: The solution for this problems are found in the society due to the fact that the cause of the problem is usually in the society. Only the social approach can solve this problem since its nature is social, hence all the effort on this problem should be looked at from the social perspective.



Explanation: The solution for this problems are found in the society due to the fact that the cause of the problem is usually in the society. Only the social approach can solve this problem since its nature is social, hence all the effort on this problem should be looked at from the social perspective.

reasons why ethnic groups are considered in Ghana



In search for fertile land.

Search for peace and security.

Larger market for trade.

Running away from cruel kings.


Contemporary developmentalists maintain that human development is a continual and hierarchical process. The statement that most accurately depicts this viewpoint is:
A. early childhood experiences have little impact on adult behavior and attitudes
B. early childhood experiences are the major determinants of adult behavior and attitudes
C. early childhood experiences have a lasting impact on adult behavior and attitudes, but experience during other, later periods of life, also play a role
D. negative childhood events affect adult personality and behavior, but positive childhood events have little impact



C). Early childhood experiences have a lasting impact on adult behavior and attitudes, but experiences during other, later, periods of life also play a role.


The third statement most adequately displays the perspective that the development of humans has been a recurring, as well as, stratified process. It shows that how the childhood incidents and experiences affect the development of an individual, his personality, behavior, and even his character traits and attitude he carries in life towards things. The importance of later life experiences also play a key role in evolution of a person which not only elaborates but also supports the idea that how humans develop in an arranged and recurrent manner. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

The parents/guardians of a third grader ask to have a statement by the child's current teacher removed from their child's permanent file because they believe it is inaccurate. If school officials deny this request, the school must inform the parents/guardians that they have a right to:



have their complaint investigated by a hearing officer.


In the Scenario described above, the claim of the parent / guardian regarding the inaccuracy of the statement issued about their child by their current teacher is their right as the parents have a right to lay their complaint. However, if the school decides not to comply by refusing to withdraw the statement then, the parent could proceed to lay their complaint and hence, get it investigated by an hearing officer who could be a local, state or federal executive employee who sees to legal cases involving individuals, groups and departments.

Who wrote the most accurate summary of how scientists classify organisms


Cassandra marco ......
Cassandra. Marco write it!!!!

Development of the society is a unversal processs." Justify the statement​



Because no civilization can exist without being influenced by others, the development of a society is a global process. With today's globalization and the high rate of interconnectedness, anything that happens anywhere in the globe has an impact on us. With MNCs opening up food and clothing chains, we are encouraged to wear and eat things that were not part of our culture at one point. Though this is often seen as a negative phenomenon, in my opinion, it is actually good. With different influences by different cultures, our societies become more open-minded and can see things from varied perspectives.


what do you mean by development region?​



development region is a designation for a territorial entity.it is used for: development

regions of Romania. development regions of nepal


pls, do you mean region development


Development region is a designation for a territorial entity.

It is used for:

Development regions of Romania

Development regions of Nepal

give two reasons why joint families are breaking into nuclear families ​



Conflict or family quarrel has caused the breakdown of joint family system. Conflicts regarding family property, its income and expenditure, unequal distribution of work at home and personal clashes between women lead to the break-up of joint families.

According to _________, initially, children do not have a frame of reference from which to question the prejudices of their relatives and friends. When they are rewarded with smiles or laughs for telling derogatory jokes or making negative comments about other racial groups, children learn prejudiced attitudes. A. symbolic interactionists B. conflict theorists C. postmodern theorists D. functionalists



A. symbolic interactionists.


Symbolic interactionism or symbolic interaction theory is a sociological theory that focuses on the way society constructs human interpretation. This means that racial tolerance or increased levels of hostility can be examined through the examination of the interaction of people even at the micro-level.

As given in the passage, when children "[who] do not have a frame of reference from which to question the prejudices of their relatives and friends" learn prejudiced attitudes through the responses they get from the adults. Such responses may be in the form of "smiles or laughs for telling derogatory jokes or making negative comments about other racial groups."

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

You are an American Patriot in 1776, write a political pamphlet in support of the revolution.


Are you tired of Britain, join the revolution.

Have you walked to the store recently. Have you seen the prices. They are the same as always. So why are you paying so much more. Because of those British men’s taxes. Do you know what you are paying for? Do you? You are putting cake on the kings table. Putting a bustle on the queens back. That money made from backbreaking labor, going to the Queen frivolous dress, not into your child’s mouth. And do you have a say in this? No! Join the revolution today. Support your family, not the king’s. No taxation without representation.

Find ways to help the revolution. Spread the word to your neighbors, workers and friends. When the war comes let your sons fight, support the troops. Find what you can do today.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

A hunter residing in State A visited a website created and operated by a hunting equipment company. The company is a State B corporation, and its headquarters and all its facilities are in State B. It sells its products in several stores in State B and through its website. Its marketing efforts and most of its sales are in State A and State B. Using the company's website, the hunter ordered a hunting stand. The hunter paid for the stand and shipment to State A by providing his credit card information on the company's website. After the stand arrived at the hunter's home in State A, the hunter used the stand while on a hunting trip in State C—a very popular hunting destination. The stand collapsed, causing severe injuries to the hunter.

The hunter filed a products liability action against the company in a State C court. The company filed a motion to dismiss the action on the ground that the State C court lacks personal jurisdiction over it. Although the company's website is accessible in State C, the company does not otherwise advertise there, and it does no business there. There is no evidence that the company has sold any products in State C. Does the company have sufficient contactswith State C such that a State C court may exercise personal jurisdiction over it?

(A) Yes, because the company's website is continuously accessible in State C so that people there may purchase products from the company at any time.
(B) Yes, because the company could foresee that its customers would carry the company's hunting products on hunting trips to other states—particularly states where hunting is popular.
(C) No, because personal jurisdiction cannot be based on Internet contacts.
(D) No, because the company does not have sufficient purposeful contacts with State C.



(A) Yes, because the company's website is continuously accessible in State C so that people there may purchase products from the company at any time


Based on the long-arm statute the court at State C can obtain personal jurisdiction over the corporation from State B on the grounds of the acts of the corporation from State B and that the corporation from State B and the plaintiff have minimum contact with the State B

The corporation from State B has a website that is continuously accessible in State C, so products can be bought online from State C and that the liability action is due to the injury caused by the collapse of the stand the hunter used in State C

Confucianism is a _________________.


Confucianism is the way of life propagated by Confucius (6th–5th century BCE) and followed by the Chinese people for more than two millennia.

Communication style, education, family status, military experience, organization role and level, religion, first language, geographical location, income, work experience, and work style are all considered ______ dimensions of diversity. primary secondary quaternary tertiary





The fact that individuals belong to different ethnic, religious, cultural and social background is a concept of diversity, that is not all having the same gender, color, race, language and so on. Dimension of diversity maybe primary which are those aspects of diversity that cannot be changed, these include, gender, ethnicity, race, etc and secondary which include those aspects of diversity listed above ; Communication style, education, family status, first language, income, work experience, and work style, religion, geographical location and so on.

What is a disadvantage of using the experimental method (related to psychology)



1. Results are highly subjective due to the possibility of human error. ...

2. Experimental research can create situations that are not realistic. ...

3. It is a time-consuming process. ...

4. There may be ethical or practical problems with variable control



1. Results are highly subjective due to the possibility of human error.  

2. There may be ethical or practical problems with variable control

3. Experimental research can create situations that are not realistic.  

4. It is a time-consuming process.

If there was not engineering job, what would our society look like? And what sort of problems would the people face?​



Our life would be dull and we couldn't build any buildings to work at, to go shopping and no houses to live in. And all around the world we see nothing but emptiness.


Without engineers, there would be no heat, air conditioning, photocopier machines, conference calls, printers, e-mail, or World Wide Web. ... Of course, you can't pick up your dry cleaning, since engineers developed dry cleaning machines.


en que se diferencia un conflicto interpersonal e interpersonal
plis ayuda


How is an interpersonal and interpersonal conflict different?: The key difference between Interpersonal and Intrapersonal conflict is that interpersonal conflict is a disagreement between two people, whereas intrapersonal conflict is a disagreement within an individual. Conflict is a part of human behaviour, and it is common in our day to day lives

The answer above me is correct
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