what aspect of the US justice system has its roots in Jewish scripture?​


Answer 1

The aspect of the US justice system that has its roots in Jewish scripture is:

the idea that all people are subject to the same rules and laws.

It is the doctrine of "equality before the law."  Equality before the law means that every individual is equal in the eyes of the law, whether the individual is a lawmaker, a judge, a law enforcement officer, etc.  Equality before the law is also known as equality under the law, equality in the eyes of the law, legal equality, or legal egalitarianism.  It is a legal principle that treats each independent being equally and subjects each to the same laws of justice and due process.

Answer 2


answer is C

the idea that all people are subject to the same rules and laws


hope this helps!

Related Questions

A car is driving towards an intersection when the light turns red. The brakes apply a constant force of 1,398 newtons to bring the car to a complete stop in 25 meters. If the weight of the car is 4,729 newtons, how fast was the car going initially



the initial velocity of the car is 12.04 m/s



force applied by the break, f = 1,398 N

distance moved by the car before stopping, d = 25 m

weight of the car, W = 4,729 N

The mass of the car is calculated as;

W = mg

m = W/g

m = (4,729) / (9.81)

m = 482.06 kg

The deceleration of the car when the force was applied;

-F = ma

a = -F/m

a = -1,398 / 482.06

a = -2.9 m/s²

The initial velocity of the car is calculated as;

v² = u² + 2ad


v is the final velocity of the car at the point it stops = 0

u is the initial velocity of the car before the break was applied

0 = u² + 2(-a)d

0 = u² - 2ad

u² = 2ad

u = √2ad

u = √(2 x 2.9 x 25)

u =√(145)

u = 12.04 m/s

Therefore, the initial velocity of the car is 12.04 m/s

Express 6revolutions to radians



About 37.70 radians.


1 revolution = 2[tex]\pi[/tex] radians

∴ 6 revolutions = (6)(2[tex]\pi[/tex] radians)

6 revolutions = 37.6991 or ≈ 37.70 radians

state the laws of reflection​




The law of reflection says that the reflected angle (measured from a vertical line to the surface  called the normal) is equal to the reflected angle measured from the same normal line.

All other properties of reflection flow from this one statement.

Parallel Wires: Two long, parallel wires carry currents of different magnitudes. If the current in one of the wires is doubled and the current in the other wire is halved, what happens to the magnitude of the magnetic force that each wire exerts on the other?




Given force between 2 currents carrying

wires = F₀

Magnetic force between the2 wires =F₀= (μ₀/4π) x ( 2 (μ₀/4π) x ( 2I₁I₂ / μ) x L

where I₁=Current in wire 1

           I₂= Current in wire 2

           L= Length of the wire

when one current is doubled and the other is halved

I₁= 2 I₁

I₂=    I₂/2

F₀ = (μ₀/4π) x ( 2× (2I₁) (I₂/2) / μ) x L

If a boy lifts a mass of 6kg to a height of 10m and travels horizontally with a constant velocity of 4.2m/s, calculate the work done? Explain your answer.



W = 641.52 J


The work done here will be the sum of potential energy and the kinetic energy of the boy. Here potential energy accounts for vertical motion part while the kinetic energy accounts for the horizontal motion part:

[tex]Work\ Done = Kinetic\ Energy + Potential\ Energy\\\\W = K.E +P.E\\\\W = \frac{1}{2}mv^2+mgh\\\\[/tex]


W = Work Done = ?

m = mass = 6 kg

v = speed = 4.2 m/s

g = acceleration dueto gravity = 9.81 m/s²

h = height = 10 m


[tex]W = \frac{1}{2}(6\ kg)(4.2\ m/s)^2+(6\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)(10\ m)[/tex]

W = 52.92 J + 588.6 J

W = 641.52 J

What Are the type's of Tidal turbines?



Types of tidal turbines

Axial turbines.

Crossflow turbines.

Flow augmented turbines.

Oscillating devices.

Venturi effect.

Tidal kite turbines.

Turbine power.

Resource assessment.


Axial turbines

Crossflow turbines

flow augmented turbines

I need help with this please!!!!



1.84 hours

I hope it's helps you

How do you know that a liquid exerts pressure?​



The pressure of water progressively increases as the depth of the water increases. The pressure increases as the depth of a point in a liquid increases. The walls of the vessel in which liquids are held are likewise subjected to pressure. The sideways pressure exerted by liquids increases as the liquid depth increases.

When the lightbulbs were used as the resistors, you observed only a flash of light, as opposed to a continuous glow. Explain why that behavior is expected. After all, the light bulb is directly connected to the power supply.


Solution :

Whenever the lightbulbs are used as resistors, we throw the switch to the left. This allows the current to flow through the circuit which causes the bulb to glow and also the capacitor gets charged. When the capacitor gets fully charged, the electric field becomes constant between its two plates. Now there is no displacement current induced in the plates of the capacitor. The capacitor works as an open switch and the bulb gets switched off.

And thus the bulb flashes for the moment as opposed to continuous glow.

2- A student ran 135 meters in 15 seconds. What was the student's velocity?
7.5 m/s
9 m/s
12 m/s
15 m/s



9 Brainly hahaha ............huh

1 Poin Question 4 A 85-kg man stands in an elevator that has a downward acceleration of 2 m/s2. The force exerted by him on the floor is about: (Assume g = 9.8 m/s2) А ON B 663 N C) 833 N D) 1003 N​



D) 1003 N​


Given the following data;

Mass of man = 85 kg

Acceleration of elevator = 2 m/s²

Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m/s²

To find the force exerted by the man on the floor;

Force = mg + ma

An ideal double slit interference experiment is performed with light of wavelength 640 nm. A bright spot is observed at the center of the resulting pattern as expected. For the 2n dark spot away from the center, it is known that light passing through the more distant slit travels the closer slit.
a) 480 nm
b) 600 nm
c) 720 nm
d) 840 nm
e) 960 nm



960 nm


Given that:

wavelength = 640 nm

For the second (2nd) dark spot;  the order of interference m = 1

Thus, the path length difference is expressed by the formula:

[tex]d sin \theta = (m + \dfrac{1}{2}) \lambda[/tex]

[tex]d sin \theta = (1 + \dfrac{1}{2}) 640[/tex]

[tex]d sin \theta = ( \dfrac{3}{2}) 640[/tex]

dsinθ = 960 nm

 A car accelerates from 0 m/s to 25 m/s in 5 seconds. What is the average acceleration of the car.​



5 m/s I hope it will help you


mark me as a brainlist answer

A solenoid has a length , a radius , and turns. The solenoid has a net resistance . A circular loop with radius is placed around the solenoid, such that it lies in a plane whose normal is aligned with the solenoid axis, and the center of the outer loop lies on the solenoid axis. The outer loop has a resistance . At a time , the solenoid is connected to a battery that supplies a potential . At a time , what current flows through the outer loop


This question is incomplete, the complete question is;

A solenoid has a length 11.34 cm , a radius 1.85 cm , and 1627 turns. The solenoid has a net resistance of 144.9 Ω . A circular loop with radius of 3.77 cm is placed around the solenoid, such that it lies in a plane whose normal is aligned with the solenoid axis, and the center of the outer loop lies on the solenoid axis. The outer loop has a resistance of 1651.6 Ω. At a time of 0 s , the solenoid is connected to a battery that supplies a potential 34.95 V. At a time 2.58 μs , what current flows through the outer loop?


the current flows through the outer loop is 1.3 × 10⁻⁵ A


Given the data in the question;

Length [tex]l[/tex] = 11.34 cm = 0.1134 m

radius a = 1.85 cm = 0.0185 m

turns N = 1627

Net resistance [tex]R_{sol[/tex] = 144.9 Ω

radius b = 3.77 cm = 0.0377 m

[tex]R_o[/tex] = 1651.6 Ω

ε = 34.95 V

t = 2.58 μs = 2.58 × 10⁻⁶ s

Now, Inductance; L = μ₀N²πa² / [tex]l[/tex]


L = [ ( 4π × 10⁻⁷ ) × ( 1627 )² × π( 0.0185 )² ] / 0.1134

L = 0.003576665 / 0.1134

L = 0.03154


ε = d∅/dt = [tex]\frac{d}{dt}[/tex]( BA ) =  [tex]\frac{d}{dt}[/tex][ (μ₀In)πa² ]


ε = μ₀n [tex]\frac{dI}{dt}[/tex]( πa² )

ε = [ μ₀Nπa² / [tex]l[/tex] ] [tex]\frac{dI}{dt}[/tex]

ε = [ μ₀Nπa² / [tex]l[/tex] ] [ (ε/L)e^( -t/[tex]R_{sol[/tex]) ]

I = ε/[tex]R_o[/tex] = [ μ₀Nπa² / [tex]R_o[/tex][tex]l[/tex] ] [ (ε/L)e^( -t/[tex]R_{sol[/tex]) ]

so we substitute in our values;

I = [ (( 4π × 10⁻⁷ ) × 1627 × π(0.0185)²) / (1651.6 ×0.1134) ] [ ( 34.95 / 0.03154)e^( -2.58 × 10⁻⁶ / 144.9 ) ]

I = [ 2.198319 × 10⁻⁶ / 187.29144 ] [ 1108.116677 × e^( -1.7805 × 10⁻⁸ )

I = [ 1.17374 × 10⁻⁸ ] × [ 1108.116677 × 0.99999998 ]

I = [ 1.17374 × 10⁻⁸ ] × [ 1108.11665 ]

I = 1.3 × 10⁻⁵ A

Therefore, the current flows through the outer loop is 1.3 × 10⁻⁵ A


1.28 *10^-5 A


Same work as above answer. Needs to be more precise

Explain why liquid particles at a high pressure would need more
energy to change to a gas than liquid particles at a low pressure.



Liquids evaporate faster as they heat up and more particles have enough energy to break away. The particles need energy to overcome the attractions between them. ... At this point the liquid is boiling and turning to gas. The particles in the gas are the same as they were in the liquid they just have more energy.

Mass A, 2.0 kg, is moving with an initial velocity of 15 m/s in the x-direction, and it collides with mass M, 4.0 kg, initially moving at 7.0 m/s in the x-direction. After the collision, the two objects stick together and move as one. What is the change in kinetic energy of the system as a result of the collision, in joules



the change in the kinetic energy of the system is -42.47 J



mass A, Ma = 2 kg

initial velocity of mass A, Ua = 15 m/s

Mass M, Mm = 4 kg

initial velocity of mass M, Um = 7 m/s

Let the common velocity of the two masses after collision = V

Apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum, to determine the final velocity of the two masses;

[tex]M_aU_a + M_mU_m = V(M_a + M_m)\\\\(2\times 15 )+ (4\times 7) = V(2+4)\\\\58 = 6V\\\\V = \frac{58}{6} = 9.67 \ m/s[/tex]

The initial kinetic of the two masses;

[tex]K.E_i = \frac{1}{2} M_aU_a^2 \ + \ \frac{1}{2} M_mU_m^2\\\\K.E_i = (0.5 \times 2\times 15^2) \ + \ (0.5 \times 4\times 7^2)\\\\K.E_i = 323 \ J[/tex]

The final kinetic energy of the two masses;

[tex]K.E_f = \frac{1}{2} M_aV^2 \ + \ \frac{1}{2} M_mV^2\\\\K.E_f = \frac{1}{2} V^2(M_a + M_m)\\\\K.E_f = \frac{1}{2} \times 9.67^2(2+ 4)\\\\K.E_f = 280.53 \ J[/tex]

The change in kinetic energy is calculated as;

[tex]\Delta K.E = K.E_f \ - \ K.E_i\\\\\Delta K.E = 280.53 \ J \ - \ 323 \ J\\\\\Delta K.E = -42.47 \ J[/tex]

Therefore, the change in the kinetic energy of the system is -42.47 J

1.An elevator is ascending with constant speed of 10 m/s. A boy in the elevator throws a ball upward at 20 m/ a from a height of 2 m above the elevator floor when the elevator floor when the elevator is 28 m above the ground.
a. What's the maximum height?
b. How long does it take for the ball to return to the elevator floor?​


(a) The maximum height reached by the ball from the ground level is 75.87m

(b) The time taken for the ball to return to the elevator floor is 2.21 s

The given parameters include:

constant velocity of the elevator, u₁ = 10 m/sinitial velocity of the ball, u₂ = 20 m/sheight of the boy above the elevator floor, h₁ = 2 mheight of the elevator above the ground, h₂ = 28 m

To calculate:

(a) the maximum height of the projectile

total initial velocity of the projectile = 10 m/s + 20 m/s  = 30 m/s (since the elevator is ascending at a constant speed)

at maximum height the final velocity of the projectile (ball), v = 0

Apply the following kinematic equation to determine the maximum height of the projectile.

[tex]v^2 = u^2 + 2(-g)h_3\\\\where;\\\\g \ is \ the \ acceleration \ due \ to\ gravity = 9.81 \ m/s^2\\\\h_3 \ is \ maximum \ height \ reached \ by \ the \ ball \ from \ the \ point \ of \ projection\\\\0 = u^2 -2gh_3\\\\2gh_3 = u^2 \\\\h_3 = \frac{u^2}{2g} \\\\h_3 = \frac{(30)^2}{2\times 9.81} \\\\h_3 = 45.87 \ m[/tex]

The maximum height reached by the ball from the ground level (h) = height of the elevator from the ground level + height of he boy above the elevator + maximum height reached by elevator from the point of projection

h = h₁ + h₂ + h₃

h = 28 m + 2 m  +  45.87 m

h = 75.87 m

(b) The time taken for the ball to return to the elevator floor

Final height of the ball above the elevator floor = 2 m + 45.87 m = 47.87 m

Apply the following kinematic equation to determine the time to return to the elevator floor.

[tex]h = vt + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\where;\\\\v \ is \ the \ initial \ velocity \ of \ the \ ball \ at \ the \ maximum \ height = 0\\\\h = \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\gt^2 = 2h\\\\t^2 = \frac{2h}{g} \\\\t = \sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}} \\\\t = \sqrt{\frac{2\times 47.87}{9.81}} \\\\t = 2.21 \ s[/tex]

To learn more about projectile calculations please visit: https://brainly.com/question/14083704

the 2kg block slids down a firctionless curved ramp starting from rest at heiht of 3m what is the speed of the block at the bottemvof the ramp​





What is utilization of energy



Energy utilization focuses on technologies that can lead to new and potentially more efficient ways of using electricity in residential, commercial and industrial settings—as well as in the transportation sector

What is cubical expansivity of liquid while freezing



"the ratio of increase in the volume of a solid per degree rise of temperature to its initial volume" -web


tbh up above ✅


cubic meter


Increase in volume of a body on heating is referred to as volumetric expansion or cubical expansion

Two resistances, R1 and R2, are connected in series across a 12-V battery. The current increases by 0.500 A when R2 is removed, leaving R1 connected across the battery. However, the current increases by just 0.250 A when R1 is removed, leaving R2 connected across the battery.
(a) Find R1.
(b) Find R2.



a)   R₁ = 14.1 Ω,   b)  R₂ =  19.9 Ω


For this exercise we must use ohm's law remembering that in a series circuit the equivalent resistance is the sum of the resistances

all resistors connected

           V = i (R₁ + R₂)

with R₁ connected

           V = (i + 0.5) R₁

with R₂ connected

           V = (i + 0.25) R₂

We have a system of three equations with three unknowns for which we can solve it

We substitute the last two equations in the first

           V = i ( [tex]\frac{V}{ i+0.5} + \frac{V}{i+0.25}[/tex] )

           1 = i ( [tex]\frac{1}{i+0.5} + \frac{1}{i+0.25}[/tex] )

           1 = i ( [tex]\frac{i+0.5+i+0.25}{(i+0.5) \ ( i+0.25) }[/tex] ) =  [tex]\frac{i^2 + 0.75i}{i^2 + 0.75 i + 0.125}[/tex]

           i² + 0.75 i + 0.125 = 2i² + 0.75 i

           i² - 0.125 = 0

           i = √0.125

           i = 0.35355 A

with the second equation we look for R1

          R₁ = [tex]\frac{V}{i+0.5}[/tex]

          R₁ = 12 /( 0.35355 +0.5)

          R₁ = 14.1 Ω

with the third equation we look for R2

          R₂ = [tex]\frac{V}{i+0.25}[/tex]

          R₂ =[tex]\frac{12}{0.35355+0.25}[/tex]

          R₂ =  19.9 Ω

Air is compressed polytropically from 150 kPa, 5 meter cube to 800 kPa. The polytropic exponent for the process is 1.28. Determine the work per unit mass of air required for the process in kilojoules
a) 1184
b) -1184
c) 678
d) -678



wegkwe fhkrbhefdb


You're carrying a 3.0-m-long, 24 kg pole to a construction site when you decide to stop for a rest. You place one end of the pole on a fence post and hold the other end of the pole 35 cm from its tip. How much force must you exert to keep the pole motionless in a horizontal position?





From the question we are told that:

Length [tex]l=3.0m[/tex]

Mass [tex]m=24kg[/tex]

Distance from Tip [tex]d=35cm[/tex]

Generally, the equation for Torque Balance is mathematically given by





As a skydiver accelerates downward, what force increases? A. Gravity B. Thrust C. Air resistance D. Centripetal



(A) Gravity is you're answer.


When an object or human is falling at an increased rate, The force of gravity is taking place.

a bullet is dropped from the same height when another bullet is fired horizontally they will hit the ground




Time taken to reach the ground depends on the vertical component of velocity, not horizontal component of velocity.

what is simple machine?​



Those tools that helps to make our work easier ,faster and more convenient in our daily life it is called simple Machine.

14. What's one of the two requirements electric current?
A. There must be an electric potential between two bodies
B. There must be no valence electrons that make their element unstable
C. There must be a carbon element present in the electric current
D. There must be a magnetic force between two bodies


One of the two requirements of electric current is there must be an electric potential between two bodies

For electric current to flow, there must be an electric potential between two bodies.

This is because electric charge flows from a higher electric potential to a lower electric potential just as, water flows from a higher gravitational potential to a lower gravitational potential.

The difference between the electric potential between the two bodies causes the electric charge to flow between the two bodies.

This flow of electric charge constitutes electric current and electric current will only flow when there is an electric potential between two bodies.

So, one of the two requirements of electric current is there must be an electric potential between two bodies.

So, the answer is A

Learn more about electric current here:


A mass is hanging from the end of a horizontal bar that pivots around an axis through its center, but it is being held stationary. The bar is then released and begins to rotate. As the bar rotates from horizontal to vertical, the magnitude of the torque on the bar: ________



The torque decreases because as the hanging mass goes down, the moment arm about the pivot point decreases. Since the torque is directly proportional to the length of the moment arm, torque decreases.

The torque decreases because as the hanging mass goes down, the moment arm about the pivot point decreases. Since the torque is directly proportional to the length of the moment arm, torque decreases.

What is the difference between atomic number and atomic mass ?

Atomic number of an element  is defined as total number of protons present in the nucleus,  neutrons carry no net electrical charge, so it is the charge number of the nucleus.

atomic mass of an element can be defined as the atomic weight is measured total mass of an element’s atom, the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus of an atom.

Both Atomic mass and an atomic number of elements are closely related if  atomic number is high, then the atomic mass is also said to be high.

For more details regarding fire mass , visit



A train starts from rest (at position zero) and moves with constant acceleration. On the first observation, its velocity is 20m/s and 80seconds later the velocity became 60m/s. At 80s calculate the position, average velocity, and the constant acceleration over the interval.(7-points)


The value of the acceleration is a = 0.5 m/s². The position at 80 s is x = 3200 m and finally the average velocity is v = 40 m/s.


We can use the fallowing kinematic equation to get the acceleration at 80 s.



v(i) is the initial velocity (20 m/s)v(f) is the final velocity (60 m/s)t is the interval (80 s)

The, we have:


[tex]\vec{a}=0.5\: m/s^{2}[/tex]


Knowing the acceleration we can find the position using the falling equation.



[tex]\vec{x}=3200 m[/tex]

Average velocity:

The definition of the average velocity is:

[tex]\vec{v}=\frac{\Delta x}{t}[/tex]



[tex]\vec{v}=40\: m/s[/tex]

Learn more about the kinematic equations here:


I hope it helps you!

A 1050 kg car accelerates from 11.3 m/s to 26.2 m/s . What impulse does the engine give?



I = 15,645. kg*m/s or 15,645 N*s


I = m(^v)

I = 1050kg((26.2m/s-11.3m/s)

I = 15,645. kg*m/s

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