802.4 divided 1.7

Thankkkk u


Answer 1

The answer to this equation is 472.

Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

First we make both numbers into wholes by moving the decimal point one place behind.Then divide normally.

8024 ÷ 17 = 472

I hope this helps :)

Related Questions

12.5% of it is 6 hrs​



48 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

12.5/100 = 6/x

1. cross-multiply

12.5 × x = 12.5x

100 × 6 = 600

2. divide

12.5x/12.5 = x

600/12.5 = 48

3. answer

x = 48

Find the value of x.
A. 85
B. 131
C. 73
D. 95




Step-by-step explanation:

The value of x 85.

What is the arc of the circle?

The arc period of a circle can be calculated with the radius and relevant perspective using the arc period method.

⇒angle= arc/radius

⇒  107°=arc/7

⇒ arc =1o7°*7

⇒arc=107π/180° *7

⇒arc = 85

Learn more about circle here:-brainly.com/question/24375372


Find a and b such that ab = 15
and a+b = -8.



a = -3 or -5 and b = -5 or -3

Step-by-step explanation:

a + b = -8

ab = 15

b = 15/a

b = 15/(-3)

b = -5

a(-5) = 15

(-5)a = 15

(-5)/5 = 15/-5

a = -3

a + b = -8

-3 - 5 = -8

-8 = -8

Consider this equation. √x - 1 - 5 = x - 8 The equation has(two valid solutions, one valid solution) and(one extraneous solution, no extraneous solutions) A valid solution for x is(0, 4, 2, 5)​


The equation has 2 valid solutions; no extraneous solutions

The given equation is:

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} - 5= x - 8[/tex]

First, we determine the solutions

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} - 5= x - 8[/tex]

Add 5 to both sides

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} = x - 8 + 5[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{x - 1} = x - 3[/tex]

Square both sides

[tex]x - 1 = (x - 3)^2[/tex]


[tex]x - 1 = x^2- 3x - 3x + 9[/tex]

[tex]x - 1 = x^2- 6x + 9[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]x^2 - 6x - x + 9 + 1 = 0[/tex]

[tex]x^2 - 7x + 10 = 0[/tex]

Expand again

[tex]x^2 - 2x-5x + 10 = 0[/tex]


[tex]x(x - 2) -5(x -2)= 0[/tex]

Factor out x - 2

[tex](x - 5)(x -2)= 0[/tex]


[tex]x - 5=0[/tex] or [tex]x - 2 = 0[/tex]

[tex]x= 5[/tex] or [tex]x = 2[/tex]

The above values are valid values of x.

Hence, the equation has 2 valid solutions; no extraneous solutions

Read more about equations at:



That person is wrong, First blank is : one valid solution , Second blank is : one extraneous solution, and I'm not sure what the 3rd blank is but I think It's 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

for plato users

The following data represent the chemistry grades for a random sample of 12 freshmen at a certain college along with their scores on an intelligence test administered while they were still seniors in high school.
Test Chemistry Student Score,
x Grade, y
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 65 50 55 65 55 70 65 70 55 70 50 55 85 74 76 90 85 87 94 98 81 91 76 74
Compute and interpret the sample correlation coefficient.



R = 0.862

Strong positive relationship

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data:

Test Chemistry Student Score,

x Grade, y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Score,x = 65 50 55 65 55 70 65 70 55 70 50 55

Grade, y = 85 74 76 90 85 87 94 98 81 91 76 74

Using technology :

The CORREL function in excel, calculators will give accurate value of the correlation Coefficient between two variables, x and y. The correlation Coefficient obtained using technology is : 0.862

The correlation Coefficient value ranges between (-1 and 1) with values closer to either - 1 or 1 reflecting stronger relationship. A value of 0 means there is no relationship between the variables. Negative values indicate negative relationships while positive indicates positive association between the variables.

Therefore. With a correlation Coefficient of 0.862, the correlation Coefficient can be interpreted as meaning that ; there is a strong positive relationship between score and grade.

Nasa is building a satellite that is roughly the shape of a sphere. If the satellite weighs 14.25 pounds per cubic foot before the launch and has a diameter of 4.7 feet. What is the total weight in pounds?



Step-by-step explanation:

What is the product of 2/5 × 3/4?


3/10 or 0.3
step-by-step explanation:
2/5 x 3/4
2 x 3
4 x 5



Step-by-step explanation:




IV. Round to the nearest ten thousand
31. 41,876
32. 260,098
33. 91,975
34. 207,865
35. 462,876








Step-by-step explanation:

Look at the ten thousandth digit and determine if the number next to it to the right is greater than 5 or equal to 5 or less than 5. If greater than 5 or equal round up but if not round down

I need help with number 4


Answer:  Choice D

[tex]f^{-1}(x) = (x-3)^2+2\\\\[/tex]



First we replace f(x) with y. This is because both y and f(x) are outputs of a function.

To find the inverse, we swap x and y and solve for y like so

[tex]y = \sqrt{x-2}+3\\\\x = \sqrt{y-2}+3 \ \text{ .... swap x and y; isolate y}\\\\x-3 = \sqrt{y-2}\\\\(x-3)^2 = y-2 \ \text{ ... square both sides}\\\\(x-3)^2+2 = y\\\\y = (x-3)^2+2\\\\f^{-1}(x) = (x-3)^2+2\\\\[/tex]

Note: because the range of the original function is [tex]y \ge 3[/tex], this means the domain of the inverse is [tex]x \ge 3[/tex]. The domain and range swap roles because of the swap of x and y.

As the graph shows below, the original and its inverse are symmetrical about the mirror line y = x. One curve is the mirror image of the other over this dashed line.



Step-by-step explanation:

let y = f(x) and rearrange making x the subject

y = [tex]\sqrt{x-2}[/tex] + 3 ( subtract 3 from both sides )

y - 3 = [tex]\sqrt{x-2}[/tex] ( square both sides )

(y - 3)² = x - 2 ( add 2 to both sides )

(y - 3)² + 2 = x

Change y back into terms of x with x = [tex]f^{-1}[/tex] (x) , then

[tex]f^{-1}[/tex] (x) = (x - 3)² + 2 → D

please help me I need help ​



This is so hard for me. I can't understand. I am in grade 9 now.

true or false?
please help me out




Step-by-step explanation:

the incenter of a triangle is the common intersection of the angle bisectors.hence always remains inside the triangle.

It’s always true there is no way for an incenter of a triangle to lie outside the triangle

In my town, it's rainy one third of the days. Given that it is rainy, there will be heavy traffic with probability 1/2, and given that it is not rainy, there will be heavy traffic with probability 1/4. If it's rainy and there is heavy traffic, I arrive late for work with probability 1/2. On the other hand, the probability of being late is reduced to 1/8 if it is not rainy and there is no heavy traffic. In other situations (rainy and no traffic, not rainy and traffic) the probability of being late is 0.25. You pick a random day.
a. What is the probability that it’s not raining and there is heavy traffic and I am not late?
b. What is the probability that I am late?
c. Given that I arrived late at work, what is the probability that it rained that day?



a) 0.125 = 12.5% probability that it’s not raining and there is heavy traffic and I am not late.

b) 0.2292 = 22.92% probability that I am late.

c) 0.5454 = 54.54% probability that it rained that day.

Step-by-step explanation:

Conditional Probability

We use the conditional probability formula to solve this question. It is

[tex]P(B|A) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)}[/tex]

In which

P(B|A) is the probability of event B happening, given that A happened.

[tex]P(A \cap B)[/tex] is the probability of both A and B happening.

P(A) is the probability of A happening.

Question a:

2/3 probability of not raining.

If not raining, 1/4 probability of heavy traffic.

1 - 0.25 = 0.75 = 3/4 probability of not late.


[tex]p = \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{1}{4} \times \frac{3}{4} = \frac{2}{16} = 0.125[/tex]

0.125 = 12.5% probability that it’s not raining and there is heavy traffic and I am not late.

b. What is the probability that I am late?

0.5 of (1/3)*(1/2) = 1/6(rainy and heavy traffic).

0.25 of (1/3)*(1/2) = 1/6(rainy and no traffic).

1/8 = 0.125 of (2/3)*(3/4) = 1/2(not rainy and no traffic).

0.25 of (2/3)*(1/4) = 1/6(not rainy and traffic). So

[tex]P(A) = 0.5\frac{1}{6} + 0.25\frac{1}{6} + 0.125\frac{3}{6} + 0.25\frac{1}{6} = \frac{0.5 + 0.25 + 3*0.125 + 0.25}{6} = 0.2292[/tex]

0.2292 = 22.92% probability that I am late.

c. Given that I arrived late at work, what is the probability that it rained that day?

Event A: Late

Event B: Rained

0.2292 = 22.92% probability that I am late.

This means that [tex]P(A) = 0.2292[/tex]

Probability of late and rain:

0.5 of 1/6(rain and heavy traffic).

0.25 of 1/6(rain and no traffic). So

[tex]P(A \cap B) = 0.5\frac{1}{6} + 0.25\frac{1}{6} = \frac{0.5 + 0.25}{6} = \frac{0.75}{6} = 0.125[/tex]


[tex]P(B|A) = \frac{P(A \cap B)}{P(A)} = \frac{0.125}{0.2292} = 0.5454[/tex]

0.5454 = 54.54% probability that it rained that day.

Kelsie wants to create a "SMART" goal to help her get to work on time every day. Which of the following is the best goal? O a) "I will stop being late for work by setting my alarm every day." O b) "I will get to work before 9 A.M. every day this month." Oc) "I will get to work on time." "I will get to work on or before 9 A.M. at least 20 workdays per month by O d) setting an alarm the night before and not hitting the snooze button."


The best option for Kelsie to create a SMART goal is b) "I will get to work before 9 A.M. every day this month."

Option B captures the essence of a smart goal.  A smart goal has the following characteristics: specific, measurable, achievable or attainable, realistic or relevant, and time-bound.

1. Specific: A smart goal like option B is well-defined, clear, and unambiguous.

2. Measurable: A smart goal sets specific criteria that measure Kelsie's progress toward the accomplishment of her goal.  For example, any day that she does not get to work before 9 a.m. she knows that she does not achieve her work arrival goal for that day.

3. Achievable: Kelsie's goal becomes attainable and possible to achieve because there is a set time for her to arrive at her work.

4. Realistic: Kelsie's goal, which she set for this month, is within her reach.  It is realistic, and relevant to her purpose.

5. Time-bound:  Kelsie has set a clearly defined timeline, which creates the needed urgency for her to realize it.  It includes a starting date and a target date, which will encourage her to realize it.

Thus, option B is the correct option that meets the criteria of a SMART goal unlike options A, C, and D, which are ambiguous, unrealistic, and not time-bound.

Learn more about SMART goals from www.brainly.com/question/4939309

which polygon will NOT tessellate a plane?




Step-by-step explanation:

In fact, there are pentagons which do not tessellate the plane. The house pentagon has two right angles. Because those two angles sum to 180° they can fit along a line, and the other three angles sum to 360° (= 540° - 180°) and fit around a vertex.


The Regular Pentagon.


I got a 100 % on the quiz

prove that sin30/cos30+sin60/cos60=sin90​


Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

you just have to expand the trig. functions into their corresponding values and then finish them off.

find value of x and YZ if Y is between X and Z
XY=2x+1, YZ =6x, and XZ=81




Step-by-step explanation:

Applying the segment addition theorem, the value of x = 10

YZ = 60

What is the Segment Addition Theorem?

The segment addition theorem states that if a point, C, lies between two endpoints of a segment, A and B, then: AC + CB = AB.


XY = 2x+1

YZ = 6x

XZ = 81


XY + YZ = XZ (segment addition theorem)

2x + 1 + 6x = 81

Find x

8x = 81 - 1

8x = 80

x = 10

Find YZ:

YZ = 6x

Plug in the value of x

YZ = 6(10)

YZ = 60

Therefore, applying the segment addition theorem, the value of x = 10

YZ = 60

Learn more about the segment addition theorem on:


Lines a and b are perpendicular. If the slope of line a is 3, what is the slope of
line b?




Step-by-step explanation:

Perpendicular lines have slopes that multiply to -1

a*b = -1

3 * b = -1

b = -1/3

The slope of line b is -1/3

You are installing new carpeting in a family room. The room is rectangular with dimensions 2012feet × 1318feet. You intend to install baseboards around the entire perimeter of the room except for a 312-foot opening into the kitchen. How many linear feet of board must you purchase?



Step-by-step explanation:

I don’t know what to do



[tex]C=\pi d\\\\d=\frac{C}{\pi }[/tex]

Make d the subject:

C = πd

C/π = d

Your answer: d = C/π

What is the volume of this rectangular pyramid?

_____ cubic millimeters



Step-by-step explanation:

L = 9 mm

W =  9 mm

H = 10 mm

volume = LWH/3 = 9·9·10/3 = 270 mm³

s A lottery offers one 800 prize, one 700 Prize, two 800 prizes, and four prizes. One thousand tickets are sold at each. Find the expectation if a person buys two tickets. Assume that the player's ticket is replaced after each draw and that the same ticket can win more than one prize. Round to two decimal places for currency problems.


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

A lottery offers one $800 prize, one $700 Prize, two $800 prizes, and four $100 prizes. One thousand tickets are sold at $5 each. Find the expectation if a person buys two tickets. Assume that the player's ticket is replaced after each draw and that the same ticket can win more than one prize. Round to two decimal places for currency problems.

The expected if a person buys two tickets is $__


$ -1.52

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

A lottery offers --

One $800 prize

One $700 prize

Two $800 prize

Four $100 prizes

Let X = net win

    X          P(X)

  795      1/1000

  695      1/1000

  795      2/1000

   95      4/1000

    -5     996/1000

[tex]$E(X) = \sum X \ p(X)$[/tex]

         [tex]$=795 \times \frac{1}{1000} + 695 \times \frac{1}{1000} + 795 \times \frac{2}{1000} + 95 \times \frac{4}{1000} + (-5) \times \frac{996}{1000}$[/tex]

         = 0.795 + 0.695 + 1.59 +  0.38 - 4.98

         = $ -1.52

CHứng minh rằng trong hệ g - phân với 2



For the specified margin of​ error, confidence​ level, and educated guess for the observed​ value, obtain a sample size that will ensure a margin of error of at most the one specified​(provided, of​ course, that that observed value of the sample proportion is further from 0.5 than the educated​ guess).

Margin of errorequals= 0.04​
Confidence levelequals=95%
Educated guessequals=0.32




The appropriate answer is "523".

Step-by-step explanation:


Margin of error,

E = 0.04

Confidence level,

= 95%

Educated guess,

[tex]P_g[/tex] = 0.32

According to the question,

[tex]\alpha = \frac{100-95}{100}[/tex]


[tex]\frac{\alpha}{2} = \frac{0.05}{2}[/tex]


[tex]Z_{0.025} = 1.96[/tex]

The sample size will be:

⇒ [tex]n=P_g (1-P_g) (\frac{Z_{\frac{\alpha}{2} }}{E} )^2[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get

       [tex]=0.32(1-0.32)(\frac{1.96}{0.04} )^2[/tex]

       [tex]=0.32\times 0.68\times (49)^2[/tex]

       [tex]=0.32\times 0.68\times 2401[/tex]




A newspaper infographic titled "Social Media Jeoparding Your Job?" summarized data from a survey of 1,815 recruiters and human resource professionals. The infographic indicated that 51% of the people surveyed had reconsidered a job candidate based on his or her social media profile. Assume that the sample is representative of the population of recruiters and human resource professionals in the United States.
(a) Use the given information to estime the proportion of recruiters and human resource professionals who have reconsidered a job candidate based on his or her social media profile using a 95% confidence interval. (Use a table or technology. Round your answers to three decimal places.)
Give an interpretation of the interval in context. We are 95% confident that the mean number of recruiters and human resource professionals who have reconsidered a job candidate based on his or her social media profile falls within this interval. There is a 95% chance that the true proportion of recruiters and human resource professionals who have reconsidered a job candidate based on his or her social media profile falls directly in the middle of this interval. There is a 95% chance that the true proportion of recruiters and human resource professionals who have reconsidered a job candidate based on his or her social media profile falls within this interval. We are 95% confident that the true proportion of recruiters and human resource professionals who have reconsidered a job candidate based on his or her social media profile falls directly in the middle of this interval. We are 95% confident that the true proportion of recruiters and human resource professionals who have reconsidered a job candidate based on his or her social media profile falls within this interval.
(b) Would a 90% confidence interval be wider or narrower than the confidence interval from part(a)?




Step-by-step explanation:

If (5x+3):(7x+3)=3:4, find the value of x.


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{5x+3}{7x+3}=\dfrac{3}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4(5x+3)=3(7x+3)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 20x+12=21x+9[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12-9=21x-20x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=3[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\purple{ \frac{(5x + 3)}{(7x + 3)} \: = \: \frac{3}{4} }} \\ [/tex]

Now , Cross Multiplying

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\blue{ 4 \: (5x + 3) \: = \: 3 \: (7x + 3)}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\red{ 20x \: + \: 3 \: = \: 21 \: + \: 3}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \: {\orange{ 12 \: - \: 9 \: = \: 21x \: - \: 20x }}[/tex]

[tex]\large\rm \longrightarrow \:{\green{ 3 \: = \: x}}[/tex]

Hence , the value of x is 3

The charge of eletricity for the first 20 unit is Rs 80 and Rs 7 per unit from 21 unit to 30 units. If service is Rs 75 find the total charge of 28 units​


First 20 units = Rs 80

28 - 20 = 8 units

8 x 7 = Rs 35

80 + 35 = Rs 115

Solve the following system of equations for x: xy = 6
3y = x - 3




Step-by-step explanation:

rearrange 3y = x-3 as x=3y+3 sub in for x in xy=6


solve by factoring 3y^2+3y-6=0

3(y-1)(y+2) = 0

y= 1, -2

sub y back in to either equation but for ease xy=6

x(1)=6 = 6

x(-2)=6 = -3

A contributor for the local newspaper is writing an article for the weekly fitness section. To prepare for the story, she conducts a study to compare the exercise habits of people who exercise in the morning to the exercise habits of people who work out in the afternoon or evening. She selects three different health centers from which to draw her samples. The 57 people she sampled who work out in the morning have a mean of 5.2 hours of exercise each week. The 70 people surveyed who exercise in the afternoon or evening have a mean of 4.5 hours of exercise each week. Assume that the weekly exercise times have a population standard deviation of 0.6 hours for people who exercise in the morning and 0.4 hours for people who exercise in the afternoon or evening. Let Population 1 be people who exercise in the morning and Population 2 be people who exercise in the afternoon or evening.
Step 1 of 2: Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true difference between the mean amounts of time spent exercising each week by people who work out in the morning and those who work out in the afternoon or evening at the three health centers. Round the endpoints of the interval to one decimal place, if necessary.



The 95% confidence interval for the true difference between the mean amounts of time spent exercising each week by people who work out in the morning and those who work out in the afternoon or evening at the three health centers is (0.5, 0.9).

Step-by-step explanation:

Before building the confidence intervals, we need to understand the central limit theorem and subtraction of normal variables.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

Subtraction between normal variables:

When two normal variables are subtracted, the mean is the difference of the means, while the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the variances.

In the morning:

Sample of 57, mean of 5.2, standard deviation of 0.6, so:

[tex]\mu_1 = 5.2[/tex]

[tex]s_1 = \frac{0.6}{\sqrt{57}} = 0.0795[/tex]

In the afternoon/evening:

Sample of 70, mean of 4.5, standard deviation of 0.4, so:

[tex]\mu_2 = 4.5[/tex]

[tex]s_2 = \frac{0.2}{\sqrt{70}} = 0.0239[/tex]

Distribution of the difference:

[tex]\mu = \mu_1 - \mu_2 = 5.2 - 4.5 = 0.7[/tex]

[tex]s = \sqrt{s_1^2+s_2^2} = \sqrt{0.0795^2 + 0.0239^2} = 0.083[/tex]

Confidence interval:

The confidence interval is:

[tex]\mu \pm zs[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

95% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.05[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.05}{2} = 0.975[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.96[/tex].

The lower bound of the interval is:

[tex]\mu - zs = 0.7 - 1.96*0.083 = 0.5[/tex]

The upper bound of the interval is:

[tex]\mu + zs = 0.7 + 1.96*0.083 = 0.9[/tex]

The 95% confidence interval for the true difference between the mean amounts of time spent exercising each week by people who work out in the morning and those who work out in the afternoon or evening at the three health centers is (0.5, 0.9).

Charlie's flower bed has a length of 4 feet and a width of four sixths feet. Which of the following is true
1 The area of the flower bed is equal to 6 square feet.
2The area of the flower bed is larger to 6 square feet.
3 The area of the flower bed is equal to 4 square feet
4 The area of the flower bed is smaller than 4 square feet.


Option 4 is correct


Option 4) The area of the flower bed is smaller than 4 square feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let’s solve for the area of the flower bed.

Consider that the flower bed is a rectangle.

The area of a recrangle is given by the formula:

A = length x width

The area of the flower bed is:

4 ft x 4/6 ft = 2 2/3 ft^2

2 2/3 ft ^2 < 4 ft^2

Therefore option 4 is the correct answer.

...For each of the following numbers, find the smallest number by which it should be multiplied so as to get a perfect square number. Also find the square root of the square number so obtained.
(i) 252
(ii) 180
(iii) 1008
(iv) 2028
(v) 1458
(vi) 768​




Step-by-step explanation:

252 : multiply it by 7 to get 1764 and its square root is 42.

180: multiply it by 5 to get 900 and its square root is 30.

1008: multiply it by 7 to get 7056 and its square root is 84.

2028: multiply it by 3 to get 6084 and its square root is 78.

1458: multiply it by 2 to get 2916 and its square root is 54.

768: multiply it by 3 to get 2304 and its square root is 48.

A number should be a perfect square if its square root is a whole number. The square roots should be integers.


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