
Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


Subtract 15



Divide by 8



Related Questions

Determine a scalar c so that the angle between a = i + cj and b = i + j is 45°.​




Step-by-step explanation:

ATQ a.b=|a||b|sin(45)




2c=0, c=0

The required simplified value of c is zero for which the angle between a and b is 45°.

What is a vector?

Vector is defined as the quantities that have both magnitude and direction are called a vector quantity and the nature of the quantity is called a vector.  

scaler product is given as,
a . b = |a|.|b|cos45
(i + cj). (i + j) = √[1² + c²] . √[1²+1²] × 1/√2
1 + c = √1 + c²

Squaring both sides
(1 + c)² = 1 + c²
1 + c² + 2c =1 + c²
2c = 0
c = 0

Thus, the required simplified value of c is zero for which the angle between a and b is 45°.

Learn more about vectors here,


56 x 10^-4)
Group of answer choices

2.37 x 10^-16

4.21 x 10^15

2.4 x 10^-16

4.2 x 10^15


9514 1404 393


  (d)  4.2×10^15

Step-by-step explanation:

Your calculator will tell you the quotient is about ...


The least precise number in the division is 1.5, which has 2 significant digits. Therefore, the result should be rounded to 2 significant digits:


Which is a graph of g(c) = (0.5)x+3^ -4



I've attached a graph with this, that's your answer

The whole number 23 is an example of a ____ number.

prime or composite?


The answer is prime! I hope this helps you out!


23 is a prime number. Reason: Prime number are those numbers which are divisible by 1 and itself. Example: 5 is divisible by 1 and 5 only.

helpppp asap pleaseee



29/3 is your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

pls mark as brainliest

Find the measure of angle FGE
35 degrees
40 degrees
100 degrees
30 degrees
60 degrees


The answer is 35 degrees.

The measure of angle FGE is 52.5°.

What is the Angles of Intersecting Secants Theorem?

Angles of Intersecting Secants Theorem states that, If two lines intersect outside a circle, then the measure of an angle formed by the two lines is one half the positive difference of the measures of the intercepted arcs.

Thus, applying the angles of intersecting secants theorem

m∠FGE = 1/2[(100 + 35) - 30]

m∠FGE = 1/2[(105]

m∠FGE = 52.5°

Learn more about angles of intersecting secants theorem here :



Which of the following is a solution to 6x - 5y=4?
(-1, -2)
(-2, -1)
(2, -7)




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

(6 x -1) -(-2 x 5) = 4

-6 + 10 = 4

Use the discriminant to describe the roots of each equation. Then select the best description.
7x² + 1 = 5x



Imaginary roots

Step-by-step explanation:

The discriminant of a quadratic in standard form [tex]ax^2+bx+c[/tex] is given by [tex]b^2-4ac[/tex].

Given [tex]7x^2+1=5x[/tex], subtract 5x from both sides so that the quadratic is in standard form:


Now assign variables:

[tex]a\implies 7[/tex] [tex]b\implies -5[/tex] [tex]c\implies 1[/tex]

The discriminant is therefore [tex](-5)^2-4(7)(1)=25-28=\textbf{-3}[/tex].

What does this tell us about the roots?

Recall that the discriminant is what is under the radical in the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is used to find the solutions of a quadratic. Therefore, the solutions of this quadratic would be equal to [tex]\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{-3}}{2a}[/tex] for some [tex]b[/tex] and [tex]a[/tex]. Since the number under the radical is negative, there are no real roots to the quadratic (whenever the discriminant is negative, the are zero real solutions to the quadratic). Therefore, the quadratic has imaginary roots.

Wayne has a rectangular painting. The width of the painting is

of a foot, and the length is
of a foot. What is the area of the painting?



5/8 ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle is given by

A = l*w  where l is the length and w is the width

A = 5/6 * 3/4

A = 3/6 * 5/4

A = 1/2 * 5/4

A = 5/8 ft^2




It is (x - 3)³ - 9x(3 - x)

Step-by-step explanation:

Express 27 in terms of cubes, 27 = 3³:

[tex] = {x}^{3} - {3}^{3} [/tex]

From trinomial expansion:

[tex] {(x - y)}^{3} = (x - y)(x - y)(x - y) \\ [/tex]

open first two brackets to get a quadratic equation:

[tex] {(x - y)}^{3} = ( {x}^{2} - 2xy + {y}^{2} )(x - y)[/tex]

expand further:

[tex] {(x - y)}^{3} = {x}^{3} - y {x}^{2} - 2y {x}^{2} + 2x {y}^{2} + x {y}^{2} - {y}^{3} \\ {(x - y)}^{3} = {x}^{3} - {y}^{3} + 3x {y}^{2} - 3y {x}^{2} \\ {(x - y)}^{3} = {x}^{3} - {y}^{3} + 3xy(y - x) \\ \\ { \boxed{( {x}^{3} - {y}^{3} ) = {(x - y)}^{3} - 3xy(y - x)}}[/tex]

take y to be 3, then substitute:

[tex]( {x}^{3} - 3^3) = {(x - 3)}^{3} - 9x(3 - x)[/tex]

The circle graph above shows the distribution of utility expenses for the Hierra family last year. If the family’s total utility expenses last year were $3,600, what were their expensive go water and sewer.
Water and sewer=X%
Heating and gas=50%



The correct answer is - $720 or 20%.

Step-by-step explanation:


Total expense = 3600


Heating and gas=50%

Water and sewer=X%


For electric: 3600*30/100 = 1080

for heating and gas: 3600*50/100 = 1800

Left money for expense of water and shower = total - (electric and heating)

= 3600-1880

= 720

Percentage of water and shower = 720*100/3600

= 20%



Step-by-step explanation:

Thank you this is correct :) I took the test

thank you for the help every one



1. 1.66in

2. 6.66in

3. 3.33in

4. 1inch

Step-by-step explanation:

the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length times width or the two sides.

5 x 1/3 is about 1.66 inches

5 x 4/3 is about 6.66 inches

5/2 x 4/3 is about 3.33 inches

and 7/6 x 6/7 is 1 inch

can anybody help me with this?



Option (a)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\sqrt[6]{1000m^{3} n^{12} } = \sqrt[6]{10^{3} } \sqrt[6]{m^{3} } \sqrt[6]{n^{12} } =\\\sqrt{10} \sqrt{m} n^{2} = n^{2} \sqrt{10m}[/tex]

What is the sum of the geometric sequence 1, 3, 9, ... if there are 10 terms? (5 points)



[tex]S_n = \frac{1 (1 - 3^{10})}{1 - 3} = 29524[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

There's a handy formula we can use to find the sum of a geometric sequence, and here it is

[tex]S_n = \frac{a_1 (1 - r^n)}{1 - r}[/tex]

The value n represents the amount of terms you want to sum in the sequence. The variable r is known as the common ratio, and a is just some constant. Let's find those values.

First lets visualize this sequence

[tex]n_1 = 1\\n_2 = 1 + 3\\n_3 = 1 + 3 + 3^2\\n_4=1+3+3^2+3^3\\...[/tex]

Okay so there's clearly a pattern here, let's write it a bit more concisely. For each n, starting at 1, we raise 3 to the (n-1) power, add it to what we had for the previous term.

[tex]S_n = \sum{3^{n-1}} = 3^{1 - 1} + 3^{2 - 1} + 3^{3-1} ...[/tex]

Our coefficients of r, and a, are already here! As you can see below, r is just 3, and a is just 1.

[tex]S_n = \sum{a*r^{n-1}}[/tex]

To finish up lets plug these coefficients in and get our sum after 10 terms.

[tex]S_n = \frac{1 (1 - 3^{10})}{1 - 3} = 29524[/tex]

What is the discriminat of 2x+5x^=1



don't know...........

It's 24 hope that's helps u out

Write an explicit formula for the sequence.


Step-by-step explanation:

Sequence is
































If it is Arithmetic sequence,















& so on

In the given sum,




























Since the difference between the successive terms is same and


common difference




find the perimeter of 6 CM 6 CM 6 CM 6 CM ​



P = 24

Step-by-step explanation:

Since all the sides are the same length, the shape is a square.

Multiply all sides by 6.

6 cm x 4 sides = 24

Solve -9 < 4x + 3 5 19.



C  -3 < x ≤ 4

Step-by-step explanation:

-9 < 4x + 3 ≤ 19.

Subtract 3 from all sides

-9-3 < 4x + 3-3 ≤ 19-3

-12 < 4x  ≤ 16

Divide by 4

-12/4 < 4x/4 ≤ 16/4

-3 < x ≤ 4

Which of the following is an advantage of using systematic random sampling?

Systematic random sampling reduces sampling variability.
Systematic random sampling does not require a finite population size.
Systematic random sampling could inadvertently miss patterns in the population.
Systematic random sampling uses clusters, which are close in proximity, making data collection easier.


This is a question that asks about the advantages of a systematic random sampling. Thus, we first take a look at the types of sampling, and then we see the advantage of systematic random sampling.

Samples may be classified as:

Convenient: Sample drawn from a conveniently available pool.

Random: Basically, put all the options into a hat and drawn some of them.

Systematic: Every kth element is taken. For example, you want to survey something on the street, you interview every 5th person, for example.

Cluster: Divides population into groups, called clusters, and each element in the cluster is surveyed.

Stratified: Also divides the population into groups. However, then only some elements of the group are surveyed.


One of the bigger advantages is that the systematic sampling eliminate clusters, which means that the last option is wrong.

Inadvertently missing patterns is a problem in systematic sampling, and not an advantage, thus the third option is also wrong.

It also does not reduce sampling variability, thus the first option is wrong.

From this, it can be concluded that the correct option is:

Systematic random sampling does not require a finite population size.

For another example of systematic random sampling, you can check https://brainly.com/question/21100042

Each Friday, the sixth grade students in Mr. Shin's physical education class spend the first five minutes doing crunches. Instead of keeping track of the weekly total number of crunches, Mr. Shin keeps track of how they do compared to the week before, and then records the result as a positive or negative number. Record the number for each of the following:

Ben did 10 more crunches this week than last week. What number would Mr. Shin record?

Gail did 8 less crunches this week than last week. What number would Mr. Shin record?

Nathaniel did the same number of crunches this week as last week. What number would Mr. Shin record?

awnser asap



Mr. Shim would record the number +10 or 10 for Ben because of the word "more".

For Gail, Mr. Shin would record the number -8 because of the word, "less''.

Since Nathaniel did not improve or decrease the number of crunches, Mr. Shin would record the number 0.

I hope this helps better

Give the domain and range of G={(6.0),(-9,-3),(1,-3)}



Step-by-step explanation:

D={ 6  , -9  , 1 }

R={  0  ,-3 }

i need help figuring it out


There are no attachments!

In the figure above, AABC is an equilateral
triangle and each circle is tangent to the other
two circles. If each circle has diameter 10, what
is the distance h?
(A) 103
(B) 1513
(C) 15+513
(D) 10+1013
(E) 10+5/5




Step-by-step explanation:

The range is the set of________

A) First Coordinates
B) Ordered Pairs
C) Second coordinates



The range is the set of first coordinates

From the figure, the cylinder glass has a height of 6 inches and a radius of the mouth of the glass 1.25 inches. Find the length of SK in inches.



D. 6.5

Step-by-step explanation:

The diameter of the cylinder is 1.25 x 2 = 2.5

SK = √1.25² + 6² = √42.25 = 6.5

Working for a car company, you have been assigned to find the average miles per gallon (mpg) for acertain model of car. you take a random sample of 15 cars of the assigned model. based on previous evidence and a qq plot, you have reason to believe that the gas mileage is normally distributed. you find that the sample average miles per gallon is around 26.7 with a standard deviation of 6.2 mpg.

a. Construct and interpret a 95% condence interval for the mean mpg, , for the certain model of car.
b. What would happen to the interval if you increased the condence level from 95% to 99%? Explain
c. The lead engineer is not happy with the interval you contructed and would like to keep the width of the whole interval to be less than 4 mpg wide. How many cars would you have to sample to create the interval the engineer is requesting?



a) The 95% confidence interval for the mean mpg, for the certain model of car is (23.3, 30.1). This means that we are 95% sure that the true mean mpg of the model of the car is between 23.3 mpg and 30.1 mpg.

b) Increasing the confidence level, the value of T would increase, thus increasing the margin of error and making the interval wider.

c) 37 cars would have to be sampled.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

We have the sample standard deviation, and thus, the t-distribution is used to solve this question.

The first step to solve this problem is finding how many degrees of freedom, we have. This is the sample size subtracted by 1. So

df = 15 - 1 = 14

95% confidence interval

Now, we have to find a value of T, which is found looking at the t table, with 14 degrees of freedom(y-axis) and a confidence level of [tex]1 - \frac{1 - 0.95}{2} = 0.975[/tex]. So we have T = 2.1448

The margin of error is:

[tex]M = T\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}} = 2.1448\frac{6.2}{\sqrt{15}} = 3.4[/tex]

In which s is the standard deviation of the sample and n is the size of the sample.

The lower end of the interval is the sample mean subtracted by M. So it is 26.7 - 3.4 = 23.3 mpg.

The upper end of the interval is the sample mean added to M. So it is 26.7 + 3.4 = 30.1 mpg.

The 95% confidence interval for the mean mpg, for the certain model of car is (23.3, 30.1). This means that we are 95% sure that the true mean mpg of the model of the car is between 23.3 mpg and 30.1 mpg.

b. What would happen to the interval if you increased the confidence level from 95% to 99%? Explain

Increasing the confidence level, the value of T would increase, thus increasing the margin of error and making the interval wider.

c. The lead engineer is not happy with the interval you constructed and would like to keep the width of the whole interval to be less than 4 mpg wide. How many cars would you have to sample to create the interval the engineer is requesting?

Width is twice the margin of error, so a margin of error of 2 would be need. To solve this, we have to consider the population standard deviation as [tex]\sigma = 6.2[/tex], and then use the z-distribution.

We have that to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.95}{2} = 0.025[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a pvalue of [tex]1 - 0.025 = 0.975[/tex], so Z = 1.96.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

How many cars would you have to sample to create the interval the engineer is requesting?

This is n for which M = 2. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]2 = 1.96\frac{6.2}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]2\sqrt{n} = 1.96*6.2[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{1.96*6.2}{2}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{1.96*6.2}{2})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 36.9[/tex]

Rounding up:

37 cars would have to be sampled.

Simplify as much as possible


the answer is 3,125.
take 5 to the third power (125) and multiply by 25 afterwards to get your answer

The distribution of widgets from a production line is known to be approximately normal with mean 2.7 inches and standard deviation 0.25 inches. About 95% of the distribution lies between what two values?
A. 2.45 inches and 3.2 inches
B. 2.45 inches and 2.95 inches
C. 2.2 inches and 3.2 inches
D. 1.95 inches and 3.45 inches


Option D is correct. 95% of the distribution lies between 1.9975inches and 3.4025inches.

To get the required range of values, we will have to first get the z-score for the two-tailed probability at a 95% confidence interval. According to the normal table, the required range is between -2.81 and 2.81

The formula for calculating the z-score is expressed as;

[tex]z=\frac{x-\overline x}{s}[/tex] where:

[tex]\overline x[/tex] is the mean

s is the standard deviation

z is the z-scores

Given the following

[tex]\overline x[/tex]=2.7 in

s = 0.25

if z = -2.81




Hence the 95% of the distribution lies between 1.9975inches and 3.4025inches.

Learn more on normal distribution here: https://brainly.com/question/23418254

I add 7 to a certain number. I double the result. My final answer is 34. What was my number?​



answer is 10


when u add 7 with 10 u get 17 then double of 17 is 34

I hope It helps

It is found that the unknown number was 10.

What is an equation?

An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more numbers and variables. The addition is one of the mathematical operations. then the addition of two numbers results in the total amount of the combined value.

Given that "I add 7 to a certain number. I double the result. My final answer is 34".

Let consider the number be 10.

When we add 7 with 10 we get;

7 + 10 =  17

then double the result of 17 = 34

Hence, the unknown number was 10.

Learn more about equations here;



Please help me determine the general equation for the graph above as well as solve for a. Thank you.


Observe that the x coords of the roots of a polynomial are,


Which can be put into form,


with data


Now if I take any root point and insert it into the equation I won't be able to solve for y because they will always multiply to zero (ie. when I pick [tex]x=-3[/tex] the right hand side will multiply to zero,


and a will be "lost" in the process.

If we observed a non-root point that we could substitute with x and y and result in a non-loss process then you could find a. But since there is no such point (I don't think you can read it of the graph) there is no other viable way to find a.

Hope this helps :)

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