9. Question
As sysadmin, you will have to prioritize issues. Which of these issues would be a top priority
A central printer is down
A server stopped provide service to 100 users
Auser has forgotten the AWON
A users computer Keupayashi


Answer 1
A server stopped provide service to 100 users

Related Questions

The device which superimposes information onto a high frequency signal for transmission is called: a modulator a demodulator the carrier the intelligence



a modulator


Modulation can be defined as the conversion of digital signals into an analogue signal while transmitting it over a line. Similarly, demodulation is the conversion of analogue signal into a digital signal.

AM is an acronym for Amplitude Modulation and it's refers to a process that is typically used for coding sounds such as voices and music for transmission from one point to another.

On the other hand, FM is an acronym for frequency modulation used for the propagation and transmission of sound waves.

Basically, these two forms of modulation are used for broadcasting in radio transmission.

In Radio transmission, a modulator is an electronic device that is designed to superimpose a low frequency information onto a high frequency signal for transmission. Also, the high frequency is typically the carrier in the radio transmission process.

Write a program that will: 1. Call a function to input temperatures for consecutive days in an array. The temperatures are to be integer numbers. 2. The user will input the number of temperatures. There will be no more than 10 temperatures. 3. Call a function to sort the array by ascending order. You can use any sorting algorithm you wish as long as you can explain it. 4. Call a function that will return the average of the temperatures. The average should be displayed to two decimal places.



Following are the program to the given question:

#include<iostream>//defining header file  

using namespace std;

float temperatures()//defining a method temperatures


int a[10],i,j,n,min,max,sum=0,temp;//defining integer variable

float avg;//defining floating point variable

cout<<"Please input the number of temperatures to be read: ";//print message

cin>>n;//input integer value

if(i>10)//use if to check array length greater than 10

return -1;//return integer value -1

for(j=0;j<n;j++)//defining loop to input value


cout<<"Input temperature: "<<endl;//print message

cin>>a[j];//holding value in loop


for(i=0;i<n-1;i++)//defining loop to compare array value


for(j=i+1;j<n-1;j++)//defining loop to compare array value


if(a[i]>a[j])//use if to compare array values



temp=a[j];//holding array value in temp

a[j]=a[i];//holding value in first index of array  

a[i]=temp;//holding temp value




max=min=a[0];//holding max value  

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)//defining loop to compare array value


if (a[i] > max)//use if to compare max array value


max = a[i];//holding max array value


else if (a[i] < min)//use else if to compare min array value


min = a[i];//holding min array value



for(i=0;i<n;i++)//use loop to add array value

sum=sum+a[i];//adding array value

avg=(float) sum/n;//calculating avg of the array

std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed);//using namespace

std::cout.precision(2);//using precision method

cout<<"The average temperature is: "<<avg<<endl;//print avg value with message

cout<<"The highest temperature is: "<<max<<endl;//print max value with message

cout<<"The lowest temperature is: "<<min<<endl;//print min value with message

return avg;//return avg value


int main()//defining main method


float k;//defining float variable

k=temperatures();//calling method  



Please find the attached file.


In this code, a method "temperatures" is declared that defines the integer and float variable in which "n, array" is used to store the array value and inside the method min and max variable is declared that use the conditional statement to store its value.

Outside the main method, a floating-point variable "k" is declared that calls the method and stores its value.  

Computer applications



please tell the question clearly

Insert XXX to output the student's ID. public class Student { private double myGPA; private int myID; public getID) { return myID; public static void main(String [] args) { Student s = new Studento; XXX System.out.println("Student ID: "); System.out.println("Student ID:" + getID()); System.out.println("Student ID:" + s.getId()); System.out.println("Student ID:" + student.getID()); A static main() _ has direct access to class instance members can declare and create objects can call instance methods without an object O can not be included within a programmer-defined class What is stored in score1, score2, and grade? Integer scorel = 72; int score2 = 85; Character grade = 'C'; obj reference, 85, obj reference 72,85, obj reference, obj reference, obj reference obj reference, obj reference, Which is true? Instances of programmer-defined objects are immutable Contents of a Double instance can be modified after initialization An instance of String stores data rather than an object reference Reference variables store memory locations




The question above is missing many details and are actually various questions in one. I will answer each one seperately below...

A. The piece of code to get the ID in this code snippet that needs to replace XXX would be the following ... System.out.println("Student ID: " + s.getID());

B. A static main() can declare and create objects. Once these objects are created their instance methods can then be called.

C. Integer score1 = 72;

    int score2 = 85;

    Character grade = 'C';

     In the above code snippet, the information stored in score1, score2, and grade are the following... obj reference, 85, obj reference. This is becasue both Integer and Character are classes and the values being passed to their variables are referencing that object class, while score2 is a primitive type of int and is therefore simply a number.

D. The statement that is true is ... Contents of a Double instance can be modified after initialization. Objects can be modified by calling its setter methods after initializing it.

Convert each number into scientific notation.
1. 4,000,000,000
2. 0.000000027
3. 67,760,000
4. 90,500
5. 540,900
6. 0.00904
7. 0.032
8. 512,000,000



4 * 10^9

2.7 * 10^-8

6.776 * 10^7



9.04 * 10^-3

3.2 * 10^-2

5.12 * 10^8


1. 4,000,000,000

4 * 1,000,000,000 = 4 * (10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10) = 4 * 10^9

2. 0.000000027

27 * 10^-9 = 2.7 * 10^-8

0.000000027 = 2.7 * 10^-8

3. 67,760,000 = 6776 * 10000

6776 * 10000 = 6776 * 10^4

6776 * 10^4 = 6.776 * 10^3 * 10^4 = 6.776 * 10^7

4. 90,500

905 * 100 = (9.05 * 100) * 100

(9.05*100) * 100 = 9.05 * 10^2 * 10^2 = 9.05*10^4

5. 540,900

5409 * 100 = (5.409 * 1000) * 100

(5.409*1000)*100 = 5.409*10^3 * 10^2

5.409*10^3 * 10^2 = 5.409*10^5

6.) 0.00904

0.00904 = 904 * 10^-5

904 * 10^-5 = 9.04 * 10^-3

7. 0.032

32 * 10^-3 = 3.2 * 10^-2

8. 512,000,000

512 * 1000000

512 * 10^6 = 5.12 * 10^2 * 10^6 = 5.12 * 10^8

Write a C++ program that displays the appropriate shipping charge based on the region code entered by the user. To be valid, the region code must contain exactly three characters: a letter (either A or B) followed by two numbers. The shipping charge for region A is $25. The shipping charge for region B is $30. Display an appropriate message if the region code is invalid. Use a sentinel value to end the program. Save and then run the program. Test the program using the following region codes: A11, B34, C7, D2A, A3N, C45, and 74TV.



Following are the code to the given question:

#include <iostream>//header file

#include <string>//header file

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


string region;//defining a string variABLE

while(true)//defining a while loop for input value


cout << "Enter the region code(-1 to quit): ";//print message

cin >> region;//input string value

if(region == "-1")//defining  if to checks string value


break;//use break keyword


else//else block


if(region.length() != 3)//defining if to check string value length not equal to 3  {

cout<<"Invalid region code. Region code must contain exactly three characters."<<endl;//print message




if(region.at(0) == 'A' || region.at(0) == 'B')//defining at method that checks string value


if((region.at(1) >= '0' && region.at(1) <='9') && (region.at(2) >= '0' && region.at(2) <='9'))//defining at method that checks string value


if(region.at(0) == 'A')//defining at method that checks string value


cout<<"The shipping charge for region is $25."<<endl;//print message




cout<<"The shipping charge for region is $30."<<endl;//print message





cout<<"Invalid region code. Region code should start with A or B followed by two numbers."<<endl;//print message    





cout<<"Invalid region code. Region code should start with A or B."<<endl;//print message





return 0;



Please find the attached file.


In this code, inside the main method a string variable "region" is declared that use while loop to the input value and use the conditional statement that checks the input value and print the value as per the condition and print the value.

Consider the following class definition.
public class Example {
private int x;
// Constructor not shown.
Which of the following is a correct header for a method of the Example class that would return the value of the private instance variable x so that it can be used in a class other than Example ?
private int getX()
private void getX()
public int getX()
public void getX()
public void getX(int x)



public int getX()


From the question, we understand that the value is to be accessed in other classes.

This implies that we make use of the public access modifier. Using the public modifier will let the instance variable be accessed from other classes.

Also, we understand the return type must be the variable type of x. x is defined as integer. So, the constructor becomes public x

Lastly, we include the constructor name; i.e. getX().

Hence, the constructor is: public int getX()

Write a program that does the following: - Ask user to input lengths of three sides. - Classify it into one of the following: o Equilateral triangle o Isosceles right triangle o Isosceles triangle that is not a right triangle o A triangle that is not an isosceles and not an equilateral For example, an execution could look like



You did not specify which programming language you use, but you can use if statements to check each using the sides.

- A triangle is equilateral when all the 3 sides are equal. (a = b = c)

- A triangle is isoscles when two of the sides are equal (a = b or b = c or c = a)

- A triangle is right when square of side C is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. (c^2 = a^2 + b^2)

- For the last classification you can use "else"

If you noticed, the condition to have an isosceles triangle is repeated for two of the tasks so we can use the same if statement to check if the triangle is isosceles right or just isoscles with two built-in if statements (if and else)- if it's right then it's isosceles right else it's just isosceles.

And else statement for the last task.

Example code structure:

If triangle is Equilateral then

- Equilateral Triangle


If triangle is Isoscles then

if triangle is right then

- Isoscles Right Triangle


else (the triangle is not right)

- Isoscles Triangle



else (the triangle is not Equilateral nor Isoscles)

- Triangle that is not isoscles nor equilateral.



Here is a code example with java, I hope it helps, although it might not be the programming language you use:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Triangle {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner input = new


System.out.print("side a = ");

int a = input.nextInt();

System.out.print("side b = ");

int b = input.nextInt();

System.out.print("side c = ");

int c = input.nextInt();

if (a == b &amp;&amp; b == c)


System.out.println("Equilateral Triangle);


else if (a == b || b == c || a == c) {

if ( (int) math.pow(c, 2) == (int) (math.pow(a, 2) + math.pow(b, 2)))


System.out.println("Isoscles Right Triangle");


else {

System.out.println("Isoscles triangle that is not a right triangle");



else {

System.out.println("Triangle that is not Isoscles nor Equilateral");




Let me know if you have any questions.

Which effect is used in this image?
sepia effect
selective focus
zoom effect
soft focus



Please show me the image, it is not there


I will wait, don't worry I will help you whenever you want! :)

there’s no picture
post the question again

You are working on a graphical app, which includes multiple different shapes. The given code declares a base Shape class with an abstract area() method and a width attribute. You need to create two Shape subclasses, Square and Circle, which initialize the width attribute using their constructor, and define their area() methods. The area() for the Square class should output the area of the square (the square of the width), while for the Circle, it should output the area of the given circle (PI*width*width). The code in main creates two objects with the given user input and calls the area() methods.

Sample Input:

Sample Output:

The area of the square is 5*5=25, while the area of the circle is PI*2*2=12.566370614359172


A class can have multiple subclasses, where each of the subclasses function independently. The extend keyword will be used to pass attributes from the Shape class to the Square and Circle subclasses

To answer this question, I will make the following assumptions

The Shape class is already definedThe area() method of the Shape class is also definedLines that begin with // are comments, and these lines will be used to explain the code segment

//This creates the Square class

class Square extends Shape {

//The creates a constructor for width variable

Square(int length) {  this.width = length;  }

//This defines the area() method from the Square class

void area() {  

//This calculates and prints the area of the square

System.out.print(Math.pow(width,2));  } }

//This creates the Circle class

class Circle extends Shape {

//The creates a constructor for width variable

Circle(int radius){  this.width = radius;  }

//This defines the area() method from the Square class

void area(){

//This calculates and prints the area of the circle


} }

Read more about abstract class at:


Question 1 (10 points)
A variable's
indicates the type of data that the variable will hold.
a) name
b) data type
c) scope
d) value


D value Hshdhbsisgbep
D is the answer because the value contains the data type

Miss Jones is a small business entrepreneur who currently does everything manually. She is the
head chef at her small cook shop which has many loyal repeat customers. Her assistant helps with
cooking as well as the paperwork. Miss Jones also employs someone to makes deliveries to
customers. Customers order via telephone and everything is handwritten.
There are various issues such as missing orders, receipts and customer contact information. Two
stand-alone computers and a printer are in the office. One computer is not working due to a virus
and the other is not connected to the printer so no printing can be done at this time. The assistant
accidentally deleted all files on this second computer which therefore is not being used.
A. Advise Miss Jones of TWO (2) advantages of setting up a computer network. 4 marks)
B. Describe TWO (2) network hardware that Miss Jones will need. (4 marks)
C. Which wired transmission medium would you recommend? Why? (3 marks)
D. What TWO (2) risk management strategies would you recommend? Give reasons for
your answer. (4 marks)
E. Miss Jones has decided to keep customer data in an electronic database to help the
situation. If you were to create a table to hold customer data, what FOUR (4) fields
would you include? (2 marks)
F. Other than customers calling in, which office automation technology could be used to
capture orders? Give reasons for your answer. (3 marks)


I think it would be that because head chef

The manager of the Super Supermarket would like to be able to compare the unit price for products sold there. To do this, the program should input the name and price of an item per pound and its weights in pounds and ounces. Then it should determine and display the unit price (the price per ounce) of that item and the total cost of the amount purchased. You will need the following variables:
ItemName PoundPrice Pounds
TotalPrice Ounces UnitPrice

You will need the following formulas:

UnitPrice = PoundPrice/16
TotalPrice = PoundPrice * (Pounds + Ounces/16)



ItemName=input("Enter the name of the item purchased: ")

PoundPrice=input("Enter the price of an item per pound: ")

Pound=input("Enter the weight in pound: ")

Ounce=input("Enter the weight in ounce: ")



print("The unit price is: "+UnitPrice)

print("The total price is: "+TotalPrice)

If this is what you needed:/

Explain why Thompson's Construction Algorithm is considered to be a proof by induction. Hint: consider what the inductive steps and base cases are. What does Thompson's Construction Algorithm prove



We assume that the NFA for the expression S is theorem by using the expressions given below.

Cases as

NFA for empty-expression is ε NFA for symbol is a  NFA for union expression is a|b NFA for concatenation expression is ab NFA for Kleene star expression is a*

Thompson's Construction Algorithm proves that any expression can be expressions in the NFA's.

Explain why the network administrator uses the hexadecimal



The main reason why we use hexadecimal numbers is because it provides a more human-friendly representation and is much easier to express binary number representations in hex than it is in any other base number system. Computers do not actually work in hex. Lets take an example, using a byte.

Hope this answer is right!!



I am not able to open the pdf kindly send the jpg form.

Katie and her mom had an argument. Katie was at the mall when her mom called on her cell phone. What type of noise came up in their



Noise pollution.


Noise pollution is too loud noise that is harmful to health or that significantly reduces the comfort of the environment or significantly impairs work. Noise pollution arises, for example, from traffic and work machines, as well as from noisy events such as open-air concerts. Noise pollution can also arise from industrial plants (such as wind turbines, rock crushers), work machines (such as cargo handling equipment in ports and other sites), individual machines and equipment (such as leaf blowers, clearing and chainsaws, air conditioners), water pumps) and other noise sources. The noise of the work machines also causes inconvenience to the user of the device if the source of the noise is close to the hearing system of the machine operator.

Which company was the first to develop personal computers?



A small firm named MITS made the first personal computer, the Altair. This computer, which used Intel Corporation's 8080 microprocessor, was developed in 1974. Though the Altair was popular among computer hobbyists, its commercial appeal was limited.


Assume that x is a char variable that has been declared and already given a value. Write an expression whose value is true if and only if x is a decimal digit (0-9).



The expression in python is: x.isdigit()



Character variable x


Expression that evaluates if x is decimal or not

The expression in python is: x.isdigit()

If x is digit 0 - 9, x.isdigit() will equal True

Otherwise, it will equal False

This program outputs a downwards facing arrow composed of a rectangle and a right triangle. The arrow dimensions are defined by user specified arrow base height, arrow base width, and arrow head width.
(1) Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow base of height arrowBaseHeight. (1 pt)
(2) Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow base of width arrowBaseWidth. Use a nested loop in which the inner loop draws the *’s, and the outer loop iterates a number of times equal to the height of the arrow base. (1 pt)
(3) Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow head of width arrowHeadWidth. Use a nested loop in which the inner loop draws the *’s, and the outer loop iterates a number of times equal to the height of the arrow head. (2 pts)
(4) Modify the given program to only accept an arrow head width that is larger than the arrow base width. Use a loop to continue prompting the user for an arrow head width until the value is larger than the arrow base width. (1 pt)
while (arrowHeadWidth <= arrowBaseWidth) {
// Prompt user for a valid arrow head value
Example output for arrowBaseHeight = 5, arrowBaseWidth = 2, and arrowHeadWidth = 4:
Enter arrow base height:
Enter arrow base width:
Enter arrow head width:

This is what I have:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DrawHalfArrow
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
int arrowBaseHeight = 0;
int arrowBaseWidth = 0;
int arrowHeadWidth = 0;
System.out.println("Enter arrow base height:");
arrowBaseHeight = scnr.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter arrow base width:");
arrowBaseWidth = scnr.nextInt();
while (arrowHeadWidth >= arrowBaseWidth)
System.out.println("Enter arrow head width:");
arrowHeadWidth = scnr.nextInt();
// Draw arrow base (height = 3, width = 2)
for(int i=0; i < arrowBaseHeight; ++i)
for(int j=0; j < arrowBaseWidth; ++j)
// Draw arrow head (width = 4)
for(int i=0; i < arrowHeadWidth; ++i)
for(int j=0; j < arrowHeadWidth-i; ++j)



The modified program in Java is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

 int arrowHeadWidth, arrowBaseWidth, arrowBaseHeight;

 System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Height: "); arrowBaseHeight = input.nextInt();

 while (arrowHeadWidth <= arrowBaseWidth) {

       System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();      }

 for(int i = 0; i<arrowBaseHeight; i++){

     for(int j = 0; j<arrowBaseWidth;j++){

         System.out.print("*");        }

         System.out.println();    }

 for(int i = arrowHeadWidth; i>0;i--){

     for(int j = 0; j<i;j++){

         System.out.print("*");        }

         System.out.println();    }




This declares the arrow dimensions

 int arrowHeadWidth, arrowBaseWidth, arrowBaseHeight;

This get input for the head width

 System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

This get input for the base width

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();

This get input for the base height

 System.out.print("Base Height: "); arrowBaseHeight = input.nextInt();

This loop is repeated until the head width is greater than the base width

 while (arrowHeadWidth <= arrowBaseWidth) {

       System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();      }

This iterates through the base height

 for(int i = 0; i<arrowBaseHeight; i++){

This iterates through the base width

     for(int j = 0; j<arrowBaseWidth;j++){

This fills the base

         System.out.print("*");        }

This prints a new line

         System.out.println();    }

These iterate through the arrow head

 for(int i = arrowHeadWidth; i>0;i--){

     for(int j = 0; j<i;j++){

This fills the arrow head

         System.out.print("*");        }

This prints a new line

         System.out.println();    }

Another name for computer



popo gggggggghhhhhhhghghgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

System software hope this helps

Examples of analog computer



Some examples include:



operational amplifiers

mechanical integrators  


which scratch block is used to ask questions?​



The Ask block is used for asking a question:

Ask () and wait is used and it is in the sensing tab

Hope it helps :)

(100 points) why does file explorer look like this and how do I fix it? I'm not good with computers, and I kinda need help


Go To View -> Navigation Pane -> Then Click Navigation Pane

1. Briefly explain some examples of convergence in the wireless market.​



Some examples of convergence in the wireless market include mobile phones, data communication, radio device etc.


Some examples of convergence in the wireless market are as follows –  

a) Using feature of radio device on phone which is nothing but a default application on the mobile device in the wireless market

b) Data communication is a mode to share data in wireless mode through the internet

c) Mobile phones – Mobile phones are best example of devices operating in the wireless market. It is basically used to call to one or many at a time through network service provider without using an internet

Suppose your training examples are sentences (sequences of words). Which of the following refers to the j^th word in the i^th training example?

We index into the ith row first to get ith the training example (represented by parentheses), then the column to get jth the word (represented by the brackets).

a. x^(j)
b. x^(j)
c. x^(i)



a. x^<i>(j)


The solution has been explained in the question; however, I will provide further explanation.

The sequence to access a word is:

Training example --> Word

In other words, you first access the training example, before you gain access to the word being searched for.

Rewrite the following:

Training example --> Word


ith training example --> jth word

Hence, the representation is:


the nth term of the given sequence is n(n+1)÷2.calculate the number of dots in the 8th term​



the 8th term of the given series =n( n+1)÷2= 8(8+1)÷2 = (8×9)/2 = 72÷2 = 36

A list is sorted by selecting the largest element in the list and swapping it with the last one. This technique is called ________.


selection sort is the answer

The 8086 to enable the most significant data bus bits (D15-D8) during a read or a write operation using -------- A- RD, WR pin
B- BHE pin
C- S3 / S6 status bus pin. D - 10 / M​



The correct option for the given question is an option (B) BHE pin.


   BHE stands for Bus High Enable. It is available at pin 34 and used to indicate the transfer of data using data bus D8-D15. This signal is low during the first clock cycle, thereafter it is active. It is available at pin 32 and is used to read signals for Read operation.      

Which are guidlines for using themes? Check all that apply


Answer: A. Using different cell styles can help you differentiate different types of data.

B. Fonts should be easily readable and of appropriate size.

D. Be consistent with themes across worksheets and workbooks.


A theme refers to the preset package that contains functionality details and graphical appearance.

The guidelines for using themes include:

• Using different cell styles can help you differentiate different types of data.

• Fonts should be easily readable and of appropriate size.

• Be consistent with themes across worksheets and workbooks.

Therefore, the correct options are A, B and D.

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