a bakery offers sale price of $2.25 for 4 muffins. what is the price per dozen


Answer 1


$6.75 per dozen


one dozen is 12



Related Questions

write a letter to the principal of your school complaining about the dirty environment of your school and make necessary suggestions for the way forward​


                                                                                         (you address)

(schools address)


                Respected madam,

Hello! how are you i am writing this letter to complain about the bad environment of the school the washrooms and classes are very dirty

and smell bad and its very hard to concentrate i  the classes so i request you to please make someone to clean it thank you for reading this letter

your sincerely,

(your name)

When evaluating an argumentative essay, how can you tell if the evidence is sound
It is detailed, organized, and logical.
It is relevant, and valid, and free of bias.
It seems related to the argument’s main claim
It seems more reasonable than other evidence.





You can tell if it is sound and valid if they have evidince. If it is full of opinions, then it is not valid. If it is orginized and a first grader could understand the thought pattern (in a sense) then you can know that ti is logical. Read all arguments and the one that seems most logical is.

Facts, documentation, or testimony are referred to as evidence in an argument when they are utilized to bolster a claim, bolster an argument, or come to a conclusion. Therefore, option (c) or (iii): "It seems related to the argument’s main claim is the correct answer."

How does sound evidence support an argumentative essay?

Claims are assertions about what is true, good, or what ought to be done or held to be true. Claims may be subject to dispute.

Evidence backs up the arguments made and persuades audiences to accept statements. Different types of evidence exist, and they frequently differ from one academic discipline or argument topic to another.

Arguments made during meals regarding Paul Newman's films require different kinds of evidence than arguments made during scientific discussions of global warming.

Only when necessary, and utilizing only trustworthy, diverse evidence, should personal experiences be included. To be more convincing, all evidence should be empirically and scientifically supported.

Check out the link below to learn about argumentative evidence;



the unwritten rule essay​





What is a more formal way of saying “stick with”? ie. “To keep the project as simple as possible, it is best to choose only one topic and stick with it”


Answer: Adhere to, Stand by

Explanation: “To keep the project as simple as possible, it is best to choose only one topic and adhere to it”

“To keep the project as simple as possible, it is best to choose only one topic and stand by it”

Hope that helps!


it is highly encourage to remain in a single topic

could someone help w an assignment asap, thanks in advance!

in 250 words (half a page, or 3-4 paragraphs), give your reader your argument for the greatest...There is nothing better than... (choose something you think is the greatest)

It could be anything. Food places, thoughts, music, sports, anything. Challenge yourself to think of something you don't think anyone could think of. Give at least 4 reasons why your choice is the greatest.​




The world would be a very quiet place. Music is in many ways the fabric of our lives and the definition of society. It is a reminder of how things once were, an indication of how things are, and a view of where society is headed. Music is a direct reflection of the picture of society. Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poetic medium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of entertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be that much less complete without it that life as we know it would not at all be the same without music. Music is the perfect art. It has movement, because it progresses over a set period of time.  However, music does not restrict the audience in the way that movies or graphic art does. The listener can create whatever image she or he wants to when listening to music. It is an art that appeals to the conscious mind, but the best music also appeals to the subconscious. No thought is required to enjoy good music, though it is often thought-inspiring. Instrumental music does not bind the listener into a fixed template in the way that literature and poetry do: the reaction to music is different from person to person Music with lyrics is often referred to as “words set to music.” This is not always the case.  However, they restrict the images of the musical work in the same way that prose and poetry limit their subject. Whether instrumental or lyrical, music comes from the people and can enlighten us all. It was during the 1960s that the social revolution and the struggles for civil rights inspired such musicians as Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Joan Baez to write songs of protest. In turn, the music of these artists, and many others, influenced the younger generations and spread the word of the revolution. Without music, many teenagers of the time would not have been given the influence of the time or its associated mentality. Music was, and continues to be, a kind of social education to the younger generation. Teenagers turn to popular music for their philosophies and get a sense of their place in the world. In fact, cliques of young people are often defined by the music they listen to: “punks” listen to punk rock and heavy metal; “nerds” are reputed to listen to classical music; the “in” crowd listens to the latest material alternative music has to offer; the “loners” listen to obscure pop artists or classic rock. Youth culture would be much less vivid than it is if the world had no music. Generations would not be sparked to action without music. The war drums of primitive peoples were a kind of music. It was they that stirred the Cavemen and the Vikings to participate in decade-long wars. Music's social influence is ever-present. Our society is shaped by it. Not only is music the chisel of society; it is a constant thread that runs through nature. Music is everywhere: the sound of falling water, the rustle of leaves underfoot, the call of wild birds even the sound of rush-hour traffic is a kind of music. The common definition of music is “a series of pitches and rhythms that have an overall coherence.” This definition is limited to man-made music. For humans to create music is inevitable. It is as natural as thought.  Therefore, the idea of a world without music is highly hypothetical. One would sooner consider a life without experiences or a year without days. A day in a world without music might proceed like this: One would awaken to the sound of a radio announcer speaking about politics. On the way to work, the radio show would consist of interviews with famous personalities. The work day would be terribly boring, since the office would not have any decorations (these would have been made by artists who had been influenced by music).  This “world without music” seems to have incoherence's and cracks in it. It does not make sense and does not quite explain itself. Music is essential for the world to even make sense. It is as fundamentally inherent as gravity is in the universe. Any attempt to restrict or control music, such as is made in communist politics, is both vain and unrealistic. One cannot challenge the broadloom of the universe when making political policies!  The history of human musicians is rich, and has many fine people lining its ranks. Music has changed the artistic and non-artistic world immeasurably, such that a world without music is nothing more than a terrifying fantasy.  A world without music would be a quiet place indeed.


2 He
.... my tablet for months before he decided to buy his own.
a had been borrowing
b had borrowed
C borrowed
d borrows​



option b

he had borrowed my tablet for months before he decided to buy his own.

Which statement would the author most likely AGREE with? a) Every phishing attack involves stealing the victim's identity to commit fraud. b) In a phishing attack, an attacker overpowers a victim with a stronger computer. c) In a spear phishing attack, the attacker erases the victim's identity. d) If a phishing attack is successful, users willingly give attackers sensitive data



D) If a phishing attack is successful, users willingly give attackers sensitive data.


Phishing attack is method of cyber crime in which an email or pop up appears towards the victim which asks to share their bank details or credit card information. It appears like the bank or financial institution is asking such details. When user enter the details his identity gets haccked which are used to commit frauds.

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The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Chapters 1-4: Mastery Test
Submit Test
Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich suggests that Ivan Ilyich aspired to be part of the elite in society from a
young age?
Ivan Ilyich was le phenix de la famille as people sald. He was neither as cold and formal as his elder brother nor as wild as the younger, but was
a happy mean between them-an intelligent polished, lively and agreeable man. He had studied with his younger brother at the School of Law,
but the latter had failed to complete the course and was expelled when he was in the fifth class. Ivan Ilyich finished the course well. Even when
he was at the School of Law he was just what he remained for the rest of his life: a capable, cheerful, good-natured, and sociable man, though
strict in the fulfillment of what he considered to be his duty, and he considered his duty to be what was so considered by those in authority.
Neither as a boy nor as a man was he a toady, but from early youth was by nature attracted to people of high station as a fly is drawn to the
light, assimilating their ways and views of life and establishing friendly relations with them. All the enthusiasms of childhood and youth passed
without leaving much trace on him; he succumbed to sensuality, to vanity, and latterly among the highest classes to liberalism, but always within
limits which his Instinct unfallingly indicated to him as correct.
At school he had done things which had formerly seemed to him very horrid and made him feel disgusted with himself when he did them; but
when later on he saw that such actions were done by people of good position and that they did not regard them as wrong, he was able not
exactly to regard them as right, but to forget about them entirely or not be at all troubled at remembering them.



Ivan Ilyich was le phenix de la famille as people sald. He was neither as cold and formal as his elder brother nor as wild as the younger, but was

a happy mean between them-an intelligent polished, lively and agreeable man. He had studied with his younger brother at the School of Law,

but the latter had failed to complete the course and was expelled when he was in the fifth class.


2. Pretest: Unit 1
Question 13 of 21
Read the following passage:
Neighbors peered at us as we walked by. Their eyes
weighed us. Their eyes judged us. And as they peered, we
straightened our backs and lifted our chins in contempt.
We didn't care what they thought.
Which rhetorical technique does the passage best exemplify?
A. Hyperbole
O B. Parallelism
C. Understatement
D. Satire





I think it’s either d or c but more d

Which of these statements BEST summerizes the main idea for paragraph 2?



Where exactly is paragraph 2? lol

the beginning of the Maasai

Life was peaceful for Neiterkob, the herder of cattle and father of the Maasai. Then, a volcano erupted and sent his cattle flying into the air, where they could not survive. Finally, the wise god Enkai grew a giant fig tree so the cattle could climb back to earth. This is one of the reasons cattle are sacred to the Maasai people.



A) Yes, because it includes key ideas from the beginning, middle, and end, and it explains the conflict and resolution.

i need help with my homework



The answer is A


Which sentence is the most effective thesis?
A. Jakovlevitch in "The Nose" first notices that his nose is missing
when he shaves.
B. "The Nose" is a short story that is just one part of a larger genre of
C. Nikolai Gogol's "The Nose" makes an important point about
people's vanity
D. The main character in "The Nose" reacts unrealistically to his nose


Why A and D do not work: A thesis is not plot.
Why B does not work: A thesis is not a description of the type of the book.

How does the analogy in this cartoon clarify the cartoonist’s meaning?

Comparing something that is part of nature to something that is not shows that plastic bags are a problem.

Comparing the leaves and the bags shows that the cartoonist wants us to think that raking leaves is like cleaning up trash.

Comparing the man’s annoyance to the woman’s happiness shows that the cartoonist wants us to think about our feelings.

Comparing the woman’s positivity to the man’s negativity shows that the cartoonist wants us to consider both sides of the topic.



Comparing the leaves and the bags shows that the cartoonist wants us to think that raking leaves is like cleaning up trash.

Answer: A


How do the choices we make affect our survival? Explain give me a paragraph


Everyday we make choices, and these choices affect our survival. Here is an example, you are taking a walk and you have to cross the street. You can either chose to wait for the red light, or you can walk across when you think no cars are nearby. If you walk across the street when there is a red light, chances are you will be safe, but if you don't wait and decide to jaywalk, you have a big chance of getting hit. Little things like this can greatly affect our survival

Hope this helps!

1-A hotel is a place ______ people stay when they're on holiday.
2-Robert didn't get the job ________ he applied for.
alguien por favor que me diga cual es el pronombre o adverbio relativo de estas dos por favorr



1st answer is where

2nd answer is which

3. How has the introduction of remote learning impacted your life? Has it been a positive experience for you? Why or why not?
4. What are 2 positive aspects and 2 negative aspects of using Teams and laptops?
5. As far as remote learning is concerned, what do you hope next school year looks like? Do you want hybrid and remote options? Why or why not?
6. What are your overall expectations for yourself as a 9th grader? Academically, what will you do differently next year? What improvements will you make?



Answer them with how the beverage virus impacted you.


3.) The introduction of remote learning impacted my life by making it more difficult to understand, as there aren't any teachers in person to help you make desicions as well as the internet not being as reliable as being there in real life.

4.) Using Teams and laptops allows us to explore the internet more, though it may cause people to get headaches, or other. Another good thing about Teams and laptops is that you can send in your work through taking pictures, though they sometimes come across too blurry or theres a light glare and your teacher can't grade it.

5.) I want hybrid options because I would love to go back to school in real life. Staying at home is very boring as there isn't really anyone to talk to or I'm just not wanting to do my work. I really hope that we can start going back to school in real life.

6.) I think that since we got out way before we should have, it might be difficult to work without the knowledge I was supposed to learn the year we all missed.

It's been a while it seems they removed the ch,at box under questions and answers?

rebulusyong nag dulot ng pangangailangan ng pagkukunan ng hilaw na materyal at pamimilihan ng yaring produkto ​



I am really sorry because

Your question is Filipino, I don't understand, please fix it, only English can be used here, no Filipino question here, ok

what should we should do when we are so sad and angry also??​



You should be cool down

you should not think about anything

sit in peace and talk with your closet person whom you like to

be happy safe and healthy

always keep smiling ♥️

Which themes does Mr. Shiftlet help reveal?



Ultimately, the only life that Shiftlet is interested in looking after is his own. He has no real interest in marrying the deaf, childlike Lucynell.It shows that despite his immoral actions toward Lucynell, he doesn't think he's part of the "slime." It illustrates that he made the right decision when he left Lucynell and picked up the boy instead.Beauty and truth appear in unexpected places are some things Mr.Shiflet helps to reveal!


hey mate i hope it will help you!!


Which themes does Mr. Shiftlet help reveal?

✔ A, C

Which themes does Mrs. Crater help reveal?

✔ A, C

Which theme does Lucynell help reveal?

✔ B


The moors make arrangements to hire how large a band for the graduation event



Completa la oración: We....................... to France three times. Ayuda xd





Sería en pasado, porque habla de ír a Francia. Y como es en pasado porque dice three times, go en pasado es went. No se si se entendio xd.

halp plz asap TwT

would rlly appreciate it


1. Reproduce
2. Sex organs
3. Offspring
4. Ovaries
5. Eggs
6. Testes
7. Sperm
8. Fertilization
9. Sexual
10. Puberty

i need help with this the blue are the answer choices



1. under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good-will of my people.

2. not doubting but by your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and valor in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over those enemies of my God, of my kingdom and of my people.  


The two parts above are the parts of the speech that actually illustrate that the speech is a persuasive text.

The Queen's statement in the passage which she states that under God she has placed her chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good-will of her people actually strengthens her persuasive approach. She was pointing out that she actually trusts her people.

Also, in the last highlighted sentence, she persuasively makes her audience understand that they will have a famous victory.

Why might an author choose to use a third person narrator?
A. To allow the readers to feel as if they are a part of the story
B. To create a more personal experience for the reader
C. To tell the story from many different perspectives
D. To show the thoughts and feelings of one character


C. Tell the story from many different perspectives

His father doesn't want him to drink spirits. Disapproves His father ....................................... Spirits.


So what’s the question

Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. If the students continue to fail tests, there going to lose senior trip.
B. If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.
C. If the student's continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.
D. If the student's continue to fail tests, there going to lose senior trip.





's means to possession so it won't go with this sentence and also ('re ) means they are

Out of the following sentences, the sentence which is correctly formed is (B) If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.

How are sentences formed?

A sentence is rearranged keeping in mind the meaning it wants to express. The grammar and formation of a sentence should be kept in mind while framing the sentence.

The given option (B) is:

'If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.'

Here, 'students' here is used to express the plural form and 'they're' is referred to as they are.

Therefore, Out of the following sentences, the sentence which is correctly formed is (B) If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.

Learn more about Proper Sentences on brainly.com/question/3653791


Meaning of immortality??​



the ability to live forever; eternal life.


hope this works


That means no dieng always be live.


hope it work

What figurative language would this lyric from a song be?
“They think that I’m Sonic the way I want a ring”


I think it is a metaphor because it is comparison between the speaker and sonic. A metaphor is simile, but not using like or as.
Yes it is a metaphor

Read the lines from "A Psalm of Life."

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.

The imagery in the lines suggests that
time moves slowly and surely.
great deeds are remembered in history.
time is like an unending, perpetual desert.
each day is equivalent to a grain of sand.



The imagery in the lines suggests that  great deeds are remembered in history.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life" talks of life in general and how it is like a battlefield. The poet talks of the purpose of life and how one can live a life that is filled with sorrow and suffering along the way. Nevertheless, the poet also reveals an optimistic side of living and that one can leave a "footprint" by doing good deeds.

In the given lines from the poem, the speaker mentions how "lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime". He then uses imagery to reveal the "footprints on the sands of time". This imagery suggests that history will always remember the great deeds of people, no matter how many years passed.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.



Explanation: edge 2021 !!

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Write each label into the appropriate category to designate whether the given item describes elements of gray or white matter of spinal cord. Contains myelinated axons Posterior column Located to the periphery of the spinal cord Gracile fasciculus Anterior spinocerebellar tract Medial vestibulospinal tract Marked by low myelination White matter Functions to integrate arriving electrical signals Contains somas, synapses, and dendrites Tectospinal tract Functions to transmit electrical signals rapidly over long distances Lateral horn Ventral horn Gray matter White matter Which of the following is NOT an expression of doubt?Es verdad queNo es verdad queNo creemos queEs improbable queMi mam duda que 11x^2-2x^3+7 and -x^2+6x-7 as sum (Trigonometry question) 1. a. What is the pressure on a surface when a force of 500 N acts on an area of 2 m2 Morphe Cosmetics agrees to manufacture makeup palettes for Jaclyn Cosmetics. Under the terms of the contract, Jaclyn will pay Morphe a total of $60,000, and Jaclyn can cancel the contract if it so chooses but must pay Morphe for work completed. Morphe believes that, if Jaclyn cancelled the contract, Morphe could sell the palettes to another firm and still make a profit. The manufacturing contract is expected to last six months, and as of December 31, 2021, the job is 80% complete. How much revenue should Morphe recognize in 2021 for this contract Read what Sasha says. I am y years old. My mother's age is 3 times my age. My brother is 2 years younger than me. My father's age is 4 times my brother's age. The total of our four ages is 116 years. a) Write an equation to show this. b) Solve the equation. c) How old is Sasha's father? please help solve it Cashan Corporation makes and sells a product called a Miniwarp. One Miniwarp requires 1.5 kilograms of the raw material Jurislon. Budgeted production of Miniwarps for the next five months is as follows: August 24,500 units September 24,700 units October 24,600 units November 26,400 units December 24,500 unitsThe company wants to maintain monthly ending inventories of Jurislon equal to 30% of the following month's production needs. On July 31, this requirement was not met since only 10,400 kilograms of Jurislon were on hand. The cost of Jurislon is $4.00 per kilogram. The company wants to prepare a Direct Materials Purchase Budget for the next five months.The desired ending inventory of Jurislon for September is:_______. a. $29,640 b. $29,520 c. $44,460 d. $44,280 What is the midpoint of the line segment graphed below? A. (4,7/2)B. (8,7/2) c. (4,3/2)D (8, 3/2) Mr. Rankin took his family out to dinner last night and their subtotal was $88.24. The sales tax was 5%, and he left a 20% tip. If Mr. Rankin puts $120 on the table, how much change did he recieve? Find an equation of the circle whose diameter has endpoints (6,4) and (2,-6) in ABC, ABC is a right angle, AB = 3 units, and BC = 2 units. ABC is dilated by a scale factor of 0.5 with point B as the center of dilation, resulting in the image ABC. Which statement about AB is true? NO LINKS OR ELSE YOU'LL BE REPORTED!Only answer if you're very good at Math.No guessing please.The director of health services is concerned about a possible flu outbreak at her college.She surveyed 100 randomly selected residents from the college's dormitories to see whether they had received a preventive flu shot.The results are shown below.What is the probability that a dormitory resudent chosen at random from this group had a flu shot, given that he is male?A: 39/80B: 13/17C: 39/100D: 51/100 Help pls Spanish 3 drag and drop A 2120 kg car traveling at 13.4 m/s collides with a 2810 kg car that is initally at rest at a stoplight. The cars stick together and move 1.97 m before friction causes them to stop. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between the cars and the road, assuming that the negative acceleration is constant and all wheels on both cars lock at the time of impact. Which item is included in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution?O powers reserved to the federal governmentO freedom of thought and travelO search only with probable causeO a trial upon request _____ that is a good idea.don't thinksdon't thoughtdoesn't thinkdon't think Troy has already spent 2 minutes on the phone, and he expect to spend 3 more minutes with every phone call he routes. In all How many phone calls dose troy have to route to spend a total of 32 minutes on the phone? Which kind of evidence is used by scientists to understand the intermediate states between an ancestral form and that of itsdescendants? A) causationB) correlationC) natural selectionD) transitional fossils