A business must decide whether to open a new office in China. If it opens the branch, it will increase its chances of selling a high volume of its products in China. On the other hand, the business will have to spend a lot of money to make the branch operational. What would be an opportunity cost for the business if it chooses to open the new branch in China? O A. The business would gain access to a large number of new customers. B. The business would have to spend more money on each item it produces C. The business would have less money to open branches in other countries. D. The business would be forced to relocate all its workers to China.​


Answer 1


C. The business would have less money to open branches in other countries.


In Economics, Opportunity cost also known as the alternative forgone, can be defined as the value, profit or benefits given up by an individual or organization in order to choose or acquire something deemed significant at the time.

Simply stated, it is the cost of not enjoying the benefits, profits or value associated with the alternative forgone or best alternative choice available.

Furthermore, the value of the opportunities lost by an individual or a business is the opportunity cost of a choice.

Hence, the opportunity cost of a choice is the benefits that could be derived from another choice (alternatives) by using the same amount of resources.

In this scenario, an opportunity cost for the business if it chooses to open the new branch in China is that it would have less money to open branches in other countries because it has to spend a lot of money to make the branch operational.

Related Questions

Daniel wants to buy a laptop computer, and he has $300 in savings. He can purchase a new computer for $279 or a refurbished [repaired or renovated] computer for $100. What should Daniel do next?



He should buy a refurbished computer


This saves him 179  dollars

An attorney, a newly licensed sole practitioner, opened a trust account at a local bank into which she deposited a check from a client that constituted an advance payment for future legal services to be rendered by the attorney. Subsequently, the attorney also deposited her own funds into the account in order to pay bank service charges on the account. The attorney did not deposit into the trust account an engagement fee received from another client. The engagement fee represented payment to the attorney for accepting the case, being available to handle the case, and agreeing not to represent another party in the case. The fee did not require the attorney to perform additional legal services. The attorney maintained records related to all account transactions in accordance with the state rules of professional conduct, which are identical to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Is the attorney subject to discipline with regard to her actions concerning the trust fund account


Based on the information given in the question, it should be noted that the attorney will not be subjected to discipline regarding her actions concerning the trust fund account.

The reason why the attorney won't be subjected to any discipline is because the property of the client was kept by the attorney properly and it was separated from her own property. Also, necessary records were maintained by the attorney.

In conclusion, the attorney is not subject to discipline with regard to her actions concerning the trust fund account.

Read related link on:


Do you think that interest and capacity play a great role to get success in a profession?Give your opinion.​



For many people, interest is a driving factor for motivation and happiness in their life. Interest is one of the important parts while choosing a career. When we love what we are doing, we will always put our best performance forward and strive to learn more. Consequently, that will enhance our self-confidence as well.


It is important to know yourself and your capacities. Your strengths are things you can leverage on, things you can use to push yourself further. On the other hand, your weaknesses are not your downfall. So,interest and capacity is important in our career.

Yes, I think interest and capacity play a great role to get success in a profession.

What is interest?

An interest is a desire or want to do/hear something or someone. interest can be stated as an emotion that a person possess regarding something. a person is said to be interested if that particular thing excites or gives a joyful feeling to person while doing that particular act. interest is very essential in a profession to be successful because if a person is not interested in particular subject and profession how can that person provide best services out of that profession.

What is capacity?

Capacity is an ability of a person to perform a particular job or to do a particular task. capacity here refers to the thinking capacity or mental capability that is required in a profession. this is another ingredient that is very important to be successful in any profession.

for example you cannot ask a 5 year old to be judge in a court because that person doesn't possess such professional skill along with it he is not capable to think and provide service for same profession.

What is profession?

A profession is a field of work that requires special knowledge and training over a period of time. a person doing profession is known as professionals. the profession is basically a way of knowing and learning skills and education for a particular subjects such as law, medical. the practitioners of professions are said to be expert of such profession.

Hence, to get successful in a profession, interest and capacity is very important and essential as interest creates curiosity and eagerness to learn that particular profession in every manner and explore every aspect of that profession to provide best service out of it along with it the capacity to grasp and learn such skills to be expert in such profession is also required.

Therefore, a successful professional is one that have interest in that particular field and also capable to learn and evolve in that particular profession according to need and requirement.

Supporting answer

To learn more about profession here https://brainly.com/question/23186207


Suppose the town of Falls Valley has a mosquito problem. After a bad summer, the town accountants explain that the marginal cost of providing one more treatment for mosquito control is $100,000. The town should provide the additional mosquito control only if the marginal: Group of answer choices social cost of mosquito control is more than $100,000. benefit for any individual citizen is at least $100,000. social cost of mosquito control is less than $100,000. benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000.



The correct option is "benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000".


Marginal cost refers to the additional cost incurred in order to provide an additional unit of a commodity.

For a community, town, or country, benefit is maximized when the marginal cost of providing a good or service to the community, town, or country is equal to the sum of the marginal benefit for all individual citizens of the community, town, or country.

Based on the above explanation, the correct option is "benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000". That is, the town should provide the additional mosquito control only if the marginal benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000.

Sports and marketing have to compete on which angle if they want to be relevant to the 21st century market?

cheapest prices

scarcest supply

most appealing

quickest distribution



cheapest prices


Marketing can be defined as the process of developing promotional techniques and sales strategies by a business firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the unending requirements, needs or wants of the end users or consumers through advertising and market research. Thus, it comprises all the activities such as, identifying, anticipating set of medium and processes for creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging goods and services that has value for customers.

In sales and marketing, pricing of products is considered to be an essential element of a business firm's marketing mix because place, promotion and product largely depends on it.

Price can be defined as the amount of money that is required to be paid by a buyer (customer) to a seller (producer) in order to acquire goods and services. Thus, it refers to the amount of money a customer or consumer buying goods and services are willing to pay for the goods and services being offered.

Hence, sports and marketing have to compete on the cheapest prices, if they want to be relevant to the 21st century market because it's the most important factor that influences the willingness of a consumer to buy a good or take a service.

What are the basic points to be considered while running the occupation? for each of them​







I need points 5),:6)6

Barclay Bikes manufactures and sells three distinct styles of bicycles: the Youth model sells for $420 and has a unit contribution margin of $165; the Adult model sells for $970 and has a unit contribution margin of $510; and the Recreational model sells for $1,120 and has a unit contribution margin of $560. The company's sales mix includes: 5 Youth models; 9 Adult models; and 6 Recreational models. If the firm's annual fixed costs total $6,620,000, calculate the firm's contribution margin per composite unit.



the  firm's contribution margin per composite unit is $8,775


The computation of the firm's contribution margin per composite unit is given below:

= $165 × 5 + $510 × 9 + $560 × 6

= $825 + $4,590 + $3,360

= $8,775

Hence, the  firm's contribution margin per composite unit is $8,775

Therefore the same is to be considered and relevant

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to adhere to the: Group of answer choices pure community rating approach for individuals and small businesses. adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses. same standards used by the Social Security Administration. pure community rating approach for college communities. cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for individuals and small businesses.



adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to adhere to the adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses.

The general term for the payments for the use of resources is ______?
A. wages
B. rent
C. interest
D. factor payments​


A. Wages is the general term for the payments for the use of resources

The umbrella word used to describe payments for the usage of resources is Factor payments. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is factor payment?

Factor payments in economics are the compensation that individuals receive for providing the factors of production—land, labor, capital, or entrepreneurialism. Payments made with limited resources or production inputs in exchange for useful services.


Rent, wages and salaries for work, interest and dividends are the factor payments received for land, labor, and capital, respectively. It describes one method for determining GDP using income.

The factor income technique, also referred to as the "income approach," calculates GDP by adding employee wages, rent, interest, and profit. Payments provided to production factors, such as rent, interest, profit, wages, etc., are referred to as factors payments.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about payment from here:



If Texia specializes in food, it can produce 1,000 units of food and 0 units of clothing this year. If it specializes in clothing, it can produce 500 units of clothing and 0 units of food. This year Urbania can produce either 500 units of food and 0 units of clothing or 200 units of clothing and 0 units of food. (assume linear production possibility frontiers) _______has the absolute advantage in the production of clothing and ________has the absolute advantage in the production of food. Texia; Texia Texia; Urbania Urbania; Texia Urbania; Urbania



Texia; Texia


A country has absolute advantage in the production of a good or service if it produces more quantity of a good when compared to other countries

Texia can produce 1000  units of food while Urbania can produce 500  units of food . Texia produces more food

Texia can produce 500 units of clothing while Urbania can produce 200 units of clothing. Texia produces more clothing

Texia has an absolute advantage in both activities

The WBS is best suited for design and construction projects that have tangible outcomes. When the final outcome of the project is less tangible or it is the result of a series of steps or phases, some project managers choose to utilize a(n) ___________. Multiple Choice Responsibility Matrix (RM) Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Modified Process Breakdown Structure (PBS) Project Priority Matrix (PPM)



Process Breakdown Structure (PBS)


Since in the question it is mentioned that WBS should be best suited for design & construction projects so there is tangible results

now if the final result should be lower tangible so here the project manager should select the project breakdown structure as the process of the project should be driven via requirement of the performance but not with the plans or the blueprints

Karl and Kara own a business that specializes in providing outdoor adventure experiences for tourists. They employ a staff of eight adventure guides who are responsible for providing each client with a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience. Recently, Karl and Kara received a number of complaints about the guides from clients. Karl believes that the problem can be resolved by providing the guides with additional customer service and communication training. But Kara suggests that before investing resources into training, they should conduct a needs assessment to see if training is the best solution, and if so, which type of training would be the most beneficial.


Answer: Needs assessment


Your question isn't well written as you've already given the answer to the question which is needs assessment.

A needs assessment is used for determining the needs as well as addressing the needs between the present conditions and the desired conditions.

The main purpose of needs assessment is in order to know the people whom are in need and the types of needs.

Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. What will this process MOST likely include? A. visiting a bank and paying a fee B. uploading documents to a computer C. getting someone to cosign for his box D. applying for a loan


Answer: Answer is A,,,,,,,,,,

Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. The process MOST likely include is visiting a bank and paying a fee. Thus the correct option is A.

What is a Bank?

A bank is referred to as a financial institution that allows an individual to deposit and withdraw cash and allow them to borrow funds with a fixed interest rate for investment.

The bank provides you with a key when you rent a deposit box from them, and you must apply it in combination with a second "guard key" kept by a bank employee to open the box.

In the given case, it is explained that Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. Banks are referred to as financial institutions that are connected or authorized by Government due to which they are considered as safe.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Bank, here:



Which statement best describes the outlook for small businesses in international markets? Multiple Choice The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market. Most foreign buyers prefer to deal with large, well-known corporations rather than small businesses. Higher business costs eliminate the profit opportunities in global markets. The threat of terrorist activities prevents small businesses from competing internationally.



The correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."


An international market can be described as a market that exists outside of a company's home country's international borders. This is different from a domestic market that is located within company's own country.

The international market comprises of the whole world or all the countries in the world. As a result, the international market is larger and more profitable than the domestic market for small businesses.

Therefore, the correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."

For example, the sticky-price theory asserts that the output prices of some goods and services adjust slowly to changes in the price level. Suppose firms announce the prices for their products in advance, based on an expected price level of 100 for the coming year. Many of the firms sell their goods through catalogs and face high costs of reprinting if they change prices. The actual price level turns out to be 90. Faced with high menu costs, the firms that rely on catalog sales choose not to adjust their prices. Sales from catalogs will _____________.





We know that when demand for goods and services are low, this can impact prices since there would be a fall in sales. This happened due to the fact that people would reduce their demand for the good given the increase in their price. From the question that we have here we have been told that the prices that were set by the catalogue when compared to the actual price level is on the high side.

given this explanation, the conclusion is that the sales from catalogues are going to fall

A firm has a demand function p=108-5q and the cost function c=-12q+q^2. find the price at which profit is maximum. find the maximum profit. also find the output for maximum cost.



[tex](a)\ q=3.5[/tex]

[tex](b)\ t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

(c) No maximum



[tex]p = 108 - 5q[/tex]

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

Solving (a): The price at maximum profit.

The profit (t) is calculated using the following function

[tex]t = p - c[/tex] --- price- cost

So, we have:

[tex]t = 108 - 5q - (-12q + q^2)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]t = 108 - 5q +12q - q^2[/tex]

[tex]t = 108 +7q - q^2[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex] --- this is the profit function

A quadratic function is represented as:

[tex]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]x = -\frac{b}{2a}[/tex]

By comparison:

[tex]q = -\frac{7}{2*-1}[/tex]

[tex]q=3.5[/tex] ----- price at maximum profit

Solving (b): The maximum profit

The profit function is:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]t_{max} = -3.5^2 + 7 * 3.5 +108[/tex]

[tex]t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

Solving (c): Maximum cost

We have:

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

The maximum price of the above function is:

[tex]q = -\frac{-12}{2*1}[/tex] ---- from x = -b/2a

[tex]q = \frac{12}{2}[/tex]

[tex]q = 6[/tex]

So, the maximum cost is:

[tex]c_{max} = -12 * 6 + 6^2[/tex]

[tex]c_{max} = -36[/tex]

The cost function has no maximum; only minimum

Question 6 of 25
For which of the following housing situations is there a tenant and a landlord?
O A. Buying a home
B. Staying at a hotel
C. Renting a house
D. Selling a condominium
Could someone answer this pls?





This is because, in renting a house, the owner becomes your landlord and you become the tenant

Please I need help!!





State the type of skewness for a frequency distribution whose three quartiles are 21, 18 and 20.



Left skew


Given the quartiles of a distribution :

21, 18 and 20

Lower quartile, Q1 = 18

Median, Q2 = 20

Upper quartile, Q3 = 21

Representing the quartiles of the distribution as box plot, we can see that the median, Q2 is much closer to the third quartile, Q3, Than it is to the first quartile, Q1. Hence, we have a left skew or a negatively skewed distribution.

291. Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the projection of increasing consumer spending this year. . A. projection of increasing consumer spending B. projection of consumers increasing spending for C. projected consumer spending increase 37 D. consumer spending that is projected to increase E. increase in consumer spending that is projected for



The correct answer is E:

Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the increase in consumer spending that is projected for.


i. Much of the hope (this is the main Subject of the conversation)

ii. for continued improvement (this is the Prepositional phrase. It modifies the noun “hope”)

iii. of the economy (this is a Prepositional phrase – it modifies the noun “improvement”)

iv. lies in the projection (This is the main Verb – “lies”)

v. of increasing consumer spending this year. (This is the prepositional phrase. It modifies the noun “projection”)

At first glance, it would appear that the positive experience that is anticipated is the projection.

A projection (unqualified) in this case is an estimate of how a thing will be in the future.

Having stated this, we see that it is more logical to hope for a positive experience that will occur than to just hope. Hence the hope is really in the increase in consumer spending not in the projection as a separate word.

(E) therefore is the Correct option because in this option that in this option “that” modifies “increase”.


A construction company in a small town needs to hire workers to build a new community center. There are only 4 people in town who are qualified to work:
- Klara works full-time at the local gas station, earning $8.99 per hour
- Henry works full-time as an administrative assistant at the town hall, earning $19.99 per hour
- Alex works four hours a day mowing lawns, earning $11.99 per hour, and another four hours a day cleaning houses, earning $17.99 per hour
- Melody works full-time at a bank in the next town earning $22.99 per hour
What hourly wage must the construction company offer to get enough workers to fill 30 hours per day? Assume your answer is in dollars per hour and enter a numeric value only.





which statement best illustrates the relationship between three different elements of the circular flow of products



C. Businesses create goods for product markets, which sell them directly to households.


Circular flow model is an economic model that is used by economists to show or demonstrate how money, goods and services move from one economic agent to another such as producer, workers, wholesaler, retailer and consumers (households).

Basically, the three (3) elements of the circular flow model of products are;

I. Business firms (producers).

II. Product market (wholesalers and retailers).

III. Households (consumers).

According to the circular flow model of products, businesses play a role in the circular flow of products (goods) by creating goods that households or consumers want to buy. These goods are produced to meet the needs or wants of customers (households) and as such making them willing to buy it.

This ultimately implies that, the cardinal point or reason for which businesses engage in the manufacturing of goods and services is to supply the product markets, which sells them to consumers in order to meet their demands.

In conclusion, the statement which best illustrates the relationship between the three (3) different elements of the circular flow of products is that, businesses create goods for product markets, which sell them directly to households.


resource markets sell materials sell materials to businesses which use them to make goods sold to households


I just took the test

Managers should not become complacent about efficiency-based cost advantages because: a. both learning effects and economics of scale go on forever. b. the experience curve will bottom out at some point. c. cost advantages gained from experience effects are not affected by the development of new technologies. d. unit costs keep reducing as output increases. e. the experience curve steadily rises after a certain threshold is reached, indicating an increase in unit costs.



b. the experience curve will bottom out at some point.


In the case when the manager could not become complacent regarding the advantage of efficiency based cost so here the experience curve should be end up at some point of time as the experience curve shows the relationship between the production quantity in cumulative one with the production cost

Therefore the option b is correct

The profit earned from the sale of stock that has increased in value is known as

Question 4 options:

A: a stock exchange.

B: speculation.

C: a capital gain.

D: a dividend.



a capital gain . that is c

Use the following to answer question 10: Presented below is information related to ABC Corporation: Common Stock, $1 par Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Common Stock Preferred 8 1/2% Stock, $50 par Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Preferred Stock Retained Earnings Treasury Common Stock (at cost) $3,500,000 550,000 2,000,000 400,000 1,500,000 150,000 10. The total stockholders' equity of ABC Corporation is




Calculation to determine what The total stockholders' equity of ABC Corporation is

Using this formula

Total stockholders' equity

=Common Stock+Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Preferred Stock + Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par—Common Stock + Preferred Stock, + Retained Earnings -Treasury Common Stock (at cost)

Let plug in the formula

Total stockholders' equity=$3,500,000 + 400,000 + $550,000 + $2,000,000 + $1,500,000 - $150,000

Total stockholders' equity= $7,800,000

Therefore The total stockholders' equity of ABC Corporation is $7,800,000

Consider industries X and Y. Industry X has total revenue of $100 million and total costs of $77 million. Industry Y has total revenue of $80 million and total costs of $40 million. We should expect that:
A. resources will move from Industry Y to Industry X.
B. prices are higher in Industry X.
C. labor and capital will move from Industry X to Industry Y.
D. firms in both industries will shut down operations.





Profit = total revenue - total cost

Industry X : profit =  $100 million - $77 million = $23 million

Industry Y : profit = $80 million - 40 million = $40 million.

Industry Y is more profitable than industry X, thus, there would be a move of resources from Industry X to Industry Y.

Honi is not a resident of Iowa although her website can be accessed by residents of that state. Jean files a suit against Honi in an Iowa state court. The court is most likely to have jurisdiction over Honi if Jean's claim arises from Group of answer choices the Internet's capacity to bypass boundaries. minimum contacts between Honi and any Iowa resident. substantial business between Jean and Honi through Honi's website. passive advertising on Honi's website.



substantial business between Jean and Honi through Honi's website.


Jurisdiction of a court is the limit of its authority in in various proceedings such as cases, appeals, suits, and so on.

Normally state courts have jurisdiction when transactions occurred physically within the state.

However in this scenario where Honi's website can be accessed by residents of that state, a suit can be brought against her if there is substantial business between Jean and Honi through Honi's website.

positive factors of bangladesh trading with united states


Answer: Increased revenues, benefitting from currency exchange


There benefits doing international trade. One of the the things that helps the economy of a nation is how well it does trade it's resources to other nations. Some of the benefits of Bangladesh trading with united states is that it increase the revenue of Bangladesh, and improves if the trade are more. Secondly, they benefit from the currency exchange rates. The United States has one of the best rates when we talk of currencies, and those trading with them will improve their local currencies too.

Draw a market supply and demand curve representing a state with no restrictions on who can conduct the real estate closing transaction.



attached below


Supply and demand curves are used to represent the relationship between the two main forces of the open market ( demand and supply )

with no restriction on who can conduct real estate closing transaction, when the demand curve shifts to the right there will be no change with the supply curve. but the price will move from P1 to P2 and quantity will move from Q1 to Q2.

What is the new law the American government enacted for promoting small businesses in the country?

O The Small Businesses Act of 1954.
O The Small Businesses Act of 1953.
O The Small Businesses Act of 1955.
O The Small Businesses Act of 1958.



The Small Businesses Act of 1953.


In the United States of America, majority of the competitive landscape or business environment is made up of small business enterprise.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is an agency of the federal government that is saddled with the responsibility of providing both managerial and financial assistance to small businesses in the United States of America.

The Small Businesses Act of 1953 was enacted as an Act of Congress on the 30th of July, 1953 by the Congress of the United States of America to create the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Hence, SBA was established in 1953 as an autonomous (independent) agency of the government of the United States of America to aid, counsel, assist and protect American entrepreneurs and to preserve small business institutions.

Generally, it is saddled with the responsibility of providing both managerial and financial assistance and counseling to small businesses in order to bolster the American economy.

The small business administration (SBA) serves as an intermediary between entrepreneurs and investors or creditors, so as to provide them with the necessary funds required to plan, start and grow their business.

Basically, SBA provides services such as entrepreneurial development, access to funds, advocacy and contracting to small businesses (entrepreneurs) in the United States of America.

In conclusion, the Small Businesses Act of 1953 was the new law the American government enacted for promoting small businesses in the country.

Other Questions
give that 1/x+2/y=1/2, express y in terms of x and 2 Natural resources including trees and oil are part of which factor ofproduction?O A. LandO B. LaborO C. CapitalO D. Scarcity Multiply: (2x+y) (n2-3xy+y2) Which theme do these lines support? pls someone help me pls. and pls explain to me how HELPPP MEE PLEASE!!! Consider the function shown on the graph. In the following experiments, identify the independent and dependent variable. An employee properly sued her employer for wrongful discharge in federal court. During discovery, the employee served the employer with a discovery request for information regarding all employment termination over the previous 15 years, regardless of the position. The employer objected, and the employee filed a motion to compel the requested discovery. The court denied the motion to compel, and the employee wants to file an immediate appeal to review this decision. Does the employee have a right to an immediate appeal Can anyone help pls :)? Thank you Please help! This is a part 2 of a question, I found the first one and couldnt find the second one. These are from edginuity. If you guys need the first part lmk. which statement best describes the similarity between these excerpts Select the correct answer.Which equation matches the function shown in the graph? A fair spinner has 10 equal sections: 3 red, 3 blue and 4 green.It is spun twice.What is the probability of getting 2 different colours? Help help help help help nick was scuba diving at -32 1/2 feet if he descends another 8 3/5 feet what is his location ? In the raisin in the sun why does Momma entrust Walter with the money PLS HELP Let f(x) = -2x - 7 and g(x) = -4x + 6. Find (g o f) (-5)635926 PLEASE help with this!!! i'll give brainliest if right!! find the missing side length in the image below Find the shortest side of a triangle whose perimeter is 64 if the ratio of two of its sides is 4:3 and the third side is 20 less than the sum if the other two