a businessA business-level strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions the firm uses to gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in:


Answer 1

Answer: specific product market


The aim of a business level strategy is to provide a business with a competitive advantage. It should be noted that a business level strategy is selected according to the strengths and the weaknesses of the products of the company's and based on how the company wants to be perceived by the customers.

The main types of the business level strategy that's utilized is differentiation, cost Leadership, and focus strategies.

Related Questions

) What are the source documents for direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead costs assigned to this job



As the details of the job are not included, I shall use the general source documents for these costs.

Direct Materials ⇒ Material requisition slip/document

These are documents that list out the materials that are needed for the production of the good in question. It is sent to inventory where the materials would be acquired from.

Direct Labor ⇒ Time sheets / Records

The company will have some form of time sheet or other recoding document that workers can use to clock the the time they worked on the good.

Manufacturing Overhead Cost ⇒ Predetermined rate.

For manufacturing overheads, a predetermined rate is usually used to apportion the cost.

For every​ $1,000 of annual​ income, households maintain average cash balances ​(their demand for money​) of​ $200. How will growth in GDP affect interest​ rates, holding the money supply​ constant? Use the liquidity preferenceLOADING... frameworkLOADING.... ​1.) Using the line drawing​ tool, show the effect of growth in GDP using the liquidity preference framework. Properly label your line. ​2.) Using the point drawing tool​, indicate the new equilibrium interest rate and quantity of money. Label the point​ '2'. Carefully follow the instructions​ above, and only draw the required objects.



Following are the solution to the given question:


Due to an income of $1000 per year, the average household that used demands $200 per year, however with the expansion in GDP, individuals' annual incomes also will increase, and therefore their need for money would also rise. the equilibrium real interest rate will be i2 instead of i1 just at the beginning. As a result, the quantity of money supply will stay like that at Q.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) survey, some of the skills that employers seek include:



1) Problem solving skills

2) Teamwork abilities

3) Strong work ethic

4) Analytic / Quantitative Skills


As reported by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), during their survey on skills employers seek in candidates. They have found that the most important skills employers seek in a candidate's resume aside from a good GPA are problem-solving skills and the ability to work in a team.

Other top skills that employers want are a strong work ethic and analytical/quantitative skills. These skills were among the top six in the last year's report of NACE. While this year they have become the top four most wanted skills by an employer.

There are other skills as well that employers seek such as Communication Skills (written), Leadership, Communication Skills (Verbal), Initiative, etc. However, they are not as important as the top four skills mentioned above.

Chabot Company had the following results last year: net operating income, $2,160; turnover, 5; and return on investment 18%. Chabot Company's average operating assets were: a. $300,000. b. $60,000. c. $10,800. d. $12,000.


should be b! hope this helps

Both IFRS and U.S. GAAP allow deferred taxes to be: presented as noncurrent on the balance sheet. measured using a substantially enacted tax rate. recognized in equity after a fixed asset revaluation.



presented as noncurrent on the balance sheet.


GAAP is an acronym for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, it was adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is the comprehensive accounting rules and standard used in recording and reporting financial information.

The IFRS is an acronym for International Financial Reporting Standards,International Financial Reporting Standards, it is a set of accounting rules that ensure financial statements are consistent, transparent and comparable globally.

Both IFRS and U.S. GAAP allow deferred taxes to be presented as noncurrent on the balance sheet.

If demand increased by 100 units at each price level, and the government set a price ceiling of $40, then there will be



no surplus or shortage


Equilibrium price is the price at which quantity demand equal quantity supplied. Above equilibrium price there is a surplus - quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded.

Below equilibrium price there is a shortage - quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied

If demamd increases by 100, new equilibrium is 40

Thus, ceiling price equal equilibrium

Price ceiling is when the government or an agency of the government sets the maximum price for a product. It is binding when it is set below equilibrium price.

Effects of a binding price ceiling

It leads to shortages

it leads to the development of black markets

it prevents producers from raising price beyond a certain price

It lowers the price consumers pay for a product. This increases consumer surplus

If a perfectly competitive firm is producing a quantity where MC > MR, then profit: Group of answer choices is maximized. can be increased by increasing production. can be increased by decreasing production. can be increased by decreasing the price.



The answer is "Option C".


Please find the complete question in the attached file.

A fully competing company can enhance profits by increasing production levels when marginal income is more than marginal cost. If MR > MC It means the company produces too little by generating an additional amount of good, which can generate income, to increase its output, and produce MR = MC only at the point when it produces and as in competition with perfect MR = price level. The business is going to increase production until MR = MC = price and revenue is optimum.

Clonex Labs, Incorporated, uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. The following data are available for one department for October:

Units Percent Completed Materials Conversion Work in process,
October 1 49,000 90% 60%
Work in process, October 31 27,000 69% 46%

The department started 389,000 units into production during the month and transferred 411,000 completed units to the next department.

Compute the equivalent units of production for October. Show your complete solution.



Materials 429,630

Conversion 423,420


Computation for the equivalent units of production for October.


Equivalent units of production= 411,000 + (27,000*69%)

Equivalent units of production=411,000 + 18,630

Equivalent units of production= 429,630


Equivalent units of production= 411,000 +(27,000*46%)

Equivalent units of production =411,000+12,320

Equivalent units of production= 423,420

Therefore the equivalent units of production for October is:

Materials 429,630

Conversion 423,420

Earning a profit may not be a companies_____ responsibility?

1. Singular

2. First

3. Only

4. Last


Earning a profit may not be a companies only responsibility
3 - Only - i am correct Trust me

Sam is eager to start a local magazine that





global companies still have access to trade with currency. its accepted whether the company is nonconvertible or convertible.

which of the following would most likely be considered a short term goal


Bakeing 24 cookies for tomorrows bakesale

Finish knitting a quilt by this sunday


You have an opportunity to work three hours of overtime and earn an extra $99 gross income. However, a total of $32 will be taken out for federal, state, and local taxes. You parked in the parking garage and will have to pay $6.50 total to park for the additional hours. You also didn't pack an extra meal, which you already have in the refrigerator at home; so you will have to spend $12 for food. You will also have to pay $55 for additional daycare for your children. According to the marginal principle and everything else equal (ceteris paribus); will you work the overtime? Why or why not? (Show your work) (10 %)




the marginal benefit of working overtime in terms of income is less than the marginal cost of working overtime


According to the marginal cost principle, i would be willing to work if marginal benefit exceeds marginal cost

Marginal cost = 32 + 6.5 + 12 + 55 = 105.50

Marginal benefit = 99

the marginal benefit of working overtime in terms of income is less than the marginal cost of working overtime. So, i won't work overtime

Katrina needs to use her communication and conflict management skills every day with her team. What stage of development is her team in?​





Storming - stage 2

Decisions don't come easily within group. Team members vie for position as they attempt to establish themselves in relation to other team members and the leader, who might receive challenges from team members. Clarity of purpose increases but plenty of uncertainties persist. Cliques and factions form and there may be power struggles. The team needs to be focused on its goals to avoid becoming distracted by relationships and emotional issues. Compromises may be required to enable progress. Leader coaches (similar to Situational Leadership® 'Selling' mode).

As per the description provided, the stage of team development at which Katrina's team would be:

- Storming stage

The team development has been divided into five stages:


The storming stage is described as the stage where every member comes up with his/her ideas and attempts to impress their peers.

This leads to competition among the members of the team and the development of conflicts.

Therefore, the leaders like Katrina intrude in order to resolve the disagreements and handle competition to ensure that the project goes in the right direction.

Thus, the 'storming' stage is the correct answer.

Learn more about 'Team Development' here:


The Nelson Company has $1,196,000 in current assets and $460,000 in current liabilities. Its initial inventory level is $325,000, and it will raise funds as additional notes payable and use them to increase inventory. How much can Nelson's short-term debt (notes payable) increase without pushing its current ratio below 2.0



The amount by which Nelson's short-term debt (notes payable) increase without pushing its current ratio below 2.0 is $138,000.


From the question, we have:

Initial current assets = $1,196,000

Initial current liabilities = $460,000

Initial inventory level = $325,000

Targeted current ratio = 2.0

Therefore, we have:

Initial current ratio = Initial current assets / Initial current liabilities = $1,196,000 / $460,000 = 2.60

New current liabilities = Initial current assets / Targeted current ratio = $1,196,000 / 2 = $598,000

Expected amount of increase in short-term debt = New current liabilities - Initial current liabilities = $598,000 - $460,000 = $138,000

By implication, we have:

Expected amount of increase in inventory level = Expected amount of increase in short-term debt = $138,000

New inventory level = Initial inventory level + Expected amount of increase in inventory level = $325,000 + $138,000 = $463,000

New current assets = Initial current assets + Expected amount of increase in inventory level = $1,196,000 +$138,000 = $1,334,000

We can now check as follows:

New current ratio = New current assets / New current liabilities = $1,334,000 / $598,000 = 2.23

Therefore, the amount by which Nelson's short-term debt (notes payable) increase without pushing its current ratio below 2.0 is $138,000.

Nelson's short-term debt can increase up to $276,000

The given information includes:

Current Assets = $1,196,000

Current liabilities = $460,000

So, when x amount is borrowed for short term and invested in inventory, then  the Revised Current assets = 1,196,000 + x and Revised Current liabilities = 460,000 + x

Lets understand that Revised Current ratio should be 2.0.

We all know that Current ratio = Current Assets / Current liabilities

Now, we input the values

2.0 = $1,196,000 + x  / $460,000 + x

$1,196,000 + x = 2.0x($460,000 + x)

$1,196,000 + x = 920,000 + 2x

2x - x = $1,196,000 - $920,000

x = $276,000

In conclusion, the amount of Nelson Short term debt can increase up to $276,000 without pushing its current ratio below 2.0.

See related question here


TR Company conducts business exclusively in State V, which levies a 5 percent sales and use tax on goods purchased or consumed in-state. This year, TR bought equipment in State B. The cost of the equipment was $90,000, and TR paid $5,400 sales tax to State B. TR also bought machinery in State D. The cost of the machinery was $200,000, and TR paid $7,000 sales tax to State D.

a. How much use tax does TR Company owe to State V with respect to the equipment bought in State B?
b. How much use tax does TR Company owe to State V with respect to the machinery bought in State D?



a. Particulars                                                       Amount

Value of property purchased in State B A      $90,000

Tax rate in State V B                                              5%    

Pre-Credit use tax C (A*B)                                 $4,500

Credit Sales tax paid to State B D                   ($5,400)

Use tax owed to State V E (C+D)                      $0          

b. Particulars                                                          Amount

Value of property purchased in State D A        $200,000

Tax rate in State V B                                                  5%      

Pre-credit use tax C (A*B)                                   $10,000

Credit Sales tax paid to State D D                     ($7,000)  

Use tax owed to State V E (C+D)                       $3,000    

As a result of an injury settlement with your insurance you have the choice between (1) receiving $5,000 today OR (2) $6,500 in three years. If you could invest your money at 8% compounded annually, which option should you pick



option 2


to determine the better option, calculate the present value of option 2. The more suitable option is the option with the higher present value

Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value = future value / ( 1 + r)^n

r = interest rate

n = number of years

6500 / ( 1.08^3) = 5159.91

the present value of option 2 is higher than that of option 1,, so pick option 2

Maybepay Life Insurance Co. is selling a perpetual contract that pays $4,990/year. The contract currently sells for $143,012. What is the rate of return on this investment





Calculation to determine the rate of return on this investment

Using this formula

Rate of return=Monthly payment/Current value*100

Let plug in the formula

Rate of return = $4,990/$143,012 *100

Rate of return= 3.49%

Therefore the the rate of return on this investment is 3.49%

A proposed nuclear power plant will cost $2.2 billion to build and then will produce cash flows of $300 million a year for 15 years. After that period (in year 15), it must be decommissioned at a cost of $900 million. What is project NPV if the discount rate is 5%? What if it is 18%?



Project NPV at 5% discount rate = $1346 .78

Project NPV at 18% discount rate = -597.4


Below is the given values:

Initial cost = $2.2 billion

Yearly cash inflow, A = $300 million

Time = 15 years

Salvage value, S = $900

Project NPV at 5% discount rate = A (P/A, 5%, 15) + S (P/F, 5%, 15) - Initial cost

Project NPV at 5% discount rate = 300 (P/A, 5%, 15) + 900 (P/F, 5%, 15) - $2.2 billion

Project NPV at 5% discount rate = 300 (10.3796) + 900 (0.4810) - $2.2 billion or 2200 million

Project NPV at 5% discount rate = $1346 .78


Project NPV at 18% discount rate = 300 (5.0915) + 900 (0.0835) - $2.2 billion or 2200 million

Project NPV at 18% discount rate = -597.4

If Karla spent $200 on Wednesday to have the windows in her building washed, recorded the
accounting event that afternoon and on Friday paid $550 for a repair to the water heater
and recorded that event on Friday evening, which of the accounting principles below is she



Accrual Principle


The accrual principle is when a transaction is recorded in the time period that it occurs. In this case, recording a Friday transaction on Friday.

Jay and Carrie Garrett operate a small retail store in a college town that sells only house plants and accessories, which they named The Plantatarium. Their initial feeling when they went into business was that virtually everyone was a potential customer for house plants. Subsequent market research conducted for them painted a different picture. This research identified three particularly strong market segments. The first was college students ages 18-24. The next segment was retired seniors ages 65-80. The third segment was professional offices for doctors, accountants, and lawyers. The college students liked houseplants because they dressed up their living spaces. The senior liked them because they became the focus of a hobby. The professionals did not buy them for any reason other than décor.

The Plantatarium promotes itself in different media using the phrase "An out-of-this-world selection of unique plants." This phrase is a reflection of the firm's :___________
a. positioning strategy.
b. VALS profile.
c. target market.
d. demographics.



a. positioning strategy.


A positioning strategy is about how to position your product or service in your potential customers' minds. In other words, how do you want your customers to see your company?

This particular phrase is meant to make customers think that they can find different and unique plants in the Plantatarium.

Norton Company reported total sales revenue of $55,000, total expenses of $45,000, and net income of $10,000 on its income statement for the year ended December 31, 2010. During 2010, accounts receivable increased by $4,000, merchandise inventory increased by $6,000, accounts payable decreased by $2,000, and depreciation of $18,000 was recorded. Therefore, based only on this information, the net cash flow from operating activities using the indirect method for 2010 was:



By calculation the answer is $16,000.

Norton Company reported total sales revenue of $55,000, total expenses of $45,000, and net income of $10,000 on its income statement for the year ended December 31, 2010.  To calculate the net cash flow from operating activities using the indirect method.

The net income and then adjust for changes in working capital and non-cash expenses.

Net Income: $10,000

Adjustments for Changes in Working Capital:

Increase in Accounts Receivable: $4,000

Increase in Merchandise Inventory: $6,000

Decrease in Accounts Payable: $2,000

Adjustments for Non-cash Expenses:

Depreciation: $18,000

Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities:

Net Income + Adjustments for Changes in Working Capital + Adjustments for Non-cash Expenses

$10,000 - $4,000 - $6,000 + $2,000 + $18,000

$10,000 - $8,000 + $2,000 + $18,000

Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities = $22,000

Therefore, based on the given information, the net cash flow from operating activities using the indirect method for 2010 was $22,000.

To know more about cash flow here,



Grays Company uses a perpetual inventory system. On May 1, the company had inventory of 20 units at a cost of $8 each. On May 3, it purchased 30 units at $10 each. 22 units are sold on May 6. Under the weighted average inventory costing method, what amount will be reported as cost of goods sold for the 22 units that were sold


Answer: $9.20


Using the weighted average inventory costing method, the price is abased on the number of units and their price.

The above inventory cost would be calculated as follows:

= [ (Opening units * Cost of units) + (Units purchased * Cost of purchase) ] / Total units in inventory

= [ (20 * 8) + (30 * 10) ] / (20 units + 30 units)

= [ 160 + 300 ] / 50

= $9.20

New lithographic equipment, acquired at a cost of $859,200 on March 1 of Year 1 (beginning of the fiscal year), has an estimated useful life of five years and an estimated residual value of $96,660. The manager requested information regarding the effect of alternative methods on the amount of depreciation expense each year. On the basis of the data presented to the manager, the double-declining-balance method was selected.

a. Determine the annual depreciation expense for each of the estimated five years of use, the accumulated depreciation at the end of each year, and the book value of the equipment at the end of each year by (a) the straight-line method and (b) the double-declining-balance method. Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar.
b. Journalize the entry to record the sale assuming the manager chose the double-declining-balance method.


Answer and Explanation:

The calculation and the journal entry is given below:


Depreciation expense= (Original cost - Residual Value) ÷ Estimated useful life

= $(859200 - 96660) ÷ 5

= $152508

Year     Depreciation Expense Accumulated depreciation   Book Value,

1            $152508                           $152508                           $706692

2            152508                         305016                            554184

3             152508                            457524                           401676

4              152508                            610032                             249168

5          152508                           762540                              96660


Depreciation rate is

= 100 ÷ 5 × 2

= 40%

Year     Depreciation Expense Accumulated depreciation   Book Value,

1  $343680                               $343680                            $515520

( 40% of 859200)

2       206208                                   549888                             309312

(40% of 515520)

3 123725                                     673613                        185587

4 74235                                      747848                         111352

5  14692                                      762540                               96660



The journal entry is  

Cash  $141422.00  

Accumulated depreciation- Equipment  $747848.00  

     To Gain on sale of Equipment   $30070.00

      To Equipment   $859200.00  

(Being the sale of equipment is recorded)      

Place and convenience are connected by a core linkage. While GoPro was able to get the product into locations where customers could find it, it made an error when production problems forced it to


Question Completion with Options:

a. ignore convenience stores in its distribution network.

b. deliver fewer cameras than were needed during a holiday season.

c. miss the customer connection by emphasizing place over convenience.

d. exert too much power in the distribution network.



production problems forced it to

b. deliver fewer cameras than were needed during a holiday season.


Shortages are avoided by producers as much as possible in order not to cause disequilibrium in the market.  Shortages are not the same as scarcity.  They are temporary setbacks when the quantity demanded outstrips the quantity supplied at the equilibrium market price.  The backlashes result in lost sales and revenue for suppliers.  Shortages may clear ways for competitors to enter the market to meet the unsatisfied demand.

A company purchased $1,800 of merchandise on July 5 with terms 2/10, n/30. On July 7, it returned $200 worth of merchandise. On July 28, it paid the full amount due. Assuming the company uses a perpetual inventory system, and records purchases using the gross method, the correct journal entry to record the merchandise return on July 7 is:



Date   Account Titles and Explanation       Debit    Credit

          Accounts Payable                              $1,600

          ($1,800 - $200)

                 Merchandise inventory                             $32

                 (2% * $1,600)

                 Cash                                                           $1,568

          (To record  the merchandise return)

A company purchased $1,800 of merchandise on July 5 with terms 2/10, n/30. On July 7, it returned $200 worth of merchandise. On July 28, it paid the full amount due. Assuming the company uses a perpetual inventory system, and records purchases using the gross method.

The journal entry to record the merchandise return on July 7 using the perpetual inventory system and the gross method would be as follows:

Date: July 7

Merchandise Returns and Allowances $200

Accounts Payable $200


The Merchandise Returns and Allowances account is used to record returns of merchandise to the supplier. By crediting the Accounts Payable account, it reduces the amount owed to the supplier for the returned merchandise.

In this entry, the company is reducing the Accounts Payable by $200 due to the returned merchandise worth $200.

To know more about inventory system  here,



On June 30, 2021, Moran Corporation issued $4 million of its 8% bonds for $3.5 million. The bonds were priced to yield 9.4%. The bonds are dated June 30, 2021. Interest is payable semiannually on December 31 and July 1. If the effective interest method is used, by how much should the bond discount be reduced for the six months ended December 31, 2021? a) $3,500. b) $4,500. c) $4,800. d) $9,000.



b) $4,500


The computation of the bond discount that should be reduced is given below;

Bond discount to be reduced

= ($3,500,000 × 9.4 × 1 ÷ 2) - ($4,000,000 × 8% × 1 ÷ 2)

= $164,500 - $160,000

= $4,500

hence, the bond discount that should be reduced is $4,500

Therefore the option b is correct

Based on the following information from Scranton Company's balance sheet, calculate the current ratio.

Current assets $87,000
Investments 50,000
Plant assets 220,000
Current liabilities 39,000
Long-term liabilities 90,000
Retained earnings 228,000





Calculation to determine the current ratio

Using this formula

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities


Current Assets = $87,000

Current Liabilities = $39,000

Let plug in the formula

Current Ratio = $87,000 / $39,000

Current Ratio = 2.23

Therefore Current Ratio is 2.23

Bellingham Company produces a product that requires 6 standard pounds per unit. The standard price is $3 per pound. If 4,800 units required 29,700 pounds, which were purchased at $2.88 per pound, what is the direct materials (a) price variance, (b) quantity variance, and (c) total direct materials cost variance? Enter a favorable variance as a negative number using a minus sign and an unfavorable variance as a positive number. a. Direct materials price variance $fill in the blank 1 b. Direct materials quantity variance $fill in the blank 3 c. Total direct materials cost variance $fill in the blank 5



Results are below.


To calculate the direct material price and quantity variance, we need to use the following formulas:

Direct material price variance= (standard price - actual price)*actual quantity

Direct material price variance= (3 - 2.88)*29,700

Direct material price variance= $3,564 favorable

Direct material quantity variance= (standard quantity - actual quantity)*standard price

Direct material quantity variance= (6*4,800 - 29,700)*3

Direct material quantity variance= (28,800 - 29,700)*3

Direct material quantity variance= $2,700 unfavorable

Now, the total direct material variation:

total direct material variation= 3,564 - 2,700

total direct material variation= $864 favorable

Compute the amount of net income assuming that it is based on the amounts (a) before adjusting entries and (b) after adjusting entries. Which net income amount is correct


Question Completion:

See attached document for original data.


Ramirez Company

                                 Unadjusted   Adjusted

1. Net income               $8,930        $3,240

2. The net income after the adjusting entries is correct.


a) Data and Calculations:

                            Unadjusted   Adjusted

Service revenue    $64,400      $66,220

Salary expense        55,470         55,470

Depreciation expense                   6,000

Insurance expense                            130

Income tax expense                       1,380

Accounts receivable accrued $1,820

Income Statements

                            Unadjusted   Adjusted

Service revenue    $64,400      $66,220

Salary expense        55,470         55,470

Depreciation expense                   6,000

Insurance expense                            130

Income tax expense                       1,380

Total expenses     $55,470      $62,980

Net income             $8,930         $3,240

Grace Company gathered the following reconciling information in preparing its July bank reconciliation: Cash balance per books, 7/31 $4,500 Deposits in transit 150 Notes receivable and interest collected by bank 850 Bank charge for check printing 20 Outstanding checks 2,000 NSF check 170 The adjusted cash balance per the books on July 31 is____.a. $5,010.
b. $3,310.
c. $3,460.
d. $5,160.



d. $5,160


Calculation to determine what The adjusted cash balance per the books on July 31 is

Cash balance per books, 7/31 $4,500

Add Notes receivable and interest collected by bank $850

Less Bank charge for check printing ($20)

Less NSF check ($170)

Cash balance per the books on July 31 $5,160

Therefore The adjusted cash balance per the books on July 31 is $5,160

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