A drink bottler needs to fill 16 one-pint bottles and he has two tanks: one that contains 2 gallons of soda and a second that contains 3 gallons which will he need to fill the bottles?


Answer 1


2 Gallons of Soda

Step-by-step explanation:

that is the answer above

Related Questions

llana has 70¢ in her purse. All the coins have the same value. What could describe all the coins she has in her
71 pennies
8 dimes
1 0 0
14 nickels
3 quarters



14 nickels

Step-by-step explanation:

One nickel is worth 5 cents, so find the value of 14 nickels by multiplying 14 by 5:


= 70

So, 14 nickels is equal to the 70 cents that she has in her purse.

The correct answer is 14 nickels.

(a) How many different three-letter initials can people have: , (b) How many different three-letter initials with none of the letters repeated can people have: , (c) How many different three-letter initials with letters repeated begin with an X: , (d) How many different three-letter initials begin with a F and end in a D: .



Step-by-step explanation:

A) 26*26*26 =17576



D) 26

using the unit circle what is the exact value of tanpi/6



[tex] \frac{ \sqrt{3} }{3} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{3} \div \sqrt{3} [/tex]

what is the answer to 5- -8




5 - -8

When you subtract a negative number it changes to an addition so 5- -8 becomes 5 + 8 which equals 13.

help please i’ll give brainliest



3rd option


[tex]A) \frac{4-2}{2-1} =2[/tex]

[tex]B)\frac{1-0.5}{4-2} =0.25[/tex]


[tex]D) 1[/tex]



The third one is your answer

if 2x + 1=7 what is the value of x​




Step-by-step explanation:








2x + 1=7

or 2x = 7 - 1

or, 2x= 6

or, x = 6


or, x = 3

.:. x = 3

Suppose the volume of the cone is 324pi Find dy/dx when x=6 and y=27



[tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} \bigg| \limits_{x = 6} = -9[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right  

Equality Properties

Multiplication Property of Equality Division Property of Equality Addition Property of Equality Subtraction Property of Equality



DerivativesDerivative Notation

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿf’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Derivative Rule [Quotient Rule]:                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx} [\frac{f(x)}{g(x)} ]=\frac{g(x)f'(x)-g'(x)f(x)}{g^2(x)}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle V = \frac{1}{3} \pi x^2y[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle V = 324 \pi[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle x = 6[/tex]

[tex]\displaystyle y = 27[/tex]

Step 2: Differentiate

Substitute in volume [Volume Formula]:                                                     [tex]\displaystyle 324 \pi = \frac{1}{3} \pi x^2y[/tex][Equality Properties] Rewrite:                                                                        [tex]\displaystyle y = \frac{972}{x^2}[/tex]Quotient Rule:                                                                                               [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{(972)'x^2 - (x^2)'972}{(x^2)^2}[/tex]Basic Power Rule:                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{0x^2 - (2x)972}{(x^2)^2}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{-1944x}{x^4}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{-1944}{x^3}[/tex]

Step 3: Evaluate

Substitute in variables [Derivative]:                                                             [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} \bigg| \limits_{x = 6} = \frac{-1944}{6^3}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} \bigg| \limits_{x = 6} = -9[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Differentiation

Plz answer asap question in picture



-1 <x < 7


Step-by-step explanation:

open circle on the left means the number is greater than

-1 <x

Open circle on the right means the number is less than

x < 7

Since both statements are true. we combine them

-1 <x < 7

open circles means parentheses, closed circles mean brackets

PLEASE HELP THIS IS DUE ASAP (answer in decimal!!!!)


Your answer should be 0.14

Help me plz need the steps

In Figure 7 (open photo), GH is a diameter of the circle. What is
x² + y² ?

(B) 49
(C) 10
D) 9
(E) It cannot be determined from the information given.




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex][Kindly\ refer\ the\ attachment]\\We\ are\ given:\\GH\ is\ the\ diameter\ of\ the\ circle.\\ Also,\\ GM=3\ units\ and\ MH=7\ units\\From\ the\ figure,\\GH\ subtends\ an\ angle\ at\ two\ points\ specifically\ M\ and\ N\ on\ the\\ arc.\\Now,\\We\ know\ that,\\'The\ Angle\ subtended\ by\ the\ diameter\ anywhere\ over\ the\ arc\ of\ the\\ circle\ is\ always\ 90\ degrees'.\\Hence,\\\angle GMH\ = \angle GNH=90\\[/tex]

[tex]Also,\\Pythagoras\ Theorem\ states\ that: 'In\ a\ right\ triangle,\ the\ sum\ of\ squares\\ \ of\ the\ legs\ is\ equal\ to\ the\ square\ of\ the\ hypotenuse'\\In\ \triangle GMH,\\Since\ \angle GMH=90,\\GM^2+MH^2=GH^2[Through\ Pythagoras\ Theorem]\\Hence,\\Substituting\ GM=3,\ MH=7:\\3^2+7^2=GH^2\\GH^2=9+49=58[/tex]

[tex]Similarly,\\In\ \triangle GNH,\\Since\ \angle GNH=90,\\GN^2+NH^2=GH^2\\Hence,\\Substituting\ GN=x\ and\ NH=y:\\x^2+y^2=GH^2\\x^2+y^2=58[/tex]

Given the formula A = 5h (B + b); solve for B.





A/5h - b= B

What is the dimension of the vector space consisting of five-by-one column matrices where the rows sum to zero and the first row is equal to the second row?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2



Option c.

Step-by-step explanation:

If we have a vector of N components (or variables), and we have K linear independent restrictions for these N components (such that K < N, we can't have more restrictions than components.)

The dimension of the vector will be given by N - K.

Here we know that we have a vector of 5 components, that can be written as:

[tex]v = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}v_1\\v_2\\v_3\\v_4\\v_5\end{array}\right][/tex]

And we have two restrictions, so we can expect that the dimension of the vector is:

5 - 2 = 3

But let's see it, the restrictions are:

"the first row is equal to the second row"

Then we can rewrite our vector as:

[tex]v = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}v_1\\v_1\\v_3\\v_4\\v_5\end{array}\right][/tex]

Notice that now we have only 4 variables, v₁, v₃, v₄, and v₅

We also know that the sum of the rows is equal to zero, thus:

v₁ + v₂ + v₃ + v₄ + v₅ = 0

we know that v₂ = v₁, so we can replace that to get:

2*v₁ + v₃ + v₄ + v₅ = 0

Now we can isolate one of the variables, to write it in term of the others, for example, let's isolate v₅:

v₅ = -2*v₁ - v₃ - v₄

Now if we replace that in our vector, we have:

[tex]v = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}v_1\\v_1\\v_3\\v_4\\-2*v_1 - v_3 - v_4\end{array}\right][/tex]

Notice that our vector depends on only 3 variables,  v₁, v₃, and v₄, so we can define our vector in a 3-dimensional space.

Then the correct option is c, the dimension of the vector space is 3.

Two cars started from the same place at the same time but travelled in opposite directions. After 9 hours they were 910 kilometers apart. If the speed of one car is 10 kilometers per hour slower than the other what were their speeds per hour



55.55 and 45.55

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the car 1 speed be x km/hr and car 2 speed be x-10 km/hr.

Their relative velocity is 2x-10.

Distance covered in 9 hrs=9(2x-10).

18x-90=910, x=55.55 km/hr, x-10=45.55km/hr


Explain the process of matrix multiplication. What are the dimensions 9f of the resulting matrix? Use the following matrices for your explanation of the process. AB. Show your work. ​


We are given the matrices A and B

[tex]A = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}2&3&-1\\0&2&5\\2&4&0\end{array}\right][/tex]

[tex]B = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}2\\1\\2\end{array}\right][/tex]

Multiplying these matrices:

We multiply matrices by taking the first column of the first matrix and the first row of the second matrix

we will multiply all the terms of the first column of the first matrix and multiply them by the terms of the first row of the second matrix, one by one

[tex]AB = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}2(2) + 3(1) + -1(2)\\0(2) + 2(1) + 5(2)\\2(2) + 4(1) + 0(2)\end{array}\right][/tex]

[tex]AB = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}5\\12\\8\end{array}\right][/tex]

9514 1404 393


Two matrices with dimensions (numbers of (rows, columns)) of (a, b) and (c, d) can only be multiplied if the number of columns in the left matrix is equal to the number of rows in the right matrix. That is, b=c. The dimensions of the product matrix will be (a, d).

For row i of the left matrix and column j of the right matrix, element a(i,j) of the product matrix is the dot-product of row i with column j. (The dot-product of two vectors is the sum of the products of corresponding elements.)


The example matrices have (row, column) dimensions (3, 3) and (3, 1), so can be multiplied with a result having dimensions (3, 1).

It is useful to refer to an element of a matrix by specifying the row and column in which it resides. An element of matrix 'A' in row 2 and column 3 can be referred to as A(2,3). Often, subscripts are used, as in ...


For matrix C = A·B, the element C(1,1) will be the sum ...

  A(1,1)B(1,1) +A(1,2)B(2,1) +A(1,3)B(3,1)

Calculators, apps, spreadsheets, and web sites are available that will perform this arithmetic for you. It can be a bit tedious to do by hand.

Here the product is ...

  [tex]A\cdot B=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}2&3&-1\\0&2&5\\2&4&0\end{array}\right] \cdot\left[\begin{array}{c}2&1&2\end{array}\right] =\left[\begin{array}{c}2(2)+3(1)+(-1)(2)&0(2)+2(1)+5(2)&2(2)+4(1)+0(2)\end{array}\right] \\\\=\left[\begin{array}{c}5&12&8\end{array}\right][/tex]

A group of 6 children and 6 adults are going to the zoo. Child tickets cost $10, and adult tickets cost $14. How much will the zoo tickets cost in all?



i believe it'll cost 200 dollars

Answer: $144

This is because you have 6 children’s tickets each for $10, so you take the 6x10 which gives you $60. Then you have 6 adult tickets which cost $14, so you take 6x14 which equals $84. When added together that is $144!

Which transformation maps the pre-image to the image?





Step-by-step explanation:

Because reflecting yourself in a mirror means pre image to image


Step-by-step explanation:


Factorize the following: cos²B + 5cosB - 6​




Step-by-step explanation:

use u substitution . u = cosB




put cosB back in for u


I need help please. Thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

This is what i got its probally incorrect

What is one thousand minus on hundred and ten



The answer is 890 . ...... :D

find the common ratio of the geometric sequence 4,3,9/4




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the common ratio, take the second term and divide by the first term


Check with the third and second terms

9/4 ÷3

9/4 *1/3= 3/4

The common ratio is 3/4

The number of basic trigonometric ratios is....




There are three basic trigonometric ratios: sine , cosine , and tangent .

Step-by-step explanation:

Put the following equation of a line into slope-intercept form, simplifying all fractions 2x-2y=14



y = x - 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: y = x - 7

Slope intercept form: y = mx + b

[tex]2x-2y=14\\\\-2y=-2x+14\\\\y=\frac{-2x+14}{-2} =\frac{-2(x-7)}{-2} =x-7[/tex]

The sum of 'n' terms of an arithmetic sequence is 4n^2+3n. What is the first term, the common difference, and the sequence?



The sequence has first term 7 and common difference is 8.

So the sequence is f(n)=7 + 8(n-1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Let a be the first term.

Let a+d be the second term where d is the common difference.

Then a+2d is the third....

And a+(n-1)d is the nth term.

Adding these terms we get:


For the first term of this sum I seen we had n amount of a's and for the second term I used the well known identity sum of the first n positive integers is n(n+1)/2.

Let's simplify:




Find common denominator:


Combine terms into one:


Reorder terms:


Regroup terms:


We want the following sum though:


This means d/2=4 (so d=8) and (2a-d)/2=3.

So plug d=8 into second equation to solve for a.





The sequence has first term 7 and common difference is 8.

So the sequence is f(n)=7 + 8(n-1).

____________ is/are when data is analyzed in order to make decisions about the population behind the data.
A. Experiments
B. Simulations
C. Surveys
D. Statistics



statistics are when data analyzed in order to make decisions about the population behind the data.

The correct answer to the question is Statistics (Option D).

What is statistics?

Statistics is a field of study in mathematics which deals with raw data. It is a tool which refines the data to produce meaningful results and a pathway to better understanding of it.

Some examples of raw data can be population sample which loves to see a particular TV show or a sample of students getting so and so marks in Math test.

Data is analyzed mainly by three different measure of central tendency that is mean, median and mode.

Mean is the average value of given discrete data.Median is the middle value when the data is sorted in ascending or descending order.Mode is the value that has highest frequency.

Therefore, Statistics the correct answer.

To know more about statistics refer:https://brainly.com/question/10734660


What is (x+13)^2? pls help!!!


Answer: X^2 + 26x + 169

15. Five boys went to see the CIRCUS. Four of them had Rs.5 each and the fifth boy had Re.1 more than the entrance ticket price. IF with the whole amount (which the 5 boys had), the boys were able to just buy the entrance ticket for all the 5, cost of the entrance ticket per person was​



20+(x+1) = 5x


x= 5.25

The entrance ticket per person can be calculated using algebraic equation. We have create the algebraic expression as per the question.

The entrance ticket per person is Rs. 5.25.


Total boys are 5

4 boys has 5 rupee each so total rupee are [tex]=5\times 4=20[/tex].

Let the entrance ticket per boy is [tex]x[/tex].

One boy had 1 rupee more than entrance ticket [tex](x+1)[/tex].

Write the algebraic expression to calculate the entrance ticket per person.


Thus, the entrance ticket per person is Rs. 5.25.

Learn more about algebraic expression here:


Choose the best answer from the choices below:
If a radius of a circle bisects a chord which is not a diameter, then ____.


Answer: the radius is perpendicular to the chord.

If a radius of a circle bisects a chord which is not diameter, then the radius is perpendicular to the chord.

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

The radius is perpendicular to the chord.

Does the radius of the circle bisect the string?

If the radius of the circle is perpendicular to the chord of the circle, the radius bisects the chord. The two strings are congruent only if they are equidistant from the center of the circle.

No, not all strings in a circle are diameters because the diameter passes through the center of the circle. Therefore, all the diameters of a circle are also strings, not all the strings of a circle.

Learn more about chord at



What is the equation of exponential regression equation? Round all numbers you your answer to three decimal places



The given values are:





To find:

The exponential regression equation for the given values (Rounded to three decimal places).


The general form of exponential regression equation is:

[tex]y=a\cdot b^x[/tex]          ...(i)

Where, a is the initial value and b is the growth/decay factor.

We have,



Round these numbers to three decimal places.

[tex]a\approx 0.209[/tex]

[tex]b\approx 2.507[/tex]

Substitute [tex]a=0.209, b=2.507[/tex] in (i) to find the exponential regression equation.

[tex]\hat{y}=0.209\cdot 2.507^x[/tex]

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Cars arrive at an automatic car wash system every 10 minutes on average. The cars inter-arrival times are exponentially distributed. Washing time for each is 6 minutes per car and is purely deterministic (i.e., the waiting line system is M/D/c). Assuming that the car wash has a single bay to serve the cars, what is the average number of cars waiting in line (L.)?



the average number of cars waiting in line L[tex]q[/tex] is 0.45

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data in the question;

Cars arrive at an automatic car wash system every 10 minutes on average.

Car arrival rate λ = 1 per 10 min = [ 1/10 × 60 ]per hrs = 6 cars per hour

Washing time for each is 6 minutes per car

Car service rate μ = 6min per car = [ 1/6 × 60 ] per hrs = 10 cars per hour


P = λ/μ = 6 / 10 = 0.6

Using the length of queue in M/D/1 system since there is only one service bay;

L[tex]q[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex][ P² / ( 1 - P ) ]

so we substitute

L[tex]q[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex][ (0.6)² / ( 1 - 0.6 ) ]

L[tex]q[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex][ 0.36 / 0.4 ]

L[tex]q[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex][ 0.9 ]

L[tex]q[/tex] = 0.45

Therefore, the average number of cars waiting in line L[tex]q[/tex] is 0.45

simplify 7-(3n+6)+10n​



1 + 7n

Step-by-step explanation:


7 - 3n - 6 + 10 n

1 - 7n

Answered by Gauthmath

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