A metal blade of length L = 300 cm spins at a constant rate of 17 rad/s about an axis that is perpendicular to the blade and through its center. A uniform magnetic field B = 4.0 mT is perpendicular to the plane of rotation. What is the magnitude of the potential difference (in V) between the center of the blade and either of its ends?


Answer 1

We are being given that:

The length of a metal blade = 300 cmThe angular velocity at which the metal blade is rotating about its axis is ω = 17 rad/sThe magnetic field (B) = 4.0 mT

A pictorial view showing the diagrammatic representation of the information given in the question is being attached in the image below.

From the attached image below, the potential difference across the conducting element of the length (dx) moving with the velocity (v) appears to be perpendicular to the magnetic field (B).

The magnitude of the potential difference induced between the center of the blade in relation to either of its ends can be determined by using the derived formula from Faraday's law of induction which can be expressed as:

[tex]\mathsf{E = B\times l\times v}[/tex]


B = magnetic fieldl = lengthv = relative speed

From the diagram, Let consider the length of the conducting element (dx) at a distance of length (x) from the center O.

Then, the velocity (v) = ωx

The potential difference across it can now be expressed as:

[tex]\mathsf{dE = B*(dx)*(\omega x)}[/tex]

For us to determine the potential difference, we need to carry out the integral form from center point O to L/2.

[tex]\mathsf{E = \int ^{L/2}_{0}* B (\omega x ) *(dx)}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{E = B (\omega ) \times \Big[ \dfrac{x^2}{2}\Big]^{L/2}_{0}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{E = B (\omega ) * \Big[ \dfrac{L^2}{8}\Big]}[/tex]

Recall that,

magnetic field (B) = 4 mT = 4 × 10⁻³  TLength L = 300 cm = 3mangular velocity (ω) = 17 rad/s

[tex]\mathsf{E = (4\times 10^{-3}) * (17) \Big[ \dfrac{(1.5)^2}{8}\Big]}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{E = 19.13 mV}[/tex]

Thus, we can now conclude that the magnitude of the potential difference as a result of the rotation caused by the metal blade from the center to either of its ends is 19.13 mV.

Learn more about Faraday's law of induction here:


Related Questions

1. A 2.7-kg copper block is given an initial speed of 4.0 m/s on a rough horizontal surface. Because of friction, the block finally comes to rest. (a) If the block absorbs 85% of its initial kinetic energy as internal energy, calculate its increase in temperature.



ΔT = 0.017 °C


According to the given condition, the change in internal energy of the block must be equal to 85% of its kinetic energy:

Change in Internal Energy = (0.85)(Kinetic Energy)

[tex]mC\Delta T = (0.85)\frac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\C\Delta T = (0.425)v^2\\\\\Delta T = \frac{0.425v^2}{C}[/tex]


ΔT = increase in temperature = ?

v = speed of block = 4 m/s

C = specific heat capacity of copper = 389 J/kg.°C


[tex]\Delta T = \frac{(0.425)(4\ m/s)^2}{389}\\\\[/tex]

ΔT = 0.017 °C

An ideal spring is hung vertically from the ceiling. When a 2.0-kg mass hangs at rest from it the spring is extended 6.0 cm from its relaxed length. A downward external force is now applied to the mass to extend the spring an additional 10 cm. While the spring is being extended by the force, the work done by the spring is:
a. -3.6 J
b. -3.3 F
c. -3.4 times 10^-5 J
d. 3.3 J
e. 3.6 J



b) - 3.3 J



mass, m = 2 kg

initial extension of the spring, x = 6 cm = 0.06 m

The weight of the mass on the spring;

W = mg


g is acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

W = 2 x 9.81

W = 19.62 N

The spring constant is calculated as;

W = kx

k = W/x

k = 19.62 / 0.06

k = 327 N/m

The work done by the spring when it is extended to an additional 10 cm;

work done = force x distance

distance = extension, x =  10 cm = 0.1 m

The work done by the spring opposes the applied force by acting in opposite direction to the force.

W = - Fx

W = - (kx) x

W = - kx²

W = - (327) x (0.1)²

W = - 3.27 J

W ≅ - 3.3 J

Therefore, the work done by the spring by opposing the applied force is -3.3 J

The US currently produces about 27 GW of electrical power from solar installations. Natural gas, coal, and oil powered installations produce about 740 GW of electrical power. The average intensity of electromagnetic radiation from the sun on the surface of the earth is 1000 W/m2 . If solar panels are 30% efficient at converting this incident radiation into electrical power, what is the total surface area of solar panels responsible for the 27 GW of power currently produced



The total surface area is "90 km²".



Power from solar installations,

= 27 GW

Other natural installations,

= 740 GW


[tex]\frac{F}{At}=\frac{P}{A}=1000 \ W/m^2[/tex]


= 30%


⇒ %n = [tex]\frac{out.}{Inp.}\times 100[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Inp.=\frac{27}{30}\times 100[/tex]

           [tex]=90 \ GW[/tex]

As we know,

⇒ [tex]I=\frac{P}{A}[/tex]

by substituting the values, we get

[tex]1000=\frac{90\times 10^9}{A}[/tex]

    [tex]A = \frac{90\times 10^9}{10^3}[/tex]

        [tex]=90\times 10^6[/tex]

        [tex]=90 \ km^2[/tex]

An equation for the period of a planet is 4 pie² r³/Gm where T is in secs, r is in meters, G is in m³/kgs² m is in kg, show that the equation is dimensionally correct.​



[tex]\displaystyle T = \sqrt{\frac{4\, \pi^{2} \, r^{3}}{G \cdot m}}[/tex].

The unit of both sides of this equation are [tex]\rm s[/tex].


The unit of the left-hand side is [tex]\rm s[/tex], same as the unit of [tex]T[/tex].

The following makes use of the fact that for any non-zero value [tex]x[/tex], the power [tex]x^{-1}[/tex] is equivalent to [tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{x}[/tex].

On the right-hand side of this equation:

[tex]\pi[/tex] has no unit.The unit of [tex]r[/tex] is [tex]\rm m[/tex].The unit of [tex]G[/tex] is [tex]\displaystyle \rm \frac{m^{3}}{kg \cdot s^{2}}[/tex], which is equivalent to [tex]\rm m^{3} \cdot kg^{-1} \cdot s^{-2}[/tex].The unit of [tex]m[/tex] is [tex]\rm kg[/tex].

[tex]\begin{aligned}& \rm \sqrt{\frac{(m)^{3}}{(m^{3} \cdot kg^{-1} \cdot s^{-2}) \cdot (kg)}} \\ &= \rm \sqrt{\frac{m^{3}}{m^{3} \cdot s^{-2}}} = \sqrt{s^{2}} = s\end{aligned}[/tex].

Hence, the unit on the right-hand side of this equation is also [tex]\rm s[/tex].

a beam of light converging to the point of 10 cm is incident on the lens. find the position of the point image if the lens has a focal length of 40 cm



beam of light converges to a point A. A lens is placed in the path of the convergent beam 12 cm from P.

To find the point at which the beam converge if the lens is (a) a convex lens of focal length 20 cm, (b) a concave lens of focal length 16 cm


As per the given criteria,

the the object is virtual and the image is real (as the lens is placed in the path of the convergent beam)

(a) lens is a convex lens with

focal length, f=20cm

object distance, u=12cm

applying the lens formula, we get






























Hence the image formed is real, at 7.5cm from the lens on its right side.

(b) lens is a concave lens with

focal length, f=−16cm

object distance, 12cm

applying the lens formula, we get






























Hence the image formed is real, at 48 cm from the lens on the right side.

A long copper wire of radius 0.321 mm has a linear charge density of 0.100 μC/m. Find the electric field at a point 5.00 cm from the center of the wire. (in Nm2/C, keep 3 significant figures)





From the question we are told that:

Radius [tex]r=0.321mm[/tex]

Charge Density [tex]\mu=0.100[/tex]

Distance [tex]d= 5.00 cm[/tex]

Generally the equation for electric field is mathematically given by

[tex]E=\frac{mu}{2\pi E_0r}[/tex]



15 . A scientist who studies the whole environment as a working unit .





Your answer is Ecologist.

(Ecologist) is a scientist who studies the whole environment as a working unit.

The cells lie odjacent to the sieve tubes​



Almost always adjacent to nucleus containing companion cells, which have been produced as sister cells with the sieve elements from the same mother cell.

The 52-g arrow is launched so that it hits and embeds in a 1.50 kg block. The block hangs from strings. After the arrow joins the block, they swing up so that they are 0.47 m higher than the block's starting point. How fast was the arrow moving before it joined the block? What mechanical work must you do to lift a uniform log that is 3.1 m long and has a mass of 100 kg from the horizontal to a vertical position?





From the question we are told that:

Mass of arrow [tex]m=52g[/tex]

Mass of rock [tex]m_r=1.50kg[/tex]

Height [tex]h=0.47m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Velocity is mathematically given by

 [tex]v = \sqrt{(2gh)}[/tex]

 [tex]v=\sqrt{(2 * 9.8m/s² * 0.47m) }[/tex]

 [tex]v= 3.035m/s[/tex]

Generally the equation for conservation of momentum is mathematically given by


 [tex]0.052kg * v = 1.5 * 3.03m/s[/tex]


When the drag force on an object falling through the air equals the force of gravity, the object has reached
terminal force.
terminal acceleration,
terminal illness.
terminal velocity


The answer is terminal force

A 20 N south magnetic force pushes a charged particle traveling with a velocity of 4 m/s west through a 5 T magnetic field pointing downwards . What is the charge of the particle ?



Charge of the particle is 1 coulomb.


Force, F:

[tex]{ \bf{F=BeV}}[/tex]

F is magnetic force.

B is the magnetic flux density.

e is the charge of the particle.

V is the velocity

[tex]{ \sf{20 = (5 \times e \times 4)}} \\ { \sf{20e = 20}} \\ { \sf{e = 1 \: coulomb}}[/tex]

Determine the density in kg \cm of solid whose Made is 1080 and whose dimension in cm are length=3 ,width=4,and height=3 ​



d = 30kg/cm³


d = m/v

d = 1080kg/(3cm*4cm*3cm)

d = 30kg/cm³

Consider the nearly circular orbit of Earth around the Sun as seen by a distant observer standing in the plane of the orbit. What is the effective "spring constant" of this simple harmonic motion?
Express your answer to three significant digits and include the appropriate units.


We have that the spring constant is mathematically given as


Generally, the equation for angular velocity is mathematically given by



k=spring constant


[tex]\omega =\frac{2\pi}{T}[/tex]



Hence giving spring constant k

[tex]k=m((\frac{2 \pi}{T})^2[/tex]


Mass of earth [tex]m=5.97*10^{24}[/tex]

Period for on complete resolution of Earth around the Sun

[tex]T=365 days[/tex]



[tex]k=(5.97*10^{24})((\frac{2 \pi}{365*24*3600})^2[/tex]


In conclusion

The effective spring constant of this simple harmonic motion is


For more information on this visit


A nearsighted person has a near point of 50 cmcm and a far point of 100 cmcm. Part A What power lens is necessary to correct this person's vision to allow her to see distant objects



P = -1 D


For this exercise we must use the equation of the constructor

       / f = 1 / p + 1 / q

where f is the focal length, p and q is the distance to the object and the image, respectively

The far view point is at p =∞  and its image must be at q = -100 cm = 1 m, the negative sign is because the image is on the same side as the image  

        [tex]\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{infinity} + \frac{1}{-1}[/tex]

         f = 1 m

         P = 1/f

          P = -1 D

Let A^=6i^+4j^_2k^ and B= 2i^_2j^+3k^. find the sum and difference of A and B​



Let [tex]\textbf{A} = 6\hat{\textbf{i}} + 4\hat{\textbf{j}} - 2\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex] and [tex]\textbf{B} = 2\hat{\textbf{i}} - 2\hat{\textbf{j}} + 3\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

The sum of the two vectors is

[tex]\textbf{A + B} = (6 + 2)\hat{\textbf{i}} + (4 - 2)\hat{\textbf{j}} + (-2 + 3)\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

[tex] = 8\hat{\textbf{i}} + 2\hat{\textbf{j}} + \hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

The difference between the two vectors can be written as

[tex]\textbf{A - B} = (6 - 2)\hat{\textbf{i}} + (4 - (-2))\hat{\textbf{j}} + (-2 - 3)\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

[tex]= 4\hat{\textbf{i}} + 6\hat{\textbf{j}} - 5\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

cyclist always bends when moving the direction opposite to the wind. Give reasons​


When he bends he kinda off his feet and light but if it’s not i’m so sorry this is just my thinking.

​Determine usando ecuación de Bernoulli la Presión P1 necesaria para mantener la condición mostrada dentro del sistema mostrado en la figura, sabiendo que el aceite tiene un s.g =0.45 y el valor de d=90mm.





What is an internal resistance?



some thing inside a resistor

Which of the following choices is not an example of climate?
San Diego has mild, warm temperatures and sea breezes year-round.
Anchorage has short, cool summers and long, snowy winters.
It will be 78° on Friday in Clovis.
Florida is tropical, with a significant rainy season.



Florida is tropical, with a significant rainy seson

find the rate of energy radiated by a man by assuming the surface area of his body 1.7m²and emissivity of his body 0.4​


The rate of energy radiated by the man is 3.86 x [tex]10^{-8}[/tex]  J/s. [tex]m^{2}[/tex].

The amount of energy radiated by an object majorly depends on the area of its surface and its temperature. The is well explained in the Stefan-Boltzmann's law which states that:

Q(t) = Aeσ[tex]T^{4}[/tex]

where: Q is the quantity of heat radiated, A is the surface area of the object, e is the emmisivity of the object, σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature of the object.

To determine the rate of energy radiated by the man in the given question;

[tex]\frac{Q(t)}{T^{4} }[/tex] = Aeσ

But A = 1.7 m², e = 0.4 and σ = 5.67 x [tex]10^{-8}[/tex] J/s.

So that;

[tex]\frac{Q(t)}{T^{4} }[/tex] = 1.7 * 0.4 * 5.67 x [tex]10^{-8}[/tex]

     = 3.8556 x [tex]10^{-8}[/tex]

     = 3.86 x [tex]10^{-8}[/tex]  J/s. [tex]m^{2}[/tex]

Thus, the rate of energy radiated by the man is 3.86 x [tex]10^{-8}[/tex]  J/s. [tex]m^{2}[/tex].

Learn more on energy radiation of objects by visiting: https://brainly.com/question/12550129

The source of sound moves away from the listener.The listener has the impression that the source is lower in pitch. Why?


When the source is moving away from the observer the velocity of the source is added to the speed of light. This increases the value of the denominator, decreasing the value of the observed frequency. Frequency corresponds to pitch or tone; a lower observed frequency will result in a lower observed pitch.

define nortons theorem​



In direct-current circuit theory, Norton's theorem is a simplification that can be applied to networks made of linear time-invariant resistances, voltage sources, and current sources. At a pair of terminals of the network, it can be replaced by a current source and a single resistor in parallel.

A bicycle tire with a volume of 0.00210 m^3 is filled to its recommended absolute pressure of 495 kPa on a cold winter day when the tire's temperature is -14°C. The cyclist then brings his bicycle into a hot laundry room at 32°C.

a. If the tire warms up while its volume remains constant, will the pressure increase be greater than, less than, or equal to the manufacturer's stated 10% overpressure limit?
b. Find the absolute pressure in the tire when it warms to 32 degrees Celcius at constant volume.


(A) The pressure will be greater than 10% overpressure limit.

(B) The final pressure will be "582.915 kPa".



[tex]V = 0.0021 \ m^3[/tex]

Initial pressure,

[tex]P_o= 495 \ kPa[/tex]

Initial temperature,

[tex]T_o = -14^{\circ} C[/tex]

            [tex]= 259 \ K[/tex]

Final temperature,

[tex]T = 32^{\circ} C[/tex]


Number of moles,

→ [tex]n = (\frac{P_o V}{RT_o} )[/tex]


The final absolute pressure,

→ [tex]P = \frac{nRT}{V}[/tex]

      [tex]= (\frac{P_o V}{RT_o} )(\frac{RT}{V} )[/tex]

      [tex]=(\frac{T}{T_o} )P_o[/tex]

      [tex]= (\frac{305}{259} )\times 495[/tex]

      [tex]= 582.915 \ kPa[/tex]

Thus the above approach is correct.

Learn more:




A is the correct answer because the the plane mirror would move the same speed in the same direction

A uniform magnetic field passes through a horizontal circular wire loop at an angle 15.1° from the normal to the plane of the loop. The magnitude of the magnetic field is 3.35 T , and the radius of the wire loop is 0.240 m . Find the magnetic flux Φ through the loop.





The formula for calculating the magnetic flus is expressed as:

[tex]\phi = BAcos \theta[/tex]


The magnitude of the magnetic field B = 3.35T

Area of the loop = πr² = 3.14(0.24)² = 0.180864m²

angle of the wire loop θ = 15.1°

Substitute the given values into the formula:

[tex]\phi = 3.35(0.180864)cos15.1^0\\\phi =0.6058944cos15.1^0\\\phi =0.6058944(0.9655)\\\phi = 0.5849Wb[/tex]

Hence the magnetic flux Φ through the loop is 0.5849Weber

Mention the importance of occupation??​



ln the contemporary time , farming can be considered as comparitively important occupation as it can feed the population , So agriculture is having a greater importance than any other occupation.

Describing Uses ñ Olivia wants to find out whether a substance will fluoresce. She says she should put it in a microwave oven. Do you agree with her? Why or why not?


I don’t agree what if it blows up?

Two long, straight wires are separated by 0.120 m. The wires carry currents of 11 A in opposite directions, as the drawing indicates. Find the magnitude of the net magnetic field.



The magnitude of the magnetic field is 1.83 x [tex]10^{-5}[/tex] T.


The flow of an electric current in a straight wire induces magnetic field around the wire. When current is flowing through two wires in the same direction, a force of attraction exists between the wires. But if the current flows in opposite directions, the force of repulsion is felt by the wires.

In the given question, the direction of flow of current through the wires is opposite, thus both wires applies the same field on each other. The result to repulsion between them.

The magnetic field (B) between the given wires can be determined by:

B = [tex]\frac{U_{o}I }{2\pi r}[/tex]

where: I is the current, r is the distance between the wires and [tex]U_{0}[/tex] is the magnetic field constant.

But, I = 11 A, r = 0.12 m and [tex]U_{0}[/tex] = 4[tex]\pi[/tex] x [tex]10^{-7}[/tex] Tm/A

So that;

B = [tex]\frac{4\pi *10^{-7}*11 }{2\pi *0.12}[/tex]

   = 1.8333 x [tex]10^{-5}[/tex]

B = 1.83 x [tex]10^{-5}[/tex] T

An object undergoing simple harmonic motion takes 0.40 s to travel from one point of zero velocity to the next such point. The distance between those points is 50 cm. Calculate (a) the period, (b) the frequency, and (c) the amplitude of the motion.



a)  [tex]P=0.80[/tex]

b)  [tex]1.25Hz[/tex]

c)  [tex]A=25cm[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Travel Time [tex]T=0.40s[/tex]

Distance [tex]d=50cm[/tex]



Time taken to complete one oscillation





Frequency is




Amplitude:the distance between the mean and extreme position



A car starting at rest accelerates at 3m/s² How far has the car travelled after 4s?​





you can use the formula





I hope this helps

Other Questions
Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect progressive1. I _______just ________my book.( finish) 2. He _______already _____________his lessons. ( prepare) 3. He ___________my sister since he was very young.(love) 4. We ___________________El for 4 years.(learn) 5. I ________________for two hours (wait), but she ________________yet. ( not come)6. This is the first time I _____________________to Paris. ( be)7. I_______________ that film several times because I like it. ( see)8. I __________________that novel written by Hemingway several times before. ( read)9. Up to the present / So far, we _______________almost every lesson in the book. ( write)10. We____________________to New York lately. (travel) 11. I ______________________him recently (not see)12. __________you ever _________________Huong Pagoda? ( visit)13. You look hot- Yes, I _______________________ (run)14. Carol _________________________on the phone for two hours. ( talk)15. Wheres Sarah? Shes outside. She __________the gardening all this morning. ( do)16. My sister _______________for you since yesterday. ( look)17. I ________________ all afternoon (run)18. She __________________ to meet him all day ( hope)19. I ____________ never __________her before ( see)20. _________ he __________ the report since this morning? (type)Exercise 2: Choose the best answer1. We often __________e-mail to keep in touch with our friends. A. use B. is using C. uses D. have used2. Nicola and Peter always ______________the lesson carefully before going to school. A. prepares B. prepared C. have prepared D. prepare3. It ____________now. Lets find somewhere to hide.A. rains B. is raining C rained D. was raining4. ______________their holidays in Canada every year ? A. Do they spend B. Did they spend C. Have they spent D. Are they spending5. I ___________________to Mom right now. Do you want to say anything to her? A. wrote B. am writing C. had written D. writeGVBM: Nguyn Th Ngc Dip6. I ___________in this house since I___________________born. A. lived / was B. have lived / were C. had lived / am D. have lived / was7. I usually ______________to school by bus. A. went B. am going C. go D. have gone8. How long ___________you ____________her ? For five months. A. do / know B. are / knowing C. have / known D. had / known9. Please dont make so much noise. I ______________. A. studying B. study C. am studying D. studied10. George _______me from Italy. A. has just called B. had just called C. has called just D. just had called11. It _________now. It ________raining two hours ago. So it ________for two hours. A. is raining / began / has rained B. is raining / begun / rained C. rains / began / has rained D. is raining / begun / have rained 12. Mike is playing chess. How long _________he ___________? A. did / play B. is / playing C. has / play D. has / been playing13. My sister __________for you since yesterday. A. is looking B. was looking C. has been looking D. looked 14. We ______________Dorothy since last Saturday. A. dont see B. havent seen C. didnt see D. hadnt seen15. Mary _______________her parents since last Christmas / 2011. A. havent visited B. hasnt visited C. doesnt visit D. isnt visit16. This is the first time I _____________________to Paris. A. am B. have been C. am being D. havent been17. I_______________that film several times because I like it. A. have seen B. havent seen C. dont see D. am seeing18. I __________________that novel written by Hemingway several times before. A. read B. am reading C. have read D. have been read19. Up to the present / So far, we _______________almost every lesson in the book. A. write B. have written C. are writing D. hasnt written20. Fred usually ______________to work, but this week he ____________his car. 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