A Shoe could not exist without ___


Answer 1

lesses u know shoe has lesses

Answer 2
A shoe couldn’t exist without Materials

Related Questions

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution a.ended the institution of slavery and indentured servitude throughout the United States. b.prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race. c.guaranteed women the right to vote in federal elections but did not allow them to vote in state elections. d.made the income tax constitutional for the top 30 percent of wealthy white Americans but not black southerners.


b.prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited federal state governments denying any citizen the vote because of race. The appropriate response is option B.

What is Fifteenth Amendment?

The right to vote cannot be denied based on "race, color, or prior condition of servitude," according to the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. With this constitutional amendment, former slaves and other African American men were given the right to vote.

In 1870, the 15th Amendment was ratified into the United States Constitution in an effort to safeguard the right of Black males to vote following the Civil War.

Despite the amendment, several discriminatory tactics were utilized in the South, especially within a few years, to prevent Black individuals from exercising their right to vote.

To learn more about the Fifteenth Amendment



¿Qué factores geográficos y culturales justificaron la expansión imperial europea sobre Asia y África?



en verdad no se la respuesta


pero porfin alguien que hable Spanish.esta app esta llena de estaunidences

This is about Italy only ( Mussolini)

What is it and how did leaders use it?

What was the
-outlawed opposing parties

3. Economic/Agriculture
How did the leaders plan to improve it?

what is the
-state control of economy
-outlawed strikes

4. Terror
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-Black shirts

5. Analysis
- why did totalitarian leaders emerge
-what is the impact they had on their country? ( Italy and Germany)

-how did they impact WW2





propaganda is your answer

por que se castigaba a los esclavos por no comer_



Because they would be too unwell to work and do anything for the people for whom they worked.

Porque estarían enfermos para trabajar y hacer cualquier cosa por las personas para las que trabajaban.

Which of the following was NOT a product of the Gupta period?
A. Government paid artists and scientists
B. Paid Buddhist monks spreading teachings and conversion
C. Proposals of Earth as a rotating sphere
D. Formal essays on medicine, astronomy, and grammar


Answer: B. Paid Buddhist monks spreading teachings and conversion


Even though the Gupta emperors encouraged religious freedom and so had no problem with Buddhism and Jainism spreading, it is very unlikely that they actually paid Buddhist monks to try to convert people to Buddhism.

This is because the Gupta emperors were Hindu so it would make little sense that they would pay someone to convert people from their religion. It was Ashoka the Great of the Maurya Dynasty that was an ardent enough supporter of Buddhism to do this.

write two sentences explaining what you think could happen if the Bill of Rights had not been added to the Constitution.



The Bill of Rights makes certain that our rights as human beings are stated and established. If the Constitution did not have the Bill of Rights, anyone in power could easily run over the rights of the people. Besides, the Founders wanted a free country, not a communist regime.


What does the size of the sultan's caravan show about the economy of the Ottoman Empire



Large size means strong economy.


The size of the sultan's caravan show that the economy of the Ottoman Empire is very strong because the caravan needs more money during its journey. Larger the caravan, more money will be needed to fulfill the requirements and needs of the journey which can only be done if the economy of the empire is strong. The caravan of sultan is always had large number of people which indicates good economy.

Michele Suriano's point of view about Philip Il's rule in Spain.



Philip II was the emperor of the Spanish Empire from 1556 to 1598. In the time of Philip, Spain reached the peak of its power, but it also knew its limits. During his reign, Spain was embroiled in increasingly complex conflicts. Thus, despite the ever-increasing flow of gold and silver from American mines, despite the large profits from the Portuguese spice trade and the enthusiastic support met with by the counter-reform in the Hapsburgs, Philip failed to make Spain a lasting power over time.

The endless wars caused significant problems in his empire, which became particularly apparent. after his death. His exhausting obsession with detail, his inability to prioritize goals, and his insistence on making all decisions personally led to the creation of a labyrinthine bureaucracy.

Despite these problems, his reign cannot be described as a failure. He stabilized the Spanish colonies on the American continent, significantly increased the amount of silver coming from these colonies and defeated the Ottoman navy in the famous Battle of Nafpaktos, a defeat from which the Ottomans would never recover. He managed to unite Spain and Portugal under his crown and successfully faced the crisis that arose in Aragon. His efforts were also instrumental in limiting the spread of Protestantism in Northern Europe.

What best describes why Germany felt the Treaty of Versailles was unfair?
The treaty did not honor earlier agreements about surrender.
The treaty was less severe than Germany had expected.
The treaty did not require the Allies to pay Germany for damages.
The treaty forced Germany to follow all of Wilson’s Fourteen Points.



The treaty did not honor earlier agreements about surrender.


They hated Clause 231, which stated that Germany caused the war. They thought it was an excuse for the other countries envolvment in the war.

Answer:  A


Jesus was baptized as a sign of His:

mission to man
submission to God


mission to man, he was baptized to be like one of us

Necesito una exposición del BICENTENARIO del Perú para hoy plis no tan larga





This map shows the spread of Islam by 750 CE. Which list of present-day nations best represents the areas where Islam had spread by 750 CE?

a.)Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Morocco, and Spain

b.)Egypt, Morocco, Spain, Italy, and Greece

c.)Iran, India, China, Japan, and Spain

d.)Egypt, Morocco, Spain, France, and England





That's the Iberian Peninsula at the top left of the map; they house the countries: Spain and Portugal.

Morroco is the country below that same peninsula.

Egypt has the Nile River, which is basically in the middle of the map.

Iraq and Afghanistan are at the east of Saudi Arabia.


A. Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Morocco, and Spain


Muslim Moorish conquest was a reason Islam spread all the way to the Iberian Peninsula by year 750 CE.

Which of the following describes the type of government created by the constitution?



The government created by the Constitution is described as one where voters elect representatives to govern.


He Constitution and its Amendments state that the citizens of the country, who meet the criteria to vote, choose in different elections, the representatives that are going to govern the nation for a specific period of time.

Hope this helps Plzs give me brainliest

A leading pharmaceutical company is promoting its botulinum toxin-popularly know by its trade name Botox-injections. The content of the ad
contains images of a mother-daughter duo before and after using this product. The ad shows a noticeable improvement in the mother's face
after using the product. Which of these audiences is likely to be most influenced by the ad?

A- women under 30
B- working population
C- adults who are 35 or older
D- middle-income group families


B. Working population hope this helps

Name the following:-
1. The first sultan of Bhamani kingdom
2. The Capital of the Vijaynagar kingdom
3. The Chief Wajir of the Bahamani kingdom
4. The first king of Vijaynagar​



1.Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah

2.Vijaynagar empire

3.Mahmud Gawan Madrasa


1. Alauddin Bahman Shah
2.The capital is Vijayanagara
3.Mahmud Gawan Madrasa
4.Harihara l

who are those affected by public policies


Everyone has a stake in the public policies enacted by federal, state, and local governments. Many citizens and groups try to influence public policy through the political process by supporting candidates and political parties. That's a good way to make a positive impact, but not the best way.

How did the ruling in McDonald v. Chicago impact federalism?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The city of Chicago claims that enforcing the 2nd Amendment against both the states would change the balance of power between the federal and state governments. A number of states supporting McDonald believe that worries about federalism are unfounded since the right to keep and bear weapons is a basic right.

which of the following countries allied with the united states after world war II
a. czechoslovakia
b. hungary
c. albania
d. belgium


d. Belgium is the answer


D. Belgium


the other country's joined the Warsaw pact

What was the failed constitutional amendment that was intended to give
equality to women?
A. The Title IX Amendment
B. The Women's Rights Amendment
C. The Equal Rights Amendment
D. The Feminist Amendment


Answer: C. The Equal Rights Amendment

The failed constitutional amendment that was intended to give equality to women is the Equal Rights Amendment. Thus option (C) is correct.

What is an amendment?

An amendment is a change or addition made to a legal document, such as a constitution, statute, or contract. An amendments are typically used to modify or update the original text of a legal document to reflect changing circumstances, new information, or different interpretations of the law.

An amendment to a constitution changes the fundamental law of the land, while an amendment to a statute changes the legal rules that apply to a particular area of activity.

The Equal Rights Amendment was failed constitutional amendment that was intended to give equality to women. Therefor option (C) is correct.

Learn more about the amendment here:



what is a benefit of a person borrowing money to start a bussiness?



It's common for owners of small and start-up businesses to look to relatives and friends for support when they need additional business funding.

Which describes the goal of Roosevelt's cash-and-carry policy? (1 point) To allow the United States to give aid to Britain free of charge To maintain the neutrality of the United States while giving aid to Britain To allow war industries in the United States to profit from the European conflict To maintain the neutrality of the United States while giving equal support to every country



To maintain the neutrality of the United States while giving aid to Britain


Cash and Carry is the policy where countries would pay for resources from the US, but they have to transport the resources themselves. The biggest customer was Great Britain, and Germany barely traded with the US.

Using the information from this lesson and your own Internet research, write at least one paragraph in your own words explaining which region was home to the economic activity and why. Use the Five W’s in each of the four paragraphs

Who: Who would have been involved in this economic activity during the colonial period?

What: What resources were needed for this economic activity? What kind of labor was used for this economic activity during the colonial period?

Where: Which region is best suited for this economic activity? How did geography play a role?

When: Your explanations and examples should reflect the colonial era.

Why: Why was this economic activity significant during the colonial era? What challenges or issues were related to this economic activity?



1. Rice is suitable for Southern colonies because of their rich soil. There are African slaves to help with the farm work. This is profitable opportunity as there will be a chance to trade rice with other colonies in exchange for money or goods for your colony.

2. Trade is a perfect business opportunity for the New England colonies. There are not very good soil but they have enough goods for trade. Also there are not so many people, so they can travel easily and trade their goods.

3. Middle colonies is the best place for the Wheat production. They have a good soil and industrious people to harvest wheat, grains and oats. Middle colonies is the only source of wheat, so their also have a good opportunity to trade.

4. All existing colonies like New England, Southern and Middle, are located by water and everywhere there is a chance to set fishing business opportunity. They can fish all the year except winter.


Look at the following artwork. How does it reflect the artistic style of Surrealism? Why did Surrealist pieces, which used conventions similar to those in this picture, become popular during the 1920s and 1930s?



Means the mixture of many related to other so it is a mandela art

Surrealism is an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the early 20th century, particularly in the 1920s, and was influenced by Sigmund Freud's theories on the unconscious mind.

Surrealist artworks often sought to explore the realm of dreams, the irrational, and the subconscious. They employed unconventional and often shocking juxtapositions, irrational imagery, and fantastical elements.

Surrealism aimed to challenge and subvert traditional artistic conventions and rational thinking. Artists sought to tap into the power of the subconscious and free the mind from societal constraints. Surrealist works often presented a distorted reality or dreamlike landscapes, blurring the line between the conscious and unconscious realms.

During the 1920s and 1930s, Surrealist pieces became popular for several reasons:

Cultural and Intellectual Climate: The early 20th century was marked by significant cultural, intellectual, and political shifts. Surrealism emerged as a response to the devastation and disillusionment brought by World War I. It provided a means to explore the complexities of the human psyche and challenge the prevailing rationalism and societal norms.

Influential Figures and Manifestos: Surrealism was championed by influential figures such as André Breton, who wrote the Surrealist Manifesto in 1924. These manifestos and the writings of Surrealist theorists helped popularize the movement and its ideas, attracting artists and intellectuals who sought to explore new artistic expressions and philosophies.

Technological Advances: The 1920s and 1930s witnessed rapid advancements in technology, particularly in the fields of photography and film. Surrealist artists embraced these mediums, utilizing techniques such as photomontage, collage, and experimental film to create visually striking and thought-provoking compositions. This further increased the visibility and accessibility of Surrealist art.

To know more about  Surrealism here



Imagine that every year, more and more water parks are being built in cities in the state of Nevada. No other state in America is experiencing this growth in the number of water parks.
Which of the following questions would a geographer ask to try to understand this growth in water parks?
Why do water parks only allow two people down a water slide at a time?
What is special about Nevada that explains the rising number of water parks?
What color swimsuit is most popular among children in Nevada?
Where do people in Nevada shop for water toys?








what is special about Nevada that explains the rising number of water parks?

( Because Geographer will find why? is the atmosphere is too much hot now a days? do people having problems like dehydration?)

Who was Francisco Franco?



a general and the leader of the Nationalist forces



Francisco Franco y Bahamonde became born on December 4, 1892, in El Ferrol, a small coastal city on Spain’s northwestern tip. Until age 12, Franco attended a non-public college run with the aid of using a Catholic priest. He then entered a naval secondary college with the aim of following his father and grandfather right into a sea-primarily based totally army career.

Which powerful city-state emerged during the Hellenistic Age and
replaced Greece as the dominant power in the Mediterranean region



Roman empire


how did world war 2 affect the jews?



The way it affected them was by Mass murders of the Jews in the Soviet Union.

Hope this helps

The blank
states that all people have unalienable rights, which
are rights that government cannot take away


Answer: The United States declared independence from Great Britain in 1776 to secure for all Americans their unalienable rights. These rights include, but are not limited to, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Based on details "The telephone: A True Tale," how did Antonio Meucci and Alexander Graham Bell differ?



Meucci struggled financially, while Bell did not.

Meucci developed a working telephone, while Bell did not.

Meucci got credit for the invention of the telephone, while Bell did not.


Any of these works.

On what continent is Zimbabwe?


it is located in south africa
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