What do spindle fiber and flagella have in common:
Select one:
a. They are examples on a structure called a microfilaments
b. They are all structures found in prokaryotic cells
c. They are microtubules
d. They are found in the nuclei of eukaryotic cells


Answer 1

Answer: c

Explanation: Spindle fiber: is a microtubules that comes out from the centrosomes when the cell is preparing for division. They are responsible for the segregation of sister chromatids and movement of chromosomes during mitotic and meiotic division.

Flagella: a slender threadlike structure, especially a microscopic appendage that enables many protozoa, bacteria, spermatozoa, etc. to swim.

The thread-like structure is called chromosomes.

This can conclude that microtubules are common in spindle fiber and flagella.

Related Questions

As the human population grows, some minerals in everyday products could
become scarce. Which of the following is the best way to address this



Explore uses of more plentiful minerals.


Because the use of more can get us more items that can grow the population and interest.

How does the use of greywater differ from water reclamation?
If collected separately, greywater can be used for certain applications without treatment.
Greywater use is more costly than water reclamation.
Water obtained from water reclamation processes can be used for drinking, while greywater cannot.
Greywater has been mixed with sewage while water used in water reclamation is derived from cleaning water.


Greywater can be used for certain purposes without being treated if it is collected separately.

What distinguishes reclaimed water from gray water?

Recycled water—also known as "reclaimed water"—is treated, regulated water that can be used only in certain categories. Graywater is untreated wastewater from domestic sources that can be used under certain regulatory restrictions (with the exception of waste from kitchen sinks, dishwashers, and toilets).

What distinguishes desalination from water reclamation?

Desalination is a process that transforms seawater or brine water into drinkable water by removing dissolve salts. Additionally, reclaiming water is converting waste water.

To know more about Greywater visit :-



Why might an individual with AIDS have difficulty fighting off otherwise harmless infections? please answer!! last question I have!!! ​



The HIV virus that causes AIDS kills T-cells. T-cells are responsible for fighting off infections. So someone with AIDS has a reduced number of T-cells and are unable to fight off infections that are harmless to other individuals.

A. the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype. B. the expression of a dominant phenotype in a heterozygote. C. the expression of one gene masking the effects of another gene. D. quantitative traits that diminish or intensify a particular phenotype. E. the increased expression of a particular trait when a hybrid species is formed.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

Penetrance and expressivity are related to


A. the expression of a dominant phenotype in a heterozygote.

B. the increased expression of a particular trait when a hybrid species is formed.

C. the expression of one gene masking the effects of another gene.

D. quantitative traits that diminish or intensify a particular phenotype.

E. the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype.


the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype.


In genetics, we define penetrance as the proportion of individuals in a given population carrying a particular gene/allele which leads to the expression of the particular trait associated with that gene/allele.

Expressivity is defined as the degree of expression of a given phenotype  by individuals who possess a particular genotype. Expressivity shows the extent of variation in expression of genes by individuals having a particular genotype.

Both penetrance and expressivity has to do with the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype.

What is the name of a type of nucleic acid that is used for signalling in cells


Answer:ribonucleic acid


Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

1.Explain how is small intestine designed to absorb digested food.
2.Write two differences between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings.
3.Fungus can be harmful and useful. Give an example showing both of these traits of fungus.


Digestion is one of the longest process taking place in the human body. The process of digestion involves several steps as well as the organs. It starts with the mouth and ends at the anus. The track is also referred to as alimentary canal. The organs involved in the alimentary canal are mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. Small intestine is one among them and plays a major role. Let us explore the importance of small intestine in digestion of food.



Amoeba and human beings require the same nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for their growth and survival.


1. Mode of Nutrition:

Amoeba is unicellular and microscopic, which makes it an organism that uses the Holozoic mode of nutrition. It ingests food through its cell membrane and feeds on other tiny organisms like bacteria, algae, and protozoans. On the other hand, human beings are multicellular organisms and use saprophytic and holozoic modes of nutrition. They ingest complex food materials that are broken down into simpler nutrients.

A team of researchers is investigating a new carbon-rich molecule important to life. They find evidence for the
presence of a carbon-carbon double bond in the molecule. This observation means that the new molecule likely
exists as which of following?
A. an aliphatic hydrocarbon
B. a hydrocarbon ring
C. both cis and trans isomers



i think they found a hydrocarbon ring

What process creates new cells?
A. cell division
B. cell metamorphosis
C. cellokinesis



A. cell division


What happens inside the mitochondria?
A. photosynthesis
B. blood circulation
C. cellular respiration


c cellular respiration

Which mineral is produced when two atoms of iron chemically combine with three atoms of
1. garnet
2. pyrite
3. magnetite
4. hematite


answer is D or 4
Explanation: Hematite is created with two iron atoms to three oxygen atoms, and magnetite, with three iron atoms to four oxygen atoms, which are both iron oxides.

The natural mineral form of iron oxide is called hematite  The mineral,  which contains 70% pure Fe, ranges in color from metallic dull to vivid black to steel-gray.  Thus, option D is correct.

What atoms of iron, chemically three atoms of oxygen?

Oxides of many significant metals are common. Iron oxides include hematite (Fe2O3), which has a ratio of two iron atoms to three oxygen atoms, and magnetite, which has a ratio of three iron atoms to four oxygen atoms. The most magnetic mineral is magnetite.

On the surface of the Earth, it is the mineral that is most common. There are numerous other applications for hematite.

It is employed in the production of pigments, polishing, heavy media separation, jewelry making, and home energization. In addition to these, it has therapeutic properties.

Therefore, hematite mineral is produced when two atoms of iron chemically combine with three atoms of oxygen.

Learn more about iron here:



After an accident, David has trouble moving his left arm and feeling things with his left fingers. The doctor tells him this is due to brain damage in his cerebral cortex. in which hemisphere is davids brain damage likely to be


It’s the cerebral cortex that is damaged and that damage and the cerebral cortex is located in the frontal lobe.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of nervous tissue is how difficult it is to repair damage to nervous tissue. Explain factors limit neurogenesis in the CNS of adults, why is it so hard to repair a damaged nerve



Inhibitory influences from neuroglia, and the absence of growth-stimulating cues.


Neurogenesis in adults is limited by Inhibitory influences from neuroglia, mainly from oligodendrocytes, and the absence of growth-stimulating cues that are present during fetal development. It is so hard to repair a damaged nerve because nerve cell like other cells can't divide and increase in number, they can't renew themselves. Due to no division, the nerve cells does not increase in number and therefore can't repair themselves.

Fred loves La Paz, Bolivia so much that he decides to stay there for a couple years. All of the following changes could be considered a compensatory mechanism in response to the chronically decreased oxygen content EXCEPT
a. an increase in amount of circulating red blood cells.
b. an increase in oxygen extraction by perfused cells.
c. an increase in hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen.
d. a decrease in heart rate.



d. a decrease in heart rate.


As the altitude rises, the number of oxygen molecules in the air decreases. Lower oxygen levels at high altitudes stimulate the release of erythropoietin (EPO), which is associated with the increased red blood cells, i.e., it enables more oxygen molecules to be transported to cells and tissues. Moreover, at high latitudes, the increased hemoglobin (Hb)–oxygen affinity helps to safeguard arterial O2 saturation and thus mitigates the effects of low oxygen concentration in arterial blood (arterial hypoxemia). Finally, oxygen extraction depends on an appropriate supply of oxygen in the blood vessels. An increased oxygen extraction occurs when there is an inadequate circulating blood volume or when the number of red blood cells decreases below the normal levels.

explain the structure of human teeth molar​



Structure of the Tooth

A tooth consists of enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp tissue. The portion of a tooth exposed to the oral cavity is known as the dental crown, and the portion below the dental crown is known as the tooth root.

Also known as “bicuspids,” they tear and crush food. Finally, your molars line the back of your mouth where they chew and grind food. They're your largest teeth and have a flat surface with ridges. Also known as “6-year molars” or “12-year molars,” they tend to come in around those two ages.

Which of the following statements is not true of electron microscopes



the electronic microscope is used for observing

planets and stars:-False.

the electronic microscope is used for observing


The following statement is not true of electron microscopes: "electron microscopes can be used to view living specimens," which is in Option C, as electron microscopes use beams of electrons to produce images, and here living specimens can't be viewed.

What are electron microscopes?

Electron microscopes are advanced scientific instruments that use a beam of electrons to produce an image of a specimen, and the use of electrons instead of light in electron microscopy allows for a much higher resolution image, as the shorter wavelength of electrons compared to light means that the images produced by an electron microscope can be much sharper and more detailed.

Hence, the following statement is not true of electron microscopes: "electron microscopes can be used to view living specimens," which is in Option C.

Learn more about electron microscopes here.



The question is incomplete, complete question is below

Which of the following statements is not true of electron microscopes

A. Electron microscopes use beams of electrons to produce an image.

B. Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution than light microscopes.

C. Electron microscopes can be used to view living specimens.

D. Electron microscopes can be used to view the internal structure of cells.

Currently, the world population is about



approximately 8billion

What is the relationship between types of kinetic chain and whether the origin moves toward the insertion or the insertion moves toward the origin during a muscle contraction?


During a muscle contraction, the insertion moves towards the origin but not the origin moving towards the insertion. The origin is where the muscle joins the stationary bone. The insertion is where it joins the moving bone. When a muscle contracts, the insertion moves towards the origin.
What is Kinetic Chain?

The Kinetic Chain is an engineering concept used to describe human movement. It is used in a wide variety of clinical condition including musculoskeletal, sports medicine, neuro rehabilitation, prosthetic and orthotics.

The concept of Kinetic Chain was introduced by Franz Reuleaux in 1875. According to him overlapping segments were connected via joints and this created a system where movement ay one joint produced or affected movement at another joint in the kinetic link.

Two types of Kinetic Chain are:

Open Chain:

It is a combination of successively arranged joints in which terminal segment can move freely. Thus the distal segment of the extremity is free to move in space, example- Waving a hand


- Characterized by a rotary stress pattern at the joint.

- Occur in one primary axis

- The number of simultaneously moving segment is typically limited to one.

- These types of exercises allow for more isolated muscle activation because less muscle co-contraction is used to perform the movement.

Closed Chain:

It is when the distal segment meets considerable external resistance prohibiting free movement. It is a system where neither the proximal nor the distal segment can move.


- Linear stress pattern produced at the tibiofemoral joint due to axial joint loading.

- Movement at multiple joints and multiple -joint axes at hip, knee, subtalar joints.

- Simultaneous movement occurs at both segment.

What are Insertion and Origin muscles?

The insertion and origin muscles are two different places where the bone is attached one at each end. Enthesis is the connective tissue between this attachment.

Insertion Muscles- The insertion muscles are connections to the bone via tendons. It is attached to the more movable bone.

Thus, this muscle is responsible for body movement. It is usually the distal end and has less mass.

Origin Muscles- Origin is the proximal site that stays more stable and relatively fixed during muscle contraction.

The head is a portion at the end of the origin muscle where it fixes to the bone. Some muscles can have more than one head.

Difference between two:

1. Insertion is more movable compared to Origin muscles as the former is attached to bone via tendons whereas the latter is less movable as it is attached via bone.

2. Insertion is a distal end attached to more movable bone whereas origin is proximal end attached to the less movable bone.

3. Insertion has less muscle mass whereas Origin has more muscle mass

4. Insertion moves with muscle contraction whereas Origin doesn't move during Muscle Contraction.

To learn more about Kinetic Chain here



Describe urine formation



Capillaries of kidneys filter the blood and the essential substances like glucose, amino acids, salts and the required amount of water are reabsorbed. Excess water and nitrogenous waste in humans are converted to urine.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...

How did the Physarum polycephalum respond to the oatmeal flakes placed on the agar in the petri dish



Like amoeba.


The Physarum polycephalum respond like amoeba to the oatmeal flakes that is placed on the agar in the petri dish because it ingests solid food particles in the same way as an amoeba do and can also absorb dissolved nutrients. Physarum polycephalum feed like amoeba by using its membrane or outer layer surrounding the food particles such as oatmeal flakes and take inside the body for digestion of that food particles.

Como la reducción de impuestos ayuda a la economía


I don’t understand this question


What is the term for DNA bound to proteins that floats loosely in the nucleus?



The term for DNA bound to proteins that floats loosely in the nucleus is Chromatin

The term for DNA bound to proteins that floats loosely in the nucleus is chromatin. Thus, option D is correct.

What is DNA?

DNA is defined as deoxyribonuclic acid and it is a polymer made up of two polynucleotide chains that arranged in foiled structure to form a double helical carrying genetic information for the various processes such as growth development  functioning and reproduction.

There are four nitrogen bases of DNA nucleotides are such as adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. Friedrich Miescher discovered DNA in the year of 1860.

The main function of DNA is to carry information from one generation to another generation this is the reason due to which DNA is also known information molecule.

In our body DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell and it is known as nuclear DNA. The shape of DNA is double helical structure. Siblings share only about 50% of same DNA due to the reason of recombination.The life span of DNA is 521 years.

Therefore, the term for DNA bound to proteins that floats loosely in the nucleus is chromatin. Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about DNA here:



A tall plant has been found, but its zygosity is unknown. Tall is dominant over short height. The following can be done to determine its zygosity: _________.
a. Let it self fertilize then analyze the progeny
b. Cross to a true breeding short plant
c. Cross to a heterozygous tall plant
d. Cross to a true breeding tall plant



b. Cross to a true breeding short plant


Prelab Information
Purpose Explore the molecular process of building proteins from the information carried by RNA
using a laboratory procedure.
Time Approximately 45 minutes
Question How are proteins built using the information provided by a molecule of RNA?
Prediction RNA determines the sequence of amino acids in proteins and polypeptides by a two-step process: transcription of DNA produces mRNA in the nucleus, then translation
of the mRNA to tRNA takes place at the ribosome in the cytoplasm.


Answer and Explanation:

Proteins are built using information from RNA, because proteins are made up of amino acids that are arranged in a specific sequence for each protein. This amino acid sequence is determined by RNA, which forms groups of three consecutive nucleotides, which will signal the position that each amino acid must assume to form a protein.

In summary, we can state that the DNA starts the transcription process to create the mRNA, which will have the nucleotides transported by the tRNA from the nucleus to the cell's ribosome, so that there, the nucleotides are organized in a specific sequence, forming amino acids, which will constitute the protein.

All amswers are correct on

Below are several good possible questions. Which one most closely resembles your question?

litterally choose any they all right

2Which term describes the two groups of plants that do not need water to reproduce?
A. spermatophytes
B. cotyledons
C. embryophytes
D. Paleozoic plants






ason Kimble's study of the Archaea in Snowy River in Fort Stanton Cave showed that Archaea play an important role in __________.





Archaea play an important role in ecosystems with organisms that derive or produce energy from oxidation of methane. Many of Archaea are bacteria which are often a major source of methane in such environments and they can play a role as primary producers. Archaea is important for scientists because it has unique ecological roles and can also generate energy differently i.e. responsible for producing biological methane which no eukaryotes or bacteria can do that.

A biologist is in the process of classifying a newly discovered fungus. a The fungus is a decomposer and has saclike
structures. The organism most likely belongs in the same group as which of the following?
O fungi that are rusts
fungi that are associated with bread mold
fungi that makes blue cheese
O fungi that are autotrophic decomposers



fungi that makes blue cheese


Penicillium represents a genus of ascomycetous fungi that generate sexual spores referred to as axcospores, which form in sac-like structures named asci. Penicillium roqueforti is a filamentous fungus of this genus that is required for making blue cheese. This mold fungus (P. roqueforti) is a decomposer of organic materials that grows naturally in soils. P. roqueforti produces roquefortine C, a mycotoxin that is used as a starter culture for blue cheese production.

Describe the tissue stages of development. Include information on the embryonic germ layers and what they give rise to.



Gastrulation takes place after cleavage and the formation of the blastula and the primitive streak. It is followed by organogenesis, when individual organs develop within the newly-formed germ layers. Each layer gives rise to specific tissues and organs in the developing embryo.Cells in each germ layer differentiate into tissues and embryonic organs. The ectoderm gives rise to the nervous system and the epidermis, among other tissues. The mesoderm gives rise to the muscle cells and connective tissue in the body. The endoderm gives rise to the gut and many internal organs.

You have a microorganism you know is both fastidious and which normally lives in human lungs. Which medium might this organism have the highest probability of growing on and why



It is likely that this microorganism grows in enriched culture media.


As shown in the question above, the microorganism that lives in the lungs is extremely demanding. This means that this microorganism is very difficult to be cultivated in a culture medium, as it requires specific nutrients and in specific amounts to be able to develop. These microorganisms are called fastidious microorganisms and need an enriched culture medium to develop.

Enriched culture media are those that have a high range of nutrients in their composition. These culture media are highly nutritious and for this reason, they are the ideal environment for demanding microorganisms, as it can efficiently meet the needs of this organism.

According to the diagram below, which of the following is a derived characteristic of flatworms?

A. Flatworms do not have a coelom.
B. Flatworms are multicellular.
C. Flatworms have a pseudocoelom.
D. Flatworms show protostome development.


D flat worms show protosome development :)

The diagram below depicts the Linnaean classification system and a
cladogram. How do the two methods of classification compare?

A. Extinct organisms have a place in the Linnaean system, but not in
a cladogram
B. The Linnaean system attempts to show how organisms ans
related, but a cladogram does not.
C. The Linnaean system establishes a scientific naming system, but
a cladogram does not
D. The Linnaean system presents the probable order of evolution of a
set of organisms, but a cladogram does not



C. The Linnaean system establishes a scientific naming system, but  a cladogram does not.


The main difference between Linnaean classification system and a  cladogram is that the Linnaean system establishes a scientific naming system, but  a cladogram does not. Cladogram refers to a branching diagram which shows the cladistic relationship between different species while on the other hand, the Linnaean system of classification consists of taxa that is range from the kingdom to the species.

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