a test has 20 multiple-choice questions with 5 choices each, followed by 35 true/false questions. if a student guesses on each question, how many ways can he answer the questions on the test


Answer 1


There are 170 ways the student can answer the test.


If there are 20 multiple-choice questions with 5 choices each, the student has 100 choices. The first question has 5 choices to pick from. The second has 5 as well. So does the third. Hopefully now you realize that you have to multiply the number of choices by the number of questions.

The same thing goes with the true/false questions. There are 2 choices for each true/false question, and there are 35 of those. 35×2 is 70. There are 70 ways to answer on the true/false questions.

Now combine the number of choices on the first part and the second part; 100+70 is 170.

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Rearrange to make P the subject, :)..​


Answer:  [tex]P = \frac{25}{E^2}-Q\\\\[/tex]

Work Shown:

[tex]E = 5\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{P+Q}}\right)\\\\5\left(\sqrt{\frac{1}{P+Q}}\right) = E\\\\\sqrt{\frac{1}{P+Q}} = \frac{E}{5}\\\\\frac{1}{P+Q} = \left(\frac{E}{5}\right)^2\\\\\frac{1}{P+Q} = \frac{E^2}{25}\\\\P+Q = \frac{25}{E^2}\\\\P = \frac{25}{E^2}-Q\\\\[/tex]

Farah is x years old. Ibtisam is 3 years younger than Farah. Muna is twice as old as Ibtisam. Write and expression in terms of x, for
(a) Ibtisam's age,
(b) The sum of their three ages, giving your answer in its simplest form.​



Farah: x

Ibtisam: x-3

Muna: 2(x-3) or 2x-6

Sum of all their ages: 4x-6

Step-by-step explanation:

Farah is x, so we don't need an expression for that.

Ibtisam is 3 years younger than Farah, which means that we need to subtract 3 from Farah, and that would be Ibtisam's age. x-3.

Muna is 2 TIMES Ibtisam's age, so we need to multiply whatever expression taht was used for Ibtisam by 2. Put brackets around the equation with 2 outside: 2(x-3). Solve and you get 4x-6

Now, you have all their ages in expression form, now you need to simplify by adding:


We cannot simplify -6, so we put that aside. Add all the x's and you get 4x, insert the minus 6 at the end:


Hope this helps!



a) X -3

b) 4x - 9

Step-by-step explanation:

a) Farah's age is X so Ibtisam will be X - 3 old since he is 3years younger than Farah

b) Farah is X years old

Ibtisam is X - 3 years old

Muna is 2(X -3) since she is 2 times older than Ibtisam.

the sum of Thier ages will be

X + X -3 + 2(x-3)

= 2x - 3 + 2x - 6

= 4x - 9

The point A(−8,−4) is reflected over the origin and its image is point B. What are the coordinates of point b?


9514 1404 393


  B(8, 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Reflection across the origin negates both coordinate values.

  (x, y) ⇒ (-x, -y) . . . . . reflection across the origin

  A(-8, -4) ⇒ B(8, 4)

Simplify: y^-3

a) 3/y
b) - 1/y^3
c) -3y
d) 1/y^3




Step-by-step explanation:

We know that a^-b = 1/a^b

y ^-3 = 1/y^3

Find the solutions of x^2+30 = 0

please give detailed steps!



x= i√30

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm going to go into this under the assumption that you've covered imaginary numbers based on the question. If I'm wrong then sorry about that.

Okay, so first you want to subtract 30 from both sides


Then you take the square root of each side.



Since it's impossible to square a number to get a negative number, you'll end up with an imaginary number. You have to rewrite x=-30 to get rid of the negative sign under the radical. Rewriting this will also indicate that it's an imaginary number.

Final answer: x = i√30

28. A boy decided to cut 10 pieces of wood from a length of wood so tha the first piece was 5cm the second 10cm, the third 15cm, the fourth 20cm and so on until he had cut TO pieces, each one 5cm longer than the one he had cut before. What length of the wood did he use? (a) 50cm (b) 55cm (c) 70cm (d) 200cm (e) 275cm​


Step-by-step explanation:

he use 50cm length of the wood

Calvin and Jamel each havr cats as pets. Calvin buys cat food in cylindrical can that are 6 centimeters in diameter and 12 centimeters high. Jamel buys cat food in cylindrical can that 12 centimeters in diameter and 6 centimeters high. What is the ratio of the volume of one of Calvin's cans of to the volume of one of Jamel's cans?​



see below

Step-by-step explanation:


v=[tex]\pi[/tex]× r ² × h

v=3.14 × 3² × 12

v=3.14×9 × 12

v=3.14 × 108

v = 339.12


v=[tex]\pi[/tex] × r ²×h

v=3.14× 6 ² × 6

v=3.14 × 36×6



7 구
C с
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4 5 6
A ABC is dilated about the origin./
What scale factor was used to make the image A A'B'C?




Step-by-step explanation:

The dilation factor is 3

An amortized loan of RM60,000 has annual payments for fifteen years, the first occurring exactly one year after the loan is made. The first four payments will be for only half as much as the next five payments, whereas the remaining payments are twice as much as the previous five payments. The annual effective interest rate for the loan is 5%. I If the first four payments are X each, calculate the amount of principal repaid in the eighth payment and the amount of interest in the twelfth payment.​


9514 1404 393


  a) RM2256.09 . . . principal paid by 8th payment

  b) RM1791.10 . . . . interest paid by 12th payment

Step-by-step explanation:

First of all, we need to find the payments.

The payment amount is the amount that makes the future value of the series of payments equal to the future value of the loan at the given interest rate.

The future value of a single amount is ...

  FV = P(1 +r)^n . . . . . where r is the annual rate, and n is the number of years in the future

The future value of a series of payments is ...

  FV = P((1 +r)^n -1)/r . . . . . where n is the number of payments of P earning annual rate r

For payments in a series that does not end at the end of the loan, the future value is the product of that of the series and the effect of the accumulation of interest for the remaining time.


The first 4 payments will have a future value at the end of the loan period of ...

  s1 = X((1 +0.05)^4 -1)/0.05×(1 +0.05)^11 = X(1.05^15 -1.05^11)/0.05

  s1 = 7.3717764259X

The next 5 payments will have a future value at the end of the loan period of ...

  s2 = 2X((1 +0.05)^5 -1)/0.05×(1 +0.05)^6 = 2X(1.05^11 -1.05^6)/0.05

  s2 = 14.8097486997X

The last 6 payments will have a future value at the end of the loan period of ...

  s3 = 4X((1 +0.05)^6 -1)/0.05 = 27.20765125X

So, the total future value of the series of payments is ...

  payment value = 7.3717764259X +14.8097486997X +27.20765125X

  = 49.3891763756X


The future value of the loan amount after 15 years is ...

  loan value = 60,000(1 +0.05)^15 = 124,735.69

In order for these amounts to be the same, we must have ...

  49.3891763756X = 124,735.69

  X = 124,735.69/49.3891763756 = 2,525.57


At this point, it is convenient to use a spreadsheet to find the interest and principal portions of each of the loan payments. (We find the interest charge to be greater than the payment amount for the first 4 payments. So, the loan balance is increasing during those years.)

In the attached, we have shown the interest on the beginning balance, and the principal that changes the beginning balance to the ending balance after each payment. (That is, the interest portion of the payment is on the row above the payment number.)

The spreadsheet tells us ...

A) the principal repaid in the 8th payment is RM2,256.09

B) the interest paid in the 12th payment is RM1,791.10


Additional comment

The spreadsheet "goal seek" function could be used to find the payment amount that makes the loan balance zero at the end of the term.

We have used rounding to sen (RM0.01) in the calculation of interest payments. The effect of that is that the "goal seek" solution is a payment value of 2525.56707 instead of the 2525.56734 that we calculated above. The value rounded to RM0.01 is the same in each case: 2525.57.

f (x) = 3x +1 and 1-1 = *?
then f-'(7) =
O 22


According to my calculations answer is -2

8. 15x - 10 = 80
a. X= 2
b. x=4
c. X= 6




Step-by-step explanation:



x=90/15, x=6


x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

15x - 10 = 80

Add 10 to each side

15x-10+10 = 80+10

15x = 90

Divide each side by 15

15x/15 = 90/15

x = 6

A loaf of bread costs $1.40 and the markup is 30% of the selling price. Find the selling price.



The selling price after the markup is $1.82

Step-by-step explanation:

$1.40 * .30 =

Multiply $1.40 times .30 (which is same as 30%)

$1.40 * .30 = $0.42

Add $1.40 and $0.42

= $1.82

Hope this helps.

what translation was the similarity moved through ?


C & F is the answer

Can you provide a solution or a formula?


144 x 1.25 = 180

Answer: 144



Step-by-step explanation:

144 × 1.25 = 180

We add the 1 to .25 to represent the original value plus the 25% increase.

Or you could have divided 180 by 1.25 to find original price.

what represent the area of the rectangle in cm^2??


9514 1404 393


  d.  3x² +15x

Step-by-step explanation:

The area is the product of length and width.

  A = LW

  A = (3x)(x+5) = 3x(x) +3x(5) . . . . use the distributive property

  A = 3x² +15x

Answer: D) 3x^2 + 15



Draw a horizontal line to divide the rectangle into two parts (they don't necessarily have to be equal parts). Refer to the diagram below. The upper rectangle is x by 3x. So its area is length*width = x*3x = 3x^2

The lower rectangle is 5 by 3x, so its area is 5*3x = 15x

Combine those two sub-areas back together to get the overall area of 3x^2 + 15x

You could also use the distribution rule

3x*(x+5) = 3x*(x) + 3x*(5) = 3x^2 + 15x

been stuck on this for a few days now, help on even one would be greatly appreciated!!!




Step-by-step explanation:




Please help me with this


9514 1404 393


1+3x = -89x = -30

Step-by-step explanation:

If we let x represent "a number", then "three times a number" is 3x. The usm of that and 1 is ...

  1 +3x . . . . . . the sum of 1 and 3 times a number

That is said to be -89, so we have the equation ...

  1 +3x = -89


To solve this equation, we can subtract 1 from both sides:

  3x = -90

Then we can divide by 3 to find x.

  (3x)/3 = -90/3

  x = -30

Oak street and elm street run parallel to each other. When main street intersects them, it forms exterior 8, measuring 60. What is the measure of 1?



0 is the answer measure 1

What is the equation of the graph below?



f(x)=5cos(1/3x) this is an equation

A person has decided to construct a frequency distribution for a set of data containing 100 numbers. The lowest number is 20 and the highest number is 80. If 5 classes are used, the class width should be approximately _______.



The answer is "12".

Step-by-step explanation:

Lowest number[tex]=20\\\\[/tex]

highest number[tex]=80\\\\[/tex]

Number of classes[tex]=5\\\\[/tex]

Range=highest number-lowest number


class width [tex]=\frac{Range}{\text{number of classes}}[/tex]


Can I please get asap



Option B, cotangent is the reciprocal of tangent

That option is correct

The best basketball player




Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marie's backyard deck cost $68.29 per square meter to build. The deck is 9 meters wide and 9 meters long. How much did it cost to build the deck?




Difference between 5429 and 5907 to the greatest place.


Given numbers


Inorder to find the difference between them we have to substarct them.

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5907-5429[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 478[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

To solve the problem

5907 -

5429 =


Help me plz help me plz plz


Im sorry I don't know the answer to the question

what is a negative number that has an absolute value greater than 3?



x > -3

Step-by-step explanation:

Any negative number greater than -3 will have an absolute value greater than 3.

A small airplane flies 1160 miles with an average speed of 290 miles per hour. 2 hours after the plane leaves, a Boeing 747 leaves from the same point. Both planes arrive at the same time; what was the average speed of the 747 ?



[tex]580\text{ miles per hour}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem, we can use the formula [tex]d=rt[/tex], where [tex]d[/tex] is distance, [tex]r[/tex] is rate, and [tex]t[/tex] is time.

Let's start by calculating how long the small airplane takes to complete the journey. The distance is 1160 miles and the rate is 290 miles per hour. Therefore, we have:

[tex]1160=290t,\\t=\frac{1160}{290}=4\text{ hours}[/tex]

Since the Boeing 747 left 2 hours after the small airplane left, the small airplane has just [tex]4-2=2[/tex] hours left of travelling time.

Therefore, to arrive at the same time as the small airplane, the Boeing 747 must cover the same distance of 1160 miles in only 2 hours. Hence, the Boeing 747's speed must have been:

[tex]1160=2r,\\r=\frac{1160}{2}=\boxed{580\text{ miles per hour}}[/tex]

bionomial probabilities



Binomial probability refers to the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials in an experiment which has two possible outcomes (commonly called a binomial experiment).

Hope this will help you :)

Find all excluded values for the expression.
That is, find all values of for which the expression is undefined.


If there is more than one value, separate them with commas.




Step-by-step explanation:

For an expression to be undefined,. the denominator must be equal to 0

Therefore, in order to make that expression undefined, we must equate the denominator to 0

6 + 2v = 0

2v = 0 - 6

2v = -6

v = -6/2

v = -3

So in order to make the expression to be equal to 0, v must be -3

HELP PLEASE! INEEED HELPPP RIGHT NOW The graph of y=x−2−−−−√ is is transformed to become y=x+3−−−−√−2. Which of the following statements best describes the effect this transformation has on the graph of y=x−−√?



I think it's D but I don't know how to do this, but I ask my Friend and he gave me this graph I hope it helps.

Option (C) the graph is translated 5 units left and 2 units down is the correct answer.

What is graph of a function?

A graph can be defined as a pictorial representation or a diagram that represents data or values in an organized manner. The graph of a function f is the set of all points in the plane of the form (x, f(x)).

For the given situation,

The function is [tex]y=\sqrt{x-2}[/tex]

This function is transformed to become the function as [tex]y=\sqrt{x+3}-2[/tex]

Now compare this transformation with the function [tex]y=\sqrt{x}[/tex].

These functions are plotted in the graph below.

On comparing this transformation,

The graph is translated 5 units left and 2 units down.

Hence we can conclude that option (C) the graph is translated 5 units left and 2 units down is the correct answer.

Learn more about graph of a function here



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