A tuning fork with a frequency of 335 Hz and a tuning fork of unknown frequency produce beats with a frequency of 5.3 when struck at the same time. A small piece of putty is placed on the tuning fork with the known frequency and it's frequency is lowered slightly. When struck at the same time, the two forks now produce a beat frequency of 8 Hz. 1)What is frequency of tuning fork which originally had a frequency of 335 Hz after the putty has been placed on it


Answer 1



Unknown fork frequency is either

335 + 5.3 = 340.3 Hz


335 - 5.3 = 329.7 Hz

After we modify the known fork, the unknown fork frequency equation becomes either

(335 - x) + 8 = 340.3

(335 - x)  = 332.3

x = 2.7 Hz


(335 - x) + 8 = 329.7

(335 - x) = 321.7

x = 13.3 Hz

IF the unknown fork frequency was 340.3 Hz,

THEN the 335 Hz fork was detuned to 335 - 2.7 = 332.3 Hz

IF the unknown fork frequency was 329.7 Hz,

THEN the 335 Hz fork was detuned to 335 - 13.3 = 321.7 Hz

Related Questions



A is the correct answer because the the plane mirror would move the same speed in the same direction

A uniform magnetic field passes through a horizontal circular wire loop at an angle 15.1° from the normal to the plane of the loop. The magnitude of the magnetic field is 3.35 T , and the radius of the wire loop is 0.240 m . Find the magnetic flux Φ through the loop.





The formula for calculating the magnetic flus is expressed as:

[tex]\phi = BAcos \theta[/tex]


The magnitude of the magnetic field B = 3.35T

Area of the loop = πr² = 3.14(0.24)² = 0.180864m²

angle of the wire loop θ = 15.1°

Substitute the given values into the formula:

[tex]\phi = 3.35(0.180864)cos15.1^0\\\phi =0.6058944cos15.1^0\\\phi =0.6058944(0.9655)\\\phi = 0.5849Wb[/tex]

Hence the magnetic flux Φ through the loop is 0.5849Weber

Mention the importance of occupation??​



ln the contemporary time , farming can be considered as comparitively important occupation as it can feed the population , So agriculture is having a greater importance than any other occupation.

These capacitors are then disconnected from their batteries, and the positive plates are now connected to each other and the negative plates are connected to each other. What will be the potential difference across each capacitor



Following are the solution to the given question:


For charging plates that are connected in a similar manner:

Calculating the total charge:

[tex]\to q =q_1 + q_2 = C_1V_1 +C_2V_2 =1320 + 2714 = 4034 \mu C[/tex]

Calculating the common potential:

[tex]\to V = \frac{q}{C}= \frac{q}{(C_1 + C_2)} =\frac{4034}{6.8} = 593 \ V\\\\[/tex]

Calculating the charge after redistribution:

[tex]When: \\\\q = q_{1}' + q_{2}' = q_1 + q_2[/tex]        

[tex]\to q_{1}' = C_1V = 2.2 \times 593 = 1305\ \mu C\\ \\ \to q_{2}' = C_2V = 4.6 \times 593 = 2729 \ \mu C[/tex]

Describing Uses ñ Olivia wants to find out whether a substance will fluoresce. She says she should put it in a microwave oven. Do you agree with her? Why or why not?


I don’t agree what if it blows up?

Two long, straight wires are separated by 0.120 m. The wires carry currents of 11 A in opposite directions, as the drawing indicates. Find the magnitude of the net magnetic field.



The magnitude of the magnetic field is 1.83 x [tex]10^{-5}[/tex] T.


The flow of an electric current in a straight wire induces magnetic field around the wire. When current is flowing through two wires in the same direction, a force of attraction exists between the wires. But if the current flows in opposite directions, the force of repulsion is felt by the wires.

In the given question, the direction of flow of current through the wires is opposite, thus both wires applies the same field on each other. The result to repulsion between them.

The magnetic field (B) between the given wires can be determined by:

B = [tex]\frac{U_{o}I }{2\pi r}[/tex]

where: I is the current, r is the distance between the wires and [tex]U_{0}[/tex] is the magnetic field constant.

But, I = 11 A, r = 0.12 m and [tex]U_{0}[/tex] = 4[tex]\pi[/tex] x [tex]10^{-7}[/tex] Tm/A

So that;

B = [tex]\frac{4\pi *10^{-7}*11 }{2\pi *0.12}[/tex]

   = 1.8333 x [tex]10^{-5}[/tex]

B = 1.83 x [tex]10^{-5}[/tex] T

Identify the correct descriptions of alpha particles. Select one or more: Alpha particles are more massive than beta particles. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus. An alpha particle has a negative charge. An alpha particle is a form of electromagnetic radiatio



Alpha particles are more massive than beta particles.


The alpha particles are also called double-positive Heilum Nuclei because they have a charge of "+2" and a mass of 4 a.m.u. The properties of the alpha particles are as follows:

1. It possesses high energy due to high velocity. It is 7.7 MeV for most energetic from Rac (i.e: Bismuth-214)

2. It has a very high ionizing power. A 7.7 MeV particle produces about 0.2 x 10⁶ ions.

3. The range of alpha particles is very small. It is about 7 x 10⁻² m and only 4 x 10⁻⁵ m in aluminum for 7.7 MeV alpha-particle.

4. Alpha particles produce fluorescence on striking certain substances, such as zinc sulphide and bariumplatinocynide.

The beta particles are fast-moving electrons, which have a negligible mass.  

Hence, the correct option is:

Alpha particles are more massive than beta particles.

An object undergoing simple harmonic motion takes 0.40 s to travel from one point of zero velocity to the next such point. The distance between those points is 50 cm. Calculate (a) the period, (b) the frequency, and (c) the amplitude of the motion.



a)  [tex]P=0.80[/tex]

b)  [tex]1.25Hz[/tex]

c)  [tex]A=25cm[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Travel Time [tex]T=0.40s[/tex]

Distance [tex]d=50cm[/tex]



Time taken to complete one oscillation





Frequency is




Amplitude:the distance between the mean and extreme position



A car starting at rest accelerates at 3m/s² How far has the car travelled after 4s?​





you can use the formula





I hope this helps

In part A of the lab we see that the magnetic field of a long straight wire __. a. increases with distance in a linear relationship b. increases with distance in a non-linear relationship c. decreases with distance in an inverse (1/r) relationship d. decreases with distance in an inverse-square (1/r2) relationship



a long straight wire __. a. increases with distance in a linear relationship b. increases with distance in a non-linear relationship c. decreases with distance in an inverse (1/r) relationship d. decreases with distance in an inverse-square (1/r2) relationship

In part A of the lab, we see the magnetic field of a long straight wire decreases with distance in an inverse (1/r) relationship, therefore the correct option is C.

What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field could be understood as an area around a magnet, magnetic material, or an electric charge in which magnetic force is exerted. The SI unit of the magnetic field is tesla.

For a  long straight wire carrying the current, the relation with the distance as given below

B = μI/(2πr)

where B is the magnetic field

μ is the permeability of the free space

r is the distance from the wire

As we can see from the above relation

the magnetic field of a long straight wire decreases with distance in an inverse (1/r) relationship, therefore the correct answer is option C.

Learn more about the magnetic fields from here



what is threshold frequency?​



"the minimum frequency of radiation that will produce a photoelectric effect."


That answer was derived from gogle cuz my explanations was harder to explain but good luck

A 2.0 kg frictionless puck is at rest on a level table. It is pushed straight north with a constant force of 5N for 1.50 s and then let go. How far does the puck move from rest in 2.5 s?



the distance moved by the puck after 2.5 s is 7.8 m



mass of the puck, m = 2 kg

initial velocity of the puck, u = 0

applied force, F = 5 N

time of motion, t = 1.5 s

Acceleration of the puck is calculated from Newton's second law of motion;

F = ma

a = F/m

a = 5/2

a = 2.5 m/s²

The distance moved by the puck after 2.5 s is calculated as;

s = ut + ¹/₂at

s = 0 + ¹/₂at²

s = ¹/₂at²

s = 0.5 x 2.5 x (2.5)²

s = 7.8 m

Therefore, the distance moved by the puck after 2.5 s is 7.8 m

you happen to visit the moon when some people on earth see a total solar eclipse. who has a better experience of this event, you or the friends you left behind back on earth


The friends left on earth because they can see the total eclipse, where as you are on the moon witnessing sections get dark rather than the whole picture

Your friend would have a better experience of this event, than you .

What is an eclipse?

An eclipse is produced when a planetary body moves in front of another planetary body and is visible from a third planetary body. Considering the sun, moon, and earth's locations in relation to one another during the time of the eclipse,

there are various types of eclipses in our solar system. For instance, a lunar eclipse occurs when the earth passes between the moon and the sun.

For the solar eclipse to happen the light from the sun is obstructed by the moon observing from the earth.

The buddies left Earth because they could view the whole eclipse, but you were on the moon and only saw parts of the eclipse turn black.

To learn more about the eclipse from here, refer to the link;



If Vector A is (6, 4) and Vector B is (-2, -1), what is A – B?
A. (8,5)
B. (4,5)
C. (4,3)
D. (8,3)



I think the answer is A...I'm not sure
















if C is The vector sum of A and B C = A + B What must be true about The directions and magnitudes of A and B if C=A+B? What must be tre about the directions and magnitudes of A and B if C=0? ​


Check attached photo

Check attached photo



1. If C = A + B then the lines A and B may have the same magnitude or they may not. The direction of A for example may be northwest ↖️ and the direction of B must be south ⬇️ because the arrow of A and the point of B must connect. Then C’s direction is west ⬅️ because it shouldn’t be as equilibrium.

2. If C = 0 t means the force is at equilibrium. That means all forces add up to zero. A’s direction for example may be northeast ↗️ and the direction of B may be south ⬇️ and the direction of C must be west if it has to be at equilibrium.

The magnitude of A and B must be equal

A ball of mass 0.50 kg is rolling across a table top with a speed of 5.0 m/s. When the ball reaches the edge of the table, it rolls down an incline onto the floor 1.0 meter below (without bouncing). What is the speed of the ball when it reaches the floor?






The speed of the ball when it reaches the floor is 0 because when an object is at rest or in uniform motion, it has no speed/velocity

The final speed of the ball when it reaches the floor is 7.10 m/s.

What is the conservation of energy?

The conservation of energy is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only converted from one form to another or transferred from one system to another. In other words, the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time, even though it may be converted from one form to another.

This principle is based on the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the total energy of a closed system is always conserved, and can only be changed by the transfer of heat, work, or matter into or out of the system. The conservation of energy has important applications in various fields of physics, including mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism, and is a fundamental principle in the understanding of the natural world.

Here in the Question,

We can use the conservation of energy to solve this problem. Initially, the ball has kinetic energy due to its motion on the tabletop, but no potential energy since it is at a constant height. When the ball rolls off the edge of the table, it loses some kinetic energy due to friction but gains potential energy as it moves upward. When it reaches the floor, it has gained potential energy but lost kinetic energy due to friction. We can assume that the energy lost due to friction is converted to thermal energy, so the total energy of the system is conserved.

Let's start by calculating the potential energy gained by the ball as it moves from the edge of the table to the floor:

ΔPE = mgh

where ΔPE is the change in potential energy, m is the mass of the ball, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the vertical distance traveled by the ball.

ΔPE = (0.50 kg)(9.81 m/s^2)(1.0 m) = 4.905 J

Now we can use the conservation of energy to find the final kinetic energy of the ball, which will allow us to calculate its final speed:

KEi + ΔPEi = KEf + ΔPEf

where KEi and ΔPEi are the initial kinetic and potential energies of the ball, respectively, and KEf and ΔPEf are the final kinetic and potential energies of the ball, respectively.

Since the ball is not bouncing, we can assume that its initial and final potential energies are zero. Therefore:

KEi = KEf + ΔKE

where ΔKE is the change in kinetic energy due to friction.

We can assume that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ball and the incline is constant, and use the work-energy principle to find ΔKE:

Wfric = ΔKE

where Wfric is the work done by friction.

The work done by friction can be expressed as:

Wfric = ffricd

where ffric is the force of friction and d is the distance traveled by the ball on the incline.

The force of friction can be expressed as:

ffric = μmg

where μ is the coefficient of kinetic friction, and m and g have their usual meanings.

Putting it all together, we get:

KEi = KEf + ffricd

KEi = KEf + μmgd

(1/2)mv^2 = (1/2)mu^2 + μmgd

v^2 = u^2 + 2gd

where u is the initial speed of the ball on the tabletop, and v is the final speed of the ball on the floor.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

v^2 = (5.0 m/s)^2 + 2(9.81 m/s^2)(1.0 m)

v^2 = 50.405

v = 7.10 m/s

Therefore, the final speed of the ball when it reaches the floor is 7.10 m/s.

To learn more about  the Law of Conservation of Momentum click:



Which circuit has the larger equivalent resistance: a circuit with two 10 ohm resistors connected in parallel or a circuit with two 10 ohm resistors connected in series?



A circuit with two 10 ohm resistors connected in series.


The formula for the equivalent resistance for resistors in parallel is

[tex]\frac{1}{Rt} = \frac{1}{R1} + \frac{1}{R2}[/tex]   So if R1=R2= 10  [tex]\frac{1}{Rt} = \frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{10} = \frac{2}{10} <=> Rt =\frac{10}{2} =5 ohm[/tex]

The formula for the equivalent resistance for resistors in series is

Rt = R1 + R2  So Rt= 10 + 10 = 20

Find the ratio of the diameter of aluminium to copper wire, if they have the same

resistance per unit length. Take the resistivity values of aluminium and copper to

be 2.65× 10−8 Ω m and 1.72 × 10−8 Ω m respectively​





The resistivity of copper[tex]\rho_1=2.65\times 10^{-8}\ \Omega-m[/tex]

The resistivity of Aluminum,[tex]\rho_2=1.72\times 10^{-8}\ \Omega-m[/tex]

The wires have same resistance per unit length.

The resistance of a wire is given by :

[tex]R=\rho \dfrac{l}{A}\\\\R=\rho \dfrac{l}{\pi (\dfrac{d}{2})^2}\\\\\dfrac{R}{l}=\rho \dfrac{1}{\pi (\dfrac{d}{2})^2}[/tex]

According to given condition,

[tex]\rho_1 \dfrac{1}{\pi (\dfrac{d_1}{2})^2}=\rho_2 \dfrac{1}{\pi (\dfrac{d_2}{2})^2}\\\\\rho_1 \dfrac{1}{{d_1}^2}=\rho_2 \dfrac{1}{{d_2}^2}\\\\(\dfrac{d_2}{d_1})^2=\dfrac{\rho_1}{\rho_2}\\\\\dfrac{d_2}{d_1}=\sqrt{\dfrac{\rho_1}{\rho_2}}\\\\\dfrac{d_2}{d_1}=\sqrt{\dfrac{2.65\times 10^{-8}}{1.72\times 10^{-8}}}\\\\=1.24[/tex]

So, the required ratio of the diameter of Aluminum to Copper wire is 1.24.

You drive 7.5 km in a straight line in a direction east of north.

a. Find the distances you would have to drive straight east and then straight north to arrive at the same point.
b. Show that you still arrive at the same point if the east and north legs are reversed in order.



a)  a = 5.3 km, b) sum fulfills the commutative property


This is a vector exercise, If you drive east from north, we can find the vector using the Pythagorean theorem

              R² = a² + b²

where R is the resultant vector R = 7.5 km and the others are the legs

If we assume that the two legs are equal to = be

             R² = 2 a²

             r = √2 a

             a = r /√2

we calculate

             a = 7.5 /√2

             a = 5.3 km

therefore, you must drive 5.3 km east and then 5.3 km north and you will reach the same point

b) As the sum fulfills the commutative property, the order of the elements does not alter the result

         a + b = b + a

therefore, it does not matter in what order the path is carried out, it always reaches the same end point

26. A square loop whose sides are 6.0-cm long is made with copper wire of radius 1.0 mm. If a magnetic field perpendicular to the loop is changing at a rate of 5.0 mT/s, what is the current in the loop?




The formula for determining the Emf induced in a loop is:

[tex]\varepsilon = \dfrac{d \phi}{dt}[/tex]

[tex]\varepsilon = \dfrac{d (B*A)}{dt}[/tex]

[tex]\varepsilon = A \times \dfrac{dB}{dt}[/tex]

[tex]\varepsilon = (side (l))^2 \times \dfrac{dB}{dt}[/tex]


square area A = ( l²)

l² = 6.0 cm = 6.0 × 10⁻²

[tex]\varepsilon = ( 6.0 \times 10^{-2})^2 \times 5.0 \times 10^{-3} \ T/S[/tex]

[tex]\varepsilon =18 \times 10^{6} \ V[/tex]

Recall that:

The resistivity of copper = [tex]1.68 \times 10^{-8}[/tex] ohm m

We can as well say that the length of the copper wire = perimeter of the square loop;

The perimeter of the square loop = 4L

Thus, the length of the copper wire  = 4 (6.0 × 10⁻² )m

= 24× 10⁻² m

Finally, the current in the loop is determined from the formula:

V = IR


V = voltage

I = current and R = resistance of the wire

Making "I" the subject:

I = V/R


[tex]R = \dfrac{\rho \times l}{A}[/tex]

[tex]R = \dfrac{\rho \times l}{\pi * r^2}[/tex]

[tex]R = \dfrac{1.68 *10^{-8} \times 24*10^{-2}}{\pi * (1*10^{-3})^2}[/tex]

[tex]R = 0.001283 \ ohms[/tex]

[tex]I = \dfrac{18*10^{-6}}{0.001283}[/tex]

I = 14.029 mA

write any two physical hazard occuring in the late choldhood​



Hazards during late childhood

Health Problems: Chronic health ailments like T.B., Pneumonia etc will hinder the child's motor abilities.Accidents: School age children are more adventurous in nature, they run fast, play hard, ride bicycles and scooters and engage in a variety of sports.

3 of 3 : please help got an extra day for a test and i don’t get this (must show work) points and brainliest!



[tex]qV = \frac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex]

Multiply both sides by 2 and then divide by m to get

[tex]\dfrac{2qV}{m} = v^2[/tex]

Take the square root of both sides to get

[tex]v = \sqrt{\dfrac{2qV}{m}}[/tex]

A nylon string on a tennis racket is under a tension of 285 N . If its diameter is 1.10 mm , by how much is it lengthened from its untensioned length of 29.0 cm ? Use ENylon=5.00×109N/m2.



1.74×10⁻³ m



ε = Stress/strain............. Equation 1

Where ε = Young's modulus


Stress = F/A.............. Equation 2

Where F = Force, A = Area

Strain = e/L.............. Equation 3

e = extension, L = Length.

Substitute equation 2 and 3 into equation 1

ε = (F/A)/(e/L) = FL/eA............. Equation 4

From the question,

Given: F = 285 N, L = 29 cm = 0.29 m, ε = 5.00×10⁹ N/m²,

A = πd²/4 = 3.14(0.0011²)/4 = 9.4985×10⁻⁶ m²

Substitute these values into equation 4

5.00×10⁹ = (285×0.29)/(9.4985×10⁻⁶×e)

Solve for e

e = (285×0.29)/(5.00×10⁹×9.4985×10⁻⁶)

e = 82.65/4.74925×10⁴

e = 1.74×10⁻³ m

A charged particle having mass 6.64 x 10-27 kg (that of a helium atom) moving at 8.70 x 105 m/s perpendicular to a 1.30-T magnetic field travels in a circular path of radius 18.0 mm. What is the charge of the particle



the charge of the particle is 2.47 x 10⁻¹⁹ C



mass of the particle, m = 6.64 x 10⁻²⁷ kg

velocity of the particle, v = 8.7 x 10⁵ m/s

strength of the magnetic field, B = 1.3 T

radius of the circle, r = 18 mm = 1.8 x 10⁻³ m

The magnetic force experienced by the charge is calculated as;

F = ma = qvB


q is the charge of the particle

a is the acceleration of the charge in the circular path

[tex]a = \frac{v^2}{r} \\\\ma = qvB\\\\q = \frac{ma}{vB} \\\\q = \frac{mv^2}{rvB} = \frac{mv}{rB} \\\\q = \frac{(6.64\times 10^{-27} ) \times (8.7\times 10^5)}{(1.8\times 10^{-2}) \times (1.3)} \\\\q = 2.47 \ \times 10^{-19} \ C[/tex]

Therefore, the charge of the particle is 2.47 x 10⁻¹⁹ C

Cho các máy cắt sử dụng trong công nghiệp có ký hiệu trên nhãn thiết bị: C350; B500. Hãy tính dòng điện bảo vệ ngắn mạch và dòng điện bảo vệ quá tải của từng thiết bị?



ask in the English then I can help you


please mark me as brain list

how many rings does saturn have



From far away, Saturn looks like it has seven large rings. Each large ring is named for a letter of the alphabet. The rings were named in the order they were discovered.

what aspect of the US justice system has its roots in Jewish scripture?​


The aspect of the US justice system that has its roots in Jewish scripture is:

the idea that all people are subject to the same rules and laws.

It is the doctrine of "equality before the law."  Equality before the law means that every individual is equal in the eyes of the law, whether the individual is a lawmaker, a judge, a law enforcement officer, etc.  Equality before the law is also known as equality under the law, equality in the eyes of the law, legal equality, or legal egalitarianism.  It is a legal principle that treats each independent being equally and subjects each to the same laws of justice and due process.


answer is C

the idea that all people are subject to the same rules and laws


hope this helps!

In first case a mass M is split into two parts with one part being 1/6.334 th of the original mass. In second case M is split into two equal parts. In both the cases the two parts are separated by same distance. What ratio of the magnitude of the gravitational force in first case to the magnitude of the gravitational force in the second case





From the question we are told that:





Generally the equation for Gravitational force of attraction is mathematically given by

For Unequal split




For equal split



[tex]F=0.25 \frac{GM^2}{d^2}[/tex]

Therefore the ratio of the gravitational force is


The double bond between two oxygen atoms (a molecule of oxygen air) has
two characteristics. What are they?
A. Four valence electrons are shared.
B. A metallic bond is formed.
C. Valence electrons are shared between oxygen atoms.
D. An ionic bond is formed.



valance electrons are shared between oxygen atoms.. making them have eight in the outer most shells.

I hope this helps

Để sử dụng nguồn điện xoay chiều 220V/50Hz thắp sáng bóng đèn 12V/3W, ta chọn điện trở giảm áp có giá trị:



Hi Linda,

How's it going?

Sorry I haven't been in touch for such a long time but I've had exams so I've been studying every free minute. Anyway, I'd love to hear all your news and I'm hoping we can get together soon to catch up. We just moved to a bigger flat so maybe you can come and visit one weekend?

How's the new job?

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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