after george learned his history professor had been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, he mistakenly concluded that all of the professor's mannerisms and tendency to talk loudly, and laugh nervously, were ways of disguising feelings of personal insecurity and his anxiety. this best illustrates the


Answer 1

Personal insecurity and his anxiety. this best illustrates the biassed diagnostic labelling power diagnostic labels are used to categorise persons for research or diagnostic reasons based on specific features or attributes.

The initial goal of diagnostic labels is to facilitate our ability to recognise a potential symptom. However, if we hold those diagnostic labels more strongly than we think they should, we may develop a bias that causes us to misinterpret the traits/characteristics (much like when thinks her teacher is insecure solely because the instructor speaks loudly).

This is the influence that diagnostic labels have. A diagnostic contains an implicit bias if something is classified as a disorder or as unfavourable.Upon learning that the other has such a disease, the person forms assumptions and has biases regarding the other and their behaviour presumptions regarding the professor's actions in this situation serve as an illustration of how her biases skew her assessments.

Complete question:

after george learned his history professor had been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, he mistakenly concluded that all of the professor's mannerisms and tendency to talk loudly, and laugh nervously, were ways of disguising feelings of personal insecurity and his anxiety. this best illustrates the anxiety disorder.

To know more about Diagnostic anxiety disorder visit:


Related Questions

true or false: according to our materials, the topic of california missions are typically romanticized and focus on a spanish perspective when taught to elementary students in california.


TRUE, that the California missions are typically romanticized and focus on a spanish perspective when taught to elementary students in california.

Reservations for Native Americans were not established by the Spanish. Native Americans were instead made to adapt into Spanish culture by the Spanish. The missionaries compelled the indigenous Californians to live in colonies known as reductions, altering their customary way of life, in accordance with Spain's long-standing secular and religious policy in Spanish America. European livestock, horses, ranching, technology, fruits, and vegetables were all introduced by the missionaries. The introduction of European diseases—which spread swiftly as native people were crammed into small spaces at the missions—along with maltreatment, malnutrition, and overwork—led to drastic population declines among the indigenous populations of California. At the missions, there were 63,789 fatalities and 87,787 baptisms. The missions' attempts to convert, educate, develop, and turn the native peoples into Spanish subjects met with varying degrees of success.

To know more about california missions:


which is used to disseminate crime pattern and other tactical information to officers, detectives, and citizens?


Through Pattern Bulletins, officers, investigators, and locals can get tactical knowledge and updates on crime patterns.

which is used to give law enforcement, detectives, and locals tactical intelligence about crime patterns?

Crime analysts utilize bulletins as a tool to alert police, detectives, and (in some situations) the general public about crime trends.

What does tactical information signify in criminal justice?

Recent criminal offenses are the primary subject of tactical crime analysis (immediate, hours, days, or weeks from the time of the crime). In reaction to recent incidents like robberies and burglaries, it urges quick action.

The importance of tactical intelligence

To assist companies in setting priorities and acting quickly, tactical intelligence delivers real-time information on the current competitive landscape and operational performance. They are able to accomplish their goals, stay on course, and adhere to the strategy and plans that were established with the help of strategic knowledge.

Learn more about tactical intelligence:


The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the ku klux klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of which action taken by the federal government?


The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of 14th and 15th Amendment, which were also termed as Reconstruction Amendments.

What were the Reconstruction Amendments?

The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution were passed between 1865 and 1870 and are known as the Reconstruction Amendments, or the Civil War Amendments. The modifications were a part of the Reconstruction of the American South, which took place following the war.

Citizenship rights and the equal protection of the laws for all people are covered under the Fourteenth Amendment. Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote on the grounds of "race, color, or prior condition of servitude," according to the Fifteenth Amendment.

Therefore, to limit the effectiveness of 14th and 15th amendments The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were attempted.

To learn more about the reconstruction amendments, click here:


According to the learned helplessness model of depression, depressed individuals:

a. generally think negatively about themselves, their situations, and their futures.
b. make errors in logic when explaining positive or negative outcomes they have experienced.
c. attribute negative outcomes to situational factors that are both temporary and specific.
d. think they have no control over the outcomes they experience.



The answer is D. think they have no control over the outcomes they experience.


Hopefully this helps! <3

The differences in cultural and social identities among people living together is known as?


The differences in cultural and social identities among people living together is known as Diversity.

What is Diversity ?

The notion of diversity refers to a group of people having a variety of diverse traits. These features may include everything that makes us distinctive, including our personality traits and cognitive abilities. They may also include the elements that help us define who we are (e.g. race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, cultural background).

The examination of these distinctions is made possible by diversity in a supportive, encouraging, and safe atmosphere. It entails going beyond simple tolerance to guarantee that individuals actually value one another's diversity.

According to research, disparities do make it more difficult for people to relate to and empathize with one another. Even while navigating differences can be challenging, people all across the world manage it every day, whether it is in the job, the classroom, or our personal relationships.

Find out more on diversity at


How was finding the Iceman and King Tut's tomb similar ? Explain


In contrast to other pharaohs' tombs, Tutankhamun's tomb was largely concealed by debris for the majority of its existence, preventing extensive looting. As a result, it became the first royal burial from ancient Egypt that is still largely intact.

Why was the discovery of King Tut's tomb so important?

Although Tutankhamun wasn't a particularly significant king, his tomb was the only one that had been preserved in modern times. The tomb was significant because it allowed researchers to document what an Egyptian king's tomb appeared like and gain knowledge about prehistoric Egypt.

On November 26, 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter held up a candle to look inside. The light glistened on golden items. The Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb would soon become the most well-known ancient Egyptian find of all time.

Learn more about King Tut's tomb here:


Identify the groups of people who most often worked under each system of unfree labor



slavery- Africans and some Native Americans. Europeans, often poor or indebted


what is included in case law in addition to judicial interpretations of common law principles and doctrines, interpretations of constitutional provisions, and statutes?


Case law involves judicial interpretations of common law theories, legislation, and administrative agency rules. It also includes judicial interpretations of constitutional clauses.

Which laws have a case law foundation?

The body of law known as case law, sometimes known as common law, is predicated on precedents, or judicial decisions from earlier cases, as opposed to on constitutions, laws, or regulations. The specifics of a legal dispute that have been arbitrated by courts or other analogous tribunals are referred to as case law.

Does case law contain judicial interpretation of common law?

Common law, often known as case law, is a body of unwritten rules based on legal precedents established by the courts. The foundation of common law is the institutionalized judgements and interpretations of jurors and judicial representatives. There are times when new legislation is modeled by common laws.

Learn more about case law:


unlike negative emotions that narrow attention to the immediate stimulus at hand, has the opposite effect of broadening our attention, thoughts, and behaviors. a. gratitude. b. interest. c. joy. d. pride.


We are unable to objectively think, act, or view circumstances from their actual perspective when we are experiencing negative emotions.

What is the strongest emotion?

The strongest feeling, according to psychologists, is love. Humans feel a variety of emotions, including joy, fear, and rage with a significant dopaminergic release, but love is deeper and more intense, changing behaviors and altering one's entire life.

20 emotions that people experience?

The emotional patterns we discovered fit into 25 distinct emotional categories, including adoration, amusement, wrath, anxiety, amazement, awkwardness, boredom, tranquility, bewilderment, craving, contempt, empathic pain, entrancement, exhilaration, fear, horror, intrigue, joy, nostalgia, relief, and more.

To know more about emotions visit:


which man was responsible for stealing a confederate ship and sailing his family to freedom in charleston harbor?


Robert Smalls was a man who was responsible for stealing a Confederate ship and sailing his family to freedom in Charleston Harbor. Smalls was a slave who worked as a pilot on the CSS Planter, a Confederate transport ship. In May 1862, he stole the ship while the crew was ashore and sailed it past several Confederate fortifications to the Union blockade in Charleston Harbor. He and his family, along with several other slaves, were able to escape to freedom as a result of this courageous action. Smalls later became a politician and played a significant role in the Reconstruction era following the Civil War.

how does industrial agriculture compare to simpler subsistence strategies such as hunter-gatherers, pastoralism, horticulture, and low-intensity agriculture?


Industrial agriculture compare to simpler subsistence strategies such as hunter-gatherers, pastoralism, horticulture, and low-intensity agriculture because Simpler subsistence strategies are cheaper to maintain.

What is Subsistence Agriculture?

Subsistence Agriculture refers to the type of agriculture where almost all the crops and animals grown and reared are basically used to maintain the farmer and his household with little or next to nothing to take to the market.

  This form of agriculture is usually carried out by the farmer and his house hold for the personal feeding. in subsistence agriculture, the farmer uses simple tools and the area of land cultivated or the amount of animals reared are usually in small quantities.

According the question, industrial agriculture compare to simpler subsistence strategies such as hunter-gatherers, pastoralism, horticulture, and low-intensity agriculture because subsistence strategies are cheaper to maintain.

Learn more about Subsistence Agriculture at


The questions of economics address which of the following? Choose three answers.
Save and Exit


These three issues by economists address: (1) What products and services should be made to satisfy consumer wants; (2) How they should be made; and (3) Who should receive products and services

What are the three economic issues that need to be resolved?

Any mechanism for distributing limited resources qualifies as an economic system. Three fundamental questions are answered by economic systems: what will be produced, how will it be produced, and how will society's output be distributed.

In a mixed economy, who responds to the three fundamental economic questions?

Three fundamental economic concerns must be addressed by a country, or more specifically, by its leaders: what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce. The answers a country gives to these queries depend on its economic structure.

To know more about economists address visit:-


What was one outcome of the Continental System that Napoleon put in place?

It led to the French invasion of Russia since Russia would not participate in the Continental System

It led the British to declare war on France.

It completely devastated the British economy due to the blockade

It greatly strengthened the French economy.


Answer: One outcome of the Continental System that Napoleon put in place was that it led to the French invasion of Russia. The Continental System was a policy implemented by Napoleon in an attempt to isolate Britain economically by preventing European nations from trading with Britain. Russia, however, refused to participate in the Continental System, and this led to the French invasion of Russia in 1812.

in what ways do you think that people in american society may be too concerned with outward appearances?


At the point when society esteems the outside appearance of the singular more, rather than his characteristics, the impediments that this singular countenances might be expanded, on the off chance that that individual doesn't fit the norms of magnificence that a given society faces.

This keeps truly gifted and talented individuals from working for our general public and making upgrades in various areas of society. Hence, it is critical that society values individuals for their characteristics and capacities and not so much for their appearance.

We're a visual animal group, and looking great and suitable to the circumstance guarantees we don't get adversely prejudged. A great many people feel better when they look great: It's a vibe decent without incidental effects.

Learn more about american society:


list of 100 popular british sweets, chocolates, crisps, snacks, pop, drinks, and snack foods from the 1980s


Finest British candies Milk made by Cadbury. The guv'ner, a mainstay of both the British confectionery industry, is likely the best-known of all the goods we mentioned.

What sweet is popular in Britain?

For any more than a century, Cadbury candy bars have been a part of British culture. John and Benjamin Cadbury, who were born and raised in Birmingham, first introduced their chocolate bars in 1849.

What cuisine is famous in London?

Pie and mash, which has its roots in London's East End, is unquestionably the core of working-class food from Industrial Revolution. Meat pies, light mashed potatoes, parsley sauce, and, hey, perhaps even some jellied fish.

To know more about British Sweets visit:


When researchers in Australia studied older and middle-age skateboarders, it was found that the skaters used


The question given appears to be an incomplete one. The whole question should be a multiple-choice question, which goes as follows:

When researchers in Australia studied older and middle-aged skateboarders,  it was found that the skaters used:

A. multiple strategies to manage and reaffirm their skater identity

B. a combination of anti-ageing drugs and meditation to maintain skill levels

C. a spirit of competition rather than a spirit of play to make participation meaningful

D. a combination of strategies to avoid younger skaters who made fun of them.

The answer is A. multiple strategies to manage and reaffirm their skater identity.

This conclusion comes from a study on older and middle-aged skateboarders by Paul James O'Connor. The study shows that middle-aged skateboarders are not forced to be on the sport's periphery.

Instead, they hold notable and essential positions and continue participating in the sport. This is because they consider skateboarding a critical feature of their identity.

The research points out that older skateboarders are respected for their experience in the field rather than being phased out due to age. It is suggested that this happens in skateboarding, mainly because it has a socially amorphous field as a sport.

For more information on skateboarding, refer to the question given below:

Watching your audience for nonverbal cues that indicate their level of interest in your topic is also known as




Eye contact is your primary tool for establishing nonverbal connections with others, Price says. “It communicates your level of involvement, interest and warmth. When speaking to others, ideally look directly into their eyes at least two to three seconds before looking away or moving to the next person.

Explain how to leverage contrastive analysis during explicit phoneme instruction to engage multilingual learners. what are the benefits? what planning should be done?


The benefit of contrastive analysis is that it's used in the comparison of languages.

What is meant by contrastive analysis?

Contrastive analysis is a subfield of comparative linguistics that compares two or more languages to find out how they differ or resemble one another, either for theoretical reasons or for goals unrelated to the analysis itself.

Contrastive analysis is the study of two languages and their comparison. This can include contrasting, for instance, English with Latin or Basque with Iroquois. This is achieved by comparing and contrasting the structural similarities and differences of the languages under study.

Contrastive analysis is the methodical comparison of two or more languages to highlight their commonalities and contrasts (CA). CA has frequently been applied in real-world and academic contexts. The objective has been to provide language learners with better descriptions and instructional resources.

To know more about languages, visit:


Which term best describes the old Japanese poem?


The answer is haiku


that is the name of Japanese poems

explained the purpose and importance of the following Hammurabi's code, ten commandments and the twelve tables


The Twelve Tables, the Justinian Code, and the Hammurabi Code are all significant because they all served as sets of laws or rules that were implemented to control and uphold order in a society.

A collection of rules for the Babylonian Empire has established in the years 1792-1750 BC under the Hammurabi Code. Around Rome, the rules were based on the Twelve Tables, which were established in 451-450 BC. The Justinian Code was established as the legal framework for the Byzantine Empire in 528 AD. The US government still uses many of the laws that were a part of these three different sets of legislation.

To learn more about  Hammurabi Code click on the given link:


which artist was a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement? andy warhol salvador dalí paul cézanne jackson pollock


An important American painter, Jackson Pollock was the driving force behind the abstract expressionist trend in the arts. As a result, choice (D) is the best way to respond.

Who is Jackson Pollock?

American painter Jackson Pollock, whose full name is Paul Jackson Pollock, was a key figure in the Abstract Expressionist style, which is known for its free-associative brushstrokes and sometimes-called "action painting." For the revolutionary pouring, or "drip," technique he employed to produce his significant works, he gained considerable attention and appreciation throughout his lifetime.

He was revered among his peers for his intensely personal and unwavering dedication to the painting medium.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about Jackson Pollock, from:


what are we doing when we connect our perceptions of objects with our emotions, memories, and experiences?


When we connect our perceptions of objects with our emotions, memories, and experiences we are seeing.

The objects of perception embrace such acquainted things as paper clips, suns, ANd oil tins. it's this stuff themselves that we have a tendency to see, smell, touch, style, and listen to. There are, however, 2 versions of direct realism: naïve direct realism and scientific direct realism. They dissent within the properties they claim the objects of perception possess after they aren't being understood.

Realism claims that such objects still have all the properties that we sometimes perceive them to have, properties that admire yellowness, warmth, and mass. Scientific realism, however, claims that a number of the properties an object is perceived as having been obsessed with the perceiver, which unnoticed objects mustn't be formed as holding them.

Learn more about Perception here:


Scenario Matching Activity
Directions: Read each scenario about the impact of political parties. Determine the political party function
that is being described and list the function next to the correct scenario. Each function will be used once.
1. Most members of Congress belong to a political party and support the
in ideas in their political party's platform. Senators and Representatives
propose legislation and pass laws based on the ideas from their political
party's platform. These laws impact the government and society.
2. Political parties impact the way society views candidates for office. One
way this happens is through the campaign advertisements political parties
create for or against candidates.
3. Political parties provide options of candidates to society. Socicty
determines which candidates they will elect to serve in government. Once
elected, these public officials will make decisions (such as passing laws)
that will impact society.
4. Political parties impact the government at the federal, state, and local
levels. Because there are many more elected offices at the state and local
levels, political parties tend to be more active at these levels. Also,
political parties raise and spend money in order to
get candidates elected
and to help spread their message to voters.
5. The political party that wins more seats in one house of the national or
state legislature becomes the majority party in that house of the legislature.
The party that wins fewer seats in one house of the national or
legislature becomes the minority party in that house of the legislature. The
majority party in the legislature often has more control over the
lawmaking process than the minority power.
However, the minority party


On the scenarios presented, the functions of the political parties are as follows in respect of the corresponding scenario:

1. Political party functions: Proposing and passing legislation based on party platform

2. Political party functions: Campaign advertisements for or against candidates

3. Political party functions: Providing options for candidates to society

4. Political party functions: Raising and spending money to help get candidates elected and spread message to voters

5. Political party functions: Majority and minority parties in a legislature and the control they hold over the lawmaking process.

What is a Political Party?

A political party refers to a body that coordinates candidates to compete in a particular region or nation's elections. It is general for the members of a party to hold similar ideas about politics, and parties may promote specific ideological or policy targets.

Therefore, the correct answers are as given above

learn more about political parties:


When Israel was created on May 14th, 1948, what was the reaction?


The conflict became more intense after Israel proclaimed its independence on May 14, 1948, as additional Arab armies joined the Palestinian Arabs in attacking the former Palestinian administration.

Arab troops from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq then invaded the old Palestinian authority after this operation. A group from Saudi Arabia fought under Egyptian authority. Eventually, British-trained Transjordanian forces entered the fray, although only in Jerusalem's Separate City and other regions that had been included in the Arab state under the UN Partition Plan. Israeli forces, now under combined direction, were able to take the offensive after tense early fighting.

Fighting persisted into 1949 despite two cease-fires being mediated by the UN during the conflict. No formal armistice agreements between Israel and the Arab governments were reached until February. Israel and the neighbouring governments of Egypt, Lebanon, Transjordan, and Syria agreed to official armistice lines under separate agreements. Some of the territories that had been allotted to Palestinian Arabs under the 1947 United Nations resolution were taken by Israel.

To know more about Israel:


wait.. im sorry. but in school they want you to learn about the reactions of people to the creation of isreal? why is school teaching you that of all things?


any kinship group with a membership lineally descending from a real historical or fictional common ancestor is called a: group of answer choices


A descent group is any kinship group whose members may be traced back to a real historical figure or imagined common ancestor.

How does kinship descent work?In contrast to descent, which is the socially accepted biological links among people in society, kinship is a system of social relationships between individuals based on blood or marriage.Matrilineal unilineal descent is the kind of descend that originates from a female line. Individuals are considered to be related when utilizing this pattern if they can connect the same female ancestor through female descendants.By tracing inheritance primarily through the male patrilineal or female matrilineal line, many societies establish kinship groupings, duties, and interactions. The units that result are known as unilineal descent groups, and depending on the dominant descent rule, they might be patrilineal or matrilineal.      

To learn more about kinship group refer to:


a pharmacist has been found guilty of taking drugs from his pharmacy for his own personal use. because he did not attempt to sell the drugs, the judge does not believe he is dangerous to society. it is obvious that he has an addiction, though. what sentence will most likely be imposed on the pharmacist? question 12 options: 6-month probation 6-months in a drug treatment facility 1 year in prison 7 years in prison


The pharmacist will almost certainly face a 6-month sentence in a narcotic treatment facility.

What exactly is an organic drug?

Natural drugs are derived from natural compounds. Plants are the most common natural drug sources. Medicinal ethnobotany is the scientific study of the relationship between folks and medicinal plants. A tablespoon of this will kill us, but without it, most of us will die: we're talking concerning caffeine.

Which are the top ten most commonly used drugs?

All data from the 2020 National Institute on Drug Abuse Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Survey of Drug Abuse as well as Mental Health were collected.


To know more about Drugs visit:


Discuss the environment in Australia. Where do most people in Australia live? Do many people inhabit the interior of Australia? What percent of the population in Australia Is indigenous(Aborigine)?


Southern hemisphere Australia.

Most Australians reside in cities, mostly in New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland.The interior of Australia has a smaller and more scattered population than the coast.2.8% of Australians are indigenous, according to the ABS.

What is the environment like in Australia.?

Generally, Australia is a country located in the southern hemisphere, comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It has a diverse and varied environment, ranging from desert regions in the center of the country to tropical rainforests in the north.

Most Australians live in urban areas, with the majority concentrated in the eastern states of New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland. The major cities in these states are Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, respectively. These cities have large populations and are known for their cultural diversity, vibrant arts scenes, and beautiful beaches.

While some people do live in the interior of Australia, the population is much smaller and more dispersed than in the coastal areas. The interior is home to a number of indigenous communities, many of which are located in the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the indigenous population of Australia is 2.8% of the total population. Indigenous Australians are the original inhabitants of the Australian continent and have a rich and diverse culture that dates back thousands of years. They have made significant contributions to the development of the country and continue to play an important role in shaping its culture and identity.

Read more about the environment in Australia.


tommy is repeating a series of digits in the order in which he heard an experimenter read them out. the experimenter is testing the capacity of tommy's blank memory. tommy should be able to repeat above blank digits correctly. multiple choice short-term; four sensory; four short-term; seven sensory; seven


Tommy is repeating a series of digits in the order in which he heard an experimenter read them. The experimenter is testing the capacity of Tommy's short-term memory. Tommy should be able to repeat about 7 digits correctly.

An experiment is a method performed to support or refute a speculation, or determine the efficacy or probability of something previously untried. Experiments offer insight into reason-and-impact through demonstrating what final results takes place whilst a specific issue is manipulated. Experiments range substantially in aim and scale but constantly depend upon repeatable technique and logical evaluation of the consequences. There additionally exist natural experimental research. A baby may additionally carry out primary experiments to understand how things fall to the floor, at the same time as teams of scientists might also take years of systematic investigation to improve their understanding of a phenomenon.

Learn more about experimenter here


nate is lifting weights to build muscle for the upcoming football season. while nate is in the gym lifting, a group of cheerleaders comes in to start practice. while the cheerleaders were watching, nate was able to do 10 reps more than he has ever accomplished in the past. this best illustrates:


Social Facilitation is the best illustration of this scenario.

What is Social Facilitation?Social facilitation is the observation that people occasionally exert more effort as a result of the actual, suggested, or fictitious presence of others. Social facilitation was first referred to by psychologist Floyd Allport in 1920.Co-action effects and audience effects are the two different categories of social facilitation.The sort of task will determine whether or not social facilitation happens; typically, people will experience social facilitation for tasks or skills that they have mastered. For challenging or unfamiliar tasks, social inhibition , a drop in performance when others are present occurs. The ability to accomplish a task more effectively when surrounded by others—such as an audience, a rival, or a co-actor, than when performing it on one's own is known as social facilitation.

To learn more about Social Facilitation, refer:


which option best characterizes how absolute deontologists and prima facie differ on the nature of genuine moral rules and principles? g


A right that could be overruled by other factors is said to be prima facie. It contrasts with unassailable rights that are unaffected by anything.

What is the core belief of a deontologist?

Deontological ethics holds that at least some activities must be taken in an ethical manner, regardless of the potential impact they may have on the well of others. Examples of such ethics include the pithy sayings "Duty for duty's sake," "Virtue serves as its own reward," as well as "Let justice be done should the sky fall."

What are the primary concerns of deontologists?

First from Greek word deon, meaning implies duty, comes the term deontology. Morality, according to deontologists, is primarily influenced by behavior and the circumstances in which it occurs. Deontologists establish the essential assumptions of this paradigm by pointing out its shortcomings.

To know more about deontologists visit:


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