All of the following are good reasons to consider food journaling EXCEPT

assessing the need for a crash diet
changing individual eating habits
improving meal planning
managing a medical need​


Answer 1


assessing the need for a crash diet


crash diets are unsafe and unhealthy so they would not be a good reason to consider food journaling

Answer 2

Not a reason to consider food diary, Assess the need for a crash diet

aims to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time.

Crash diet

A crash diet aims to lose as much weight as possible in the shortest possible time. To achieve this, food is radically reduced and comparatively fewer calories are consumed than the body needs. This forces the body to switch to its own energy reserves and is neither healthy nor recommended.

Whit this information, we conclude that not a reason to consider food diary, Assess the need for a crash diet.

Learn more about crash diet in

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Prevents infections acne and allows us to hear

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is an area where animals and plants are

if someone could help!!! 20 POINTS!!!! In this lesson, you learned about the five components of fitness: flexibility, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance.

Choose one of these five components and answer the following questions.

How would you describe this component in your own words?

Is this component of fitness important? Explain why it is or why it is not.

Is any component more important than the others? Explain why or why not.


the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution.

Muscular endurance may be defined as the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert force repeatedly. It is more or less similar to muscular strength.

What are the major components of fitness?

The major components of fitness may significantly include flexibility, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance. Some of the components of fitness are interrelated.

For example, Muscular endurance is similar to muscular strength in that strength is required to initiate movements, but it is the muscle's endurance capacity that enables it to continue for multiple efforts.

Flexibility determines the capability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain-free range of motion. Cardiorespiratory endurance refers to the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles during continuous physical activity.

The component of muscular endurance is one of the most important as it deals with the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert force repeatedly.

All five major components of fitness are equally important to one another. This is because all play a major role in the actual physical fitness of an individual.

To learn more about Components of fitness, refer to the link:


List five factors that contribute to the development of emerging diseases.



1. Ecological Changes and Agricultural Development

2. Changes in Human Demographics and Behavior

3. International Travel and Commerce

4. Technology and Industry

5. Microbial Adaptation and Change

hope this helps


What happens when people go out in the sun in summer to tan for several hours a day without using any sunscreen?



we are become black . and we may suffer from many disease . and our face and body become dull .

You will probably tan or sunburn. If you do this many times for long enough, you may develop skin cancer

Which of the following statements is not true about metabolism?

A. Older people tend to burn more calories than younger individuals.
B. Basal metabolic rate is the number of calories your body needs to perform basic daily tasks.
C. Muscle on the body burns more energy than body fat does.
D. One pound of muscle may lead to an extra 3,500 calories being used each month.​





Metabolism  is a collection of chemical reactions that takes place in the cells of body.

Adults have fast metabolism rate and younger people have slow metabolism rate.

The statement which is not true about metabolism is as follows:

Older people tend to burn more calories than younger individuals.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism may be defined as the set of chemical reactions that takes place inside the cells to perform all basic needs of the body.

As age increases, the accumulation of muscle tends to reduce, and fat increases in its concentration. This transformation slows down the process of calories burning as compared to the younger individuals.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.  

To learn more about Metabolism, refer to the link:


What percentage of all early death is due to unhealthy lifestyles?
Group of answer choices







60 percent


Because women are murdered by their partners when they are drunk.

Teebangers kill them selves due to unhealthy lifestyle

Step 1: Who do you Admire? Research someone you admire. What can you find out about their personal values, attitudes, beliefs, or ethics? Step 2: Evaluate Think: How might (or how did) your hero’s values, attitudes, beliefs, or ethics impact their behavior, health, or success? Step 3: Interview If you could get 20 minutes with this person, what questions would you ask them? Determine three to five thoughtful questions and be sure to include one that relates to how might (or how did) your hero’s values, attitudes, beliefs, or ethics impact their behavior, health, or success. Submit your hero’s name and mock interview questions to the dropbox.


Answer Lauren Daigle


Jehovah, my saviour.

my creator is filled with love, gentleness, he is open to reason and is indescribable. I am not worthy of asking too many questions to him for he is the most high

What is a causative agent of Encephalitis?​



It is a virus


The Causative agent of Encephalitis is a virus. The indication of this virus includes varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles. measles, mumps and rubella viruses. Even Sores in throat.

Encephalitis is most often due to a virus, such as: herpes simplex viruses, which cause cold sores and genital herpes (this is the most common cause of encephalitis) the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles. measles, mumps and rubella viruses.

Describe the five types of physical activity. Give an example of each.


Muscle heart blood and every type of gym


physical activity is defines as any bodily movement produced by our muscles. Some examples are: brisk walking, jogging etc.

Name and describe the different divisions of the peripheral nervous system.



The peripheral nervous system itself is divided into two parts: the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. Each of these components plays a critical role in how the peripheral nervous system operates.

The peripheral nervous system itself is divided into two parts: the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. Each of these components plays a critical role in how the peripheral nervous system operates.

Why Valuable medicinal herbs are found in mountain region?​



High mountain plants or alpine vegetation is exposed to cold weather, lower water uptake hence water stress and so on. All these factors may contribute to higher accumulation of secondary metabolites and many of them may have therapeutic properties.


flowers tulsi and thyne

how is the exercise of knee done​



The exercises of knee are done by following ways

1). Pull and bend the legs. Before doing the exercise for the knees, we should first do jogging. Then we should pull and bend our legs, stand on left leg and pull right feet to hip. For this, we should pull the right feet with right hand. This should be done turn by turn with both legs.

2). Stretch the legs. Stand in a row and follow the count of the instructor.

Count 1. Put the right leg ahead and bend it.

Count 2. Put the hand on the right knee.

Count 3. Stretch the left leg hard.

Count 4. Stand at ease.

Change the legs and do in the same way for 4-5 times.

5. A number, when divided by 296, gives 75 as
the remainder. If the same number is divided by 37 then the remainder will be





x/296= 75



Which of the following statements about the administration of CPR is NOT true?

A. It can be accompanied by the use of an Automated External Defibrillator.
B. Its goal is to preserve intact brain function until emergency help arrives.
C. You should administer CPR immediately and before calling 911.
D. You should check to see if the patient is breathing before starting CPR.​


Answer: B- its goal is to preserve intact brain function until emergency help arrives.

Explanation: the goal is to keep blood flowing throughout the entire body, not just the brain.

define glandular system​



all the glands of the body collectively.


List six examples of aggressive behavior when communicating.



Behaviors often seen during aggressive communication include: putting others down, overpowering others, not showing appreciation, rushing others unnecessarily, ignoring others, not considering other's feelings, intimidating others, and speaking in a condescending manner.

Provide an example of a sport athlete who, in the course of competing, uses all three major energy pathways. Describe the individual demands that elicit the use of the energy pathways, how long the body utilizes each pathway as its main energy source, and why the utilization of all three is necessary for the athlete to compete.



Phosphagen --- 10 to 30 seconds

Anaerobic --- 10 to 120 seconds

Aerobic --- more than 120 seconds


Phosphagen energy system last from 10 to 30 seconds, the anaerobic system provides energy for very hard efforts that lasts from 10 - 120 seconds and  aerobic system lasts longer than two minutes in duration. The utilization of all three energy pathways are necessary for the athlete to compete because athlete needs energy in huge amount which can't be fulfilled with the use of one energy pathway so the athlete needs and use all the pathways during exercise.

Give the meaning of environment, population and health education.​



the environment is the place an organism was raised in.

A population is a group of diverse organisms.

Health education is the education about making healthy and productive choices with your lifestyle.

A man carried a handgun for protection, but failed to register it. In the applicable jurisdiction, possession of an unregistered handgun is a felony. The man had little experience with firearms, and negligently carried the gun in a holster designed to fit a different handgun model. While the man was shopping for groceries one day, the gun slipped out of the holster, fell to the floor, and accidentally discharged. The bullet struck a fellow shopper, who died as a result of the incident. The crimes below are listed in descending order of seriousness. Which is the most serious homicide crime for which the man can be convicted?
A. Felony murder
B. Voluntary manslaughter
C. Involuntary manslaughter
D. No crime


Answer: C. Involuntary manslaughter


This is involuntary manslaughter because the man was negligent in the action that led to the death of the shopper. In other words, he did not mean to do it and it happened only because he wasn't careful.

This rules out murder because a killing has to be intentional to be ruled as murder. It also rules out voluntary manslaughter because the man did not mean to kill the shopper by his actions.

endings in the skin and other body parts transmit
sensations to the brain. *



I think nerve


I am not conform
Receptors is correct answer

Artificial respiration is known as:

A: rescue breathing
B: home dialysis
D: aeronautics



Rescue breathing.


I initially thought it was CPR, but after some research, yes artificial respiration is part of CPR, but both words are not interchangeable since there are many forms of CPR. So the only logical answer that remained was rescue breathing.

If this helps, it would be nice if you gave 5 stars, and brainliest :)

Any ideas on making a class summary that needs 6 sentences?


Here are a few ideas:

1. How did you like the class
2. What would you change about the class
3. What would you add or take away from that class

Which major environmental factors can affect health?

genetics and obesity
poor water quality and obesity
poor air and water quality
genetics and poor air quality


Poor air and water quality


C! poor air and water quality.

que opinas de la frase "no hagas ese trabajo porque es para mujeres"​



I think that the phase is very wrong. Because we are in a model world where women are so capable of doing almost anything they want. Women are said to be more powerful than a man. If they want to, then they can and will do anything. We shouldn't differentiate a person by their gender.

In spanish :


Creo que la fase es muy equivocada. Porque estamos en un mundo modelo donde las mujeres son tan capaces de hacer casi lo que quieran. Se dice que las mujeres son más poderosas que un hombre. Si quieren, entonces pueden hacer y harán cualquier cosa. No debemos diferenciar a una persona por su género.

Classify our nervous system into various forms

please give me ans



The nervous system of vertebrates (including humans) is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The (CNS) is the major division, and consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The spinal canal contains the spinal cord, while the cranial cavity contains the brain.


hope u like 3>

make it briniest

Why does the Christian need to have his or her mind renewed?

unrelated answers= reported




The Christian need to have his or her mind renewed to exchange the old way of thinking for God's way of thinking, and also, to be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and the perfect will of God.

what are the importance of tecnical eductaion in nepal.


Technical Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life.

Match each leadership skill to its advantage.

goal setting
change management
team building

helps the group adapt to new developments
helps individuals work together
while supporting each other
helps individuals measure their progress
helps the leader clarify team understandings



communication helps individuals work together

goal setting helps individuals measure their progress

change management helps the group adapt to new development

term building helps the leader clarify team understanding

Please read this someone read it and didn't answer it properly and they stole the points :/ at least I didn't give them the brainiest lol

let me try this again :|
please answer for brainless

This is P.E btw



This could be called many things but here is one of them:

Exercise bulimia.


Exercise bulimia is a pathologic condition. Some of the characteristics of exercise bulimia are similar to bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the person starts eating excessively. This leads them to vomit and a condition called diarrhea. A person attacked with exercise bulimia doesn’t eat much. Instead, they over-exercise to burn fat and calories.

I hope this answer helps you out. Please note that the answer to this question could be many things so I cannot give you an exact answer. Have a nice day :D.
Anorexia athletica also known as Exercise Bulimia is a form of an eating disorder where an individual exercises to the point of malnourishment, injury and even death. Anorexia athletica is an eating disorder characterized by excessive and compulsive exercising.
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