allotment... ** First and final call Ane: (a) Excess money transferred to allotment Rs. 30,000 (b) Bank ale 71 Supp Q.NO SA company issued 10,000 shares of Rs.100 each, payable as follows: application Rs.30 per share Rs.40 per share first and final call Rs.30 per share lication were received for 16,000 shares. No allotment was made to 1,000 shares. Rest were allotted on pro-rata a hey were duly received except a holder holding 100 shares, failed to pay on first and final call money. uired: Journal entries for: a. Application b. Allotment C. First and final call


Answer 1


transferred to allotment Rs. 30,000 (b) Bank ale 71 Supp Q.NO SA company issued 10,000 shares of Rs.100 each, payable as follows: application Rs.30 per share Rs.40 per share first and final call Rs.30 per share lication were received for 16,000 shares. No allotment was made to 1,000 shares. Rest were allotted on pro-rata a hey were duly received except a


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Bằng lý luận và thực tiễn, anh (chị) hãy phân tích các đặc trưng của nhà nước Việt Nam để thấy rõ tính ưu việt của nhà nước Việt Nam so với các kiểu nhà nước trước đó





hiiiiiiiii mình ko biết nha

give five reasons for european exploration



There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.

Here are five reasons for European exploration:

1) Better Trade Routes - Many people explored to find faster and cheaper ways to foreign countries.

2) Fame - Some people wanted to go down as a great name in history.

3) National Pride - Many people explored to claim new lands for their country and become national heroes.

4) Religion - Some explorers went on pilgrimages to spread Christianity.

5) Foreign Goods - People wanted to bring back spices and jewels that could not be found in their own country.

Research has shown that students who have high confidence are more likely to try hard, choose challenging tasks, experience positive emotions, and be less anxious in training and competition.



This is true.


When vinegar and baking soda react, the mixture becomes cold to the touch and a gas and a new liquid substance are formed.

Which best describes what is occurring in the reaction?

The reaction is chemical and endothermic.
The reaction is chemical and exothermic.
The reaction is non-chemical and endothermic.
The reaction is non-chemical and exothermic



The reaction is chemical and endothermic

What the correct answer



I'm scratching my head.

Your screenshot shows that you marked 'Wilson' as your answer, yet you are asking now for a correct answer.  The correct answer *IS* 'Wilson'  !!


A set of biology exam scores are normally distributed with a mean of 60 points and a standard deviation of 6 points. Antoaneta got a score of 51 points on the exam. What proportion of exam scores are higher than Antoaneta's score? You may round your answer to four decimal places.



0.9332 (0.93 rounded) of exam scores are higher than Antoaneta's score





A team of four students has to be selected from A, B, C, D, E, F and G, according to the following
B will not be with F.
A and C must be together.
E will not be with A.
G and D must be together.
F will not be with G.
A team can consist of:





ABCE can't be because E will not be with A.

BDFA can't be because B will not be with F.

hãy cho biết ý thức xuất phát từ đâu



Tell me where consciousness comes from is what that means and the answer is from the mind getting concerned or deeply observing if everything is ok.


What are the characteristics of a good theory



The characteristics of a good theory are :-

comprehensiveness, precision and testability, parsimony, empirical validity, and both heuristic and applied value.


1. Testable: Theories can be supported through a series of scientific research projects or experiments.

2.Replicable: In other words, theories must also be able to be repeated by others.

3. Stable: Another characteristic of theories is that they must be stable.

4.Simple: A theory should be simple.

1. Which of the following species migrate over large distances?

Group of answer choices

a. monarch butterflies

b. wildebeests

c. caribou

d. all of the above



I think it's either monarch butterflies or all of the above. I would do monarch butterflies, though


Wildebeest migrate 300 miles on a migration loop every winter.

Monarch butterflies can fly as far as 3,000 miles to reach their winter home.

Caribou can migrate up to 400 miles.

Monarch butterflies migrate the furthest.

what did disease mean for the Native Americans?


Native Americans often contracted infectious disease through trading and exploration contacts with Europeans, and these were transmitted far from the sources and colonial settlements, through exclusively Native American trading transactions. Warfare and enslavement also contributed to disease transmission. Because their populations had not been previously exposed to most of these infectious diseases, the indigenous people rarely had individual or population acquired immunity and consequently suffered very high mortality.

So i have to make trial balance and im kinda confused with 'interest'. So which side did it go to? Credit or debit? It didn't state the interest as received or expense/paid. someone told me to look at the bank but hey i need more explanation T^T​





The interest on capital is on credit side of a trial balance as it is a liability from the point of view of company or enterprise and it comes in the debit side

which of these is an accurate characteristic of American civilizations from 1200-1450?


This is a multiple choice question, you did not provide the answers

4. Scientists should avoid bias to ensure that it is a ________


Answer: I would assume that your answer is a fair experiment.


Which of the following would be considered anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment?

a. air pollution

b. introduction of invasive species

c. burning of fossil fuels

d. all of the above



D. All of the above.

The purpose of the DSM5 is to provide
a descriptions of disorders
b. explanations and causes of disorders
c. treatment recommendations for disorders
O d. all of these options


The answer is D all of these options

Hi! ñññññññññññññññññññññ​



hi řřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřřř

what are the levels of ecology



Within the discipline of ecology, researchers work at five broad levels, sometimes discretely and sometimes with overlap


organism, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere.

Hope it's helps you

For each of the following, come up with a hypothesis to explain the given fact. Explain why your hypothesis is adequate and indicate how you would tell whether the hypothesis is true. In other words, how would you test your hypothesis?

1. When we spend a lot of time looking forward to something, and expect to enjoy it, we are often disappointed.


Testing Procedure:

2. In midterm elections (those held midway through a president’s term), the president’s party usually loses seats in Congress.


Testing Procedure:



1. Hypothesis: High expectations in a situation generate frustration.

Testing Procedure: Interview some volunteers and ask them to describe their expectations about a given situation. Reproduce the situation below the volunteers' expectations and ask them to describe the emotions they felt when living the experience below expectations.

2. Hypothesis: The president-elect's party loses voters, because of the agenda the president is following that disappoints the voters he had.

Testing Procedure: Select a group of volunteers who voted for the president-elect and ask them to explain their level of satisfaction with the current government and how likely they are to vote for the president-elect's party candidates in midterm elections.


In a scientific experiment, the hypothesis is an assumption that the researcher makes about what will be researched, that is, the hypothesis is something that the researcher thinks happens and that he will prove that it is true or not through texts that make up the experiment. These tests will generate data, which the researcher will evaluate and be able to interpret, generating a conclusion. This conclusion is able to show whether the researcher's hypothesis was correct or not.

the balance of payment between Vietnam and Iran





PIB anual 2019 294.361M.€ 556.579M.€ 2020 PIB anual

PIB anual 2019 329.537M.$ 635.724M.$ 2020 PIB anual

PIB Per Capita 2019 3.051€ 6.684€ 2020 PIB Per Capita

PIB Per Capita 2019 3.415$ 7.635$ 2020 PIB Per Capita

Natural resources including trees and oil are part of which factor of
O A. Land
O B. Labor
O C. Capital
O D. Scarcity



A. Land


Land includes any natural resources that land creates used to produce goods and services sold for a profit. Land also includes raw materials. Trees & oil are raw materials. Trees can be used to create paper & oil can be used for fuel. This makes A. the correct answer.

Answer: a. land


Which of the following is the last step in creating a budget. Determine savings r debt. Identifying variable expenses. Identify income r identify fixed expenses which one the answer



The first step in creating a budget is to identify the amount of money you have coming in.

Estimate Expenses.

Estimate Income.

Determine Savings.

Balance Budget.



The assertion that non formal institutions have no role to play in the processing stage of system theory is an empty



ok ok ok ok ok ok Okk ok ok






Over the past five hundred years, how many species are known to have gone extinct?

Group of answer choices

a, 500 species

b. 750 species

c. 900 species

d. an unknown number of species


Over the past five hundred years, well it must be between answers c and d. I would say d due to five hundred years ago people were not keeping track of the species in the world and their extinction. Hope this helps!

Biểu diễn trong mặt phẳng dọc các loại lực tác dụng lên oto có hai cầu chủ động đang giảm tốc xuống dốc



Biêu diên trong mât phãng doc các loai luc tác dung let oto có hai cãu chu dông dang giäm töc xuöng döc

Question 3
a) On March 1st, Valentina had six paddleboards ($500 cost). Each Monday this month (March 7th,
14th, 21st, and 28th), Valentina purchased six paddleboards from her supplier. The price increased to
$510 on March 12th, but dropped to $505 on March 28th. Valentina sold one paddleboard in week one
(March 1st to 7th), eight in week two, six in week three, and five in week four. Assuming the selling price
was $800 per paddleboard and Valentina uses the moving-weighted-average method, what was her
gross margin for March? Make all necessary journal entries and SHOW YOUR WORK!
b) Repeat 3a, but using the first-in-first-out method.


a) The gross margin for March, using the moving-weighted-average method  is $5,907.

Journal Entries:

March 7th

Debit Inventory $3,000

Credit Cash $3,000

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $500

Credit Inventory $500

Debit Cash $800

Credit Sales Revenue $800

March 14th

Debit Inventory $3,060

Credit Cash $3,060

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $4,032

Credit Inventory $4,032

Debit Cash $6,400

Credit Sales Revenue $6,400

March 21st

Debit Inventory $3,060

Credit Cash $3.060

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $3,036

Credit Inventory $3,036

Debit Cash $4,800

Credit Sales Revenue $4,800

March 28th

Debit Inventory $3,030

Credit Cash $3,030

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $2,525

Credit Inventory $2,525

Debit Cash $4,000

Credit Sales Revenue $4,000

b) The gross margin for March, using the first-in-first-out method is $5,920.

Journal Entries:

March 7th

Debit Inventory $3,000

Credit Cash $3,000

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $500

Credit Inventory $500

Debit Cash $800

Credit Sales Revenue $800

March 14th

Debit Inventory $3,060

Credit Cash $3,060

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $4,000

Credit Inventory $4,000

Debit Cash $6,400

Credit Sales Revenue $6,400

March 21st

Debit Inventory $3,060

Credit Cash $3,060

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $3,030

Credit Inventory $3,030

Debit Cash $4,800

Credit Sales Revenue $4,800

March 28th

Debit Inventory $3,030

Credit Cash $3,030

Debit Cost of Goods Sold $2,530

Credit Inventory $2,530

Debit Cash $4,000

Credit Sales Revenue $4,000


Cost of Goods Sold based on Moving Weighted-Average Method

Date           Description              Qty  Unit Cost  Total Cost  Ending Balance

March 1st   Beginning inventory  6     $500       $3,000     $3,000          

March 7th  Purchases                  6     $500       $3,000     $6,000 ($3,000 + $3,000)

Week 1       Cost of Sales             -1      $500         $500    $5,500 ($6,000 - $500)

March 14th Purchases                 6       $510      $3,060     $8,560 ($5,500 + $3,060)

Week 2      Cost of Sales           -8       $504      $4,032    $4,528 ($8,560 - $4,032)      

March 21st Purchases                6       $510      $3,060     $7,588 ($4,528 + $3,060)

Week 3    Cost of Sales            -6       $506     $3,036     $4,552 ($7,588 - $3,036)

March 28th  Purchases             6       $505     $3,030     $7,582 ($4,552 + $3,030)

Week 4       Cost of Sales        -5       $505     $2,525    $5,057 ($7,82 - $2,525)

Sales revenue = 20 x $800 = $16,000

Cost of goods sold = Cost of goods available – Ending inventory

= $10,093 ($15,150 - $5,057)

Gross margin for March = $5,907 ($16,000 - $10,093)

FIFO Method:

Date           Description              Qty Unit Cost Total Cost Ending Balance

March 1st   Beginning inventory   6    $500      $3,000     $3,000          

March 7th  Purchases                   6    $500      $3,000    $6, 000 ($3,000 + $3,000)

Week 1      Cost of Sales              -1       $500      $500     $5,500 ($6,000 - $500)

March 14th Purchases                 6        $510   $3,060     $8,560 ($5,500 + $3,060)

Week 2    Cost of Sales              -8      $500   $4,000     $4,560 ($8,560 - $4,000)      

March 21st Purchases                6        $510   $3,060     $7,620 ($4,560 + $3,060)

Week 3   Cost of Sales             -6                   $3,030       $4,590 ($7,620 - $3,030)

March 28th Purchases              6       $505  $3,030        $7,620 ($4,590 + $3,030)

Week Four Cost Sales             -5        $510  $2,550        $5,070 ($7,620 - $2,550)

Sales revenue = 20 x $800 = $16,000

Cost of goods sold = Cost of goods available – Ending inventory

= $10,080 ($15,150 - $5,070)

Gross margin for March = $5,920 ($16,000 - $10,080)

Thus, Velentina's gross margin or profit is the difference between its sales revenue and the cost of goods sold.

Learn more about gross margin

explain the symbiotic relationship that exists between science and technology



science is the study of the natural world by scientific method i.e collecting data through a systematic process.and technology is is where we apply science to create devices that can solve problems and perform different is literally the application of science.

I hope this helps

What the correct answer



i think its C


your answer is C

he wasindeed the first one

divide into the simplest form


The correct answer should be 5/18

To visualize the question we are trying to solve, let's put 5/6 and 3 side-by-side so it's easier to see:
5/6÷ 3
So here is the incredibly easy way to figure out what 5/6 divided by 3 is. All we need to do here is keep the numerator exactly the same (5) and multiple the denominator by the whole number:
5. 1
— x —
6. 3
So here is the incredibly easy way to figure out what 5/6 divided by 3 is. All we need to do here is keep the numerator exactly the same (5) and multiple the denominator by the whole number:

5 5
——— = ——
6 x 3 18

vai trò của cô giáo mầm non trong việc tổ chức các hoạt động giáo dục tích hợp theo chủ đề cho trẻ ở trường mầm non.





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