Anjali wanted to eat chick pea (Kontaikkatalai). She requested her mother to cook the same on next day. At night her mother took a cup of chick pea and put them in a container having some water and the kept the container covered overnight. Next day it was observed that the chick pea got swollen and were ready to be cooked. What is this phenomenon due to which chick pea got swollen is known as


Answer 1



It sounds like osmosis. Osmosis is the process where water goes from a diluted state through a porous wall where it meets a liquid of a much thicker state. The object is to try and dilute the thicker liquid.

Chick peas (as an irrelevant note) are wonderful members of the legume family. Every vegetarian will tell you stories about having a Big Mac attack after being a Veggie for about 6 months. Chick peas are the only answer. Have them once in a while and you will never get another big mac attack.

Related Questions

Gary was trying on jeans in a department store when he saw himself in the mirror. He wasn't happy with what he saw, so Gary realizes he needs to watch what he eats so he can look good in the style of jeans he likes to wear. Which stage of change model is MOST consistent with Gary's behaviors





Gary seems to be in the contemplation stage of the change model. This is the stage in which the individual first sees and accepts the problem. This is when they begin to think about solving the problem and making decisions but have not yet taken the step and have not made any decisions or progress towards solving the problem. This is why it is one of the very early stages in the change model.

write the professional education of :
i. JTA
ii. Forester
iii. Ranger​



i.the aim of the program is to produce junior technical assistant (jta) in the field of agriculture (plant science), to provide services to the people as a demand of the country.

Ii.A forester is a professional in charge of caring for, planting and managing trees or forests. They are involved in a range of activities including restoration, conservation, timber harvest, and managing protected wooded areas.

At what respect can the present constitution of Nepal be considered superior? write in 7 points​



One of the main goals of the Crusades was to:

A. Help European peasants gain more rights.
B. Take control of territory held by Muslims.
C. Excommunicate people from the Catholic Church.
D. Form partnerships with Muslim empires.





There main goal was to stop the expansion of Muslim empires, to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land in the Middle East.

How did trade along the Bosporus Strait affect the Byzantine Empire

A P 3 X



Because of the strait's strategic importance for the defense of Constantinople (Istanbul), straddling the southern end of the strait, the Byzantine emperors and later the Ottoman sultans constructed fortifications along its shores, especially on the European side. ... Two bridges have been built across the strait.

A group of artists comes to distinguish itself from how most people dress and act. Members of the group always wear black. Women wear heavy, pale makeup, and both men and women have multiple piercings. The artists are devoted to discussing and creating art and music about death. What is a term sociologists would most likely use to describe this group





According to sociologists, a subculture is a group of people, generally from within a larger group or culture who have similar beliefs and interests. This means that the people in a subculture will have similar lifestyles, beliefs, wants, styles, etc.

In the given context, the group of artists dresses in tandem with each other, with the women "wear[ing] heavy, pale makeup, and both men and women have multiple piercings." This group exhibits interest in "discussing and creating art and music about death." The people in a subculture differentiate themselves from others.

So, this group of people with similar characteristics distinct from others are termed subcultures.

write 5 functions of high court of nepal ​


a. To declare that law to be void if it appears to be inconsistent with the constitution.

b. To issue necessary and appropriate orders and provide appropriate remedies for the enforcement of fundamental rights.

c. To issue appropriate orders and rights like right to habeas corpus, right to mandamus, certiorari, prohibition etc

d. To hear original cases, appeals, to examine decision referred for confirmation, review cases, hear petitions or review it's judgement.

e.To work for the protection of human rights etc.

who discovered about the green house effect and when​



Irish physicist John Tyndall


The greenhouse effect was discovered in 1896.

The presence of four vehicles and a pedestrian approaching an intersection at the same time might represent a situation to _______ the risk (and move forward to an alternative maneuver at a different intersection) of completing the maneuver. a) Accept b) Reject c) Identify d) None of the above



c, identify


pedestrians always have the right of way and you could risk hitting the pedestrian


c- identity


eventos de la cultura chavin



Julio C. Tello, con el apoyo de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. El año pasado se cumplieron 100 años de aquel evento histórico ...

Jenni was startled by the sudden, loud barking made by a large black dog. Every time she saw a large black dog after that, she felt anxious and jumpy. She also began to feel the same way when she say any brown, medium sized doges. This change in her conditioned response is known as ___________.



this condition response is known as "phobia".

Fred just purchased an expensive new refrigerator and is considering purchasing the overpriced warranty. In making his decision on the warranty, Fred ignores better ways that his money could be spent, including paying off high-interest credit card debt. According to prospect theory, the process that leads Fred to ignore the debt and buy the overpriced warranty is anchoring. confirmation bias. framing bias. mental accounting.





In simple words, The anchoring phenomenon can be understood as the cognitive prejudice in which a single comparison source or 'anchor' influences a person's judgments. Following the setting of the anchoring number, a person 's future statements, estimations, and so on may differ from what things might have remained sans the anchor.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct answer is anchor.

Differentiate between GDP and GNP in a sentence.


Gross national product is another metric used to measure a country's economic output. Where GDP looks at the value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, GNP is the market value of goods and services produced by all citizens of a country—both domestically and abroad.

Heather and Mike share the household chores as equally as possible. They take turns with the cooking and driving their son to daycare. Both of them work outside the home, and each of them takes responsibility for child care one night a week to give the other one a break. We can say that their relationship has a high level of ________.





We can say that their relationship has a high level of reciprocity. In other words a give and take. They each help each other out, and do things for one another, while also helping the other with the their tasks when they need the help. This demonstrates lots of trust, love, and respect for one another which is why they are always there for each other. This is all part of reciprocity in a relationship, which is why we can say that they have a high level of it.

'Development of human resource develops the nation' Justify it.


Development of human resource is the development of nation, because it is human that make other resources valuable. Other resources like land, labour, capital etc. have no use if there are no humans who can actively plan and use these resources. These resources are nothing on their own, they need humans to be valuable. If there is no intelligence to use these resources even when there are lot of resources, it will not to do good. Less resources and more human resource is better than more resources and less human resource. That's why, if we want our nation to develop, we need to develop the human resource.

convert 2.4 kg into grams​



2400 g


1 Kg = 1000g

2.4 kg = 2.4 ×1000 = 2400 g


multiply the mass by 1000

Todd knows that he is taller than the person in front of him and shorter than the person behind him. Based on that knowledge, he concludes that the person behind him must be taller than the person in front of him. Piaget would say that this is an example showing that Todd understands the concept of ________.



Piaget would say that this is an example showing that Todd understands the concept of transitivity.

Si se calienta a fuego medio y por separado 100 ml de agua y 100 ml de aceite durante 3 minutos, el agua llega a tener 50 ºC y el aceite 105 ºC ¿A qué propiedad del agua se debe este fenómeno?


La repuesta es: Calor específico.


El calor específico es una propiedad física de las sustancias. Esta propiedad establece la cantidad de calor a la que debe someterse una sustancia para aumentar su temperatura en condiciones normales. De acuerdo a lo anterior, si la temperatura de 100ml de aceite aumenta hasta 105° C mientras que 100ml de agua aumentan hasta 50° C bajo las mismas condiciones de fuego medio durante tres minutos, esto indica que el calor específico del agua es mayor que el del aceite porque necesita más temperatura para aumentar mucho más su temperatura.

The Crusades had which effect on Muslims in Europe?

A. Muslims became powerful nobles in European kingdoms
B. Muslims were pushed out of many parts of Europe.
C. Muslims were killed in pogroms across Europe.
D. Most Muslims in Europe became Christian.


The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages. Western European Christians sought to gain control of Palestine, the land where Jesus lived, died, and according to Christians, was resurrected, from the Muslims. While Christian Crusaders never achieved more than temporary control of Jerusalem, the Crusades had many lasting effects on Western European societies. These effects profoundly changed the lives of Western Europeans. One of the many effects of the Crusades was that the pope and the kings of Western Europe became more powerful. In addition, Europeans began to trade with the Middle East. Trade increased as Western Europeans began to buy products like sugar, lemons, and spices. Naturally, increased trade led to increased cultural diffusion. Crusaders and traders learned about Arab art, architecture, medicine, and mathematics. Since the Arabs were very advanced in science and mathematics, Western European knowledge increased. Finally, after traveling to the Middle East, may Western Europeans began to see their small villages as uninteresting and even boring. Many Western Europeans began to seek adventure. Exploration increased.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent
of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
C. What was ironic about these words referencing “all men”


It really was not all men. It was just the wealthy white land owning men.

what is the society composed of?​


A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions.

What is socialzatoin ?How socialzation formation? justifiy the statement.​


Answer: The act of adapting behavior to the norms of a culture or society is called socialization.

Who votes in a direct democracy


everyone votes on everything


In direct democracy, people decide on policies without any intermediary.

define.human resources.​



those resources which is made by human is called human resource.


Human resources refers to the human power or skill or knowledge required for carrying out any work


It is also called workforce or mind power

Which of the following statements reflect effective study habits that this student has? Check all that apply. Increase your concentration by eliminating distractions Have a plan in mind for what you expect to accomplish Be prepared for days when your motivation wavers Forget multitasking Be sure to have everything you need before you start to study Set aside specific times to study Take breaks



I think the best will be

Be sure to have everything you need before you start to study set aside specific times to study take breaks

The statements that best  reflect the effective study habits that this student has are:

•Increase your concentration by eliminating distractions.

•Have a plan in mind for what you expect to accomplish.

•Set aside specific times to study.

•Take breaks.

•It is of important to often concentrate when reading by eliminating any form of distractions as it will enable you to remain  fully focus when reading.

•To improve your study habits you have to have a  plan in mind for what you expect to accomplish as it will help you to achieve  your goals.

•It is of paramount to often  Set aside specific times to study or times table and stick to that study schedule as it will help you to properly plan your study.  

•Not taking a break during study can tend to reduce you performance, therefore It of paramount that you Take break when studying especially if your are tired or exhausted.

Inconclusion The statements that best  reflect the effective study habits that this student has are:

•Increase your concentration by eliminating distractions.

•Have a plan in mind for what you expect to accomplish.

•Set aside specific times to study.

•Take breaks.

Learn more about effective study habits  here:

it is observed that respect for older adults is greater in


Yes they are more old

Jot down some points how you inspire a bad friend to be a good friend


A few Points on how to inspire a bad friend to be a good friend is listed below:

Be kind to themLive a good example for them to emulateSpeak to them courteously and advice them regularlyEncourage them and motivate the to become better

Meaning of a Friend and Inspiring a friend

A friend can be defined as an individual that shares similar goals and interest with you. A friend can also be an individual that is not related to you by blood but you are fond of him or her

Inspiring a friend refers to influencing a friend to act, reason, respond and see things as you do

In conclusion, A few Points on how to inspire a bad friend to be a good friend is listed above

Learn more about A friend :


3. Once you have successfully complete all the procedures, requirements, and examinations for a license, you will be issued a temporary (paper) license which will permit you to operate a motor vehicle for a period of ________, or until your actual license has been issued or refused.


60 days of temporary permit/license

According to the standards for motor vehicle operation in the United States, once you have successfully completed all the procedures, requirements, and examinations for a license, you will be issued a temporary (paper) license which will permit you to operate a motor vehicle for a period of 60 DAYS, or until your actual license has been issued or refused.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer to the question is 60 days of temporary permit/license "60 days of temporary permit/license"

To learn more, check here:

the most funny answer will get brainliest
have fun!
​get your points (;



Knock Knock.

Who's There?


Pigeons who?

No silly, pigeons coo.



In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court ruled that Group of answer choices a sitting president cannot be sued in civil court for offenses that occurred before the president took office. executive privilege could not be used to prevent evidence from being heard in criminal proceedings. congressional approval must be granted before presidents make use of executive privilege. the president is immune from criminal prosecution except for impeachable crimes. members of the Secret Service cannot be required to testify against the president.


The correct answer is "executive privilege could not be used to prevent evidence from being heard in criminal proceedings."

In the United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court ruled that executive privilege could not be used to prevent evidence from being heard in criminal proceedings. This means that Nixon could not keep the Watergate tapes under “executive privilege. So we can say that the decision of the Supreme Court meant that the executive branch should not have more power than other branches of government.

In 1972, the Watergate scandal began with a break-in at offices of the Democratic National Committee.

Yes, the Watergate Scandal started when a group of people break-in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee on June 17, 1972. The office was at the Watergate complex located in Washington D.C. The police found the thieves wiretapping telephones and caught them taking documents from the office. Two journalists from the Washington Post Newspaper revealed that US President Richard Nixon had connections with the incident. Their names: Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.

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