Why are independent agencies separate from the executive branch?
Independent agencies have areas of responsibility that fall outside the executive branch.
Independent agencies serve limited purposes within all three branches of government.
Independent agencies serve many purposes across all three branches of government.
Independent agencies do not share any of the responsibilities of the executive branch.


Answer 1

C. Independent agencies serve many purposes across all three branches of government

Answer 2

Answer: Sorry if im late but the answer is D.

Explanation: can I still have the brainlist.

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After spending nearly 10 years in prison for possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. a 28-year old ex-crack dealer decides to stop selling crack, because the police are still targeting that particular drug and the punishments are far too steep, and embark on a new career as a medical marijuana wholesaler. This is an example of _________ deterrence. Group of answer choices Specific deterrence Absolute deterrence General deterrence Restrictive deterrence



Restrictive deterrence


The Goals of criminal justice includes Deterrence, rehabilitation, and incapacitation.


This is simply the act of reducing crime rates by making people fear the consequences of their actions.

Restrictive deterrence

This is simply explained as a form of police policy to provide minimize crime or deterrence. Usually, criminals do not commit crimes while police are around but will do it after so they are just restricted a little. It is also called partial deterrence as it is occurs when deterrence measures convince would-be criminals that risk of committing particular crime has too much to loose.

Potential criminals adapt to threat when

1. To reduces number of crimes in particular time period

2. To commits less serious crimes, assuming less sever punishment

3. So as to take action to reduce risk of being caught.

what does heritage reflect?



Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most important, it is the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw from them. Heritage includes, but is much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or restoring a collection of old things.


heritage reflects our culture our tradition our rich and glorified history

what are disadvantages of sugauli treaty


On Nepal?
If so
They lost 1 third of their nation, lost many important places of strategic, leaders were decreasing and were viewed as traitors, and they became landlocked

Choose the CORRECT statement regarding marriage : The Supreme Court decision on the legality of same-sex marriage will alter marriage data Homogamy and endogamy patterns of marriage are synonymous Heterosexual marriage is an example of endogamy All of the above



All of the above


3. Do you think honesty and dedication in work gave fishermen benefit fro their occupation? Give reasons. ​


Answer: i mean yes and no

Explanation: fishing cqn be considerd competitve


Commercial fisheries is a hazardous occupation. Every day hundreds of fishers are injured and more than 80 fishers die while involved in fishing operations. Fishers often work long hours under harsh weather conditions, which increases the likelihood they will experience accidents or injury. Climate change has aggravated the hazardous conditions under which most fishers work, as extreme weather events continue to increase in number and severity, and natural disasters become more prevalent and destructive.

How did Napoleon rise?



Born on the island of Corsica, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution (1789-1799). After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d'état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804.Sep 27, 2019

Most of the humans settling around tropical desert climate region have comparatively lower living standard. present your views in seven points about how it can be raised​



Hloo em dng


Mark Me As Branlyest


the human settling around tropical desert climate region have comparatively lower living standard.abg seven reasons are:

1) they can cultivate vegetables and fruits on oasis a fertile land and sell them to the market.

2) they can cultivate the fruits and vegetables which can grow in desert such as dragon fruits,coconut and so on and sell them on market

3) they can rare the camel which is also called the ship of the desert and sell them on market

4) they can rare the animals in desert and later on change on. national parks

5) they can utilize those natural resources which are found over the desert

6) they can make tourism sector on side of desert

7)they can give old sculpture which are found desert

How much greater are the negative effects of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and cognitive difficulties including memory issues for older adults who have lost a spouse compared to older adults who have not lost a spouse



please mark me brainliest


Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. More women are affected by depression than men.

What was one advantage of being a member of the Second a Estate?
having access to the king
being a small part of the population
being able to participate in business or trade
having extensive priveleges


Having extensive priveleges

how does secularism support religious harmony explain in reference to Nepal​



in Nepal, a decade of peace has now followed a decade of war. The task of including different sections of society was central to the peace process, and this Accord tracks how this inclusion has progressed through the country’s post-war transition.


Chiara Letizia explores the role that secularism has played in Nepal’s peace process, and its status in the 2015 Constitution. Secularism has come to be associated with emancipation for many marginalised communities, as Hinduism central role in Nepal’s national identity was tied to the continued dominance of established elites. The 2015 Constitution confirms Nepal as a secular state, but its equivocal definition leaves the door open to future contestation.

Personality disorders (like antisocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder) are characterized by Group of answer choices Inflexible and enduring behavioral patterns that impair social functioning Persistent anxiety or depression An elevated level of autonomic nervous system arousal Hallucinations or delusions



The correct answer is ''Inflexible and enduring behavioral patterns that impair social functioning''


Personality disorders share the ability to generate suffering and interpersonal and social difficulties with other mental disorders. A personality disorder consists of personality traits that acquire the category of disorder only if they become rigid and make adaptation difficult, if they give rise to a primary functional defect with subjective tension and, above all, if they conform an inflexible, unadaptable behavior pattern and deeply ingrained that deviates markedly from the individual's cultural patterns in no less than two of the following areas: cognitive, affective, interpersonal relationships, and impulse control.

An especially comforting nineteenth-century origin story speculated that Indian mounds were actually built by


An origin story speculates that the Indian mounds were built by an ancient civilization called Adena.

The Adena people are considered an ancient native society. They are classified as Mound Builders. They are believed to have lived in the Ohio River Valley 400 years ago b.c.

Although this is a very old civilization, much research has been done on the Adenas. It is currently known that:

They were hunters and gatherers.They had several villages spread across the Ohio River Valley.They build mounds for religious celebrations, but they also build mounds for protection and for funerary purposes.

You can find more information about this in the ink below:

Health is the precious wealth prepare a news on the topic to be published in a national daily newspaper​






Kapco Advisers is a federal covered investment advisers with its principal office in New York City and several offices in New Jersey.Joe Segal, who lives in Manhattan, is an IAR with the firm and has the responsibility for serving those clients of Kapco who winter in Florida. In order to do so, Joe takes a hotel suite in Miami Beach for one week in December, in Boca Raton for one week in January, and in West Palm Beach for one week in February. While Mr. Segal is using these facilities to meet with existing clients, he does let them know that if they have any friends who might be interested in the firm's advisory services, they are welcome to make an appointment with him. Which of the following statements is correct regarding Mr. Segal's registration status under the Uniform Securities Act?-Because Joe is meeting with existing clients who are not permanent Florida residents, he does not have to register as an IAR in the state of Florida.-Because Joe is employed by a covered adviser, no registration is necessary in the state of Florida.-Because Joe is employed by a covered adviser, he is only required to register with the SEC.-Because Joe may be meeting with individuals who are not existing clients and may be Florida residents, he must be registered in the state of Florida as an IAR.



Because Joe may be meeting with individuals who are not existing clients and may be Florida residents, he must be registered in the state of Florida as an IAR.


In the case shown in the above question, the IAR presents itself as a temporary installation, which is used only for quick meetings with customers, while the terms of contracts and arrangements are being discussed. However, as we can see in the text above, there is a place where businesses are managed in that state. For this reason, the IAR must be registered anyway.

It is important to note that KAPCO is officially an AI that has federal coverage, so a registration notice should be evaluated.

Explain the majoritarian policy followed by Sri Lanka.



As the Sinhalese were in majority, they introduced a series of majoritarian policies to ascertain the supremacy of their community. They appointed Sinhalese people to preferential positions in government and also made Sinhala as the only official language of the nation.Mar 26, 2019

What are the features of Nepalese tradition?



People of diverse religion and belief


With altitudes and ethnicity, the dances of Nepal slightly change in style as well as in the costumes


What process must happen for clouds to form?



Evaporation and condensation must happen to form clouds.

When the invisible water vapour in the air condenses into visible water droplets or ice crystals, clouds form. To achieve this, the parcel of air must be saturated, or incapable of holding all of the water it contains in vapor form, causing it to condense into a liquid or solid form.

What are clouds?

A cloud is an aerosol composed of a visible mass of miniature liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or other particles suspended in a planetary body's or similar space's atmosphere. The droplets and crystals could be made of water or other chemicals.

Clouds form on Earth as a result of air saturation when it is cooled to its dew point or when it gains sufficient moisture (usually in the form of water vapor) from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.

Therefore, evaporation and condensation are two important process to happen for clouds to form.

To learn more about clouds, click here:


why is human resource imp ? write in paragraph​



Human resources are important because they have abilities and skills to use the unused resources of the country. Human resources can utilize natural resources in a good way and can help in economical development. They can also utilize financial resources as they know how to invest finance in order to get more profit for development of the country. Without well developed human resources, natural resources and financial resources will not be utilized for the development of the country.

A developing nation-state with relatively little global political power is becoming increasingly concerned with the political climate of a more powerful, highly developed nation-state. In part, this is due to the fact the decisions of the more powerful nation-state will likely affect the future of the citizens in both countries. This is an example of what Ulrich Beck calls


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.  

Answer: risk society.


The concept developed by Ulrich Beck in his book, "Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity," was risk society, not manufactured risk, shared risk, nor external risk, as the other options provided.

According to Beck, contemporary society is transitioning between an “industrial society” and a “risk society” in which society must be taking care of risks that are being produced by the same structure of society.  

The influence that a more powerful nation-state can have over a developing nation-state is a good example of a risk that arises from the same structure of society, in a context that has a strong international influence over national politics and economy.

Roseanna asked Henry, one of her team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed a popular idea to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of Group of answer choices the dialectic method. devil's advocacy. storming. dysfunctional conflict. groupthink.



Devil's advocacy


The various steps of decision making process includes:

1. The need to recognize decision making

2. Generate alternatives.

3. Asses alternatives.

4. Choose among alternatives.

5. Implement the chosen alternatives

6. Learn from feedback.

Devil's Advocacy

This is usually known as a term used for any individual who is appointed by another person to be act against or to present arguments against a proposed bill or a matter. It is the critical view of a chosen alternative that is usually made in response to challenges raised by a group member who is acting the role of devil's advocate thereby defends opposing views for the sake of the issue raised.

A group of researchers surveyed German Internet users to discover their amount of participation in online politics, such as signing a petition and engaging in an online political group, and their level of concern about privacy. The researchers then used statistical methods to make correlations between demographic characteristics, privacy concerns, and online political participation. Which research finding is most indicative of a digital divide in online political participation



visiting online candidates website or signing online petition.


Online politics participation are defined as the activities that are designed to influenced the government which includes voting or face to face activities like protesting against the government policies or volunteering for any campaigns.

The research findings in this area includes online participation of people visiting the websites of the political candidates or even organizing online events and also signing online petitions.

Grace missed another deadline and her boss, Louisa, is very upset. She will have to explain to the client again why the project is behind. Louisa thinks she may say something she'll regret if she talks to Grace about this now, so she decides to wait a while. Louisa is using the ________ conflict-handling style. Group of answer choices collaborating avoiding accommodating forcing compromising



the avoiding conflict-handling style


This conflict-handling style prefers to avoid conflict or negative remarks on the spur of the moment in order to avoid bigger and potentially irremediable confrontations.

This is a passive way of dealing with issues and it works for minor problems (such as a co-worker using social media too much).

However, in this case, since deadline missing seems to have become a dangerous habit for Grace, it is advisable for Louisa to use another conflict-handling style.

La provincia de ________________pertenece al departamento de ____________________ y este pertenece al ____________; asimismo Perú es un país que pertenece al continente de _________________el cual forma parte del ________


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó anexar las opciones o incisos para responder a tu pregunta.

Sin embargo, hicimos un gran esfuerzo por encontrar las palabras correctas que pudieran tener sentido, y después de una profunda investigación podemos responder lo siguiente.

La provincia de San Román pertenece al departamento de Puno y este pertenece al Perú; asimismo Perú es un país que pertenece al continente de Sudamérica, el cual forma parte del continente Americano.

País es un país bello que está a punto de celebrar su bicentenario de la independencia.

Además de recordar a los héroes que consumaron la independencia para separarse de la corona española, es un buen momento para visitar sus extraordinarios sitios arqueológicos. En Perú abundan estos sitios tan interesantes.

Hablamos del legado cultural de Caral, Tiahuanaco y el Perú antiguo, que es de suma importancia en la actualidad para entender cómo se evolucionó pero  hasta conformar la sociedad moderna del Perú, con todas sus características, cultura, tradiciones e historia.

Write the names of any four newly established universities of Nepal and mention the role they can play for transforming society.​



yeah! refer attached picture! :)

have a great day!

"Folk song represents the contemporary society". Justify this statement with example​


Folk songs represent culture of any society or country.

These songs represent past generation and traditions of fore fathers.

These songs often tell patriotic studies.  

They tell human conditions and human behavior of certain society. These songs creates enthusiasm and some sort of patriotism in humans.

Learn more

The main task of state legislatures is to __________. A. create, pass, and amend state laws B. interpret the constitutionality of state laws C. enforce the laws created by state governors D. interpret the constitutionality of federal laws Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The Main task of state legislatures is to create, pass, and amend state laws

Government is dividend into three arm, the arms are the Federal government, the State government and the local government.

The state legislature is an arm of government in a particular state and this arm is saddled with the responsibility to mainly create, debate, pass and amend law in the house.

The office of the state legislature is called the House of representative (Lower house) or National Assembly (Upper house), this is because each state in the U.S. operate differently

Other features of state legislatures are:

a. The state legislatures passes the law after different hearing

b. The state legislatures balance the Power of the executive arm

c.  The state legislatures deliberate upon matters of national importance and  public issues

e. The state legislatures has the power to amend the constitution

Learn more about states legislature here

Why is the temperate monsoon climate also called the china type of climate?


The temperate monsoon climate also called the China type of climate because It is found between 30 degrees and 40 degrees north and south of the equator and It has warm moist summer and cool dry winter..

The temperate monsoon climate is also called the China type of climate because it is the predominant climate type found in China. China is a vast country with a diverse topography, and the temperate monsoon climate covers a large part of China, particularly the central and eastern regions. This climate is characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons, with heavy rainfall in the summer months and relatively dry winters. The climate is influenced by the monsoon winds that blow from the east and southeast. The temperatures are moderate, with warm summers and cool winters. Since China has the largest population in the world, this climate type affects a significant portion of the global population, and thus it is also referred to as the China type of climate.

Psychology suggests that because of the _______________________ we are more likely to remember the first and last items conveyed orally in a series than the items between, meaning that we are more likely to remember the beginning and ending of your speech than what you say in the body/middle.



Primacy-recency effect



This is known simply as a system in the human body that receives, organizes, alters, stores, and retrieves information gotten from the human senses.

Short term memory

In this type of memory, there is little capacity storehouse of the memory system that can hold the information that is said to be in our current conscious awareness.

Long term memory

This is known to be a large or permanent and unlimited capacity storehouse of the memory system of individuals.

Primacy effect

This is simply known as the ability of an individual to be able to remember the first items in a list.

Recency effect

This is also defined as the ability of an individual to be able to recur or remember the last items in a list.

The psychological theory of primacy-recency states that humans are very likely to remember the first and last items said (conveyed) orally in a series than what comes in between.

Please help me I neeeed this



A city-state, or polis, was the community structure of ancient Greece. Each city-state was organized with an urban center and the surrounding countryside. Characteristics of the city in a polis were outer walls for protection, as well as a public space that included temples and government buildings. The temples and government buildings were often built on the top of a hill, or acropolis. A surviving example of a structure central to an ancient acropolis is the famous Parthenon of Athens. The Parthenon was a temple built to honor the goddess Athena. The majority of a polis’s population lived in the city, as it was the center of trade, commerce, culture, and political activity.

There grew to be over 1,000 city-states in ancient Greece, but the main poleis were Athína (Athens), Spárti (Sparta), Kórinthos (Corinth), Thíva (Thebes), Siracusa (Syracuse), Égina (Aegina), Ródos (Rhodes), Árgos, Erétria, and Elis. Each city-state ruled itself. They differed greatly from the each other in governing philosophies and interests. For example, Sparta was ruled by two kings and a council of elders. It emphasized maintaining a strong military, while Athens valued education and art. In Athens every male citizen had the right to vote, so they were ruled by a democracy. Rather than have a strong army, Athens maintained their navy.

Greek city-states likely developed because of the physical geography of the Mediterranean region. The landscape features rocky, mountainous land and many islands. These physical barriers caused population centers to be relatively isolated from each other. The sea was often the easiest way to move from place to place. Another reason city-states formed, rather than a central, all-encompassing monarchy, was that the Greek aristocracy strove to maintain their city-states’ independence and to unseat any potential tyrants.

2. Explaining According to Ashoka, who can win "heavenly
bliss" and how?



According to Ashoka, beliefs that were widely held to be true across India have been proven to be false. Because this is the result of hard work. This is not something that can only be reached by a great man; even a tiny guy who decides to strive himself can win tremendous celestial joy.

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