Suppose the current exchange rate for the Polish zloty is Z 3.91. The expected exchange rate in three years is Z 3.98. What is the difference in the annual inflation rates for the United States and Poland over this period


Answer 1




Calculation to determine the difference in the annual inflation rates for the United States and Poland over this period

Current exchange rate for Polish Zioty = Z 3.91/ US dollars

Expected exchange rate in 3 years for Polish Zioty = Z 3.98/ US Dollars

Now let determine the difference in the annual inflation rates

Annual inflation rates= ( 3.98– 3.91)/ 3.91 x 100

Annual inflation rates= 0.06/3.91x 100

Annual inflation rates=1.79 %

Therefore the difference in the annual inflation rates for the United States and Poland over this period is 1.79%

Related Questions

explain how the looting of shops and malls will affect businesses in terms of the relationship between social responsibility and triple bottom line​


When people loot shops it shows that they are irresponsible and it goes on to destroy the image of the society they live, destroys a business by taking away their means of making profit.

Social responsibility can be described as the civic and ethical duties that citizens of a country owe to the nation they live.

The three bottom principle has the profit, people and the planet. The looting of shops draws a line between consumers relationships and their social responsibility.


The records of Pippins, Inc., included the following information: Net sales $ 1,000,000 Gross margin 475,000 Interest expense 50,000 Income tax expense 80,000 Net income 240,000 Compute the times interest earned ratio, rounded to the nearest decimal.



the times interest earned ratio is 7.4 times


The computation of the times interest earned ratio is given below/;

Times interest earned ratio is

= EBIT ÷ interest expense


EBIT = Net Income + Interest Expense + Income tax Expense

= 240,000 + 50,000 + 80,000

= 370,000

Now the times interest earned ratio is

= $370,000 ÷ $50,000

= 7.4 times

Hence, the times interest earned ratio is 7.4 times

Long-term disability insurance _____. a. pays for temporary living expenses and moving expenses incurred by disabled employees b. pays a flat fee for a fixed number of hours of legal assistance each month for disabled employees c. provides continuing income protection for employees who become disabled and are unable to work


Answer: c. provides continuing income protection for employees who become disabled and are unable to work


Disability insurance is very helpful to people who get injured on the job and so are unable to work. The insurance would provide them with an income for a time so that they do not become destitute.

There are different types of disability insurance with varying lengths and long-term disability insurance is one of them. This one provides income protection for a longer time period and is very useful when the injury in question is quite serious or permanently disables the affected person.

1. Managerial Internal (Inside) accounting information reports are generally prepared for A) Stockholders or Shareholders B) Creditors, Lenders, or Banks C) Managers. D) Regulatory Agencies, like the IRS or SEC



C) Managers


Managerial accounting is the accounting that concern with the information received via financial accounting inside the organization. The accouting reports that could be applied for planning, decision making and measuring the performance of the company

So if the managerial accounting information reports are prepared internally so it is for the managers to analyze the overall performance of the organization

Hence, the option c is correct

One large bakery still receives flour in 25-pound bags from their own company's warehouse. They use an average of 5500 bags a year. The production step that uses these bags use 35 bags per day while the usage is 16 bags per day. It costs $12.00 to configure the machines for each run. Annual carrying costs are $7.50 per bag. What will be their average number of bags on hand if they request the EPQ bags in each order



48.87 bags


First, we need to calculate the EPQ as follow

EPQ = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2 D S }{H(1-d/p)}}[/tex]


D = Annual Demand = 5500

S = Setup cost = $12

H = Carrying cost = $7.5

d = Daily usage = 16

p = Daily production = 35

Placing value sinthe formula

EPQ = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2 X 5500 X 12 }{7.5(1-16/35)}}[/tex]

EPQ = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{132000 }{4.07142857}}[/tex]

EPQ = [tex]\sqrt{32421.05}[/tex]

EPQ = 180.06

Now Calculate the average number of bags in hand as follow

Average Number of Bags = [tex]\frac{EPQ}{2} X ( 1 - d/p )\\[/tex]

Placing values in the formula

Average Number of Bags = [tex]\frac{180.06}{2} X ( 1 - 16/35 )\\[/tex]

Average Number of Bags = 48.87

Chad is the founder of a firm producing self-driving vehicles. Because the industry is so new and chaotic, Chad favors a top-down strategic planning approach in which he exerts strong control over all aspects of the business, from product development and design to manufacturing and marketing. What is wrong with this scenario



a. The self-driving vehicle industry is changing too much for the top- down approach to be effective.


The top-down strategic planning approach involves the company goals and their subdivisions. The aim is to gradually move from the top to down in a specific hierarchy. This approach lies on higher authority and in contrast the bottom-up strategy favors decision making that gives complete staff a voice.

Paris Summer 20 Company sells small laptops. Based on the information below, calculate the Break even point in sales dollars for the year.

Selling price per unit $150
Variable cost per unit $60
Fixed Costs per year $21,000





A business school has 15 full-time faculty and seven of them have tenure. A random sample of six faculty are randomly selected to form a committee. What is the probability that exactly three of the faculty on the committee have tenure?


The probability where exactly three of the faculty have tenure is 0.3916.

The computation of the probability where exactly three of the faculty have tenure is given below:

Since there are 6 faculty from 15 should be chosen so it should be [tex]^{15}C_6[/tex]

Now there are 3 faculty from 7 should be chosen so it should be [tex]^{7}C_3[/tex]  

Now the probability is

[tex]= \frac{^7C_3 \times ^8C_3}{^{15}C_6}[/tex]

= 0.3916

Therefore we can conclude that the probability where exactly three of the faculty have tenure is 0.3916.

Learn more about the probability here:

What are products that consumers had not planned to buy but are persuaded to buy at the very last minute to pick up and put in
their trolley or basket.
Staple products
Impulse products
Emergency products



A new coffee shop is being built. Its location is the reflection of the arcade's coordinates across

the y-axis. Which procedure will find the correct distance between the arcade and the new coffee shop

The products that consumers had not planned to buy but are persuaded to buy at the very last minute to pick up and put in are called Impulse products. Therefore, option B is correct.

What are the Impulse products?

The term "Impulse products" generally refers to consumer products that are purchased on a whim, often at the point of sale, without much prior planning or consideration. These products are typically low-cost, easily consumable, and marketed in a way that appeals to consumers' emotions or desires in the moment.

Examples of Impulse products can include candy, gum, magazines, small accessories, and other items that are often found near the cash register in stores. These products are often placed in prominent displays or packaging designed to catch the shopper's eye and generate an impulse purchase.

In addition to traditional retail settings, Impulse products can also be sold online or through mobile apps, where they may be advertised as "flash sales," limited-time offers, or one-time deals that create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate action.

Overall, Impulse products can be a lucrative sales category for retailers, as they capitalize on the emotional and spontaneous nature of consumer behavior.

Learn more about Impulsive decision here:


You are considering acquiring a common stock that you would like to hold for one year. You expect to receive both $1.25 in dividends and $32 from the sale of the stock at the end of the year. The maximum price you would pay for the stock today is _____ if you wanted to earn at least a 10% return. A. $30.23 B. $24.11 C. $26.52 D. $27.50 E. None of the options are correct.


The answer is A ! Hopefully this help!

Shanghai Company sells glasses, fine china, and everyday dinnerware. It uses activity-based costing to determine the cost of the shipping and handling activity. The shipping and handling activity has an activity rate of $8 per pound. A box of glasses weighs 2 pounds, a box of fine china weighs 4 pounds, and a box of everyday dinnerware weighs 6 pounds. Round answers to the nearest whole dollar.
a. Determine the shipping and handling activity for each product.
Glasses $
China $
Everyday dinnerware $
b. Determine the total shipping and receiving costs for the china if 3,500 boxes are shipped.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

a. For shipping and handling activity for each product is

For Glasses

= $8 × 2

= $12

For China

= $8 × 4

= $32

And, for Everyday dinner ware

= $8 × 6

= $48

b. the total shipping and receiving costs for the china is

= 3,500 × $32

= $112,000

Hence, in this way the parts could be determined

At the end of 2010 Jarrett Corp. developed the following forecasts of net income:

Year Forecasted Net Income
2011 $20,856
2012 $22,733
2013 $24,552
2014 $27,252
2015 $29,978

Management believes that after 2015 Jarrett will grow at a rate of 7% each year. Total common shareholders' equity was $112,768 on December 31, 2010. Jarrett has not established a dividend and does not plan to paying dividends during 2011 to 2015. Its cost of equity capital is 12%.

Compute the value of Jarrett Corp. on January 1, 2011, using the residual income valuation model.





The value of the company is the present value of its residual income where the residual income is the net income in each year minus the implicit cost of capital

residual income=net income-(cost of equity capital*beginning shareholders' equity)


residual income=$20,856-( $112,768*12%)

residual income=$7323.84

stockholders' equity at the end of 2011=$112,768+$20,856=$133,624  


residual income=$22733-( $133624 *12%)

residual income=$6,698.12  

stockholders' equity at the end of 2012=$133,624+$22733=$156,357  


residual income=$24552-(12%*$156357)

residual income=$5,789.16  

stockholders' equity at the end of 2013=$156,357+$24552=$180,909


residual income= $27252-(12%*$180909)

residual income=$5,542.92

stockholders' equity at the end of 2014=$180,909+$27252=$208,161


residual income=$29,978-(12%*$208161)

residual income=$4,998.68  

Terminal value of residual income=2015 residual income*(1+terminal growth rate)/(cost of equity-terminal growth rate)

Terminal value of residual income=$4,998.68*(1+7%)/(12%-7%)=$106,971.75  

value of the company=$7323.84/(1+12%)^1+$6,698.12/(1+12%)^2+$5,789.16 /(1+12%)^3+$5,542.92/(1+12%)^4+$4,998.68/(1+12%)^5+$106,971.75/(1+12%)^5

value of the company=$83,057.11


A client named Sarah sent you an email regarding an error on
their invoice. You are not sure what went wrong, but you have to respond. What
would you say? *

Your answer



Can you say what is the error

hope that helps you

please mark brainliest

please follow

Reynolds Manufacturers Inc. has estimated total factory overhead costs of $136,400 and expected direct labor hours of 12,400 for the current fiscal year. If Job 117 incurs 1,110 direct labor hours, Work in Process will be debited and Factory Overhead will be credited for a.$12,210 b.$136,400 c.$68,200 d.$1,110



Articles of the code of ethics are broad statements of ethical principles and the standards of practice support, interpret and amplify the respective articles


Answer: True


The Code of Ethics is the detailed document where the professional responsibilities of every professional is written. It should be noted that the Code of Ethics is made up of seventeen Articles and their related Standards of Practice.

The Articles of the code of ethics are broad statements of ethical principles while the standards of practice support, interpret and amplify the respective articles. Therefore, the Statement is true.

The statement given in the query holds true and the code of ethics are a set code of instructions that are to be followed by the business professionals in the manner as prescribed.

The code of ethics are a set manner of instructions that are like a law book to be followed by the different kinds of businessmen and professionals of their field.

Code of ethics are given by the respective authoritative institutes of which such businessmen or professionals are the members. it implies the way in which the practice can be done.

Code of ethics contain respective articles for communication, outfit and attire, verbal and written communication and all such other fields which contribute to the maintained decency in the professional conduct.

They are generally different for professionals of different streams. Like they are different for superiors and subordinates of the same organization as well given their subjective roles.

Hence, the statement given about the code of ethics above holds true that they must be followed and acted accordingly and implied at each stage of practice.

To know more about code of ethics, click the link below.

The first step in creating your personal marketing plan is to conduct a career audit.
Apply the "Evaluate your abilities" step in career audit on yourself including your work (if working), a
specific project you did, your academic progress or any major event(s) on your career path.


Answer:Personal marketing plan 1. Outline your distinctive price proposition. In selling, a press release that addresses distinctive variations between like product is thought as a “value proposition”. Triple-crown sales individuals knowledge to elucidate w


The following information relates to last year's operations at the Legumes Division of Gervani Corporation: Minimum required rate of return 12% Return on investment (ROI) 15% Sales $ 900,000 Turnover (on operating assets) 3 times What was the Legume Division's net operating income last year


Answer: $45000


Firstly, the operating asset will be calculated which will be:

Operating asset = Sales / Turnover

= 900,000/3

Operating assets = $300,000

Then, the net operating income will be: Return on investment × Operating assets

Net operating income = 300,000 × 15%

= 300,000*0.15

= $45,000

Therefore, Legume Division's net operating income last year is $45000

Match each example to the appropriate term.

a. Trees used to make paper
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

b. A printing press used to make books.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

c. A method of organizing workers to increase production per hour.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

d. The skills workers learn during a training session.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital



a equals 3

b equals 3

c equals 1

d equals 2

When the value of a currency A reduces as a result of an increase in the value of another currency B, then currency A would be said to have Select one O a, Arranged b. Depreciated OC Devalued O d. Denominated​


the answer is not here the answer is deficit but I will pick depreciated

Ajax, Inc., issued callable bonds with a par value of $1,000,000 that require the payment of a call premium of $10,000. The bonds have a carrying value of $990,000. We call these bonds prior to maturity on September 30.

Write down journal entry.


Answer: please see explanation column for answers.


The journal entry is as follows:

To record the bonds payable and retirement

Date                   Account titles and explanation    Debit           Credit

Sept 30,       Bonds payable                            $1,000,000

Loss on bonds retirement                              $20,000

             To Discount on bond                                                   $10,000

                To cash                                                                      $1,010,000


Loss on bonds retirement:Total Cash disbursements - carrying value  

= (par value of the bonds+ call premium) -carrying value

= ($1,000,000 + $10,000) - $990,000

= $1,010,000 - $990,000

= $20,000

The purpose of an analysis of an account is to illustrate - in the account for the period under audit



all changes


Financial accounting is an accounting technique used for analyzing, summarizing and reporting of financial transactions like sales costs, purchase costs, payables and receivables of an organization using standard financial guidelines such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

An auditor refers to an authorized individual who review, examine and verify the authenticity and accuracy of business financial records or transactions.

The purpose of an analysis of an account is to illustrate all changes in the account for the period under audit. Thus, an audit of historical financial statements most commonly includes the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and the statement of changes in stockholders' equity.

There are two (2) main types of financial analysis;

I. Vertical analysis.

II. Horizontal analysis.

In Financial accounting, Horizontal analysis can be defined as an analysis and evaluation of a financial statement which illustrates or gives information about changes in the amount of corresponding financial statement items, benchmarks or financial ratio over a specific period of time. It is one of the most important technique that is used to measure how a business is doing financially. Hence, it is also referred to as the trend analysis.

Under the horizontal analysis of financial statement, we use the financial statements of two or more periods; earliest and latter periods.

Generally, the earliest is chosen as the base period while all other items on the statement for a latter period will be compared with the items on the statement of the base period.

If the price of a haircut is $15, the number of haircuts provided is 100. If the price rises to $30 per haircut, barbers will work much longer hours, and the supply of haircuts will increase to 300.
Instructions: Round your answers to two decimal places.
The price elasticity of supply for haircuts between $15 and $30 using the mid-point method is:________.





Price elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in price of the good.

Price elasticity of supply = midpoint change in quantity supplied / midpoint change in price  

Midpoint change in quantity supplied = change in quantity supplied / average of both supply

change in quantity supplied = 300 - 100 = 200

average of both supply = (300 + 100) / 2 = 200

200 / 200 = 1

midpoint change in price = change in price / average of both price

change in price = $30 - $15 = $15

average of both price = ($30 + $15) / 2 = $22.50

15 / 22.5 = 0.67

1 / 0.67 = 1.5

If the absolute value of price elasticity is greater than one, it means supply is elastic. Elastic supply means that quantity supplied is sensitive to price changes.  

If you are interested in working for a specific company, what type of job site should you look at for opening?
a. Geographic specific site
b. Industry specific site
C. Company site
d. General job site
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
0 0 0 0
Save and Exit





if you got to the company site and go under careers, it will show you the jobs with descriptions they have available

The assumptions of the production order quantity model are met in a situation where annual demand is 3650 units, setup cost is $100, holding cost is $24 per unit per year, the daily demand rate is 20 and the daily production rate is 100. What is the production order quantity for this problem




Calculation to determine the production order quantity for this problem

Sqrt [ (2*3650*100)/ (24*(1-20/100)) ] = 500

Sqrt [ (2*50000*20)/ (10*(1-20/100)) ] = 500




Allied Co has cumulative preferred stock with a $100 par value and a 12 percent annual dividend. No dividend has been paid for the past two years. What must the preferred stockholders be paid prior to paying the common stockholders



Allied Co.

The amount that must be paid to the preferred stockholders prior to paying the common stockholders is:

= $36.


a) Data and Calculations:

Cumulative preferred stock = $100 par value

Annual dividend on the preferred stock = 12%

Annual dividend on the preferred stock = $12

Cumulative preferred stock dividend = $24 ($12 * 2)

The amount of dividend to pay preferred stock = $36 ($24 + $12)

b) $24 was in arrears for the past 2 years.  In the current year, $12 is due to the preferred stockholders as dividends.  This adds up to $36 in total to be paid this year before any dividends can be paid to the common stockholders.

Budgeted overhead for Cinnabar Industries at normal capacity of 30,000 direct labor hours is $6 per hour variable and $4 per hour fixed. In May, $310,000 of overhead was incurred in working 31,500 hours when 32,000 standard hours were allowed. The overhead volume variance is Group of answer choices $10,000 favorable. $11,000 favorable. $5,000 favorable. $8,000 favorable.



Manufacturing overhead volume variance= $5,000 favorable


Giving the following information:

Estimated overhead allocation rate= 4 + 6= $10 per direct labor hour

Actual number of hours= 31,500

Standard hours were allowed= 32,000

To calculate the overhead volume variance, we need to use the following formula:

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= (Estimated manufacturing overhead rate*standard allocation base) - (Estimated manufacturing overhead rate* Actual amount of allocation base)

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= (10*32,000) - (10*31,500)

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= $5,000 favorable

A differentiation strategy allows a company to charge a(n) __________ price for its product, if it chooses to do so. a. premium b. exorbitant c. low d. average e. escalating





A differentiation strategy entails making ones product different from that of other firms in the industry. This would enable the firm that has a differentiated product sell at a premium. The aim of this strategy is to have a competitive advantage

Advantages of a differentiation strategy

products are unique. This reduces the competition the product faces with other products in the industry it increases brand loyalty

Wood used in the production of furniture. select a type of costs 2. Fuel used in delivery trucks. select a type of costs 3. Straight-line depreciation on factory building. select a type of costs 4. Screws used in the production of furniture. select a type of costs 5. Sales staff salaries. select a type of costs 6. Sales commissions. select a type of costs 7. Property taxes. select a type of costs 8. Insurance on buildings. select a type of costs 9. Hourly wages of fur



Variable costs change with the volume of production.

Fixed costs remain constant for a certain level of production.

Mixed costs have an element of both in that they are constant but will change if a certain level of production is passed.

1. Wood used in production of furniture ⇒ Variable cost

2. Fuel used in delivery trucks  ⇒ Variable cost

3. Straight-line depreciation on factory building  ⇒ Fixed cost

4.Screws used in production of furniture ⇒ Variable cost

5. Sales staff salaries ⇒ Fixed cost

6. Sales commissions ⇒ Variable cost

7. Property taxes ⇒ Fixed cost

8. Insurance on buildings ⇒ Fixed cost

9. Hourly wages of furniture craftsmen ⇒ Variable cost

_____ stock is the number of shares that a corporation's charter allows it to sell. The number of these shares usually exceeds the number of shares issued (and outstanding), often by a large amount.


An authorized stock is the number of shares that a corporation's charter allows to sell.

Authorized stock is the legal number or limit of shares that a company allows or authorizes to be sold or put in the market. This factor of policy is applicable as per the charter that the corporation allows or is legally viable to provide.

In the issue of sharing shares of a company, an organization can allow only a certain limit of shares that can be sold. This limit is the number of shares that a corporation can issue to its shareholders or investors.This stock is different from issued stock which refers to the actual number of stocks that the company has sold.Rather, authorized stock is the amount of shares that can be sold by the company and being provided in the market to be bought by shareholders or investors.

Thus, we can conclude that whatever limit a corporation allows or provides to be sold is the authorized stock. And it is only this number of shares that can be issued or given to a shareholder to buy.

Learn more about authorized stock here:

Angel Toys is a producer of tiny dolls for children. Following is information about its revenue and cost structure: Assume that the current sales level is 14,000 dolls. What impact would a 10% increase in sales have on income


Answer: D. Income would increase by about 51%


Income before sales increase:

= Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs

= (8 * 14,000 units) - ( (1.20 + 0.40) * 14,000 units) - (40,000 + 32,000)

= 112,000 - 22,400 - 72,000

= $17,600

Income after sales increase:

New sales = 14,000 * (1 + 10%) = 15,400 units

= (8 * 15,400) - ( (1.20 + 0.40) * 15,400) - (40,000 + 32,000)

= $26,560

Percentage increase:

= (26,560 - 17,600) / 17,600

= 50.9%

= 51%

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Will mark BRAINLIEST if you help Please Help!! :DFind the value of y. Which direct object pronoun best completes the second sentence? Nuestra abuela es muy simptica. Siempre ____ da galletas y leche cuando le visitamos.A. meB. teC. nosD. les Suppose the rate of return on a 10-year T-bond is 5.50%, the expected average rate of inflation over the next 10 years is 2.30%, the MRP on a 10-year T-bond is 1.64%, no MRP is required on a Treasury Inflation Protected Security (TIPS), and no liquidity premium is required on any Treasury security. Given this information, what should the yield be on a 10-year TIPS? Disregard cross-product terms, i.e., if averaging is required, use the arithmetic average. Categorize the following reaction as an acid-base neutralization, precipitation, combination, decomposition, combustion, displacement, or disproportionation reaction. Ba(C2H3O2)2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) BaCO3(s) + 2 NaC2H3O2(aq) The millage rate is the amount of property tax per $1000 of the taxable value ofa home. For a certain county the millage rate is 29 mil. A city within the countyalso imposes a flat fee of $101 per home.a. Write a function representing the total amount of property tax T(x) for a homewith a taxable value of x thousand dollars.b. Write an equation for T-1(x).c. What does the inverse function represent in the context of this problem? Could someone possibly help me can u plz solve it n send the answer alguien que me ayude..porfa -Relative pronouns. Find the value of 3 512 escribe un texto argumentativo donde expreses tu opinin acerca del acoso ciberntico Why has the Equatorial Guinean government invested resources in supporting annual festivals and hosting international events?to develop its tourism industryto promote the traditional Bubi cultureto attract more Fang people to Bioko Islandto reduce foreign criticism write a couple of paragraphs on your plan during dashain vacation. Which pattern correctly represents the correct order of events of the French and Indian War?i. Signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763ii. Dispute over Ohio River Valley iii. Signing of the Treaty of Fontainebleau iv. France surrendering to Great Britain A. i, ii, iii, ivB. iv, iii, ii, iC. ii, i, iii, iv D. ii, iii, iv, i Given the coordinates of two points on a line, explain two methods to determine the slope of the line. Brainly to fastest and correct answer, what is the solution for this equation? In(x+6)-in(2x-1)=0answers in the image! Are shape I and shape II similar? If so, give the dilation that proves they are similar. If not, explain why the shapes are not similar. Vit Nam c bao nhiu dn tc Select the correct answer.Consider the expression below.9+ 4(x + 2) - 3xSelect the term that best describes "3" in the given expression.exponentOB.constant.variableOD.coefficient