Answer that question by writing a short argument. In your argument, examine what Roosevelt's central
idea is and whether the structure of the passage helps convey that idea clearly, persuasively, and
memorably. Be sure to include a clear claim and to respond to at least one counterclaim. In addition, use
specific details from the passage to develop your claim and counterclaim.

Answer That Question By Writing A Short Argument. In Your Argument, Examine What Roosevelt's Centralidea


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

The main idea of the text is to show how Japanese forces have been violent in military attacks and invasions of foreign territories, that is, the text reinforces the idea that Japan is acting in a violent way is dangerous and must be stopped before it's too late too much and before more lives are lost. The structure of the text manages to convey this message clearly and efficiently, as it enumerates and sequences the attitudes that Japan has taken, strengthening the argument about the dangers that this country is imposing.

It is important to note that although Japan did, in fact, act aggressively during the second civil war, this type of behavior is expected in countries that are at war, but we cannot forget that Japan was attacking and invading territories of countries that are not were involved with the issues of World War II.

Related Questions

In developing nations, the (1) _____ of food is the primary cause of malnutrition. Famine, drought, war, and (2) ____________ systems of food distribution contribute to the (3) ________ problem of world hun­ger. Many countries have little or no reserves of (4) _______ land or water: in addition, some, such as Bangladesh and other Southeast Asian nations, cannot afford to buy food from other countries. Some countries have enough resources to grow food but govern­mental (5) ________ of agriculture and poor policy decisions have resulted in (6) _______ diets.

In addition to (7) _______ disorders, there are certain diseases that contribute to malnutrition by (8) _______ with the body's (9) ________ or utilization of (10) ______ .

1. A. availability B. available C. inavailability D. unavailability

2. A. reliable B. unreliable C. reliant D. reliance

3. A. ongoing B. going C. outgoing D. gone

4. A. fertility B. fertilize C. fertile D. fertilized

5. A. neglectful B. neglect C. neglectfulness D. neglecting

6. A. adequate B. inadequate C. unadequate D. inadequate

7. A. dietetic B. dietary C. dietarian D. dietetics

8. A. interfering B. interfere C. interfered D. being interfered

9. A. absorptive B. absorbed C. absorp­tion D. absorbent

10. A. nutrients B. nutrition C. nutritious D. nutritionist



1. c

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. c

10. a

Help meeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeee


1) no he has a brother
3) every year in september
5)yes because they live. ext to a beach
6)going online
7)yes tons

A person's experiences and culture create the __of a word.



There should be choices for this question. Can you include them please?


How does the symbol of the bird reinforce a feminist theme?

It shows how difficult it was for Mrs. Wright to achieve her artistic dreams.

It illustrates the injustice that Mrs. Wright experienced in the male-dominated home.

It supports the idea that women had to fight to achieve rights.

It clarifies Mrs. Wright’s role as a housewife.



It supports the idea that women had to fight to achieve rights.

Answer:the right answer is b


Guided Practice

What is the correct way to punctuate the bold portion of this quotation?

“No, you didn't wake me up Yogi Berra said. “I had to get up to answer the phone anyway.”

up,” Yogi

up.” Yogi

up, Yogi

up” Yogi


The answer is A. since the person is still talking you out a comma
The answer should be A.

Which of the following offers the most useful tips for combating wordiness in
your writing?
A. Eliminate words that begin with s.
B. Eliminate all big words from your writing.
C. Eliminate useless words and phrases, negative statements, and
unnecessary adverbs, and express one idea at a time.
D. Eliminate all proper nouns and pronouns from your writing.





The correct option is 'the most useful tips for combating wordiness in a writing' C. Eliminate useless words and phrases, negative statements, and unnecessary adverbs, and express one idea at a time.

The most useful tip for combating wordiness in writing is to eliminate unnecessary words and phrases, negative statements, and unnecessary adverbs. By streamlining your sentences and expressing one idea at a time, you can make your writing more concise and impactful. Avoiding redundancies and choosing precise language will help you convey your message more effectively. Additionally, it is important to ensure that every word and phrase in your writing serves a purpose and adds value to the overall message. By following these guidelines, you can improve the clarity and readability of your writing, making it more engaging for your audience.

To know more about adverbs here


Jeff decided to study hard after he failed the examination. choose the independent clause​



Jeff decided to study hard.


Makes sense on its own so it is an independent clause.

i think it would be he failed the examination

a speech on holidays ??


Good morning to one and all present here and greetings for the day. Today I am going to put forward my ideas on a perfect holiday and I hope your co-operation throughout the time.

Holidays bring joy to our rather monotonous lives. It provides a break and adds a new excitement, a new start to our lives. The word holiday contains a new meaning, a sense of joy and excitement attached to it.

Hence whenever we get some time off from our busy schedule to enjoy a holiday we should enjoy it to our fullest so that we do not have any regrets that although we had time we couldn’t make full benefit of it.

My thoughts for perfect holiday is where I have dreamt to go for a long time. One thing about perfect holiday is that it should be well planned or else there will lot of commotion and confusion which can ruin the perfectness of the holiday.

The amount of fun that you have on the trip can make any holiday a perfect holiday.

BeachIt all depends on how much you are able to enjoy yourself. If you sit with a grumpy face all day during the holiday, doing nothing then obviously it won’t turn out to be a perfect holiday for you.

is glabal warming a problem in our country


Answer: Get answer In Explanation

Explanation:   The cost and benefits of global warming will vary greatly from area to area. For moderate climate change, the balance can be difficult to assess. But the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will probably make life harder, not easier, for most people. This is mainly because we have already built enormous infrastructure based on the climate we now have.

People in some temperate zones may benefit from milder winters, more abundant rainfall, and expanding crop production zones. But people in other areas will suffer from increased heat waves, coastal erosion, rising sea level, more erratic rainfall, and droughts.

The crops, natural vegetation, and domesticated and wild animals (including seafood) that sustain people in a given area may be unable to adapt to local or regional changes in climate. The ranges of diseases and insect pests that are limited by temperature may expand, if other environmental conditions are also favorable.

The problems seem especially obvious in cases where current societal trends appear to be on a “collision course” with predictions of global warming’s impacts:

at the same time that sea levels are rising, human population continues to grow most rapidly in flood-vulnerable, low-lying coastal zones;

places where famine and food insecurity are greatest in today’s world are not places where milder winters will boost crop or vegetation productivity, but instead, are places where rainfall will probably become less reliable, and crop productivity is expected to fall;

the countries most vulnerable to global warming’s most serious side effects are among the poorest and least able to pay for the medical and social services and technological solutions that will be needed to adapt to climate change.

In its summary report on the impacts of climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, “Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time.”

(For specific information on the projected impacts of climate change in the United States, see the National Assessment Report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.)

Related Resources

United Nations Environment Programme, Division of Early Warning and Assessment. (2006). Emerging Challenges: New Findings, in P. Harrison (Ed.), Global Environment Outlook Year Book 2006 (59-70). Malta: Progress Press Ltd.

McGranahan, G., Balk, D., and Anderson, B. (2007) The rising tide: assessing the risks of climate change and human settlements in low elevation costal zones. Environment and Urbanization, 19 (1), 17-37.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2007). Summary for Policy Makers. In Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge, United Kingdom, and New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 at 3:45 pm and is filed under Climate, Global Warming: Impacts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


Concern about climate change is much less pervasive in the United States, China and Russia than among other leading nations. Just 44% in the U.S. and Russia, and even fewer in China (30%), consider global warming to be a very serious problem. By comparison, 68% in France, 65% in Japan, 61% in Spain and 60% in Germany say that is the case.

Americans’ views of global warming divide along ideological lines — liberals are more than twice as likely as conservatives to say global warming is a very serious problem (66% vs. 30%). Surveys from 2008 and 2009 suggest that an ideological divide is also evident in Britain, where 66% of those on the political left rate global warming as very serious, compared with 42% of those on the right. A smaller ideological split exists in Germany, France and Spain.

While there is agreement around the world that climate change is a serious problem, there is much less international consensus as to which country is most trusted to do the right thing on this issue. However, expectations for President Barack Obama’s approach to climate change are high. Majorities or pluralities in 21 of the 25 countries surveyed believe Obama will “get the U.S. to take significant measures to control global climate change.” Expectations are especially high in Western Europe.

What the answer please thank you so much


The correct answer is C. Parallelism.


Parallelism is a stylistic device that is based on the repetition of words and sentences in a text. According to the above, in the first lines of President John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech, the resource of parallelism is used because the expression "as well as" is repeated to emphasize the idea of renewal and a new beginning that it meant this government. "symbolizing an end as well as a beginning - signifying renewal as well as change". So the correct answer is C

Read the salutation from a formal letter.

Dear Mr. Garcia

What is the correct way to punctuate the salutation?

-Dear Mr. Garcia.
-Dear Mr. Garcia,
-Dear Mr. Garcia;
-Dear Mr. Garcia:


Dear Mr. Garcia, is the answer

I said to him,"Are you going there?"( into indirect speech)​


I asked him whether he was going there?

I. Chọn đáp án đúng.
1. Who’s ……….? A. that B. his C. her
2. May I ……. out? A. open B. go C. close
3. How many books……you have? B. does C. are
4. …..the weather today? A. what B. how’s C. where
5. Linda…….two dogs. A. have B. do C. has
6. My room is…….big.It’s small. A. no B. not C. too
7. What’s…name?It’s Thang long school. A. it B. your C. its
8. She’s my friend ,…… A. sure B.too C. do



1. That

2. Go

3. do

4. How's

5. have

6. not

7. your

8. Too


Answer: 1- who’s that?

2- may I go out?

3- how many books do you have?

4- how’s the weather today?

5- Linda has two dogs.

6- my room is not big. It’s small.

7- what’s its name? It’s Thang Long school.

8- she’s my friend too.


urgent! does anyone know how to render and export blender video files


look it up, there's a very helpful tutorial on it


This year, more girls __ _______ on courses in art and design. (ENROLLMENT)



This year, more girls enrolled on courses in art and design.

This year, more girls “enrolled” on courses in art and design.

Guyss help me plss :) God will bless you

Vegetarianism has become the most popular diet among the young generations facing the new millennium. This discipline eliminates the intake of meat and in some cases also the consumption of dairy products and eggs. Are there enough reasons to make you change your eating habits? My purpose is to prove that vegetarianism is the diet that offers more benefits to our health, spirit, and society.

Nowadays, health is the number one individual and governmental concern. Health is a fragile factor and its behavior relies mostly on the nutritional quality of the food we ingest. A balanced non-vegetarian diet allows the consumption of all four main food groups including meat and other animal by-products that are important protein and fat sources. Most of us consume more proteins and fats than we need. An excess of proteins can cause kidney failure and/or osteoporosis, and a high-fat diet can eventually lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. On the other hand, vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food. This is how they reduce the risk of most diseases caused by fats. It is a myth to believe that vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat. The key is

variety and accurate combinations of energy and protein sources. If I were asked to describe a vegetarian, I would immediately mention they are very disciplined people. It has been proven that there exists a remarkable correlation between the people who succeed and people who follow a disciplined lifestyle. People who are faithful to the disciplines they have acquired show integrity, a remarkable behavior and they are usually in a good mood. Vegetarians, always concerned about quality and discipline, develop a greater social responsibility that motivates them to improve their environment.
Moreover, environmental issues have been capturing public attention because of their relevancy and increasing deterioration of our quality of life. If you are concerned about the environment, consider that massive meat production can have a negative impact on tropical rain forests, soil stability, and air and water quality. Large extensions of forests have been cut and changed into grasslands that provide cattle with food. To conserve grasslands, fertilizers and other chemical substances are used; consequently, soil and water resources are polluted. Even though there are methods that avoid this kind of deterioration, producers prefer to ignore them so they can keep satisfying the increasing meat demand without affecting their production rates.

Vegetarians' life spans are increased and through this discipline they learn to live quality life in all the possible aspects. Besides, their beliefs are congruent with their lifestyle and they take responsibility and action for problems within their own bodies and in their surroundings. Take a look at yourself. Is your health at risk? Have you been able to reach your goals? Are you a factor of change and improvement within your society? You must at least try becoming a vegetarian now that you know it is a tempting challenge and an exciting experiment that has advantages and no risks. Do it for your body, for your lifestyle, or for your environment, but do it. Stop letting others have all the credit, the fun, and the quality.

1. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text above?

2. What is the most popular diet among the young people these days?

3. What is the main reason for being a vegetarian?

4. What are the consequences of consuming more proteins and fats than one needs?

5. How does the writer falsify the myth saying vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat?

6. Where do vegetarians get proteins from?

7. How does the writer prove his claim that vegetarians are very disciplined people?

8. How can massive meat production have a tropical rain forests, soil stability, air and water quality? negative impact on

9. How do vegetarians learn to live a quality life in all the possible aspects?

10. What is the function of rhetorical questions in the last paragraph?


Answer: 1.The writers pourpose of writing this story was to say that eating helathier and getting the right amount of things can help to have a better life and a much much longer life than you would if u didnt eat healthy

2. A low carb diet

3. The main reason to be a vegiyarian is theres a less chance to get most deseases by eating healthy

4. You can getbmore deseases

6. vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food


When ......... Tim (write) his report for the future conference?
don't spam
happy friendship day​



I think the answer is

when will Tim write his report for the future conference?

I hope this helps and happy friendship day to you!!


When will Tim write his report for the future conference?

8 I hate shopping _____ clothes. A to ■ B by ■ C for ■ 9 My brother borrowed $10 _____ me last month. A from ■ B by ■ C to ■ 10 It isn't a good idea to get _____ debt. A for ■ B into ■ C on ■ 11 He paid for dinner _____ cash. A in ■ B for ■ C by ■ 12 The hotel charged me $25 _____ a two-minute phone call! A for ■ B of ■ C from ■ 13 Tina still hasn't paid me _____ the money I lent her! A with ■ B back ■ C up ■



8/ c. for

9/ from me

10/ on

11 / in

12 / for

13 / back

what can we learn from the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est?



"Dulce et Decorum Est" is a poem by the English poet Wilfred Owen. Like most of Owen's work, it was written between August 1917 and September 1918, while he was fighting in World War 1. Owen is known for his wrenching descriptions of suffering in war. In "Dulce et Decorum Est," he illustrates the brutal everyday struggle of a company of soldiers, focuses on the story of one soldier's agonizing death, and discusses the trauma that this event left behind. He uses a quotation from the Roman poet Horace to highlight the difference between the glorious image of war (spread by those not actually fighting in it) and war's horrifying reality.

The speaker begins with a description of soldiers, bent under the weight of their packs like beggars, their knees unsteady, coughing like poor and sick old women, and struggling miserably through a muddy landscape. They turn away from the light flares (a German tactic of briefly lighting up the area in order to spot and kill British soldiers), and begin to march towards their distant camp. The men are so tired that they seem to be sleeping as they walk. Many have lost their combat boots, yet continue on despite their bare and bleeding feet. The soldiers are so worn out they are essentially disabled; they don't see anything at all. They are tired to the point of feeling drunk, and don't even notice the sound of the dangerous poison gas-shells dropping just behind them.

Somebody cries out an urgent warning about the poison gas, and the soldiers fumble with their gas masks, getting them on just in time. One man, however, is left yelling and struggling, unable to get his mask on. The speaker describes this man as looking like someone caught in fire or lime (an ancient chemical weapon used to effectively blind opponents). The speaker then compares the scene—through the panes of his gas-mask and with poison gas filling the air — to being underwater, and imagines the soldier is drowning.

The speaker jumps from the past moment of the gas attack to a present moment sometime afterward, and describes a recurring dream that he can't escape, in which the dying soldier races toward him in agony.

The speaker directly addresses the audience, suggesting that if readers could experience their own such suffocating dreams (marching behind a wagon in which the other men have placed the dying soldier, seeing the writhing of the dying soldier's eyes in an otherwise slack and wrecked face, and hearing him cough up blood from his ruined lungs at every bump in the path—a sight the speaker compares to the horror of cancer and other diseases that ravage even the innocent), they would not so eagerly tell children, hungry for a sense of heroism, the old lie that "it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country."

1. I almost missed my flight ___________ there was a long queue in the duty-free shop.
A. although B. since C. despite D. because of
2. They decided not to go out for a meal _____________ they were too tired
A. so B. because C. but D. if
3. They were driving to Dallas _____________ they caught an accident.
A. when B. while C. before D. as soon as
4. I want to be well-groomed ______other people think nice things about me.
A. in order to B. so as not to C. so that D. as soon as
5. ___________I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years.
A. As soon as B. Although C. After D. Before
6. In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job.
A. As hard as he work
B. Though he worked hard
C. Despite he worked hard
D. Although hard work
7. ________ she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag.
A. In order that B. Although C. Because of D. While
8. All people should join hand in protecting the environment ___________ we can gain better health.
A. in order that B. when C. because D. even though
9. ____________ her poverty, she feels happy
A. Although B. Because C. If D. In spite of
10. Tony went to work although he didn’t feel very well.
A. that he did not feel very well
B. despite of the fact not feeling well
C. because he did not feel very well
D. despite not feeling very well



1. since

2. because

3. when

4. so that

5. before

6. though he worked hard

7. while

8. in order that

9. in spite of

10. despite not feeling very well


1) I almost missed my flight because of there was a long queue in the duty-free shop. Option (D)

2) They decided not to go out for a meal  because they were too tired. Option (B)

3) They were driving to Dallas _____________ they caught an accident.

4)  I want to be well-groomed  other so as not to  people think nice things about me

5) After, I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years Option(c)

6) In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job though he worked hard. Option (b)

7) while she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag. Option (D)

8) All people should join hand in protecting the environment in order that we can gain better health. Option (A)

9) Although her poverty, she feels happy. Option (A)

10) Tony went to work although he didn’t feel very well despite not feeling very well. Option (d)

The correct answers are:

1. Because of is a preposition that introduces a noun phrase to show the reason for something.

The other options are conjunctions that introduce a clause to show the reason (since, although) or contrast (despite) with something.

2. Because is a conjunction that introduces a clause to show the reason for something.

The other options are conjunctions that introduce a clause to show the result (so), contrast (but), or condition (if) of something.

3.. When is a conjunction that introduces a clause to show the time of something. The other options are conjunctions that introduce a clause to show the duration (while), sequence (before, as soon as) of something.

4. So that is a conjunction that introduces a clause to show the purpose or intention of something.

The other options are phrases that introduce an infinitive to show the purpose (in order to, so as not to) or time (as soon as) of something.

5. . Before is a conjunction that introduces a clause to show the time of something in relation to another event in the past. The other options are conjunctions that introduce a clause to show the immediacy (as soon as), contrast (although), or sequence (after) of something.

6.  Though he worked hard is a clause that shows the contrast with the main clause using the conjunction though.

The other options are incorrect because they use the wrong preposition (as hard as, despite), noun (hard work), or punctuation (no comma).

7.  While is a conjunction that introduces a clause to show the duration of something in relation to another event in the past.

The other options are phrases or conjunctions that introduce a clause or noun phrase to show the purpose (in order that), contrast (although), or reason (because of) of something.

8. In order that is a conjunction that introduces a clause to show the purpose or intention of something.

The other options are conjunctions that introduce a clause to show the time (when), reason (because), or contrast (even though) of something.

9.In spite of is a preposition that introduces a noun phrase to show the contrast with something.

The other options are conjunctions that introduce a clause to show the contrast (although), reason (because), or condition (if) of something.

10. Despite not feeling very well is a phrase that shows the contrast with the main clause using the preposition despite and an '-ing' form. The other options are incorrect because they use the wrong conjunction (that, because), preposition (of), or punctuation (no comma).

To learn more about long queue here


importance of English language to write about a essay about this .​



We have come from living in the caves and eating raw meat to having machines cook our food for us. This is because we humans could come together and make breakthroughs in science. This is to say, we could communicate with each other, share ideas, and grow together. Without a language, people can’t really express themselves or expect the other person to understand what the person’s saying.

Language is a vital tool for communication. Without language, it is nearly impossible to communicate with others. And so, the importance of language cannot be emphasized enough. Language is not only a way of expressing thoughts and ideas, but it creates friendships, economic relationships, and cultural links. We can interact only with signs without language. We’re in the 21st century, we’ve survived countless disasters and the passage of time and have come to where we have today.

At the present, there are almost 4500 languages spoken in the world. But due to the presence of many different languages, we can imagine a large language barrier among people of different races. We’re in a global village, and a common language is seen as a necessity to talk with people all around. For this, the English language is known as the lingua franca of the world.

In today’s modern world, English is the dominating language of the world as it is necessary for all fields of work. The importance of English language is very huge and just knowing how to communicate in English will tear down the language barrier that exists among people of different ethnicities. The English language is understood/spoken by about 1 – 1.6 Billion people worldwide. So it is without a doubt a universal language.


I hope it helped U ☺️☺️☺️❤️❣️

In a paragraph, explain why would you recommend the readers to read “The house on mango street”.



In classic literature there aren't many books written around diverse topics. Many are written by white men about the struggles of white men. In The House on Mango Street there is newness in the tale. There are aromas and characteristics that are unheard of to the reader. It encapsulates the story of a minority race quite well.


Answer something random 20 pts





sure thing



what are they doing?
write in one paragraph

plz help me to solve this question.​


I think they are watching a match. They do not have enough money to buy the tickets. So, they are watching the match by climbing on their cycles, because the stadium boundary wall is very high.


they are watching something interesting .they are not allowed to enter in that area therefore they are standing on their bicycles and trying to watch what is happening in that area .

Reported Speech Pracrice
23."I may be early for the meeting" I said.
24."How far is the station from our hotel?" The gird asked.
25."Come and see ourr new house,"they told us.





Those boys were excited about the new game in the beginning, but now they have ____ it.
A. looked after B. gone off C. filled in D. got on



It's option B. gone off


Those boys were excited about the new game in the beginning, but now they have gone off it.

The rest of the three options sound and look grammatically incorrect, and this is the only correct one. Hope this helps.

Those boys were excited about the new game in the beginning, but now they have gone off it.

Please answer the above question

spam will be reported 10 times ​



Religious paintings is your answer


hope it is helpful to you o(〃^▽^〃)o

write the meaning of words in English
1. enticements
2. scoundrel​



1) something used to attract or tempt someone.

2)a dishonest or unethical individual



1. something or someone used to attract or to tempt

2. dishonest, unscrupuleurs or lier person

Which statement from the passage best supports the idea that Penrod does not want to be in the children's play?



Last statement


excerpt from Penrod

by Booth Tarkington

A bitter soul dominated the various curved and angular surfaces known by a careless world as the face of Penrod Schoneld. Except in solitude,  that face was almost always cryptic and emotionless; for Penrod had come into his twelfth year wearing an expression carefully trained to be  Inscrutable. Since the world was sure to misunderstand everything, mere defensive instinct prompted him to give it as little as possible to lay hold upon. Nothing is more impenetrable than the face of a boy who has learned this, and Penrod was habitual as fathomless as the depth of his hatred this morning for the literary activities of Mrs. Lora Rewbush-an almost universally respected fellow citizen, a lady of charitable and poetic inclinations, and one of his own mother's most intimate friends.

 Mrs. Laura Rewbush had written something which she called "The Children's Pageant of the Table Round, and it was to be performed in public that very afternoon at the Women's Arts and Guild Hall. And if any flavor of sweetness remained in the nature of Penrod Schofield after the dismal trials of the school week just past, that problematic, Infinitesimal remnant was made pungent acid by the imminence of his destiny to form a prominent feature of this spectacle, and to declaim the loathsome sentiments of the character named upon the program the Child Sir  Lancelot.


Last statement


excerpt from Penrod

by Booth Tarkington

What effect can changing a story's order of events or pacing have?
A. Either of these changes can build tension and suspense.
B. Either of these changes can make the story more believable.
C. Either of these changes can add characters to the story.
D. Either of these changes can add the author's opinion.



Either of these changes can build tension and suspense.

Other Questions
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