Anyone please help me ASAP??!!!)::


Answer 1
Answer is
And false

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How would you describe romanticism (19th century )era/movement?


How would you describe romanticism (19th century )era/movement?

Romanticism, attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.


How would you describe romanticism (19th century )era/movement?

Romanticism, attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.

What types of photos might a portrait photographer take?
O Modeling pictures
O School Pictures
O Family photos
All of the above


All of the above sheesh
All of the above my boy/girl

8. Share 5 sweets between 2 friends.
8 1 How many sweets did each one get?
8.2 Were there any sweets left over?​



8.1) Each one will get 2 sweets.

8.2) 1 sweet is left.


Hope this helps. Have a nice day^_^

5/2 = 2.5

Each got 2.5 and no sweets left over since it was split among the 2 friends.

Clasificar según sean estructura basica simple o múltiple





I can't understand your language.

When in a major key, which of the following chords is used as a "frequently borrowed" chord?

Choose one • 2 points











ii° - half diminished seventh (e.g. Dm7♭5)
♭III - major seventh (e.g. E♭maj7)
iv - minor seventh (e.g. Fm7)
♭VI - major seventh (e.g. A♭maj7)
♭VII - dominant seventh (e.g. B♭7)

What are the characteristics of a surreal painting?


Features of Surrealistic Art

Dream-like scenes and symbolic images.
Unexpected, illogical juxtapositions.
Bizarre assemblages of ordinary objects.
Automatism and a spirit of spontaneity.
Games and techniques to create random effects.
Personal iconography.
Visual puns.
Distorted figures and biomorphic shapes.




A work of art can evoke a feeling or emotional response in a direct way, such as through the subject of the artwork
True or False






True is correct


While listening to the latest song by her favorite singer, Fatima cannot help but start tapping her foot on the floor. Which musical element is
MOST likely inspiring this foot-tapping behavior?
OA pitch
OC dynamics
OD. rhythm



I think it is Rhythm


I believe pitch is like the wave distance thingie that shows the "highness" or vibrations.

I know that dynamics is like the adjectives that go into the base song to make it interesting or wavey in a way. Like staccato, spiccato, and increase in volume ect.

it’s rhythm. rhythm is like the beat of music and tapping your foot makes a steady beat noise which is like a metronome!

Critically analyze the history rational and policies of higher education system in Australia.


The Australian Government has four key policies i.e. developing a good national curriculum, improving the quality of teaching in order to provide good education, expanding principals' autonomy and engaging parents in order to make the children at the right path.

Higher education is also known as tertiary education that comprise of Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) that include diplomas advanced diplomas, associate degrees, bachelor degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas, masters and doctoral degrees etc.

A stained glass window in a cathedral. Various pieces of colored glass form a religious scene.
The above piece of art is a replica of what type of religious art?
stained-glass window



c. stained glass window




stained-glass window

what is Purificafion ​



the removal of contaminants from something.



Purification is the removal of impure elements from something. After purification, water is safe to drink. Most cities have a system of water purification, so people get clean fresh drinking water without any parasites or goldfish in it. Purification is when things are cleaned and made pure.

Rhythm in the visual arts is created by contrast of elements.




Rhythm in art refers to the arrangement of shapes in a way which creates an underlying beat. It is similar to the rhythm of music, but instead of notes and sounds, we use colors and shapes

Rhythm in the visual arts is created by contrast of elements is the true statement, as the rhythm can be felt and seen in the music.

Why Rhythm in the visual art?

A form arrangement that produces an underlying beat is referred to as rhythm in art. Although we utilize colours and shapes rather than notes and sounds, it is comparable to the beat of music.

Thus, it is a true statement.

For more details about Rhythm in the visual art, click here:


Similarities and differences between reggae and pop music?


Difference between pop and reggae music

Reggae music is very different from other musical styles in that the emphasis is placed on the off-beat, usually by a rhythm guitar, piano or synthesizer. When people dance to disco or pop music, they move in time with the bass or bass drum beat, but dancing to reggae music involves moving in time with the off-beat.

Similarities :

Although popular music sometimes is known as "pop music", the two terms are not interchangeable. Popular music is a generic term for a wide variety of genres of music that appeal to the tastes of a large segment of the population, whereas pop music usually refers to a specific musical genre within popular music.



Answer: Ser profesional en lo que me gusta y estar estable economicamente, gg


Consider the change in the conventional presentation of public monuments by comparing how the monuments of Verrocchio and Rodin are presented, one on a high pedestal, the other at ground level. What does this change suggest about changing ideas about the heroic and Monumental?



religious significance in art in the modern world


Monuments of older eras such as Verrocchio and Rodin were almost always sculptures placed on pedestals to allude to holy or biblical importance, with those depicted meant to be looking down on the viewer to inspire awe. modern monuments such as the Burnham and pentagon pavilions tend to be built on the ground, down to earth so to speak as it is either referring to historical events and sacrifices in which holy grandeur is inappropriate and unnecesarry; or modern concept art that has no real event behind the concept and is instead an exploration into an idea or concept to see if it can be done.

It is essentially an indicator that we have passed the era where religious significance and tone are taken into account for the viewer and are instead grounded in an atheistic reality. As we as a society no longer regard figures of great accumen as a person sent on a spiritual mission concquest etc.

i need to create a comic for school but I've only got 1 day, can anybody give me a short yet interesting storyline?​



Valentine’s Day, summer vacation, winter formal


Some ideas


I dk i used a generator for this

I think you can add details and stuff

hope it helps

A group of people stacked into a pyramid on a raft in the ocean. The person on top is waving a flag as if to signal a ship.
In the image above, entitled Raft of the Medusa, the artist wanted to give ______________ to the man waving the flag or cloth in the upper right corner.



c i think



c. emphasis


Just took the test on edge 2020

What are the difference between history and social history?



History is the study of past events while Social history concentrates upon the social, economic, and cultural institutions of a people

Social studies refers to a group of disciplines focused on human society. These topics are primarily concerned with what humans have done, why they do it, and what they will continue to do. As a branch of social studies, history is the study of past events.

Inspect several printed materials/products, such as newspapers, magazines, and billboards. Use a magnifying glass and study the printing edges, details, and quality of color impressions.


Newspapers are important source for daily news. it is reading habit of most of the people to read a newspaper before they go to the breakfast table.

The material used in the newspaper differs significantly.

The news headlines page has a firm paper which is not likely to be teared easily then there are inside pages in which there are mostly advertisements placed, the material of those paper does not matches with the front page.

The quality of color impression is normally same for entire printing as it is not really costly. There are various sections in a newspaper such as classified, magazine, political news, international and national news. A person can easily switch to page of his interest.

Learn more at

Which artist bridges both Realism and Impressionism?

A. Auguste Rodin

B. Edouard Manet

C. Vincent van Gogh

D. Pablo Picasso



the answer is B Edouard Manet


B Edouard Manet


Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs.
Helen has come to a party with four of her friends. Each one of them interacts differently with others. Helen quietly observes and tries to understand the gestures of her friends. Help Helen by matching the gestures to the likely meaning they show.



- Acceptance and openness - Smile

- Restricted and distant - Crossed Arms

- Invitation to interaction - Handshake

- Disapproval over something - Frown


Gestures are described as 'a motion of the body or limbs to express or communicate a specific message, attitude, idea, etc.' The given gestures have correctly been matched with the meaning or ideas they are conveying. 'Smile' reflects one's attitude of compliance and openheartedness towards fellow beings. While 'crossed arms' express that the person is confined in himself and likes to stay distant from others. 'Handshake' shows the common view and signals that the person is proposing an interaction. And 'Frown' denotes one's disagreement and objection over a specific point or topic.

Indica la clase de pronombre que se observa en la siguiente oración: “Debían premiar a los tres ganadores de la competencia, mas no llegó el segundo.
a) Posesivo
b) Numeral
c) Exclamativo
d) Indefinido
e) Relativo


E) Relativo

What does the African aesthetic indicate



African aesthetics generally has a moral basis, as indicated by the fact that in many African languages the same word means "beautiful" and "good."


Qué relación ay entre cartera-bolsa-buzón Y qué relación ay entre naranja-balón -burbuja


Tanto en la cartera como en la bolsa y el buzón se pueden depositar cosas. Y la naranja, balón y burbuja son similares en su forma porque las tres tienen forma circular.

Please I do have some home work in puzzles and crosswords given to me by my lesson teacher is there any app that can help me? ​


Answer: I don't know of any apps, but I can help.

I don’t have any apps that can help, but I can try

Let's see if you can put this letter: "Ñ" XD



Lol super super easy

when painting with oil paints what brush stroke do you use when painting the grass



Also, when using thick paint, the small marks created by each bristle of your brush can represent individual strands of grass. But, this is more effective with firm bristled brushes (like hog hair brushes) rather than thin and weak bristled brushes (like many synthetic brushes).

hope you remeber it's guesty!!!11

Businesses, institutions, or companies responsible for meal preparation outside the home all fall under the _____ industry. A. food service B. entertainment C. gastronomy D. creative



A. food service

Businesses, institutions, or companies responsible for meal preparation outside the home all fall under the Foodservice industry.

What is Gastronomy?

Gastronomy is the study of how food and culture interact, the art of creating and serving delicious cuisine, the distinctive cooking methods of many areas, and the science of healthy eating.

Any meal made outside the home is within the purview of the businesses, organizations, and corporations that provide food service. It comprises dining establishments, cafeterias in hospitals and schools, catering businesses, and various varieties of eateries.

Full-service eateries, fast-food joints, caterers, some cafeterias, and other establishments that prepare, serve, and sell food to the general public for a profit are all included in this category.

Therefore, Option (a) is correct.

Learn more about Gastronomy, here;


What play is the quote "Hell is other people" from?​




The Quote is from the play "No Exit" by Jean Paul S. in 1944.


[tex]no \: exit \\ french \: play \: by \: jean \: paul \\ in \: 1944 \\ it \: is \: about \: \: devouring \: gaze \: of \\ the \: \: other \: and \: how \: it \: is \: restricts \: \\ ones \: freedom \: \\ also \: known \: as \: sinners \: go \: to \: hell \\ its \: title \: have \: more \: meanings \: than \: \\ we \: think \: \\ thank \: you[/tex]

el sujeto y el predicado de este oracion.
la empresa de transporte reparara todo sus buses para evitar cualquier reclamo



En todo análisis sintáctico-gramatical de una oración, el sujeto será la persona o cosa que realiza la acción determinada por el verbo de la oración, mientras que el predicado será la acción en sí misma, junto con el contexto que rodea a la misma.

Así, en la oración dada el sujeto es "la empresa de transporte", que "repara todos sus buses para evitar cualquier reclamo", constituyendo así la acción que marca el predicado.

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