Are x and y inversely proportional in the table below?

x: 0.1 0.3 25 100
y: 200 40 0.8 0.2


Answer 1
Answer: yes they are

Example: if you don’t believe me check for yourself :)
Answer 2
answer- yes they are!.

Related Questions


Dave solved a quadratic equation. His work is shown below, with Step 111 missing.
What could Dave have written as the result from Step 111?
\begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{3}(x+4)^2&=48 \\\\ &&\text{Step }1 \\\\ x+4&=\pm 12&\text{Step }2 \\\\ x=-16&\text{ or }x=8&\text{Step }3 \end{aligned}



or x=8

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)


=48left parenthesis, start fraction, 1, divided by, 3, end fraction, x, plus, start fraction, 4, divided by, 3, end fraction, right parenthesis, squared, equals, 48

(Choice B)


=48left parenthesis, start fraction, 1, divided by, 3, end fraction, x, right parenthesis, squared, plus, left parenthesis, start fraction, 4, divided by, 3, end fraction, right parenthesis, squared, equals, 48

(Choice C)
=144left parenthesis, x, plus, 4, right parenthesis, squared, equals, 144

(Choice D)



C is the correct answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Dave solved a quadratic equation his work is shown below with step 111 missing

fr33 p0ints/ umm? please help me with this question


Last choice Bc -1.5 is x value so go right and -1 is y value that goes down Bc it’s negative
A because negative means moves to the right when it comes to x axis and when it comes to y axis you move down the amount of spaces. if positive on x axis move right and positive on y axis move up

I need help with my math!!


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]thank \: you[/tex]

The answer equal to 55

Express each of the following decimals as a percentage
solution for class 7




Step-by-step explanation:

To represent a decimal to percentage, multiply by 100

1.35 x 100 = 135

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K

the answer would be 135%

help plz its due tomorrow​



Go to and select the grade lvl and click the page number

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide Decimals by Decimals.
Fill in the blanks:

1. Make the outside number whole (move the decimal point to the _________.)
2. However many decimals places you moved on the outside number, you must move it over the ________ amount on the inside number.
3. Put the decimal point on the elevator and bring it up on the roof.
4. Divide as with whole numbers.





Answer: 1) right

              2) same

Is what I did correct if not then what is the answer



Yes it is correct

Step-by-step explanation:


You're correct!

Subtract 47 from both sides.

j = 55 - 47

Simplify 55 - 47 to 8.

j = 8

Write an inequality:
from -5 to -1 inclusive
PLZ HELP I need the answer really quick. My assignment is due today. I will give brainliest and 30 points



We can write this inequality in Interval Notation.

So, an inequality from -5 to -1 inclusive would just be.

[-5, -1].

The "[]" brackets mean "inclusive".

Let me know if this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:


Which of the following are accurate descriptions of the distribution below?

Choose all answers that apply:
A) The distribution has an outlier
B) The distribution has a peak from 40 to 45 hours
C) None of the above




Both a and b

Step-by-step explanation:

The distribution has an outlier from 0 to 5 hours. The peak of this distribution is from 40 to 45 hours since this column is the tallest.

A and b because it has an outlier as shown in picture and 40 to 50 is the highest peak

Mrs. Singh made 372 cookies to put in gift boxes. She will put 20 cookies in each box. How many cookies will be left over?




Step-by-step explanation:

372 : 20 = 18 (rest 12)


18 * 20 + 12 = 372

12 will be left over.
20 times 18 = 360
372-360 = 12

Aliya made 8 liters of punch for a party. Did she make more than, less than, or exactly 800 milliliters? Explain your answer



more than

Step-by-step explanation:

8 liters

We know that 1000 mL = 1 liter

8 liters * 1000ml / 1 liter = 8000 ML

That is more than 800 mL

More then 8 liters is 8000 milliliter

Write an equation to represent the following statement.
33 is 15 less than k.
Solve for k.


33 is fifteen less than k

---"Is" can be a key word in this statement, meaning equals

33 = k - 15

k = 48

Hope this helps!

33 + 15 = K
Answer is K = 48

Plsss helppp! I will give brainliest!! (13 points!)



The model goes Left 4 times, and Up 2 times.


start at the origion of 0,0, then go right 4 units, and up 2 units if i am not mistaken

Step-by-step explanation:

Candy counted to 600 by 6's, beginning with 6. Danny counted to 600 by 4's beginning with 4. How many the numbers that candy counted were also counted by Danny?


Step-by-step explanation:

If we count for both numbers up to 36, we start seeing a pattern...

Candy: 6 12 18 24 30 36

Danny: 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36

Every other number in Candy's counting is also counted by Danny. So here's what we'll do:

Divide 600 by 6

600/6 = 100

This is how many numbers Candy counted overall.

Divide the result by 2.

100/2 = 50

This is how many numbers Danny counted that were also numbers Candy counted.


50 of the numbers that candy counted were also counted by Danny.



Step-by-step explanation:

If h(x) = x2-5x + 7 find:
⅓ h(-8)



[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{3} h(-8) = 37[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

[tex]h(x) = x^2-5x + 7[/tex]

First, find h(-8) by replacing all of [tex]x[/tex] with -8:

[tex]h(-8) = (-8)^2-5(-8) + 7\\h(-8) = 64+40 + 7\\h(-8) = 111[/tex]

Now, find ⅓ h(-8) by multiplying the entire expression by ⅓:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{3} h(-8) = 111 * \frac{1}{3} \\\\\displaystyle \frac{1}{3} h(-8) = 37[/tex]

I hope this helps!

1/3 (h(-8)) = 37. hope this helped

Please help me I need this so I can get off my computer it's so late rn


Answer: 45 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the coordinates of R and S

R = -25

S = 20

Then just subtract them to find the distance between them.

20 - (-25) = 45.



Step-by-step explanation:

First, find out the specific locations of R and S: for R, it is-25, and for S, it is 20 (use the tick marks on the x-axis).

Next, to find out the distance between R and S, be sure to add the absolute value, rather than the actual numbers.

So, ∣R∣ + ∣S∣ = 25 + 20 = 45

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any more questions!

Step by step on how to do this plz




Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

hope this is helpful please

PLEaseeee HELP MEEE I beg pleaseee I think I got this wrong please correct me.



its 7.2

find the distance using the formula

square root ((y2-y1)^2+(x2-x1)^2)

hope that answers your question.

comment for more explanation

The answer is 7.2 that’s the right answer

Choose a number line to model the following situation:

After a gain of 25 yards, the football team lost 25 yards on the next play.



Attached below

Step-by-step explanation:

Starting value = 0

Gain +25 = 0 + 25 = 25

Loss = 25 +(-25) = 0

Start = 0 and End = 0

This one :

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K


Step-by-step explanation:

If they gained 25 yards they move up 25 on the number line, if they lost 25 yards after that they move back to having 0 yards

the only graph that models this is:

**TIMED** I need help


Step-by-step explanation:

from what I understand this should be the answer:

x. y

12. 7. Because y=x-5 and 7=12-5

30. 25 Because 25=30-5

15. 10 Because 10=15-5



Step-by-step explanation:

15-5=10, simple.

If f(x) = -3x - 2
find f(-7)




Step-by-step explanation:

this question means you have to place the value of -7 were there's x in the function.




I hope this helps

it’s 19! have a good day!! xoxo

Ruth bought cupcakes for her sister's birthday party. 14 cupcakes had sprinkles on top. The other 21 cupcakes did not have sprinkles. What percentage of the cupcakes had sprinkles?




Step-by-step explanation:

total cupcakes: 14+21 = 35

Percentage with sprinkles = sprinkles / total

                                           = 14/35


                                          = 40 %



Step-by-step explanation:

14 + 21 = 35

14/35 × 100 = 40

Therefore 40% of the cupcakes had sprinkles

Find the radius, diameter, circumference and the approximate area for the circle in the image attached. To find the approximate area, please use 3.14 for π. SHOW WORK!


Radius: 3cm —> the radius is the line connecting the middle of the circle to the end of the circle

Diameter: 3cm * 2 = 6cm —> the diameter is a straight line between one end of the circle to the other end through the midpoint. All you have to do is multiply the radius by 2!

Circumference: π • d —> 3.14 • 6 = 18.84cm —> the circumference of a circle is the measurement of the outline

Area: πr^2 = 3.14 • 3^2 = 3.14 • 9 = 28.26cm^2 —> the area is the entire circle!
Heres the answer
Hope it helps !

Please help me on this question.



a(n)= 120(1/2)^(n-1)

Step-by-step explanation:

60*x=120, x=60/120=1/2 so the sequence goes by a ratio of 1/2

a(n)=b(c)^n-1 and c=1/2. b= a(1)=120 so the formula is a(n)= 120(1/2)^(n-1)


Step-by-step explanation:

60*x=120, x=60/120=1/2 so the sequence goes by a ratio of 1/2

a(n)=b(c)^n-1 and c=1/2. b= a(1)=120 so the formula is a(n)= 120(1/2)^(n-1)


HELP this stem and leaf plot represents test scores of students in a math class if two test score 68 and 75 are added to the data which statement will be true


Is there supposed to be answer choices?

First you would need to find the median, mode, and range.

60 68 68 71 71 72 75 75 75 83 83 85 87 87 89 90 95 95 98 98

due to no answer choices, I am going to show you the basics of the plot before the 2 scores are added.


Option A) The Median will change; the mode will stay the same

Step-by-step explanation:

Just did the Test on T4L and got it right :) Hope this helped (Pls mark me as brainliest)

does anyone on here use FLVS?? If so can u help with comprehensive science 5.06 conclusion part?


yes i can help ..................

Please help me asap! I will give brainly!



Water (cups): 14, 28, 42, 56, 70

Lemon Juice (cups): 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Divide the number of cups of water by 7 to find the number of cups of lemon juice.


See photo

Step-by-step explanation:

Completing the rule:

With the water, you add 14 each time. They started at 14 and added another 14 to get 28. Then you add 14 to 28 and get 42, and so on.

with the lemon juice, it’s very similar except you’re adding 2 each time. They started at 2 and added another 2 to get 4. Then you add 2 and get 6, and so on.

The final question:

This last blank is asking what number you divide the water by to get the lemon juice. If we use fact families, you can take the 14 (from water) and divide it by 2 (from lemon juice) to find that 7 is you missing number. You’ll then be able to plug 7 in to the following numbers. 28 divided by 4 is 7, 42 divided by 7 is 6, etc.

Integrate the following. ∫[tex]5x^{4} dx[/tex]
Option A: [tex]x^{5}[/tex]
Option B: [tex]5x^{5} +C[/tex]
Option C:[tex]5x^{5}[/tex]
Option D: [tex]x^{5} + C[/tex]



[tex] \displaystyle D) {x}^{5} + \rm C[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

we would like to integrate the following Integral:

[tex] \displaystyle \int 5 {x}^{4} \, dx [/tex]

well, to get the constant we can consider the following Integration rule:

[tex] \displaystyle \int c{x} ^{n} \, dx = c\int {x}^{n} \, dx[/tex]


[tex] \displaystyle 5\int {x}^{4} \, dx [/tex]

recall exponent integration rule:

[tex] \displaystyle \int {x} ^{n} \, dx = \frac{ {x}^{n + 1} }{n + 1} [/tex]

so let,

[tex]n = 4[/tex]

Thus integrate:

[tex] \displaystyle = 5\left( \frac{ {x}^{4+ 1} }{4 + 1} \right)[/tex]

simplify addition:

[tex] \displaystyle = 5\left( \frac{ {x}^{5} }{5} \right)[/tex]

reduce fraction:

[tex] \displaystyle = {x}^{5} [/tex]

finally we of course have to add the constant of integration:

[tex] \displaystyle \boxed{ {x}^{5} + \rm C}[/tex]


our answer is D)

The answer is D I just had this on a test.

​One-quarter of the top of a round wedding cake is covered in yellow roses. The top of the wedding cake has a diameter of 12 inches. Each yellow rose covers an area of 0.75 square inch. About how many roses were used to cover this section of the cake?




I believe the answer to your question is 38.

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is what I did: First, I found the radius, and to do that, I did 12 divided by 2, which gave me 6. then I did 6 divided by 2, to find the radius, of the radius I just found.  which gave me 3, then I did 3 times 12, which gave me 36, so the answer should be 38 :)



Step-by-step explanation:

Modeling Real Life


At a town hall meeting, 37/50 of the members are present. Of those who are present, 1/2 vote in favor of a new park. What fraction of the members do not vote in favor of the new park?


Answer is 17.5
Half 37.5
Put it into a decimal
The answer is 17.5 hopes this help
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