Auto technicians working at a shop in a rural residential area noticed that the depth of tire treads was smaller among cars that have more miles on the odometer.

What are the explanatory variable and response variable for this relationship?

Explanatory variable: type of residential area

Response variable: depth of tire tread

Explanatory variable: depth of tire tread

Response variable: miles on the car odometer

Explanatory variable: miles on the car odometer

Response variable: depth of tire tread

Explanatory variable: type of residential area

Response variable: miles on the car odometer

I think its, (B):
Explanatory variable: depth of tire tread

Response variable: miles on the car odometer


Answer 1


Your answer is (C)

Explanatory variable: miles on the car odometer

Response variable: depth of tire tread


Related Questions

help pls!!!!!
What is the inequality for this verbal description?
The value of y is greater than or equal to the sum of five times the value of x
and negative three.



y  ≥ 5x+ (-3)

Step-by-step explanation:

greater than or equal to ≥

The sum means add

y  ≥ 5x+ (-3)


Option D, y ≥ 5x + (-3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Make an expression

The value of y is greater than or equal to the sum of five times the value of x  and negative three.

The value of y is greater than or equal to ← y ≥

The sum of five times the value of x  and negative three ← 5x + (-3)

y ≥ 5x + (-3)

Answer:  Option D, y ≥ 5x + (-3)

Determine if the function f is an exponential function. If so, identify the base. If not, why not?


A. This is not an exponential function because the variable is in the exponent position.

B. The base is x.

C. This is a polynomial.

D. The base is e^−1.


Answer:  D) The base is e^(-1)

We use the rule that x^(-k) = 1/(x^k). That allows us to say e^(-1) = 1/(e^1) = 1/e

The 1/e is the base of the exponential (1/e)^x

In general, the exponential b^x has base b.

What is the area if measurements are 6m x 5.2m



33.00 355.2

5.0m x 6.7m 33.50 360.6

5.0m x 6.8m 34.00 366.0

5.0m x 6.9m 34.50 371.4

5.1m x 6.0m 30.60 329.4

5.1m x 6.1m 31.11 334.9

5.1m x 6.2m 31.62 340.4

5.1m x 6.3m 32.13 345.8

5.1m x 6.4m 32.64 351.3

5.1m x 6.5m 33.15 356.8

5.1m x 6.6m 33.66 362.3

5.1m x 6.7m 34.17 367.8

5.1m x 6.8m 34.68 373.3

5.1m x 6.9m 35.19 378.8

Use the function f(x) to answer the questions.

f(x) = −16x2 + 22x + 3

Part A: What are the x-intercepts of the graph of f(x)? Show your work. (2 points)

Part B: Is the vertex of the graph of f(x) going to be a maximum or a minimum? What are the coordinates of the vertex? Justify your answers and show your work. (3 points)

Part C: What are the steps you would use to graph f(x)? Justify that you can use the answers obtained in Part A and Part B to draw the graph. (5 points)


work and answers below


[tex]\text{Part A.}\\(-\frac{1}{8},0),\\(\frac{3}{2},0)\\\\\text{Part B.}\\(\frac{11}{16},\frac{169}{16})\\\\\text{Part C.}[/tex]

Draw a parabola concave down with vertex at [tex](\frac{11}{16},\frac{169}{16})[/tex]. Since the leading coefficient of the equation is -16, the parabola should appear thinner than its parent function [tex]y=x^2[/tex]. Ensure that the parabola passes through the points [tex](\(-\frac{1}{8},0)[/tex] and [tex](\frac{3}{2},0)[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Part A:

The x-intercepts of a function occur at [tex]y=0[/tex]. Therefore, let [tex]y=0[/tex] and solve for all values of [tex]x[/tex]:


The quadratic formula states that the real and nonreal solutions to a quadratic in standard form [tex]ax^2+bx+c[/tex] is equal to [tex]x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}[/tex].

In [tex]-16x^2+22x+3[/tex], assign:

[tex]a\implies -16[/tex] [tex]b\implies 22[/tex] [tex]c\implies 3[/tex]

Therefore, the solutions to this quadratic are:

[tex]x=\frac{-22\pm\sqrt{22^2-4(-16)(3)}}{2(-16)},\\x=\frac{-22\pm 26}{-32},\\\begin{cases}x=\frac{-22+26}{-32}=\frac{4}{-32}=\boxed{-\frac{1}{8}},\\x=\frac{-22-26}{-32}=\frac{-48}{-32}=\boxed{\frac{3}{2}}\end{cases}[/tex]

The x-intercepts are then [tex]\boxed{(-\frac{1}{8},0)}[/tex] and [tex]\boxed{(\frac{3}{2},0)}[/tex].

Part B:

The a-term is negative and therefore the parabola is concave down. Thus, the vertex will be the maximum of the graph. The x-coordinate of the vertex of a quadratic in standard form [tex]ax^2+bx+c[/tex] is equal to [tex]x=\frac{-b}{2a}[/tex]. Using the same variables we assigned earlier, we get:


Substitute this into the equation of the parabola to get the y-value:


Therefore, the vertex of the parabola is located at [tex]\boxed{(\frac{11}{16},\frac{169}{16})}[/tex]

For the next school year, you must take math, English, science, and one elective. You must take all four classes in one day. How many class schedules are possible if the math class cannot be the first class of the day?







Step-by-step explanation:

Combine these radicals.
O √24
O 23
0 -3/2


here's the answer to your question

Which equation does the graph represent?

A. x^2 + y^2 = 4

B. x^2/3^2 + y^2/4^2 = 1

C. (X - 1)^2 / 3^2 + y^2/4^2 = 1

D.X^2 / 4^2 + (y + 1)^2 / 3^2 = 1


9514 1404 393


  B.  x^2/3^2 + y^2/4^2 = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The graph looks like a circle, but is not. It is a unit circle scaled by a factor of 3 in the x-direction and a factor of 4 in the y-direction. Thus, its equation is ...

  (x/3)^2 +(y/4)^2 = 1

  x^2/3^2 +y^2/4^2 = 1

I need help solving 10gallons = miles




Step-by-step explanation:

Because its 50 miles per gallon, so gallon time 50 will be the miles? I'm not sure but i think it is

Simplify (5^-2)^4. Plsss help




Step-by-step explanation:

We know that a^b^c = a^(b*c)




We know that a^-b = 1/a^b


The planet Mercury travels in an elliptical orbit with eccentricity 0.203. Its minimum distance from the Sun is 4.5 x 10^7 km. If the perihelion distance from a planet to the Sun is a(1 - e) and the aphelion distance is a(1 + e), find the maximum distance (in km) from Mercury to the Sun.Pick from the following:1. 7.7 x 10^7 km.2. 6.6 x 10^7 km.3. 6.8 x 10^7 km.



Option C

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Eccentricity [tex]e=0.203[/tex]

Minimum distance from the Sun [tex]d_s= 4.5 x 10^7 km[/tex]

Perihelion distance from a planet to the Sun is [tex]r= a(1 - e)[/tex]

Aphelion distance [tex]r'=a(1 + e)[/tex]

Generally the equation for Perihelion distance is mathematically given by

 [tex]4.5 * 10^7= a(1 - 0.203)[/tex]

 [tex]4.5 * 10^7 = 0.797a[/tex]

 [tex]a = 56.46 * 10^6 km[/tex]

Generally the equation for Aperihelion distance is mathematically given by

 [tex]r' = a(1 + e)[/tex]

 [tex]r' = 56.4617 * 10^6 (1 + 0.203)[/tex]

 [tex]r'=6.8 * 10^7 km[/tex]

Option C

Fine the area and circumference of each circle and round to the nearest tenth.


Answer: A=πr²      

A=3.14(1.6inch)²                     r=d/2⇒3.2/2⇒1.6




now circumference,





Which statement can be proved true using the given theorem?



BF = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

18/12 = 1.5 * 6 = 9

Since DE and BF are parallel and DB and EF are parallel, they comprise a parallelogram. This means that DB = EF

DB = EF = 9

24/1.5 = 16

DE = 16

BF = 16

The statement which can be proven true using the given theorem (congruence) is Segment BF = 16.

Congruence theorem

By the congruence theorem;

We can conclude that triangles ABC and EFC are congruent triangles and as such have the ratio of corresponding sides to be equal.

Hence, AE/EC = BF/FC.

Therefore; 12/18 = BF/24

Hence, BF = 24× 12/18

BF = 16

Read more on congruent triangles;

Suppose f(x) = loga(x) and f(7) = 2. Find f(343)




Step-by-step explanation:

The given function to us is ,

[tex]\rm\implies f(x)= log_a(x) [/tex]

And its value at 7 is 2 , that is ,

[tex]\rm\implies f(x)= log_a(7) =2[/tex]

Taking this ,

[tex]\rm\implies 2= log_a(7) [/tex]

In general we know that ,

[tex]\bf\to log_a b = c ,\ then \ a^c = b [/tex]

Using this , we have ,

[tex]\rm\implies a^2 = 7 [/tex]

Squarerooting both sides ,

[tex]\rm\implies a =\sqrt{ 7 }[/tex]

Therefore , when x is 343 ,

[tex]\rm\implies f(343)= log_{\sqrt7} ( 343) [/tex]

We can write , 343 as 7³ ,

[tex]\rm\implies f(343)= log_{\sqrt7}7^3 [/tex]

[tex]\rm\implies f(343)= log_{7^{\frac{1}{2}}} 7^3 [/tex]

This can be written as ,

[tex]\rm\implies f(343)= \dfrac{ 3}{\frac{1}{2}} [/tex]

[tex]\rm\implies \boxed{\blue{\rm f(343)= 6 }}[/tex]

Hence the required answer is 6.

Plz help me find side x on the triangle​




Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is an isosceles triangle as indicated by the lines on the sides, the sides lengths are equal.

When the sides are equal, the base angles are equal


Can someone please help me .?




Step-by-step explanation:


A map that was created
using a scale of 1 inch : 3 miles
shows a lake with an area of
18 square inches. What is the
actual area of the lake?


9514 1404 393


  162 mi²

Step-by-step explanation:

The area on the map is ...

  18(1 in)²

Then the area on the ground will be ...

  18(3 mi)² = 18·9 mi² = 162 mi²

After a special medicine is introduced into a petri dish full of bacteria, the number of bacteria remaining in the dish decreases rapidly.
The relationship between the elapsed time t, in seconds, and the number of bacteria, B(t) in the petri dish is modeled by the following function:

B(t) = 9300 x (1/64)^t

Complete the following sentence about the rate of change of the bacterial culture
The bacterial culture loses 1/2 of its size every_______ seconds




Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find how long it takes for the bacteria to lose half its size. We can do this by taking one point of the bacteria and finding how long it takes to go to half its size. When t=0, 9300 * (1/64)^t = 9300 * 1 = 9300 as anything to the power of 0 is 1. Therefore, we can solve for t when the end result of the bacteria is 9300/2= 4650, making our equation

4650 = 9300 * (1/64)^t

divide both sides by 9300

1/2 = (1/64)^t

First, we can tell that 2^6 = 64*. Because of this, we can say that (1/2)^6 = 1^6/2^6 = 1/64, so (1/64)^(1/6) = 1/2. We know this because

(1/2)^6 = 64

take the 6th root of both sides

(1/2) = (64)^(1/6)

. This means that t=1/6, so the bacterial culture loses 1/2 of its size every 1/6 seconds

* if this is harder to figure out, e.g. 3 and 729, we can plug (log₃729) into a calculator


0.17 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

i got this correct on Khan   :)

i hope it helps

I need help with the question below



a: 1/12

b: 1/6

c: 1/2

d: 1/2

e: 1/12

f: 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Find an equation of the tangent to the curve at the point corresponding to the given value of the parameter. x=t−t−1, y=1+t2, t=1



Step-by-step explanation:

First, I would find the point on the curve. By substituting t=1, I get (x, y). Next, I will try to eliminate the t and make a xy equation. In this case, the t's will cancel out in 'x=t-t-1" which wouldnt make this a curve. To find the equation of the tangent line, find the deretitave of the xy equation, and subsitute x in to find the slope at that point. Next, use point slope form to find the equation at the point.

Find the equations of the tangents to the curve x=9t2+3, y=6t3+3 that pass through the point (12,9).



The equation will be "[tex]y=x-3[/tex]".

Step-by-step explanation:


Points (12, 9) = (x, y)

⇒ [tex]x=9t^2+3[/tex]




⇒ [tex]y=6t^3+3[/tex]



⇒ [tex]\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{18t^2}{18t}[/tex]


By using the point slope form.

The equation of tangent will be:

⇒ [tex]y-9=1(x-12)[/tex]




Find the square root of 529/1080​



Square Root of 529:√529 = 23

Square Root of 1080: 32.863353450309965

If an orange seller bought 5 dozen oranges at the rate of tk.60 per four and sold them at the rate of tk50 per four,how much did he lose



tk 30

Step-by-step explanation:

5 dozen = 5 * 12 = 60 oranges

12/4 = 3

total cost = 60 * 3 = tk.180

total sell = 50 * 3 = tk 150

total lose = 180 - 150 = tk 30

Add O used 6 cups of whole wheat flour and eggs we flower and ax cups of white flour in the recipe what is the equation that can be used to find the value of Y the total amount of flour that adult used in the recipe and what are the constraints and the values of X and Y




Step-by-step explanation:

write your answer in simplest radical form​



3 =f

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

tan theta = opp/ adj

tan 60 = f/ sqrt(3)

sqrt(3) tan 60 = f

sqrt(3) * sqrt(3) = f

3 =f

My flvs teacher said that she was asked to hold off on grading my assignment. She will give me a call back when when gets more information. Anyone have the same problem?



yeah, teachers kinda suck

I need help I will give brainlest
I showed a screenshot of the question


X = (18/5)/(3/2)

= 18/5 x 2/3

=(18 x 2) / (5x3)

= 90/15

If you don’t want it as a fraction it’s 6!

Hope this helps!

What is the value of 3?


9514 1404 393


  3 ⇒ 12

Step-by-step explanation:

Apparently "a = b" in this case is used to mean f(a) = b. It appears as though the function is ...

  f(x) = x(x+1)

Then f(3) = 3(3+1) = 3·4 = 12


Additional comment

IMO this is a poor use of the equal sign, which should be reserved for situations where the left side expression has the same value as the right side expression.

12. That’s the answer your looking for

what is the answer to this question




Step-by-step explanation:

Shape = Isosceles Trapezoid

Area = 1/2 (a+b) h

= 1/2 (9+3) x 3

= 18

Answered by Gauthmath

Line segment AB is congruent to line segment CD.

Which of the following is an equivalent statement?

AB overbar similar to CD overbar
AB overbar congruent to CD overbar
AB overbar equal to CD overbar
AB overbar element to CD overbar


9514 1404 393


  (b)  AB overbar congruent to CD overbar

Step-by-step explanation:

AB with an overbar is the way that line segment AB is designated, where appropriate typesetting is possible. Thus the statement the line segments are congruent is fully equivalent to ...

  AB overbar congruent to CD overbar

Write an equivalent expression to 1/2 (2n+6).




Step-by-step explanation:

1/2 × 2(n+3)=n +3

I hope this helps

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