B. Plate Tectonics
The scientist _____________________ first came up with the theory of plate tectonics in the early 1900s. What were the three pieces of evidence that Wegener’s theory was built on?
The supercontinent ___________________ began to break up __________________________ .


Answer 1


Alfred Wegner

1.the fit of the continents

2. the distribution of ancient fossils, rocks, and mountain ranges

3.and the locations of ancient climatic zones.

The supercontinent PANGAEA began to break up into several different continents.


Brainliest please (when someone else answers)

Related Questions

What are the 3 strongest holy swords?






Please help with questions 1 and 2!!! I will give brainliest if two people answer! :pleading:



Neither a or b


How does seeing the war through a horse's eyes change your perspective on World War I? Were you able to relate to Joey at all? Explain why or why not.
movie: warhorse
please answer right, please
will mark brainlast if can
not files, please


Dude if you just rearrange the questions you’ll get your answer.

The Abbasid caliph known for his charity and lavish support for artists and writers was


Abū Bakr.

General Mu’āwiyah

Hārūn al-Rashīd.


Answer: D


What did Mary Jackson do in 1958??

She joined the team working on the Supersonic Pressure Tunnel.

She retired from Langley Laboratory.

She became NASA's first black female engineer.

She took a job working to ensure that NASA hired more women.

Please for 20 points I'm being timed!!!!!!!



She became NASA's first black female engineer.



It is (((((C))))) because I guess that was a dream since she was a little girl and when she got bigger she wanted to make herself proud and become  the first NASA's black women engineer


If it's wrong sorry! but I took aa k12 test and got it right :)

how did the romans bring water into the city from the surrounding hills?





I did this one and got it correct

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional
Online Content Site 1
Identify two important industries of Egypt and explain how these industries are important to the world. (Site 1)





Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional


Online Content Site 1

Identify two important industries of Egypt and explain how these industries are important to the world. (Site 1)


Crude Petroleum: is used to fuel airplanes, cars, and trucks

Refined Petroleum: is used to transportation, heating, paving roads


hope i didnt take to long

Drag the events below into chronological order from top to bottom.

Hawaii is pressured to allow the United States to use Pearl Harbor as a naval base.
Hawaii is allowed to export sugar to the United States on a duty-free basis
The United States proclaims Hawaii a United States territory
American missionaries form Christian schools and churches in Hawaii. ​


Answer: 1. American missionaries.. 2. Hawaii is allowed to export sugar... 3. The United States proclaims Hawaii... 4. Hawaii is pressured...


You may not have an attorney at your case because you cannot afford one.

Which amendment has been violated?





Because it stats that you need money for

4 for what reason we’ll it sates that you need money:)

What was significant about the Twelve Tables of Ancient Rome? A. They were written in many different languages which has helped modern scholars translate them. B. They were hung in a public space so all Romans were aware of the laws. C. They laid out the twelve main Roman gods to be worshipped.​


The Roman’s th e load iu the twelve main Roman goaded are vendí dial donut sneer a see si 3


B. They were hung in a public space so all Romans were aware of the laws.


Please help me rephrase this! I want to go watch anime but i need to finish this before I can



Use the passage from Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives to answer the question.

“Caught in the street by the truant officer, or by the agents of the Children’s Societies, peddling, perhaps, or begging, to help out the family resources, he runs the risk of being sent to a reformatory, where contact with vicious boys older than himself soon develop the latent possibilities for evil that lie hidden in him. . . . The risk of the reformatory is too great. What is done in the end is to let him take chances—with the chances all against him. The result is the rough young savage, familiar from the street.” – Jacob Riis

In a paragraph of 3–5 sentences, analyze what Riis is saying about the lives of young boys in New York City’s slums.

my answer:

The passage given shows the consequences of child neglect and abandonment. It is possible to see how marginalized the child becomes, having to beg on the streets for money to survive and being arrested for it. On the reformatory, which should be a place to help raising this child, he would mingle with older boys who have become criminals and be under their influence, considering doing the same. At the end of the passage, it is said that this city in which he lives has no Truant Home to shelter him, and therefore the people responsible for making children attend school cannot guarantee that he will. Also, is states that the boy is likely to end up at the reformatory, due to all the socioeconomic problems that are being brought up.



can you be more specific on what u need help with



Caught by the officer and agents of the Children's societies, he pleads to help out the family resources, as he risks being coerced to go to a reformatory, where he learns and develops evilness...The risk of the reformatory is too great, yet he takes the chance while knowing the risks. As an result, there forms  the rough, young savage, familar in the streets.


Who do Muslims, Jews and Christians all trace their roots to?

a. Cain
b. Ishmael
c. Abraham
d. Jesus



c Abraham is the father to all people. God made him this

Though he was born in Virginia, this man was a military hero of South Carolina during the American Revolution, a elected member of both the U.S. House and Senate, and the
namesake for the military installation in Charleston Harbor

Starts with th



[tex]^{}[/tex]nk to the answer:





Thomas Sumpter I took the test.


define and explain the significance of manifest destiny



The thought or idea that the US is destined by God


They wanted to spread the idea of God and that, that is why we are here because God chose for us to be here

how was north africa different concerning state development​


North Africa is separated from Subsaharan Africa by the African Transition Zone, a transitional area between Islamic-dominated North Africa and animist- and Christian-dominated Subsaharan Africa. It is also a transition between the Sahara Desert and the tropical type A climates of Africa's equatorial region. my bad if not what ur looking for.

Is the constitution an example of compromise?








The largest part of the compromise was not dealing with slavery. In order to get any kind of ratification, the north had to give in on not insisting that the south free its slaves.

Let the fight against the Compromise of 1850.


Stephen A. Douglas


Henry Clay


Milliard Fillmore


James Buchanan



b henry clay is the one who qouted so for the freedom or salvation

Which Amendment has been violated?
List the name and number of the amendment each scenario violates
State if there is no amendment that has been violated

The senators in your state are chosen by the state legislature.


The 17th amendment, which guarantees that senators be chosen by popular vote of the people, has been violated.

Who was the leader of the Huns when they tried to take Constantinople in the 440s CE? A. Bleda B. Attila C. Rugila D. Octar​













the Athenian is a victory of Marathon

What is the difference between Augustus and Julius Ceaser.



1.) Julius Caesar’s top quality was his Generalship. But, Augustus’ top quality was his administrative skill.

2.) Julius Caesar’s relationship with the senate was not good. It even cost him his life. But, Augustus built an excellent relationship with the senate which contributed a lot for his success.

3.)Julius Caesar had not paid enough attention for his personal security. He ended up at the hands of his assassins because of this. But, Augustus formed the praetorian guard to prevent assassination.


n the final years of the Roman Republic, two main figures attempted to seize power and unite the nation under a single figurehead. These two men, Julius Caesar and Augustus (originally named Octavian) rose to power under similar circumstances, but Caesar was assassinated by his enemies in the Roman Senate, while Augustus established the Roman Empire, which lasted for almost 500 years, as well as the Pax Romana, a period of general peace and prosperity that spanned two centuries. Augustus succeeded where Caesar failed, primarily due to his treatment of the Senate, but also due in part to his clever use of propaganda to curry favor, both in the masses and in the upper classes (i.e., Senators and equestrians).

describe the two causes and two effects that the 18th amendment had on american society during the 1920s.



The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution–which banned the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors–ushered in a period in American history known as Prohibition. Prohibition was ratified by the states on January 16, 1919 and officially went into effect on January 17, 1920, with the passage of the Volstead Act. Despite the new legislation, Prohibition was difficult to enforce. The increase of the illegal production and sale of liquor (known as “bootlegging”), the proliferation of speakeasies (illegal drinking spots) and the accompanying rise in gang violence and other crimes led to waning support for Prohibition by the end of the 1920s. In early 1933, Congress adopted a resolution proposing a 21st Amendment to the Constitution that would repeal the 18th. The 21st Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933, ending Prohibition.


What does Militaristic mean?

A. Opposing the use of the military
B. Relying on peace and diplomacy to solve problems
C. Developing a small military for the sole purpose of self-defense
D. A desire to create a strong military and be aggressive with military policies
I give Brainliest! :)



The answer is D.


Which of these artifacts is a primary source of information about the
American colonies?
O A. A documentary film about slavery in the Southern colonies
B. A textbook used by young students in the Jamestown Colony
C. A novel about the life of a fictional Mississippian woman
D. A bibliography listing important books about American Indian



B. A textbook used by young students in the Jamestown Colony


A textbook could hold historic facts about the people of the Jamestown colonly like what were the conditions like, what was it like being ruled over by a country across the sea, the diseases that dwelled there, the lifestyle, daily acitivites, the rules, what were they trading, just like what the Jamestown Colony did on a daily basis etc.


The Answer Is C.


What was the root cause of the containment policy



The root cause of the U.S. containment policy was the growing appeal of communism throughout parts of Europe, Asia, and later, Latin America.


1. Fill in the chart below with information about the dual court system. (pp. 2-3)
State court system
Federal court system
Number of cases heard
Kinds of cases heard
Number of levels
How high appeals can go



who cares


yall stink

what is a definition of the word treaty ?

A. a system of buying and selling without any involvement by governments

B. a formal contract or agreement between countries or political entities

C. the exchange of goods and services between two or more countries

D. monetary assistance paid by a government to help a business or economic sector​





Pueden hacer un sqa sobre este tema? porfavor si no saben que es un sqa es.
que se, lo que quiero sabes y que aprendi. PORFAVOR
estos son los fines de los que tienen que hacer el sqa.
 Coadyuvar en el fortalecimiento de la conciencia nacional, la soberanía,
el conocimiento y la valoración de la historia patria, el fortalecimiento de
la nación panameña, la independencia nacional y la autodeterminación
de los pueblos.
 Infundir el conocimiento y la práctica de la democracia como forma de
vida y de gobierno.
 Favorecer el desarrollo de actitudes en defensa de las normas de justicia
e igualdad de los individuos, mediante el conocimiento y respeto de los
derechos humanos.
 Fomentar el desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y
hábitos para la investigación y la innovación científica y tecnológica,
como bases para el progreso de la sociedad y el mejoramiento de la
calidad de vida.
 Impulsar; fortalecer y conservar el folclor y las expresiones artísticas de
toda la población, de los grupos étnicos del país y de la cultura regional
y universal.



California celebrarán el éxito de la misma. La misión cuesta 300 millones de euros. La Phoenix llegará a la atmósfera marciana a una velocidad de 5.7 Kilómetros por segundo y casi siete minutos después tendrá que posarse en el suelo con sus tres patas desplegadas. El más mínimo fallo seguramente se traduciría en catástrofes y pérdida de la nave, como ya sucedió en 1999, en el intento anterior de poner una nave en el polo marciano. Marte está ahora a 276 millones de Kilómetros de la Tierra y las señales de radio, viajando a la velocidad de la luz, tardan 15 minutos y 20 segundos en recorrer esa distancia. La Phoenix se dirige a una latitud alta, cerca del Polo Norte. Allí hace mucho frío, aunque ahora es primavera (la temperatura es de 73 y 33 grados centígrados bajo cero). El plan es que la sonda funcione durante al menos tres meses cogiendo muestras a su alrededor con un brazo mecánico y analizándolas. El brazo incluso permitirá excavar un poco en el subsuelo. Los investigadores quieren saber cómo es el hielo y averiguar si se derrite con los cambios de temperatura; es decir, pretenden conocer si las condiciones allí han sido en algún momento favorables para la existencia de vida.


becauses California celebrarán el éxito de la misma. La misión cuesta 300 millones de euros. La Phoenix llegará a la atmósfera marciana a una velocidad de 5.7 Kilómetros por segundo y casi siete minutos después tendrá que posarse en el suelo con sus tres patas desplegadas. El más mínimo fallo seguramente se traduciría en catástrofes y pérdida de la nave, como ya sucedió en 1999, en el intento anterior de poner una nave en el polo marciano. Marte está ahora a 276 millones de Kilómetros de la Tierra y las señales de radio, viajando a la velocidad de la luz, tardan 15 minutos y 20 segundos en recorrer esa distancia. La Phoenix se dirige a una latitud alta, cerca del Polo Norte. Allí hace mucho frío, aunque ahora es primavera (la temperatura es de 73 y 33 grados centígrados bajo cero). El plan es que la sonda funcione durante al menos tres meses cogiendo muestras a su alrededor con un brazo mecánico y analizándolas. El brazo incluso permitirá excavar un poco en el subsuelo. Los investigadores quieren saber cómo es el hielo y averiguar si se derrite con los cambios de temperatura; es decir, pretenden conocer si las condiciones allí han sido en algún momento favorables para la existencia de vida.

Which examples describe actions that fulfill civic responsibilities, not civic duties? Check all that apply.



2,4,5 are responsibilities of "good citizen" versus requirements


3. What was the main product that the French traded for with the Native Americans?



The French traded furs for iron tools, kettles, wool blankets, and other supplies, while Native Americans exchanged furs for items from all over the world.


Before Europeans arrived in the mid-1600s, Native Americans traded throughout the rivers of present-day Minnesota and across the Great Lakes. Following that, European American traders traded manufactured products for precious furs with Native Americans for approximately 200 years.

Fur-bearing animals were mostly trapped by the Dakota and Ojibwe in the Northwest Territory. In the region's forests and streams, they obtained a variety of furs, the most important of which was beaver. Traders from France, the United Kingdom, and the United States offered blankets, rifles and ammunition, fabric, metal tools, and brass kettles in return for the furs.

(Hope this helps can I pls have brainlist (crown)☺️)

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