Balance the following chemical equations.
Fe + H2S04 ------->Fe2(SO4)3 + H2
C2H6 + O2-------> H2O + CO2
KOH + H3PO4 ------->K3PO4 + H2O
SnO2 + H2-------> Sn + H2O
NH3 + O2 ------->NO + H2O
KNO3 + H2CO3-------> K2CO3 + HNO3
B2Br6 + HNO3 ------->B(NO3)3 + HBr
BF3 + Li2SO3 ------->B2(SO3)3 + LiF
9. (NH4)3PO4 + Pb(NO3)4-------> Pb3(PO4)4 + NH4NO3
SeCl6 + O2 ------->SeO2 + Cl2


Answer 1


fe oo andffffe

aiejand iefjwe

eekkfwefwe f

opw fwfwfew



Related Questions

PLZ HELP ME A girl throws a ball and her dog chases it. What characteristic of living things is this dog demonstrating as it chases the ball?
A. Cells
B. Reproduction
C. Growth
D. Response ​


I'm not sure but I think its D.response

what is second explain it briefly​



it is that when an object is moving 25 m per sec to calculate its time we can simply divide 1.5 by 25 and multiply by 1

what do y’all do when y’all brainly says “locked” and won’t show anymore answers !???



Create a new account as the thing you're experiencing now is due to the fact that Brainly had blocked your account.

what is the reactant(s) in the chemical equation below

3CO(g) + Fe2O3(s) 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)



the reactants are carbon dioxide ,iron, oxygen

What is the AHsol for LiF → Lit + F-? The lattice energy is -1,036 kJ/
mol, the enthalpy of hydration for Lit is -499
kJ/mol, and the enthalpy of hydration for F-is-431 kJ/mol. Use A Hooi = -A Hat + AHhydr.
0-968 kJ/mol
-106 kJ/mol
106 kJ/mol
1,966 kJ/


The heat of hydration is defined as the heat absorbed or evolved when one mole of a substance undergoes hydration. The heat of solution is the enthalpy change associated with he dissolution of a solute. The lattice energy is the heat. Lattice energy is the energy released when the components of the lattice are brought together from infinity.

Hence the heat of solution for LiF → Li^+ + F- is -1966  kJ/mol

Given that;

Heat of hydration = ΔH solution – ΔH lattice energy


ΔH solution  = Heat of the solution

ΔH lattice energy = Lattice energy of the solution

The heat of solution or enthalpy of dissolution is defined as the enthalpy change associated with the dissolution of a solute in a solvent

From the formula above;

ΔH solution = Heat of hydration + ΔH lattice energy

Heat of hydration = [(-431) + (-499)] = -930 kJ/mol

ΔH solution = (-930) + (-1,036) = -1966  kJ/mol

Hence the heat of solution for LiF → Li^+ + F- is -1966  kJ/mol

I forgot to add the answers i had to my question (While a balloon is being filled, if the temperature of the air in the balloon increases, what happens to it’s volume)
A) It stays the same
B) It deflates
C) It decreases
D) It increases


The correct answer is D ... and if the answer was added to the word "explode" .. it would have been more correct .

A compound was found to contain 90.6% lead (Pb) and 9.4% oxygen. What is the empirical formula for this compound?



the answer is 47.9 and ik because I just had that question

The empirical formula of the compound is O₄Pb₃.

What is the empirical formula?

An Empirical system is the chemical system of a compound that offers the proportions of the elements gifted within the compound however not the real numbers or arrangement of atoms. This would be the lowest complete variety ratio of the elements within the compound.

Amount of lead (Pb) = 90.6%

⇒and amount of oxygen = 9.4%

taking the whole number ratio

o = 4

Pb = 3

∴ ⇒O: Pb=4:3

O4Pb3 answer.

Learn more about empirical formula here:-


At the beginning of the reaction: N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH there is 1 mol of N. and 3 moles of H, and at the end of it is present a mixture formed by 2.5 moles in total, what is the performance for the reaction?
5.- Al comenzar la reacción: N2+ 3H2 -> 2NH existe 1 mol de N. y 3 moles de H, y al finalizarla está presente una mezcla formada por 2,5 moles en total, ¿cuál es el rendimiento para la reacción? ​





call realistic moles of N2 in the reaction is a

moles of H2 :3a

moles of NH3: 2a

the moles of residual N2 after reaction: 1-a

the moles of residual H2 after react: 3- 3a

the moles of mixture: 2a+1-a+3-3a=2.5

-> a=0.75


I need help!!!! please


6.94 is much more closet to 7.016, so Li 7 is more abundant

this is TOTALLY SOOOO hard so help me
^thats what she said





I thought that I answer is correct


The answer is 69


Because if you add one its 66, and so on, hope this helps! but if you add five it will be 69, if you need help with easy equations let me know

A piece of sodium metal can be described as?


it can be described as a pure metal

9. During an experiment the students prepared three mixtures A)Starch in water B) Sodium chloride solution C) Tincture of Iodine. i) Students observed a visible beam of light through mixture A. Why? ii) Tincture of lodTe did not show Tyndall effect. Explain reason. ill) How can you relate particle size to Tyndall effect?​



See explanation


Tyndall effect refers to the scattering of light in a solution. Tyndall effect occurs when the size of particles in the solution exceeds 1 nm in diameter. Such solutions are actually called false solutions.

In tincture of iodine, the size of particles in solution is less than 1 nm in diameter hence the solution does not exhibit Tyndall effect. Hence, tincture of iodine is a true solution.

Therefore, if the size of particles in solution exceeded 1nm in diameter, Tyndall effect is observed.

If the temperature of a reversible reaction in dynamic equilibrium decreases, how will the equilibrium change?

A. It will shift towards the endothermic reaction.
B. It will not change.
C. It will shift towards the products.
D. It will shift towards the exothermic reaction.



D. It will shift towards the exothermic reaction.


A chemist sets up a chemical reaction but finds that none of the reactant molecules have the required activation energy. What is the result?

Products will form with less energy input.
No products will be formed.
The products will form too quickly.
Products will convert to reactants.




No products will be formed.

two easy uses of mixture​



it helps to make juices.

It helps to make concentrated acid into dilute acid.



Here are a few more examples:

1. Smoke and fog (Smog)

2. Dirt and water (Mud)

hii pls help me to balance the equation and state the symbols thanksss​


Ca(s)+ H2O (l)----->H2 +Ca(oH)2


I hope this helps

sorry if it's wrong

A student was given a 2.850-g sample of a mixture of potassium nitrate and potassium bromide and was asked to find the percentage of each compound in the mixture. She dissolved the sample and added a solution that contained an excess of silver nitrate, AgNO3. The silver ion precipitated all of the bromide ion in the mixture as AgBr. It was filtered, dried, and weighed. Its mass was 1.740 g. What was the percentage of each compound in the mixture



See explanation


The reaction occurs as follows;

KBr(aq) + AgNO3(aq) ----> AgBr(s) + KNO3(aq)

Number of moles of AgBr formed = mass /molar mass =1.740 g/187.77 g/mol = 0.0093 moles

From the reaction equation;

1 mole of KBr yields 1 mole of AgBr

Hence the number of moles of KBr reacted = 0.0093 moles

Mass of KBr present = 0.0093 moles × 119g/mol = 1.11 g

Mass of KNO3 = 2.850 g - 1.11 g = 1.74 g

Percentage of KBr = 1.11 g/2.850 g × 100 = 38.9%

Percentage of KNO3 = 1.74 g/2.850 g × 100 = 61.1%


Barney was a very inventive scientist and tried to perform the same experiments as those by famous scientists from long ago. One of the most challenging experiments was to roll out a very thin film of gold and put X-ray film in a circle around it. The difficult part was to get ahold of some radioactivity that he could shoot at the thin film for gold. One day, he ran into The Great Gazoo and told him his goal. The Great Gazoo said he had the perfect substance for him that was radioactive and should work. The element was named after him and had the symbol Gz. Barney quickly went back to his lab to run the experiment. What Barney noticed is that all the radioactive particles went through the gold film and none of them ricocheted back, but all went straight through the gold. Being puzzled, he quickly went to the lab to analyze this unknown radioactive substance. He found that the atomic number was 119, the mass number was 305. After a few more tests, Barney realized what was wrong with Gz. Your task is to figure out what was wrong with Gz by answering the following questions:
Whose experiment was Barney trying to imitate?
Where would Gz be located on Earth’s periodic table, column and row?
Give as many details on Gz that you could predict based on its location on the periodic table: type of chemical (metal, metalloid, or nonmetal), reactivity, ionization energy, electronegativity, and size of element.
What would the elements electron configuration end in?
Why did all the radioactive particles go straight through the gold film?
What would the daughter product be for Gz? Give all details for the atomic number, mass number, number of protons, neutrons and electrons.
If Gz had worked correctly, like Barney intended, what type of decay should Gz have had?
If Gz had worked correctly, what would the daughter product be? Give all details for the atomic number, mass number, number of protons, neutrons and electrons.
If Gz had worked correctly, what element would it become?



a) Barney wants to repeat the rutheford experiment

b) the element will be in row 8 column 1 being an alkali metal

c) it should be a radioactive element, with a lot of mass


n this exercise they indicate that the particle Gz has atomic number 119 and atomic mass 305 amu, when reviewing the element periodicity table with this atomic number it has not yet been discovered, it should be in row 8 column 1 therefore it should be an alkali metal .

Therefore, it has only one electron in its last orbit.

a) Barney wants to repeat the rutheford experiment

b) the element will be in row 8 column 1 being an alkali metal

c) it should be a radioactive element, with a lot of mass

The gases in a hair spray can are at a temperature of 27oC and a pressure of 30 lbs/in2. If the
gases in the can reach a pressure of 90 lbs/in2, the can will explode. To what temperature must
the gases be raised in order for the can to explode? Assume constant volume. Show your work.



Using Gay Lussac's Law

[tex]\boxed{\sf \dfrac{P_1}{T_1}=\dfrac{P_2}{T_2}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{30}{27}=\dfrac{90}{T_1}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto T_1=\dfrac{90\times 27}{30}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto T_1=81°C[/tex]

Key Notes:-

Gay Lussac's Law:-

It states that at constant volume (V),The pressure(P) of fixed amount of gas caries directly with its absolute temperature(T).

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P\propto T[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{P}{T}=Constant[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{P_1}{T_1}=\dfrac{P_2}{T_2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P_1T_2=P_2T_1[/tex]

The final temperature of the gases with 90 lbs/in² is equal to 627°C assuming the volume is constant.

What is Gay Lussac's law?

Gay-Lussac's law can be described as if the volume (V) of the gas remains constant then the pressure (P) is directly proportional to the absolute temperature (T) of the gas.

Gay Lussca's law in mathematical expression can be represented as:

P/T = k

It can be also represented as the pressure (P) being directly proportional to the temperature (T).

P ∝ T                            ( V of gas is constant)

or,    P₁/T₁ = P₂/T₂

Given, the initial temperature of the gas, T₁ = 27°C = 27 + 273 = 300 K

The initial pressure of the gas, P₁ = 30 lbs/in²

The final pressure of the gas,  P₂ = 90 lbs/in²

The final temperature of the gases in a hair spray can be determined as:

[tex]{\displaystyle \frac{P_1}{T_1} =\frac{P_2}{T_2}[/tex]

[tex]{\displaystyle T_2 =\frac{P_2\times T_1}{P_1}[/tex]

[tex]{\displaystyle T_2 =\frac{90\times 300}{30}[/tex]

T₂ = 900 K = 900 - 273

T₂ = 627°C

Learn more about Gay Lussac's law, here:


Hydrogen and oxygen combine in
the ratio of 1:8 by mass to form
water. What mass of oxygen gas
would be required to react
completely with 3 g of hydrogen



hhshshhxujejushwhbwhsjs s hs

What are 5 uses of nitrogen?



nitrogen is used in the production of  1) fertilisers  2) nitric acid  3) nylon  4) dyes  and  5) explosives

please give me brainliest if you can :))

Define force and speed​


Force = The external energy that changes or tends to change the state of any body or object is called force.

Speed = The rate of distance is called speed.


Force is a push or pull which changes or tend to change the position of a body.

The rate of change its position with time or magnitude is called speed.

16. The valency of sodium is +1 and that of chlorine is -1, why?​



It because ,sodium is a metal and chlorine is a non metal

which chloride is a coloured solid rtp



sodium chloride

hope that helped :)


Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. ... yielding chlorine water, and from this solution a solid hydrate of ideal ...

Describe the formation of oxygen molecule​



oxygen molecule has two oxygen atom . Each O atom share 2 electrons to form two covalent bonds out of which one is sigma bond and other is pi bond . sigma bond is formed by axial overlap 2p atomic orbitals of oxygen and pi bond is formed of lateral overlap of 2p atomic orbitals of oxygen .

Which statements are true in regard to the VSEPR theory?
Select all that apply.

Molecules acquire a shape that results in the greatest charge.

Molecules acquire a shape that minimizes the repulsions of electron groups.

Molecules acquire a shape that maximizes the distance of electron groups.

Molecules acquire a shape that results in the lowest possible energy state.


The correct option is D. 2) Anti-bonding electrons or lone pairs. These lone pairs, and bonds helps to form the shape which keeps these electrons separate as possible.

Write the empirical formula for at least four ionic compounds that could be formed from the following ions: NO3, Pb^4+, NH4, SO4



here's the answer to your question

double arrow just mean that it's a reversible process, and the reaction can go back and forth.

Oxide of nitrogen that is acidic



Nitrogen oxides are used in the production of nitric acid, lacquers, dyes, and other chemicals. Nitrogen oxides are used in rocket fuels, in the nitrification of organic chemicals, and in the manufacture of explosives.


help me pls! plsssss​



Neutron, neutral subatomic particle that is a constituent of every atomic nucleus except ordinary hydrogen. It has no electric charge and a rest mass equal to 1.67493 × 10−27 kg—marginally greater than that of the proton but nearly 1,839 times greater than that of the electron.

A precipitation reaction 2. A Lewis acid-base reaction the produces a coordination complex: A Lewis acid-base reaction the produces a coordination complex 3. An oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction: An oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction Column B a. Pb2 (aq0 CrO42-(aq) --> PbCrO4(s) b. 2 Mg(s) O2(g) -> 2 MgO(s) c. Ag (aq) 2NH3(aq) --> [Ag(NH3)2] (aq)



Pb2+ (aq) + CrO42-(aq) --> PbCrO4(s) - A precipitation reaction

2 Mg(s) + O2(g) -> 2 MgO(s) - An oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction

Ag^+ (aq) + 2NH3(aq) --> [Ag(NH3)2]^+ (aq) - A Lewis acid-base reaction the produces a coordination complex


A precipitation reaction is one in which two aqueous reactants yields an insoluble product called a precipitate as shown in reaction 1 above.

In the second reaction Mg is oxidized from zero to + 2 while oxygen was reduced from zero to -2 as the MgO is formed hence the reaction is an oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction.

In the third reaction, Ag^+ a Lewis acid reacts with NH3, a lewis base to yield the complex [Ag(NH3)2]^+.

Other Questions
Climate and topography are the main reasons behind differences of life style from south to north in Nepal. Justify the statement with examples. Find the nth term of 4,8,14,22 If x is an integer, what is the least possible value for x that satisfies the inequality?-5x - 12 < 33A. -10B. -9C. -8D. 9E. 10 I let go of a piece of bread from a balcony. A bird flying 5.0 m overhead sees me drop it, and starts to dive straight down towards the bread the instant that I release it. She catches it after it falls 3.0 m. Assuming she accelerates constantly from rest (v0 = 0) at the time I let go of the bread, what is her acceleration? Show your work 0:00 / 1:123According to the manager, it is forbidden toexit the storeO to forget what's in one of the store's aislesO drink coffee in the storeO refuse a promotion If x/y + y/x =2, Then 4x-4y-4 = ? ( Please show with full process and don't spam ) Write the phrase as a variable expression. Use x to represent "a number."5) The quotient of a number and 9, decreased by 4 Lc 7g bn an i t nh n trng vi tc trung bnh l 20km/h . Bn n trng lc 7g20. Tnh khong cch t nh ti trng? How are human affiliative and aggressive behaviors different from what is seen in nonhuman primates? Provide specific examples. Directions: Read the following selection, and answer the question that follows.Blue-Screen TechnologyThe camera rolls as an actor stands in front of a blue screen. The actor stands alone, saying his lines. However, when you see the actual movie, he is talking to a formidable seven-foot-tall monster in a creepy dark forest. A process called blue-screen technology is used to insert images into a background. Today, moviemakers use this process to combine digitally created, or computer-generated, characters with real people on the screen. Here's how it works:The scene calls for a real character to interact with a seven-foot-tall digitally created monster. First, the real character's part must be filmed. He may rehearse with another actor who plays the part of the monster. During the rehearsal, the "monster" might wear a tall hat to represent the stature of the monster. The real actor practices looking at the top of the hat during the scene so that it seems that he is looking up at a very tall creature. The actor gets used to where the monster stands and moves. The monster's movements are marked on the floor so that the actor doesn't walk on top of the monster during the scene. Then it is time for the scene to be shot. The actor stands alone in front of a blue screen and delivers his lines as if the monster were there. Eventually, the blue background is deleted, using a computer, and images of the digital monster and background are then transferred to the film.Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion to draw from the reading?a.Scenes with seven-foot-tall monsters are easy to add with blue-screen technology.b.Movies are more fun to watch because of blue-screen technology.c.Adding special effects to movies using blue-screen technology isn't worth the effort.d.As a result of blue-screen technology, adding special effects to movies is easier and faster. I need help ASAP!!! Please explain how to solve the problem I am stuck with. The biggest difference between Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation and Rowlandson's The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Rowlandson is _____. In the economy of Nocoin bank deposits are $ billion. Bank reserves are $ billion, of which two thirds are deposits with the central bank. Households and firms hold $ billion in bank notes. There are no coins. 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